What you need to have for the trip. What you need to take with you to the sea - a list of clothes, medicines and cosmetics

Any trip is not only rest, pleasant impressions and photos. Fees are an integral part of the trip, both short and long. What do you need to take with you on the road, and what you can do without? For families with children, this issue is even more acute, so special attention should be paid to the child's luggage.

Few people like to pack their suitcases and bags, but this stage cannot be bypassed, even if the trip is planned for only 2 days. The most important advice is to start getting ready in advance, without postponing this activity until the last day before departure. Indeed, it is in a hurry that tourists forget important things. Of course, a forgotten charger can be purchased at the destination store, but this is an extra time and financial expense.

To avoid them, you should make a list of things for the trip. First, it will allow you to pack your backpacks as planned, crossing out what has already been packed. Secondly, it can be left for subsequent rounds, and not waste time on shaping in the future.

If you are too lazy to write by hand, you can use your mobile phone, making a list in your notes. Modern smartphones have special applications for this. It is useful to form several lists, for example, one for travel within the country, the second for travel abroad. Or divide the necessary supplies into seasonal categories - for summer and winter vacations.

For long-term vacations involving a flight, it is better to get a hard suitcase on wheels. It is good if it is medium in size so as not to pay for the overweight on the flight. The property in a rigid bag will be more intact, wrinkle less, packed bags will not break. An excellent option would be to equip your luggage with a combination lock. There are special roulettes with a code. With their help, it is convenient to fasten luggage to some kind of handle, for example, on a bus. In this way, things will be insured against opening.

Additionally, you should write down the things you need to do before departure - go to the hairdresser, pay a loan or receipts for public Utilities, To water flowers. It will not be superfluous to make items such as turning off the light, closing windows, checking the iron. Before leaving, you need to do all these manipulations and tick each one. It is also proposed to turn off the taps. No one is immune from a water supply accident, and in the moment of a long absence, neighbors can be flooded.

What to add to the list?

Documents and money

From the documentation you need to take on a trip:

  1. Passports. If the vacation involves a flight abroad, then only passports are needed. You will not need a national passport. They are taken if the path passes through the territory of Russia. It will not be superfluous to make copies of identity cards so as not to carry your passport with you, but to leave it in the safe. When checking, for example, when buying alcohol, it will be enough to present a photocopy.
  2. Driver's license. They will be required if you plan to rent a car at your destination. If the trip takes place by car, you will need paperwork for it - a certificate of registration of the vehicle, a formalized insurance, a vehicle inspection ticket.
  3. Personal insurance policy. It is very important to have it with you, it can come in handy in case of emergency. For foreign travelers, a separate insurance is issued, which will cover the cost of treatment, for example, in the event of poisoning.
  4. Printed versions of air tickets, reservation of places in hotel complexes. They may not be useful, most often an electronic format is enough, but still it does not hurt to have a paper version at hand.
  5. Cash. You shouldn't carry a lot of cash with you, but you can't do without it. It is preferable to arrange the bills into bundles and put them away in different places. If the country of arrival is overseas, it is possible to exchange cash for local currency in advance. It is not possible to pay with cards everywhere.
  6. Bank cards. It is good if there are several of them. To protect against theft or loss of plastic, it is advisable to keep money not on the card itself, but on the account, and transfer it just before the withdrawal. Also, many insurance companies offer plastic card insurance.
  7. A small notepad for writing, a pen, own routes, records of addresses and other useful contacts. Of course, nowadays it is more common to use mobile devices, but a notebook can come in handy when communicating with foreigners.

It is not advisable to put documentation in a common suitcase. To do this, you should get a special handbag that is attached to the belt or hung on the chest. Being left without luggage is not as scary as being without documents. Additional photocopies of all papers can be folded into the main bag.

Travel first aid kit

It must be formed, especially if the vacation is planned to be spent with children. In addition, not in all countries it will be possible to buy the necessary drugs without an appropriate prescription. And the cost of some drugs can be much more expensive. In order not to fork out, you need to decide in advance what to take with you on a trip from medicines?

An approximate list looks like this:

  1. Pain relievers.
  2. Medicines for diarrhea and vomiting and other stomach and intestinal disorders.
  3. Drugs that lower the temperature. Additionally - those that fight the first symptoms of a cold.
  4. Allergy medications.
  5. Bactericidal plaster and other elements that help with minor injuries, with insect or snake bites. It's a good idea to grab iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide in the form of a pencil.
  6. Antibiotics
  7. Remedies for motion sickness.

If a tourist has a chronic illness, one must not forget the medications prescribed by the doctor. With complex diseases, finding the right medicine will not be easy, especially in a foreign country. You also need to take care of sun protection for those who travel to the sea. Sunscreen should be present in the medicine cabinet. If a family is traveling with a child, it is necessary to bring with you those medicinal elements that are prescribed according to his age category. Antipyretic for an adult and a one-year-old baby will be different.

Technical devices

Ideally, only a phone and a camera should be assembled, but here everything is individual. Those who work remotely cannot do without a laptop. It is advisable to pack it and carry it in its own separate bag. Someone cannot ride without books, in which case the best option will become an electronic analogue. Travelers by car will need a navigator. However, it may not be needed as a separate device. A navigation application can be installed on any smartphone.

All equipment is supplied with a charger. If there is a lot of it, then there will be the same number of chargers. In order not to lose any of them, it is advisable to set aside a separate bag for the cords and always put the cord into it after use. This reduces the risk of forgetting it while moving.

You also need to take care of the sufficient availability of funds on the mobile phone account so as not to waste time on replenishing it on vacation. It is worth putting a little more than planned. Calling from abroad is not cheap, and communication mostly takes place through Viber, WhatsApp and similar applications. Therefore, there should be enough money to pay for unlimited Internet.

Cosmetic bag

What to take with you on the road from cosmetics and hygiene products? This is another important point fees. It is not recommended to collect bulky jars and bottles. They will take up a lot of precious space in your travel luggage. It is preferable to put small containers, and buy the rest on the spot if you are planning a long tour. In addition, some elements may be present upon check-in at the hotel.

In this case, it is prudent to keep small containers from trial cosmetics in Everyday life... Then you can pour shampoos or gels from large bottles into them. This is much more convenient than dragging the whole thing at once. To calculate the approximate amount of shampoo you need, multiply 8 milliliters by the number of days you wash your hair, depending on how long the tour lasts. On average, 8 ml is spent on one wash.

  • toothbrush and paste;
  • deodorant;
  • shaving accessories;
  • wet wipes, can be antibacterial;
  • disposable tissue paper;
  • some toilet paper just in case;
  • plastic bags;
  • paper bags (for those who are seasick in transport);
  • nail scissors.

This is a minimal set suitable for both sexes. But for women, the list will be a little wider. Added to the previous items:

  • decorative cosmetics (ink, pencil, lipstick);
  • Eyebrow Tweezers;
  • cotton pads;
  • moisturizing creams for hands and face;
  • small mirror;
  • feminine hygiene items.

The rest of the content depends on the personal lifestyle of each vacationer. Someone can not do without dental floss, and someone - without hygienic lipstick. If the traveler wears contact lenses, you will also have to put in a special solution for them. Do not forget about the rules for carrying liquids on board. The permissible volume of one bottle is 100 milliliters, the total amount of the transported funds should not exceed one liter.


This category is individual for everyone, but it will be possible to highlight general recommendations. First of all, you need to dress for the season and take the appropriate wardrobe items with you on your trip. To do this, you should study the weather forecast at your destination in advance.

Second, it is recommended that you carefully consider your vacation wardrobe. The advice is to pack those things that can be easily combined with each other, for example, a jacket that can be worn with both a skirt and jeans. This way, things can be changed and another problem can be avoided. It lies in the fact that you should not type a large number of clothes with you.

Practice shows that most of the things simply remain in the bag for the entire vacation. But they take up a lot of space, which is then spent on purchasing new clothing components during the rest. If you take it with you, then only those items in which it will be comfortable. There is no need to take new, not worn shoes, but to put on the old ones, which you will not be sorry to say goodbye to after. Shoes fit on the bottom of the suitcase. And in the heaviest shoes it is better to ride.

So what to pack? Minimum set:

  • jeans are a very practical thing, there is always something to wear;
  • breeches or shorts;
  • T-shirt and / or T-shirt, sundress for ladies;
  • Underwear;
  • socks;
  • sweater;
  • windbreaker;
  • sneakers and / or sneakers;
  • sandals / flip-flops / sandals / ballet flats;
  • bathing accessories, if the vacation is supposed to be on the seaside;
  • light headdress - a cap or panama.

Very often Russians fly to the southern regions in winter, which means they are dressed very warmly. It is advisable to put light clothing in hand luggage that is taken on the plane. On board, it will be possible to change clothes in the toilet before arrival. Because it will be very hot in jackets and winter boots.


If a flight is planned, then the airline will take care of the food - at least one time the client will be fed. During long-distance flights - two. Food can include anything nutritious, such as nuts or dried fruit, or a chocolate bar.

Usually they take:

  • eggs;
  • boiled chicken;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit fruits;
  • instant noodles or potatoes;
  • tea, coffee, biscuits;
  • sugar, salt.

Railroad travelers will need a cup, spoon, or fork, and a mug. If the trip takes place on the bus, fruits, juice, sandwiches will not be superfluous.

Children's luggage

The above applies to little travelers as well. But their luggage will have to be supplemented with some elements.

Necessary things for traveling with children:

  • waterproof diapers;
  • diapers;
  • paper handkerchiefs;
  • Little baby food, which will last until a store with the necessary products is found;
  • a folding stroller or a kangaroo-type backpack;
  • light jacket for the liner.

Wardrobe items, preferably, not very easily soiled.

Toys, coloring pages, tablet computer with cartoons.

Juice, washed and cut fruits, cookies, drinking water.

What can you do without?

At the time of gathering, it seems that everything that is in the apartment will be needed. Therefore, inexperienced tourists often stuff their luggage with unnecessary items, pay for the overweight and suffer from the fact that they have nowhere to put them in the hotel. What not to take with you on the road?

  1. Hair dryer. Majority hotel complexes provide bathrooms with this household item. However, if a budget tour is planned, and you still have to pack a hairdryer, just in case, then you need to get a folding travel model.
  2. Iron. Even in the cheapest hotels and hostels, the administrators have irons. A garment that is too wrinkled will be smoothed if you hang it in the bathroom while you shower - steam helps. If you sprinkle it with water and hang it on a hanger, it will also look bearable.
  3. Books. Lovers of reading are advised to replace traditional books with electronic counterparts. The paper version takes up too much space, plus most of the book editions are very heavy.
  4. Expensive jewelry. There is a risk of losing them or attracting the attention of thieves with large earrings or rings.

When deciding what to pack with you on the road, you need to be guided by common sense and try to pack only emergency items. The rest can be purchased on the spot, if, of course, the tourist is not going to the taiga. From vacation, they usually bring gifts and souvenirs, so it is better to leave a corner for them in your travel luggage. It is important to remember that the responsibility for the safety of their bags lies primarily with the vacationer.

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Date of publication: 2015. 12 . 04

What to take on the road? things for auto travel

We are madly in love with autotravel for several reasons:




We take less than an hour to get ready for a weekend departure, but we prepare thoroughly for long road trips like this.

And, n In spite of the fact that tourist life has taught us to exist autonomously, accommodating everything we need in one backpack, in this article we have collectedthe most complete list all that It can be usefulto our readers on a road trip.

Auto check

  • Motor: tensioning belts and chains
  • Butter
  • Stop lights
  • Fog lights
  • Camber-convergence
  • Rubber
  • Belts
  • Candles
  • Brake fluid
  • Brake system (leaks)
  • Running gear, suspension (levers, springs)
  • Remove tint in case you travel to Europe

Documents, money

  • Driver's license
  • Vehicle documents
  • Russian and foreign passport
  • Medical policy (for the native region - usual, in Russia - special extended, abroad - issued additionally) and insurance
  • Hotel vouchers
  • Copies of documents stored in a separate location
  • Money (currency)
  • Additional documents of the country you are going to enter
  • A case for documents

Car equipment

  • First aid kit (check expiration date)
  • Tow rope
  • Jack
  • Spare wheel
  • Pump
  • Warning triangle
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Fuse set
  • Canister with gasoline
  • Wrenches for nuts and screws
  • Fluid kit (oil, brake fluid, antifreeze)
  • Rags for cleaning windows
  • Process water
  • Atlas
  • Video recorder
  • Antiradar (if you are not going to Europe)
  • Sunglasses

Organization of accommodation

  • Tent
  • Tourist foams
  • Beds / Blankets
  • Small pillows
  • Inflatable mattresses (sleep and swim)
  • Hatchet / hacksaw
  • Campfire accessories (dry fuel, matches)
  • Rope (drying clothes, etc. help in organizing a camp)
  • Washing basin
  • Hanging lantern for evening gatherings
  • Sun umbrella


  • Cooler bag
  • Grill for kebabs or skewers
  • Gas burner or electric stove
  • Spare gas cylinders
  • Table and chairs
  • Towel
  • Vegetable cutting board
  • Deep salad bowl (shatterproof)
  • Plastic containers with lids
  • A pot, if you plan to cook over a fire
  • Ladle
  • Garbage bags
  • Paper towels
  • Paper napkins
  • Cymbals (shatterproof)
  • Glasses (shatterproof)
  • Spoons forks
  • Tablecloth or table mat
  • Can opener
  • Corkscrew


  • Wet wipes (many)
  • Antiseptic
  • Detergent powder
  • Toilet paper
  • Towel
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo, shower gel
  • Sponge
  • Hairbrush
  • Lenses and liquid for them
  • Individual cosmetics
  • Mirror
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • File
  • Cotton pads
  • Ear sticks
  • Razor
  • Shaving foam / gel
  • Aftershave
  • Deodorant
  • Repellent
  • Sunscreen

First aid kit

  • For colds
  • Headache
  • For stomach disorders and poisoning
  • Pain reliever
  • Adhesive plaster
  • Elastic bandage


  • Charge with car adapter to recharge all phones and other devices
  • USB flash drive / disk with your favorite music, books for listening on the road
  • Headphones
  • Player
  • Laptop or DVD player with downloaded movies
  • Electronic book
  • Camera with charge
  • Camcorder with charging
  • GoPro
  • Additional memory: hard drive, flash cards and more
  • Hands free
  • Mobile phone with charging
  • Walkie-talkies

An approximate set of products for the trip

  • Instant soups and purees
  • Smoked sausage
  • Hard or processed cheese
  • Cooking oil
  • Olive oil for salads
  • Fruits and vegetables, taking into account their shelf life
  • Pasta / spaghetti / buckwheat and other grains, easy to cook
  • Ketchup and other sauces
  • Boiled eggs on the first day of the trip
  • Tea bags
  • Instant coffee
  • Sugar
  • Sweet for tea
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Gum


  • Guide
  • A notebook with a pen for taking travel notes and other notes
  • Book
  • Playing cards
  • Threads and needles
  • Fishing accessories
  • Toys, coloring books, pencils for children
  • Binoculars
  • Mate and accessories for him

Clothes, footwear, taking into account weather conditions and type of activity

  • Warm clothes (jackets, sweaters, thermal underwear, windbreakers, trousers, jeans ..)
  • Lightweight items (T-shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, sundresses ...)
  • Shoes (sneakers, boots, sneakers, boots, flip-flops, slippers ...)
  • Underwear, swimming trunks, swimsuit
  • Socks, tights
  • Hats

About, what to wear hiking trip can be read in the article

About, what to take on a hike can be read in the article

Life hacks from the site:

  1. Nuts, crackers, gummies, sucking sweets, chips are great to save you from a boring road and will help you "freeze the worm" before having a snack. On the way, we always try to keep a spare pack of these tasty treats in the car.
  2. A thermos with coffee should always be at hand to cheer up the driver. Our Zojirushi thermos fits perfectly into car cupholders and easily maintains the desired temperature until your next sleepover, even if it doesn't happen today.
  3. Safety food supply: We always keep an extra supply of instant mashed potatoes and noodles under the seat just in case. With our passion to get somewhere far away, one cannot always count on a store or a cafe in the steppe. And in general, you never know where you get up and where you decide to walk. It's good if there is also a couple of chocolates under the seat, rye bread and maybe some canned food ... The main thing to remember is that this is NZ!
  4. A compact frying pan is never superfluous. Among the products in the car, we usually always have chicken eggs. I confess that it’s a special thrill for me to cook Rob's eggs in the morning. And sometimes in stores you can even find a ready-made mixture for making pancakes - and this is already a separate holiday!
  5. There are never too many paper napkins. I always take a lot of them. First of all, they do an excellent job of cleaning dishes from grease and are generally convenient when there is nowhere to wash it or just too lazy to go. Honestly, I do the same with our plates on a hike.
  6. Jet Boil - we write about this wonderful device often and talk a lot, and we will say it again, because we really use it everywhere: even in traffic jams, heating water right in the car.
  7. Water! 5 l clean drinking water must always be in the car - this is our mandatory rule after the poisoning in Abkhazia. For drinking on the road, we buy cool mineral sparkling water - it invigorates well, and at parking lots we often use the supplied five-liter bottle. This again contributes to our autonomy, since our snack is not tied to a stream or store.
  8. Leatherman multi-tool is what helps out and saves space in the car without creating clutter. Robert does not take an extra screwdriver, nippers, bottle opener or corkscrew with him - he has everything close at hand in this compact super multitool.

I always write a list in advance before the trip, so as not to forget something necessary, and then scold myself for forgetfulness and lack of foresight. Most often, the set of the most important things is the same, only the clothes change depending on the season and the purpose of the trip.

Essentials for the trip:

Documentation: passport and its copy, a copy of the Russian passport (if you are traveling abroad), an electronic copy of your passports (scan documents and send them to your email), driver's license (if you rent a car).

Medical insurance. Insurance is required to be presented at the embassy when obtaining a visa. Also, it is necessary to take insurance with you on a trip.

Tickets or their printouts. Although the airport does not ask to show air tickets, but only a passport, it is better to have a printed itinerary receipt with you. Read the article on how to buy cheap flights over the Internet.

Voucher, or a hotel booking voucher if you are traveling on your own.

Money. It can be money on a bank card and cash. If you keep money only on a card, take cash with you on the trip, even preferably in small bills, to pay for the bus or taxi fare if you get to the hotel on your own.

Memo with required phone numbers: address and telephone number of the Russian embassy, ​​telephone numbers of the police and ambulance.

If you regularly take any pills, put them in the first-aid kit first, and the funds will also not interfere:

  • for colds (I take with me a couple of Teraflu sachets and lozenges for a sore throat),
  • from an upset stomach (many overeat on travel, or in large hotels the food may be stale),
  • pain relievers (No-shpa or Tempalgin),
  • scratch cleaners (such as a bottle of iodine)
  • sunscreen if you are going to sunbathe,
  • sunburn treatment
  • adhesive plaster,
  • earplugs (noisy neighbors may live nearby or there may be a club / disco nearby)

Personal hygiene products: loofah, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, razor, shaving foam, face and hand cream, wet wipes, cotton swabs, deodorant, comb, hair elastic, and soap (in case you need to wash something).

Camera and charger (or batteries). If the memory card is not large, then take a USB flash drive with you, you can go to any Internet cafe and transfer photos to the flash drive and continue taking photos.

Mobile phone and Charger... For some reason, many people remember about the phone charger at the last moment or completely forget about it.

Socket adapter. In some countries, the plugs for the outlet differ from the Russian ones, so always find out what type of outlet in the hotel where you are staying. There are universal adapters that can be used in almost any country.

Guide and map. It is advisable to outline in advance what to visit and see.

Necessary colloquial phrases in a foreign language. Phrases for use in a restaurant, in a hotel, in case you need to contact the police or a hospital can come in handy.

Needle, thread and superglue in case anything rips or comes off during the trip.

Pen to record important information.

Clothes and footwear. What you wear during your trip depends a lot on where you are going and what you want to do. For example, if you are going to sunbathe on the seashore without leaving the hotel, then shorts, T-shirts, swimwear, hats, slippers, sunglasses will come in handy. If you have excursion tour and you intend to walk a lot around the city and sightseeing, then shoes are important: sneakers or comfortable shoes. Even if you're going to warm countries, take warm things with you (socks, jacket, pants). Just in case, I take a raincoat with me, it is much lighter than an umbrella.

I don’t know how for anyone, but for me a vacation with children, especially a joint trip, gives special, happy emotions. Traveling with my little ones, I get the opportunity to rediscover familiar places, as if I, and not my child, see the sea for the first time, look at the clouds from an airplane, ride a train over a bridge over a river ...

Joy, surprise, delight - it's so nice to share them with your beloved people! But still you have to remember that you are a mother and no one, except you, will make sure that the whole family feels comfortable, that no things are forgotten, the phones have something to charge, the children to keep (dad too), and even the headache pill was at hand. Well, well, let's figure out what to take with us on vacation.

On the plane for yourself and the child

When traveling with children by plane, it is important to unload your hands as much as possible. Therefore, the most convenient option for hand luggage- a backpack, well, maybe a shoulder bag, just not a bag that will constantly interfere.

Documentation required for boarding the plane (passports, birth certificates, tickets, etc.), as well as money it is wiser to keep it in a belt bag.

Then you do not have to frantically scour the pockets, while simultaneously tracking the direction of your child's movement with your eyes.

  • Cloth

Layering is encouraged so that at any time you can take off or, conversely, put on a blouse, T-shirt. Spare T-shirts for you and the kids can be very helpful in case of splashing or vomiting during motion sickness. Spare panties and socks, even for those who are older - under 10, I think.

Disposable diapers 3-4 pcs. for those who still use them.

A travel potty for children from 2 to 5-6 years old (in case the toilet is busy, and just a potty is more convenient and hygienic to use than dragging a child to a public toilet).

Large flannel diaper. It is convenient to hide, and dry off, and make a bed, and it takes up little space.

  • Of course, fun for the kids

Download in advance cartoons, games by age on a tablet, phone, laptop. Just keep in mind that if there are two children, you will need two gadgets, otherwise a fight or scandal is inevitable. ... You can take one or two toys, a book, a coloring book, stickers.

  • Food and drink

For the child, it is allowed to bring bottles with breast expressed milk or formula, juice, water. When buying tickets or later, you can order a special children's menu, but this is suitable for children over 5, for children aged 1-2 years it is better to take with them their usual food, shop in jars or homemade food in a transparent plastic container. You can take fruits, dry biscuits, sweets.

It is very important to give your child little sips or drinks when taking off and landing. Swallowing movements reduce ear congestion, relieve the condition.

Breast or nipple - for babies, juice, water, lollipop - for older ones.

If there's medications to be taken during the flight, be sure to take with you ... And you will also need antipyretic, pain relievers, antihistamines, medications in case of exacerbation of a chronic disease, if any. If you have a runny nose or a tendency to otitis media, be sure to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose before takeoff - this will help to avoid the risk of subsequent inflammation of the middle ear. Pills for motion sickness do not hurt, just in case.

In the dry air of the cabin, it is recommended to moisten the baby's nose with drops based on sea water (Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc.), this will make breathing easier and reduce the likelihood of contracting some kind of virus from other passengers. It will also help to protect your face and hands from drying out - anoint with moisturizing cream or just wipe with a damp cloth.

Wet wipes are essential to wipe your hands, wipe your face or butt.

  • Dream

For babies, it is good to take a carrier backpack, a sling, where the baby can sleep peacefully during the flight. A number of airlines offer a special cradle for sleeping babies, but you need to order it in advance on the website. You can also find out in advance : is it allowed to take your carriage on board (check for a flight permit icon in your carrycot). Older children and adults are more comfortable sleeping with a special pillow-collar.

On the train

By and large, you need to take on the train everything that is on the plane, only, taking into account the duration of the trip, in increased quantities.

  • Documentation

In addition to tickets, passports, certificates, do not forget medical policies, especially if you are traveling in Russia.

  • Cloth

Convenient sports and home kits for yourself and your children. For babies at the rate of 2-4 per day. As a last resort, you can contrive and wash (I remember, we even washed our hair in the sink in the toilet). Don't forget to change shoes, slippers or flip-flops, which are more comfortable in terms of the speed of removal.

  • Personal hygiene items

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, liquid soap. Although towels are provided, a spare will definitely do the trick. Personal care products (wash, cream), for children. Again, in conditions of impossibility to wash, especially in the heat, wet wipes will help out. Collect more and different ones: for children - to wipe off, antibacterial - for hands and surrounding surfaces, for intimate hygiene.

A pot with a lid is almost mandatory for children under 5-6 years old, since it is not easy to get to the toilet urgently on the train.

2-3 diapers - cover, spread, dry off.

Diapers for babies.

  • Food

It is clear, we sweep aside perishable options right away. Remains noodles, mashed potatoes, soups, instant cereals, vegetables, fruits, cookies, juices, tea, sugar. Smoked chicken and sausage, eggs, curds can be taken, but consumed in the first meal. I believe that when traveling with children, it would be more correct to fork out a little, and go to the restaurant car 1-2 times a day to eat hot food.

Canned baby puree for kids.

Dishes: spoons, knife, mugs.

A couple of garbage bags (sometimes given by the conductor).

  • Entertainment for kids

Various gadgets are used again, but the age of batteries is not long and they will definitely not be enough for the whole journey. There are almost no sockets in the car, and with a high degree of probability there will be more than enough people who are eager to recharge. You can buy a spare battery.

Coloring pages, books with stickers, plasticine. You can't take a lot of books - they are heavy, but you can take 2-3. In my opinion, encyclopedias are a longer-playing version, they can be viewed for a long time.

I really liked the invention for children under the age of 8, which allows parents to sleep peacefully without worrying that the child will "fly away" to the floor at night. This arena for train ... It can be purchased ready-made, or you can sew an analogue yourself.

More about it below and in more detail.

What medications should I take on vacation with children?

  1. Antipyretic and pain relievers - paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is advisable to have one of the preparations in syrup, the other in candles.
  2. Antihistamines ... Drops based on cetirizine (Zyrtec, Zodak, Tsetrin) for internal use. For local action, for example, with an insect bite (Fenistil gel, Psilo-balm, 1% hydrocortisone ointment).
  3. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops (for example, based on xylometazoline).
  4. Regidron or equivalent for preparation of oral rehydration solution.
  5. Chlorhexidine or another disinfectant solution.
  6. Panthenol, for help with burns.
  7. Otipax or analogues - anti-inflammatory and analgesic for otitis media.
  8. Tobrex or other antibacterial eye drops.
  9. Iodine .
  10. Activated carbon .
  11. Antibacterial ointment (for example, Baneocin).
  12. Plaster, bandage .
  13. Scissors, safety pin, disposable syringe 5 ml.
  14. Medicines prescribed by a doctor with an existing or potential exacerbation of the disease.

Packing a suitcase for a vacation with children

List of irreplaceable things on vacation for children and adults

  • Clothes and shoes for mom

Jeans, windbreaker, skirt or sundress, shorts, light trousers, T-shirts and (or) blouses 4-5 pcs., Underwear, swimsuit (s), elegant dress, socks 2-3 pairs, headwear, sneakers, slates, sandals ...

  • Clothes and shoes for dad

Jeans, windbreaker, shorts - 2 pairs, 4-5 T-shirts, shirt, trousers, cap, socks - 4-5 pairs, underwear, swimming trunks, sneakers, sandals, slates.

  • Clothes for a boy

Windbreaker, jeans, long-sleeved T-shirt - 2 pcs., Shorts - 4-5 pcs., T-shirts - 4-5 pcs., Shirt, pants - 2 pcs., Underpants - 6-7 pcs., Swimming trunks, socks - 4 -5 pairs, cap or panama, sneakers, sandals, slates.

  • Clothes for a girl

Dresses or sundresses - 2-3 pcs. (one smart one), skirt, shorts - 1-2 pcs., T-shirts - 2-3 pcs., T-shirt with long sleeves, light trousers - 1-2 pcs., socks - 4-5 pairs, windbreaker or jacket, jeans or tight pants, tights, swimsuit, panties - 6-7 pieces, panama hat, kerchief, moccasins or sneakers, sandals, slates.

Hygiene and cosmetics

Baby 2 in 1 shampoo and shower gel, toothbrushes, pastes, deodorants for adults, shampoo, baby liquid soap, mother's cosmetics, comb, hairpins, electric shaver (or just a razor), wet wipes.

A cane stroller if you have a small child.

General purpose things

Phones, a camera or camera, chargers (especially from a camera, although they can be bought), hats and sunglasses, threads with a needle, a manicure set, or just scissors.

List of useless things on vacation with children

The thought of lying down quietly on the beach is an almost useless thing on vacation with preschoolers, unless you have brought your grandmother or nanny with you. But this is so, a lyrical digression.

To prevent your vacation from being ruined by forgetting something, you need to pack your things in advance. If you are going to get ready on the eve of your departure abroad, this will happen.

Before you go shopping to buy something new, you should clearly define what exactly you need.

To do this, you need to sit down and, slowly, deliberately make the correct list of everything you might need.

You should not include in this list all your wardrobe for the summer that you wear in the city, at sea it is unlikely to be useful to you.

Take with you a minimum of things, and you do not have to exhaust yourself with a heavy suitcase. Do not take things "just in case" and yet - take care not to lose sight of everything you need.

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Travel items

  1. First aid kit;
  2. Documentation;
  3. Personal hygiene products;
  4. Technics;
  5. Leisure items;
  6. Other accessories you may need.

What will come in handy on the road?

First aid kit

At sea you may need medicines.

It is good if you manage to relax without them, but still it is worth hedging it, especially if you are flying with children. Climate change, water changes, and just an occasional cold shouldn't spoil your vacation.

You may need:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Febrifuge;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Adhesive plaster;
  • Ointments or creams for mosquitoes and other insects.


In addition to the documents that you will take directly to the plane (passport, insurance), you must not forget:

  • Return flight tickets;
  • Documents from the travel agency confirming the booking of accommodation;
  • Driver's license (just in case);
  • Parents' permission to take out the child;
  • Cash and bank cards;
  • Photocopies of the most important documents;
  • Travel insurance.

Personal hygiene products

Hygiene products can be bought on the spot, but in order to immediately put yourself in order after the flight on the day of arrival, and not run headlong in search of soap or something else in the shops, it is better to take everything you need with you:

  • Fragrant soap;
  • Favorite shampoo;
  • Shower gel;
  • Loofah or sponge;
  • Comb;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Toothbrushes;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Shaving accessories.

You should not take a lot of decorative cosmetics with you to the sea.

It is better to use decorative cosmetics on vacation as little as possible.

But if there is absolutely nothing without cosmetics, then take:

  • Powder;
  • Waterproof mascara;
  • Shadows;
  • Dull lipstick.

On the beach, a woman with bright makeup will look strange to say the least. Although, if you go to a night bar or restaurant, you can still do a little beauty.


You don't need to take a lot of equipment at sea either. Give your electronic devices a break.

If it is not necessary for you to have a laptop during your holidays, it is better to leave it at home.

  • Camera, camcorder are, of course, essential when traveling by sea. How else to capture Beautiful places, sights, yourself and your loved ones against the backdrop of this beauty?
  • Mobile phone- is also a necessary thing, you can't do without it.
  • Phone charger and cameras


The number of clothes will depend on several factors: exactly where you are going, what will be The cultural program how long you will be at sea. But in any case, there shouldn't be much of it. Moreover, you will probably want to buy yourself some new product on the spot.

Clothes for men

Men in this regard are more practical, they take a minimum of things with them.

  • Beachwear

The most important thing at sea is swimwear. Take two swimming trunks, that will be enough.

  • Everyday things. Two shorts, a pair of T-shirts, a bright shirt, a light windbreaker and cotton jeans (in case it suddenly gets colder) - perhaps this set will be enough for a rest, including evening walks. From underwear - two panties or swimming trunks.
  • Shoes. Bring a pair of flip-flops, they are perfect for both the beach and walking. Just in case, you can grab more light moccasins.
  • Other.

Don't forget to bring everything you need to shave if you don't want to turn into Robinson Crusoe during your vacation at sea.

Clothes for women

As a rule, women are more whimsical and less practical when it comes to clothing than men. Sometimes it seems to them that literally everything will be useful.

Do not judge them too harshly, because they dress up solely to please men. And just a little to flaunt in new clothes in front of each other.

And yet you need to limit yourself to a minimum of outfits:

  • Swimwear and beachwear. The main part of a woman's wardrobe at sea is swimwear. Take two - open and closed, they do not take up much space, but they will allow you to be different. A bright stylish pareo will perfectly complement a beach outfit and will serve as a "cover" from the sun's rays. In addition, a pareo can also replace a sundress.
  • Casual wear. A pair of sundresses, top, shorts or breeches is a sufficient set for walking, visiting cafes and excursions. Jeans and a lightweight windbreaker come in handy in cool weather.
  • Evening wear. You don't need an evening dress as such. Indeed, the same vacationers go to cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. Moreover, in an evening dress you will look out of place there. A bright sundress, shorts or a skirt with a fashionable light top are quite suitable for this purpose.

  • Underwear. A pair of underwear sets will be enough for you. You can also grab a nightgown.
  • Shoes. You can also wear these comfortable beach sandals on your walks. For excursions, prepare flat shoes. If you nevertheless decide to shine in an evening dress, you will need sandals, preferably with a stiletto heel.
  • Hats. It all depends on your imagination and style.

As a headdress, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat, bandana, baseball cap, or you can use a beautiful silk scarf.

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Children's clothing

Every mother is absolutely sure that she certainly knows what kind of clothes her child needs. This is true, but it is important not to overdo it here.

Children don't need as many things as their mother might think.

A few tips for couples traveling with children:

  1. If you have infant , take a casual outfit for him. There must be several panamas, a sufficient number of swimming trunks, T-shirts, T-shirts, tracksuit, light shoes.
  2. You will also need diapers, a pot and a small stroller (it's better to take a foldable one).

It is worth recalling that all clothing for children should be made from natural materials, preferably cotton. And no synthetics!

Children under 7 years old

Small children are big fidgets, they often get dirty, therefore, they need a little more clothes.

  • 4-5 panties, the same number of T-shirts, shorts and T-shirts, a pair of panamas, comfortable light pants and a windbreaker, slippers and sandals from shoes.

Children over 7 years old

If your child is over 7 years old, then for his equipment for recreation, you can focus on advice for adults.

Leisure items

If you have already bought such necessary things on the beach as an air mattress, a children's circle, an umbrella, a pump, then it is better to take them with you so as not to buy again.

Other accessories

  • A must-have accessory for a seaside holiday - sunglasses;
  • Earplugs;
  • Mask for sleep;
  • Writing pen;
  • Personal business cards;
  • Snack food;
  • Towels: for the shower and for the beach;
  • A bedspread, mat or rug that you can use to sunbathe on the beach.

Things you can do without

  • You do not need to take dishes with you. Crockery is available in most private apartments or family rooms in hotels. Most likely, you will be eating either at a hotel or in a cafe.
  • Decorations and jewelry.
  • Some personal hygiene items can be omitted.(soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo), because it doesn't cost a lot of money and you can buy a lot of it in the country where you plan to travel.
  • Slippers can also be found in many hotel rooms or bought for pennies at local stores.

Gathering is over, the long-awaited flight is finally ... Sea, sun, beach ... If you haven't forgotten anything, your trip to the sea will be pleasant and unforgettable!

This article was prepared by Christina Endless.

Print the finished list of things

You can get and print a ready-made list of things for the trip from me by leaving your e-mail on the link page.

conveniently, after printing out this list of things, you can tick off what you have already collected in your suitcase