Where is Cape Blanco located on the map. Geographic coordinates of Cape Ben Sekka; Cape Ras Khafma. What have we learned

Each continent of the planet has its own extreme points: northern, southern, western and eastern. In the article we will talk about the extreme northern point of Africa - Ben Sekka Cape. Where is it? What are the coordinates of Ben Sekka Cape? Which locality closest to this point?

Africa and its extreme points

Africa is divided by the equator line almost in the middle. In this regard, the natural features of the northern and southern parts of this continent are mirror-like similar to each other. This is the hottest continent on Earth: no other continent on the planet receives the same solar heat in a year.

Africa's area is about 30 million square meters. km. The contours of the continent are relatively weakly indented. The continent is washed by the waters of two oceans - the Indian and the Atlantic. In the north it borders with Europe (via the Mediterranean Sea), and in the northeast with Asia (via the Red Sea).

What are the extreme points for Africa? There are four of them, as expected. It:

  • Cape Ben Sekka (north);
  • Cape Agulhas (southern);
  • Cape Almadi (western);
  • Cape Ras Gafun (eastern).

What are the coordinates of Ben Sekka Point and where is it located? Read on for more details.

Geographic coordinates of Ben Sekka Cape and its description

This cape has four different names: Ben Sekka, El Abyad, Ras Engela and, finally, Blanco ("white" in translation and Spanish). It is located in Tunisia, on the coast Mediterranean Sea... The nearest town is 10 kilometers from here. And from the capital of Tunisia (the city of the same name), the cape is separated by a distance of 70 km.

The exact coordinates of Cape Ben Sekka are as follows:

It will not be superfluous to note that the geographic "address" of a particular point is not always denoted in this way. Below are the coordinates of Cape Ben Sekka in so-called decimal degrees:

The extreme northern point of Africa is located in a rather wild and inaccessible place. A modest but rather beautiful monument in the form of a metal contour of the mainland is installed on the cape (all states of the "black continent" are also highlighted inside). Two kilometers to the east is a chic and almost deserted sand beach, where you can have a great rest after visiting such a symbolic place.

Bizerte is the closest town to Cape Ben Secca

Ten kilometers southeast of the cape is the city of Bizerte, which is home to about 125 thousand people. It is an important industrial and transport center of Tunisia. In addition, the main base of the country's naval forces is located here.

Bizerte is one of ancient cities Mediterranean. It was founded about 3 thousand years ago! The city is quite picturesque: on three sides it is surrounded by forests and slopes extinct volcano... A chain of beautiful sandy beaches stretches along the coast.

Among the snow-white houses of Bizerte, many sights and ancient monuments have been preserved. So, here you can see a medieval Arab fortress, a citadel, a 17th century mosque, visit an interesting oceanographic museum, wander the streets of an old colonial city built by the French. But tourists in Bizerte should be careful: there are quite a few military facilities and institutions in the city, which are strictly prohibited to photograph.

The material contains a table with the exact location of the extreme points of the mainland. The article gives an idea of ​​the capes, on which there are landmarks in the cardinal points relative to the location of Africa. The data complements the knowledge already gained about the continent.

Extreme points of Africa and their coordinates

As can be seen from the table, the extreme northern point of Africa is considered Cape Blanco .

Cape El Abyad (Engela) , otherwise called Cape Bely - the northernmost point of the continent. It is located on the Mediterranean coast in Tunisia.

Rice. 1. The northernmost point of Africa.

Geographers do not believe that the name "Blanco" (from Portuguese means "white") was assigned to the cape only on the basis of its northern position. The name was given because of the color of the sand that is characteristic of this Mediterranean coast.

- represents the southern tip of the mainland. Geographically located on the land of the state of South Africa. Located 155 kilometers in the southeastern region near the famous cape Good Hope... In addition, it is a kind of completion of the spit that stretches from the Cape mountain peaks... There is a lighthouse on it.

Extreme southern point Africa serves as the generally recognized division boundary between the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

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Rice. 2. Cape Agulhas.

Sailing past the cape, it is very difficult to notice it. But stone pyramid serves as a visual reference for precise location southern edge Sveta

The extreme southwestern point of the African continent. Some people incorrectly assume that this cape is the southern point of the African continent. It is known for the fact that the continental coastline here for the first time bends to the east. The famous waterway from the Atlantic Ocean towards the Indian Ocean opens here. In 1497, the famous seafarer-traveler and explorer Vasco da Gama, bypassed the Cape of Good Hope and paved the sea route to the coast of India.

Cape Almadi is located on a peninsula called Cape Verde in Senegal and is the western tip of Africa.

Cape Ras Khafun represents the extreme eastern tip of Africa. It is recognized as the lowest-lying cape of all. Its length is 40 kilometers in length. Geographically, the cape is located in the northern part of the state of Somalia. Speaks towards the Indian Ocean.

Significant points of the African continent

The most significant points on the continent are represented by the following capes:

  • El Abyad;
  • Needle;
  • Good Hope;
  • Almadi;
  • Ras Khafun.

Africa is called the high mainland. High relief forms dominate here. It is these landforms that frame and outline the boundaries of the continent, and it turns out that the plains are localized in the central region. Africa, viewed from above, looks like a kind of plate with sides.

Rice. 3. Cape of Good Hope.

Due to the fact that Africa is conventionally divided by the equator almost in half, this explains the peculiarity of its geographical coordinates, an impressive amount of solar radiation is concentrated on the surface of the continent.

What have we learned?

We found out the toponymic peculiarity of the name of one of the most significant capes in Africa. Learned a few interesting facts from geographic features mainland territory. We received comprehensive and reliable information on the extreme extremities of the second largest continent of the Earth. We found out why the territory is exposed to solar radiation more than others.

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Our geography teacher was stern. Instead of making us idiots study extreme points of the continents, he ordered the "young talents" to compose mnemonic rhymes about these outstanding extremities. We did not have a poetry lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo, but a secondary rural school, and it was difficult. This is - first go figure it out which cape is the northernmost point of Africa, which is southern, and which is entirely eastern or western. Then rhyme with decent words.

It turned out like this:

Cape Ben Sekka will be in the north, Cape Agulhas will be in the south, Ras Khafun will be on the east coast, Almadi will suddenly go west.

Since then, I have managed to learn a lot of intriguing facts about these geographical attractions. I'll tell you about the extreme north.

Which cape is the northernmost point of Africa

Africa has always been close to humanity. More precisely, they say, a reasonable Cro-Magnon man went from there. Our ancestor came, allegedly, from the African tropics. Civilization was relentless, and now it reached the shores of the middle sea - the one between Africa and Europe.

The very north of the African continent was inhabited three thousand years ago Phoenicians. It was they who, together with Carthage (the capital of Phenicia), founded the town Bizerte, near which the cape is located Ben Sekka, the most extreme in the north of Africa.

Bizerte then naturally became a Roman colony. Then, after the collapse of the imperial conglomerate of states, the Arabs reigned here for many years. In the 16th century, pirates came and made the town the Mediterranean Tortuga. Pirate brigs and other caravels pestered the northern point of Africa. The port served as a collision point for several cultures, and was often a boiling cauldron.

As a result, the pirate freeman was pinched French people and the ships with the jolly black-and-bony flags were no longer moored to Ben Sekka. And Bizerte was generally covered with sand, so it was barely possible to restore it in 1895.

Interesting that the last Russian ships of the tsarist fleet were killed near Ben Sekk, emigrated after the revolution. Enterprising Tunisians have long ago pilfered the rusty skeletons for scrap metal.

Ben-Sekka coordinates

Extremely accurate information about the northern edge of Africa looks like this:

  • continent - Africa;
  • country - ;
  • city ​​- Bizerte;
  • Cape Cap Ras Ben Sakka (local sound).

Geographically verified The GPS coordinates are as follows: 37 ° 20'49 "north latitude and 9 ° 45'20" east longitude.

If to explain humanly, then 15 km from Bizerte to the northwest, towards the seaside beach, towards the Cape Angela lighthouse. Ben Secca is 950 meters from the lighthouse, just between Cape Angela and Blanc.

By the way, it is often written in foreign language articles that it is Cape Blank (Bely) that is the extreme northern point of Africa. Not true! It is just south of our beloved Cap Ras Ben Sakka.

Establish a correspondence between the extreme points of the continent of North America and their geographical coordinates 1) Cape Chelyuskin 2) Cape Piai 3) Cape Roca 4) Cape

Dezhneva A) 78 N 104 E B) 39 N 10 W C) 1 N 103 E D) 66 N 170 W


which objects have geographic coordinates of 78 degrees. s.sh. and 104 degrees W.d .; 35g y.sh. and 20gr v.d .; 66gr. and 170g w.d .; 52gr. and 0gr d; 5gr s.sh

geographic coordinates of London, New York, Rio de Janeiro

1. Determine the position of North America relative to the equator, the prime meridian. meridian 180 degrees, tropics, polar circles washing it

oceans and other continents.
2. Determine the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent: northern - Cape Murchison, southern - Cape Maryato, western - Cape Prince of Wales and eastern - Cape St. Charles. Calculate the length North America from north to south and from west to east in degrees and kilometers.
3. Describe the coastline of the mainland, name largest seas, bays, straits, islands and peninsulas. Compare the coastline of North America with coastline Africa and Eurasia.

a) Chelyuskin;
b) Outbuildings;
c) Dezhneva.
a) western;
b) eastern;
c) north.
a) large;
b) equal;
c) smaller.
a) from north to south;
b) from west to east.
a) deeper;
b) the same in depth;
c) less deep.

c) Vladivostok and Murmansk,
a) local;
b) waist;
c) maternity.
b) meridians;
c) horizontals.
a) Anadyr;
b) Magadan;
c) Kaliningrad.
a) northern latitude;
b) southern latitude;
c) western longitude.
a) Cape Dezhnev;
b) Ratmanov Island;
c) Cape Chelyuskin.
a) large;
b) the same;
c) smaller.
a) from north to south;
b) from west to east.
a) above;
b) the same;
c) below.
a) local;
b) waist;
c) maternity.
a) the second;
b) the eleventh;
c) the first.
a) geographic latitude;
b) geographic longitude.

a) Brazil;
b) Canada;
in Australia.
21. The area of ​​Russia is equal to:
a) 17.1 million km2;
b) 22.4 million km2;
c) 17.8 million km2.
a) Cape Dezhnev;
b) Cape Fligeli;
a) 170 ° W etc .;
b) 170 ° E etc.
24. Russia intersects:
a) with the equator;
b) with the northern tropic;

b) China;
c) Kazakhstan;
d) Ukraine.
a) along the Amur;
b) along the Terek;
c) along the Ussuri;
d) according to Kura.
a) with Finland;
b) with Norway;
c) with Estonia.
a) 1/5 (20%);
b) 1/2 (50%); c) 1/4 (25%).
a) USA; b) China;
c) Japan; d) Norway.
30. Russia is located:
a) in the northern and western hemispheres;
b) in the northern and eastern hemispheres;
c) in the northern, eastern and western hemispheres;
d) only in the northern hemisphere.
31. The seas around Russia do not freeze:
a) Black and Kara;
b) Barents and Black;
c) Okhotsk and Japanese.
32. The most eastern point of Russia is located:
a) in the western hemisphere;
b) in the eastern hemisphere.
33. The northernmost point of Russia is located:
a) in the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago;
b) in the Svalbard archipelago; c) in the Franz Josef Land archipelago.
34. Find a match:
Extreme points of Russia:
a) northern; 1) M. Dezhneva;
b) southern; 2) M. Chelyuskin;
c) western; 3) the city of Bazarzyuzu;
d) eastern; 4) sand spit(Curonian) west of Kaliningrad.
35. Russia has only a maritime border with the states:
a) Norway and Japan;
b) Japan and China;
c) Japan and the USA.
36. In the north, Russia is washed by the seas:
a) Beloe, Barents, Karskoe;
b) Beringovo, Karskoye, Laptevs;
c) Baltic, Black, White.
37. The largest and deepest sea off the coast of Russia
a) Okhotsk;
b) Barents;
c) Beringovo;
d) Japanese.
38. The shallowest sea on Earth and the smallest sea in Russia
a) Azov;
b) Aral;
c) White;
d) Baltic

1) The vast majority of points on the territory of the Russian Federation have:

a) south latitude and east longitude;
b) north latitude and east longitude;
c) north latitude and west longitude.
2) The extreme northern point of Russia is the cape:
a) Chelyuskin;
b) Outbuildings;
c) Dezhneva.
3) The extreme eastern point of Russia has a longitude:
a) western;
b) eastern;
c) north.
4) The sea borders of Russia, in comparison with the land ones, have a length:
a) large;
b) equal;
c) smaller.
5) The presence of three climatic zones on the territory of Russia is explained by the large length of the country:
a) from north to south;
b) from west to east.
6) Seas of the Arctic Ocean compared to the seas of the Pacific Ocean:
a) deeper;
b) the same in depth;
c) less deep.
7) The terminal ports of the Northern Sea Route are:
a) Murmansk and St. Petersburg;
b) St. Petersburg and Vladivostok;
c) Vladivostok and Murmansk,
8) Time within one time zone is called:
a) local;
b) waist;
c) maternity.
9) The boundaries of time zones are drawn in accordance with: a) with parallels;
b) meridians;
c) horizontals.
10) In Russia, the last to meet New Year residents:
a) Anadyr;
b) Magadan;
c) Kaliningrad.
11) There are no points on the territory of Russia that have:
a) northern latitude;
b) southern latitude;
c) western longitude.
12) The extreme eastern point of Russia is:
a) Cape Dezhnev;
b) Ratmanov Island;
c) Cape Chelyuskin.
13) The land borders of Russia, in comparison with the sea ones, have a length:
a) large;
b) the same;
c) smaller.
14) The presence of climatic regions within climatic zones is explained by the large extent of Russia in the direction of:
a) from north to south;
b) from west to east.
15) Salinity of the seas of the Pacific Ocean, in comparison with the seas of the Northern Arctic Ocean:
a) above;
b) the same;
c) below.
16) The time of this meridian is called:
a) local;
b) waist;
c) maternity.
17) New days in Russia begin with a time zone:
a) the second;
b) the eleventh;
c) the first.
18) The local time of a point depends on its:
a) geographic latitude;
b) geographic longitude.
19) The Northern Sea Route runs along the seas:
a) Atlantic and Pacific oceans;
b) the Pacific and Arctic oceans;
c) the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.
20) The territory of Russia is washed by as many oceans as the territory:
a) Brazil;
b) Canada;
in Australia.
21. The area of ​​Russia is equal to:
a) 17.1 million km2;
b) 22.4 million km2;
c) 17.8 million km2.
22. Extreme northern mainland point:
a) Cape Dezhnev;
b) Cape Fligeli;
c) Cape Chelyuskin. 23. Latitude of the easternmost point:
a) 170 ° W etc .;
b) 170 ° E etc.
24. Russia intersects:
a) with the equator;
b) with the northern tropic;
c) with the Arctic Circle.
25. The longest border of Russia with the state: a) Mongolia;
b) China;
c) Kazakhstan;
d) Ukraine.
26. On which rivers does the Russian border pass:
a) along the Amur;
b) along the Terek;
c) along the Ussuri;
d) according to Kura.
27. With which country does Russia start the border from the coast Barents Sea:
a) with Finland;
b) with Norway;
c) with Estonia.
28. What part of the territory of Russia is located behind S.P.K.?
a) 1/5 (20%);
b) 1/2 (50%); c) 1/4 (25%).
29. With which countries does Russia have only a sea border?
a) USA; b) China;
c) Japan; d) Norway.

Each continent of the planet has its own extreme points: northern, southern, western and eastern. In the article we will talk about the extreme northern point of Africa - Ben Sekka Cape. Where is it? What are the coordinates of Ben Sekka Cape? Which town is closest to this point?

Africa and its extreme points

Africa is divided by the equator line almost in the middle. In this regard, the natural features of the northern and southern parts of this continent are mirror-like similar to each other. These are Earths: no other continent on the planet receives the same amount of solar heat in a year.

Africa's area is about 30 million square meters. km. The contours of the continent are relatively weakly indented. The continent is washed by the waters of two oceans - the Indian and the Atlantic. In the north it borders with Europe (via the Mediterranean Sea), and in the northeast with Asia (via the Red Sea).

What are the extreme points for Africa? There are four of them, as expected. It:

  • Cape Ben Sekka (north);
  • Cape Agulhas (southern);
  • Cape Almadi (western);
  • Cape Ras Gafun (eastern).

What are the coordinates of Ben Sekka Point and where is it located? Read on for more details.

Geographic coordinates of Ben Sekka Cape and its description

This cape has four different names: Ben Sekka, El Abyad, Ras Engela and, finally, Blanco ("white" in translation and Spanish). It is located in Tunisia, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The nearest town is 10 kilometers from here. And from the capital of Tunisia (the city of the same name), the cape is separated by a distance of 70 km.

The exact coordinates of Cape Ben Sekka are as follows:

It will not be superfluous to note that the geographic "address" of a particular point is not always denoted in this way. Below are the coordinates of Cape Ben Sekka in so-called decimal degrees:

The extreme northern point of Africa is located in a rather wild and inaccessible place. A modest but rather beautiful monument in the form of a metal contour of the continent is installed on the cape (all states of the "black continent" are also highlighted inside). Two kilometers to the east there is a gorgeous and almost deserted sandy beach, where you can have a great rest after visiting such a symbolic place.

Bizerte is the closest town to Cape Ben Secca

Ten kilometers southeast of the cape is the city of Bizerte, which is home to about 125 thousand people. It is an important industrial and transport center of Tunisia. In addition, the main base of the country's naval forces is located here.

Bizerte is one of the oldest cities in the Mediterranean. It was founded about 3 thousand years ago! The city is quite picturesque: on three sides it is surrounded by forests and slopes of an extinct volcano. A chain of beautiful sandy beaches stretches along the coast.

Among the snow-white houses of Bizerte, many sights and ancient monuments have been preserved. So, here you can see a medieval Arab fortress, a citadel, a 17th century mosque, visit an interesting oceanographic museum, wander the streets of an old colonial city built by the French. But tourists in Bizerte should be careful: there are quite a few military facilities and institutions in the city, which are strictly prohibited to photograph.