Sometimes they come back. Passenger motor ship of PV18 project "Gleb Krzhizhanovskiy Motor ship gleb krzhizhanovskiy

On May 27, 2017, in the Caspian Sea, a 350-seat passenger motor ship of mixed river-sea navigation of the RRR O-PR2.0 class (ice30) A of the PV18 project "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" of the Moscow River Shipping Company began work as a navigator. This was reported by the press service of the Marine Engineering Bureau.

"Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" was previously modernized from a project 302 vessel according to the project of the Marine Engineering Bureau. The vessel is intended for use as a floating vessel for workers of the oil and gas condensate field named after V.I. V. Filanovsky.

The field is located in the Russian sector of the northern part of the Caspian Sea, in the shallow part 170 km south of the city of Astrakhan, 20 km east of the island. Maly Zhemchuzhny in the area permitted for the operation of ships of the "O-PR" class in the season from April to November inclusive.

To operate as a floating vessel serving drilling platforms, in 2014, the vessel was installed: in the stern on the boat deck, a cargo manipulator with a lifting capacity of 3.15 tons with a maximum boom outreach of 16.54 m and a cargo area; on the awning deck of the overalls storage and service room; refrigerated containers to increase the autonomy of provisions; two office premises with a capacity of 40 people. each; desalination equipment with a total capacity of 150 cu. m / day.

175 cabins are used to accommodate 350 passengers.

For the rest of passengers, there is a dining room for 200 seats, a gym for seven seats, two lounges with an Internet zone and TVs for 39 and 27 seats, respectively.

There are also two offices for 40 and 36 people.

When converting between main and upper deck for 92 and 176 shp. watertight bulkheads were installed. All windows located on the main deck were covered with external steel shutters. Vestibules of passenger ramps were fenced off in the area of ​​86-90 shp. and 166-170 shp.

One rowing lifeboat with a capacity of 20 people. with a davit and one motorized lifeboat with a capacity of 16 people with a davit were placed in the aft part of the boat deck. In the bow of the awning deck, 22 discarded life rafts PSN-20 in containers with a capacity of 20 people. each.

The vessel is a three-screw motor ship with an overall length of 129.15 m, a width of 16.70 m, with a four-tiered superstructure along the entire length of the vessel, aft position engine room, and a navigating bridge in the bow, with a double bottom, with an inclined stem and cruising aft end.

Three 736 kW diesel engines are used as main engines. Speed ​​13.8 knots. The ship's movement and controllability is provided by three fixed-pitch propellers with a diameter of 1800 mm and five rudders. For the passage of narrows and mooring to the berth, a bow thruster is installed on the ship.

The power plant consists of four diesel generators of 600 kW each and an emergency diesel generator with a capacity of 95 kW.

The crew and attendants of 98 people are accommodated in one, two and three-berth cabins on the lower deck (in the ship's hull) and on the awning deck.

The vessel meets high standards environmental safety... The vessel is provided with a closed system of waste and domestic water. All sewage and domestic water is discharged into collection tanks, and there is also a sewage treatment plant on the ship.

The last of the Moscow trio "

It's no secret that the first motor ship 302 of the project came in 1983 to the Kama, then the 302 was received by Leningrad and Gorky, and Moscow was left without the latest motor ships. Of course, MCI was a sin to complain, in the mid-eighties, motor ships 065 of the project came to Moscow from Austria, they were not inferior in comfort, and maybe even surpassed the 302s, but I think that at that time it was a matter of prestige to have the latest river liners in the shipping company ... Moscow is the capital. And in 1989 and 1990, the newest motor ships of project 302 and 302M came to Moscow one by one. "Leonid Krasin" "Nikolay Bauman" and "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky". As soon as the ships "got into operation" I decided that at all costs I would make river cruises on each of these ships. For myself, I called them "The Big Moscow Trio".

In the early nineties, he made several cruises on the motor ships "Leonid Krasin" and "Nikolay Bauman", but the opportunity to make river travel the last ship from the "Moscow trio" had to wait 15 long years. First default, then graduate school, but the most difficult thing is that in those years there were absolutely no offers to sell vouchers for this ship. In 2006, the motor ship "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" made several cruises from Russian tourists, and at the beginning of 2007, the navigation schedule included offers for cruises throughout the summer. This opportunity should not be missed, because I have been waiting for this cruise for many years.

My friends bought vouchers for the opening of navigation and persuaded me to go together, especially since we had been planning to make a joint trip for a long time. It so happened that I did not have the opportunity to make the journey from beginning to end, but to miss it means not to fulfill my dream. After long deliberation, I managed to emerge victorious with the solution of pleasant problems, and so I set off for SRV to get acquainted with the last motor ship from the “big Moscow trio”.

Arrived four hours before the start of the cruise, the ship has not yet arrived at the pier, nothing for a walk yet. The May weather did not contribute to the walk, so I had to take refuge in the Volga-Volga restaurant. By the way, the restaurant should arouse interest among fans. river cruises, the interior is decorated very nicely and in a river theme. Distracted. The motor ship "Gleb Krizhanovskiy" docked to the second berth exactly on schedule and tourists began to board. On the quay in front of the ship, a military brass band performed, performing marches. It's a trifle but nice, when you come aboard and a march from the movie "Cruel Romance" thunders next to you, you immediately imagine yourself as Vasily Vozhevatov. Placed in a single cabin on the boat deck and dismantled things went to study the ship. I confess that first of all I was interested in the sun deck, I really wanted to find the differences between the 302M and 302MK projects, I did.

I thought that a sophisticated river tourist, for the first time on this ship, will certainly find something to complain about, of course the "fight" will be dishonest, I am fighting with the luggage of my cruises on different ships, and the ship "Gleb Krizhanovsky" is one against all of us. To be honest, I explored all the passenger rooms of the ship, but I lost. The ship gets the first score 0: 1 for cleanliness and order, moreover, not in my favor. We need to compare the score. I go to the bar, ask my favorite question about the range of non-alcoholic cocktails. I get my first cocktail, orange juice with grenadine. Okay, I have a drink and with a snide expression on my face I say let's try the next one, which the bartender snapped off, and the others are not. Immediately I get one point. 1: 1. The bar was not even saved by the fact that you can buy quite tasty sandwiches at night. The score was leveled it was necessary to go forward "to the unconditional surrender of the enemy." I think what to look for in order to come forward - yeah, there are travel information stands, no, it was not possible to come forward, everything is designed in such a way that the hedgehog understands everything where, when and what. The navigation information on the ship's radio is also flawless, because on this voyage, the cruise director was Mr. Kondratyev. There were no vacant cabins, but the director organized everything in such a way that the crowd was not felt either at registration or at other events. With the help of the cruise director, the ship gets another point. The total score is 1: 2. And the food was not satisfactory 1: 3, and the animation was 1: 4. It was late evening, a jazz band was playing in the bow bar, a disco was taking place in the aft bar, good old women, experienced river travelers "grappled with tongues" in the reading room, an interesting and, most importantly, a new film was going on in the cinema hall for movie lovers. On the ship, everyone found a place of interest. 1: 5. I was completely upset, but I was able to win one point. At three o'clock in the morning, when I assembled the tripod and went to the cabin, I noticed that one of the crew members was happily drinking in the company of tourists in a disco bar, this is not welcome. 2: 5. I was delighted, but this point was the last. I could no longer compete with a modern, comfortable motor ship, because in the morning the score became quite devastating 2: 6 for accuracy in adherence to the schedule, 2: 7 for the friendliness and hospitality of the entire crew from the captain to the last sailor. I had to admit complete defeat. I made many cruises, saw many different ships, but "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" can claim the highest places on my cruise list.

In the battle with the river liner, I did not notice how the motor ship moored at the Sosenki pier, my short journey ended, it's time to get ready. Leaving the ship I caught myself thinking that I would not wait for the next decade, but in the near future I would again choose a cruise on this particular motor ship. To summarize, I can say that both Leonid Krasin and Nikolai Bauman, and now Gleb Krzhizhanovsky it is not for nothing that they proudly bear the name “Big Moscow Trio”.

P.S. An hour later, sitting on my porch and sipping tea, I saw the motor ship "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" pass me by, blew smoke from the chimney goodbye, which took the form of a score of my defeat 2: 7, the ship they say reminded me, "I found someone to compete with." ...

02.06.2014 14:09

On June 2, 2014, a passenger motor ship of mixed river-sea navigation class

This is a four-deck passenger motor ship, upgraded from a cruise river vessel according to the PV18 project into a floating hostel for 350 people for work in the Caspian Sea.

In June 2010, the vessel was sent to Astrakhan, where it was re-equipped to work as a floating hostel in the northern part of the Caspian Sea (Kazakhstan). In September 2010, the ship arrived at a new place of work. Later it was joined by another ex-cruise ship of the Moscow River Shipping Company -.

In October 2013, the motor ship "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" returned to Astrakhan, where in the winter of 2013-2014 it was modernized according to the PV18 project developed by the Marine Engineering Bureau. The purpose of the re-equipment is to operate the ship as a rack-mount passenger ship serving drilling platforms in the Caspian Sea.

In the course of work on the ship, the following were installed:

Aft, on the boat deck, a cargo manipulator with a lifting capacity of 3.15 t with a maximum outreach of 16.54 m and a cargo area;
- on the awning deck of the overalls storage and service room;
- refrigerated containers to increase the autonomy of provisions;
-two office premises with a capacity of 40 people. each;
- equipment for desalination with a total capacity of 150 m3 / day.

175 cabins are used to accommodate 350 passengers:

4 single block cabins;
-16 single cabins;
-143 double cabins;
-4 triple cabins;
-8 four-bed cabins.

For the rest of passengers, there is a dining room for 200 seats, a gym for 7 seats, two lounges with an Internet zone and TVs for 39 and 27 seats, respectively. In addition, the vessel is equipped with two offices for 40 and 36 places.

The crew and attendants of 98 people are accommodated in one, two and three-berth cabins on the lower deck (in the ship's hull) and on the awning deck.

When converting between the main and upper decks for 92 and 176 shp. watertight bulkheads were installed. All windows located on the main deck were covered with external steel shutters. Vestibules of passenger ramps were fenced off in the area of ​​86-90 shp. and 166-170 shp.

The ship has as life-saving appliances:

One rowing lifeboat with a capacity of 20 people. with a davit and one motorized lifeboat with a capacity of 16 people with a davit (in the aft part of the boat deck);
- in the bow of the awning deck there are 22 PSN-20 dumped life rafts in containers with a capacity of 20 people. each.

The vessel meets high environmental safety standards. The vessel is provided with a closed system of waste and domestic water. All sewage and domestic water is discharged into collection tanks, and there is also a sewage treatment plant on the ship.

The new purpose of the vessel is to be used as a floating dormitory for oil and gas condensate workers. It is located in the Russian sector of the northern part of the Caspian Sea, in the shallow part 170 km south of the city of Astrakhan, 20 km east of the island. Small Pearl in the area. It is allowed to operate vessels of the O-PR class in the season from April to November inclusive. The river register class after re-equipment was assigned O-PR2.0 (ice30) A.

Passenger motor ship mixed river-sea navigation project PV18 "Gleb Krzhizhanovskiy" ("Gleb Krzhizhanovskiy") was originally built in July 1990, building number 301, project 302M (third series), becoming the 22 vessel in a series of 27 vessels built according to project 302 Ships of project 302 were built in four series at the German shipyard VEB Elbewerften Boizenburg / Roßlau in the city of Boizenburg, by order of the USSR.

In total, according to the orders of the USSR, 27 motor ships of project 302 were built, of which 2 motor ships of project 302M (third series), 4 motor ships of project 302MK (fourth series).

During construction, the ships were equipped with one- and two-room cabins, as well as 1-, 2- and 3-berth cabins, all of which were equipped with showers. There are two restaurants and two lounges at the passengers' service.

The project included a restaurant with 180 seats and a second restaurant with 80 seats. A cafe-bar with a dance floor for 79 seats, a music salon - for 66, a music salon with a bar - for 75, a lounge for rest - for 28, a universal cinema - for 102, a bar - for 75, a solarium with sun loungers - for 100 seats, and also a hairdresser, a souvenir kiosk, a library, a sauna, a buffet, a telephone booth, a first-aid post, a sports and massage parlor.

The main characteristics of the four-deck motor ship of project 302M "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky": Displacement 5475 tons. Length 129 meters, width 17 meters. Travel speed 22 km / h. Has 4 decks for passengers. It can accommodate 310 passengers, which will be accommodated in 138 double cabins, 9 single cabins, 14 four-berth cabins, 1 suite. There are two restaurants on board for 200 and 80 seats, two bars for 60 and 40 places, a reading room, a conference room for 200 seats, a doctor's office, a hairdresser, a souvenir kiosk, a laundry.

In 2004, the ship was repaired.

Since autumn 2011, the motor ship "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" has become a floating hostel in the Caspian Sea.

In 2014, the motor ship "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" of project 302M underwent modernization according to the PV18 project, developed by the Marine Engineering Bureau at the request of the ship owner - JSC "Moskovskoe River Shipping Company". The vessel was modernized in Astrakhan.

Purpose of modernization: use of the vessel as a floating vessel for workers of the oil and gas condensate field named after V.I. V. Filanovsky, which is located in the Russian sector of the northern part of the Caspian Sea, in the shallow part 170 km south of the city of Astrakhan, 20 km east of about. Maly Zhemchuzhny in the area permitted for the operation of ships of the "O-PR" class in the season from April to November inclusive.

To operate as a floating vessel serving drilling platforms, the vessel was equipped with:

in the stern, on the boat deck, a cargo manipulator with a lifting capacity of 3.15 tons with a maximum outreach of 16.54 meters and a cargo area;

on the awning deck of the overalls storage and service room;

refrigerated containers to increase the autonomy for provisions;

two office premises with a capacity of 40 people each;

desalination equipment with a total capacity of 150 m³ / day.

175 cabins are used to accommodate 350 passengers: 4 single block of cabins; 16 single cabins; 143 double cabins; 4 triple cabins; 8 quadruple cabins.

For the rest of passengers, there is a dining room for 200 seats, a gym for 7 seats, two lounges with an Internet zone and TVs for 39 and 27 seats, respectively.

There are also two offices for 40 and 36 people.

When converting between the main and upper decks for 92 and 176 shp. watertight bulkheads were installed. All windows located on the main deck were covered with external steel shutters. Vestibules of passenger ramps were fenced off in the area of ​​86-90 shp. and 166-170 shp.

One rowing lifeboat with a capacity of 20 people. with a davit and one motorized lifeboat with a capacity of 16 people. with a davit were placed in the aft part of the boat deck. In the bow of the awning deck, 22 PSN-20 dumped life rafts were installed in containers with a capacity of 20 people. each.

The vessel is a three-screw motor ship with an overall length of 129.15 meters, a width of 16.70 meters, with a four-tiered superstructure along the entire length of the vessel, with a stern arrangement of the engine room, and a navigating bridge in the bow, with a double bottom, with an inclined stem and cruising aft end ...

Three 736 kW diesel engines are used as main engines. Speed ​​13.8 knots. The ship's movement and controllability is provided by three fixed-pitch propellers with a diameter of 1800 mm and five rudders. For the passage of narrows and mooring to the berth, a bow thruster is installed on the ship.

The power plant consists of 4 diesel generators of 600 kW each and an emergency diesel generator with a capacity of 95 kW.

The crew and attendants of 98 people are accommodated in one, two and three-berth cabins on the lower deck (in the ship's hull) and on the awning deck.

The vessel meets high environmental safety standards. The vessel is provided with a closed system of waste and domestic water. All sewage and domestic water is discharged into collection tanks, and there is also a sewage treatment plant on the ship.

Main characteristics of the passenger motor ship of the PV18 project "Gleb Krzhizhanovsky" Register number 222710 (RRR): Displacement 3998 tons, deadweight 456 tons. The length is 129.15 meters, the width is 16.7 meters, the depth to the main deck is 4.5 meters, the draft is 2.97 meters. Travel speed 13.8 knots. Has a superstructure of 4 tiers. It can accommodate 350 passengers, which will be accommodated in 175 cabins. On board there is a restaurant for 200 seats, a gym for 7 seats, two rooms for watching TV for 39 and 27 seats, two offices for 40 and 36 seats. The crew with attendants is 98 people.

Russian River Register class: O-PR 2.0 (ice 30) A.

Since the summer of 2014, it has been used as a floating dormitory for workers at the Filanovsky field. At the end of October he returned to Astrakhan for the winter.

From spring to October 2015, it was used as a floating dormitory for workers at the Filanovsky field.

In mid-April 2016, he arrived at the Filanovsky field, where he will be used as a floating dormitory for workers until the end of October. He will arrive in Astrakhan for the winter.

May 27, 2017 as a floater for workers of the oil and gas condensate field named after I. V. Filanovsky in the Caspian Sea.