JSC Nizhny Novgorod motor ship. JSC "plant Nizhny Novgorod motor ship". Environmental Safety. A matter of national importance

Zavod Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod OJSC (ZNT) is the oldest shipbuilding enterprise in Russia, dating back to 1911. The plant, which was the flagship of shipbuilding in Soviet times, retained its main specialization and a century later occupied its niche among the leading enterprises reviving the Russian technical and auxiliary fleet.

Today the ZNT group is not only the shipyard itself, which has restored the geography of supplies from St. Petersburg in the west of Russia to Sakhalin in the east, from Murmansk and Dudinka in the north to Astrakhan and Novorossiysk in the south of the country, but also: ZNT Engineering is a design a bureau that conducts a full range of engineering and design work: from a design project to designer supervision over the construction of ships;
ZNT Europe is a company operating on the European market and providing integration, installation and testing of modern imported equipment and ship control systems. Production capacity ZNT Europe is located in Tallinn, which allows avoiding restrictions on the draft, limited by the depths on the inland waterways of Russia, and the seasonal closure of navigation for vessels under construction on the ZNT.
"ZNT-Vinch" is a joint venture with the Croatian company "Adria Winch" operating in the market for the production and supply of marine equipment.

- At one time, the plant built 1,589 floating cranes, which are still operating in many ports of the country, - says general manager JSC "ZNT" Sergey Konovalov. - Today "Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod" has other directions of growth, which provide the company with the opportunity, as before, to deal with the issues of construction, modernization, innovative development of the civil fleet.

Having experience in complete shipbuilding from project development to turnkey delivery of ships, and understanding the need for innovative development of the industry, Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod actively participated in the development of research projects carried out under the auspices of Rosmorrechflot.

  • Development of conceptual designs for dredging vessels for sea and inland waterways, stage I - 2009 (jointly with Marine Engineering Bureau LLC).
  • Development of a conceptual project of a single universal platform for river vessels support and special purposes, stage II - 2010 (together with LLC Marine Engineering Bureau).
  • Auxiliary fleet vessels, stage III - 2011 (jointly with TsNIIMF CJSC and ZNT Engineering LLC), including:
    • development of a conceptual design of a marine multifunctional vessel - a collector of oily, waste water and garbage;
    • development of a conceptual design for an offshore oil skimmer;
    • development of a conceptual design of a pilot boat for ports with freezing waters.

- Research work on the development of ecological fleet vessels seems to us especially significant, - Sergey Konovalov expresses his opinion, - since the very interest in the topic of ensuring environmental safety in the work of the maritime transport complex testifies to the fundamental understanding by the state of the importance of not only quantitative, but also qualitative changes in Russian civil shipbuilding and shipping.

Environmental Safety. A matter of national importance

One of the tasks of the "Transport Strategy Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 " is to ensure a high level of safety of navigation and environmental protection at a level that meets international and national requirements.

The relevance of the task is determined by the integration of the coastal sea routes of Russia into the international network of transport corridors, an increase in the traffic intensity of ships, an increase in the tonnage of ships and the volume of transportation of dangerous goods, which, in the event of spills and ship accidents, pose a particular threat to the environment.

Analysis and forecast of the volumes of transshipment and ship calls at the seaports of Russia showed that the volumes of transshipment through the ports of Russia by 2020 will increase in comparison with 2010 by 1.8 times to 960 million tons per year, and the number of ship calls will increase by 49% and will amount to about 100,000. These facts indicate an increase in the likelihood of sea pollution and will require prompt measures to collect oily (bilge) water and other waste from ships and from the sea surface to ensure environmental safety.

Ensuring the proper level of safety of navigation and environmental protection at the state level is planned by putting into operation the required number of vessels for the supply fleet.

In accordance with the Federal Target Program "Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010-2015)", the renewal of the service fleet involves the construction of 352 vessels (environmental, environmental, service and auxiliary, for survey and survey work, dredgers), designed to control the conditions on the internal waterways.

Thus, the commissioning of the required number of ships of the environmental (ecological) fleet is considered a matter of state importance.

- The problem of environmental safety of the sea transport complex is not far-fetched, it exists in reality, - says the deputy general director for scientific work of ZAO TsNIIMF, candidate of economic sciences S.I. Buyanov. - Ships of the ecological fleet of Russia are needed, the state is ready to invest in their construction, therefore, for our part, we agreed, together with JSC ZNT, to engage in scientific research on this topic.

Domestic environmental fleet today

Ships of the ecological fleet in most cases are multifunctional vessels, i.e. have additional functions, they can be divided into two groups:

  • collectors of oily and waste water and garbage (SLV);
  • oil skimmers (NMS).

The main purpose of the SLV is to collect oily (bilge) water and other waste from transport and other vessels to ensure environmental safety.

The main purpose of the NMS is to clean the water area of ​​seaports and adjacent sea zones from the consequences of oil spills, oil products, bilge and domestic water, solid residues and garbage to ensure environmental safety.

The fundamental difference between the two types of ships is that the SLV collects oily water and garbage from ships, while the NMS collects from the surface of the water. Various ship equipment is installed on ships to perform their main functions.

- At the beginning of 2011 in seaports Russia has registered 70 ships collecting oil (bilge) and waste water (SLW), - shares the facts of statistics Sergei Buyanov.

In the composition of bilge water collection vessels - 90% of the vessels of the project 1582. This SLV project was developed in the 70s by the Chernomorsky Central Design Bureau. The average age of bilge water collection vessels is 28.2 years. For the period from 2000-2010. only two ships of project 21460 were built.

- Analysis of the presence of oil skimmers in the seaports of Russia revealed that at the beginning of 2011, 55 oil skimmers were registered and were operating, - reports Sergey Buyanov.

The core of the oil skimmer fleet is made up of vessels of the project 2550. This project was developed in the 70s by the State Enterprise “UkrNIIMF” and continues to be built up to the present time. The average age of oil skimmer vessels is 27.5 years. For the period from 2000-2010. only one ship was built - project 82290.

An analysis of the state of ecological fleet vessels shows that vessels of this designation are mainly physically and morally obsolete and are not able to provide a high level of environmental safety in the context of a rapidly growing cargo turnover. The main disadvantages of such vessels include: low freewheeling speed (4-6 knots), low maneuverability of vessels and a large amount of manual operations.

Based on the analysis of existing domestic and foreign projects of SLV and NMS, the feasibility study of their operation, the forecast of the development of seaports and ship calls, which were carried out in the analytical part of the research and development work of CJSC TsNIIMF, KB ZNT-Engineering proposed conceptual designs of ships for the ecological fleet of the new generations.

Ecological fleet of a new generation

Oil skimmer ZT17 ORS

- A ship of small dimensions, up to 17 meters long, capable of operating in port and roadstead conditions, having good maneuverability and controllability, of a rational architectural-constructive type, with simplified contours, which, in turn, makes it easier to build, - says Sergey Smirnov , chief designer of the ZT17 ORS project. Despite the simplicity of the ship's design, we can talk about the innovativeness of this project, which lies, first of all, in its functional characteristics.

So, the ship is supposed to install the newest complex oil gathering equipment from LAMOR, which is capable of performing oil spill response functions.

“The ZT17ORS vessel is designed to eliminate oil and oil products spills on the sea surface in port and roadstead conditions, to clean the water area from oil and floating debris pollution,” says Sergey Smirnov.

The vessel is equipped with two onboard hinged oil refining systems LAMOR LSC-2, which allow collecting oil products with a flash point above 60 ° C, diesel fuel, fuel oil and oil on the sea surface.

- If earlier such vessels had a bow collector in the form of a small bell, which allowed collecting oil from the water surface up to 8 meters in area, then NMS ZT17ORS with a vessel width of 6 meters, thanks to the installation of onboard hinged oil refining systems, is capable of collecting oil products from the water surface with a width of up to 18 meters, - explains Sergey Smirnov. - For sedimentation of oil spills (films) from the water surface, a dispersant preparation station and a device for its spraying are installed on the NMS.

In the bow of the vessel there is a hinged waste collection bucket, with the help of which the vessel collects floating debris from the water surface.

- The ship has the ability, passing along the port water area, to collect up to eight cubic meters of floating waste, store it in its own containers with subsequent delivery to coastal processing stations or waste collection vessels, - confirms the designer of the ZT17ORS vessel Sergey Smirnov.

The main purpose of the vessel:

  • collection of oil and floating debris in ports and roadsteads;
  • delivery and delivery to the coastal or floating station of the collected oil-water mixture and garbage;
  • participation in cleaning the water surface in case of emergency oil spills;
  • installation of booms.

Additional functions:

  • towing by wire and by pushing method;
  • delivery of small consignments of supplies and cargo on deck;
  • reception of oily water and garbage from other ships, transportation and delivery to reception facilities.

Navigation area. Ice-navigation vessel of the non-Arctic category Ice2, designed to sail in the freezing non-Arctic seas, designed for regular independent navigation in fine loose ice up to 0.55 m thick at a speed of 5 knots or in a channel behind an icebreaker in solid ice up to 0.50 m thick at a speed 3 knots. Operation of the vessel is provided at design temperatures of outside air from + 25 ° C to -23 ° C, seawater from + 20 ° C to 0 ° C.

Architectural and structural type of the vessel. Steel, flat-bottomed self-propelled pontoon, with an excess freeboard, with simplified hull contours, a double bottom in the middle, with two ballast tanks in the stern, with two cargo tanks, with a rotary folding hydraulic deck crane in the bow. On the main deck, a two-story stern superstructure is installed, shifted to the port side, and an attachment for collecting oil products and garbage.

The class of the vessel. The vessel is designed for the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping class: КМ Ice2 R3 AUT3 Oil recovery ship (> 60 ° С)

Main characteristics:

Maximum body length, m

Overall width, including attachments, m

Width at design waterline, m

Board height, m

Draft, m

Light displacement, t

Displacement in cargo, t

Deadweight, t

Garbage container capacity, m 3

Cargo holds capacity, m 3

Travel speed, knots

Bilge water collector project ZT42BWS

“The bilge water collector of the ZT42BWS project is a modern, maneuverable vessel with the use of innovative technologies, with increased requirements for environmental safety,” comments Andrey Chichagov, chief designer of ZNT-Engineering LLC. The vessel has one continuous upper deck with a ledge in the bow of the vessel, MO and a double deckhouse located in the aft of the vessel. A vessel with ice reinforced hull, oriented to work in difficult weather and ice conditions. Two Volvo Penta diesel engines with a capacity of 405 kW each, 1800 rpm are used as main engines. The steering device consists of two balanced full-turn rudders with open fixed pitch propellers, which provide the vessel with the required maneuverability.

- To prevent pollution of the environment, special systems are installed on the ship, - says Executive Director LLC "ZNT-Engineering" Ramil Sakhabutdinov, - including a system for collecting and dispensing oily water with collection of oily water into a ship's tank with a capacity of 2.4 m m 3, a system for collecting and dispensing oil sludge into a sludge tank with a capacity of 2.4 m 3, as well as five collection containers for collecting food, plastic waste and dry waste for their own needs and collection from other vessels.

The modern control system for the technological facilities of the vessel, including independent warning sound and light alarms at the level of 95% and 98% of the filling of cargo tanks, significantly increases the measures to prevent environmental pollution.

To reduce operating costs, it is envisaged to treat the underwater surface of the vessel and the VRC with antifouling paint that does not contain organotin compounds as biocides.

“The use of an electronic cartographic navigation and information system (ECDIS) in combination with modern navigation and radio equipment ensures the safety of navigation,” notes Ramil Sakhabutdinov.

The main operational activities of SLV are:

  • collected from vessels of bilge and sewage-fecal waters, sludge and all types of ship's waste in accordance with the requirements of MARPOL 73/78, with the exception of ballast water;
  • in performing primary sorting of ship wastes;
  • in transportation and delivery to onshore treatment facilities for further neutralization and disposal of collected ship waste.

With appropriate additional equipment, the vessel can be used as:

  • auxiliary transport for the delivery of oil recovery equipment for oil spill response to the spill site;
  • boom positioner for installing booms outside the area of ​​the emergency spill spot;
  • a ballast water collector for their subsequent treatment using an additionally mounted deck unit.

Area and operating conditions. Ice-navigation vessel of the non-arctic category Ice3, designed to sail in freezing non-arctic seas, designed for regular independent navigation in fine loose ice up to 0.70 m thick at a speed of 5 knots or in a channel behind an icebreaker in solid ice up to 0.65 m thick at a speed 3 knots. Operation of the vessel is provided at design temperatures of outside air from + 25 ° C to -23 ° C, seawater from + 20 ° C to 0 ° C. The dimensions of the vessel allow passage along the inland waterways of the Russian Federation, including through the locks of the Volga-Baltic and Volga-Don canals.

Architectural and structural type of the vessel. Steel, all-welded, single-deck motor ship, with an excess freeboard, with two aft full-revolving propellers with open fixed-pitch propellers, with engine room and a double deckhouse in the stern, with cargo tanks in the middle, with double sides and a double bottom in the area of ​​cargo tanks, with a ledge of the main deck in the bow, with a vertical stem and transom stern.

The class of the vessel. The vessel is designed and built to the class of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Main characteristics

Overall length, m

Overall width, m

Board height, m

Draft at design waterline, m

Speed, knots

Capacity (100%)

cargo tanks, m 3


  • sludge, m 3
  • oily water, m 3
  • waste water, m 3

Summing up

“We assess the experience of working with ZNT in the development of research work on ecological vessels as positive,” says Sergey Buyanov, Deputy General Director for Research of CJSC TsNIIMF. - The joint work done is unique, and the conceptual designs of the vessels proposed by ZNT fully meet our expectations based on the results of analytical studies. - The proposed projects are not hypothetical, - sums up the general director of JSC ZNT Sergey Konovalov. - They are real and can be realized provided that the state invests in them.


2011 is a jubilee year for OJSC “Plant Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod”: it is 100 years since the foundation of the enterprise. Back in 1911, the Nizhny Novgorod industrialist, ship owner, well-known public figure Dmitry Vasilyevich Sirotkin founded on the left bank of the Volga, opposite the city of Nizhny Novgorod, shipyard... The name of the new enterprise was not given by chance: the beginning of the 20th century was a period of a kind of revolution in shipbuilding, when motor ships operating on liquid fuel began to replace steamships. Zavod Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod was one of the first in Russia to launch a new product - motor ships. Over 100 years of history, ZNT has mastered a variety of areas in the production of river and marine technology. The list of manufactured products includes oil barges and tugs, minelayers and minesweepers, floating cranes, dredging vessels, pontoons, ferries, sluice gates, floating bridges, patrol and pleasure boats, offshore diving boats, dry cargo vessels.

The founder of the plant Dmitry Sirotkin

Dmitry Vasilyevich Sirotkin was born in 1864 in the village of Ostapovo in the Purekhovskaya volost of the Balakhninsky district into a family of peasants - Old Believers. Along with the peasantry, his father, Vasily Ivanovich, was engaged in trade: he bought the products of local handicraftsmen in winter and in the spring he melted them downstream. On one of his trips, he bought an old steam engine in Saratov and built a wooden cargo-passenger steamer, calling it the "Long-suffering". The vessel began to operate with great success and paid for itself in a few years. Having signed up as merchants and moved to Nizhny Novgorod, V.I. Sirotkin bought another steamer, naming it in memory of the abolition of serfdom - "Volia".

On this ship he went first as a cook, a fireman, a sailor, and then as a captain, his son, Dmitry Sirotkin. In 1889, 25-year-old D.V. Sirotkin went into the service of his father-in-law, merchant and steamer K.S. Thursday. With his help, he started an independent business.

In 1889, the D.V. Sirotkin ", later - the" Volga "society, uniting 72 steamer from all over the Volga. Soon Dmitry Vasilyevich successfully bought a large oil transportation business, becoming the owner of four tugboats... So, in addition to the transportation of ordinary goods, D.V. Sirotkin took up the freight of Caspian oil. D.V. Sirotkin becomes an authoritative figure in the shipping business of the entire Volga region. He was elected chairman of the stock exchange committee, and since 1908 he has been chairman of the board of shipowners of the Volga basin. In 1910 Sirotkin was elected Managing Director of the Volga Shipping Company. Mainly engaged in the transportation of oil, Dmitry Vasilyevich decided to create a new type of heavy oil tanker barges, to replace steam engines on tugs with more economical thermal engines (diesel engines).

Sirotkin presented his convincing calculations to the companions of the Volga Society, proving the need to create his own machine-building plant. In 1911 his dream came true: on the left bank of the Volga he founded the Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod Plant.

At that time he was at the zenith of his fame: since 1897 he was a permanent vowel of the Nizhny Novgorod City Duma, for which in April 1906 he was awarded the “most merciful” medal “For diligence”. May 15, 1913 D.V. Sirotkin took over as the mayor of N. Novgorod.

The period of his activity fell on a difficult time: war, exacerbation of the internal political situation, revolution. With the outbreak of the First World War, military-industrial committees (MIC) began to be created to organize military production in the country. In 1915, the Nizhny Novgorod city and exchange military-industrial complex was formed. Both were headed by Sirotkin, he also led the regional military-industrial complex.

In February 1917, the term of office of the mayor ends. In the new elections, Sirotkin again receives a majority, but he agrees only temporarily, for two or three months, to remain in office. In the days of the February revolution, he welcomes democratic changes in Russia, with a red bow in his buttonhole, he walks in front of the demonstrators along the streets of Nizhny Novgorod. However, the revolutionary confusion apparently tired Dmitry Vasilyevich. In addition, the term for which he agreed to occupy the position of mayor has expired. He leaves the country - to Serbia.

Shipbuilding was his passion and need in life. Once in Belgrade, D.V. Sirotkin is planning to deploy a case on the Danube, but developing in parallel Railway successfully competed with shipowners. During the Second World War, his ships were confiscated, and after the war there was no longer enough strength to restore them again. Dmitry Vasilievich Sirotkin died in 1953.

The birth of the plant

The plant was born at the beginning of the 20th century. Several attempts have been made to find a suitable location. First - the mouth of the Vezloma River, which did not fit because of a strong flood during floods. Then the choice fell on the so-called Moss Mountains, but here it was too costly to launch ships from the mountains.

Only on the third attempt were the very sand dunes on which the plant stands now were selected. Nearby was Mordovo Lake, which was supposed to be connected to the Volga by an artificial canal.

D.V. Sirotkin agreed with the Starozhilovsky Peasant Society to lease land for sand dunes next to Lake Mordovia.

The construction of the plant was carried out at a rapid pace. In 1911, slipways, foundations for brick buildings of the power plant, iron foundry and mechanical workshops were erected. In the summer of 1911, the first ship was laid down - the longboat Kashevar. By the end of the next year, the enterprise as a complex unit was fully ready for the production of shipbuilding and mechanical engineering. In 1913 D.V. Sirotkin forms the joint-stock company "Machine-building plant" Nizhegorodsky teplokhod ", the founders of which, in addition to V.V. Sirotkin became his brother V.V. Sirotkin, local merchants and industrialists M.P. Lapshin, N.A. Smirnov, S.M. Buzin, a well-to-do peasant P.A. Rukin and process engineer A.F. Malyshev, who became the technical leader.

As conceived by the shareholders, the purpose of the plant was to build a specialized fleet for the transportation of oil products: oil barges for the Caspian, Volga, Mariinsky system (now the Volga-Baltic waterway), motor-ship tugs for them and self-propelled oil tankers - river tankers. The owners also focused on shipbuilding: they thought to make a lot themselves, right up to getting their own steel casting. We also planned to manufacture our own ship engine. For these purposes, a design bureau was created here.

World War I

On August 10, 1914, the First World War began. The plant received orders for bombs, shells, horseshoes for horses, spikes for them, pontoons, anchor boats, minesweepers, minelayers. The plant operated iron foundry, carpentry and model, mechanical, blacksmith, boiler and shipbuilding shops. From auxiliary services - a power plant, a water pumping station, material warehouses, a brick office and other premises. Narrow-gauge tracks are laid between the workshops. To fulfill military orders, the plant is expanded even more. In 1915, the military department, in order to fulfill orders for turning shells, released 20 lathes to the plant, one planer and one slotter. The number of employees reaches 1200 people. Sirotkin's plant is classified as a large enterprise in the country.

Civil War

The year is 1918. "Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod" began to fulfill orders for the needs of the young Land of Soviets. Work is in full swing on the construction of the Indigirka minelayer, laid down in May 1917, in January 1918, two more ships of the same type, Iset and Selenga, are laid. 4 minesweepers prepared for laying. At the end of July 1918, the plant began arming ships for the Volga military flotilla. In the places where the guns were installed, the deck was disassembled, a reinforced set was installed. Foundations were made for the guns, cannons and machine guns were attached. The premises inside the ship were completely dismantled and altered. Shell cellars were set up, main and auxiliary mechanisms and devices were checked and repaired, rigging and rigging were replaced. Starting from the fifth vessel, they were booked. The first vessels of the Volga military flotilla "Tsaritsyn" and "Cabestan" left the factory on July 12. In 10 days "White Acacia" and "Burlak" left. In total, over two dozen ships were built and re-equipped at the plant during the Civil War. On December 19, 1918, the Presidium of the Council of People's Commissars decided to nationalize the plant. The Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod plant became a state socialist enterprise.

Years of the Great Patriotic War

The military situation demanded to postpone the manufacture of boilers and machines for an indefinite period and switch to the production of military products.

The plant worked in two shifts, 12 hours a day. The thinning ranks of the workers of the enterprise were replenished with women and teenagers.

In 1941-1942, 146 women housewives and 230 teenagers came to the plant. In conditions of a shortage of personnel, a new upsurge of the Stakhanov movement and shock troops began.

The number of two-hundred and three-hundred residents has increased, fulfilling the norm by 200% and 300%.

Construction of dredgers

In 1952 the Ministry river fleet made a decision on the orientation of the Teplokhod plant towards construction technical vessels, obliging first to build a series of single-bucket diesel-electric dredging dredgers. Dredgers with a bucket capacity of 1 cubic meter and a productivity of 100 cubic meters. meters per hour were intended for the excavation of rock crushed by explosions when deepening the navigable waterways of the canal (hence the full name "rock-cutting dredger"). The assignment was urgent, responsible and difficult to complete. In a short time, the drawings received from Lengiprorechtrans were checked and corrected as soon as they were ready. According to them, a technology for manufacturing parts and assembling units was developed, and the necessary equipment was created. At the same time, the construction of a shipyard, launching device and outfitting berth, equipping them with lifting and transport equipment, was projected and following the readiness of the working drawings. Over the decade, from 1954 to 1963, 12 climbing dredgers were built at the plant.

Floating cranes

In 1955, by decision of the board of the Ministry of River Fleet, the plant was entrusted with the construction of diesel-electric cranes. In the same decision of the board, the enterprise was called in a new way: "plant of port and ship equipment" Teplokhod ". To the manufacture of machines, mechanisms and spare parts of all types, which the sailors were engaged in earlier, was added mass production lifting floating devices and spare parts for them for the ports of the country. The plant started serial production of floating cranes, first with a lifting capacity of 5 tons, with a boom reach of 25 meters, and then 15 and 16-ton cranes with a boom of 30 meters. Completing the assignment presented significant difficulty, since diesel-electric cranes were not built in our country, there was no one to borrow the experience. Designers, technologists and builders gained experience in the process of creating the first samples.


Today ZNT is a modern compact shipyard with experience in the successful implementation of full cycle projects - from design to construction and technical support of ships.

The main specialization of ZNT is the creation of vessels for the technical and auxiliary fleet.

The company's management pays serious attention to the technical re-equipment of production, personnel training and continuous improvement of the quality system.

The quality management system of ZNT is confirmed by the Certificate of Conformity to international standards ISO-9001: 03.

The company has experience in the design and construction of ships under the supervision of leading classification societies: Lloyd's Register, Bureau Veritas, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Russian River Register.

For the first nine months of 2007, the proceeds amounted to 198.113 million rubles, which exceeds the last year's level by 2.1 times. In 2008, the company intends to carry out technical re-equipment (purchase of equipment) in the amount of 15 million rubles.


Notes (edit)

Founded in 1911. It specializes in the construction of ships for the technical and auxiliary fleet, port equipment and the production of marine engineering products.

Nizhny Novgorod motor ship
Type of Public corporation
Year of foundation 1911
The founders Dmitry Vasilievich Sirotkin
Location Russia Russia Bor (Nizhny Novgorod region)
Key figures Grechishnikov Sergey Yurievich (Managing Director)
Industry Shipbuilding, mechanical engineering
Products and services ships of technical and auxiliary fleet, port equipment, marine engineering products
Site Official site of the plant


In 1911, a Nizhny Novgorod industrialist Dmitry Vasilyevich Sirotkin founded a shipyard on the left bank of the Volga, opposite Nizhny Novgorod. Several attempts have been made to find a suitable location. First - the mouth of the Vezloma River, which did not fit because of a strong flood during floods. Then the choice fell on the so-called Moss Mountains, but here it was too costly to launch ships from the mountains.

Only on the third attempt were the very sand dunes on which the plant stands now were selected. Nearby was Mordovo Lake, which was supposed to be connected to the Volga by an artificial canal.

The name of the new enterprise was not given by chance: the beginning of the 20th century became a period of a kind of revolution in shipbuilding, when motor ships operating on liquid fuel began to replace steamers. Zavod Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod was one of the first in the Russian Empire to launch a new product - motor ships.

DV Sirotkin agreed with the Starozhilovsky Peasant Society to lease land on the sand dunes near Lake Mordovia.

The construction of the plant was carried out at a rapid pace. In 1911, slipways, foundations for brick buildings of the power plant, iron foundry and mechanical workshops were erected. In the summer of 1911, the first ship was laid down - the longboat Kashevar. By the end of the next year, the enterprise as a complex unit was fully ready for the production of shipbuilding and mechanical engineering. In 1913, D. V. Sirotkin forms the joint-stock company "Machine-building plant" Nizhegorodsky teplokhod ", the founders of which, in addition to D. V. Sirotkin, were his brother V. V. Sirotkin, local merchants and industrialists M. P. Lapshin, N. A Smirnov, S. M. Buzin, a well-to-do peasant P. A. Rukin and a process engineer A. F. Malyshev, who became a technical leader.

Over 100 years of history, ZNT has mastered a variety of areas in the production of river and marine technology. The list of manufactured products includes oil barges and tugs, minelayers and minesweepers, floating cranes, dredging vessels, pontoons, ferries, sluice gates, floating bridges, patrol and pleasure boats, offshore diving boats, dry cargo vessels.

As conceived by the shareholders, the purpose of the plant was to build a specialized fleet for the transportation of oil products: oil barges for the Caspian, Volga, Mariinsky system (now the Volga-Baltic waterway), motor-ship tugs for them and self-propelled oil tankers - river tankers. The owners also focused on shipbuilding: they thought to make a lot themselves, right up to getting their own steel casting. We also planned to manufacture our own ship engine. For these purposes, a design bureau was created here.

World War I

On August 10, 1914, the First World War began. The plant received orders for bombs, shells, horseshoes for horses, spikes for them, pontoons, anchor boats, minesweepers, minelayers. The plant operated iron foundry, carpentry and model, mechanical, blacksmith, boiler and shipbuilding shops. From auxiliary services - a power plant, a pumping station, material warehouses, a brick office and other premises. Narrow-gauge tracks are laid between the workshops. To fulfill military orders, the plant is expanded even more. In 1915, the military department, in order to fulfill orders for turning shells, released 20 lathes to the plant, one planer and one slotter. The number of employees reaches 1200 people. Sirotkin's plant is classified as a large enterprise in the country.

Civil War

The year is 1918. "Nizhegorodskiy teplokhod" began to fulfill orders for the needs of the young Land of Soviets: work was in full swing on the construction of the minelayer "Indigirka", laid down in May 1917; in January 1918, two more such ships were laid down - Iset and Selenga; prepared for laying 4 minesweepers.

At the end of July 1918, the plant began arming ships for the Volga military flotilla. In the places where the guns were installed, the deck was disassembled, a reinforced set was installed. Foundations were made for the guns, cannons and machine guns were attached. The premises inside the ship were completely dismantled and altered. Shell cellars were set up, main and auxiliary mechanisms and devices were checked and repaired, rigging and rigging were replaced. Starting from the fifth vessel, they were booked. The first vessels of the Volga military flotilla "Tsaritsyn" and "Cabestan" left the factory on July 12. After 10 days "White Acacia" and "Burlak" left. In total, over 20 ships were built and re-equipped at the plant during the Civil War.

On December 19, 1918, the Presidium of the Council of People's Commissars decided to nationalize the plant - the Nizhegorodsky motor ship became a state socialist enterprise.

Years of the Great Patriotic War

The military situation demanded to postpone the manufacture of boilers and machines for an indefinite time and switch to the production of military products.

The plant worked in two shifts, 12 hours a day. The thinning ranks of the workers of the enterprise were replenished with women and teenagers: in 1941-1942, 146 women housewives and 230 teenagers came to the plant. In the face of a shortage of personnel, a new upsurge of the Stakhanov movement and shock troops began.

The number of "two-hundred" and "three-hundred" employees increased, who fulfilled the quota by 200% and 300%.

Construction of dredgers

In 1952, the Ministry of the River Fleet decided to orientate the Teplokhod plant to the construction of technical vessels, obliging first to build a series of single-bucket diesel-electric dredging dredgers. Dredgers with a bucket capacity of 1 cubic meter and a capacity of 100 m³ per hour were intended for excavation of rock crushed by explosions when deepening the navigable waterways of the canal (hence the full name "clipping dredger"). The assignment was urgent, responsible and difficult to complete. In a short time, under the leadership of the director of the plant, Ivan Stepanovich Tveryakov, the drawings received from Lengiprorechtrans were checked and corrected as soon as they were ready. According to them, a technology for manufacturing parts and assembling units was developed, and the necessary equipment was created. At the same time, the construction of the shipyard, the launching device and the outfitting berth, equipping them with lifting and transport equipment, was going on, and following the readiness of the working drawings. Over the decade, from 1954 to 1963, 12 climbing dredgers were built at the plant.

Floating cranes

In 1955, by decision of the board of the Ministry of River Fleet, the plant was entrusted with the construction of diesel-electric cranes. In the same decision of the board, the enterprise was renamed in a new way: "Plant of port and ship equipment" Teplokhod ". To the manufacture of machines, mechanisms and spare parts of all types, which the motorboat was engaged in earlier, was added the serial production of lifting floating devices and spare parts for them for the ports of the country. The plant started the serial production of floating cranes, first with a lifting capacity of 5 tons with an outreach of 25 meters, and then 15 and 16 tons with an outreach of 30 meters. Completing the assignment presented significant difficulty, since diesel-electric cranes were not built in our country, there was no one to borrow the experience. Designers, technologists and builders gained experience in the process of creating the first samples.

10 years of complete shipbuilding

In 2008 JSC "Plant Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod" began the transition to full-scale shipbuilding. In ten years, three icebreaking tugboats, three construction vessels, one patrol boat, one non-self-propelled floating berth, ten roads diving boats, twenty rescue boats, two large hydrographic boats.

As of September 2018, two Project 23040 rescue boats and two Project 23040G large hydrographic boats are under construction.


Today ZNT is a modern compact shipyard with experience in the successful implementation of full cycle projects - from design to construction and technical support of ships.

The main specialization of ZNT is the creation of vessels for the technical and auxiliary fleet.

The company's management pays serious attention to the technical re-equipment of production, personnel training and continuous improvement of the quality system.

The quality management system of ZNT is confirmed by the Certificate of Conformity to international standards ISO-9001: 03. In October 2016, OJSC ZNT carried out recertification of the quality management system in the voluntary certification system of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and received a certificate of conformity with respect to design , development, construction, re-equipment, modernization and repair of floating facilities, production of welded metal structures, project management in shipbuilding No. 16.042.327 dated 06.10.2016

Based on the results of recertification of the quality management system in the voluntary certification system "Military Register", a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011, GOST RV 0015-002-2012 No. VR 39.1.10396-2016 dated October 14, 2016 was obtained.

JSC ZNT builds ships under the technical supervision of the Russian River Register FAU and the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

JSC ZNT has a certificate of recognition of the Russian River Register No. 02950 dated 03.04.2018 the ability to perform:

  • design of vessels with the River Register class;
  • construction, re-equipment, modernization and repair of vessels with the River Register class;
  • radiographic inspection of welded joints and parts;
  • ultrasonic flaw detection and thickness measurement of ship hulls and parts.

JSC ZNT has documents issued by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping:

  • certificate of recognition of the testing laboratory No. 14.52668.130 dated 16.12.2014;
  • certificate of conformity of an enterprise that builds, re-equips, modernizes and repairs ships, manufactures elements of ship devices and fittings No. 15.50145.130 dated February 10, 2015

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E Alekseeva

Department: "Shipbuilding and Aviation Engineering"


on industrial practice

Completed: Art. gr. 10-KS-2

Checked by: Spekhov P.L.

Nizhny Novgorod 2013

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… ..4

    History of the plant …………………… .. ……………………………………… 5

    Fundamental technology for the construction of a vessel ………………………… ..11

    The composition of the shipyard shops ……………………………………………………… .14

    Hull-processing shop ………………………………………… ... 16

    Assembly and welding shop ……………………………………………… ... 19

    Pipeline assembly area …………………………………………… 21

    Stack production ………………………………………………… ... 22

    Descent of the vessel ……………………………………………………………… ..25

    Installation and construction works ………………………………………… .26

    Mechanical cutting ……………………………………………………… .27

    Testing and delivery of vessels .............................................. ................................. 28

    Mooring tests ………………………………………………… ..29

    Individual assignment …………………………………………………… 30

    Literature …………………………………………………………………… 46

Goals and objectives of the practice:

The introductory industrial practice is carried out at OJSC "Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod Plant" after the end of the 6th semester.

The purpose of the practice is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained by students at the university in the courses "Fundamentals of Shipbuilding", "Fundamentals of Shipbuilding Technology", "Fundamentals of Designing Devices and Systems", "Welding", as well as familiarization with the structure of the shipyard, with the technology and organization of shipbuilding and preparation for the implementation of the course project in the discipline "Fundamentals of shipbuilding technology."

The main tasks of the practice:

Acquaintance with the structure of the plant and the scheme of production relations of its main shops;

Familiarization with the main shops and the range of work performed;

    familiarization with the technology and organization of the construction of ships and with the sequence of technological processes;

    familiarization with the equipment, rigging and technical means used at this enterprise for the construction of ships.

Organization of practice

Introductory practical training is carried out for third-year students of the direction "Shipbuilding and Aviation Engineering" in the form of daily intensive excursions at the plant "Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod" under the guidance of the teachers of the department and employees of the educational plant of the plant. The duration of the practice is eight weeks.

The practice is organized in such a way that part of the working time is devoted to conducting excursions to the shops and departments of the plant, where students receive the necessary information on the history of the plant, its structure, the nomenclature of manufactured products, the main characteristics and layouts of the shipyard shops with equipment, tooling and technical means, according to the interaction of the shops in the process of building ships and the nomenclature of the work they perform, and the other part - for independent work on the report and individual lesson.

Intensive work on the internship program with the joint internship of students with teachers will make it easier to understand the issues of the program, will give an experience of communicating with the administration.

Technological practice will allow students to study more deeply the issues of technology and organization of shipbuilding and prepare for the implementation of a course project in the discipline "Fundamentals of shipbuilding technology."

The internship ends with a credit with an assessment, which is accepted by the commission on the basis of individual reports, certified by the factory managers of the practice.


The industrial development of the town of Bor is associated, first of all, with the Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod plant, the firstborn and pioneer of the local heavy industry.

The Teplokhod plant was born at the beginning of the 20th century. By 1914, an iron foundry, a carpentry-model, a mechanical, a boiler-shipbuilding workshop and a forge operated at the plant. The purpose of the plant was the construction of a specialized fleet for the transportation of oil and oil products: oil barges, motor ship tugs and self-propelled oil tankers - river tankers. They manufactured main and auxiliary engines and mechanisms, rigging and equipment for ships. Since 1934, the construction of offshore dry-cargo and oil-loading barges with a carrying capacity of 150-200 tons for the White Sea and the Caspian Sea begins. At the same time, pontoons for various purposes and re-cooling pipelines to dredgers were manufactured. In 1944, the first head steam boiler with a heating surface of 150 square meters was commissioned, 3 vertical steam boilers for floating cranes were manufactured and commissioned. Beginning in 1948, the plant began mass production of vertical and inclined steam engines, water-tube and fire-tube boilers, water heaters, condensers, ball joints and other units and parts. From 1955 to 1980, the plant mastered the production of floating cranes.

Today JSC "Plant Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod", as before, is the basic enterprise in the system river transport Russia. Fulfills orders of state enterprises of waterways and shipping included in the Federal Program "Inland Waterways of Russia".

1. The history of the "Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod plant"

From the Nizhny Novgorod slope, from the steep slope of the ancient Dyatlovy mountains, where one of the the most beautiful cities Of Russia Nizhny Novgorod, do not stop admiring the immense distances of the left bank of the Volga.

This is Bor land. Directly opposite the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is the current regional center - the city of Bor.

Its industrial development is associated primarily with the Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod plant, the firstborn and pioneer of the local heavy industry.

The Teplokhod plant was born at the beginning of the twentieth century not simply and not immediately.

The first attempt to build a shipyard was made by its founder Dmitry Vasilyevich Sirotkin at the mouth of the Vezloma, which flows into the Volga opposite N. Novgorod. But the spring flood washed away and scattered all the buildings. The secondary choice fell on the high Moss Mountains, which are inaccessible to the Volga water even during violent floods. But even here the "Teplokhod" was not destined to settle.

The choice of a place for the shipyard ended when Sirotkin took a liking to the sand dunes, the so-called Fofanovy mountains, on which the plant now stands. They are not large, but they were not flooded with the Volga water. In addition, Mordovo Lake was located nearby, which was supposed to be connected to the Volga by an artificial canal. A better backwater could not have been imagined.

It happened in July 1911.

The shipyard became the brainchild of one of the prominent shipbuilders of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century D.V. Sirotkina. In those years, he was at the zenith of his fame and entrepreneurial success, a prominent, authoritative figure in the shipping business of the entire Volga region.

He was elected chairman of the stock exchange committee, and since 1908 he has been the permanent chairman of the board of shipowners of the Volga basin. Since 1910 D.V. Sirotkin - director - manager of the Volga steamship company, which was mainly engaged in the transportation of Caspian oil.

He is planning to modernize the entire fleet of the Volga society: to create a new type of heavy oil tanker barges, to replace steam engines on tugs with more economical heat engines (diesel engines).

The years 1909-1910 are the years of a kind of revolution in Russian shipbuilding: several factories at once started building motor ships. Sirotkin presented his convincing calculations to the partners and shareholders of the Volga Company, proving the need to create his own machine-building plant. He planned to lay it on the left bank of the Volga, opposite Nizhny Novgorod. And the name for it has already been invented by "Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod".

This is how the birth of the plant with the catchy name "Motor ship" began. For all the years of its existence, despite any winds of time and various changes with this, the word "Motor ship" has never disappeared or changed in the name of the enterprise.

The construction of production facilities proceeded quickly.

By 1914, an iron foundry, a carpentry-model, a mechanical, a boiler-shipbuilding workshop and a forge operated at the plant. Narrow-gauge tracks were laid between them. The purpose of the plant was the construction of a specialized fleet for the transportation of oil and oil products: oil barges, motor-ship tugs and self-propelled oil tankers - river tankers

In connection with the outbreak of World War I, the plant is hastily expanded to carry out

military orders. Manufactured military products of those years - steel shells, cast iron

bombs, horseshoes and spikes, minesweepers, minelayers. The number of employees reaches 1200 people.

The protracted war led to economic devastation, poverty, hunger and growing discontent among the working people.

The year 1917 has come, the year of two revolutions. The workers seek an eight-hour working day, participate in the arrest of the Nizhny Novgorod governor, establish Soviet power in the village of Bor and the volosts.

1918 was a turning point in the fate of the plant. By the summer, the threat of counter-revolution in the east of the country became especially noticeable. On the vast expanse of the Kama and Volga basins, the Eastern Front was formed, the Volga military flotilla was created, capable of resisting the white warships.

The creation of the flotilla was entrusted to N. Markin. After inspecting the Nizhny Novgorod factories, Markin came to the conclusion that two factories can successfully arm the ships: "Sormovo" and "Teplokhod", in 1919 and 1920 more than 100 ships were armed and re-equipped.

On December 19, 1918, a decree was adopted on the nationalization of the plant and its transfer, first to the Naval Department, and then to the Supreme Council of the National Economy.

The winter of 1920/21 came. Of the military orders at the plant, the construction of two minelayers and four minesweepers remained. Lack of materials held back the work. The reduction in work led to a decrease in the food funds allocated to the plant.

The number of workers has decreased. In July 1921, 249 people remained at the plant, in September - only 29. And in October 1922 the plant was closed.

But the buildings of the workshops of the enterprise fell silent for a short time. Soon the plant was transferred to a new department - the management of the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod-Kotelnichi railway line.

The road needed repair and maintenance of steam locomotives and carriages. In December 1922, the rebuilding of the Teplokhod plant into railway workshops began. The buildings were filled with people. The plant revived.

From the middle of 1923 Teplokhod began to function in full force as the Mokhovye Gory depot.

The Nizhny Novgorod - Kotelnich railway line was completed in 1927 and put into operation. With its launch, the troubles of the motor ship depot began.

In December 1930, a decision was made to transfer part of the Teplokhod plant to the backwater. K. Marx, and the entire plant will be transferred after the completion of the construction of a railway bridge across the Volga.

On February 9, 1932, by order No. 56 of the People's Commissariat for Water, the former Teplokhod plant was separated into an independent enterprise.

Like a phoenix from the ashes, the once closed plant revived, while maintaining the shipbuilding and mechanical engineering industries that had been established behind it. Since 1933, the construction of dredgers has begun at the plant. At first, they were built small, with a capacity of 45 cubic meters per hour (for the Selenga River and Lake Balkhash), then 100 cubic meters for the Moscow River, followed by 250 cubic meters for the Volga and Kama. In perspective

it was planned to organize a boiler building and steel production at the plant.

The country's industry needed steel as bread. Therefore, the construction of a steel workshop has become the most important task of the team. The first melting took place on December 31, 1934, as a gift for the upcoming New Year.

After the second electric melting furnace was launched in 1936, the steel shop mastered the advanced foundry technologies. During this period, critical parts for the bridges of Moscow were cast: Krymsky, Krasnokholmsky, steel dock chains with a caliber of 57 and 80 mm and a bow of 25 m, blades and hubs for the icebreakers Sedov, Krasin, Chavych, a propeller with a diameter of 4 m for icebreaker "Saratov Crossing".

Since that time, electric welding has been successfully introduced into the shipbuilding technology at Teplokhod. Riveted joints give way to electrowelded joints. In the note of the new progressive method of joining steel sheets by electric welding, motorboats began to occupy a leading place among the enterprises of water transport.

Since March 1934, the plant was transferred to the Volzhsky river shipping company... Construction of offshore dry-cargo and oil-loading barges with a carrying capacity of 150-200 tons begins for Of the White Sea and the Caspian. At the same time, pontoons for various purposes and re-cooling pipelines to dredgers were manufactured.

Having heard about the records of Alexey Stakhanov, at the Teplokhod plant the first to take the Stakhanov watch were ship collector T. Boltaevsky, boiler workers I. Pudov and G. Serov, turners A. Stolyarov, M. Glyzin, S. Tselovalnov, I. Kustov, N. Gavrilychev ...

The Stakhanov movement contributed to the overall improvement in the work of the enterprise. The volume of production in 1935 increased against 1934 by more than 4 times.

In 1940 the government adopted a large shipbuilding program for the rivers of the North and the reconstruction of the Volga-Balt.

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. In the first year of the war, 333 people left the factory for the front. In total, during the war, over 793 people joined the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland, of whom 185 sailors died on the battlefields.

The military situation required the manufacture of boilers and machines at the plant to be postponed indefinitely. The team was given the task of urgently switching to the production of ammunition in the shortest possible time to master their production.

Without slowing down the rate of release of weapons and ammunition, the sailors found reserves for the release of the necessary peaceful products.

In 1944, the first head steam boiler with a heating surface of 150 square meters was commissioned, 3 vertical steam boilers for floating cranes were manufactured and commissioned.

For the preparation of production areas in August 1943, the entire staff of the plant, excluding the steel workshop, was removed from the main production for the construction of a boiler workshop. The workshop was completed in one month.

In 1944, while maintaining the assignment for the production of ammunition, the plan for the production of spare parts for ship repair was sharply increased: propellers, parts of floating cranes, ball joints, anchors.

The country began to rebuild the fleet destroyed by the war. The Teplokhod plant is entrusted with providing the main and auxiliary mechanisms, spare parts for the ships under repair and under construction of the commercial and technical fleet.

The main product of the plant until the 60s was mechanical engineering.

The preparation for the production of steam engines presented a particular difficulty: there was a lack of engineering forces, especially technologists. During that post-war period, only about 20 engineers worked at the plant. These were mostly young professionals. So, ch. engineer D. Pokrovsky was not even 30 years old, the head of the machine-assembly shop V. Shein was 24 years old. But it was on the shoulders of young specialists that the main burden of the work fell. We learned, as they say, on the go from such experienced production workers as I. Pudov, S. Lyagin, A. Lozenko, A. Korolev, A. Streltsov, A. Dednev, B. Tarnava, V. Bondarevsky, S. Kovalev, Ya.Fadin, A. Khitrov, N. Mordvintsev.

The motor vehicles of the first series of the TM-1 brand went into mass production. The first cats and machines of the plant were equipped with propeller river tugs of the Akademik series of project 212 and the widely used steamers of the Bor-400 and Bor-600 types (about 100 vessels).

Simultaneously with the development of new products, an equally difficult task was solved - the further development of the plant. The river fleet needed large ship parts: crankshafts, thrust and propeller shafts and other products.

The Ministry of River Fleet is handing over to Teplokhod a steam-hydraulic press with a force of 750 tf, received under Lend-Lease from the United States, in order to put it into operation in a short time. It was necessary to build on the building of the iron foundry, to block it with reinforced concrete slabs, to build a powerful foundation and furnaces for heating ingots, to adapt, due to the lack of an overhead crane for technological maintenance, a railway crane. Despite the difficulties, the press was launched in February 1948.The soul and organizer of this complex business was M. Tuzov, director of the plant since 1946, and the brilliant performers were A. Komarov, V. Kudryavtsev, M. Mikhailov, S. Kupchan, B .Poyaganov.

The temporary shop was in operation until 1953, until the new building of the press-forging shop was erected.

The construction of a berth, a platform and a launching device for the needs of shipbuilding began.

The main preparatory work, including the digging of an underwater canal from the Volga to Mordovo Lake with a length of 720 m, was completed in the summer of 1953.

In 1952, the Ministry of the River Fleet decided to orient the Teplokhod plant towards the construction of technical vessels, obliging first to build a series of single-bucket sucker-rod diesel-electric dredgers (with a bucket capacity of 1 cubic meter and a capacity of 100 cubic meters per hour). They were intended for the excavation of rock crushed by explosions when deepening the navigable waterways of the canal (hence the full name - "climbing dredger").

From 1954 to 1963, 12 climbing dredgers were built at the plant. 4 of them were sent disassembled to construction sites in Siberia.

The history of electrode production is also remarkable. The production of the simplest electrodes with chalk coating began in the 1930s. In the same way, by hand, they were prepared during the war years. In 1946. an electrode site is allocated for them. And only in 1952 it was transformed into an independent electrode shop (first head V. Bondarevsky, mechanic M. Gospodchikov). The production of electrodes increased every year, but the demand for them at the factories of the Ministry of the River Fleet grew even faster.

By 1965. the workshop was reconstructed according to the design of engineers A. Khayurov, V.

Kuznetsova, A. Smirnova. The production of electrodes has increased several times, their cost has decreased by 40%. However, in 1977 the shop was modernized again, the production of electrodes reached 18.2 thousand tons per year. In terms of technical equipment, he stood on a par with the best enterprises in the country and was highly appreciated by the Institute of Electric Welding. Paton.

For the first time in the country, the plant launched the production of low-toxic electrodes for mechanized welding, for which Ch. engineer N.P. Polynin and chief welder V.V. Chirkin were awarded with medals and diplomas of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

Electrodes with the trademark "Teplokhod" became the property of not only river workers, but also many other industries of the former USSR. They have always been in demand, their production was marked by high profitability, and therefore it was a profitable product.

In 1955, by the decision of the collegium of the Ministry of River Fleet, the plant was entrusted with the construction of diesel-electric floating cranes. The enterprise was renamed in a new way: Plant of port and ship equipment "Teplokhod".

In 1955-1956, the production of floating diesel-electric grab cranes with a lifting capacity of 5 tons was mastered. The technology of block welding of the crane body in the workshop is being developed, due to which the duration of slipway works on the shore has been sharply reduced. Then this technology was extended to such nodes as the upper and middle frames, trunk, arrows, etc.

Achievements of science and technology were rapidly introduced into the technology of manufacturing parts and assemblies, as well as assembling a new product. The difficulty was that there was no one to borrow the experience: before that, diesel-electric cranes in our country had not been built anywhere. The plant workers themselves found solutions to technical issues, including innovators such as engineers A. Ryabets, G. Kotov, A. Khayurov, V. Rusinovsky.

In 1963. the plant started to manufacture collapsible shore cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons, in 1964. the first 15-ton crane was built, and since 1974. he gave way to 16 tonnes. They were built in our country only at the Teplokhod plant. A record production of floating cranes has been achieved - 44 units per year.

Start-up in 1973. of the crane building and the third slipway for the assembly of floating cranes in 1975. allowed to bring them to readiness before launching up to 90%.

In the early 1980s, the plant manufactured samples of new models of 5 and 16 ton floating cranes. In addition to the river ports of the European part, the plant's cranes were intended for enterprises in Siberia and the Far East, where they were shipped in a collapsible design and where the floating cranes worked in conditions of extended navigation at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees below zero.

In 1980. the motorboat celebrated two anniversaries: the 25th anniversary of crane building and the release of the 1000th floating crane. In the success of the common cause, the contribution of N.P. Pavlikov and Yu.A. Nikoshin, ship collectors N.P. Samsonov and A.I. Lobanova, B.I. Molotkov and A.S. Kozlova, A.E. Pankrushkina and V.M. Borisov. The share of the plant in the production of floating cranes was 85% of the all-Union volume. Significant contribution of motorists to the creation of a series of automatic couplings for pushing ships and heavy-duty trains. Their introduction made it possible to free more than 25 thousand people, to improve the working conditions of ship crews.

The homeland highly appreciated the many years of work of the sailors. On April 3, 1981, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the plant is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In 1985, a group of factory workers was awarded the prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Among the laureates N. Polynin, A. Usov, I. Goncharov,

N. Zapevalov, S. Kirikov, V. Kashaev, A. Antonov. V. Borisov, V. Baldin.

In 1986. the plant celebrated one of its anniversaries - the 75th anniversary. By this date, a book on the history of the Teplokhod Plant was published for the first time by I.V.Kosarev.

The sailors have glorious military and labor traditions. The history of the factory-worker is closely connected with the history of the town of Bor, the whole country, with the history of numerous working dynasties.

The Barinovs and Arefievs, the Vozleevs and Kiselevs, the Kostyunins and Kabalnovs, the Zapevalovs and Mayorovs, the Lepilovs and Lushins, the Maleevs and Poyaganovs, the Serovs and Larins, the Stolyarovs and Tyurinsky, the Khabarovs and Tselovalnovs, are those whose labor the plant grew to grow his labor successes multiplied. The work experience of many families is 100-150 years or more. They are inherent, first of all, a working pride for the glorious name - "motor ship".

No other industrial enterprise in Bora has such a venerable age, so rich in important events in history. For many years, the plant was a forge of specialists, from which personnel were drawn for party, Soviet and economic work. So, D. Pokrovsky, G. Marisov, N. Rukavishnikov, V. Shein, V. Tikhonov, I. Subbotin, B. Gubanov, V. Denisov were nominated to work in the Ministry of the River Fleet.

The plans for the ХIIп-ku (1986-1990) were lined up huge and impressive: the entire increase in the volume of production was to be provided due to the growth of labor productivity. The plant completely switched over to the construction of cranes according to new projects 81040 and 81050. The production of 16-ton cranes was planned to be doubled, reducing metal consumption by 1 ton by 7%. These plans were associated with the reconstruction of the crane building shop. The design of couplers with an improved control drive of mechanisms was updated.

A new stage in the radical transformation of the entire foundry industry was outlined.

"Teplokhod plant", your good name