What to do in the winter at the dacha: games and entertainment. Is it worth coming to the country in winter? Winter fun in the country

A winter dacha is wonderful, even if not everyone agrees with this. Of course, there is snow and cold all around, but we will definitely figure out what to do in the winter in the country to drive away boredom and have a little fun.

The theme for this material was inspired by the first cold weather, which was already felt very well in many regions of our country. But this is not a reason to lose heart, because the winter cottage is not only very beautiful, but also full of surprises, fun games and entertainment that you can organize for your family and company. Today we will move a little away from the usual winter rest in the country - barbecue in the cold and walking in the fresh air, and move on to the more active part, the basis for which must be prepared now.

So the organization winter holiday on the dacha territory and how to make it fun and memorable.

We are building an ice rink in the country

This topic will help organize entertainment not only for children, but also for adults, because each of us has a desire to go ice skating, play hockey with friends, or just play a little fool on the rink. It is now possible to organize this not only in specially equipped rooms that grow like mushrooms in every city, but also on your own territory, where no one will need to pay for time and no one will restrict you in entertainment.

What is needed in order to build an ice skating rink in the country? We decided not to spend a lot of money, since the implementation of all interesting ideas it can take quite a lot of money, but get along with your own imagination and creative thoughts. So let's get started.

Preparation should begin in the fall, when the soil is still amenable to shoveling. We need to dig a small hollow to fill in the water. Only 3-5 cm in depth is enough, if only the water is retained in the so-called reservoir.

Choose the area of ​​the skating rink yourself, but think also about the water consumption, because it will take a lot of it to fill the skating rink. We have experience in building such an original thing, but then it was a 10x10 m skating rink. Naturally, there is a lot of work, but also pleasure after half of the winter. In general, let's say right away, those who are afraid not to calculate the forces and costs can safely build a skating rink for children, where such an area is not needed, or another structure from the following list, but we will complete this project.

Having dug a hollow, we need to thoroughly trample its bottom in order to create a density through which it will be more difficult for water to go into the soil. Many summer residents will laugh in our face, since the water will still leave and in the end we will not get a skating rink, but a continuous dirty mess, but believe me, we know exactly what we are talking about.

The next task will be to buy the film and weld it along the seams in order to get a continuous canvas on the area of ​​the future skating rink. We need it precisely in order to lay the bottom and ensure maximum water retention in an artificial reservoir. It will not be expensive to buy a film, it is also quite simple to solder it, and it should be stored rolled up until the first frost.

With the onset of the first real frosts, we arrange watering of the area under the skating rink. You don't need to spend a lot of water, just so that it leaves the soil a little. Thus, from time to time by flooding the skating rink, we form a small layer of well-frozen soil, which can be achieved in just a couple of days.

Further, on the area for the future skating rink we spread the film, press down along the edges and try to leave fewer air bubbles, because there the future skating rink will crack. We level the film and fill it with water, and expel the air again. In severe frost, you can work every hour or two, allowing thin layers of water to turn into ice. Under conditions of average difficulty, the skating rink is filled in 2 days, sometimes within 4-5 days, it all depends on your desire, water pressure and frost.

As a result of hard work, you can get a rink of the required area and good thickness so that the skates do not stick into the ground under the weight. All the specified parameters can be changed for yourself, the main thing here is the idea and the possibility of its implementation.

Snow slide at their summer cottage

It's very good if your dacha is on a relief landscape, then you won't need much work from you, but if the relief is flat, you will have to start cooking in the fall. By the way, this idea can be perfectly combined with geoplastics, if you suddenly conceived of transforming the relief of a garden or another section of a summer cottage, because the hills prepared for landscape changes can become the basis for a downhill.

If the dacha is completely flat, then you will have to build a slide in winter, if, of course, enough snow falls. An alternative can only be serious preparation with the transfer of soil and the device of a hill, but this is very long, unbearable, and expensive.

A neighbor's tractor can help here, or maybe your own, a mini-tractor or even a loader, with which you can arrange a good slope in a couple of hours. It will need to be done at a slight angle, tamped well and wait for the snow to fall to form a slide and sledding and skiing.

Construction of an ice palace in the courtyard of the cottage

You don't need to do anything here in the fall, you should expect frost and snow. Closer in the first frost, start preparing building material - ice bricks. It is very simple, because it is enough to collect a large number of juice bags, rinse them and, having collected water, put them in the freezer. Of course, if the refrigerator is small, then the bricks will have to be cooked in several stages. But there is also a plus here, because each batch of material can be made in a different color, tint water with paints. As a result, you can get multi-colored bricks and build an amazing and summer-like rainbow house among the snow drifts. Paradox, but real.

Construction is simple, you just need to prepare the base for the structure. It can be a site cleared to the ground or a layer of snow well trampled and shed by water. The structure is installed during a hard frost, ordinary water serves as a solution, which allows the ice material to freeze to the previous layer.

After building the walls of a kind of bricks, you can sprinkle water from a sprayer from the inside and outside of the building to create an ice crust on the surface, which gives additional strength to our structure.

It is most correct to build an ice castle of the correct shape, but if you are sure that you can create a structure without collapsing, the shape can be changed even to a hemisphere.

Site for winter battles in the country

Who doesn't play snowballs in winter? Is it someone who does not like snow at all and always sits at home, or children who are not allowed by strict parents in the cold. We have the right to participate in such games and attract our friends and children to them. All that remains is to build a site for the winter battle and expect snow. Why do you need such a site? Yes, everything is simple, because on flat terrain, shooting snowballs at each other is not particularly interesting, but running around the farm yard or winter garden not very correct. By building special trenches, ledges and obstacles, you will create a cool training ground, interesting and complementary to the fun.

No projects or special tools are needed here - just a couple of shovels, strong hands and a little time. Having marked out the playground by eye, it is necessary to dig special ditches or small trenches on opposite sides of it, and arrange elevations. All subsequent work will take place when snow falls, because now it is he who is the material for the construction site. Build trenches, defensive sections and even dugouts, because the kindest war is ahead in the fresh air and chilling frost.

The construction of any snow or ice structure in the country takes a lot of strength and energy, but all costs are replenished a hundredfold by unrestrained fun and positive emotions.

Do-it-yourself ice skating rink in the country (video)

It is not difficult to build an ice hut, a snow slide or a skating rink in the country with your own hands, especially on enthusiasm. Believe me, literally a couple of days of energy input, and then a few months of good mood. Of course, you can think of many more winter entertainments in the country - snowballs, sacking, snow mazes and so on, but this is you yourself, if you wish. We will work on new and interesting material for each reader of the site, and we wish you to dress well and have great fun in the winter at the dacha! If problems arise in the winter at the dacha, then this material will help.

Reviews and comments

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Irina41 06.12.2013

For some reason, a stereotype has developed that a country house is only for summer. But this is not at all the case, unless of course there is heating in country house... We are annually at new year holidays we go to the dacha, and just on weekends, and have a great time. The most important thing to get out of my head is the summer cottage only.

Sasha 09/14/2014

Well, in winter, it's the most to go sledging or ice skating. But of course sledging is a much more popular means of transportation, especially downhill skiing. This is the coolest thing that can be in winter, it is a pity that we have short winters and now it is stupid to not even manage to ride a little downhill at breakneck speeds)

Sveta 12.10.2015

As a child, our seven lived in the village. We had big garden with old trees. Dad tied a rope to the branches, inserted a board - the swing was ready. A homak was also tied directly to the tree trunks. And in winter, the dad of the neighbors' boys bulldozed a huge mountain of snow - there was no shortage of snow then. And who rode from this mountain on what, and played the king of the mountains.

Anastasia 03/23/2016

The best and most affordable winter entertainment for children in the country is sledging and skiing down the hill. And so that it is not boring to ride, you can arrange various obstacles in the form of small bumps and jumps.

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In winter, you don't have to come to the dacha - that's what many people think. But when the summer season has passed, in fact, I do not want to forget about the dacha. There is work there, even if there is no greenhouse. If there is a desire, it is worth following the plants a little additionally, contrary to habit, bad weather.

Having awakened in the spring, they will quickly resume growth and development. The fruits will be tasty, large, more vitamins will accumulate in them, and the buds, foliage, flowers, branches will be even more beautiful. In the summer you have to do everything at once. In winter, you can do everything slowly, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of nature.

Winter shelter

It's great if there is a house in the country. It is even better if it is insulated, it has a working, well-established heating system, whether it be a fireplace for firewood, a fireplace-stove or a gas boiler. If there is no house, the site was bought recently, I had to forget about construction for a while, it is worth taking with you tourist tent for winter recreation.

There is no reason to refuse such an undertaking as going to the country house in December, January or February. Active recreation in winter is more and more popular nowadays. But you have to take care of yourself. It is important not to catch a cold.

If the neighbors did not come at the same time, it is better not to stay overnight - it will still be cold in the tent, it needs to be heated. Is it wise to go to the dacha with a tent, a stove, a supply of food? You may not have enough strength for work. The goal is to take care of the plants. Better not to lose sight of her.

Warm and frosty winter

It is never really possible to say with absolute certainty whether the winter will be warm or frosty, snowy or rainy. Forecasters make predictions, but they can be inaccurate. And snow is needed, every summer resident understands this. It protects plants that are relatively dormant.

The active growing season ends at the moment when the temperature drops to zero and stays at this level for some time or drops to the minus sign. If little snow has fallen by this time, the roots of the trees may freeze. Those crops that grow in the garden are probably already covered. The trees are in danger. Such damage takes strength, weakens. It would be nice to take care of the roots.

What can be done in this situation? In the fall, it is necessary to fertilize the soil near the roots with the help of fallen leaves, mowed grass. Fallen leaves will not only become a source of nutrients for plants, but also give warmth.

Chemical reactions taking place in the soil will warm the roots. Snow from the paths can be thrown under the trees, increasing the thickness of the natural insulation. This will protect the root system.

Another danger is pests

At the dacha in winter, both moles and hares can be found. Moles do not hibernate; they dig deeper holes. If they are noticed in the fall, ultrasonic scarers should be installed on the site. This is the latest and most efficient technology. The cost of the device is moderate. It serves several seasons in a row, it is also relevant in winter.

Trees can be protected from hares with a metal mesh with small cells, the so-called chain-link. It can be placed along the perimeter of the entire site, not allowing the animal to simply reach the dacha.

The main thing is to bury it deeper, dig a 30 cm furrow around the perimeter.

Trees must also be protected from mice in winter. This is easy to do. All that is required is to trample the snow near the trunk. This will protect the plant from their attack. They will not be able to cope with this obstacle.

If leaves are seen on the trees, which for some reason will not fall off, it is worth taking a closer look at them. Most likely, it is a hawthorn. It's good that her presence was discovered in winter. It is necessary to cut off her shelter - in the spring there will be less hassle.

There are many things to do in the country in winter. It is definitely worth coming at this time of the year as well. There may not be pests, if they were scared off in the fall, sometimes just as much snow falls as required.

But in a large number, it will easily break branches with its weight. It must be crushed. For the sake of this, you can hit the road, choosing the optimal time for this, and at the same time inspect the trees again.

Summer cottage in winter is one of best places for winter recreation and entertainment. Fresh air, trees in the snow, rest from the hustle and bustle of the city and winter barbecue - this is not a complete list of all the advantages of a summer holiday in winter. This is a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends, as well as with health benefits.

Winter rest in the country

Before going to the dacha in winter, it will not hurt to plan your classes in advance and write down everything you need to take with you for this - this approach to organizing a winter holiday in the country will allow you to relax with maximum comfort and make the rest complete.

Of course, in the overwhelming majority of cases, winter recreation in the country is associated with barbecue and barbecue. True, sometimes in winter it is a little problematic to kindle a fire, but this issue is easily solved if you prepare pre-dried firewood, which will allow the wood to flare up much better, and it will not hiss. Everyone loves barbecues, they unite people, so, of course, you should not ignore this event. Moreover, there is no bad weather for barbecue and barbecue.

A bath will become no less interesting, and even a useful type of relaxation, because a bath is not just a pleasant procedure, but also an excellent folk remedy for almost any disease. It helps to strengthen the immune system, perfectly cleanses the body. A trip to the bathhouse can be combined with swimming in an ice-hole (diving into an ice-hole immediately after visiting a steam room is an ancient Russian tradition), or you can simply dive into the snow and rub it properly. A good option would even be to simply pour cold water on it without leaving the bath.

Outdoor activities and winter games

Active types of winter recreation include skiing, sledding and ice skating, winter fishing and hunting. Such rest will be an excellent help for immunity, which is almost always weakened in winter.

If you dress warmly, you can have a great time at the cottage, even on frosty winter days. You can frolic heartily playing snowballs, make a cute snowman, build a snow castle or a magnificent snow slide. This activity is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance: to create such a slide, you only need a watering hose and snow, more precisely, a lot of snow. First, snow is thrown onto a place chosen in advance, then the snow is poured with water, and after a while the ice slide is at the complete disposal of vacationers.

Unusual entertainment options

If there are small villages or other nearby settlements, with the help of their inhabitants, it is possible to organize a good horse ride - horse riding is again becoming very popular. You can also have fun by launching spectacular fireworks or shooting at targets.

You can also include dancing and music, leisurely meaningful conversations, handicrafts, reading aloud various literary works or watching films together in the summer cottage program.

Or you can just play some funny games, for example, "crocodile". To do this, one person needs to go to the center of the room and start showing some hidden word (it can be a phrase), and do it silently and using only gestures. The task of the rest is to guess what was asked without asking any questions. Such a game does not require huge forces, but it is capable of delivering a lot of pleasure.

A win-win option will be the meeting of the New Year at the dacha. An elegant Christmas tree, funny winter games, snow and silence around will make the holiday unforgettable.


In order to avoid various troubles, it is important to take care of your own safety. In the event that there is a forest next to the dacha, it will be useful to take with you a repeller of dogs and other animals, so that in case of possible encounters with predators, you do not have to seriously fear for your life.

Party supporters will also benefit from a breathalyzer: firstly, it will allow them to monitor their health, and secondly, it will help to avoid possible troubles and misunderstandings at a possible meeting with traffic police officers.

So winter has come: it's snowing on the streets, the thermometer shows sub-zero temperatures, the day has turned into a short interval before the next night. Each of us has our own impressions and expectations from the cold season. But there are many ways to make the winter a positive one. Vegetarian offers eight entertainment options to suit all tastes. Keep in mind - it will come in handy!

1. Own extreme trip

Cold is a test. Leaving your comfort zone, which means the opportunity to make yourself stronger. So no need to be sad at home - pack your backpacks! It's simple: frost has a beneficial effect on the body. Walking with moderate physical activity makes outdoor recreation a rewarding activity.

Open the city map. Decide on a trekking route based on personal preference. It is advisable to move away from city streets and go into nature. But not far - there is always a risk of getting lost. Follow the rules of the hike and do not exhaust yourself - walking on rough terrain should be enjoyable. Or show your imagination and plan your route right along the city streets. Interesting things can be found everywhere!

What to take with you: thermos, food supply, map, compass.

What will you get: a charge of cheerfulness, excellent mood, pride in oneself and many, many photographs.

2. Communication with birds

In winter, the birds are especially tough, so from childhood we are taught to make feeders and fill them with cereals. Do you want to spend a winter day with benefit (help nature), cognitively (learn animal world closer) and interesting (communicating with animals and observing them is always exciting), then take treats for the birds and go outside!

Feed the birds. See how they willingly gather near the trough and gain strength. To relieve stress and overexertion, it is useful to simply admire nature.

If there is a body of water nearby (river, lake), then feed the ducks. They readily respond to seeds thrown into the water.

3. Winter options for summer sports

Skiing, sledging, hockey (if you are lucky with the site) - all this, of course, is great. And we advise everyone to go through this list. But you can diversify even more leisure: football on a snow-covered field, tennis right under the windows of the house, volleyball at the school stadium ... All these "non-winter" sports have one feature after the snow falls - it doesn't hurt to fall now!

Snow and warm clothing cushion falls. Now you can show your skill of free flight by jumping for the ball or defending the goal from the ball flying into the "nine". Everything looks a little more fun in winter.

There are no weather restrictions for the sport - it just appears in a new, so far unfamiliar form. That's all.

4. Dog racing

Dogs can enjoy the snow like children. Many people turn them on in order to spend more time in the fresh air, and it is clearly not boring with them! You just need to take your dog with you and run out into the snow. Everything. After a couple of minutes, you will rush along the virgin snow after the pet, and then he will follow you. A storm of emotions and fun is guaranteed!

Bottom line: both you and your pet are wet, tired, but happy to warm up at home (with your tongues hanging on your side).

5. Winter fun for children

Young parents know this firsthand. Bored at home? Take your baby and go outside! No weather can hold back the desire for fun in young children! And this is worth learning.

Turn into children and then winter will only be a joy to you. Snow? We quickly grabbed hats, mittens, sledges and up the hill! Coldly? A couple of descents and it will already be hot. Forget about everything - just ride!

And so 2-3 times a week, before meals, for 60 minutes of skiing, snow battles and snowflakes caught in the mouth. Health and excellent tone are guaranteed! The best psychological relief you can think of.

Hello wet clothes, pink face and widest smiles!

6. Get tempered!

An infinite number of hardening techniques live in the global network - choose to your taste. Three months of the cold season is an excellent period for strengthening the body and getting used to new health procedures.

Here are a couple of tips:

Spend at least an hour outdoors every day. In any weather, even in rain or blizzard. Dress for the weather, but don't overdo it (overheating is very harmful). The body, inhaling cold air, will gradually get used to low temperatures and strengthen.

Set a goal. For example, plunge into an ice-hole for Epiphany or do a snow wipe twice a week. It is stimulating and motivating.

Take care of yourself. The mistake of novice "walruses" is heroism. There is no need to strive to show how brave and daring you are by diving into a snowdrift on the first day. After wiping / bathing, dry yourself off with a dry towel, drink warm tea, and keep warm.

7. A picnic in nature? Why not!

In the summer, everyone goes to nature. Mass trips to the river and overnight stays in picturesque forests are the norm, if not the obligation. But in winter, the movement freezes, hibernates. Maybe it's worth the risk, huh?

It is worth taking care of a warm tent (they are not so expensive, but they will always protect you from wind and snow). A blanket and a sleeping bag for insulation will be just in time. And then - everything is according to your taste. Only in winter, focus on warm foods and dishes. I am sure that if you make hot chocolate on a fire surrounded by snow-covered trees, you will remain a fan of winter picnics forever.

8. Walk under the starry sky

And finally - a little romance and dreams. The winter sky is clear and bright. Didn't notice that the stars are especially attractive in frosty weather. No? Then it's worth checking out.

Dress warmly. Take with you a thermos of tea, chocolate. Go outside late in the evening or even at night and take a walk under the lanterns. Stay in quiet place and stand for 10 minutes watching the sky. No need to rush, give yourself time to enjoy the beauty. It sounds too sweet, but try it anyway.

One tip: when looking at the stars, do not throw your head back for too long, otherwise your neck will hurt.

Each of us can expand this list. Add your points and make this winter really positive!

Dmitry Shevko

Summer cottage in winter is one of the best places for winter recreation and entertainment. Fresh air, trees in the snow, rest from the hustle and bustle of the city and winter barbecue - this is not a complete list of all the advantages of a summer holiday in winter. This is a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends, as well as with health benefits.

Winter rest in the country

Before going to the dacha in winter, it will not hurt to plan your classes in advance and write down everything you need to take with you for this - this approach to organizing a winter holiday in the country will allow you to relax with maximum comfort and make the rest complete.

Of course, in the overwhelming majority of cases, winter recreation in the country is associated with barbecue and barbecue. True, sometimes in winter it is a little problematic to kindle a fire, but this issue is easily solved if you prepare pre-dried firewood, which will allow the wood to flare up much better, and it will not hiss. Everyone loves barbecues, they unite people, so, of course, you should not ignore this event. Moreover, there is no bad weather for barbecue and barbecue.

A bath will be no less interesting, and even a useful type of relaxation, because a bath is not just a pleasant procedure, but also an excellent folk remedy for almost any disease. It helps to strengthen the immune system, perfectly cleanses the body. A trip to the bathhouse can be combined with swimming in an ice-hole (diving into an ice-hole immediately after visiting a steam room is an ancient Russian tradition), or you can simply dive into the snow and rub it properly. A good option would even be to simply pour cold water on it without leaving the bath.

Outdoor activities and winter games

Active types of winter recreation include skiing, sledding and ice skating, winter fishing and hunting. Such rest will be an excellent help for immunity, which is almost always weakened in winter.

If you dress warmly, you can have a great time at the cottage, even on frosty winter days. You can frolic heartily playing snowballs, make a cute snowman, build a snow castle or a magnificent snow slide. This activity is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance: to create such a slide, you only need a watering hose and snow, more precisely, a lot of snow. First, snow is thrown onto a place chosen in advance, then the snow is poured with water, and after a while the ice slide is at the complete disposal of vacationers.

Unusual entertainment options

If there are small villages or other settlements nearby, with the help of their inhabitants it is possible to organize a good horse ride - horse riding is becoming very popular again. You can also have fun by launching spectacular fireworks or shooting at targets.

You can also include dancing and music, leisurely meaningful conversations, handicrafts, reading aloud various literary works or watching films together in the summer cottage program.

Or you can just play some funny games, for example, "crocodile". To do this, one person needs to go to the center of the room and start showing some hidden word (it can be a phrase), and do it silently and using only gestures. The task of the rest is to guess what was asked without asking any questions. Such a game does not require huge forces, but it is capable of delivering a lot of pleasure.

Meeting the New Year at the dacha will also be a win-win option. An elegant Christmas tree, funny winter games, snow and silence around will make the holiday unforgettable.


In order to avoid various troubles, it is important to take care of your own safety. In the event that there is a forest next to the dacha, it will be useful to take with you a repeller of dogs and other animals, so that in case of possible encounters with predators, you do not have to seriously fear for your life.

Party supporters will also benefit from a breathalyzer: firstly, it will allow them to monitor their health, and secondly, it will help to avoid possible troubles and misunderstandings at a possible meeting with traffic police officers.