Pearl Khakassia. Plots of land in the village "Pearl. Recreation centers on the Shire

And 12 km west of the regional center - the village of Shira. On the shore of the reservoir is the village of Pearl, in which there are numerous recreation centers, sanatoriums, boarding houses, guest and country houses.

In the summer season, people come alone to the pond for recreation and health improvement, with whole families, large and small companies. The absence of picturesque natural panoramas in the area, except for the mountain slopes visible in the distance, in no way affects the popularity of the resort. The healing properties of mineralized water and mud are considered valuable, as well as the combination of the lake microclimate with the aroma of steppe grasses and fresh breaths of crystal clear mountain air.

Recreation centers on the Shire

In the village of Zhemchuzhny there are several organized recreation areas offering accommodation in budget houses with "amenities" on the street, modern cottages or comfortable buildings. The cost of living depends primarily on the status of the institution, the range of services provided and the level of service.

The most popular are the recreation centers:

  • Altair;
  • "Geophysicist";
  • "Five lakes";
  • "Khutorok";
  • "Halt of Wanderers";
  • "Surf";
  • "Terem" - for families with children.

Most of the bases offer hot meals, baths or saunas, the possibility of using refrigerators, hobs, microwave ovens, washing machines and irons. Vacationers are provided with free parking, barbecue areas, sports, children's and dance floors. For a fee are rented banquet halls and guided tours:

  • to the Khakassky reserve;
  • on lakes Bele and Tus;
  • to unique megaliths and caves;
  • to the Tuim failure;
  • to the Salbyk mound;
  • on individual requests.

Many recreation centers are located not on the shore, but within walking distance from it. They don't have their own beaches.

In the resort village of Pearl, the Solban nightclub is open all year round. Large-scale events held within its walls are known far beyond the Shirinsky region of Khakassia. The complex includes Entertainment Center, restaurant and hotel rooms. Convenient parking is available nearby.

When planning an organized or "wild" vacation on the shore of a reservoir, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with forecasts of weather forecasters in advance.

Sanatoriums on Lake Shira

The first mentions of healing properties the reservoir within the framework of scientific research dates back to the 18th century. The Siberian gold miner Tsibulsky was actively involved in arranging the resort in the 19th century after his mortally wounded dog quickly healed its wounds while swimming in the lake. At first, he decided to try the healing effect on himself, as a result of which he got rid of sciatica that had tormented him for years. The famous professors of that time began to study the composition of water and mud, who made a number of conclusions and recommendations. In the second half of the 19th century, the resort became widely known.

The healing properties of the resources of Lake Shira are mentioned in the "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron" (1890-1907)

Sanatorium treatment was organized at the dawn of Soviet power. Here, back in the 1920s, a pioneer health camp and the Department of Therapeutic Movement were opened. Republican health resorts were famous throughout the country.

The main medical institutions include:

  • multi-profile resort "Lake Shira";
  • children's sanatorium "Lake Shira".

The first one treats a number of diseases related to the stomach and biliary systems, skin and joints, nervous and genitourinary systems, eyes, etc. The children's sanatorium specializes in improving the gastrointestinal tract.

Rest on Shire 2020

In addition to organized recreation centers and sanatoriums, you can stay on the pond in the campgrounds "Tent Camp" and "Tents". In addition, “wild” tent cities appear on the eastern bank of the Shira in summer.

There are paid ones on the pond sandy beaches where vacationers are provided:

  • sun loungers;
  • umbrellas;
  • souls;
  • awnings;
  • rental services;
  • sports grounds;
  • water slides, etc.

On the territory there are summer cafes where you can have a snack and drink refreshing drinks. In the rental centers there are catamarans, "buns" and "bananas", equipment for sports games, etc.

On hot days, Lake Shira is crowded, especially on the free beaches. Not provided here additional services, but many believe that they can be completely dispensed with.

A short-term rental of a guest or country house in Pearl will allow you to comfortably relax by the reservoir for several days.

The resort village has a restaurant, several cafes, a pizzeria, a sushi bar and a dining room. Every day from 10:00 to 18:00 you can visit the Compound of Siberian Ostriches, and with your children you can go to the amusement park at any time. There is a local market in Pearl where you can buy souvenirs, food and everyday goods.

Features of the reservoir

Lake Shira refers to meromictic water bodies characterized by complete or partial absence of circulation between water layers with different degrees of mineralization. This feature affects the compaction of the layer structure towards the bottom of the reservoir.

The bowl is an intermontane depression belonging to the Chulym-Yenisei depression in the mountains of southern Siberia. The oval shape of the lake is oriented from the south-east to the north-west. The reservoir is surrounded by forest-steppe vegetation. A few birch groves are found only in west bank, the rest of the area remains open.

The accumulation of zones and recreation centers in the area of ​​the resort village of Zhemchuzhny is associated with the abundance of swampy areas and inconvenient approaches to the water from other sides of the Shira.

The salt concentration in lake water is uneven. The average indicator is more than 15, but less than 20 g / l, which can indicate both medium and high mineralization. Composition - slightly alkaline, sodium-potassium, sulfate-chloride, magnesium.

Shira's physical characteristics:

  • the area of ​​the water surface is about 35 sq. km;
  • maximum length - 9.40 km;
  • maximum width - 4.8 km;
  • the greatest depth is almost 25 m.

The nearest Lake Itkol is 3.5 km away. 10 kilometers to the north is the State nature reserve Khakassia, next to which Lake Bele is located. Its water has the highest mineralization among the republican reservoirs.

How to get to Lake Shira

By car from Abakan, follow the northern direction along the P-257 highway (Yenisei highway). Near the village of Znamenka (just over 80 km from the administrative center of Khakassia), turn left towards Zhemchuzhny. The distance from the center of Abakan to Lake Shira is 155 km. Travel time is about 2 hours.

From Abakan to railway station Shira can be reached by scheduled trains. Next, you need to change to a local bus or route taxi next to the village of Pearl.

Lake Shira - a healing treasure of Khakassia

The first couple of days we lived in the resort village of Pearl in the Shirinsky region, located on the shores of the salt lake Shira. The lake is also famous for its healing mud, which is now actively used in the treatment of various diseases. Nevertheless, this resort is already more than 100 years old; the "chief" Krasnoyarsk artist V. Surikov, who had suffered from a pulmonary disease all his life, improved his health here. From that time, several wooden houses have survived in Pearl, a couple of which we saw.
In the regional center - the village of Shira, there is a wonderful museum, where, in addition to traditional expositions dedicated to the life of Russian settlers, the nature and history of the region, there is a wonderful reconstruction of the Tashtyk burial mound with a crypt inside, as well as a wooden Khakass yurt, where you can get acquainted with the life of the Khakass of the 19th-early 20th century. XX century.

Such houses resort village Pearl was originally built up.

Lake Shira in the fog. By the way, I managed to swim in it. Despite the fact that it was in mid-September, and the air was already cool enough after sunset, the water was still warm. The lake turned out to be very pleasant, the water is soft and only slightly brackish. But still, rinse fresh water it is necessary after bathing quickly enough - otherwise the skin begins to pinch.

This interesting wooden building houses the local history museum of the village of Shira.

It is not visible behind the trees how interestingly the walls of the museum building are decorated.

Russian department of the museum.

Archaeological finds of the Tagar era on the territory of the Shirinsky region.

Arkady Golikov and Ivan Soloviev are the main antagonists of the Civil War on the territory of Khakassia. Soloviev in 1920 raised an anti-Bolshevik uprising, which enjoyed the sympathy and support of the local population, and Golikov led the ChON (part of the special assignment), which suppressed this uprising. The methods of suppression were extremely cruel, so cruel that after a few months the Bolshevik authorities considered it expedient to recall the young commander from Khakassia before he turned the absolute majority of the population against the Soviet power.

The Tashtyk crypt (II century BC - V century AD) has been recreated on the territory of the museum.

The reconstruction allows you to imagine what the crypt looked like from the inside. The bodies of the dead were piled on the shelves ...

For each body, its own doll was made, the face of which was covered with a mask.

Tashtyk masks (here, of course, all reconstruction) are a separate and very interesting layer of culture. There is a good collection of them in the Abakan museum, but we saw only the stelarium there, and the masks are still in the old building.

An ugly birch bark doll was made for a bad useless person.

Another reconstruction on the territory of the Shirinsky museum is a wooden Khakass yurt of the 19th century.

And her interior

At this time, it was customary among the Khakass to collect glassware, which was quite rare and highly valued in these places.

In the Shirinsky and Ordzhonikidze districts of Khakassia, there is a mountain range of Sunduki, which, in addition to landscapes, is known as a repository of all Khakass antiquities: steles, writings, petroglyphs, etc. Unfortunately, it takes much more time to inspect all of this than we had, so we limited ourselves to examining the first Chest, where an employee of the reserve named Andrei quite convincingly, at least in my amateurish opinion, tried to prove to us that this is quite enough. perfect observatory of ancient people.

On the way to the village of Chebaki, we made a short stop on the shore of the beautiful Black Lake, and then continued our way to a rather rare monument for Khakassia - the preserved house of the owner of the gold mines "Bogomdarovny" and "Famous" KI Ivanitsky, which is a wooden house with elements Art Nouveau style (late XIX-early XX century).
But to get to ancient fortress Unfortunately, our bus did not manage to chebaki of the Bronze Age (II century BC) - the dirt road, climbing up the mountain slopes, turned out to be too difficult for it. Therefore, having admired the opening panoramas, we returned downstairs and drove to the Sulek Pisanitsa, one of the most interesting monuments Khakassia, which belongs mainly to the IX-X centuries, i.e. to the era of the Yenisei Kyrgyz. The initial part of the scribble is especially good - there are very subtle and at the same time very lively and dynamic in execution images of various animals. Nearby, on the top of the neighboring mountain, are the ruins of the Okunevskaya sve (fortress), which would be difficult for us to find and recognize as man-made without Valery Porfirievich.

This is what the first Chest looks like.

Okunevskaya stele with a mask, petroglyphs and runes on the territory of the Chests National Park.

At the bottom right, you can see the remarkable Okunev mask (in profile) with ears, horns, etc.

Somewhere in these mountains there is a relief of the White Horse.

Which we saw only in the picture - it would take a long time to go up there on foot, and our bus would not have passed there.

And here in this beautiful natural amphitheater the employee National park Chests Andrey told us for a long time about where the sun appears on the vernal equinox exactly at noon and where it appears on the summer solstice.

At this time, one could also admire the surrounding landscapes.

The top of the first Chest really resembles a chest in shape.

In our free time, we climbed to this place,

Where such a petroglyph was found is probably a solar sign and a symbol of the constellation Aries. Perhaps Andrey, with his astronomical research, is not so far from the truth (and here is nifiga - in the comments they correct me that the image is still modern, i.e. it is hardly more than 200 years old :)

Such elegant houses are found in almost every Khakass regional center. This phyto-center "Praskovya" was founded by the folk healer Praskovya Losevskaya and has branches throughout Russia.

View of the Black Lake.

The estate of K.I. Ivanitsky (late XIX-early XX century) in Chebaki.

The house is mostly one-storey.

In some places it is two-story.

And this turret is pure Art Nouveau. We even climbed into it (there is now some kind of children's holiday home in the house, but we were allowed inside).

The house has typical South Siberian platbands with drawstrings.

The view from the window of Ivanitsky's house - I think 100 years ago it was no worse.

If you climb this mountain, you can get to the fortress of the Bronze Age (II millennium BC).

But such beautiful views open up from that natural terrace, on which we have traveled.

Remains of a fortress from the Okunev period on the Sulek rocks.

Here, indeed, artificial masonry is visible.

Climbing the mountain.

The view from the top is wonderful.

On this rock is the Sulek writings.

A reconstructed wooden Khakass yurt is traditionally located nearby. Here is her interior.

And this is a collection of glassware made from it.

The Sulek writings (IX-X centuries) are quite long, here are some of its fragments:

Scribble in general plan.


And people.

Horses and riders.

Roe deer and dog.

And even camels. Perhaps trade caravans passed here somewhere.

Horses and riders. Unfortunately, many of the drawings in the scribble have been spoiled by later inscriptions.

Archer on horseback.


Predators. To consider them, you need to abstract from the vandal inscriptions of later times.

We were looking for a place to stay for a long time ... I found your database in social networks and sent an application on the same evening. And they did not regret a bit!) There are a lot of recreation areas on the territory, both for adults and for children.!) Trampolines, a room with toys and a wonderful teacher who will find an approach to any child!) In the evening, you can sit in the gazebo and fry barbecue. Air, stones, nature ... just beauty. Walk to the lake for about 15 minutes, but this is not a minus) firstly, a walk, and secondly, walking through the bazaar, and there are many interesting and tasty things), so to speak, combine business with pleasure!) We rested from July 1 to July 6 , and before leaving we decided to go to the beach. On the way back, I fell and twisted my leg ... my leg hurt, I could not step on and was a little swollen. When we got to the base, I remembered that there was a massage room, and we asked the doctor to look at me. Elena, the hostess came with a specialist and consulted. Provided first aid. On the advice of the doctor, upon arrival, I nevertheless turned to the emergency room and the diagnosis was confirmed. Sprain. I want to say, many thanks to Elena and her entire team!) For your concern, understanding and attention!) We will definitely come back to you again !!!)

The Rock Garden is the best base in the resort, convenient location, comfortable rooms, excellent attitude, at the base itself there is everything for children and adults, brazier please, bath please, tennis please, great fellows, they have perfect order and perfect place! Thank you Elena and Ksenia for everything, we are very happy!

We rested at the "Rock Garden" for 5 days, but there were a lot of impressions. Very friendly and polite staff, the rooms are excellent, everything you need in the room is there, clean, the atmosphere is like home. There is everything you need for children: a trampoline, a sandpit, a swing, etc. Shops, canteen, cafes, the market are all within walking distance.The most important thing is that the air is clean !!! If you have chosen the "Rock Garden" for your rest, you will definitely not regret it. You will want to return to this place more than once !!!Thanks to all the staff for the excellent service and relaxation👍👍👍

We arrived at the mini-hotel "Rock Garden" with my son in mid-May, contrary to the popular belief that there was still nothing to do in Pearl at this time. There would be a desire! The mini-hotel itself is located in a very scenic location... The view is just great - mountains, a lake, a new temple. We lived in a comfortable room with a kitchen, toilet, bathroom, refrigerator, microwave oven, TV. Shops, dining room within walking distance. The cool weather didn't hurt. We got great pleasure from horseback riding. They explained everything, told, showed so that even without riding experience in the saddle you feel confident. The owner of the horses has a large courtyard, there are even black pigs, very cute. All year round in Pearl there is a pool with mineral lake water and a sauna, on the territory of the mini-hotel there is an excellent bathhouse and comfortable closed gazebos, so you can grill barbecue even in the wind. In District a large number of mountains and hills from which you can take gorgeous panoramic pictures, or just enjoy the view and think about the eternal. The atmosphere is very conducive to this, especially until the main stream of tourists rushed in. Even the landscape of the mini-hotel is unique in itself. The huge layered stones that adorn its territory have a special mysterious charm. Aesthetically very pleasant place, we absolutely love it! The "Rock Garden" is one of the rare places where you can relax your soul. Highly recommend!

I liked it very much! We rested for the first time in July, got there by car, found our way without any difficulties. We managed to move into a new building in a studio for three. Living conditions are excellent compared to many of the bases on Shira. Your children will definitely like it, because communication with other children is guaranteed for the whole day :))), trampolines, games, counselors, events every evening - they are busy from morning to evening. The view of the lake from the terrace is beautiful :)) thanks for comfortable rest in the fresh air!

We rested with a friend from 21.07 to 01.08. The nature is really amazing. Administrators Ksenia and Maxim warmly greeted us, told us about the rules of residence, escorted us to the room, and introduced us to the territory. Thank you very much hostess Elena for organizing leisure time, in 10 days we visited many beautiful places in Khakassia, and the same amount remained unknown to us ... There is a reason to come back again. village. Our studio was like a small apartment, clean, equipped with everything you need, with good quality furniture .. We had a good stay. Thanks again to the staff. :)

Country houses on the Shira lake. Separate: 2, 3, 4, 5-seater. Parking, individual kitchens, comfortable amenities. Tel. +7 983 371 82 64 (Tatiana)

2-room comfortable apartment, clean, comfortable. Located on the 1st floor. Separate rooms. Tel +7 983 371 82 64 (Tatiana)

Country houses for rent on "Lake Shira". The suburban area is located near the VSK store.
On the territory of the site there are two comfortable houses, each with a separate entrance.
The first house has two triple rooms (12 sq.m.). Each room has a separate kitchen (refrigerator, kettle, electrolyte, all necessary utensils), a well-equipped toilet and a hot shower. There is a gazebo, barbecue, parking lot.
The second house is a four-bed room, a kitchen, a well-equipped toilet and a hot shower and a spacious veranda.The cottage is located 5 minutes walk from the beach « Cote d'azur».
Phone for booking:
(Svetlana Sergeevna)

A comfortable apartment for rent, not far from the lake, 5-7 minutes on foot.There is everything you need, there is also WI-FI. There is a supermarket nearby. Call: +7 962 845 39 91 or +7 983 586 79 12

RENT comfortable rooms (2, 3, 4-bed) for family vacation! We guarantee a great mood!Location –3-5 minutes walk to the market, 10 minutes to the lake st. South, 7.On the territory there is a parking place for a car, a gazebo, a swing, a barbecue. Separately located for cooking standing kitchen with a microwave oven, kettles, stove, TV. There are sanitary units in the rooms, a separate shower with hot water.The cost of living is from 500 rubles.We accept applications by phone:8-913-051-4608 (Svetlana)8-913-055-8726 (Vladimir)

Country houses on the Shira lake. The suburban area is located in the resort "Lake Shira", located in the center of the village, next to the Bus Station and Pochta. This is an ideal place for family holidays, as well as rest with friends. Accommodation is at your service in 2, 3, 4, 5-bed separate country houses of warm design. Each house is equipped with: a separate kitchen - refrigerator, stove, kettle, all necessary utensils, TV,. Tel. +7 913 448 06 80, (Lyubov Stepanovna)

Hotel of the recreation center "Solban"

Daily rent 2-room comfortable apartment in the resort of Lake Shira (Kolodezny settlement) Call by phone: or

For rent 2 adjoining rooms in a private house in the center of the village. Pearl (central market). Toilet, kitchen in the house. Summer shower. Call: + 7-923-584-91-97 or + 7-983-258-22-91 (Alexander)

Rent a 3-room apartment in the village of Shira for daily rent. Satellite TV, washing machine, hot water, microwave. bake. 6 sleeping places. Three minutes away fresh lake Orlovo, where you can swim and fish. Banks, hospital, agricultural market are nearby. Tel: +79830570642 (Nikolay)

Country houses for rent on Lake Shira, near the VSK store, kitchen, hot shower, toilets, gazebos, barbecue. Call by phone:, (Galina Yakovlevna).

For rent 2-room comfortable apartment, on the third floor, near the VSK store, the area of ​​the children's sanatorium. We accept applications by phone. 8-913-443-61-89, 8-923-397-64-56 (Lyudmila).

Country houses for rent on Lake Shira, in the area of ​​the VSK store, children's sanatorium, descent to the Cote d'Azur beach. 2, 3, 4-bed rooms. Three courtyards. Each courtyard has its own kitchen, hot shower, comfortable toilet, gazebo, barbecue, parking. There is also a bathhouse. We accept applications by phone. 8 913 443 61 89, 8 923 397 64 56 (Lyudmila)

Recreation center "Kedr" and hotel rooms. We have cozy houses, there is also a hot bathhouse, gazebos for relaxation, barbecue, shower, there are grocery and hardware stores nearby. Hotel rooms at the resort "Lake Shira" offer you to stay in comfortable 2 or 3-bed rooms. There is a guarded parking lot on the territory with video surveillance.

Comfortable houses and rooms for a comfortable family vacation. Individual kitchens (stove, refrigerator, dishes, sink), toilet, hot shower. There is a parking lot, a barbecue area, a small playground, WiFi, a sauna. Telephone

Renting cottages on the lake "Shira" (area of ​​the VSK store, children's sanatorium). Nearby there are two free beaches ("Municipal" and "Cote d'Azur"), 350-400 meters to the lake. 2, 4, 6 bed rooms. Hot shower, sauna, comfortable toilet, parking. For more information call 8 913 053 2388 or 8 923 212 2909.

REST ON SHIRA. REST BASE ARSENIA. Hooray! SUMMER IS COMING SOON !!! Whoever manages to book our comfortable rooms will have a great rest! CALL !!! 89509912721
DO NOT take with you: refrigerator, TV, electric stove, kettle, dishes, sleeping bag, pillow, blanket, bed linen

Rent a two-story cottage. There is a separate kitchen, refrigerator, gas, dishes. There is a bath and shower on the territory. Large fence for car parking. The price includes shower, sauna, brooms, firewood, barbecue. Contact only family members. Phone: +7 902 010 85 03, +7 906 192 96 48 (Alexander)

I will rent out accommodation at our recreation center, on Lake Shira. We have a free sauna. Cozy rooms and clean air. Details by phone: +7 983 586 03 13 (Tatiana)

We invite you to relax! 2-3-4x local numbers. Kitchen with everything you need. Playground. Brazier. Car parking. To the lakes 8-10 minutes. Showers with hot water. Toilet bowls + rural toilet. Call by phone: +7 913 057 56 67 (Tatiana)

Rent a 2-room comfortable apartment with Wi-Fi in the neighborhood where the school is. There is internet and computer. Price from 2000 to 2500 rubles. Telephone

Village area: 8.5 hectares

Location: Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, rural settlement Lunevskoye, village Klushino

Coordinates: 56.031280, 37.289468

Distance from MKAD: 20 km

Total objects in the village: 69

Type of a sentence: Land plots without a contract

Permitted use of land: for summer cottage construction

Land area from 6 to 19 ares

Cost from 1.02 to 3.2 million rubles

Sales start: November 2018

Electricity: 15 kW

Gas: connection ~ 250,000 rubles.

Roads in the village: yes, asphalt
Fenced area: Yes
Security: Yes

Guest parking: Yes

Registration is possible at: g. Solnechnogorsk, quarter "Pearl", d. ___

We sell plots without a contract. You decide what and how to build.

We sell plots without intermediaries. You don't overpay agencies.

We sell plots without surcharges. There are no compulsory surcharges.

The village "Pearl" is located in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region at a distance of 20 km from the Moscow Orbital, if you move along the Leningradskoe highway. The convenience of the location of the village is due to the fact that you can get to it not only along the Leningradskoe highway (highway M10), but also along the high-speed highway M11. Moreover, in the second case, the way from the Moscow Ring Road to the entrance gates of the village can be about 25 minutes.

In the village "Pearl" there are 69 land plots ranging from 6 to 19 acres. The territory of the village is fenced off, an entrance zone, a security post, guest parking have been formed. High quality roads have been laid throughout the village, and many areas are covered with trees. Electricity has been supplied to the village (15 kW per site), it is planned to supply main gas (a pipe is laid along the border of the village). The territory is regularly cleaned.

"Pearl" is located in the village of Klushino, surrounded by other villages and SNT. In a 3-minute walk from the village there is a forest, a large pond, and a village shop. Nearby is the center of the rural settlement Lunevskoye with all the infrastructure (school, kindergarten, clinic, post office, bank, chain stores (Pyaterochka, Dixie, Perekrestok), sports facilities, a branch of the MFC.

In close proximity are the cities of Lobnya, Khimki (microdistrict Skhodnya), Zelenograd. Within a 7-minute drive there is a METRO hypermarket and FASHION HOUSE Outlet (Chornaya Gryaz village). A 12-minute drive from the Zelenopark shopping and entertainment center (cinema, shops, restaurants, children's areas, etc.).

"Pearl" belongs to the category of middle-level villages, while the cost of one hundred square meters of land is more likely to correspond to the economy class. Our buyers have access to a convenient payment by installments of the cost of the site, the possibility of buying with a mortgage loan.