Is it possible to jump from an airplane without a parachute? How an American extreme made a crazy jump without a parachute Man jumped without a parachute

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Almost all of us, at least once, have committed some crazy act in our life. For some, a crazy act is to pack their bags at the age of 18 and leave to live in another city. For others, race along the Autobahn at 260 km / h. For the third - to jump from the bungee. But all this is nothing compared to what the heroes of this post did. What is just a jump without a parachute from an airplane flying at an altitude of 7.6 km.

site collected 10 crazy actions of people, which hardly any of us will dare to repeat. And not because there is no possibility, but because ... scary.

Jump from space

On October 14, 2012, 43-year-old Austrian paratrooper Felix Baumgartner parachuted from the conditional boundary between space and the earth's atmosphere - from a height of 39 km (although an altitude of 36.5 km was originally planned). A minute later, the extreme overcame the supersonic barrier, reaching a speed of 1,357.6 km / h, and thus became the first person in the world who managed to do this without any vehicle... Baumgartner was in free flight for 4 minutes 20 seconds, and in general his descent lasted about 14 minutes.

By the way, the altitude record lasted until October 25, 2014: then it was beaten by one of the top managers of Google Alan Eustace, who jumped from a height of 41.42 km. But this event was not so spectacular, moreover, Eustace used a stabilizing parachute.

Descent to the bottom of the Mariana Trench

On March 26, 2012, the famous director James Cameron, for the first time in the history of mankind, went down to the most deep point Of the World Ocean. At a depth of 11 km, Cameron stayed for about 3 hours. During the dive, the director filmed a video, and also carried out scientific measurements with the help of special equipment, including taking several soil samples and catching several deep-sea creatures. The film he shot was broadcast in 2013 in cinemas and on the National Geographic channel.

Note that the first dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench was made in 1960 by US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and explorer Jacques Piccard.

Surfer conquered the biggest wave in the world

Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Cox in November 2017 conquered the most big wave in the world - 24.38 m high.The judges officially announced this at the Big Wave Awards ceremony held in California in April 2018, and added that this record will be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

A record was set off the coast of the Portuguese city of Nazare. This city is known for its high waves created by the underwater canyon of the same name.

I walked 142 thousand km. Barefoot!

68-year-old pensioner Vladimir Nesin from Nizhnevartovsk has been traveling on foot around the world for 22 years. Barefoot! Recently, a man calculated that over the years he has walked 142 thousand km, visiting more than 120 countries. And he walks barefoot, because in this way he "feels a connection with the earth, and it is good for health." Vladimir does not use maps and a compass, sometimes he uses a hitchhiker, most often he spends the night in a tent, eats $ 1 a day, and most importantly, travels on his pension of 12 thousand rubles.

Almost an hour in "clothes" of 637 thousand bees

In 2012, a fearless Chinese named Ruan Liangming set a world record by wearing a "mantle" of bees weighing more than 62 kg on his body. According to estimates, about 637 thousand bees were swarming on and around his body. At the same time, in such "clothes" of stinging insects, he lasted almost 54 minutes, which was recorded by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records.

Ride on the roof of the car at a speed of 260 km / h

In 1985, two American skiers, Sean Cridland and Kirsten Culver, set world records for skiing in full gear in a car. Kirsten rolled at just over 246 km / h, and Sean at 260 km / h. Initially, skiers trained in this way to learn how to control their body when strong wind during the races. But then, together with the legendary Bonneville racer Rick Vesco, the skiers decided to set a kind of record, which, by the way, has not been broken by anyone so far.

By water by boat at a speed of 511 km / h

In 1976, Australian racer Ken Warby set an absolute record for speed on water. His speedboat moved along the surface of the lake at a speed of 511 km / h. This record achievement has also not been beaten to this day.

The extreme walked along the cable for almost a kilometer

The Swiss extreme sportsman Freddy Nock in 2011 set 7 records in 7 days in the Alps as part of a charity event under the auspices of UNESCO. In particular, he walked through cable car leading to the most high mountain Germany called the Zugspitze, almost a kilometer without insurance and balancer.

Several stories about real lucky ones who were on the verge of death, but still survived in an almost hopeless situation during a fall from an extreme height.

1. A stuntman who jumped from a height of 7600 meters without a parachute and landed safely on a stretched net

More recently, in July, extreme and skydiver Luke Aikins successfully jumped from a plane without a parachute - of his own free will. (He is one of only two people on this list whose parachute jump was not an accident.)

The daredevil jumped from a height that almost doubled more height normal jump (7600 meters - usually skydivers making a long jump, jumping from a height of about 4000 meters) and landed on a stretched net almost 1/3 of a football field. To see how it does it with nerves of steel (and other parts of the body), watch this video:

2. The parachutist who filmed the accident that happened to him during the jump

In 2006, the heartbreaking footage of the fall of skydiver Michael Holmes, who survived a seemingly hopeless situation by making a hard landing in a blackberry bush, was filmed by a helmet-mounted video camera that his instructor put on him before jumping from an airplane from a height of 4300 meters.

Holmes, 24, did not panic when he got entangled in a parachute at an altitude of about 1.2 kilometers. Relying on his rich experience and training, he, not paying attention to his uncontrolled rotation - he made 84 revolutions during the flight - tried to open the reserve parachute. He did it, but too late to really help in this situation. The only thing that saved his life was landing in a blackberry bush.

He escaped with a collapsed lung and a fractured ankle and later returned to jumping with the words: "This is what I do. This is what I love."

3. Skydaver, who found out about her 2-week pregnancy after falling from a height
Shayna Richardson started skydiving when she was 21 years old. In 2005, a resident of Joplin, Missouri, was making her 10th jump in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, with a brand new parachute when something went wrong.

She made a solo jump at an altitude of about 900 meters, when the main parachute did not open and, according to estimates, she fell to the ground at a speed of 80 km / h. The girl does not remember the moment of hitting the ground, but, according to the instructor who ran up to her, she constantly asked if she was sleeping and if she was still alive.

Richardson fell face down on the asphalt. As a result of the fall, she received multiple fractures of the skull and pelvis, and also broke the right fibula.

However, the biggest shock for everyone was that the hospital discovered that at the time of the jump, the girl was in the second week of pregnancy. Despite everything that happened to her, the unborn child, whom she carried under her heart, did not suffer.

4. The parachutist, who jumped from a height of 4300 meters, did not open the main and reserve parachutes

Brad Guy was not going to jump without a parachute, but he did, and he was lucky - he survived.

Guy jumped together with the instructor. They were jumping from a height of 4,300 meters when their parachute tore as soon as it was deployed. He asked, "Are we going to die?" The only words that he heard in response from the instructor, an experienced skydiver, behind whose shoulders 2000 jumps in tandem: "I don't know."

The reserve parachute opened, but it got mostly entangled, and they got twisted in the fall. The men fell to the soft ground of the golf course dam. Both spent several weeks in the hospital.

5. First wingsuit diver to land safely without a parachute

In 2012, 42-year-old British stuntman Gary Connery jumped 732 meters from a helicopter and became the first person to successfully complete a wingsuit flight, landing without a parachute.

During his 40-second fall, Connery reached a speed of 121 km / h. Nearly 100 volunteers, friends and family members built a 100-meter runway for him from 18,500 cardboard boxes.

"It was bliss," Connery said of the flight. "It was a special day in my life."

6.80-year-old woman who slipped out of the straps survived the jump with an instructor

In the case of 80-year-old Laverne Everett (Laverne Everett) opened, but she could not hold onto the straps, so she also almost jumped without a parachute.

She was preparing to jump at a parachute center in Lodi, California. And when the moment came to take a decisive step, the woman (for some unknown reason) changed her mind about jumping and began to resist, holding her hands to the open door of the plane. Her instructor had to free her hands, and together they fell out of the plane at an altitude of 4000 meters.

The agency was fined $ 2,200 for allegedly not tightening the seat belts, which "increased the likelihood that a student skydiver could slip out of the harness and fall to the ground." Watch the eerie moments of the 80-year-old retired woman's jump in this video:

7. The pilot who survived after falling from a height of 4800 meters, falling into the ocean

In 1963, naval pilot Cliff Judkins jumped from a burning FB Crusader into the ocean. His parachute did not open, and Judkins began to fall down from a height of 4800 meters, fully aware of what was happening during the fall.

He did not lose consciousness and after the fall, he swam, despite his injuries, to the nearest life raft... He stayed in the water for 3 hours before being picked up. The man with internal hemorrhage and bone fractures was sent to the hospital and he fully recovered.

8. A rookie parachutist whose survival cannot be called anything other than divine intervention

Newbie parachutist and mother, Lareece Butler, rushed to the ground when her parachute became entangled during another jump in South Africa... Instructor Joos Vos says her survival is nothing short of a miracle.

Her young man watched the jump from the ground and saw her fall in a spiral, and then literally crashed into the field.

26-year-old Laris Butler escaped with a broken leg and pelvis, concussion and bruises. She later claimed that she was pushed out of the plane after becoming very frightened and resisted, noticing other parachute problems with the parachute. However, this claim was rejected by the operator, EP Parachute Club.

People who often fly, often come to mind: what to do if you suddenly fell out of the plane without a parachute. This situation does not seem so unrealistic. Almost every day, the media report the crash aircraft somewhere in the world. So is it possible to be saved by falling to the ground without insurance?

Instructions for aircraft passengers

Some passengers have a fear of flying. This is a psychological problem, and it has nothing to do with the technical condition of the aircraft. Anything can happen during the flight. True, the most emergencies occur during takeoff and landing of an airliner. All responsibility for flight safety rests with the aircraft crew. However, much depends on the behavior of passengers on board the aircraft.

Seat selection in the cabin

The safest places are considered to be in the rear of the aircraft. According to statistics, during plane crashes, only the tail of the airliner remains intact. This part of the aircraft does not have a fuel tank, so it cannot suddenly explode. There are rear emergency exits at the end of the cabin. The closer a person is to the emergency door, the faster he will be able to leave the plane in case of danger. People whose seats are closer to the aisle are also in a winning situation.

The right clothes

During the flight, it is advisable to wear jeans and a warm woolen sweater over a light T-shirt. If it gets hot in the cabin, the sweater can be removed. If it is cold, warm clothes will not let a person freeze. Clothes and shoes with high heels that are too open and tight should be avoided. The best option is sports shoes, jeans, a warm sweatshirt and a light T-shirt.

Safety instructions

During takeoff or landing of an aircraft, all sorts of technical problems may arise. At such moments, passengers need to sit in their seats, fasten their seat belts very tightly and raise their folding tables. In case of too hard braking or at the moment of turbulence, an unfastened passenger may "break away" from his seat. Tables in front or things lying on the knees, household appliances can injure a person.

The backs of the seats must be in a strictly upright position. Indeed, in the event of an accident, all passengers will need to quickly get up from their seats, and the back of the chair lowered back can become an obstacle for the person sitting behind.

You cannot walk around the cabin and use the toilet during takeoff or landing. It is forbidden to talk on mobile phone... Modern means of communication can interfere with the operation of aircraft navigation devices. Better to turn off your smartphone and look through the window. If a person listens to loud music and does not follow the events that take place in the aircraft cabin, in the event of an accident, he will not have time to navigate in time and take the steps proposed by the aircraft crew to save life.

Stories of survivors of falls without a parachute

There are many examples when people, falling from great heights without a parachute, survived. They did not undertake any special techniques to save their own lives. They were just lucky to land successfully.

British pilot Nicholas Alchemeid jumped from a damaged plane on fire during a battle with the Germans. He did not have a parachute, that also burned down. The pilot flew in the air for a while. Then he glided over to the spruce and, thanks to the branches of the trees, covered with snow, he smoothly fell to the ground. He survived, although he sprained his ankle. However, he was soon captured by the Germans.

In the 70s of the last century, a stewardess from Serbia Vesna Vulovic fell out of a plane crashed and flew almost 10,000 meters. She was sandwiched between her chair, a mobile cart and a dead passenger. The stewardess, along with the wreckage of the liner, landed on a snow-covered mountain slope and glided along it for some time. In the end, she survived, although she received many injuries.

What if I fell out of the plane without a parachute?

If a person realized that there was a disaster on board the airliner, but he is still alive and thrown out of the plane, he needs to take all measures to save his own life. The falling speed of the human body is approximately 200 km / h. This means that falling from a height of 6,000 m, a person will reach the surface of the earth in 2 minutes.

How to properly fall out of an airplane without a parachute (step by step instructions):

A person's chances of survival are significantly increased if he understands what a correct fall is. In the air, you need to slow down your landing time. How to do it: Spread your arms and legs wide and take an upright position.

When falling from an airplane without a parachute, the main thing is not to panic. Breathing should be slowed down, because at too high an altitude there is little oxygen in the atmosphere and a person can lose consciousness from hypoxia. Then the chances of survival will be even less.

In the air during a fall, you need to behave calmly. All thoughts must be concentrated around one problem: how to survive. To do this, you need to carefully consider the area below. A person's life depends on the choice of the landing site.

It is preferable to fall into the water. True, you need to enter a lake or sea with your feet first, that is, a soldier. At the time of immersion, all muscles should be tense. You need to close your eyes. Hands should be kept close to the body.

If there is no reservoir below, you can land in a forest plantation. You need to fall not on trees, but between them, on falling branches. When sliding along the branches of trees, you need to close your eyes and clasp your head with your hands.

You can fall on a sloping roof. Preferably on bent legs. An inclined surface will slightly soften the impact. After all, a person will roll down the roof and fall from a lower height.

Ideal for a fall without a parachute is to land in a snowdrift, haystack, or swampy soft soil. The likelihood of survival after such a landing is higher than with other methods. Falling from great height without a parachute, injuries cannot be avoided. Their number and severity can be reduced by landing on bent legs rather than on the head or stomach.

Stunt "jump without a parachute" performed by extreme sportsmen

American stuntman Luke Aikins made a parachute jump from a light aircraft in 2016. He successfully flew over 7 km and landed on a grid measuring 30x30 meters. The extreme was in free fall for about 3 minutes. Three more parachutists flew with him. One of them hosted a live broadcast of the extreme flight for American television. Luke Aikins' jump is considered the craziest act, although it took the athlete two years to prepare it.

To get an adrenaline rush, many go in for extreme sports. In their opinion, they get extraordinary sensations that are simply impossible to convey in words. One of the most extreme activities is jumping without a parachute.

A bit of history

People tried to conquer the heavenly spaces in the distant past, but most of attempts ended in failure. Flying in the sky is not a gimmick today as there are many different possibilities. For example, airplanes, hang gliders, parachutes. But for some people, such flights do not give the desired sensation, so they decide on very crazy actions. The most extreme of them is considered the jump without a parachute, carried out by American Luke Aikins on July 30, 2016 from a height of 7620 meters (25,000 feet). To make such a jump, I had to train for a long time and take into account the huge number of possible nuances that could occur, both during the jump and already upon landing.

Luke Aikins is the second person in the world to fly completely without a parachute from a great height, and survived. There are more interesting facts from history.

  1. Attempts to fly like a bird in the sky were made back in 1930, but they were not safe. Based on this, in America from the beginning of 1950 to 1980, any attempt to test the wings of a "bat" for flight was completely banned.
  2. In the mid-1990s, a special wing suit was introduced by the Frenchman Patrick de Gaillard. His invention differed from the previous suit by having three wings instead of two. Moreover, they were two-layer and could be inflated by the oncoming flow.

Thanks to the created special suit, a new type of parachuting was founded, it is called. Its essence lies in the fact that a person wearing "wings" can jump from an airplane or from any hill and fend off in the air, for example, like flying squirrels. But a parachute is still required to soften the landing. The fact is that during the flight, a sufficiently high speed develops, and this can cause very negative consequences. For clarity, it should be noted that the initial flight speed when jumping from a 4-kilometer height can be about 180 km / h.

Today, jumping without a parachute from a great height is also practiced, but in the process of free flight, extreme people still wear it. For example, before jumping from an airplane, a parachute is initially thrown, which then needs to be caught and put on. You can also take it from the person who jumped with a parachute. You can also note several incredible facts when people jumped without a parachute:

  1. In 2012, British stuntman Gary Connery jumped in a special suit with wings from a height of 732 meters. He is the first and only person who did not use a parachute at all. He landed in a semblance of airplanes landing on a runway. In his case, it was replaced by a 100 meter strip lined with 18,500 cardboard boxes.
  2. Wingsuiters include quite a lot of people who landed without a parachute, since it did not open in time or some unpredictable incidents occurred. But all of them had very unpleasant consequences, and some required quite serious medical attention.

In conclusion, it must be said that humanity continues to continue to expand the boundaries of the possible and the jump without a parachute as an American is proof of this. It is worth considering that his extreme flight was thought out and calculated to the smallest detail. As the record holder noted after a successful landing, that everything turned out thanks to science and mathematics.

You may think that this is editing. We have already seen cats flying and what we have not seen. However, as it is not surprising, but there is such a "trick" for extreme sports, as jumping without a parachute. Of course, a little later he puts on a parachute, but for some reason certain time flies just like that ...

Risk for risk has been discussed a hundred times. Here are some details and examples of this crazy action ...

The person in the video is called Travis Pastrana, all the details are on the website.

In general, this is the Guinness World Record for jumping from an airplane without a parachute

Here's what experienced people write:

- Well, in principle, people have all sorts of desires, someone wants to jump the base, thinking that he is safer than a skydive and that everything is fine, someone begins to feel like a hero and wants, without experience, to jump at night or jump from 4000m without an instructor and AFF classes, but these are all common cases. It's just that when for the first time you look at this whole thing from a monitor or TV screen, then everything is very beautiful, delightful, inspiring, but at the same time no one sees the other side of the coin. Immediately, questions like "Where do they teach bass, how to start jumping?" When you already begin to delve a little into everything that happens, then each time you understand how much more complicated everything is than it seemed. Well, if a person has such a great desire and aspiration, then I think you shouldn't beat off everything in the bud, but you shouldn't help to get out. Let him go and jump in a standard manner with a parachute from a normally flying plane, start parachuting, and then awareness will come. You look, if the priorities do not change in a couple of years, which I really doubt, then you will come to the originally set goal.

- in order to try to prepare and do this, I think you may need to actively engage in parachuting for 3-4 years (well, if in days, then about 1095-1461 days), for which it is desirable to make at least 1000 jumps.

And people ask:

- were there such people in Russia? interested in the price of the issue, provided there are no jumps. preparation time in days and approximate price in rubles. I ask you to answer only on the merits

And the answer is in 2010 prices

- Well, in fact, in the west, parachuting is developed and popularized much better than ours, and they jump there more often and sometimes more recklessly. When it is already difficult to surprise or be surprised at something, then for the sake of action they perform tricks, etc. Such tricks were not performed by many, but, as a rule, they were very experienced athletes (by the way, some of them played out). So we are not even talking about such a trick in the absence of jumping experience and not for any earthly money. A beginner simply will not be able to hold onto a free fall, he needs to be trained. Experienced for such a trick, you can try to call a person jumping a free-fly with at least 1000 jumps, although even this is not enough. The main thing is that these jumps are effective. There you can also add training in a wind tunnel.

Well, I called the money quite acceptable

600r one jump, 1000 jumps 600t. rub

Let's not forget to spend about 40,000 rubles for AFF

For equipment about 200,000 rubles (system, and other junk)

It is advisable to jump periodically with an instructor - how much money depends on how many lessons there will be

A good flight in a tube, where one hour costs 22,000 rubles

Moreover, every weekend you need to spend at the airfield, in short, you need to actively engage in parachuting. Well, if in a couple of years that you will actively jump and the desire to perform this trick does not disappear, then you will get acquainted with those thugs who want to help you.

It is said to be called banzai skydiving. Apparently, ordinary parachute jumps do not provide enough thrills for Japanese parachutists, so they jump out of a flying plane after throwing a parachute out of it. The idea is to catch your parachute in flight, put it on and dismiss it before dying from hitting the ground.

This "sport" was originally invented in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records. A record of this can be found in the 2007 edition of the Book. After the publication of the Book, Banzai skydiving quickly became popular in Japan, where anything outside the normal range is a success.

But not everything is so simple, here they hardly caught a man.