The shortest country in the world. What is the smallest state in the world? Video about Monaco

The capital of the state, in the opinion of the majority, is large metropolis with a huge population, occupying kilometers of the area. However, there are countries that are quite modest in size, and even their capitals are not large at all.

Presented in today's selection. Despite their modest size and population, these cities often play an important role, both on the national stage and internationally.

10. La Valletta

In place modern capital The first settlements in Malta appeared 3 thousand years ago. Today about 9 thousand people live here permanently. It is noteworthy that, like on the entire island, there are no rivers in the city. Fresh water residents of the capital receive from desalination plants, as well as by collecting rainwater.

9. Lobamba

The unique city of Lobamba is one of the two capitals of the state of Swaziland. The first capital of Mbabane is home to about 100 thousand inhabitants. There are only 5,800 people in Lobamba. But here are collected cultural attractions of Swaziland - National Museum and the royal palace.

8. Vaduz

The population of the capital of the principality of Liechtenstein is 5,300 people. The city was founded in the XIII century. The capital is interesting for the castle of the same name, town hall, government house. There are several museums here, but there is no train station or airport.

7. Funafuti

This city is the capital of the state of the same name, located on an isolated atoll in the middle of The Pacific... The population of the capital is 5,070 people. There are traditional buildings with roofs made of palm leaves and modern buildings made of glass and concrete. The main attractions of the city are the Tuvalu Church and the remains of an American plane that crashed here during the Second World War.

6. San Marino

The settlement on the site of the city was founded in 302 AD. Today, the area of ​​the capital of the dwarf state is 7 square meters. km. The population of San Marino is 4,600 people, which is about 15% of the population of the entire state. The city is picturesquely located on the natural terraces of Monte Titano.

5. Stanley

The State of Falkland Islands has one the only city- the capital of Stanley. Less than 2,500 people live here. The city is interesting for its distinctive architecture, museum and Anglican cathedral.

4. Monaco (Monaco-Ville)

The entire principality of Monaco is divided into 10 administrative territories. One of them is the capital with a population of 1,034 people. The main attractions of the capital are the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, as well as the Oceanographic Museum, which was once headed by Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

3. Vatican

This city - . It is inhabited by 836 people, and its area is only 0.44 sq. km. With such a modest size, the influence of the Catholic capital is enormous. In addition to the clergy, the Vatican is inhabited by about 40 lay people, as well as employees of the Swiss Guard, which protects the Pope. About three thousand people come to the Vatican to work every day, but they are not residents.

2. Ngerulmud

The capital of the island state of Palau is inhabited by 270 people. Strictly speaking, Ngerulmud is more of a village than a city. Most of the residents are engaged in agriculture, tourism and fishing.

1. Adamstown

The state capital of Pitcairn is the only one locality of this tiny island country. There are only 69 inhabitants in the city, there are central square and a church with a bell tower. Despite its remoteness, Adamstown schoolchildren receive advanced education using the Internet, and residents have the opportunity to use satellite television and cellular communications.

Incredibly varied. Each of them is unique in its own way. However, we are used to the fact that the word "country" means a huge territory, hundreds of cities and villages. Nevertheless, there are powers in the world with a record small area. Today we will find out which countries are the smallest in area and what features they have.

Heart of Catholicism

The smallest country in the world by area, known to everyone, is the Vatican. A small but incredibly strong state is located in the western part of Rome. Since the residence of the Pope is located in the Vatican, this mini-country is the spiritual center of the entire Catholic world.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a pair of islands in the Caribbean that are united into one republic. They are of volcanic origin. The length of the coastline is 135 km. The islands are separated by The Narrows Strait and surrounded by coral reefs.

Power here belongs to the monarch of Great Britain, who is represented on the island by the governor-general. Official language- English. The total area is 261 sq. km.

The population is over 50,000 people. Dominated by blacks, whose descendants were brought as slaves to the islands. The indigenous inhabitants of the republic were the Caribbean Indians, but in the 17th century they were supplanted by the British. The latter soon had to cede rights to the islands to the French. In the 1980s, Saint Kitts and Nevis gained the possibility of internal self-government. Status - "state associated with Great Britain".

Maldives - a piece of paradise

This paradise v Indian Ocean also ranks among the 10 smallest countries in the world in terms of area. The 1192 coral islets located near Sri Lanka offer beautiful scenery and all the necessary trappings of relaxation. Today a tour to the Maldives is not that expensive - about $ 1,000.

The islands are combined into a target of 26 atolls. The area is only 300 sq. m, which accommodated about 400,000 residents. Religion is Islam. It is noteworthy that out of 1192 islets, only 202 of them are inhabited. The rest are incredibly beautiful, uninhabited corners of the tropics. Scientists assume that they are all volcanic in origin. The Maldives is the smallest country in Asia in terms of area.

The indigenous people are Dravids (people from India). In the V-VII centuries, Persians and Arabs appeared on the islands.

The official language is Dihevi. However, in tourist centers knowledge of English is also enough.


So, we found out which country has the smallest area and which powers are among the ten most modest in size. The rest of the small states of the world, including the island ones, have an area of ​​400 sq. km and more.

This is a list of the 15 smallest countries in the world. Countries comparable in size to small town... You can walk almost every one of these countries from edge to edge in less than a day.

The most small state on the ground. The Vatican is located on the territory Of the eternal city Rome, on the hill of Monte Vaticano and has the length of the state border, only 3.2 km. In a few hours, you can easily walk around the whole country. According to official figures, the population of the Vatican is just over 800 people. Another 3,000 people are not citizens of the country, but they come here to work every day.

The Vatican is one of the largest museums under open air... Here it is real treasure works of art and architectural monuments, relics of Christianity and unique creations of great masters are kept. A huge number of believers and tourists visit the territory of the Vatican every day.

The second place in the list of micro states is occupied by the Principality of Monaco. Its territory is 1.95 sq. km. The length of the state border with France is 4.4 km. The population density in Monaco, unlike the Vatican, is very high - the country is one of the most populous countries in the world. The locals are mainly engaged in serving tourists who are attracted here by the magnificent beaches and a huge number of gambling establishments.

The Republic of Nauru is a dwarf state on the coral island of the same name in the western part of the Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​21.3 km² and a population of 12 thousand people. Nauru is the smallest independent republic on Earth, the smallest island state, the smallest state outside Europe and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

Tuvalu is a dwarf Pacific state in Polynesia. The length of the coastal strip is 21 km. The state is located on 5 atolls and 4 islands of the Tuvalu archipelago. The total land area is 26 km². The population of the country is 14 thousand people. The islands gained independence in 1978 (before that the archipelago was a British colony).

The name of the country, translated from the Tuvalu language, it means "eight standing together" (meaning the eight traditionally inhabited islands of Tuvalu. most of which is located no higher than 5 meters above sea level. The country lives on the help of other countries, because does not have its own natural resources.

5. San Marino

European state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of Italy. The name comes from the name of the Christian saint who founded the state. The country claims to be the oldest state in Europe. The area of ​​the state is 60.57 km². Almost 80% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains and rock massifs. Population - 33 thousand people. San Marino is one of the few modern countries with positive economic performance. State revenues exceed expenditures and the country has no external debt.

Another dwarf European state. The area of ​​the country is 160 km². The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty of Liechtenstein. The principality is located in the spurs of the Alps, the most high point- Mount Graushpitz (2599 m). One of the largest rivers in Western Europe, the Rhine, flows through the western part of the country. The population of the country is 38 thousand people.

Despite its size, Liechtenstein is a thriving industrial country with a developed banking system. In addition, the Principality of Liechtenstein is included in the black list of "tax havens" - states where residents of other countries evade taxation.

Marshall Islands- a Pacific state in Micronesia. The state is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands of the Marshall Islands archipelago. The length of the coastal strip is 370.4 km. The total land area is 181.3 km² and 11 673 km² are occupied by lagoons. The population of the Marshall Islands is 65 thousand people.

The maximum height above sea level is 10 meters. In the event of a significant rise in the level of the World Ocean or global climate change, serious environmental consequences are inevitable on individual islands.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands has no permanent armed forces... According to the signed agreement, the United States is responsible for the country's security and defense. They have a duty to protect the Republic of the Marshall Islands and its citizens from outside attacks and threats.

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis - a state in the eastern part Caribbean, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. Both islands are of volcanic origin and mountainous. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². Population - 53 thousand people. The total length of the coastline is 135 km.

The islands were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, but the Spaniards did not colonize them. For a long time Great Britain and France fought for the possession of the islands. In 1983, the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis became independent.

The islands have rich tropical vegetation. Mountain areas covered with dense tropical forests and orchards. Vines, mangoes, bread and cinnamon trees, tamarind, avocados, bananas, papaya grow here. On the tops of the mountains, forests give way to meadows, with no less abundant vegetation. The forests are inhabited by numerous tropical birds and butterflies, monkeys are found. Many seabirds nest on the coast, including pelicans. The waters abound in fish.

The Republic of Maldives or simply the Maldives is a state in South Asia, located on a group of atolls in the Indian Ocean, south of India. The state is a chain of 20 atolls, consisting of 1,192 coral islets. The population is about 330 thousand people. The total area is 90 thousand km², the land area is 298 km². The capital Male - the only city and port of the archipelago - is located on the atoll of the same name and is the smallest capital in the world. However, Male is home to a third of the country's total population.

The economy is based on tourist services. Hot, but comfortable weather all year round (air temperature from 24 to 30 °) made Maldives a place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. Fishing is in second place.

Republic of Malta - Island state in the Mediterranean. The country consists of three inhabited islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino and many small and uninhabited islands. The territory of the state is 316 km². The population of Malta is 420 thousand people. The country bears the title of the least populated state in the European Union.

The main branch of the economy of Malta is tourism. Most of the cultural and historical attractions are associated with the Knights of the Order of the John (Order of Malta). Due to the wide variety of urban and natural landscapes Malta is popular place filming feature films. Malta is the only country in Europe that lacks rivers, lakes and its own sources of fresh water.

Grenada is an island state in the southeast of the Caribbean, occupying the island of Grenada and the southern part of the Grenadines. The total area is 344 sq. km. Population - 110 thousand people.

The island of Grenada is of volcanic origin. In the center of the island lies a wooded mountain range, over which rises Mount St. Catherine (840 m), the highest point in the country. There are few rivers on the island, but there are many streams and springs. Grenada's economy is based on tourism as well as offshore financial business.

The song "Grenada", written by M. Svetlov in 1926, as it turned out, has nothing to do with the state of Grenada.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an independent state in the Caribbean. The territory consists of the island of Saint Vincent and 32 small islets of the Grenadines group. The area is 389 km². Population - 105 thousand people.

On the island of Saint Vincent there is active volcano Soufriere. In our era alone, it has erupted at least 160 times already. The last eruption was in 1979. The beaches of the island are covered with black volcanic sand; the exception is white sandy beaches at the southern tip of the island.

Barbados is a small state in the West Indies, located on the island of the same name, resembling a pear in shape. The island is 431 km² in size and is mostly flat with small hills in the middle. Population - 290 thousand people. Barbados is one of the leading developing countries in terms of living standards and literacy of the population.

The economy is based on tourism. Many historical monuments associated with the rise of piracy in the Caribbean. Also Barbados is famous for the production of the famous pirate rum. Approximately every 3 years the island finds itself in a hurricane zone and suffers greatly from the elements.

Antigua and Barbuda is a state in the West Indies located on three islands- Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda. The total area is 442 km². Population 90 thousand people.

The main source of income is tourism. Antigua and Barbuda is ready to receive tourists 365 days a year. Coastline Antigua forms many bays (in fact, these are relic volcanic craters) and a long strip of first-class beaches (it is believed that there are exactly 365 of them on the islands). There are both beaches with developed infrastructure and completely wild, secluded corners.

The Republic of Seychelles is an island state in East Africa. Located in the western Indian Ocean, just south of the equator. The republic includes 115 islands, only 33 of them are inhabited. The islands cover an area of ​​455 square kilometers. The population of the country is about 90 thousand people.

The main source of income Seychelles for a long time there have been exports of cinnamon, coconut and vanilla. Since 1976, when Great Britain granted independence to the Seychelles, tourism (up to 75% of foreign exchange earnings) has become the main source of income.

The fruit of the Seychelles palm, which grows only in the Seychelles, weighs 20 kg and is considered the largest fruit in the plant kingdom.

It's hard to believe that in such big world there are whole countries so small that they may well be located in one of the districts of Moscow. People living in such countries are no different from those who inhabit countries with major cities and villages, they do not feel that they are in any way different from the rest. But for the inhabitants of countries with large territories, they are considered as exotic as any plant or plant. If you ask the question, what is the smallest country in the world or a state, only a person with a broad outlook will correctly answer, one who is interested in the unusual and amazing.

Considering the smallest countries, it is worth saying that there are also very small states in the world. In order not to confuse them, you need to know how the country differs from the state. So, a country is a community with its culture, history, land. At the same time, a country is considered a state if it has sovereignty, so to speak, political freedom.

Some might think: what could be interesting in a country with such a tiny territory? But it turns out that they are quite interesting not only for their exotic nature, but also for their history, picturesque landscapes,. So let's get to know smallest countries and states on our planet.


Among the blue expanses of the Indian Ocean lies Maldives, which is considered the smallest country in Asia.

It is known to many as the Maldives or Maldives. It consists of many tiny islands. The area does not exceed 298 sq. km. The Republic is home to 396 thousand people. The capital is Male, it is home to about two-thirds of the population. It gained its independence in 1965, and a couple of years later the Maldives became a republic.

If not so long ago the inhabitants were more engaged in the export of dried tuna and other gifts, coconut cables, today the main income of the islanders is tourism.

Video about the Maldives:


The smallest state in the world, namely in Africa, is the Seychelles.

A couple of decades ago, the islands were completely subordinate to Great Britain, they became independent in 1976. To provide a decent life, the inhabitants were engaged in the export of vanilla, cinnamon and coconut, after gaining independence, tourists began to come here. Thus, for today the main income of local residents is tourism. Seychelles can be found on the map north of Madagascar and includes 115 small islands in the Indian Ocean. According to the data, the archipelago has an area of ​​455 sq. km, which is home to 84 thousand people.

Video about Seychelles:


A tiny state adjacent to Austria and Switzerland - Liechtenstein - is a real boon for businessmen.

Low tax rates in force in the state attract many businessmen from all over the world, who are registered in it. At the same time, wealthy businessmen are not embarrassed that the state does not even have its own, and the closest one is in Zurich.

Liechtenstein occupies about 160 sq. km, the population is approximately 29 thousand people. Basically, the state thrives on the export of food, dental instruments, microchips and postage stamps. It is also visited by many tourists who bring additional income to residents. The state is inhabited by Austrians, Germans and Swiss. The main language is German, but you can find residents who speak several dialects. The city of Vaduz is the capital of a tiny state.

Video about the State of Liechtenstein:


If you travel by the Pacific Ocean, then know: in the south of Micronesia is the Republic of Nauru - a tiny island nation of the whole world. On an area of ​​21 sq. km is home to approximately 9 thousand people.

Even in the last century, the inhabitants of the island were considered the richest in the whole world. From the extraction of phosphates, they made huge fortunes. The authorities of the Republic employed almost all the inhabitants of the island, made education and medicine free. Truth, high school few people appreciated it, only a few children attended it.

Over time, the deposits of phosphates ended and almost the entire territory of the island ceased to be useful. Today, only depleted and abandoned mines remind of the past prosperity of the inhabitants. But that's not all: there is no island in the world where people suffer from obesity as in Nauru. Most residents lead a sedentary lifestyle, consume very fatty foods and a lot of alcohol, the result is obvious - suffering from diabetes. The state cannot defend itself, since it does not have armed forces, but in 1999 the UN took it under its wing.

Video about the Republic of Nauru:


If you want to know what is the smallest country in the world - then it is worth visiting the Vatican.

The most beautiful buildings in the world, such as the Sistine Chapel, the Apostolic Palace, St. Peter's Basilica, are located in the small but powerful Vatican. It is located in one of the Roman districts. 770 people live on 44 hectares, who also work there. The Vatican is the seat of the Pope.

The Swiss guard protects order and. The guard consists of one hundred people, but to get into its composition, a person must be a single Catholic and a resident of Switzerland. The main income of the Vatican consists of donations that flow to the treasury from all over the world, as well as additional income from the sale of books and visits to the country by tourists.

Video about the Vatican:


Monaco ranks second among the smallest countries in the world.

On an area of ​​2 sq. km is home to about 24 thousand inhabitants. More recently, the Grimaldi family, which came from Genoa, was considered the full-fledged ruler here. Today the Prince and the National Council have taken their place. Monaco is located next to France and is located on the shores of the beautiful Ligurian Sea.

The country is very attractive to the world's richest people as it offers them attractive tax breaks. Despite the fact that tourism is very developed in the country, many residents are successfully engaged in agriculture and offshore banking.

The small country became famous thanks to the world famous casino located in Monte Carlo. It hosted the Monaco Grand Prix Formula 1 racing championship. The capital of the country is called Monaco.

Video about Monaco:

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

On islands in the Atlantic between the North and South America fit a tiny state - the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, which has an area of ​​261 sq. km and residents of 50 thousand.

In addition to tourism, they are engaged in the electrical industry, the export of sugar and shellfish, which brings good profits.

Video about the state - Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis:

Marshall Islands

The smallest state in Europe is the Marshall Islands, which consist of many coral islands, tiny in size, and reefs. State of 180 sq. km is inhabited by 52 thousand inhabitants.

Mostly English is spoken here. The islands are known for their turbulent history; they managed to visit the governments of Germany, the Japanese Empire and Spain. As a result of the events of World War II, the United States liberated the island from the Japanese government, but the inhabitants received final freedom only in 1986. Thanks to the support, the island is flourishing to this day, despite the fact that it does not have its own resources and well-established exports. The inhabitants of the Marshall Islands are engaged in the sale of fish, copra. Additionally, the treasury is replenished thanks to the developed tourism.

Video about the Marshall Islands:

San Marino

In the very heart of Italy, on the slope of Mount Titan, rises the miniature state of San Marino.

On the territory of 61 sq. km is home to approximately 28 thousand people. The spoken language of the inhabitants is Italian. The state has its own ancient history that all residents are proud of. They tell about the bricklayer Marinus, who came to these lands back in 301, fleeing the Christian hater and persecutor of the emperor Diocletian. To prevent the emperor from finding him, the mason hid in the Titan mountains, where he later created his own Christianity. The owner, who owned the mountain, recorded it in the name of the Christian community, as the area was first known as the "Land of Saint Marinus", and later - San Marino.

This tiny state, at the end of the war, was also considered the poorest, thanks to which it managed to maintain its independence.

After millions of tourists began to visit the country every year, the treasury of San Marino began to rapidly replenish. In addition to tourism, the state trades in the export of quality goods, including wine, ceramics, stone for construction and chemicals. Today, the inhabitants of a tiny country can be safely called the richest inhabitants of Europe.

Video about San Marino:


Although the ocean level is constantly rising, the inhabitants of the tiny state of Tuvalu are in no hurry to leave it.

The country is located in the Pacific Basin and consists of four islands and five atolls. On 26 sq. km 10.5 thousand people live. It became independent relatively recently - in 1978. Previously, the British Crown ruled here and were known as the Ellis Islands.

In order to survive, residents fish and farm, but this is not enough, so they receive a lot of support from Australia, Japan, USA, New Zealand.

Video about the state of Tuvalu:

So you got to know the smallest countries and states.

There are quite a few countries on the planet that can be located, for example, on the territory of one district of Moscow. As a rule, such places are very interesting and exotic. Most of them are little known, but all the same information about these countries is available to readers of the rating "The smallest countries in the world."

In order not to get confused, at which point the country is located, and at which state or territory you need to know: a territory is a community that is united by culture, land and history. If this community is isolated, even if it is dependent, then this is already a country. But if it also has sovereignty, that is, political freedom to choose a state-legal organization, then you already have the state in front of you. So which countries are the smallest?

Maldives, 298 sq. km

It is a state of 2 thousand islands in the Indian Ocean. In 1965, the Maldives became independent from Great Britain.

181 thousand residents who speak Maldivian and English, make a living by tourism.

Saint Kitts and Nevis, 269 sq. km

The Caribbean country is home to 41 thousand English-speaking people. In 1983 Saint Kitts and Nevis was recognized as independent.

Here money comes from the export of sugar, shellfish, electronics and light industrial goods.

Seychelles, 217 sq. km

Seychelles is the smallest state in Africa. Until 1976, it was subject to Great Britain.

After 69 thousand local residents became independent. Creole, English and French are spoken here. And residents have the main income from tourism.

Marshall Islands, 180 sq. km

The Pacific Marshall Islands are an archipelago of coral islands and reefs. The population of this small state is 52 thousand people.

The state language is English. Formally, the islands are subject to the British crown, despite the fact that in 1986 they became independent. The island trades in copra, fish and phosphates. Recently, tourism has become an important source of money for the treasury.

Liechtenstein, 160 sq. km

This tiny state is located in the Alps, between Austria and Switzerland. The country is home to about 29 thousand people. Liechtenstein lives by exporting food products, selling stamps, microchips and dental instruments. At the same time, the state is a fairly developed industrial country with a high standard of living and an excellent system of financial services.

Liechtenstein's population consists mainly of Germans, Austrians and Swiss. A third of the total population is foreigners. Everybody speaks German, but there are several dialects on the territory.

San Marino, 61 sq. km

This small state is located on the slope of Mount Titan, in the center of Italy. About 28 thousand inhabitants live on 61 square kilometers of San Marino. And they all speak Italian.

Citizens are proud that their state is one of the most ancient in Europe. It is known from ancient sources that San Marino was formed in 301. The bricklayer Marinus came to this land.

He fled from the Roman emperor Diocletian, who is known for his hatred of Christians. Marinus hid at an altitude of 701 meters on Mount Titan and created his own small Christian community. The then owner of this land, Felicissima, bequeathed her land to the community. At first, the territory was named "The Land of Saint Marinus", after which it was renamed San Marino.

San Marino has retained its physical independence due to its inconvenient natural location and poverty. Since the 17th century, the Constitution in the country ruled by the Council of Sixty has not changed.

San Marino is a small country in Europe

Since the end of World War II, San Marino has become one of the poorest countries in Europe. Now the country is annually visited by about three million tourists, so their money is one of the main sources of income. Ceramics, wine, paints, chemicals, building stone are exported from San Marino. Now, thanks to this, the inhabitants of this small country have become one of the richest in Europe.

Tuvalu, 26 sq. km

This state is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean on a chain of nine coral atolls. Has a population of only 10.5 thousand people.

Every year, the island's territory is getting smaller and, perhaps, in a few decades, nothing will remain of it - if the ocean level rises. However, even if this does not happen, then Tuvalu is still slowly but surely "sinking." The main problems in the state are coastal erosion and population growth.

Nauru, 21 sq. km

This dwarf state is located on the coral reef of the same name in the west of the Pacific Ocean. The island does not have its own capital; it is the only such republic on the planet. About 13 thousand inhabitants live here.

In the 70s of the last century, the indigenous people of Nauru were the richest people in the world. Everyone was taking advantage of phosphates. Local authorities employed 95 percent of citizens, and also provided people with free education and medicine. However, not everyone appreciated this - only a third of all children attended secondary school.

the island of Nauru is the smallest country in the Pacific Ocean

However, phosphates were not permanent, and 90 percent of the island's territory became unproductive. Only mined mines remained everywhere. And this is not the only problem of a small state. Most of the locals are obese. Too slow and sedentary a large number of fatty foods and alcohol have done the trick - 9 out of 10 have too many extra pounds. Moreover, nearly half of Nauru's population has diabetes. As a result, the country has the highest incidence of this disease in the world.

Monaco, 1.96 sq. km.

The second place in the list of "The smallest countries in the world" is taken by Monaco. The area of ​​this dwarf state is almost two square kilometers, and each has about 24 thousand inhabitants. For the last seven centuries, the Grimaldi family from Genoa ruled here. Now the Prince rules with the National Council.

One to five - this is the ratio of the indigenous people of Monaco to the visitors. Why did it happen? Because for quite a long time there was no income tax in the country. Therefore, wealthy foreigners, businessmen and owners of large companies came here in droves. After a lengthy debate with the French authorities, which were unhappy with the outflow of their wealthy entrepreneurs along with their capital to a neighboring state, a profit tax was introduced in Monaco. However, this change did not affect the indigenous people.

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican, 0.44 sq. km

Even though this country is small, it is very powerful. The Vatican is the independent territory of the Holy See of the Catholic Church, before which one billion people on the planet worship. In fact, the Vatican is the seat of the head of the Catholic Church.

The Vatican speaks Italian and Latin. The country's economy is exceptional: it is the only unprofitable one in the world. The Vatican's treasury is replenished from the pockets of Catholics around the world, that is, it is formed from donations, income from the sale of books, postage stamps and tourism. And one more important note: the Vatican does not collect taxes as a spiritual center.

In the ranking of the smallest countries in the world, there are many island states located close to the equator and having a very hot climate. We suggest you also read about the hottest countries in the world.
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