Military literature. Military literature The plane did not belong to the Dosaaf

On September 2, 2017, demonstration flights of GA aircraft dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the first flight of the An-2 aircraft were scheduled at the Chernoe airfield of MARZ DOSAAF (urban district of Balashikha, Moscow region). For this purpose, the An-2 RA-35171 aircraft flew from the Severka airfield to the Chernoe airport. For a long time, this aircraft was used for flights, including acrobatic ones, at the Severka and Orlovka airfields.
According to the RP instructions of the Chernoe aerodrome, during the pre-flight briefing, the crew had to perform passages over the runway and simple aerobatics in the altitude range of 100 - 600 m, not exceeding the flight speed and roll limits established by the aircraft flight manual.
After takeoff and retraction of the flaps, the PIC performed a circle flight with an altitude gain of up to 400 m and after the 4th turn began to perform complex aerobatics over the runway with a descent to an altitude of less than 100 m. with the ground. The aircraft was completely destroyed and partially burned out, the PIC and the co-pilot were killed. The airplane's glider was at a distance of 180 m from the place where the aircraft first touched the ground. The engine was located at a distance of 220 m from the place of the first contact. The commission established that the PIC at an altitude of 400 m performed an unforeseen “barrel” figure with a left rotation, from which he left at an angle of about 90 ° to the right to the flight course before entering the figure, with a descent with a significant dive angle in the direction of the airfield and spectators. In the process of descent, the indicated speed increased to 290 km / h (to an altitude of about 150 m), the vertical speed of descent - up to 15 m / s. According to the Airplane Flight Manual An-2, the maximum indicated flight speed when descending in calm air should not exceed 220 km / h.
Over the airfield, in 7 sec. before the collision with the ground, without taking the plane out of the descent, the pilot began to make a left turn with a large roll at low altitude, deflecting the control wheel completely to the left for 2 seconds. As a result, the roll angle has reached 70 ... 80 ° (the maximum allowable roll angle according to the flight guide is 45 °). In 4 sec. before the accident, apparently to stop the descent, the control column was pulled by the pilot approximately 1/2 stroke from the neutral position. At the same time, there was a slight decrease in the indicated speed from 300 km / h to 265 ... 270 km / h, the readings of the variometer did not change. In 2 sec. before the aircraft collided with the ground, at a speed of about 270 km / h, with the steering column "towards itself" approximately 3/4 of the stroke from the neutral position, the PIC deflected the steering wheel to the right, first by approximately 3/4 of the stroke, and after a second - to emphasis, followed by a significant deviation of the "right leg". The video footage from the video camera installed in the pilot's cockpit shows that the right (free) steering wheel at this moment is not fully deflected. The aircraft continued to descend, while the value of the left bank practically did not decrease. Before the left biplane box touched the ground, the steering column was almost completely "on itself" and the right leg was fully given, which, most likely, led to the aircraft entering the stall mode (determined by the increase in left bank, despite the steering wheel deviation "to the right").
Thus, a significant excess of the established operational limits and the delayed actions of the pilot to get the aircraft out of descent and roll at an unacceptably low altitude led to a collision of the aircraft with the left biplane box with the earth's surface. The Commission found that the delays in the aircraft exit from the roll and descent with almost complete deflection of the rudders to the output were the result of stretching the control wiring due to the increase in the efforts at the control wheel along the roll, which increase with increasing flight speed, as a result of which an incomplete deflection of the ailerons occurs, which increases roll-out time.
Thus, significant values ​​of the hinge moment arising on the ailerons in the process of taking the aircraft out of a turn with a roll of 70 - 80 ° at a speed of about 270 km / h with a significant vertical overload, with a fully deflected steering wheel to the right of the piloting pilot, led to an increase in efforts in the cable guidance in the transverse channel (along the ailerons) and, as a consequence, a decrease in the aileron deflection angles due to the stretching of the cable guidance and, accordingly, the return of the right (free) steering wheel to the neutral roll position. This led to an increase in the required time to take the aircraft out of bank. The investigation also found that both crew members have valid licenses of line pilots and amateur pilots, but none of them has permission to fly the An-2 aircraft (the PIC's admission expired in 2006 and was not renewed, the co-pilot It never happened). The airworthiness certificate of this aircraft expired in November 2012, and therefore its operation is illegal. These violations testify to a completely irresponsible attitude to the preparation and conduct of demonstration flights to Chernoe airport on the part of the organizers and the aircraft crew.

To the blessed memory of the pilots Boris Markovich Tylevich and Dmitry Evgenievich Sukharev who died on September 2, 2017 in the plane crash of the An-2 aircraft they piloted at the Chernoe airfield near Balashikha near Moscow, this publication is dedicated.

O. K. Antonov.

For the first time, the idea of ​​creating such a machine as An-2, that is, a multipurpose short take-off and landing aircraft with a carrying capacity of up to one and a half tons to serve hard-to-reach regions of the country, to meet the needs of Agriculture and use as a light military transport aircraft, was put forward by Antonov in October 1940.
Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was born on February 7, 1906 near Moscow and already in the 1920s gained a certain fame for his work on gliders, and in 1930, after graduating from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in aircraft construction, he was invited to Moscow to organize the Central Design Bureau for gliders. He has created a number of gliders and aircraft for a wide variety of purposes. Antonov died in 1984.
"Plane No. 4" (the original name is An-2) was calculated to carry 800 kg of cargo or ten servicemen in gear and with weapons. The design progressed quickly, since the idea of ​​building a machine for which a small enough site for takeoff and landing, according to the designer's recollections, greatly attracted Oleg Konstantinovich.
However, in February 1941, experts from the Air Force Research Institute rejected this project due to the insufficient speed of "aircraft No. 4" (about 300 km / h). All aviators at that time were dominated by the slogan: "Faster, farther and higher!"
During the difficult war years, Oleg Antonov, engaged in the creation of high-speed fighters (in 1943 - 1945 he was the first deputy of Alexander Yakovlev), did not abandon the dream of a slow-speed biplane. After reading some works on aerodynamics during the war years, Oleg Antonov was even more convinced of the correctness of the chosen scheme of the future aircraft. “I was amazed at how important the propeller blowing is for a biplane,” Antonov recalled. - The fuselage itself has a small lift, and next to the wings - a large one. Thus, there is a dip in lift. This is terribly disadvantageous for both aerodynamic performance and lift. And when the propeller works, it kind of fills this void, an excellent distribution of lift is obtained, and everything turns out very well right away. "
After analyzing the post-war state of the country from the state point of view, Oleg Konstantinovich became even more convinced of the need for a multi-purpose, unpretentious aircraft. In Novosibirsk, a small group of like-minded people gathered around him (about ten engineers) - the core of the future design bureau. However, the "archaic" biplane scheme of the aircraft continued to cause rejection, and the project "top" stubbornly "wrapped up".
Only on January 26, 1946, the resolution of Aleksandr Yakovlev appeared on it: “This is an interesting plane, you need to build it. Instruct to demand from Antonov the estimate and the date of production of the car. "

An-2R on a ski chassis.

And immediately everything was in motion. At the suggestion of Yakovlev, the collegium of the Ministry aviation industry made a decision to build an aircraft, and on March 6, the Minister of Aviation Industry Mikhail Khrunichev signed order No. 94, which determined the birth of a new design team - OKB-153 at aircraft plant No. 153.
The first flight of the experimental An-2 took place on August 31, 1947 (pilot Volodin). The aircraft entered service in August 1948. Conceived as an agricultural one, it quickly became multipurpose and was produced in more than 20 modifications. An-2 has found wide application in the transportation of passengers, cargo, in sanitary and agricultural versions. As an educational one - in schools civil aviation, as a scientific laboratory, as well as for training parachute jumps and extinguishing forest fires. The An-2 was also operated as a seaplane. As an experiment, an ekranoplan was designed on the basis of An-2, which could be seen at MAKS-2009.

An-2E ekranoplan.

The author of these lines, as a passenger, had a chance in 1966 to fly on the An-2 between regional city Pskov and the regional town of Opochka with one stopover in another regional center - Pushkinskie Gory. This flight then flew on the Pskov - Velikie Luki route. An air ticket to Opochka cost three rubles and a penny. For about the same amount, it was possible to get from Pskov to Opochka by bus, but all 12 seats on the plane were occupied, since it flew in a straight line and delivered passengers much faster than the bus.

Transport and passenger An-2TP.

Production of the An-2 began to gain momentum in the 1950s. The aircraft was mass-produced at the plant number 437 in Kiev. Adherent of agriculture Nikita Khrushchev patronized the An-2, especially its agricultural version. From here popular name An-2 - "maize".
The production of An-2 by plants No. 437 and No. 464 in Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, continued until 1963. During this period, 3164 cars were produced.

An-2V on a float landing gear.

but the largest number biplanes An-2 were produced in Poland. Since 1958, the rights to manufacture this aircraft were transferred to her and the procedure for selling it in the USSR was determined. In the Polish town of Mielec, full-scale production was maintained until the end of 1992, and individual small series were produced until January 2002.
In total, 11,915 copies of the An-2 aircraft were produced in Poland, of which 10,440 were delivered to the USSR and the CIS countries.
In addition, this aircraft was produced under license in China in various versions with the designations "Shijiazhuang Y-5" and "Nanchang Y-5". The PRC, apparently, remains the only country in the world today where the production of the An-2 continues.
In total, more than 18 thousand An-2 were built. The aircraft was operated in 28 countries. In 2012, about 2300 An-2s were in operation in 26 countries. The largest number of them (about 1400 pieces) is now located in Russia.

Transport and landing An-2TD.

It is not surprising that the An-2 entered the Guinness Book of Records as the only aircraft in the world whose production has not stopped for over 60 years. Such longevity is defined excellent opportunities and aircraft performance in its class.
An-2 has an all-metal fuselage and a wing frame made of aluminum alloy. Fender linings are made of polyester fabric. The power plant is an ASh-62IR radial piston engine with a capacity of 1000 hp. With. with a four-blade variable pitch propeller AB-2. Crew - 1 - 2 people (depending on modification). Maximum takeoff weight- 5500 kg. Payload up to 1600 kg.
Aerodynamic design of the An-2 - biplane biplane with a single wing box. The upper wing has automatic slats, slotted flaps and aileron flaps. On the bottom, only slotted flaps. The chassis is a fixed tricycle with a tail wheel.
Pneumatic brakes on the An-2 are made on the principle of brakes of heavy vehicles to ensure reliable braking on short runways.
The pressure on the brakes, wheel tires and shock absorbers can be adjusted using an on-board compressor without the need for ground aids. To start the engine, there are easily removable high-power batteries on board. Fuel can be pumped into aircraft fuel tanks from any container using an onboard transfer pump.
The maximum speed at the ground of the An-2 is 239 km / h, the take-off speed is 70 km / h, and the landing speed is 69-85 km / h. The takeoff run is about 150 m, the run is about 170 m.
For the An-2, according to the pilots, the concept of "stall speed" is practically absent. So, when the flight speed is reduced to 64 km / h, the slats are automatically extended, and the aircraft continues its controlled flight.
With a further decrease in speed to a value of the order of 40 km / h, the aircraft also does not stall, but begins to parachute. The descent rate is approximately equal to the descent rate of the parachutist. With the engine off, the An-2 plane confidently plans.
Undoubtedly, we will see An-2 in the Russian sky for a long time.

MOSCOW, September 2 - RIA Novosti. Pilot Dmitry Sukharev, who died in the An-2 crash near Balashikha, managed to take the plane away from the crowd of spectators at the air show thanks to his experience. This was announced to RIA Novosti by the head of the press service of the Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy of Russia (DOSAAF) Igor Filimonov.

“Dmitry Sukharev was an experienced pilot, a true master of his craft, he knew and felt the An-2 plane perfectly. Apparently, his experience helped him at the last moment to take the aircraft away from the audience of the aviation festival. For DOSAAF, this is a real tragedy, we We express our condolences to the families and friends of the victims, "Filimonov said.

The plane did not belong to DOSAAF

According to Filimonov, at the Chernoe airfield near Moscow, which is part of the DOSAAF structure, an event was held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the launch of the An-2 aircraft into the series. He also said that the pilot of the crashed car was not a member of society.

“Various crews of general aviation civil aviation took part in this event. The aircraft did not belong to DOSAAF of Russia, the dead were not employees of the organization. in the investigation of this incident, "- said the head of the press service.

Two dead

An-2 crashed on Saturday in the Balashikha district of the Moscow region during the landing approach after the end of the demonstration performance. On board wrecked There were two people on the plane: pilot Dmitry Sukharev and his colleague Boris Tylevich, who was photographing the flight. They both died.

According to eyewitnesses, the car crashed while trying to make an evasive maneuver. “The plane was heading towards the audience. It is possible that something happened during the maneuver. Probably, in order not to fall on the crowd of spectators, the pilot was taking the plane with a left bank at 90 degrees, but the altitude was not enough. As a result of the touchdown, a sliding on the ground, a coup, a fire, then an explosion occurred, "- told RIA Novosti Flight TV operator, eyewitness of the incident, Ignat Solovey.

Fully functional

According to the organizers of the air show, the crashed An-2 passed a technical examination and was recognized as fully serviceable, after which it was allowed to participate in the event.

The investigation is investigating the causes of the plane crash. The emergency services of the Moscow region reported that the fire at the crash site was promptly extinguished. “There are no casualties or destructions on the ground,” the rescuers said.

it is a set of reference instructions and materials for the safe operation of an aircraft. Includes a set of instructions and specific to each aircraft data: minimum and maximum flight speed, maximum angle of attack, restrictions on take-off and landing algorithms, design and purpose of onboard avionics, etc. It is used to control the aircraft by pilots, navigators and flight mechanics.
Recommendations for practical aircraft aerodynamics and technical descriptions also play an important role in the operation of the aircraft, contain information about the general structure, features of maintenance and operation, malfunctions and methods of their elimination, etc.

This is a description of the product and the rules for its use. Contains a description of the parts of the product, if necessary, the sequence of its assembly, recommendations for setup, use and maintenance. These descriptions are supplied with illustrations, diagrams and drawings. Particular attention in the operating rules is given to safety rules. Operating instructions are often provided in several languages. The operating instructions can also be applied directly to the products, for example in the form of stickers or paint inscriptions.
Maintenance and repair (MRO) - a set of operations or operations to maintain the performance or serviceability of a product when used as intended, waiting, storage and transportation.

contains the necessary information on the repair, diagnostics and adjustment of various systems and engine elements. Also considered are possible malfunctions and methods that will allow them to be eliminated, the mating dimensions of the main parts and the limits of their permissible wear, the recommended lubricants and working fluids.

contains the device and operation of units and mechanisms and sets out the basic operating rules. Crew Instruction Manual is a short reference manual for crew members who are familiar with the device and operating rules. The memo sets out the basic safety requirements and operating rules, as well as instructions for maintenance and elimination of the most common malfunctions.

sets out the main provisions for the organization of tactical, special and technical training, shooting and fire control; the procedure for checking and evaluating units in the specified subjects of study, as well as the organization of training. There are: applications and tasks, examples of problem solving, forms for the design of various guidance and accompanying documents.

This is an instruction on the design of small arms, their use and maintenance, the basics of shooting from certain samples, which are published by the Ministry of Defense. The instructions are official document for training in handling for each weapon model in the form of a separate book and in the form of collections of several samples.
The manuals, which are published in the form of collections, include a general section, which sets out the basics of internal and external ballistics and others. general information required for fire training. Collections, as a rule, are intended for non-military training. In addition, manuals are published on small arms and hand grenade launchers and hand grenades.

This is a manual that contains the information necessary for a given branch of troops on combat service, equipment and weapons. Such textbooks are more complete than just manuals for an ordinary soldier, but at the same time, the essence of them is presented in a simpler manner than would be stated in similar manuals for the officers.

In total, about 16,700 An-2 aircraft of various modifications were built in the world (3164 in Kiev, 506 in Dolgoprudny, 11915 in Poland, about 1100 in China). This aircraft was produced under license in China and Poland. An-2 was exported to more than 50 countries of the world.

The main modifications of the An-2 aircraft:

  • SCHA - the first prototype (transport). It had an ASh-62IR engine.
  • SKHA-2 - the second prototype (agricultural). It was equipped with an ASh-21 engine.
  • An-2 is an experienced one with a multi-wheeled chassis.
  • An-2 - experienced with an enlarged wheel diameter KT-137.
  • An-2 - cartographic. Was equipped with cameras.
  • An-2 - an aircraft for searching for iron ore deposits. Equipped with magnetometer.
  • An-2 - rescue. It had a hatch in the floor in the tail section with a length of 2 m and a trolley on rails for moving cargo to the hatch.
  • An-2 - a plane for jumping skydivers with low height... Equipped with a retractable platform with handrails.
  • An-2 - an aircraft for the destruction of gophers. Equipped with a micro-dispenser for dotted screening of poisoned grain baits.
  • An-2 - with telecontrol equipment for target boats. It had 3 workplaces for operators, special equipment.
  • An-2 - radiation reconnaissance aircraft. Equipped with an "Air-2A" roentgenometer.
  • An-2A - anti-aerial (experienced). Equipped with PV-61 artillery mount with 23-mm double-barreled cannon AO-9 (GSh-23).
  • An-2V is a high-altitude meteorological reconnaissance aircraft. Equipped with an An-6 power plant.
  • An-2L - forest firefighter (experienced). It had 3 cassettes under the lower wing and fuselage with glass ampoules (120 pcs. With a capacity of 1 liter) with extinguishing liquid.
  • An-2LP - forest firefighter based on An-4. Equipped with a device for taking and pouring water into the floats.
  • An-2M is a modernized agricultural one. It was distinguished by an enlarged vertical tail, an elongated fuselage, a modified engine hood, a cockpit isolated from the action of chemicals, new agricultural equipment, and the absence of a second control. The construction uses fiberglass.
  • An-2P (An-2P) - passenger. The salon is equipped with soft seats for 12-14 passengers and soundproofing.
  • An-2RT is an aircraft measuring point. Was equipped with special equipment.
  • An-2S - sanitary on the basis of An-2T. Designed to transport 6 patients on a stretcher with 2 accompanying persons. Equipped with a removable insulating curtain, a first aid kit, a drinker and a portable bathroom.
  • An-2SKh - agricultural. Features a chemical tank in the fuselage, dusting and spraying devices under the lower wing and fuselage. In 1954-1959 879 aircraft were manufactured at the factory # 473 in Kiev.
  • An-2SKh with APO - with an aviation fire-fighting sprayer.
  • An-2T (An-2T) - transport, postal. There are no passenger seats in the cabin.
  • An-2TD (An-2TD) - transport and landing for 12 parachutists. It was widely operated in the DOSAAF (then ROSTO) flying clubs.
  • An-2TP (An-2TP) - cargo and passenger. In the cabin, along the sides, there are hard folding seats for 12 passengers.
  • An-2TP - "salon". Notable for rectangular windows, soft armchairs in the salon and a toilet.
  • An-2F (BNR, NRK, NAK) - night reconnaissance spotter (experienced). It was distinguished by a glazed navigator's cabin in the aft fuselage, armor protection of the engine and the cockpit, and a two-fin tail. The armament consisted of 2 20-mm B-20 cannons, 4 SAB-100-50 and FOTAB-50-35 bombs.
  • An-2F - vertical take-off aircraft (project). Notable for an additional AM-9 engine in the tail section.
  • An-2E - ekranolet.
  • An-3 (the first with this name) - anti-aerostatic (project). Notable for the M-62R engine with 2 TK-19 turbochargers, the PV-61 artillery mount, and the absence of a lower wing.
  • An-3 - with a TVD-20 turboprop engine.
  • An-4 (An-2V, An-2M) - float version of An-2T. It was distinguished by 2 single-edged floats with water rudders, an AV-2R propeller with a reverse (the earlier ones were equipped with a wooden V-514-D9).
  • An-6 "Meteo" ("K", ZA-TK, An-2ZA) is an experimental aircraft for high-altitude meteorological research (sounding of the atmosphere). It was distinguished by the presence of an observer's cabin in the aft fuselage, 2 turbochargers TK-19, a V-513-D13 propeller, an anti-icing system, and a composition of equipment.
  • An-2G - geophysical. Notable for magnetoelectric and radiometric equipment.
  • An-2PD-5 - "salon". It featured a comfortable cabin for 5 passengers with a folding table, a wardrobe and a toilet.
  • An-2PD-6 - "salon" for 6 seats.
  • An-2PF is an aerial surveyor.
  • An-2PK - Polar (Experimental). Equipped with heated ski chassis.
  • An-2PRTV is a repeater aircraft.
  • An-2R - Polish version of the An-2CX.
  • Lala-1 is a flying laboratory. It was distinguished by an additional AI-25 engine, a truss tail section with a two-keel tail.
  • Y-5 ("Fong Shu-2") - the Chinese version of the An-2.
  • Y-5A - Chinese version of An-2T.
  • Y-5B - Chinese version of the An-2СХ.
  • Y-5C - Chinese version of An-2TD. It features end aerodynamic surfaces on the upper wing.
  • Y-5K - "salon".