Boeing 737 Utair. Some former and current operators in the world

Almost every traveler faced a situation when he got an unfortunate seat in the cabin of an aircraft: sometimes the legs are cramped, the back of the chair does not fall, then only the wing is visible from the window. In order not to get into such situations anymore, you should find out in advance what the layout of the cabin of the aircraft on which you are going to fly looks like.

The fleet of the Nordavia company numbers only nine aircraft, and all of them are Boeing 737-500. This narrow-body airliner is one of the most popular and mass-produced passenger airliners. Designed for short and medium distance flights. Therefore, if you took a ticket on a Nordavia flight, you will definitely fly on this aircraft... Consider the cabin layout of the Boeing 737-500 aircraft owned by the company so that readers can register on best places and fly with maximum comfort.

Scheme of the Boeing 737-500 of the "Nordavia" company

The image below shows the interior layout of the Boeing 737-500. The airline "" uses two options for the layout of the seats in the aircraft cabin. Their main differences are that the first has 8 business class seats, and the second has 12. Also, the second type has one row of seats more.

Business Class

As with all other companies, Better conditions flights are provided to business class passengers. The segment with an increased level of service occupies the first 2 rows of seats in the bow of the Boeing 737-500. The benefits of a Business Class seat include:

  • extra space in the legs;
  • wider and softer seats compared to economy class seats;
  • the presence of a wardrobe where you can donate outerwear;
  • higher level of service.

Of the minuses of the business class in the Boeing 737-500, only high cost tickets and a limited number of seats (from 8 to 12 depending on the layout).

Economy class

Look for cheap tickets for any type of transport without leaving your home:

Those who did not want to overpay for the air ticket, as well as those who did not have enough space in the business class, still have the opportunity to travel with increased comfort. The whole secret is in choosing the right row.

To have time to book the best seats on the Boeing 737-500, you should go online registration on the airline's website. Such check-in opens 24 hours before the scheduled departure and ends 3 hours before it.

Boeing 737-500 Nordavia cabin photo

Best and worst seats in economy class

The first seats of the Boeing 737-500 economy class that deserve attention are the seats of the 3rd row. An obvious plus of these seats is that the back of the chair in front of you cannot be reclined on you. In addition, in planes with a layout with 8 business class seats, additional legroom is provided on the 3rd row of economy class (the distance from the wall to the seat is 101.5 cm).

Despite these advantages, many people may not like flying for several hours overlooking only one wall. Also, this place is often occupied by passengers with small children, so there is a chance to fly with noisy neighbors.

Those who wish to be served as quickly as possible should choose rows 3 through 7, as these are the first places for flight attendants.

The next row in the Boeing 737 by Nordavia, which has obvious advantages, is the 9th (in the first layout) or 10th (in the second layout). The location next to the emergency exit provides additional free space in front. For tall people, these 6 seats on the Boeing 737-500 are the best seats. Clients of "Nordavia" understand these places the fastest. The only negative is that the back of the seats cannot be reclined. For the same reason, you should not choose the previous row.

It is not easy to get a seat at the emergency exit: often airline employees ask for an additional fee or impose restrictions on the age or size of the passenger.

The rest of the places have almost equal characteristics. However, it is better not to choose the last rows: due to the proximity to the toilet stall, there will be an incessant queue next to you, and the shaking in the tail of the plane is always stronger.

At the porthole or at the aisle - where is better

Many people think that the Boeing 737-500 window seats are the best seats. Indeed, such places have a number of advantages:

  • you can enjoy the view from the window;
  • during daytime flights in the field, the window has a better degree of illumination, making it easier to read;
  • you don't have to get up to let your neighbor go to the toilet.

Nevertheless, listed advantages for some passengers turn into disadvantages, because:

  • The sun illuminates the screen of smartphones and tablets, which interferes with watching movies, reading or playing games from the device.
  • To go to the toilet, you need to disturb two neighbors at once.

Therefore, when choosing a place, you should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages and take into account the flight time.

The Boeing 737-500 is one of the most popular aircraft in the Boeing family. The "500th" has replaced the 300th series and is designed for long routes with less traffic. The car is reliable and economical, which makes it the leader in civil air transportation.

The Boeing 737-500 is designed for short and medium-haul flights. The first liner was produced in 1989, a year later the model was launched into mass production, production continued until 2000. Today the 500th Boeings have replaced the next generation of the 600th. The ship is different enhanced comfort for passengers, reliability and minimal operating costs. The cabin is spacious, although the number of seats does not exceed 135 seats. A distinctive feature of the machine is a shortened fuselage.

Characteristics of this type of aircraft:

  • flight range - 4 thousand 300 km;
  • optimal speed - 800 km / h;
  • maximum altitude - over 11 thousand km;
  • the number of passengers - 132-135.

V air park Nordavia nine Boeing-737-500 airliners. The average age of the aircraft is over 25 years. The oldest vessel has operated for 27 years, and the newest - 24 years. Almost all seats are Economy Class. This increases the number of seats and reduces the cost of tickets.

Cabin types in the Boeing 737-500

On the Internet, there are conflicting reviews of passengers who flew on the 500th Boeing. Some say that the cabin is comfortable, while others argue that they did not have enough space. Perhaps these passengers traveled by airplanes with different cabin classes. The Boeing 737-500 is produced in three types, in which the arrangement of rows and seats in the salons is very different:

  • VIP class. Designed primarily for corporate travel. The salon is divided into three zones - economy, business and imperial;
  • standard model. Accommodates 101 people. There are 8 business class seats in the cabin, 42 - economy, 51 - tourist;
  • economical salon. Designed for 112 seats. Of these, only four are business class seats, and all the rest are economy series.

Economy class plane tickets are the cheapest.

The best seats in the Boeing 737-500 Nordavia

Before buying tickets for an aircraft of this brand, you should study the layout of the seats in the cabin. This will allow you to imagine in advance where you will spend your flight time and choose a comfortable place.

Differ from everyone:

  • the first two rows related to business class. These are the best seats in the cabin in the bow of the aircraft, they allow you to sit comfortably and stretch your legs;
  • Row 5 is the standard economy class. In front of the passengers, instead of the fourth-row seats, there is a partition. The advantage is relative silence, the disadvantage is the same inability to comfortably stretch your legs;
  • The 11th row differs disadvantageously in that the location does not allow the backrest to be folded back. In the case of a long flight, this circumstance can negate all the benefits in terms of the cost of a seat. For a short flight, this is not critical;
  • The 12th row has a pair of seats on each side, the remaining space is occupied by passages to emergency exits. This row is good for passengers who are traveling alone and prefer some privacy;
  • The 14th row is convenient in that the seats closest to the windows have additional space, since there is a passage to the emergency exits in front of them. Passengers who have purchased seats A and F can stretch out comfortably in the seat;
  • Row 22 is considered not the best because of the proximity of the bathroom. Queues to the toilet and the sounds of water pouring out of the tank interfere;
  • Row 23 is also far from the most comfortable. It retains all the inconveniences of the previous one and as a bonus - the inability to recline the back of the chair. The entire flight will have to watch the line to the toilet and endure the sound of a slamming door. It is more convenient to travel with small children in such places.

The rest of the places that are not described here are standard and do not differ in anything special.

This is our second acquaintance with UTair. for a short trip to sunny Azerbaijan at the beginning of March, the offer of this particular airline turned out to be optimal in terms of departure and price. The Boeing 737-500 was announced for the flight. This is the most common type in their fleet, with only 32 boards. This "classic bobby" was produced in the period 1990-1999, so that the second attempt to get to know the airline had to be carried out on a very respectable plane. This is what I want to tell you about. And looking ahead, I will let you know that we liked the flight!

Fog and low clouds. But the bright red Jambik of "Russia" is impressive, as is its brother - Tigrolet, which we studied from the terminal.

Predecessors and followers ...

Let's take off !!!

The plane gained cruising altitude. Once again I want to note the cleanliness of the windows of the windows: there are no scratches, scuffs, dirt and frost. For an 18 year old aircraft, this is quite good. I remember we flew three years ago on board a well-known carrier from the Persian Gulf. The plane was not that old, but the windows ... They were just awful: scratches and plaque: autofocus worked on the glass! It's a pity, but we flew Elbrus and it was in full view ...

Onboard food. First they offered soft drinks, and then a sandwich (choice: chicken or beef), tea or coffee. The sandwich is fresh and tasty, the bun itself was delicious. The coffee was hot and without bitterness. What else do you need for a snack on a short 3-hour flight?

By the way, food can also be ordered, only for money. I can't say anything about the availability, as there was quite enough food and drinks included in the ticket price.

We fly south: there is less snow.

Now you can take a walk on the plane. I walked around the cabin with a phone and a camera, filming what I wanted and where I wanted, while the flight attendants saw me and no one made any comment. The friendliness to the taking off passengers is a very good feature of the airline!

We fly along the Volga.

The kitchen is at the end of the salon.

Business class toilet in the bow of the aircraft: plastic condition like a new aircraft!

The Caucasus Mountains are visible, and the coast of the Caspian Sea is covered with low clouds.

And here is the northern coast of the Absheron Peninsula: resort area Azerbaijan.

Baku suburbs ...

The skyscrapers of Baku can be seen in the distance, and in front of them is Zabart airport, where Silk Way Helicopter Services is based.

And here the famous Baku tomatoes grow ...

We arrived: hello Baku !!!

Brief conclusions:

1. Aircraft of venerable age (about 20 years), with careful operation and correct and timely maintenance, are in no way inferior to new aircraft.
2. It turns out that clean, not scratched glazing is not a priority for new sides.
3. The two-class layout for 116 passengers has a number of advantages: fast board loading, quick service for drinks and meals, and less queues in public places.
4. There is nothing terrible or dangerous in the fact that I will take several pictures on board during the flight, I will not disturb anyone. At the same time, the crew is positively disposed and did not find fault with me, like "some" ...
5. When checking in for a flight and choosing a seat, be careful: on Boeing 737-500 aircraft of UTair. Opposite the 5th row on the starboard side there is no porthole.

I am glad that the second acquaintance with UTair was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere!
Fly UTair planes !!!

I would like to note that this model is used by many Russian aviation companies, but in this configuration, for 114 passenger seats, only UTair has it.

Let's figure out where the best seats of the Boeing 737-500 cabin are aviation company UTair, and which seats are best to check in last when there are no other options.

A couple of general points about the seating arrangement in the Boeing 737-500 are their disadvantages and advantages.

1. The seats, which are located next to the porthole, have the advantage of being able to look into it during the flight (this, of course, depends on the flight time and weather). If you are flying at night, this advantage does not count. Also, the neighbor will not bother you if he wants to get up. These places have one drawback - it is not very convenient to leave it yourself. Therefore, if there is no need to go to the toilet often or you intend to oversleep the entire flight, choose a seat near the window.

2. The seats, which are located near the aisle, have their own advantage - it is very easy to get up from it, if necessary, to the toilet. The disadvantages are that a neighbor may bother him if he needs to get up. Flight attendants with carts and passengers who pass through the cabin to the galley and toilets can also interfere. Therefore, if you are flying with a child and, most likely, you will often have to go to the toilet. Or you yourself have a need to go to the restroom more often, then choose from the edge of the place.

Immediately, we note that there is no 13 rubles on the plane due to superstition.

    1-2 p. places of business. Of course, it is much more convenient than any economy places.

    5 p. - first row economy. These seats have one significant advantage - no one will recline the back of the chair. But there are nuances. For example, watching the entire flight against the wall is not very comfortable.

    11 p. - due to the fact that emergency hatches are located behind this row, the backs of the seats do not recline. You need to be in an upright position throughout the flight.

    12 p. - there are no two outer seats due to emergency exits. The backs do not recline, but two chairs in a row are still better than three, especially for a romantic flight.

    14 p., Places F, A- since there is no chair in front of you, it will be possible to stretch your legs forward. This is very important on a long-distance flight. Very comfortable places.

    22 p. D, C - proximity to toilets plays an essential role. People will walk past you, they can stand next to you, hurt you with something. The flight will also be accompanied by the sounds of a tank and slamming doors.

    23 p. - the last row. Chairs do not recline, as they are located close to the toilet wall. The proximity to toilets makes these places completely unattractive.

    Ask an airline employee for advice

    If possible, study carefully the diagram of the airliner on which you will fly

    Do not take seats in which the seats do not recline or are limited in this.

    Do not take places near toilets, kitchens and other technical rooms at the very tail.

Dear site users!

We hope this article was helpful to you.

If you have ever flown an airline plane in your life, please share your feedback on the flight.

Clear skies for you, as the pilots say, and a soft landing!

Boeing 737-500 aircraft used for passenger transportation, is the smallest representative of the famous Boening 737 Classic series. Its distinctive external feature is a shortened fuselage. With regard to flight characteristics, the liner of this modification can make longer flights when compared, for example, with the base model 737-300.

Boeing 737-500 aircraft cabin

Boeing 737-500 was designed in 1989 and entered mass production a year later. To date, this model is not produced (the last aircraft was produced in 1999), since it was replaced by a more modern design - 737-600. However, this does not mean that it is dangerous to fly on such a vessel. With proper operation, the rules of which are clearly regulated and obligatory for all airlines, the aircraft can serve for decades.

It is interesting! It is impossible to establish the average service life of such equipment in years. Manufacturing plants use a unit of measure such as flight hours... Typically, the service life of liners is from 30 to 60 thousand flight hours, however, they can be used up in 10 or 20 years or even more.

Boeing 737-500 modifications are used by various foreign and domestic companies, among the most famous are Lufthansa, Utair, Transaero, Aeroflot and so on. It should be noted that although there are three classes of aircraft, which will be discussed below, comfort largely depends on the carrier itself.

Cabin layout: Boeing 737-500 with 56 seats


The layout of the Boeing 737-500's cabin depends on the type of airliner. On the Internet, you can find very contradictory comments: some passengers were comfortable on the plane, while others did not have enough space. There are 3 main types of the 737-500 model itself, in which the location of the seats differs:

  1. VIP. Typically, these planes are used for corporate flights. There are only 56 seats on board, and the salon is divided into 3 classes: imperial, business and economy.
  2. Liner for 101 passengers. In such an aircraft, 8 seats are reserved for business class, 42 for economy and 51 for tourist.
  3. Airplane with 112 seats. As a rule, this type of cabin is not very comfortable, but tickets for it are the cheapest. The cabin is divided into 2 salons: business and economy. Only 4 seats are reserved for the first, and the remaining 108 seats for the second.

How do you choose the best seats?

You don't even need a Boeing 737-500 plane diagram to understand the following: the most comfortable flight will be in business class. Firstly, the passengers do not interfere with each other there, the seats are at a sufficient distance from each other. Secondly, you will not be bothered, for example, by the crying of small children or the snoring of a tourist who is almost at the opposite end of the cabin. However, further we will focus on how to get the most successful seats in the economy class cabin, since there is much more choice there.

Note! Row 13 is missing.

The best seats on the Boeing 737-500 cabin layout of Aeroflot or another airline are not hard to find. If you want to leave enough legroom, please pay attention to rows No. 10 and 18... The tenth row is notable for the fact that this is the beginning of the economy class cabin, that is, there will be no other seats in front of you, but only a screen that encloses the business class. In front of the 18th row it is quite spacious due to the fact that there are emergency exits on the sides. But keep in mind that tickets in this row are not sold to passengers with children and the elderly. This is due to the fact that in case of occurrence emergency passengers closest to the emergency exits must be able to open them.

Most bad places are in the following rows:

  • 15 - there will be no porthole next to you;
  • 17 - there are emergency exits at the back, because of which, for safety reasons, the backrest cannot be folded back sufficiently;
  • 26 and 27- most often in these rows, the chairs are narrower;
  • 28 - the backs of the chairs do not recline, as they rest against the wall, in addition, you will not be able to rest or sleep because of the constant visits to the toilet by passengers.

Cabin layout: Boeing 737-500 with 112 seats

The rest of the seats in the cabin can be called average in terms of comfort. Let's say you have decided on a row, which chair to choose out of three? The photo of the Boeing 737-500 shows that the entire cabin is divided into 2 rows of three seats each. A seat near the porthole is convenient for a number of reasons: there is enough light to read, you can look out the window, you can safely take a nap without worrying about the fact that your neighbor will disturb you when he wants to use the toilet. Perhaps there is only one minus: if you need to visit the WC, you will have to disturb both fellow travelers.

Aisle seat in terms of pluses and minuses, it is the complete opposite of the first option: you yourself can easily get up at any time, but you will have to let your neighbors out. In addition, other passengers and flight attendants with carts will constantly walk past you. Chairs in the middle are perhaps the least comfortable. On the one hand, they combine the main pros and cons of the two previous options, but they add a disadvantage associated with the lack of "their" armrests. Also, do not forget that you can simply be "run over" by neighbors.