Arrangement of sockets in the luxury compartment carriage. Train tips

I travel by train quite often long distance and not very much, every time I try to notice something useful, necessary, convenient for myself, and then I came across such a wonderful post, adding my comments, I decided to make a selection of useful tips and secrets about how it is easier / more convenient to travel on trains ... Use it! -)

1. Interrupted route. Any person can get off the train at the station, stay there for some time, and go on the same ticket further, but on a different train.
A stopover is really possible for up to 10 days, once in any city along the route you like. Just within 4 hours upon arrival, you need to go to the station administrator and make a special mark on the ticket, while proceeding further, "punch" the ticket, you may have to pay extra money, but not much. There are categories of passengers who can make more than one such stops, people with disabilities and their accompanying persons and veterans, and several more categories of beneficiaries.

2. Side seats, near the toilet. In the second-class carriage, the well-known "side, near the toilet" are places 37, 38.
If the door is slammed and there is no passage!
So the side is near the toilet.
This place is cursed, pass it on to everyone.
Do not take a place at the box office thirty-seven!

3. Sockets. The sockets in the reserved seat are located near the boiler, opposite the toilet on the non-working side, in the second and eighth compartments of the reserved seat carriage (39-40 and 51-52). In compartments between compartments 3 and 4 and between compartments 7 and 8 in the corridor. If they don't work, just ask the conductor to turn them on.

4. Buy a seat in a two-seater compartment... The standard carriage has 54 seats, but after the introduction of mandatory provision of linen for reserved seats, it has decreased by two seats. 53.54 places were given to conductors. in compartment cars, the compartment for 2 seats was taken from the conductors and assigned numbers 37-38, and the first compartment with seats 1-4 was withdrawn from circulation. This scheme works only on trains with a distance of more than 36 hours, and only on Russian Railways. When buying a ticket for a compartment carriage, try to buy seats 37-38, you will go almost like in the SV.

5. Refrigerator. Each car has two "winter refrigerators", each of them with a volume of 150 liters, (earlier there was an emergency supply of fuel for titanium and the heating system, then, with the widespread introduction of electric heating, the place was left empty, but the instructions remained, so a sudden nishtyak turned out from new electrical technologies), so that all fragrant products can be asked to put the guides there, not forgetting about the reward.

6. Reserve tickets at the box office. Each train has so-called "reserved seats", they are called "Personal reserve of NP", two seats in compartment cars and three in a reserved seat. Usually they do not go on sale, but are issued to those who go on business trips from the state. structures or for funerals.

7. Baggage. Of course, no one finds fault with those 80 percent of people who violate the baggage rules, which state: that hand luggage and baggage in total can be 36 kilograms (in CB 50 kg) by weight and 180 cm. By the sum of the perimeter (length + height + width). On long-distance trains on account of the established rate of carriage hand luggage the passenger can transport baby carriages, kayaks, bicycles without a motor disassembled and packed.

8. Head of the train. NP - Tsar and God on the train, while the train en route he does not obey anyone (even Yakunin), but everyone, without exception, obeys him - both conductors and electromechanics. You can find the head of the train like this: this is the compartment carriage closest to the carriage of the restaurant. The OP is either in the OP office, or in the first compartment (compartment of the OP), or moves along the train. But even if he shies away on the train, it's easy to find him, there is only one road on the train, look for a person with two (on branded trains three) stars on shoulder straps. One star is also a boss, but only called FEM (train electrician) replaces the NP at night. If, on the other hand, the car in which the NP is traveling is identified from the outside - by the antenna made in the form of a long wire stretched over the roof of the car.

9. Electronic registration. If passed electronic registration, then the ticket can be printed no later than an hour before the train departure. Then the lists go to the conductors and the ticket can no longer be printed. Obviously, this was done to exclude the possibility of returning the ticket, but to go according to the list with the conductor. Accordingly, it works the other way around - you can register online no later than an hour before departure, otherwise the ticket purchased on the Internet must be printed out at the terminal or at the box office.

10. Key. The key is three-sided, it can be used to open and close inter-car doors and a toilet, as well as windows. But be careful, if caught - they can be removed from the train. This key can either be purchased at the "Expedition", or taken from the elevators.

11. Shower. There is a shower in the ceiling of the toilet, closed with the same three-sided key. In the summer it is quite possible to wash, as the tanks are on the top and the water heats up well.

12. Music in the carriages. It depends on the personal preferences of the NP, so you can't guess, you can go to Kadysheva with Mikhailov, or you can go to the Beatles with Queen.

13. Windows. Try not to buy tickets to places with numbers 9-12 49-50, 21-24 43-44, there are blind windows.

14. Bed. If you do not pay for the bed, then you cannot use the mattress with a pillow. You are not obliged to collect and hand over the bed (unless, of course, this is your gesture of goodwill to help the conductor). The conductor's duties are specified: to remove bedding after disembarking passengers; in exceptional cases, with the consent of passengers, it is allowed to remove bedding no earlier than 30 minutes before arrival at railway station disembarking passengers.

15. If there are no tickets. If you take a ticket for a passing train, for example, from city "A" to city "B", but there are no tickets, then take to the next station "C", and "Oh, miracle! There are tickets!" settlements, just leave early and that's it.

16. Russian Railways- “Rejoice, Alive Have arrived” - this is how the railwaymen and conductors themselves joke about the abbreviation.
Keep these tips in mind and enjoy your train ride !-)

p.s. add who has something else to say-)

We are so accustomed to having a phone always at hand that a forced pause due to a low battery is perceived as a disaster. Then the question arises: where to find a source of energy replenishment?

Are there sockets in the reserved seat carriage?

In short, that is. It's another matter whether you can use them. Numerous passenger forums on the Internet provide very conflicting information. Some people write that there are sockets, but they will not fit your laptop.

Others write that they found only one, but for an additional fee and having defended a considerable queue. Still others claim that they used the socket all the way without getting up from their seat.

The presence of sockets in the reserved seat depends on the modernization of the equipment:

  1. in repaired cars - at least two;
  2. in old-style carriages there will be one socket (in the conductor's compartment);
  3. a new sample - in each compartment.

What is the voltage in the network and is it enough to charge the gadgets?

Power supply for each car is individual. The generator is powered by the paired wheels of the car, from which electricity is supplied for lighting, heating the boiler with water, to the wagon sockets. There are three types of network: 54, 110 and 220 volts.

REFERENCE! Bearing in mind the unstable individual supply of the car with electricity, one should be prepared for violations of voltage and frequency standards, and, therefore, at the risk of spoiling the thing being charged. Passengers noticed unusual heating of the charger.

What are the openings for power supply in the reserved seat?

Why are there such different types: 54, 110 and 220 volts? Initially, energy sources were not designed to charge phones and iPods. At the end of the last century, such a problem did not exist.

A 220 volt outlet was usually located in the toilet for turning on the electric shaver. 54 Volts was enough for a low-power vacuum cleaner when cleaning.

So, we are holding a phone with a dead battery. Which outlet are we going to?

They found a socket in the carriage, read the recommendations on what can be connected and what is prohibited. The line of those wishing to charge their phones was defended. A new question arises: Will unstable voltage damage your phone? The decision is made either by knowing the ranges of your charger, or by luck.

ATTENTION! If your charged gadget still fails, you are solely responsible for the damage. Neither the conductor nor the entire crew of the train, let alone Russian Railways, will compensate for the damage. The same situation will be in case of loss (put it on charge, left for a minute, the phone disappeared). You yourself left your thing unattended.

Where is the socket in such a car? Layout scheme

In this section, you will find out exactly where the sockets are located in the reserved seat carriage. This can be reported by a conductor who will warn you about the risk of power surges, about your responsibility for the safety of charged phones, the prohibition to connect other (except for phones) electrical appliances. This includes boilers, electric cooler bags, and the like.

Another thing is that knowing the location of the sockets, you can purchase a ticket to the desired compartment.

Layouts of sockets in the "reserved seat", which depend on the year of manufacture of the car, modification and series:

  • Option 1: 2 and 8 compartments. In the old-style cars, in the second and penultimate compartments, 220-volt sockets are installed. These are, respectively, the numbers of places from 5th to 8th and from 29th to 32nd.
  • Option 2: on the side seats opposite the second and penultimate compartments. These will be places 51-52, 39-40.
  • Option 3: opposite the toilet.
  • Option 4: only in the conductor's compartment.

What if it doesn't work?

There may be several reasons: from an elementary disconnection by a conductor to its malfunction.

  1. In the first case, all energy sources in the carriage are switched off by default, but at the request of the passenger, the conductor brings them into working condition.
  2. A defective outlet is common. If you don't see the warning label, see your explorer. Perhaps he will prompt another way out, or he will call the master.
  3. If the socket does not show "signs of life", and you are offered to use the socket in the conductor's compartment for a certain amount (from 50 to 200 rubles per hour), you should know that this contradicts instruction No. 1/171 of the Federal Passenger Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways (May 2007).

REFERENCE! The conductor has no right to hinder the passenger from using electrical outlets 220V to charge phones and charge a fee.

With persistent refusal and with argumentation of a fire hazardous state (the conductor really should know all the weak and dangerous places your wagon), ask for help with charging from other sources. For example, taking a tee or extension cord with you can solve many problems.

If a conflict is ripe, especially with the charging of unreasonable charging fees, resolve it peacefully: call the head of the train. The conductor must invite him himself, either accompany you, or indicate the number of the carriage where he is.

Information about the location of sockets in reserved seat trains is necessary for a passenger for a multi-day trip. Having charged your phone on time, you will not interrupt communication with relatives, you will hear all the instructions and the latest recommendations from managers, and you will be able to resolve issues with business partners. Then the movement by Russian Railways transport will be joyful and comfortable.

For those who need a layout of seats in a reserved seat carriage with detailed description and a recommendation for the choice of beds, below is the most detailed information... Everyone can find here useful tips, thanks to which he will plan the most comfortable trip.

How to choose comfortable seats in a reserved seat carriage

People who often use the services of Russian Railways understand that a reserved seat carriage is convenient for saving money when traveling to other cities. For tourists who are unbiased in terms of comfort, this is a satisfactory ride option. Most of the inhabitants of Russia prefer to ride in this particular way.

Inside the car there are 54 berths and 9 non-closing compartments. Each has 4 berths numbered from 1st to 36th. On the other side of the compartment there are 2 side seats (the numbering of which starts with 37th and ends with 54th).

All seats in the carriage are arranged in a clockwise direction, starting from the conductor's office and ending with the toilet. The very first place is the lower berth of the first compartment. If we consider the situation as a whole, you can understand that all even numbers are at the bottom, and odd numbers are at the top.

The comfortable movement of the traveler depends on how the bed is chosen. For example, if the path is only 2-3 hours, then the most convenient in this situation will be the places located according to the scheme on the sides. For trips with longer durations and children, the bottom bunks are the best option.

The most inconvenient shelves are at the end of the carriage (where the toilet is located). These are bunks with numbers 33-38. It often smells bad here. The second drawback is the constant congestion of passengers and slamming doors. To the list bad places where is observed constant movement and interference from passengers applies: 1-4, 53-54.

The most optimal option in the reserved seat will be selected if you choose a location suitable for the conditions in advance. Especially when the trip is longer with family or friends. To ensure pleasant communication with your own, you should take care of beds that are close to each other (preferably in the same compartment).

If the journey is comfortable enough, the trip can bring the most favorable experience.

Scheme of seats in a reserved seat carriage:

Where are the sockets

Everyone has a smartphone, tablet, or other device that they carry with them. When traveling, gadgets are especially indispensable, because help to take attention on a long journey. When watching a video, spending time playing games or reading, situations often arise with a shortage of charge on the device, and then an outlet becomes indispensable.

Modern carriages in Russia contain sockets in each compartment and everyone can use them at any time. Older trains are only designed for razors. At the time when the compositions were made, gadgets did not exist yet.

However, in such cars you can find sockets near the toilet and next to the conductor's office, and also in the 2nd and penultimate compartments - near places No. 7 and No. 29.

In order to avoid conflict situations with other travelers, you must take a splitter with you. With this advantage, your device will always be charged.

In the video, an overview of the second-class carriage

How to find an emergency exit

It is customary to use windows as an emergency exit in the carriage, which are squeezed out in dire situations. Similar glasses are found in the 3rd and 6th compartments. If you look at the location of the seats, then these are: from 9 to 12, from 21 to 24, from 43 to 44 and from 49 to 50. emergency windows do not open for ventilation.

Choose places to travel in advance. If you are not traveling alone, be sure to take tickets for everyone at once. This will help you find bunks that are close to each other.

Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is not always possible to move through its open spaces with complete comfort. Generally, the most comfortable air Passenger Transportation are the most expensive and own car not everyone has. There is only one available and convenient option - railway transport... But are there sockets on the trains? This question is very important for comfortable travel, because in the age of development of technology and personal gadgets, we need a source of constant power.

Old and new trains

Most of rolling stock in Russia and the CIS countries is a legacy of the Soviet Union. These are mainly old cars. Perhaps they seem to someone to be comfortable and pleasant, but their time has already passed. The equipment of old cars does not meet modern requirements. In the most "ancient" sockets can be found only in the toilet and at the conductors.

However, there is no reason for joy, because it is not recommended to use such power sources. Firstly, constant power surges can completely break a gadget that is being recharged. Secondly, most often the voltage is not 220 volts, but 110 volts. This is great for old electric shavers, but not for the rest.

Are there sockets on newer trains? In fact, the answer to this question is not so easy. It all depends on the age of the carriage. Of course, the newest carriages have power supplies for charging gadgets. Moreover, the electronic systems of the cars were specially designed with the expectation of the presence of such outlets. The voltage in them does not sag, and the danger of being left without phones or laptops is completely absent.

What about Sapsans?

Many passengers are worried about whether there are sockets in trains of the Sapsan or Strizh model. The same group of compositions includes high-speed trains long-distance travel, formed mainly from seated cars.

These trains are fairly new. During the design, they provided for the placement of power supplies. Regardless of the comfort class, sockets are available. Some of them are located in the conductor's compartment and near the toilets. Economy class cars have one socket for each row of passenger seats.

Most often, a row means 2 armchairs from a window on each side. In other words, it is possible to charge gadgets with a neighbor one by one. If the comfort class is higher, then there should be no problems at all. Each passenger will have one separate socket. Some carriages will have two of them.

Electric trains

Are there sockets on trains commuter destinations? In this case, their presence is the exception rather than the rule. Power supplies can be found only in high-speed "Swallows". They are located in intermediate cars, and as a rule, there are a lot of them.

Matrices and ordinary electric trains are not equipped with power supplies for passengers. They lack a compartment of conductors and often lack even sockets for electric razors. In newer electric trains, you should also not look for a place where you can recharge your phone. Even there it is not provided.

Cheap wagons

Not everyone has enough Money to purchase tickets in the compartment. Are there sockets on trains in reserved seat cars? Certainly! In old cars, they are only in the conductor's compartment, in newer cars there are sockets right in the 49th and 41st sides. Also, sockets are available in "compartments" 2 and 9.

It is important to understand that a reserved seat carriage will not have a free power source at all. Do not expect to find a new carriage. In some modern trains, even cheap seats are equipped with outlets. However, the chances of buying such a ticket are rather small. Based on this, it is best to take with you on a trip the so-called powerbank - a portable source of energy. It weighs a little and is quite capable of fully charging the phone 2 to 7 times.

Modern, large, two-story!

There are very few such compositions in Russia. Mostly they go to the south. Is there in double-decker train sockets? Yes, they are there. And in this case, there is always where to charge the phone. There are no old double-deck cars.

Absolutely every compartment is equipped with two sockets, regardless of the floor. There are also power supplies in the hallways, toilets and at the conductors. The power system of a double-deck car is modern and does not allow sudden voltage drops or other instability in the network.

Long distance trains

The further you go, the more important it is to be able to recharge your phone or player. Are there sockets on long-distance trains? It all depends on what kind of cars the rolling stock is formed from. It is equally important whether it is a branded train or not. There are always sockets in the seated cars, in the "suites" and "SV" too. However, in ordinary compartments and reserved seat cars sockets may or may not be available at all.

Compartment cars

If reserved seat seats are considered the worst and cheapest, and their passengers cannot count on special comfort, then the situation is different with the coupe. Even in the Soviet Union, compartments have always been very comfortable. Is there a 220 volt socket in the train compartment? If the passenger is lucky, that is. Most often, there are no outlets at all. They can only be found in modern carriages.

However, at least 2 power supplies can be found in the center aisle. There is also a socket at the conductors and in the toilet. What will be the most important here? So that there are no selfish people in the carriage who connect their laptops to the source and do not disconnect until the very end of the trip. Such passengers behave selfishly and create scandals if you try to unplug their device.

Folk way

If there are no outlets in the compartment, but there is an urgent need for them, there is a folk way. This requires a special socket that can be powered by a shade. Then you can simply remove the cover from the light bulb designed for night lighting or for reading books, unscrew the light bulb, screw in the socket and use your own power source. However, precautions must be strictly followed. Conductors do not like it when passengers do this. Of course, you can ask permission, but most likely no one will give it.

A typical situation: we went to the station to buy a bottle of lemonade or a hot cheburek, talked to a peddler, and the train gave a beep and left. You shouldn't be upset in this case (at least not much).

You need to contact the station master: he will tell his colleagues at the nearest station along the train that some regular muddlehead was so carried away by the contemplation of the station building that he missed the train. The head of the neighboring station will take things off the train.

How to get a 50% discount at Sapsan

If in the coming week you are going to celebrate your birthday or, conversely, celebrated it not earlier than 7 days ago, then you can count on a 50% discount on the "Sapsan" fare. Tickets will be sold to three of your friends with the same discount. The offer applies to both economy and business class cars. It is impossible to purchase such tickets strongly in advance - a maximum of 7 days.

Another similar discount is provided for newlyweds. Promotion " Honeymoon»Will allow them to travel in a compartment-meeting room for 50% of the cost during the first month from the date of the wedding. When registering travel documents and boarding the train, you must present the original marriage certificate.

You can buy tickets for these promotions only at railway ticket offices.