I'm going to France. When is the season? When is the best time to go to France? Summer vacation in France

For those who travel to France (for the first time or not at all), this list of small typically French features has been made, which it would be good to know and, if possible, observe ...

1) The French can't stand it when they don't follow the simplest rules of etiquette. I'm talking, of course, about the native French, and not emigrants, for example, or tourists ...

Therefore, even if you do not speak French, a few words like bonjour (hello), merci (thanks), au revoir (goodbye) can be learned ... If you pushed someone, or are just going to even ;-)) , say desolé - sorry!

2) If you have studied French all your life, or when you learned something, or are now learning, and you go to France and are faced with the fact that you are not understood, do not worry! This is fine)). Many say that the French deliberately pretend that they do not understand that they are snobs, but this, basically, is not so, they really do not understand!)) And do not worry about this - just try to clearly pronounce the words, clearly pronounce ––, –– and the rest of the letters - the likelihood that you will be understood will increase significantly.

3) If you come to a restaurant - no need to order frog legs, please!)) Unless, of course, you haven’t dreamed of trying them all your life! The fact is that the French themselves do not eat these frog legs or eat, but very rarely and in a very strange state (to be honest, in 12 years of my acquaintance with France, I have not met a single Frenchman who would have ordered frog legs with me, or was going to cook them, or would share with me that he recently tasted them))) ...

Not only are they difficult to find, but if you find them, then these are most likely tourist restaurants, where the quality of food is unlikely to be high. What is really interesting to order is foie gras or tartare for appetizer, cassoulet, or rooster in wine (coq au vin) and for dessert, of course, crème brлеlée or chocolate fondant with a scoop of ice cream .... Never forget, food for the French is a style and a huge part of their life. They say: "Other nations eat to live, and we live to eat." So the choice good restaurant is a must in France - a trip to a restaurant can be an interesting adventure for you with the right choice, and a huge disappointment in case of failure. Sometimes you can accidentally fall into a good place, but you better trust the professionals - read criticism, look at travel guides, ask your friends ...

4) Tipping is customary to leave in France, but very small by our standards. For an account up to 20 euros, this is about 1 euro, or even less sometimes, up to 50 - about 2 euros, up to 100-150 - 5-7 euros. You can of course leave more, but there is no need for that. Do not forget that in France a waiter is a profession, unlike Russia, in which usually students are employed as waiters, or even if they are older people, but usually this is considered a temporary job, and the main income comes from tips, not from salaries ...

In France, waiters receive a full salary, so tip is more of a gesture to show that you are thanking this person for the service, rather than a means of basic income. A large tip (although for us this may be normal - about 10%) may not even be well received, but most likely, it is simply not understood. But it will definitely be clear that you are tourists. You can also leave a small tip in a taxi, but this is usually just rounding up from centime to euro. Usually, tips are not left in other places, however, you can always give some small rewards to service personnel, for example, if you live in a hotel, cleaning.

5) Usually in public transport it is not customary to give way, as in Russia. The exception is pregnant women and, sometimes, people with small children in their arms. But usually they do not give way. Moreover, if you risk giving in to an older woman, she may even be offended!) I saw a couple of times such situations when women gave way, and they, refusing, showed with their whole appearance that they were still young enough and full of strength so as not to sit down. This, by the way, is the big difference between our cultures. In France, there is a cult of equality between women and men, so women do not expect to be opened the door, removed a suitcase from a shelf, helped to lift something heavy, etc. But on the other hand, also men, for the most part, do not believe that only a woman should do, for example, household chores. French men usually share the same service in everyday things - they wash dishes on an equal basis with a woman, cook, vacuum, etc. This equality is manifested in everything - for example, if the parents get divorced, the practice of the child living in two houses - a week with his mother, a week with his father.

6) How to get a taxi? This question usually arises for a Russian person who is used to seeing a whole tail of cars at once, setting his own price, choosing his favorite car and driver, by raising his hand anywhere. In France (as well as in the rest of Europe), the situation is radically different. You can either take a taxi from the taxi stand, or if you see a car with a taxi sign and a green signal on the visor. If you see a yellow or red light, it means that the car is already occupied by another lucky person). So, you came to a taxi stop and you see a free car. You are already in luck! In Paris, you can sometimes run for a very long time in search of transport. The situation is aggravated during national celebrations (for example, July 14 or White Night). I remember several times at night, during some of these holidays, we could not find a taxi, and we had to walk half the city on foot to get to the place where we were going.

But suppose you are lucky and you are near a car with a green signal, which says that you can go wherever you want. In this case, you IMMEDIATELY get into the car. No need to go to the driver's window and ask if the taxi driver will go to some place. According to the rules, a taxi should go where you need it, without exception. However, there are still exceptions)). The shift may end, and then the taxi driver will take with him only the one who is driving in approximately the same direction with him. Or, if you are driving far outside of the city, rejection is also possible. But, in any case, you should be informed about this in a polite manner and immediately. In all other cases, you feel free to sit in the back seat. Pay attention - exactly to the back. In Russia, it is customary to sit in the front seat, next to the driver, in Europe, in the back. Even if there are three passengers, you all sit in the back seat. Honestly, I still do not understand why this is so, but it is so. And yet - if there are four of you, then it is likely that the taxi driver will refuse you, and you will have to take two cars. True, now the situation has changed a little, and now they often take the fourth passenger, but at the same time they add the cost for 4 people (usually this is either negotiated in advance, before boarding, or it is written in the rules on the taxi window).

So you sat in the back seat. What's next? You say the omnipresent "Bonjour" and then name the place where you are going. Be prepared to repeat the name of the place several times - you may not really be understood, even if you think you clearly and clearly pronounce the words in French)). Better yet, show the address on a piece of paper, on a map, etc. That is more correct. Then you can relax - the Moscow question: "Will you show the way?" you won't hear. All taxi drivers have a navigator, or, in extreme cases, a map. When you arrive, the amount of your trip will be displayed on the counter. If there is luggage in the trunk, then a couple of euros for each suitcase will be added to the resulting bill. Also important point when you get into the car and the car is moving, the driver presses the counter and the amount for the landing is displayed there - this is the starting point, the rest of the cost will already be added to it. It is important to note that if you call a taxi to the hotel, house, etc., the taxi driver arrives with some amount on the counter. And this amount can be an unpleasant surprise. That is, if you called a taxi, and it came from a nearby street, then the meter will be small - maybe 1 euro more, but if it came from somewhere far away, then the amount can increase greatly. Once a taxi came to us, the counter of which was already 14 euros. It was terrible!

Another thing to know about a taxi - the cost per km increases if you drive along the ring road (our Moscow Ring Road), or if you drive out of the city.

When you pay over the counter, remember to say, “Merci. Au revoir. Bonne journée! "

7) Rules of conduct in the restaurant. Let's say you are walking around the city and saw a nice place where you think you will be happy to spend some time enjoying your food. Very often, Russians come in and immediately go to an empty table, without waiting for an invitation. However, in France, it is customary to go to a restaurant or cafe, be sure to wait for the head waiter, who will ask how many you will be (you can say in English, or just show on your fingers), and follow him to the table offered by him.

If you do not like this table and you see another free one, you can ask if it is possible to move there. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in France they always sit at a table with as many seats as there are guests. That is, if there are two of you, you will be seated at a table with two seats. And if there are two of you, but you like a table for four or even three, most likely you will be turned down. If only there is no one in the restaurant at all, and it is not expected, then you may be allowed. This system occurs due to the fact that there are not very many places in restaurants, and usually tables are set a large number of and back to back to each other in order to plant the largest possible number of people. Please note that if you sit on the terrace, most likely an additional cost will be added to your bill - it can be expressed in the fact that a fixed amount will be added there, or a few percent (about 10) will be added, or you will see a difference in cost - the price inside and the price outside. You should also pay attention to fast food cafes - like Pomme de Pain or Brioche dorée. Here, if you buy and eat indoors, you will pay a little more than if you take the same food to go.

Please, as always, do not forget to say hello and say goodbye, not to mention thank you)). To attract the attention of the waiter, they usually either raise their hand, meeting his gaze, or, if he walks past politely: "Excusez-moi!" Or “Pardon. Excusez - moi! " Or you can say the same in English)). No "garçon" of course! It is not polite. In France, it is customary for waiters to ask whether you liked the food or not (in Russia now, too, this has begun to appear more and more). If you speak French, of course, answer, and if not, just show with a smile by gestures that you do not understand.

One more point - in France there is a rule that at the request of the client or automatically, put a decanter of water on the table. It's free and it's drinking water... If the decanter is not on the table, then you can ask for it. To do this, you need to say that you need free water. In French it will sound like this: "Une carafe d`eau, s`il vous plait!" ([yun karaf do, silvuple] a decanter of water, please). If you simply ask for water, it is likely that they will bring you water in a bottle, which you will have to pay for.

As for the start of the meal ... Usually, after you have ordered, a basket of bread and butter is brought. The French, in order not to die of hunger for the next 15-20 minutes, waiting for the ordered dish, save themselves with a baguette, spreading butter on it). And believe me, they are the last to think about the figure at this moment. Butter is not spread over the whole piece at once, but over a part. Or, a piece is broken off and butter is spread on it, then it is eaten, and then the procedure is repeated.

8) If you came to visit someone's home. Shoes in France are usually not removed, the French go around the house in the same shoes in which they came. I remember at the beginning of my acquaintance, for me it was a shock, but now I'm used to it)). Although sometimes I ask when I'm not sure whether to leave the shoes or not.

9) If you are invited to dinner at a Frenchman's home ... What to bring? You can ask, especially if this is a party, if it is not agreed in advance. If not, it can usually be a bottle of wine or other alcohol (but usually wine!). If it's a party, it could be chips or nuts, or other snacks. I was also surprised to find that the French often, when they go to visit a woman, or a couple where there is a woman, they carry a bouquet of flowers. This is even stranger when you consider the fact that France does not have the same flower-giving culture as we do. However, it was in this case that I came across this more than once.

10) In public transport, you enter through the first door, however, as now in Moscow, you pay for a ticket, or, if you already have one, you punch it. Better - it is more convenient and cheaper to buy 10 tickets each - this is called encarnet - for example, you can buy it on the metro. Tickets are valid for all public transport.

11) It is not customary in France to drink alcohol on the street, including beer. Although, of course, you may encounter this sometimes.

12) Concerning gifts ... A common birthday gift can be a book or a CD with music. Now discs have been replaced by gift cards in the AppleStore, for example, if you have an IPOD or FNAC cards (supermarket for books, music, video and audio equipment). At first I was surprised how it would be to give just a book for my birthday). But when I found out the prices for books, it became clear to me that a book costs about 15-25 euros. So clear enough. It is not customary to give expensive gifts unless it is a special occasion.

13) In general, it is not customary in France to emphasize the availability of money. If you have many, keep this knowledge to yourself. Do not pull out wads of money to show your creditworthiness)). Pretentiousness in clothes and accessories is also not welcome. But this, of course, is already everyone's business.

14) If you go to a restaurant with someone, then everyone usually pays for himself. This is often difficult for us to accept, since we often pay for each other, and if a man and a woman come, then usually the man pays. This is not the case in France. Sometimes a man can pay for two, but you shouldn't wait for that, just like taking offense - another culture! But, girls, there is a positive side - you do not feel obligated to do what you do not want, just because you were paid for somewhere. That is, I usually expect that I will pay myself, and I am always ready to pay. But if the person opposite me says that it is not necessary, well, then it is not necessary).

We continue to share with you ready-made travel recipes from our readers. Teresa Kavinska from Lviv recently returned from a three-week trip to France, which captivated her with its food, landscapes and architecture.

Why France?

I've been drooling over pictures of the magical Etretat for a long time, and French cheeses and croissants cannot be compared with anything. In addition, I wanted to dispel the stereotype that France is only Paris and the Eiffel Tower, and surprise myself and my friends beautiful nature of this country.

How to get there?

Most cheap way to get to France - fly through Brussels. Since we had a plan to travel the coast of France from north to south, we took tickets from Warsaw to Charleroi, and back from Toulouse to Warsaw by our beloved Irishmen Ryanair. They also took extra baggage to place our tent. Tickets cost € 80 per person in two directions. We hesitated between Charleroi and Paris, but tickets to Belgium were cheaper.

Cheap options from Poland to Brussels or France and back are very common. And if Ryanair or Wizz air arrange a sale, they will cost almost free. In addition, Belavia has recently launched direct flights Minsk-Brussels (from € 89 one way). You probably know that airports are far from the city. You can take a shuttle for € 10, we hitchhiked.


Hitchhiking in France is great. Although most drivers don't understand English, it's easy to explain where to drop you off using sign language and maps on your phone. We were picked up on autobahns, parking lots and small country roads. Hitchwiki is always on hand to find out the best points.
If hitchhiking is not your thing, use BlaBlaCar, which, by the way, was invented by the French. The prices are affordable, and it's easy to find fellow travelers.
It is also convenient to use FlixBus and Eurolines. If you decide to travel by train, you should know that France has a special railway system. Prices depend on the season, high or low season and the time when you buy a ticket. The sooner you buy, the cheaper the tickets will be. If you are going to travel a lot, then buy a travel card. For example, Interrail France Pass. And do not forget to say that you are young - under 26 you will receive a discount.

Public transport in France is inexpensive. Metro in Paris - € 1.7, and buses € 1.2-2, depending on the city. Fairly cheap bicycles for rent in Paris and Bordeaux - € 2 per hour. But if you change the bike up to 30 minutes at the stations, it will cost free.

How to save money?

It is easy to save money on food in France. We bought groceries at Carrefour and had awesome picnics for € 6-8 for two. Do you want a snack? Go to the Boulangerie. Baguettes for 60 euro cents, and croissants for 80 cents. national cuisine try. If you see the morning market, then don't miss it. As usual, prices are low and you can try everything. We bought three avocados for € 1, a large quiche lauren for € 3 and a lot of seafood for five for € 20. And don't be afraid to bargain!

We also took food with us from home and sometimes cooked on a gas burner (we bought it from Decathlon already in France).

But the biggest savings come from transport and accommodation from hitchhiking, couchsurfing and camping.

Where to live?

Fortunately, couchsurfing works well in France. We did not travel to tourist season(late March - early April) and traveled to small towns. We looked for rubber the day before arrival and almost always found it. I'm sure the situation is worse in high season and in big cities, so write in a week or two.

In addition to kauchev, we stayed in hostels. In Paris, prices in hostels start at € 30, but the rooms are sorted out like hot cakes. I recommend Smart Place Hotel Gare du Nord (28 Rue de Dunkerque) and Les piaules (59 Boulevard de Belleville). The first is in the Montmartre area, but not in the center of the city, but on a quiet street near the metro. I liked the second even more - a chic bar on the ground floor and an incredible view from the open terrace on the roof. Every Sunday there is a noisy and cheap bazaar under the hostel. In other cities, prices are not much cheaper, and there are no hostels in small towns. For example, in the city of Lorient, we stayed at a hotel for € 60 for two (it was the cheapest offer in the city, even without breakfast). Then we were caught at night in an unknown place, but there was no desire to sleep in a tent.

By the way, about tents. In theory, you cannot pitch a tent within the city or park - this is prohibited. Of course, you can hide in the forest where no one will see, but there is always a risk that a flock of wild animals will come to visit. Wild donkeys came to us to look at the tent. Therefore, if you travel with tents, stay at the campsite or with the locals. Camping costs € 15-20 for a piece of land for a tent and a warm shower. If you are lucky, you will meet the tramps from different countries and you will catch wifi. But if you are a traveler (s) with a budget of € 20 for a week, I advise you to pitch your tent in the yard. local residents... For the first time I practiced this in Norway, then in Italy, and now in France - it works. Just look for a house with a large yard and friendly people, turn on the most charming smile and ask to put up a tent on the territory. First, it's legal. Secondly, you will have access to hot water and maybe even wifi. And thirdly, it is likely that you will be invited to spend the night in the house, and even be fed with sweets.

Now the route. Our path ran from Brussels to Toulouse, it is more than 2500 km. But the standard route can start from Paris, ending with Bordeaux, passing Normandy, Brittany and Aquitaine.


We decided to avoid all hiking trails, so we didn't even make it to the Louvre and Arc de Triomphe... What surprised me is - it's huge! It seemed that popular locations were within the same county. But no. From Montmartre to Notre Dame 5 km, from Notre Dame to the Eiffel Tower another 5 km, and to the Louvre from it to go another 2 km. We did not chase sights and walked all day, enjoyed the streets Latin quarter, blooming magnolias and a deserted park near the tower, where several locals walked their dogs. Oh yes! You can try the best croissants at Du Pain et Des Idées (34 Rue Yves Toudic, 75010 Paris, France), and excellent falafels at L "as du Fallafel (32 Rue des Rosiers) in the Le Marais area.


We went to the trip for the sake of Normandy and Brittany. These are the regions of cider, cheeses and rocks. Therefore, immediately after Paris, they hitchhiked to Normandy. First we arrived in Honfleur, a small fishing town in the Calvados department. Our rubber lived in a tall old house that smelled like grandmother's closet, but very nice and in the center of the city. The specifics of Norman towns are half-timbered houses, high (6-7 floors), but narrow (2-3 windows per floor) with low ceilings. It seems that such a house may not resist gusts of wind, but time shows something else.

In addition to Honfleur, I advise you to visit Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Fécamp. In Deauville, for example, Coco Chanel opened her first boutique and introduced the fashion for tanning.

If you have long and with all your heart dreamed of visiting one of the most beautiful and romantic countries in the world, perhaps our article will cool your ardent desire a little. The ZagraNitsa portal has found places and things that will clearly make it clear that France is tasteless food, boring landscapes and indistinct architecture. And in general, there is nothing to do in this terrible land. Waste your time, and that's all!


There is hardly anything to see in France.

The city of Annecy. Photo: shutterstock 2

Don't expect breathtaking landscapes from this country. They are not here.

Cassis, outskirts of Marseille. Photo: shutterstock 3


Bonifacio, Corsica. Photo: shutterstock

I don't even want to talk about beaches. They are always crowded with vacationers and littered with rubbish.

Corsica. Photo: shutterstock 5

And the rivers are not so hot here.

Siul River near Vichy. Photo: panoram-art.com 6

And the waterfalls can only cause ironic ridicule.

Cascade of waterfalls in Baume Les Messieurs, Jura. Photo: shutterstock 7

Mountains in France? No, you haven't!

Alps, Department of Savoie. Photo: shutterstock 8

French lakes are generally melancholy.

Lake Sainte-Croix, Verdon Gorge. Photo: shutterstock 9

And the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel is just a village built on a hill.

Mont-Saint-Michel Island, Normandy. Photo: shutterstock 10

And the rest of the villages are unimpressive. The village is a village.

The village of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie in southwestern France. Photo: shutterstock 11

The architecture in France is gray and of the same type.

Colmar, Alsace. Photo: shutterstock 12
Menton, French Riviera. Photo: shutterstock 13

Vaunted and - rare muck. How can you eat and drink?

Munster is one of the oldest (and most delicious) European cheeses. Photo: shutterstock 14

In addition to baguettes and croissants, there is nothing else to try in French cuisine.

Duck breast in wine with berry sauce. Photo: shutterstock 15

In addition to the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur in Paris, there is nothing to see.

French Disneyland is a fairy tale for children and adults. Photo: travellerguidance.com 16

And in truth, the Eiffel Tower is not impressive at all. The tower is like a tower. Nothing special.

Eiffel Tower, Paris. Photo: shutterstock 17

And all the bridges of Paris are gray, monotonous. Continuous darkness.

Pont Alexandre III is one of the most beautiful in Paris. Photo: shutterstock

French desserts are not appetizing. Not a bit. Honestly.

Confectionery masterpieces from Strasbourg. Photo: shutterstock 19

The French coastline is underwhelming. You will definitely be disappointed.

Coast of Corsica. Photo: shutterstock 20

Seriously, just stay home and never fly to Paris, or travel to Burgundy, Brittany and Alsace. Will you think underground caves, oysters or lavender fields. Well, really, what is so remarkable about them?

Lavender fields Provence. Photo: shutterstock

Don't waste time in France. It’s so boring: to freeze with admiration in the most beautiful and romantic country in the world. Seize every moment and try to remember every second of being here. Smile in response to the hospitality of local residents, discover the world of seafood and other delicious delicacies, wander for hours along the well-groomed medieval streets and get acquainted with the rich history of the region. Do not do this!

There is even no doubt that each of us secretly or clearly dreams of visiting France, known for its historical and architectural monuments, beaches and unusual cuisine that can be legendary. If you are lucky and your dream has come true - you are going to France, do not rush to rejoice, because this trip can hit your wallet hard. Prices in France in Paris for food in 2017 are traditionally considered one of the highest in Europe, but do not despair. Thanks to the advice of the magazine Particulars, you will be able to have a good time by spending relatively little money on groceries.

Food prices in Paris - the capital of France

There is probably no city in the world where such a number of people would like to "die" like Paris, the capital of France, where millions of people come every year to look at this amazing city filled with medieval secrets. Meanwhile, the prices for food in Paris in 2017 can be an unpleasant surprise, especially for those tourists who are used to rest and eat, respectively, modestly. We will not argue with the statement that it is expensive to eat in this city, but after all, there are exceptions to each rule, and this can be proved with specific examples.

Are we eating cheap in Paris?

There are two ways to eat in Paris - not limiting yourself in anything and modestly. In the first case, we recommend visiting an expensive restaurant, and there are enough of them in Paris. Here you will be offered masterpieces of French and world cuisine, haute cuisine, the cost of which is "off scale", but for the bulk of tourists this way of life is not acceptable, and they try to find establishments cheaper. In France, and in Paris as well, there is a huge variety of tourist restaurants and cafes where you can taste delicious and relatively inexpensive.

Food prices in Paris depend on many factors, the main of which is the location of the establishment. It is unlikely that you will be able to have a cheap lunch in the city center, where a huge number of tourists from different countries dine every day, and many of them do not count money, and the owners of the establishments know this. Meanwhile, rolling a little with tourist route, you can find a small cafe where you will be offered real national cuisine and more reasonable prices... In such establishments, you can eat together for 35-40 euros, and this amount includes, as a rule, wine, but it is not cheap in Paris.

Complex lunches, or "Le menu" in Parisian cafes, are also far from uncommon. In this case, you will be offered a main course, salad and an irreplaceable dessert for only 10-15 euros. It can be fresh, mussels, salad and dessert for 15 euros. Such prices are offered by establishments on the outskirts, and in tourist cafes in the city center you will pay about 25 euros for a business lunch. It is known that good coffee is made in Paris, a cup of which will cost 3-5 euros in a cafe. If you also order a piece of cake, you will have to pay 4-6 euros extra. Those who are used to eating denser should know that a large meat dish costs 14-15 euros, a salad will cost 7-8 euros, and onion soup, popular in France, 8 euros. For a glass of wine in a middle-class cafe, you will have to pay at least 5 euros. There are also many bakeries in Paris where you can have breakfast by ordering a croissant or a bun for 1.5 euros, pancakes open in the evening offering pancakes with various fillings for 3 euros.

Constant snacks "on the go" is the main mistake of tourists who pay a lot of money for it. If you want to save even more, then you should use the standard advice - go to the market or to the supermarket, then the answer to the question of how much it costs to eat in Paris will not be so shocking. In this case, you need to take care in advance to rent a room or a room with a refrigerator and the possibility of cooking, although our tourists always have enough ingenuity. In the market, you can buy fish for 8-10 euros per kilogram or shrimps for 15 euros. Here you can also find cheap cheese for 5 euros.

In supermarkets, the choice is richer, but their choice must be approached carefully. For example, there are ED chain stores in Paris, where the pricing policy is more attractive than in other retail establishments. This is achieved by the lack of bright packaging and the modesty of the interior. In supermarkets "Leader Price", "Auchan" and others, prices are higher, but the assortment is also richer. As for the prices of the main products, they do not differ much. So, a baguette in a supermarket can be bought for 0.7 euros, a loaf of bread costs from 1 to 3 euros, cheese in stores sells from 20 euros per kilogram, and a kilogram of butter costs about 15 euros. A dozen eggs will cost 4 euros, a kilogram of beef costs 20 euros, and pork can be bought for 10-13 euros. Sausages are expensive (up to 50 euros per kilogram and more), but their taste is beyond competition. A liter of wine costs 5-10 euros, and you will have to pay 25-30 euros for a bottle of cognac.

Food prices in regions of France

Having familiarized yourself with the Parisian prices, many will probably change their minds about going to France, but do not rush to jump to conclusions, because Paris is not the whole country. Undoubtedly, food prices in France in 2017 are not the cheapest, but everything is learned by comparison. As we said, it is expensive to live in touristy areas of the country, but here you can also find a fairly inexpensive institution, and the further you travel from Paris, the more chances you have to taste real French cuisine, while paying a modest amount.

Eating and saving in France

Holidays in France are good because you can organize your meals to suit every taste, while the main condition is often not even your taste preferences, but the size of your wallet. If you are not on a budget, you can enjoy the masterpieces of French cuisine by visiting the nearest restaurant. The majority of tourists want to see more by spending less. There is such an opportunity in France, you just need to look for suitable establishments. In this case, your vacation will not be so burdensome in terms of finances.

There are several budget food options in France. The first of them is a menu, or a set lunch, for which for 10 euros, on average, you will be served a great salad, main course (meat, fish or seafood), dessert and drinks. You can choose the dishes yourself, but it will be more expensive. As a rule, in tourist cafes, food, although tasty, is not so colorful, and this is exactly what is expected from France. Food prices in France in 2017 will be cheaper, and food tastier if you visit a place on the outskirts of the city or in the provinces, where you should also travel. Local chefs offer authentic French cuisine based on traditional recipes. The prices are not much different, but the quality of the food is unmatched.

The average bill in French cities differs slightly. The cost of the main course lies in the range of 12-15 euros, the salad costs 8-10 euros, the cost of the soup also lies within the same limits, but these prices are approximate and it is difficult to say exactly where and how much food costs in France. If you like fast food, you can visit one of the fast food chain restaurants. Here a standard set will cost 8-10 euros. For those who really want to save money, we suggest going to the supermarket, where you can buy semi-finished or ready-made meals in the culinary department.

You can also cook yourself. The cost of pork in France is lower than beef - if you pay 20-25 euros per kilogram of beef, then pork will cost 10-13 euros. It is better to buy cheese in the market, where it costs from 5 euros per kilogram, in a store cheese is more expensive and costs 20-30 euros, a dozen eggs will cost you 4 euros, and a kilogram of butter costs 15 euros. For a full meal, you will have to buy a loaf for 2-3 euros and a bottle of wine that costs from 5 euros per bottle.

Do? There can be only one answer to the question - in France you can have a great time and relax always, at any time of the year!

France in winter

Of course, France is, first of all, Paris. The most romantic city in Europe and the most magical holidays - New Year and Christmas - can you think of a better combination! The inhabitants of Paris are distinguished by excellent taste - not only the city itself is magnificently decorated, but in almost every window you can see a small piece of art on a Christmas theme.

The whole city is lit with lights of garlands and brightly decorated Christmas trees. On New Year's Eve, Parisians and guests of the capital take to the streets - music, laughter, champagne - the most French and New Year's drink! Large holiday festivities are held on the Champs Elysees. But by midnight, human streams and rivers, bright, glowing with sparklers, lanterns and multi-colored lamps, flock to the main symbol of Paris - the Eiffel Tower, which also sparkles with lights, and this night is especially bright.

For those who prefer to celebrate the New Year and Christmas in more comfortable conditions, small and large cafes, restaurants and restaurants, where you can see the most diverse entertainment programs and taste delicious food. For an appropriate fee, you can attend a ball in a real castle, where a menu worthy of kings will be offered.

And the period from January 9 to February 16 is a real holiday for shopping lovers. The largest stores carry out sales, and discounts on goods are gradually reaching 50 - 80%. All of Europe knows about these sales, and the number of people coming to Paris these days is increasing significantly.

In addition, no one has canceled a visit to the Louvre, the Cognac-Je museum and others, of which there are a lot in Paris. You can spend the whole day at Disneyland.

Winters in France are mild, the air temperature rarely drops below -10 ° C, most often 0 ° and slightly higher.

Ski resorts in France are very popular. The Alps are the highest in Western Europe, there is a large selection of trails, 3900 lifts - there is no such number anywhere in the world, a steady snow cover from early December to May. And the availability of special snow cannons at 175 resorts allows you to keep descending from the mountains even in summer. Sun, almost always good weather famous resorts such as Courchevel, Chamonix, Tignes, Val d'Isere, Val Thorens, Méribel and others! And there are also little-known ski resorts where prices are much lower.

Spring in France

Spring in France is a great time for tourists. This is the time of flowering, when the air is saturated with the scent of lilacs and blossoming almonds. On Parisian boulevards, chestnuts are pleasing to the eye. And how wonderful it is to celebrate Valentine's Day in the most romantic city.

There are not very many tourists and it is much easier to get to the famous museums. You can walk along the streets and squares for a long time, relaxing with a cup of coffee in small cafes under open air... And a little later, take a boat ride on the Seine, or go to bus tour to the castles of the Loire.

Summer vacation in France

The shores of France are washed by the waters Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea... The climate here is mild and, although the summers are rather hot (in July the temperature is above + 25 °), the resorts of the Côte d'Azur are considered one of the most famous and popular in the world. Here is an excellent clear water, excellent infrastructure. Names such as Saint-Tropez, Cannes, Nice are known even by those who have never been to France, they are associated with a luxurious and carefree life.

In addition to the Cote d'Azur, the resort of Biarritz is also known, it is located on the border with Spain and is famous for its especially mild climate, which allows for thalassotherapy - therapeutic spa treatments based on the use of sea water and algae.

The province of Normandy is not far from Paris. The Deauville resort on the English Channel has long been a favorite vacation spot for the rich and famous. In addition to beautiful beach conditions for horse riding and sailing have been created here.