Airbus a321 ural airlines best places. The layout of the cabin and the best seats on the Airbus A321 of Ural Airlines. There are also such configurations as

All 10 have one configuration for 220 passenger seats (economy cabin).

Let's analyze the scheme in detail of the Airbus cabin A321 and find out where the passenger will be most comfortable during the flight.

The scheme of the aircraft, which is posted on the official website, is as follows:

The only remark is that in view of the fact that the letter designations and numbers of the rows are not put on the official website, we will designate them as most Western aviation companies do using this type of aircraft.

A couple of general points about the location of the seats in the Airbus A321 are their disadvantages and advantages.

1. The seats, which are located next to the porthole, have the advantage of being able to look into it during the flight (this, of course, depends on the flight time and weather). If you are flying at night, this advantage does not count. Also, the neighbor will not bother you if he wants to get up. These places have one drawback - it is not very convenient to leave it yourself. Therefore, if there is no need to go to the toilet often or you intend to oversleep the entire flight, choose a seat near the window.

2. The seats, which are located near the aisle, have their own advantage - it is very easy to get up from it, if necessary, to the toilet. The disadvantages are that a neighbor may bother him if he needs to get up. Flight attendants with carts and passengers who pass through the cabin to the galley and toilets can also interfere. Therefore, if you are flying with a child and, most likely, you will often have to go to the toilet. Or you yourself have a need to go to the restroom more often, then choose from the edge of the place.

    1 p. - in aircraft of this type, the first rad is often located quite close to the partition or wall of the kitchen / toilets. The impression of a closed space is created and it is not very comfortable to sit for the whole flight, observing the wall. Also, it is quite noisy there due to the close location of the toilet and the kitchen. These are disadvantages. Now for the positive aspects. There is enough room for knees on this row. Another advantage is the fact that no one will recline the back of the chair. In economy conditions, this is a rather significant circumstance.

    10 p. The row in front of the first emergency exit. As a rule, the seats do not recline in front of the emergency exit, or this is very limited, for safety reasons. This is done so that in an emergency, the approach to the doors is not obstructed and so that time is not wasted on raising the backs. The entire flight will have to sit upright.

    11 p. For the same safety reasons, the row after the emergency exit is located a short distance from the past. In front of you, thanks to this, there is additional space. You can get up from your seats without disturbing your neighbors, stretch your legs with convenience. Another advantage is that there are not 3 chairs in a row, but 2. Two chairs in a row are an ideal place for two traveling together. But there are some minor drawbacks: Folding tables are placed in the armrests, they do not move because of this. There is no porthole. Cannot be placed in aisle and floor carry-on baggage... For the safety of the flight, it is forbidden to be in these places for passengers with animals and children, with disabilities, and the elderly. still more advantages, so one can consider that good places.

    12 p. F, A. Economy standard seats + additional legroom. Since there is no chair in front. very comfortable.

    25 p. Marked in yellow for the same reasons as 10. Backrests locked. But a small advantage in the number of seats in the row.

    26 p. Good places salon. There is room for legs, perhaps without disturbing anyone, to get up. Disadvantages are similar to 11 p. Separately, we note the places at portholes F, A... Due to the emergency door, the seats are slightly sloped and often one of the armrests is missing.

    37 p., Place D. Yellow color due to proximity to toilets. People will constantly squeeze next to you, they can lean on a chair, touch you. The formation of a queue is still possible.

    37 p. places C, B, A and 38 p. The most inappropriate places. Similar disadvantages as in the penultimate row, in addition, the backs of the chairs do not recline and are able to rest against the walls of the toilets. Another slamming of doors and the sound of a tank will accompany you throughout the entire flight. Register for these Places at the worst possible end.

    Ask an airline employee for advice

    If possible, study carefully the diagram of the airliner on which you will fly

    Do not take places where the seats do not recline or are limited.

    Do not take places near toilets, kitchens and other technical rooms at the very tail.

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There are 10 Airbus A321 servicing Passenger Transportation... They are designed for medium-haul flights. Of course, many passengers would like to know the location of their seats before departure. " Ural Airlines", Namely the layout of the cabin of the Airbus A321" Ural Airlines "and best places there.

First, let's take a look at some of the features of the Airbus A321. And, and can be found in the relevant articles on our website.

This model is operated since 1994. She is the largest among all the others in the A320 family. This is a narrow-body branch of the Airbus company.

Narrow-body aircraft type- this is the one in which there is a single, narrow passage between the chairs. The flight range is up to 5600 km. Length - 44, 51 m. Height - 11, 76. The wingspan reaches 35.8 m.

Airbus А321 of Ural Airlines.

Improved wingtips improve aerodynamics and save on fuel while only increasing the range this aircraft is capable of flying.

In general, with this model, 1 km of flight will cost less for a passenger, since it consumes less fuel and allows you to place large quantity of people.

A321 has 2 exits each in the bow and tail, on both sides of the fuselage and 2 escape hatches in the middle of each of its sides.

Seat map of Airbus Industrie A321 Ural Airlines

It counts 38 rows, 2 and 3 chairs in a row.

Interior layout.

Rows 1 to 10 there are 3 seats each on the left and right side. The very first row is directly opposite the kitchens and toilets. In this regard, he has a somewhat ambiguous position.

The pros are that you can sit with your feet in the most comfortable position for you. Also, you can not be afraid that the back of the chair in front will be reclined on you.

The disadvantages are obvious - smells from the kitchen, all sorts of sounds and queues at the toilets - all this will disturb and disturb. Also, tables cannot be used here.

2-9 rows convenient for their proximity to the kitchen. If you sit here, then you will be served before the rest.

10th row is located directly in front of the emergency exits, so the obvious disadvantage here is that the backrests do not recline or fully recline. They are made in such a way as not to block the passage.

11th row, as can be seen from the diagram, has only 2 chairs on each side. It is comfortable to sit here if you are traveling in pairs, so that the third passenger does not bother you. In addition, you can sit comfortably in any position convenient for you.

However, it also has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • colder here than elsewhere;
  • fixed tables in the armrests;
  • lack of a porthole;
  • you cannot place any things near the chairs;
  • such categories of passengers as families with small children or animals, pensioners and disabled people are not allowed to choose these seats for obvious reasons.

Very comfortable seats A and F in the 12th row in view of the fact that there are no seats in front, and accordingly you can safely put your feet. Also, there are portholes.

The layout of the seats.

From 13 to 24 row there are quite standard places.

25th row has about the same set of characteristics as the 10th.

26th row will again suit those who like to stretch their legs. Plus to everything - the row in front is completely absent, which means that no one will bother you.

But do not choose seats A and F, as they may be in a different position than the rest. One armrest may not be enough. It's cool in here as they are close to the emergency exits.

From 27 to 36 row there are ordinary seats that will suit all categories of passengers.

Seats in the 37th and 38th rows the most uncomfortable in such a salon, since the toilets are located just behind them. Plus, the backs of the seats rest against the wall of the toilet, which means you have to fly without changing position.

It can be too stuffy and very cold here... Perhaps this is due to poor air conditioning.

If there are no other options, then choose at least seats F or E since they are not at the aisle. But don't need to be considered place D- it is the most extreme to the passage, which means that there can be no question of a calm flight.

How to choose a seat in the salon

It is better to choose a seat on the Ural Airlines plane in advance, having familiarized yourself with the location of the seats and following the simple recommendations below:

  • do not sit by the window or in the rows bounded by the wall of the toilet or kitchen if you suffer from claustrophobia or acrophobia;
  • if you feel unwell during the flight, sit in the seats that are closer to the toilet;
  • if your flight is with a connection, then try to choose a seat closer to the exit in advance;
  • the company has additional service- you can pre-book the desired seat on the plane by paying an additional amount;
  • at registration, you can specify the place you need in advance.

Even if you come across a not very comfortable seat, if there are free seats, you can change it.

The Airbus A321 is the largest member of the Airbus line of narrow-body aircraft. The narrow-body Airbus aircraft are united into the so-called "A320 Family", which also includes A318, A319, A320 and the A321 itself. As a reminder, narrow-body aircraft are those with only one longitudinal aisle between the seats in the middle of the cabin.

The length of the A321 is 44.51 meters, with a full load, the flight range is 5950 km.

This model provides the lowest cost of 1 km flight per passenger among narrow-body aircraft, in other words, due to its low fuel consumption and high passenger capacity, a flight of 1 km on the A321 costs one passenger less than on other narrow-body aircraft. The A321 is equipped with new wingtips, which Airbus calls Sharklets. We talked about them in detail in the previous article about the Airbus A320 aircraft. We only note that the new tips improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing, reducing fuel consumption and increasing the flight range.

From 2015, it is planned to introduce new engine versions for the A320 Family. The use of new engines together with wingtips will reduce fuel consumption by up to 15 percent and increase the flight range by an additional 900 km or payload by 2 tons.

In a two-class configuration, the A321 can accommodate 185, and in single-class cabins, up to 220 passengers. In the new A321neo, Airbus plans to increase passenger capacity by optimizing the use of the aircraft's cabin. The new layout changes will increase the number of passenger seats to 240, while still retaining 18-inch-wide comfort seats.

The A321, like the A320, has 4 doors (two on each side of the fuselage, in the nose and aft) and 4 escape hatches (two on each side of the fuselage, in the middle). But unlike the A320, the A321's escape hatches are not located side by side, but rather spaced apart.

Aircraft "A320 Family"

Airbus A321 length - 44.51 meters

Airbus A321 height - 11.76 meters

Wingspan Airbus A321 - 35.8 meters with Sharklets wingtips

Seating scheme in the Airbus A321 of Aeroflot

Business Class.

As can be seen in the layout of the A321 cabin of Aeroflot, the first 7 rows are reserved for the business class. There are 4 comfortable chairs in each row - two chairs on each side of the aisle. Although the A321 is a narrow-body aircraft, the cabin design allows for fairly wide seats.

From the business class seats, special attention should be paid to the first row. Its peculiarity is that immediately in front of the first row there is a partition, for someone it is a plus, for someone a minus. You just need to take into account that choosing the first row for the entire flight you will have to admire the wall. But on the other hand, there is no one there to recline the back of the chair on you. The first row is a little closer to the toilet, but not so much that it causes any inconvenience.

The last row of the business class also has its own characteristics. Firstly, it is close to the noisier economy class, and secondly, there is a partition directly behind the last row of business class, and it is possible that the back of your chair will not fully recline.

Economy class

As you can see in the diagram, in the Aeroflot A321 cabin the toilets are located in three places: in the bow for business class, in the middle of the cabin and in the rear for economy class.

8th row. This is the first row of economy class. Places in this row are called places superior comfort and are among the best on the Airbus A321. They are located just after the escape hatches, which provide a fairly large legroom in front of the 8th row seats. You will not interfere with your neighbor (or he will) when you want to get up. A slight drawback of these chairs is that the armrests are motionless, since folding tables are mounted in them. This feature is found in other seats, which are located at a distance from the front row.

However, there are restrictions - it is usually forbidden to sit in this row for passengers with children or pets, as well as passengers with disabilities and elderly passengers. Also, you cannot put carry-on luggage at your feet, so as not to block the path to the emergency exit.

The two outermost seats of the 8th row (A and F in the diagram) are also distinguished by the fact that, due to the proximity to the emergency exit, it can be a little cold there, in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe legs. However, you can always ask the flight attendants for a blanket.

9 - 17 rows. Seats in these rows are common. There are no peculiarities. Here it works general rule- the closer to the nose of the plane, the earlier food and drinks are served and the richer the assortment will be. The closer to the end of the compartment, the closer to the toilet with all the ensuing consequences.

18th row. The close proximity to the toilet naturally has its drawbacks - queues at the toilet, possible smells, sounds of doors and water draining. In addition, behind the 18th row there is a toilet wall, which does not allow reclining the back of the chairs.

19th row. This is the first row of the second compartment of the economy class. As can be seen in the layout of the Aeroflot A321 cabin, these seats are located near the second pair of escape hatches. There are only 4 seats in this row, there are no extreme seats so as not to interfere with evacuation in case of an emergency. Of course, the advantage of this row is that there is a lot of legroom in front of the chairs, but this advantage is easily leveled by the proximity to the toilets. Row 19 is subject to the same restrictions as Row 8.

20th row. Places A and F are very good. There is a lot of free space in front of you, you can easily get up from your place, stretch your legs. These seats are also seats of superior comfort. The 4 remaining seats in the 20th row are regular seats.

21 - 30 rows. These are normal seats, just like the seats in rows 9-17. There are no peculiarities. The 30th row is close to the toilet, and places C and D, which are directly at the aisle, are also inconvenient because a queue to the toilet may form next to you.

31st row. This is the last row and has serious flaws. Not only the neighborhood with the toilet can ruin your mood, but also the fact that the backs in this row do not recline at all, since there is a wall immediately behind them.

Seating scheme in Airbus A321 of S7 airlines

Business class in the A321 S7 aircraft has only 2 rows, that is, 8 seats. There is a wall in front of the first row, and the seats in this row have the same characteristics as the seats in the first row of Aeroflot's A321 business class.

There is plenty of legroom in front of the second row. This row of business class is preferable, however, it must also be taken into account that it is close to the noisy economy class.

Economy class.

3rd row. As can be seen in the A321 S7 cabin diagram, this aisle is located directly behind the partition that separates the economy class from the business class. The disadvantage of this row is that there is a wall directly in front of you, and you will have to rest your gaze on it for the entire flight. But on the other hand, no one will tilt the back of their seat on you, and your knees will not rest on the seat in front of the passenger. There is enough space in front of you, but you will not be able to stretch your legs.

Of the shortcomings, it can also be noted that folding tables are built into the armrests, which makes them motionless.

The big advantage of Economy Class front rows is that food and drinks are served on the plane from the bow. This means that passengers in the front rows will have a greater choice of food and drinks, and they will receive their meals earlier.

We do not have yet detailed information about the location of the seats near the escape hatches, so we will try to give general information and recommendations based on the layout of the A321 S7 cabin.

Places near escape hatches. The seats that are located in front of the emergency exit have a drawback - usually the backs of the seats do not recline or recline to a limited extent. The seats that are located after the emergency exit are extra comfort seats, as the distance to the front row is quite large and there is plenty of legroom. You can stretch your legs calmly, get up from your place without disturbing your neighbor. A small disadvantage is that the armrests of the chairs are motionless, since the pull-out table is built into the armrests. There are also restrictions for these seats - you cannot put carry-on luggage at your feet, passengers with children or pets, people with disabilities or the elderly cannot sit on these seats. In armchairs located directly it is a little cold near the escape hatch during the flight, but you can ask the flight attendants for a blanket.

Seats near the toilet. Please note that unlike Aeroflot's Airbus A321, S7 has toilets only in the bow for business class and in the tail of the aircraft for economy class, that is, there are no toilets in the middle of the cabin. This means that by choosing any seat other than the seats in the last row, you do not risk flying in the vicinity of the toilet. The last, 35th row is located in the immediate vicinity of the toilet with all the ensuing consequences. The flight may be accompanied by sounds of doors, water draining, and smells. There may also be a queue to go to the toilet in the aisle next to you. In this sense, two places in the 34th row on either side of the aisle are also undesirable.

All other places are normal. When choosing a seat, you also need to take into account the rule - the closer to the nose of the plane, the faster food is served, and the richer the range of food and drinks.

Seating scheme in the Airbus A321 of Ural Airlines

There are no business class seats in the A321 cabin of Ural Airlines, as you can see in the diagram, all 220 seats are economy class. The peculiarity of the cabin layout of this airline is that the toilets are located only in the bow and in the tail, that is, unlike Aeroflot, there are no toilets in the middle of the aircraft.

1st row. The first row has both advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, it is close to the kitchen and the toilet. In addition, usually in such places, someone constantly comes, someone leaves, queues for the toilet, and so on. This means that during the flight you will be accompanied by sounds, noise and vanity emitted from there.

The disadvantage of the first row is the wall located directly in front of you. Although for some it is even an advantage, because there are no other passengers in front of you, no one will recline their seat back on you, no one bothers you. There is much more knee room than if there were chairs in front of you, which is also an advantage. But on the other hand, the whole flight to look at this wall is probably not very pleasant either, it gives the impression of a closed space. Also note that folding tables are built into the armrests, which is why the armrests cannot be raised.

2-9 rows. These are ordinary places, they do not have any peculiarities. However, it should be remembered that food and drinks on board the aircraft are served from the bow, so the further you sit from the bow, the later you will receive meals, and the less the assortment will be.

10th row. Seats in this row are lacking. The 10th row is located directly in front of the emergency hatches, which is why the backs of the seats do not recline or recline not completely, so as not to block the path to the emergency exit.

11th row. As you can see in the Ural Airlines A321 cabin diagram, there are only 4 seats in this row, that is, there are no two extreme seats so as not to interfere with the emergency exit. These are some of the best places by plane. Their advantage is that there is more free legroom in front of you. You can calmly stretch your legs, get up from your place without disturbing anyone. If you are traveling together, then you need to take a closer look at these places, because the third seat is missing, but there is also no porthole. Since the distance to the front row is large, the folding tables are not located in the backs of the front seats, but in the armrests, which is why they do not rise. These seats have the same restrictions as the 8th row of the Aeroflot A321.

12th row. Extreme places (at the window) in this row are very good. There are no seats ahead, plenty of room. Very comfortably.

13-24 rows. The seats in these rows are ordinary.

25th row. The seats in this row are the same as in the 10th row.

26th row. The seats in this row repeat the characteristics of the 11th row, but all 6 seats are present here. However, seats A and F in this row, due to the proximity to the emergency exit, may be slightly sloped, and one armrest may also be missing. In addition, due to the proximity to the hatches, it can be a little chilly here. However, you can ask the flight attendants for a blanket.

27-36 rows. The seats in these rows are ordinary, of course, the closer to the end of the cabin and, accordingly, to the toilets, the worse.

37-38 rows. These are the worst places on this plane. Neighborhood with a toilet does not bode well. The flight will be accompanied by sounds of doors, water draining, possibly smells, etc. And the places near the aisle in these rows are also bad in that a queue can form next to you for the restroom. Of the seats in these rows, seats E and F of the 37th row are more preferable, which do not border on the toilet and are not located at the aisle.

Seating scheme in Airbus A321 of Nordwind airlines

There is no business class.

1st row. The 1st row repeats the characteristics of the 1st row of A321 Uralavia.

2-10 rows. These are common places. However, the backrests of the F seats in the 9th row and the entire 10th row do not recline or recline to a limited extent. This is done for safety reasons, as there are emergency hatches immediately behind the 10th row. Regardless, note that there are only two seats to the right of the aisle in row 10. If you are traveling together, then these places could be a good choice. But the porthole, of course, is missing.

11th row. These are luxury seats and are located behind the emergency exit. These seats repeat the advantages and disadvantages of the 8th row seats of the Aeroflot A321, which can be read about above.

12-24 rows. These are common places. Rows 23-24 repeat the characteristics of rows 9-10.

The cabin of the A321 aircraft of the Nordwind airline.

25 row. Seats of increased comfort, they repeat the advantages and disadvantages of the 11th row.

26-36 rows. The usual places are located here. The aisle seats in the 36th row have a drawback - people will accumulate near you, wanting to get to the toilet.

Row 37. Worst places on this plane. This is the last row, the seats are located right next to the toilets, with all the ensuing consequences, which can be read about above.

Many people know the A321 plane. It is very large and comfortable vehicle... It can accommodate several times more passengers than a regular plane. It should be noted that airlines are using the Airbus to generate more profit and save fuel. In addition, any passenger will like to fly on the A321 aircraft, which means that airlines have a great opportunity increase profits. Those who used the A321 plane for flights left the best reviews.


The A321 aircraft is the largest representative among Airbus airliners... It has an elongated (compared to other models) fuselage, and, therefore, provides increased passenger capacity.

There are two passenger versions of the aircraft: Airbus A321-100 (has the shortest flight range compared to other aircraft) and Airbus A321-200 (additional powerful engines and a tank are installed).

In total, about 1000 were designed Airbus aircraft A321. Their production continues to this day. And surely it will not be easy for the creators to come up with something better than a modern airbus, since it seems that everything has already been taken into account in this model.

a brief description of

A321 is an airplane, the layout of the cabin of which is quite clear. It can accommodate 180-220 passengers. The car moves in the air at a speed of 903 km / h. The maximum take-off altitude is 10.5 km, the flight range is approximately 4.3 thousand km. Agree that the characteristics are impressive. Few modern aircraft have similar parameters.

Airplane layout Airbus A321

The Airbus A321 has six passenger doors and eight emergency doors, with a fuselage length of forty-five meters.

In business class, the seats are arranged in four in a row, have a comfortable width, leather design, specially built-in cushions, and a computer socket. Conditions have been created in order to easily solve their affairs while the flight is being made. Everything is provided for each passenger, special requirements are taken into account.


Economy Class passengers receive soda, juices, water and two-course meals on specific routes. In addition, travelers can purchase alcohol and other products for a fee. Many planes are equipped with high-quality air conditioners and four bathrooms. And what else do you need for a comfortable flight? Great food, great drinks, amazing service and friendly onboard staff will keep your passengers busy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the A321 aircraft

It should be noted the main positive qualities of the presented aircraft:

  • High level of sound insulation.
  • Comfortableness.
  • The cabin has a large size, so passengers can enjoy privacy and relax from others during the flight.
  • Excellent technical characteristics.

However, this aircraft model also has disadvantages. Among them are the following:

  • Outdated technical solutions (currently available a large number of more modern models).
  • Limited use (this item depends on the first one).

Market movement

The А321 aircraft is a very "lucky" model, since during the entire period of its use, only two aircraft have been in an accident. The aircraft can be purchased for between $ 85 and $ 93 million. To date, more than 900 aircraft of this type have been ordered, of which 720 are already conquering the vastness of the air ocean of our planet.

The presented model of the aircraft is quite popular in the aviation market. It is considered one of the ideal machines in the field of electronics and control.

A variation of the Airbus A321 is Airbus Industrie A321. It has slightly different characteristics:

  • Smaller Airbus A321 (37.5 meters).
  • The cruising speed is 840 km / h.
  • The maximum height is 11 km.
  • The flight range is 4.6 thousand km.
  • The crew is six people.
  • Landing speed -250 km / h.
  • The runway is from two kilometers

Airbus Industrie A321 Jet is another Airbus business. Aircraft of this type are usually manufactured for corporate needs or at the request of influential and wealthy people. They are smaller, have a long flight range and have a cabin that offers all kinds of amenities and fewer seats.

In 2015, it is planned to modernize the aircraft, as well as supply it with the latest engines. Today the best choice is the A321 plane. Ural Airlines is actively using this aircraft. It can be noted that, despite its high cost, many airlines prefer this particular Airbus. And all because it pays off quickly enough, therefore, after a short time, it already starts to make a profit.

Among other things, it is made of durable material, which reduces the percentage of damage. This means that it will serve for more than one year, and this is precisely what is very important for any airline. The creators of the considered vessel thought through everything to the smallest detail, took into account modern requirements, the cost of fuel, repairs, maintenance. This made such an aircraft the most popular today.

The Sharklet wing and two new engine options allow for maximum benefit with the least structural changes compared to older versions. These technologies provide fuel savings of up to 20%, increase the flight range to 500 nautical miles (900 km) and add about 2 tons of additional load. Thanks to this, the А321 aircraft will be popular among both airlines and passengers for a long time to come.


Airbus A321- a narrow-body aircraft for medium-haul airlines, created by the aircraft manufacturer Airbus S.A.S. The A321 is a seven-meter (44.51 m) extended version of the A320. The first flight of the prototype (A321-100) took place in 1993.

In 1994, DASA, a member of the Airbus Industry consortium, proposed to start developing the A321-200 modification with an increased takeoff weight and greater flight range.

In April 1995, the German airline Aero Lloyd ordered the first aircraft, designated A321-200. It differed from the original model in the placement in the tail cargo compartment of an additional fuel tank with a capacity of 2900 liters. The Airbus A321-200 made its first flight in December 1996.

Despite the fact that almost two decades have passed since the appearance of the A321, the aircraft is constantly being modernized in accordance with the requirements of the time. Airbus is currently offering the latest A321 NEO with updated engines and an improved wing.

The main competitor of the Airbus A321 is the Boeing 757-200.


Scheme of the a321 Ural airlines

V aircraft fleet Ural Airlines 10 Airbus A321 airliners. All 10 have one configuration for 220 seats in the economy class cabin.

Let's take a closer look at the layout of the Airbus A321 cabin and determine where the passenger will be most comfortable during the flight. looks like this:

We will present it in a convenient way.

The only remark is that since the picture from the official site does not contain the numbers and letters of the rows, we have designated them as most Western airlines use an aircraft of this type.

Therefore, first of all, the purpose of the article is to explain the principle of choosing the best places. And you can always check the exact number with the representative of the airline before registration.

First row- Often, in aircraft of this type, the first rad is located close enough to the toilet / kitchen wall or to the partition. The feeling of a closed space is created and it is not very comfortable to sit the whole flight watching the wall. Also, it is quite noisy there because of the kitchen and the close location of the toilet. These are the cons. Now for the positive aspects.

There is ample knee room on this aisle. Another plus is that no one will recline their chair back on you. In the conditions of the economy class, this is a rather significant circumstance.

10 row This is the row in front of the first emergency exit. As a rule, the seats in front of the emergency exit do not recline or are very limited in this for safety reasons.

This is done so that in the event of an emergency, the approach to the doors is not blocked and so as not to waste time raising the backs. We'll have to sit upright for the entire flight.

11 row For the same safety reasons, the row after the emergency exit is located at some distance from the previous one.

Thus, there is additional space in front of you. You can get up from your seats without disturbing your neighbors, with the convenience of stretching your legs. Also, the plus is that there are 2 chairs in a row, not 3. Two chairs in a row - in general perfect place for traveling together.

But there are a few minor downsides:

1. Folding tables are located in the armrests, because of this they do not move.

2. There is no porthole

3. Do not place carry-on baggage on the floor or in the aisle.

4. For reasons of flight safety, passengers with children and animals, with disabilities, as well as elderly people are prohibited from staying in these places.

There are still more pluses, therefore, good places.

12 row A and F... Standard Economy Class seats + extra legroom. Since there is no forward seat. Very comfortable.

25 row Marked in yellow for the same reasons as 10 ... The backs are locked. However, there is a small plus in the number of seats in a row.

26 row... Good seats in the cabin. There is legroom, you can get up without disturbing anyone. The cons are the same as in the 11th row. Separately, I will note the places at the windows A and F. Due to the location of the emergency door, the seats can be slightly sloped and, as a rule, one of the armrests is missing there.

37 row, place D... Yellow color due to proximity to toilets. People will constantly squeeze past you, they can touch, lean on your chair. Also, queues can form.

37 row seats A, B, C and 38 row... The most inconvenient places. All the same disadvantages as in the penultimate row, in addition, the backs of the chairs can rest against the walls of the toilets and not recline.

Likewise, the sound of the toilet tank being descended and the slamming of doors will accompany you throughout the entire flight.

Be the last to register for these seats.

Another moment, according to the sensations, looking at the photos of the appearance of these aircraft, it seems that in the middle cabin (rows from 11 to 25 in the diagram), there are several rows that either have no porthole or are located so that you can look into it impossible.

Airbus, or as it is called in our homeland, Airbus, is today one of the main suppliers of aircrafts around the world. The world-renowned company has its own production facilities in several European countries: Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. The aviation giant's headquarters are located in a small town called Blagnac, in the suburbs of Toulouse, France. The staff is about 50 thousand people. The aviation concern produces a full line of aircraft, including the "Airbus A321" aircraft, the cabin layout of which can accommodate up to 220 seats (in an enlarged version), depending on the customer's wishes and configuration.

Family "A320"

In the eighties of the last century, this line of narrow-body aircraft in lineup Airbus was the most advanced in terms of technology. For the first time, the EDSU (fly-by-wire control system) was used on the series, and for the first time the cockpit was equipped with side control levers instead of conventional steering columns. The plumage of the aircraft, its wingtips on the wings were made of composite materials. The main competitors of the series, especially the extended version with the Airbus A321 index, were the American Boeings B737. The latest generations of the B737NG (New Generation) are equipped with electronic and automatic systems no worse than Airbus systems.

Increased demand

However, the demand for European aircraft is growing day by day. In February 2008, the plant was forced to open an additional assembly site for such aircraft in Hamburg (Germany) due to the sharply increased demand for the model. Up to this point have been dispensed with production facilities one plant in Toulouse, where, among other things, the Airbus A321 was assembled. The aircraft cabin layout was determined by the Airbus model. The smallest of this class - "A318", with its layout, one class (economic Y) could take on board up to a maximum of 138 people.

Long awaited release

In 1994, a lengthened version of the bestselling book was introduced. The airlines, the customers of the plant, wanted to get more, but for about the same money. Moving to another class would mean higher fuel costs, permits and certifications, higher airport taxes, etc. Therefore, the long-awaited release of the Airbus A321 model was greeted very warmly in the narrow circles of top managers from the world of aviation. Plants in Toulouse and Hamburg were filled with orders, production worked for 24 hours without interruption, workers went out in three, and sometimes in four shifts. The 321st entered into direct competition with the Boeing B757, despite the fact that the latter has increased passenger capacity and flight range. Since 2005, the B757 was discontinued, and the number of orders for the Airbus A321 increased again, despite the low dollar exchange rate. For Airbus, this remains a rather serious problem, because it has historically happened that orders are paid in dollars, although all production sites of the concern are located in the eurozone.

More than A320

The increased length of the fuselage allows 170 passengers to be accommodated in two cabins of varying degrees of comfort, or up to 220 people with the maximum filling of the passenger compartment with boarding seats. Airbus also leaves the possibility for the future operator to choose the layout of the cabin from the proposed acceptable options for the Airbus A321. The seat layout and the distance between them can be changed to values ​​from the range suggested by the manufacturer. In the most economical version of the cabin, 36 rows are installed with two built-in seats to the left and right of the aisle and one row, as a rule, at the third pair of emergency exits with double seats on opposite sides of the aisle. There is also a variant of the arrangement of seats in 35 rows of six seats in a row, 2 rows of four seats (at the second and third pair of emergency exits) and the last row of two seats installed in the stern of the fuselage. With such seating arrangements, the interior of the Airbus A321 has a minimum distance between adjacent seats of 28-30 centimeters (about 11 inches).

Where are the best places?

But even with such an aircraft layout, you can find places of increased comfort. The first rows of the passenger compartment are always distinguished by increased legroom. Even in those aircraft variations where a wall separates the economy salon from the business class, there will always be more space than in the aisle. An additional advantage is the fact that no one will tip the chair in front of you into your lap, and in most cases, they start feeding from here. But airlines almost always charge extra for this seat reservation, as well as for emergency exit seats. Airbus A321 has four pairs of such exits, and at two of them, in the center of the cabin, you can try to book a seat for yourself. If you are not a child, not a pensioner, not a disabled person and not a pregnant woman, then you will be allowed to fly here, if not, they will be transplanted. These are the rules! Just behind the double seats is another comfortable place for the flight. Where there is no chair in front. They don't take payment for booking such a place, and you can stretch your legs far ahead. Here's a real chance to get your best seat on the plane, and for free. In addition, there are no restrictions on the categories of air passengers at these seats. Everyone has the right to sit here!

Business Class. Seat map

Airbus A321 can be assembled from several classes of passenger cabins. First class always and everywhere, in any airline, is distinguished by comfortable seats, super service and a special attitude towards those who chose it. But the business class can be deprived. For example, in the Airbus A321 of Aeroflot, the distance between the seats is not much greater than in the economy class. Of the seven rows of double seats, the first and last row, if possible, should not be chosen for the flight. Passengers in the first row will be hampered by the close-located wardrobe partition and the presence of bathrooms, and the last, seventh, row is located quite close to the noisy economy class cabin.