777 200er the best seats. North wind. The layout of the base modification of the side

How to fly and how - questions that everyone decides for himself. But still, how to choose from all the variety aircraft offered by carriers and introduce potential passengers air transportation, let's try to understand this short description.

Specifically, we will describe one aircraft, this is the Boeing 777-200.

Aircraft history

The aircraft belongs to the long-haul class. It is known from the history of the development of the aircraft that it was created without traditional paper drawings, and was completely designed in the mid-90s. based on computer graphics (three-dimensional model).

The first flight of the Boeing 777-200 took place in 1994.

There are several modifications of this aircraft:

  • passenger 777-200ER;
  • passenger 777-200LR;
  • 777-200 Frighter - cargo.

The Boeing 777-200LR aircraft operates the longest and non-stop passenger flights in the world.

The continuation of the line of these aircraft is the Boeing 777-300 with an extended fuselage and greater passenger capacity.

Flight data

Brief flight characteristics of two aircraft modifications can be seen on a small table:

Layout and arrangement of seats on the plane

In terms of passenger capacity today, the leaders are the Boeing 777-200 family aircraft. The aircraft cabin layout has many configurations with different passenger capacities from 306 to 550. By range non-stop flight(from 9.1 thousand km to 17.5 thousand km), Boeing is also unmatched.

On long-haul flights, Transaero Airlines uses the aircraft in two configurations - 306 and 323 passengers, respectively, the cabin is divided into 4 or 3 classes.

On the ships of the "Transaero" company, the division into classes is carried out by categories:

  1. Imperial class.
  2. Premium (as a subtype of business class).
  3. Business Class.
  4. Economy class.
  5. Tourist class (as a subspecies of economic).

Imperial class

Seating for first class passengers in the Boeing 777-200 aircraft the layout of the cabin shows as the most forward in the cabin. They differ from the rest of the passenger seats with increased comfort. You can evaluate the interior of this class in the photo:

Business Class

Business class seats in Boeing 777-200 - superior comfort... But if you pay attention to the chairs located at 5 row C, D, E, it may appear that they are not reclining. But this is not the case.

Economy class

Passenger seats in row 10 are considered inconvenient. The reason for this is the partition in front of them. Added additional inconvenience and adjacent toilets. And the queue to the toilet near the passenger, of course, does not cheer up on the flight.

Tourist class

The tourist lounge has seats that are in front of the emergency exit. This is 30 row A, B, H, K.

This has its pros and cons.

So, for example, free legroom is a convenience. This is because these locations are close to an emergency exit. The fact that on long-haul flights you can freely stretch out stiff legs is important for passengers.

But the fact that the passenger seats are located next to the toilets can be a burden during the flight.

Also near the toilets there are seats in row 30 C, D, E, F, G.

The most last places least convenient for long-haul flights. This is due to the fact that they are located in the very tail, moreover, the backs do not recline, this is prevented by the partition behind the chairs. There are also toilets behind the partition.

But this also has its "pluses". According to statistics, in a plane crash, these are the places that have a better chance of survival.

How easy it is to transfer a long flight


The choice of location on a long flight is of great importance. And in this the passenger of the Boeing 777-200 will help a lot. Due to the fact that transcontinental flights are carried out, it will be better if the seats are near the aisle. On a 12-hour flight, you can't avoid going to the toilet.

But there are aircraft with a 2-4-2 seat configuration. And in this case, the chances that passengers from central seats will climb over you are much higher.


With such long flights, which are carried out by the Boeing 777-200, ensuring normal blood flow in the limbs is of great importance. Even flight attendants from time to time show passengers the minimum exercise they should do in flight when a safety demonstration takes place.

When visiting the restroom, you can warm up a little and walk in the tail of the plane for a few minutes, or, if the conductors allow, walk a couple of times around the cabin.


We need to prepare for a long-distance flight. To do this, it is best to limit yourself to fatty foods before the flight, as they are heavy on the stomach. It is better to switch to light meals in advance. Otherwise, everyone can imagine the situation that they will have to sit with a "stone" in their stomach, and even in a confined space, and limited in movement.

So experts advise, before a passenger gets into the Boeing 777-200 Transaero's cabin, to switch to a sparing diet or to refuse meals on board altogether during the flight.

Lunch time on board the aircraft also requires attention from the passenger. Since portion sizes are moderate, it is natural that most passengers will queue up at the restroom. And if you have to wait a very long time, the uncomfortable sensations will only intensify.

But when the flight attendants delivered tea and coffee, then the aisles were clear until the time when they began to collect the dishes. But here it is worth noting that this can cause inconvenience to other passengers, since the dishes have not yet been removed and there is a possibility that they can be turned over and overturned.

Transportation today

Rosaviatsia in its statistics notes that last year 56.5 million passengers were transported by the five largest Russian air carriers. Boeing 777-200 accounted for a large share of this traffic. Transaero actively used these aircraft.

According to statistics, this airline, which ceased flights in the fall of 2015, was the largest air carrier in Russia.

Many experts predicted a decline in air travel amid the international economic crisis. But experts of the Federal Air Transport Agency note that traffic, if not increased, has remained at least at the same level.

Boeing 777 interior layout.

Passenger airliners of the Boeing 777 family (Boeing T7, Boeing Triple Seven) are designed to carry out flights for the carriage of goods and passengers (depending on the model and layout of the cabin, the Boeing 777 can carry 300-550 passengers) on long-distance routes. As the largest twin-engine passenger jet aircraft, the Boeing 777 holds the ETOPS emergency flight record (the Boeing 777-200ER spent 177 minutes in the air with one engine running). Naturally, all routes for flights operated by Boeing 777 aircraft are planned taking into account the requirements of ETOPS (Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards), which increases the safety of passengers. The basic model of the family was the Boeing 777-200 airliner, which was completely designed using the 3D computer system CATIA. The Boeing 777-200 airliner made its first flight in 1994 and entered United Airlines in May 1995 for commercial operation. The Boeing 777-200 airliner is capable of carrying from 305 (the Boeing 777-200 has 3 classes of cabin layout) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers over a distance of up to 9695 kilometers. British Airways became the owner of the first Boeing 777-200ER (Extended Range) on February 6, 1997. Due to the increase in take-off weight (fuel reserves), the Boeing 777-200ER was able to perform direct flights of much greater range. The ability of the Boeing 777-200ER airliner to carry from 301 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 3 classes) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers over a distance of 14,260 kilometers made it one of the most purchased passenger aircraft in the world. On May 21, 1998, Cathay Pacific became the owner of the first instance of the new Boeing 777 family - the Boeing 777-300 airliner. Having received a fuselage extended by 10 meters from the base model, the Boeing 777-300 airliner capable of carrying up to 550 passengers in a single-class configuration at a distance of 11135 kilometers, thanks to its greater efficiency, began to successfully replace the outdated Boeing 747-100 and 747-200. In February 2006, Boeing's aircraft manufacturers handed over their next novelty to the Pakistani air carrier - a Boeing 777-200LR (Longer Range) long-range airliner called Worldliner. As of 2006, the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner was a passenger airliner that could operate direct flights on the longest routes. Despite the fact that the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner could indeed fly between any two airports in the world, design features(the presence of only two engines) and ETOPS safety requirements did not allow to fully realize all the capabilities laid down by the manufacturer in the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner, which is capable of carrying 301 passengers (the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner has 3 classes of cabin layout) over a distance of 17,500 km. ! The Boeing 777-300, which received a number of design changes and the world's most powerful (among passenger airliners) jet engines GE90-115B, but already under the name Boeing 777-300ЕR (Extended Range), was transferred to Air France on April 29, 2004. Due to its characteristics, the Boeing 777-300ЕR became Boeing's best-selling model in 2010. It should be noted that on this moment, the Boeing 777-300ЕR airliner, capable of carrying 365 passengers over a distance of 14685 km., is the best-selling passenger airliner of the Boeing 777 family. January 29, 2014 by Boeing 1 Boeing 777-300ЕR airliner of Aeroflot was put into operation. Due to the widespread availability of Boeing 777 airliners in the fleets of various airlines, many airliners of this family are constantly operating and.

Passenger modifications of the Boeing 777 airliner:

  • Boeing 777-200 The cabin capacity is from 305 (the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout has 3 classes) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers. The maximum flight range is 9695 km.
  • Boeing 777-200ER The cabin capacity ranges from 301 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 3 classes) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers. The maximum flight range is 14260 km.
  • Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner Cabin capacity 301 (the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner has 3 classes of cabin layout) passengers. The maximum flight range is 17,500 km.
  • Boeing 777-300 Cabin capacity 368 (the Boeing 777-300 cabin layout has 3 classes), 451 (the Boeing 777-300 cabin layout has 2 classes) or 550 passengers (the Boeing 777-300 cabin layout has 1 class). The maximum flight range is 11135 km.
  • Boeing 777-300ER Cabin capacity 365 (the Boeing 777-300ER cabin layout has 3 classes) passengers. The maximum flight range is 14685 km.

Uses 6 Boeing 777-200ER aircraft for long-haul flights or on high-traffic flights. These aircraft are configured in two classes of service: business and economic. The passenger capacity of the airliner is 393 people.

Let's take a closer look at the configuration of the cabin and find out which seats are the best and which are not.

1 row is the only one in business class. Conveniences in this row correspond to the class as much as possible: the distance from the seat to the partition declared by the airline is 127 cm. The seats are distributed in pairs.

Economy class begins with row 5. According to information from the airline, the distance between the rows is 74 cm. It should be noted that in these aircraft the seats are arranged according to the 3-4-3 scheme, which is not very convenient for passengers. The disadvantage is associated with the cramped cabin.

Near places in 5th and 6th row there are both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages include the fact that there is a solid partition in front of the passengers, which serves as the border between the "business" and "economy" classes. There is plenty of knee room, but it will be difficult to straighten your legs. In addition, during the entire flight you will have to look at the wall.

The advantages of such places include the fact that no one will recline the back of the chair on you, which is very important when making long flights and a short distance in the aisle.

All chairs in 12, 13 and 14 rows(Besides 12K, 12J and 12H) may have limited backrest deflection. An inconvenience is the proximity to the on-board kitchen.

Have 20 rows there are the same advantages and disadvantages as the 5th row. But in front of the passengers will not be the partition of the saloons, but the wall of the restrooms. The close placement of toilets causes inconvenience associated with the constant walking of passengers, slamming doors and the sounds of a tank being flushed, etc.

V 21 row (D, E, F, G) also inconvenient due to the proximity to toilets, but there is enough free legroom.

Places 21H and 21C could be called comfortable if not for the close location of the restrooms.

In addition to all of the above disadvantages, queues can accumulate near passengers, elbow or step on their feet.

V 38 and 39 rows the backs of the seats may not recline or may be limited in this. Also, the neighborhood with toilets causes discomfort.

Some modifications of this airliner have 1-2 rows, where there are no windows. In this cabin layout, similar seats are located in the middle section (rows 20-39). We advise you to check this information with a representative of the airline in advance.

45 row located near the escape hatches, so there is plenty of legroom. The same restrooms interfere with a comfortable flight, next to which queues constantly accumulate and you have to endure extraneous noises and smells.

Places 46 rows (D, E, F, G) rest against the wall of the toilet. Of course, no one will lean back on you, but in a wide-body layout with two aisles, looking at the wall during a long flight is tiresome.

Places in 53 row (C and H)- the latter are 3-4-3 in the layout, further the fuselage narrows, the back of these seats can be touched by passing passengers or flight attendants with carts.

V 54-56 rows the seats are 2-4-2, a little more convenient, especially if you are flying in pairs.

Last 57 and 58 rows most likely have fixed seat backs. Also, places are located near toilets and other technical rooms. Bad places.

In 1985-1989, Boeing decided to focus on further development family of the 767 aircraft. When creating a new project, the specialists decided to increase the number of seats. Thus, it became possible to provide passengers with comfort during a long-distance flight. By the end of 1989, experts have chosen a liner scheme, in which the wing is about 60 m, the fuselage diameter is 6.1 m and the number of seats is 350-410. The technical and visual characteristics of the liner showed excellent results. In the process of creating a new aircraft, the airliner at the same time received the well-known designation 777. Operation of the airliner continued until mid-October 1990. It was during this period that United Airlines decided to place an order for 68 airliners.

What is the Boeing design

To create a new liner design, specialists decided to use advanced scientific and technical solutions. When working on improving the liner, the specialists managed to use computer-aided design tools. This is the first Boeing aircraft to be equipped with a fly-by-wire control system (EDSU).

It is important to note that the modern airliner is equipped with the EFIS digital avionics complex. Thanks to the flat color LCD displays, flight information can be obtained. This is also the responsibility of the EICAS digital system for monitoring the operation of on-board systems and the power plant.

The Boeing 777 200 is equipped with an on-board system for diagnosing the state of on-board systems. During the development of the new airliner, the in-flight collision avoidance system TCAS was installed. The serial product was released in 1995. By the beginning of 1997, approximately 318 aircraft were sold. The cost of one liner was about $ 145 million.

The Boeing 777-200ER is a long-haul wide-body airliner. It is important to note that the 777-200 models have an increased take-off weight and, accordingly, a flight range. Boeing 777-200ER Extended Range with increased range can carry from 314 to 440 passengers. Typically, the Boeing 777-200er "North Wind" transports its customers over distances of up to 14,310 km.

Note! The main purpose of the Nordwind aircraft is transatlantic flights.

Description of the aircraft cabin layout

Interior layout

During the creation of the liner for Nord Avia, special attention was paid to the requirements of the customers. According to experts, for this very reason, it was possible to create such an aircraft that meets all the needs of passengers.

Boeing 777-200 Nord Wind cabin layout is as follows - Boeing 777-200ER is designed in a unique style. The Boeing Signature Interior is a special edition with large luggage racks. The interior is equipped with indirect lighting. The width of the cabin (5.87 meters) allows for up to 10 seats in a row. The size of the windows is 380 × 250 mm.

It is important to emphasize that the liner is created specifically for long-distance flights. Modern aircraft are often equipped with multimedia entertainment systems. In general, the Boeing 777-200ER is considered a modern, quiet and comfortable airliner. The 777-200ER first flew in October 1996. In addition, the company actively competes with the Airbus A330-300 models. Developing their business, the specialists decided to create a different model: 777-200LR. This is one of the longest range liners. The plane can fly up to 17,000 km.

Technical characteristics


  • ICAO code: B772;
  • Crew: 2 people;
  • Length: 63.7 m;
  • Wingspan: 60.9 m;
  • Cabin width: 5.87 m;
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 297.550 kg;
  • Cruising speed: 905 km / h (0.84 M);
  • Flight range: 14.310 km;
  • Passenger capacity: 440 (maximum);
  • Max. takeoff weight (kg): 263,080;
  • Max. landing weight (kg): 208 650;
  • Empty weight (kg): 135 600;
  • Max. weight without fuel (kg): 195,000;
  • Fuel tank capacity (l): 171 170.

Airline Nord Wind and Boeing 777-200

It is important to note that the Boeing 777 is the leader among the many airliners. It is the top-selling model of the aircraft manufacturer. Many airlines around the world frequently order models in this category. The photo shows a diagram of the aircraft and the cabin.

Important! After nearly a quarter century of flight, the first 777 made its final flight to the Aerospace Museum in Arizona.

The 777-200 prototype, callsign B-HNL, dropped the production line in 1994, eventually entering commercial service with Cathay Pacific. The best Boeing Yer models appeared in Hong Kong in 2000.

In recent years, aircraft of this category have made approximately 20,519 flights. That's about 49,687 flight hours.

Over time, it was necessary to significantly increase the fleet of long-haul aircraft. Took care of it Russian airline Nord Wind (" North wind"). The airline had to commission the sixth wide-body Boeing 777.

The only operator that actively used the Boeing 777-200ER for flights (factory serial number MSN 32718) was the Mexican national carrier Aeromexico. Boeing 777-200 "North Wind" aircraft received onboard registration number VP-BJG. The aircraft was powered by GE90 engines manufactured by the American General Electric.

The layout of the Boeing 777-200 airliner has been developed in accordance with customer requirements. This model can carry about 277 passengers. To ensure the comfort of passengers, they are served in the business class zone. There are over 49 locations here. The plane made its first commercial flight on behalf of Nord Wind to Phuket on 11 April.

What is the Boeing 777 200

Liner features

The Boeing 777-200 is used for long distance flights or on routes with high passenger traffic.

Important! Two aircraft are considered as part of the aircraft fleet of Nord Wind Airlines. This includes all Boeing 777-200 models. It should be noted that the company purchased not too new aircraft. Among air carriers, consumers should be distinguished from Asian countries... These are China and Vietnam.

The VP-BJB made its maiden flight in January 1998. Operated by China Southern Airlines between 1998 and 2013.

The VQ-BUD made its maiden flight in September 1998. Operated in different time by Aeroflot - Russian Airlines and Vietnam Airlines. It was transferred to use "Nord Wind" in May 2014.

Cabin layout

The liner has a two-class layout (business and economy classes). The capacity is 393 people. The aircraft is designed to carry many passengers, as the cabin can accommodate 70 more people. For example, the Boeing 777-200 of the Transaero company can carry only 323 people. A small seat for business class is allocated in the airliner Nord Wind - only 6 seats. There are 387 seats allocated for the economy category.

The arrangement of the seats played an important role. The layout of the seats for the Nord Wind air carrier is as follows: 3-4-3 (Transaero has a 3-3-3 scheme). Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for long distance flights. After all, the chairs are quite narrow, as are the aisles between them.

Row 1. Undoubtedly, the business class of the aircraft should be highlighted. Regardless, there is nothing special about the cabin for long-haul comfort. The distance from the seat to the partition is about 127 cm. The seat width is slightly wider than in the economy class, 1.5 times wider. Passengers can take advantage of the comfortable retractable footrests.

Row 5-6. The first row of the Boeing 777-200 economy class is considered quite comfortable. The positive qualities include the fact that the first row is practically isolated. That is, sitting in the first row, it is impossible to see other passengers who move around the cabin.

What are the amenities in the salon

Despite the fact that Nordwing liners are leading among competitors, experts drew attention to the shortcomings. The main disadvantage is the distance to the partition, since it is not very large. The passenger fits in place without any problems. But stretching your legs forward can cause problems. The distance between the seats in the economic row is 71 cm.

Row 12. As a rule, the seats are located close to the kitchen. In this part, you can see active movement. Not the most best places in the cabin for flight.

Row 20. The rows at the front are missing here. Therefore, this series is popular. During the passage online registration people tend to take this very place. Since during the flight, no one will recline the back of the seat in the direction of another passenger. There are also negative sides, for example, the lack of unnecessary space. There is a kitchen and toilet area nearby. This can be a bit of a hassle sometimes. It will be difficult to fall asleep in a calm environment.

Row 21: Zones C and H are considered the most comfortable seats. There are no seats in front of these rows. A person with long legs can freely sit in his place. The downside is that there is a toilet nearby.

Row 39. This row is considered uncomfortable. There are certain restrictions here, for example, the passenger will not be able to recline the back due to the fact that there is a partition. People are moving around this row, as there is a toilet nearby.

Row 45. While this series is considered good, it also has its drawbacks. Seats are usually located at the emergency exit. Sitting in place, you can freely place your legs. Unfortunately, this section does not detail the location of the toilet.

Row 53 This location is for the narrowing of the aircraft fuselage. Basically, the passenger feels discomfort due to the movement of the flight attendants.

Row 54-56. There are only 2 chairs in the outer seats. This place is mainly intended for couples who fly together and want to get away from other passengers.

Row 57-58 is the most awkward flight location. The main disadvantage is that the passenger will not be able to recline the back of the seat. High noise makes it difficult to fall asleep. Everything is constantly fussing here.

The Boeing 777-200 passenger aircraft (Boeing 777-200) is the first modification of the 777 series, a wide-body airliner for long-haul flights.

The Boeing 777-200 flew for the first time on June 12, 1994. After a while, the liner passed into the possession of United Airlines.

The ER modification has distinctive properties, for example, the presence of an additional fuel capacity. This engine is designed for transatlantic routes.

The peculiarity of the LR modification is one of the longest liners. In addition, this particular aircraft set the world record for the longest non-stop flight of a commercial airliner in 2005.

Boeing 777-200 international flights are operated by the following airlines: Air China, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways and other major carriers, Emirates has premium Boeing aircraft 777-200LR.

Note! The current operator of the Boeing 777-200 in Russia is Nordwind Airlines.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a more modern and elongated Boeing 772 model is used in the fleets of Aeroflot and Russia. The airline's plans are to expand its aircraft fleet and purchase several new models.

27.10.2017, 09:19 22445

The Boeing 777-200 is a long-range wide-body aircraft developed in the early 90s.

The Boeing 777-200 made its maiden flight in June 1994 and began commercial operation in May 1995. United Airlines became the first aircraft operator. In total, about a hundred different 777-200 aircraft were handed over to ten customers. The main competitor of the airliner is the Airbus A330-300.

Boeing 777-200 is operated by: Rossiya Airlines, North Wind, Air China, Air France, Air India, Alitalia, British Airways, KLM, etc. More than 50 airlines in total ...

The Boeing 777-200 cabin is designed in the Boeing Signature Interior style with enlarged luggage racks and indirect lighting. The width of the cabin (5.87 meters) allows for up to 10 seats in a row. The size of the windows is 380 × 250 mm. Since the aircraft is designed for long flights, many airlines are equipping the cabin with multimedia entertainment systems.

The location and numbering of seats in the cabin, the scheme of seats in the Boeing 777-200. Better and less comfortable seats on the plane

There are many configurations of the Boeing 777-200, depending on the arrangement of the seats, the aircraft can accommodate from three hundred to five hundred and fifty passengers.

The layout of the cabin, the best and less comfortable seats on the Boeing 777-200airlines "Nordwind Airlines"

The layout of the aircraft of the "North Wind" airline provides for 2 classes of service: business and economic. Nordwind Airlines seat layout3-4-3. The total passenger capacity is 393 people.

Boeing 777-200 Nord Wind scheme

Business Class:

There is only one row in the business class of Nordwind Airlines.
1 row is quite comfortable: wide seats (they are 1.5 times wider than economy class seats) are equipped with retractable footrests. The distance to the front bulkhead separating the exit, toilet, kitchen area and crew is 127 cm.

Boeing 777 - 200 business class seats

Economy class:

  • 5 and 6 rows- comfortable seats in terms of the fact that no one throws the back of their chair on you. Disadvantages: despite the fact that there is a rigid partition in front that separates business and economy classes, it will not be possible to stretch your legs. There is only enough room for knees.
  • 12-14 rows. All seats in these rows, except 12H, 12J, 12K, have a limitation in the deflection of the back so that the galley is located behind them.
  • 20 and 21 rows (seats D, F, E, G)- exactly the same pros and cons as in the 5th row. Only, in front, instead of a partition, there is a wall of toilets. Neighborhood with toilets is fraught with the walking of passengers, extraneous sounds. Row 21 seats H and K most comfortable, as you can stretch your legs.
  • Center seats in row 38 and all seats 39 rows have restrictions in reclining due to located toilets in the back.
  • 45th row (A, B, C, H, J, K)- very comfortable seats, there are emergency hatches in front, so there is enough free space in front for legs and knees.
  • 46 row (D, E, F, G)- pluses in the absence of neighbors in front, minuses a toilet partition that does not allow you to stretch your legs.
  • 53C and 53H. The narrowing of the fuselage begins behind this row. The back of your seat can be hit by passengers or flight attendants carrying trolleys.
  • Seats from 54 to 56 rows- the fuselage narrows in the tail, so there are three seats together, two are installed here. It is much more convenient, especially for a two-person flight.
  • 57 and 58 rows- the last rows of the plane are located next to toilets and other technical rooms. The backs in these rows are locked.

Flight performance and structural features

  • Maximum speed: 965 km / h
  • Cruising speed: 905 km / h
  • Range of flight: 13100 km
  • Liner capacity: economy class - 440 passengers, economy / business - 400 passengers, economy / business / first class - 328 passengers

The Boeing 777-200 is the first Boeing aircraft with a fly-by-wire control system (EDSU). One of the features of the aircraft is the presence of a system of deflection vertically upward of the end sections of the wing consoles (6.48 m long), which makes it easier to move around the airport. This system is installed at the request of the customer.

The Boeing 777-200 is equipped with an EFIS digital avionics complex manufactured by the American company Honeywell. It has five flat color liquid crystal displays for displaying information about the flight, a digital control system for the operation of onboard systems and an EICAS power plant (three flat liquid crystal displays), " e-library»With a database of all aircraft systems and equipment. There is also an on-board system for diagnosing the state of on-board systems. The aircraft is equipped with the in-flight collision avoidance system TCAS. All avionics are ARINC 629 compliant.

  • The Boeing 777 is the first commercial airliner to be 100% computer-based. During the entire development period, not a single paper drawing was released; everything was manufactured using a three-dimensional design system, now known as CATIA. The aircraft was pre-assembled in a computer, which made it possible to avoid a large number production errors.
  • The Boeing 777-200 is certified in accordance with the ETOPS regulations, which allow a twin-engine aircraft to fly to an alternate airfield for 180 minutes if one engine fails.
  • The Boeing 777 set an absolute record for the range for passenger aircraft: 21,601 km.