A story about your city and the world around you. Essay "my favorite city". My favorite city is Oktyabrsky


Every happy person has their own favorite city. They have a favorite city not because they are happy, but happy, because they have it.
Most often, a favorite city, village, region is the place where a person was born or spent a lot of time.
Often a favorite city is called the one where a person's childhood rushed by, because it is with childhood, if it, of course, was not difficult, that most people have the kindest memories. No matter how old a person is, he always remembers some moments from his childhood, and with them the places where they happened, that is, in his beloved city. Moreover, this city does not have to be a capital, a millionaire city or some other "big shot". It can be a quiet, abandoned town and at the same time be the most beloved city, as many pleasant impressions are associated with it.
Everyone's love for the city manifests itself differently, if at all. For example, poets write poems about their beloved city, composers write music, artists draw pictures, thereby glorifying the city and perpetuating its memory for many years.
I love Krasnogorsk! Soon my city will have a holiday, which means I will too. This small town is my homeland. Here I was born, studied, made a lot of friends. I have many memories connected with Krasnogorsk, because I have known it for almost eighteen years. I love this city, I don't know why. Not for anything in particular, or rather, perhaps, for the fact that it exists and that it is just that, unlike any other city. There is just a feeling that I cannot explain in words, but I can only draw an analogy with love for parents or for a loved one. After all, we love them not for something, but simply because they are.
One February night I was struck by inspiration, and I wrote a poem, which I called "Night City" and dedicated to Krasnogorsk. Here it is:
I will go to the cold window: Behind it is winter, and the night is deep. I see the city is lonely, and it does not sleep, And I will not sleep tonight.
The lights in the next house were turned off. Everyone fell asleep, tired of worldly concerns. Only I do not sleep: I do not sleep, Although I also get tired somewhere.
Frosty air whistles through the crack in the window, Goosebumps run through my body. Perhaps then, at that moment I will understand, That the city is talking about something to me.
Probably, he wants to tell, How tired for the day he lived today, That he hates noise and gimmick, And he wants to sleep as soon as possible.
His dream is impossible, because I,
Because I sit and talk to him,
And in response he blows white smoke from the roof
And reluctantly lulls me.

When I was little, my family and I lived in one of the towers that are located on the Volokolamsk highway. Our apartment was on the very last, fourteenth, floor, and a magnificent view of the entire city opened from the window. I loved looking at him from a bird's eye view.
It is impossible not to pay attention to one of the main advantages of my beloved city - the Palace of Culture "Podmoskovye", because it is with it that most of the site - 2001-2005 cultural events of Krasnogorsk are connected. Probably, there is no such person in the city who would not look here at least once. In the recreation center, children are engaged in various circles in dancing, drawing, foreign languages, modeling, singing and much more. Various concerts and performances are regularly held here, famous artists come.
Another special place in my city is the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant, or KMZ for short, known in many places as a manufacturer of excellent precision vision devices, optics and other essential items.
Krasnogorsk has a huge plus: there are many forests around the city, thanks to which the air remains relatively clean. At any time of the year, you can easily go to a barbecue with friends or just wander through the forest. The beauty!
The most popular place in winter there will probably be Chernevskaya Gorka. More precisely, this is not a slide, but a ravine, which over time was equipped with ski slope... I myself am from a family of skiers and every year I look forward to the arrival of winter.
I never really thought about the name of the city. It is worth disassembling the word etymologically, and it is clear that it is formed from two words: "red" and "mountain". The word "red" means "beautiful". It turns out beautiful mountain... Interesting.
They say that there is one very beautiful place in Krasnogorsk, which is located behind the House of Pioneers. I have never been there, but all the time I wanted to visit this place, as it is affectionately called "my Switzerland": this park is very beautiful and unusual nature.
In my city there is the State Archives, which contains important films and materials. Having visited it once, you will certainly want to return there, because there you can learn a lot of very interesting things.
In general, in recent years Krasnogorsk has been changing: new buildings appear, the city grows before our eyes and becomes more and more beautiful every year.

Theme: My city

I live in Kirov. This is my home town. Kirov (which was known as Vyatka at the beginning of the 20th century) is located in the north-east of Russia, and it is an administrative, economic, educational and cultural center of Kirov region. My town is neither small, nor too big. Its population is slightly less than 500 thousand people.

I live in Kirov. This is my hometown. Kirov (which was known as Vyatka in the early 20th century) is located in northeastern Russia and is administrative. economic. educational and cultural center Kirov region. My city is not small, but also not too big. Its population is just under 500 thousand people.

Of course, Kirov is not an ideal place to live. Most people who come to my town for the first time say that it is gray, dirty and miserable. They get irritated with narrow streets and poor roads quality. And finally, they say that life in such a place should be rather depressing. Certainly, I am well aware of all the problems of my town. And still I think everything is not so bad. Despite all the issues mentioned, Kirov has got some specific features that make me love it. And I want to tell about these features.

Of course, Kirov is not perfect place for life. Most people who come to my city for the first time say that it is gray, dirty and dull. They are annoyed by narrow streets and poor quality roads. And at the end of the day, they say that life in a place like this must be very depressing. Of course, I am well aware of all the problems of my city. And yet, I think it's not all bad. Despite all the problems mentioned, Kirov has some special features for which I love him. And I want to talk about these features.

Firstly, Kirov is an ancient city. Of course, a lot of new housing developments appear every year here. But most central streets have preserved their historical look. There are many ancient buildings, and each of them has its own individual style and spirit. So, Kirov is not a featureless modern city; it has got its own distinctive personality and soul... I like walking along its narrow streets, especially early in the morning, when. It seems to me that every house has its face and character.

First, Kirov is ancient city... Of course, many new buildings appear here every year. However, most of the central streets have retained their historical appearance. There are many old buildings here, and each of them has its own individual style and spirit. Therefore, Kirov is not faceless modern city; it has personal distinctive features and soul. I love to walk through its narrow streets, especially in the early morning when there are few people. And it seems to me that every house here has its own face and character.

Secondly, in my town there are many parks and other green zones. Unlike “concrete jungles” of modern metropolises, Kirov is relatively clean and quiet. Even if you live in the very center of the town, you can reach the nearest park in five-ten minutes. So, there are a lot of places to walk and have a rest here. And, to my mind, this is very important for those who have small children.

Secondly, there are many parks and other green areas in my city. Unlike the "stone jungle" of modern megacities, Kirov is relatively clean and calm. Even if you live in the very center of the city, you can reach the nearest park in five to ten minutes. There are many places where you can walk and relax. And, in my opinion, this is very important for those who have small children.

Thirdly, I like our people. Though out-of-towners often say that residents of Kirov, are too serious and unwelcoming, it is not so. Maybe they don’t smile at other people too often, but they are kind and sympathetic. In big cities people often become cold and indifferent; they don’t care of anybody except themselves. And here, in my town, you can ask for help a stranger in the street, and, most likely, he will help you.

Thirdly, I like our people. Although visitors often say that the residents of Kirov are too serious and unfriendly, this is not the case. They may not smile at other people too often, but they are kind and helpful. In big cities, people often become callous and indifferent, they do not care about anyone but themselves. And here, in my city, you can ask a stranger on the street for help, and most likely he will help you.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Kind of activity: cognitive activity.

Activity form: lesson (preparatory group).

Theme:"I am telling my story about my city."


  1. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about hometown- Abakan, about the main sights of your hometown, learn to recognize them in photographs.
  2. To form love and interest in a small homeland.
  3. Develop coherent speech, logical thinking.

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

  • slide projector, disc with slides;
  • hoop with ribbons, boxes with cereals;
  • sticks for drawing, colored stones, decanter.

Prior work:

  • reading poetry about your hometown;
  • viewing photographs, booklets;
  • excursion to the theater "Fairy Tale".

Vocabulary work:

  • Small Homeland.
  • Big Motherland.
  • Sights.
  • Abakans.

Course of the lesson

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gets to know the children.

Educator: Children, what city do you all live in? And what are we all called - residents of Abakan? (Abakans.) Do you know that Abakan is the capital of the Republic of Khakassia? This is our small homeland. What do we call Homeland? (The place where we were born, we live, we go to kindergarten, where our dads and mothers, friends live.) Right. Listen to the poem and Homeland.

What do we call the Motherland?
The house where you and I grow up.
And birches by the road
On which we go.
What do we call the Motherland?
The sun is in the blue sky.
And fragrant, golden
Bread at the festive table.
What do we call the Motherland?
The land where you and I live
And ruby ​​stars
Stars of the world over the Kremlin.

(V. Stepanov)

Children, what country do you live in? Russia is our big Motherland, it is what unites all people living in one country. We are all Russians, we all speak the same language. We love our Motherland dearly.

Children, we received an SMS message by cell phone. Let's read it. It says that guests are coming to us from the capital itself, from Moscow. They really want to get acquainted with our city, with the interesting sights of Abakan. We need to help them. Do you know what a landmark is? (These are beautiful, memorable places that adorn our city.) Are there any places in our city that we are proud of and gladly show to residents of other cities and countries? I think that the main attraction of our city is the people living here. After all, people of different nationalities live here. Can you name them? (Russians, Khakass, there are Germans, and Tuvans, Ukrainians, Chinese, Kyrgyz and many other peoples.) They all live together in our beautiful and cozy city.

We are always greeted by the main street of our city. What is it called? (Street of Friendship of Peoples.) Why do you think it is called that? (People of different nations are passing through here.) On this street there is a huge hotel "Druzhba", where guests stay.

Children, what sights would you like to introduce our guests to? (Zoo, Skazka Theater, Eaglet Park, Transfiguration Cathedral, Abakan Youth Palace.) Yes, children, in our city, indeed, there are a lot of places of interest where you can have a good rest, learn a lot of new and interesting things.

The teacher invites the children to take turns telling a little about each attraction, looking at the slides.

Held didactic game"Find out in the photo."

A slide opens. Did you find out what it is? Yes, this is a stele that greets all guests at the entrance to our city.

Then the children look at the photographs of the Fairy Tale Theater. People go to theaters with pleasure. Children, why do they come here? Children already know the Skazka Theater from an early age, where they come with their parents to watch fairy tales. This theater is famous all over the world and has many awards. We should be proud of our actors.

The most favorite place for children, it is the Mishutka entertainment center. You were here? What is interesting and remarkable here? (There is a toy store here, and various attractions for children are offered, there is a children's cafe.)

And what is this place in our city? (Montenegrin Park.) What is he famous for? Yes, here we see a monument to the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. We will tell our guests that in summer it is very beautiful here: lawns, flower beds. In the middle is the eternal flame of the military glory of the heroes who died for the Motherland. A sculptural composition of two figures - a Russian and a warrior - Khakass rises behind the eternal fire. This is the idea of ​​a joint struggle between the Russian and Khakass peoples against the Nazi invaders.

You will recognize these photos immediately. (Park "Eaglet".) What interesting things can we offer our guests here? They will probably take their children with them. What attractions are waiting for them here? Have you been here? Did you ride the merry-go-rounds? Children, do you want to remember the summer now and ride the merry-go-rounds?

An outdoor game "Carousel" is held.

At the command “One, two, three, take the ribbon” children run in a circle with the ribbon in their hands.

Barely, barely, barely, barely
The carousels spun
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run
Hush, hush, take your time
Stop the carousel.
One is two, one is two
So the game is over.

Educator: Did you enjoy riding the merry-go-rounds? I think that the guests will also like it very much.

After such a rest, we will remember another one of your favorite corners of our city. Did you recognize him? (Zoo.) What can we tell our guests about it? What animals do we meet? There are a lot of exotic animals that we can only see in the zoo: snakes, crocodiles, monkeys. Many city dwellers are unfamiliar even with such animals as a cow, horse, goat. To do this, they go to the zoo.

And this is the youngest and most beautiful corner of our city, which is full of interesting sights. How many of you have been here and will be able to tell us? You are right, this is the Transfiguration Cathedral. What is he? For what purpose do the townspeople visit this cathedral? Probably, some of you went there for baptism or light a candle for the health of your loved ones. We very often hear the ringing of bells that call believers to the service. Religious festivals are also held here. There is a youth palace near the cathedral. What interesting can you tell us about him. That's right, concerts are held here, and every child can find activities to their liking: dances, sports sections, theatrical art and much more. Many Abakans and guests of our city have a rest in the Preobrazhensky Park. After all, all the conditions have been created for this: beautiful fountain, the park of exotic plants "Gardens of Dreams", flowering alleys and even a children's corner. It is imperative to take our guests to this park.

I think that beautiful places there are a lot in our city. Please choose your favorite corner in your favorite city. Maybe we didn't name it. I ask you as a gift to our guests to draw with sticks in boxes where cereals are poured that corner of our city, which, in your opinion, is the most interesting and beautiful. Our guests should definitely like it. We will leave these drawings until our guests arrive. We will also send them these photos, which will introduce guests to Abakan in absentia. I will send an SMS message that we are ready to meet our guests.

Children, I am very glad that you know your city well. You talked about him with such interest that it was immediately obvious how much you love him. And now I want to hear good words from you about our city. Each in turn takes a pebble, says a word and throws it into a jug.

Educator: See how many good, kind and affectionate words you said to your beloved city. You really love and cherish him. After all, the future depends on you guys, on how much you love your homeland, what good you can do for it when you become adults.

The teacher thanks the children for interesting conversation and treats you with sweets, which are made in our confectionery factory.

"Life in my city" (Downloads: 490)

"The land where I was born" (Downloads: 417)

"My city is my homeland" (Downloads: 781)

"My city is beautiful" (Downloads: 638)

"My favorite city of writing" (Downloads: 1080)

"My favorite city is Chelyabinsk" (Downloads: 300)

"My Night City Compositions" (Downloads: 128)

"I will not give my city to anyone" (Downloads: 108)

"Compositions for grade 10 my city" (Downloads: 428)

"I really love my city and my homeland" (Downloads: 312)

Writing essays is not an easy task, but if you really want it, you can write a work on any topic. In this category you will find a huge number of works on topics such as: “My motherland"Or" My city ". The beauty of cities in each country is different: in its structure of buildings, natural resources, parks, forests, public gardens and much more. Each city is unique in itself and contains beauty.
In schools, you will be asked to write works on the themes: "My country", "My city", where you will need to tell about your country or city, about the nature in your city and much more. It may be difficult for you at first, but when you visit us and read such works, you can write without any problems the work that you need, or you can download it. Just change certain sentences at your discretion and you will have a ready-made composition. In such works, you can describe it very nicely and for a long time. Because the beauty of the city's nature or architecture is incomparable with anything else. You can admire this for a very, very long time and write off more than one sheet of paper.
The works that you find with us are written correctly and all punctuation marks are placed, correctly, in accordance with the rules. So, when the teachers check it, there will be no complaints against you. Write works and enjoy life!

Russia - great country and only the lazy does not know the history of its origin, development and formation. It covers an area of ​​about 17 million kilometers. The country is located in the Northern Hemisphere and most of the continent of Eurasia belongs to her. Russia has common borders with eighteen countries, including by sea. At sea, we border on the United States and Japan.

In Russia a large number of reservoirs, rivers, lakes. In terms of quantity, this figure will be about 2.8 million rivers. Most big rivers flowing through the territory of Russia: Volga, Yenisei, Don, Ob ​​and Lena. And only in our country is there the most clear lake and deep on the ground - Baikal. Russia also has the largest sea in the world - the Caspian Sea.

The capital of Russia is the city of Moscow, there is a developed infrastructure, a city that is rich in its history.

The country has a large number of megacities. Their population exceeds one million people.

Russia is a country in which a large number of nationalities live together peacefully. The approximate number is 160 nationalities. Each nationality professes its own religion. Therefore, in Russia you can find Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and many more different religions.
The country includes autonomous republics (22), regions (9).

Russian is the state language of the country.

The flag of Russia is of three colors: white, blue and red. On the coat of arms of Russia, a two-headed eagle sits majestically, looking to the west and east.
There are places in Russia that are included in the UNESCO heritage. And there are quite a few of them. One can single out the red square, the monuments of Novgorod, the wooden churches built in Kizhi, the St. Petersburg historical center.

Country geography

Almost 70% of the country's territory is lowland. In the south of the country, there are mainly mountains and the most high mountain Elbrus (5642 meters). North, east of Siberia and Far East represented by ridges - Verkhoyansk, Sikhote-Alin. There are a large number of volcanoes in Kamchatka, some of them are still active now.