Vk victims of the plane crash. Social media users remember the victims and express their condolences to their families (photo). How the city supports the families of the victims and what it does to preserve the memory

A motley crowd of tourists, a vibrant underwater world that attracts divers from all over the world - all this attracts travelers. The Russians were eager to go there, as to the second dacha: at least a week to rest from work and fry in the sun. Whole families flew until the plane crash in Egypt on October 31, 2015 forced the whole country to shudder.

Tragic incident

The tourist group of the company "Brisco" was returning charter flight from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. Despite the early morning (departure at 5.50 local time), passengers were in excellent spirits. They posted pictures of the successful vacation on social networks. It was Saturday, and on Monday many had to plunge into someone else's work, someone else's studies.

The airliner Airbus A321-231 EI-ETJ, which arrived from Samara, took on board 217 passengers. They and the seven crew members were to be in Northern capital, where many were expected at the airport by relatives and friends. After gaining a predetermined altitude of 9400 meters in 23 minutes, at a speed of 520 km / h, the aircraft suddenly disappeared from the radar. At 6.15 (7.15 Moscow time), the plane crashed in the Sinai Peninsula near El Arish airport, the hottest point in Egypt, where the government forces were opposed by Al-Qaeda Islamists.

Versions of the tragedy

Those who met flight 9268 at Pulkovo airport anxiously watched the scoreboard on which the information was displayed: “Arrival is delayed”. And by evening, the whole country already knew that the wreckage of the aircraft that had disappeared from the radar had been found. Egyptian authorities... Scattered over a length of 13 kilometers, with a detached tail section, they were shown on television, which caused many versions of specialists about the possible causes of the disaster. Three were considered the most reliable:

  • Technical problems associated with either engine failure or metal fatigue. In the tail section, traces of skin repair were found after an aircraft touched the asphalt with its tail in 2001 when it landed at Cairo airport. The resulting microcrack could cause the destruction of the aircraft with the climb.
  • The plane crash in Egypt is a crew error.
  • Terrorist act.

At the scene of the tragedy, a commission of the IAC, headed by the representative of Egypt, Ayman al-Mukkadam, began to work. It includes representatives from Russia, France, Germany, USA and Ireland. After examining the evidence and decoding, the first two versions were found to be invalid.


A321 crash over Sinai Peninsula became the largest in the history of Egypt and modern Russia... The airbus belonged to the Kogalymavia company, which was thoroughly checked. It was found that after the 2001 emergency, the aircraft was repaired in France at the manufacturing plant, after which all the necessary tests were carried out. For 18 years of operation, the liner flew less than 50% of its resource (57428 hours) and was in good condition. This is evidenced by weekly technical checks, the last of which was carried out on 10/26/2015. The flight recorders did not detect any malfunction of the systems. Until the 23rd minute, the flight was quite normal.


The forty-eight-year-old crew commander Valery Nemov is a graduate of SVAAULSH (Stavropol military school). He is one of the few who, in the difficult 90s, retrained on "Airbuses" flew since 2008, having 12 thousand flight hours, which testifies to his colossal experience. The co-pilot also came from military aviation being a veteran of the Chechen campaign. After retirement, Sergei Trukhachev retrained on the A321, having completed training in the Czech Republic. I flew them for over 2 years. The total flight time was 6 thousand hours. Both pilots were in good standing with their airline. Nemov was even prematurely summoned from vacation to send him to the sad famous flight 9268.

Official version

Two weeks after the tragedy, the version of the terrorist attack was officially announced by the head of the FSB during a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation. In support of his words, he cited the following evidence:

  1. American satellites recorded a thermal flash over Sinai during the disaster, which indicates an explosion on board the aircraft.
  2. The fuselage fragment has a hole with a diameter of about one meter. Its edges are curved outward. This indicates that the source of the explosion was inside.
  3. When decoding the recorder recording the negotiations, before interrupting the recording, extraneous noise is heard, the nature of which can be attributed to a blast wave.
  4. The plane crash in Egypt caused a great public outcry. After a while, they not only admitted responsibility for the terrorist attack, but also posted a photo of an improvised explosive device (IED) on the pages of Dabig magazine.
  5. Some of the victims were found to have traumas indicating death from the consequences of the explosion (burns, tissue ruptures).
  6. Traces of explosives - TNT molecules - were found in the fragments of the fragments, luggage and on the bodies of the victims.

The power of the explosion was estimated at 1 kilogram. The presumptive location of the IED is the tail of the aircraft. For the blast wave was moving forward, but the rupture of the fuselage prevented its further advance.

Plane crash in Egypt: who is to blame?

After the appearance of the Russian version, it became known that 17 employees were detained at the Egyptian airport. The main question was one: "How did the IED get on board the liner?" The FSB began to study the biographies of 34 passengers (11 men and 23 women), whose bodies were covered with TNT molecules. But official Egypt soon said that there was no evidence for an unequivocal statement about the terrorist attack on board the plane. None of the employees were actually arrested. The Russian authorities have announced a $ 50 million reward for any information about terrorists.

Only in February 2016 did the Egyptian President officially acknowledge the terrorist attack. It was revealed that the bomb was made of plastic used to create live projectiles. It is powered by a clockwork mechanism. The plane crash in Egypt on October 31, 2015 showed that the security system at the airport does not meet international standards. The IED could have entered the aircraft with a food company through staff with access to the runway, as well as through carry-on baggage during baggage check. The latest data is that it was in the cabin in the immediate vicinity of seat 31A. All these facts have led to the ban on the sale of vacation tours in Egypt.

Flight passengers

EI-ETJ - the last digits of the airbus number. According to them, the aviators called among themselves the board "Juliet", affectionately - "Dzhulka". On that tragic morning, she broke three aviation marriages and killed a young steward who replaced a colleague who had quit because of a bad dream. She also took the lives of 217 passengers, 25 of whom were children. Those killed in a plane crash in Egypt are entire families, dozens of shattered love stories, babies who are never destined to become adults. The ten-month-old Darina Gromova flew with her parents on this flight. Her mother posted a photo of her on a social network before flying out. The girl is standing at the airport facing the runway, and below the signature: "The main passenger." This picture became a symbol of the tragic flight from which no one was able to return.

Almost all passengers are Russians, 4 people are citizens of Ukraine, 1 are from Belarus. The majority are residents of St. Petersburg, although there are representatives of other regions: Pskov, Novgorod, Ulyanovsk. The victims of the plane crash in Egypt are people of various professions. While relatives were still identifying bodies, caring people formed a collective portrait of passengers, bit by bit collecting information about them. A wonderful gallery was created, where many good words were found about each.

Almost a year later

On July 31, Moscow and St. Petersburg held an action in memory of those killed over Sinai. Nine months have passed: many relatives received compensation, identified and buried their loved ones, but the pain did not subside. On August 5, 2016, it was reported that forty-five militants led by Abu Dua al-Ansari, who were responsible for the plane crash in Egypt, were destroyed during the military operation near El Arish. So I want to believe that this will never happen again!

31.10.2015 - 19:59

Egypt news. A tragedy that claimed 224 lives. There were 200 adults, 17 children and 7 crew members on board. The bodies of those killed in the crash on Saturday evening began to be delivered to the Zenhom morgue in Cairo.

A search and rescue operation continues at the crash site of a Russian airliner in Egypt.

Recall that a passenger plane en route from resort town Sharm El Sheikh to Saint Petersburg,. The airliner disappeared from radar screens less than half an hour after departure. Before that, the car began to lose altitude abruptly.

According to the latest data, 220 Russians, three Ukrainians, etc. were killed in the crash.

It is already known that most of the passengers on the ill-fated flight were from St. Petersburg. Each line in the list of the victims has its own story. Someone spent a vacation in Egypt, someone - a wedding anniversary, someone celebrated a birthday. By and large, many came to the hot country as tourists.

Literally half an hour before the tragedy, this photo appeared on the page of a resident of St. Petersburg.

The beloved husband is holding his beloved daughter in his arms. Their family turned four on October 27. Olga and Yuri, according to friends, were an incredibly happy couple, appreciated and respected each other. Three glorious children were born in love (all three rested with mom and dad in Egypt). They loved to travel, preferred beach activities.

Olga Sheina with her daughter

In July we rested in Cyprus, for October we have long planned a trip to Egypt.

Tatiana and Alexey Gromov

As Tatyana wrote on her page on the social network, “ flew to warm up". This was their first trip with the whole family. Before the flight from St. Petersburg, a happy mother took this photo.

Darina rests her handles on the glass and carefully examines the plane.

The grandmother of the "main passenger" did not want to let her granddaughter go to Egypt, they say, she is still a baby, let her grow up a little. Darina's parents insisted: “ Mom, nothing's going to happen. Let's help our feet in the sea and come back».

Darina Gromova

The day before, Alexei called home and said that this vacation was the best and most significant, because the first trip “ full complement».

His father was a military pilot. Alexey wanted to follow in the footsteps of his dad, but changed his mind. As a result, he built a career in an IT company.

Tatiana and Alexey Gromov

« They seemed the happiest in the world. Both eyes shone with happiness", - this is what colleagues say

about 62-year-old Alexander Kopylov, deputy head of Pskov, and his wife Elena.

On October 27, the woman celebrated her 53rd birthday. The trips to Egypt became a gift from the husband in honor of his wife's birthday.

Elena's daughter, like dozens of daughters and sons, whose lives were forever taken by the ill-fated flight from the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, refuses to believe in what happened.

Among passengers Airbus aircraft A321 turned out to be a participant in the popular TV show "Top Model in Russian" Elena Domashnyaya.

Colleague of Elena Domashny in the project "Top Model in Russian". Recording in social networks

After the TV show, Lena did not abandon the modeling business, continued to take part in photo projects, and received a journalist diploma.

Elena Domashnyaya

In two weeks, the beauty would have turned 25 years old. The girl was planning to have a big party.

Elena flew to Egypt on vacation. She was accompanied by her friend and colleague Ksenia Ogorodova.

Ksenia Ogorodova

Ksenia called the autumn spent in paradise, "Ideal". Palm trees, sea and sun. A few days ago, the girl boasted that for the first time in Egypt she found rain.

One of the Egyptian photographs of Ksenia Ogorodova shows how four young guys throw a girl, probably Ksenia herself, into the pool, and two fall after her. " Rescue of a drowning man. Very funny Polish families that do not let you get burned", - this is how the girl signed this photo.

This shot was the last.

32-year-old Katya Murashova was a participant in the beauty contest among married women - "Mrs. Pskov-2014".

Ekaterina Murashova

As friends of Catherine say, the travels were in literally the meaning of her life. She worked in the state department of social protection of the Pskov region, and spent her free time on trips with her family to different countries and cities. " Very sociable, open and kind person"- this is how Katya's colleagues describe her.

Nikolay Korolev, organizer of the beauty contest (to the Pskov Information Agency):
She was a loving mother and an optimistic person. Ekaterina always did everything well. She was a stubborn, hardworking, kind and sympathetic woman. Even without winning the competition, she was not upset, because the very process of growth and self-development was important for her. I remember her as a loving mother - they had a very warm relationship with my daughter. She was an optimistic, cheerful woman who loved life.

Ironically, one of the last entries left by Ekaterina Murashova on a page on a social network, an airplane icon and a song with a sad, and, as it turned out, prophetic title "I know that I will not be back."

On the 27th year, the life of Alina Gaydamak from St. Petersburg was cut short.

Alina Gaidamak

Finland, Estonia, Cyprus, Thailand. The girl visited a dozen countries and dreamed of visiting as many more, definitely not less. A trip to Egypt appeared spontaneously in her plans.

Alina went on a trip to Israel. On the way back, I decided to fly through Egypt.

Elena and Alexander

The anniversary was celebrated in Egypt. The family planned to return home on October 31 to complete preparations for another significant date. On November 1, Elena would have turned 35 years old.

Desperate hope "what if a mistake?" relatives and friends of Belarusian Roman Seredinsky live.

The 28-year-old young man was awarded a trip to Egypt for his good work. The fact that the rest would end with such a tragedy, no one could have thought.

Roman Seredinsky

Natalya Melnichenko has known Roma since school. We studied together from the first grade. He remembers how we went on excursions to the memorable places of Belarus, went on hikes and to the river. About 10 years ago, a childhood friend left for St. Petersburg. All this time .

Natalia Melnichenok, classmate of Roman Seredinsky:
Roma was and will always remain a good, cheerful person for us.

The son of the dean of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management was vacationing at the resort with his beloved Alexandra.

On her Instagram page, Sasha Illarionova shared her impressions and posted photos underwater world... Lyonya and Sasha have recently taken a great interest in diving.

A week ago, Olga Kirillova enthusiastically told her friends that there is nothing better in the world than a vacation at sea.

Olga Kirillova

She calmly endured the heat and more than once noted how the sun adored her. The girl always came home with a luxurious tan.

In numerous photos, she smiles. Olga loved it when people around were smiling, and then work was a pleasure. She made magnificent bouquets of flowers, customers left enthusiastic comments on pages on social networks.

One of the last works of Olga

In Egypt, Olga Kirillova was vacationing with her best friend, 25-year-old Zhenya Sologubova.

They said about them, "do not spill water." Indeed, the friendship between the girls was the most, that neither is, strong. " The most important thing in any vacation is good company ", - said the girlfriends.

Evgeniya Sologubova

On the last day spent at the resort, Evgenia left a note on her web page with the words “ out of range»And several graphic emoticons. The girl, of course, said that she was out of the zone for the duration of the flight.

21-year-old table tennis coach Yevgeny Yavsin was vacationing in Egypt with his girlfriend Alexandra Chernova.

Evgeny Yavsin and Alexandra Chernova

Evgeny Yavsin

For the wards, friends and relatives, the news that the cheerful and purposeful Zhenya and Sasha are no longer there was a real shock.

As Russian publications inform, referring to the couple's friends, Evgeny invited Alexandra to rest in Egypt to propose to her.

« Lovely friendly family"- this is how the Golenkov family from St. Petersburg remembered.

Vladimir and Victoria Golenkovs took their granddaughter Diana with them to the warm sea. In September, the baby turned four years old.

Olesya Kosorukova from Novgorod is sure that time will not be able to reconcile with pain. Her mother Natalya Rostenko was on board the Airbus A321.

In August, the woman retired and promised her family that she would take a short break and, upon her return, would help with her grandchildren. Natalia has five of them.

Natalia Rostenko during one of the trips

She rested in Sharm el-Sheikh seven times, was delighted with the resort and planned to return here in January to celebrate her birthday.

« I never thought that Egypt would cause so many positive emotions in me. Do I want to live here? No. Will I come back here? Necessarily", - wrote on Thursday evening

A 24-year-old resident of St. Petersburg on her page on the social network.

Victoria Sevryukova shared photos from the trip with her virtual friends. The girl enjoyed life and literally accompanied every picture with the hashtags "happiness is here" and "I don't want to leave."

Friends remember: Vika always traveled with her favorite pink suitcase.

Victoria Sevryukova

This thing seemed to confirm: the hostess never has a bad mood.

Alexey and Oksana Semakovs are another married couple who have been registered on board.

Spouses Semakovs

Both with shoulder straps: he is an inspector of the fire supervision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, she is an interrogator of the police department. They escaped from cold Belomorsk to warm regions for only seven days. Happy and rested, Oksana and Aleksey planned to take up the service the other day with renewed vigor.

They were expected home with a lot of new experiences and gifts. But relatives and friends were not destined to meet any of the passengers of flight 9268 at the Pulkovo airport.

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