A brief description of the Athenian acropolis. Acropolis of Athens and its temples

The Acropolis in Athens is a visiting card of Greece, tourists from all over the world come here. In terms of ticket sales and attendance, it is not inferior to the Colosseum in Rome.

In spite of past wars and natural disasters, it has stood for two thousand years (and will last as long) and still amazes the imagination with its majesty and perfection of forms.

Similar structures were built not only in, but also on the territory of Asia Minor (), in and Ancient rome... The Acropolis is an elevated part of the city (built on a hill). It served as a refuge for the nobility in case of war. Palaces, government buildings, temples of patron deities were built on its territory. Despite the cataclysms suffered, the Athenian Acropolis is the best preserved of all of the existing ones. To this day, active work is underway to restore it.


Even during the archaic times, the first temples were laid. In VII-VI BC. active development of the hill began. It served as the royal residence. In 447 BC. the reconstruction of the complex by the famous sculptor of that time Phidias began. The complex received the architectural appearance that is known to us now. Gradually the greatest cultural monument decayed, Athens turned into provincial town Roman Empire.

A panoramic walk along the street near the Acropolis is many times more interesting than the ruins themselves (:

In the Byzantine period, the temple of the goddess Athena, patroness of the city (Parthenon) became a Christian church. With the advent of the Turks in the 15th century, the entire temple complex was converted into a mosque, and then into an ammunition depot and arsenal. In the 19th century, Greece became an independent country, and from that moment on, the ancient appearance of the Acropolis began to be actively restored. Buildings made on the territory in the Middle Ages and New Time were eliminated.

All sculptures that are located on the territory of the Acropolis in Athens have been replaced with copies, the originals are kept, and the Acropolis Museum.

What the Acropolis looks like

Unfortunately, at the moment it is in ruins... Yes, major work is underway to restore its individual objects, but it is very far from the completion of the work.

The height of the hill on which the monument is built is 300 meters. Climbing on it, you will have a beautiful view of Athens. The Acropolis consists of 21 elements, which are interconnected into one architectural ensemble.

Parthenon temple in Athens

The Parthenon, the key temple of the Acropolis, is the best preserved. Created from white marble, over time it turned yellow. It is considered the oldest building in the world, as its age is two thousand years old! Its history is the history and culture of all Greece.

Until recently, the Theater of Dionysus staged ancient Greek comedies and tragedies, but now it is partially closed for reconstruction (due to be completed in 2015).

The architecture of the Erechtheion temple has an unusual asymmetric layout, and a lot of relics were found in it, which are stored in museums around the world.


Useful information

Come to the opening or a few hours before closing, so as not to stand in a long line for a ticket and walk around the complex without extreme heat... Stock up on water, you will have to climb a 300-meter hill. A rather steep staircase awaits you on the rise, be careful.

The entrance ticket costs 12 euros and can be purchased locally. Discounts for students and seniors. The queue is large, but it moves very rapidly. The ticket is valid for four days. If you don't have the strength to look at everything at once, you can always return. V winter time admission is free on Sundays.

Working hours: from 8:00 to 20:00 hours, Monday is a day off.

The fastest way to get there is by metro. Go to the Acropoli station, from there follow the signs at every step.

Acropolis on the map

Acropolis of Athens, Athens 105 58, Greece

Acropolis literally translates as "fortress", "fortification". The Greeks called the acropolis antique fortresses built on the hills. Erection on a hill was a must, since the surfaces provided an excellent view. This was important from a strategic point of view for quickly repelling enemy attacks.

- it is also a storehouse of values. City rulers brought the most expensive things to these structures so that they were under guaranteed protection from robbers.

Temples were built in the Acropolis, dedicating them to the gods who patronized the cities. They were also erected in honor of the most prominent rulers.

Athenian Acropolis - a symbol of Greece

This structure is not even hundreds, but thousands of years old. For centuries Acropolis of Athens amazed the eyes of researchers and ordinary people, local Greeks and tourists coming to the country. At all times, travelers from all over the world have been attracted by the splendor and beauty of this ancient structure.

- the most famous of all built by the Greeks. Consists Athenian Acropolis from a whole complex of buildings, sculptures and other architectural structures, the beauty of which can be judged on the greatness and exceptional taste of Greek sculptors, painters, sculptors, architects. The Acropolis in Athens is rightfully considered the property of Greece, a masterpiece of world art.

On the site where the Acropolis in Athens is now located, there were other structures. Many thousands of years ago, completely different shrines stood here, including temples and sculptural compositions. After a huge period of time, even before construction of the Acropolis, the Persian ruler Xerxes destroyed architectural masterpieces... This happened around 500. BC. evidence of such events has come down to us in the narratives of Herodotus. He also wrote that it was decided to create a completely different ensemble on the territory of destruction. architectural monuments... The work on its construction dates back to the time of Pericles. Already at this time, the Acropolis was no longer interpreted as a fortified city. The Athenians saw its meaning in the religious and cult of the urn embodiment of Greek traditions. The marble walls and structures of this Acropolis were supposed to represent the great victory of the Greeks in the war against the Persians.

So in the cradle ancient architecture- Athens, a completely different project was created, which was approved by Pericles. Itself Acropolis building the Greeks built it for about 20 years. The construction work was supervised by a friend of Pericles, the greatest sculptor -. Architectural ensemble, surrounding the main building, was built for more than half a century. During this time, none of the ideas of the concept was modified.

In the ensemble, reflecting the integrity of the Acropolis, one can see the sights organically connected with each other. According to the researchers of this cultural site, Acropolis of Athens created in exceptional harmony with nature. Among the structures:


    Temple of the goddess Nike.


  1. Sanctuary of Artemis Bravronia.

The latest architectural idea - Sanctuary of Artemis- this is a corridor, on the sides of which there are columns of the Doric type. The sanctuary is located southeast of the Propylaea. Unfortunately, only the ruins of this architectural masterpiece have survived to our time.

The ancient Greeks, when they visited this ensemble, initially ascended to the Propylaea along a huge stone staircase. Propylaea- the main entrance to the Acropolis. On the left was the gallery building, in which hundreds of paintings were hung. Such a museum was called "Pinakothek". In it, attic heroes, embodied in artistic skill, flaunted for all to see. To the right of the entrance to the Propylaea was located Nika's temple... It was erected on a rock ledge. According to legend, it was from her that Aegeus threw himself. In the temple Niki was statue of athena... In this regard, it was sometimes called the "Temple of Athena-Nike".

Passing through the Propylaea, the eyes of the guests turned to the statue of Athena that appeared before them. It was huge and stood on a stone pedestal. Many of the scientists believe that it was the gilded tip of the statue's spear in sunny weather that served as a guide for captains who decided to find their pier in Athens.

An altar was located immediately behind the statue of Athena, and a small temple was built to the left. In it, the devotees of the goddess performed their rituals of worship.

Is on the territory Acropolis of Athens temple Erechtheion. According to legend, Athena fought Poseidon for a number of cities. Under the terms of the duel, the authorities would come to the one who would make the most desirable gift for the inhabitants of the policies. Poseidon threw his trident in the direction of the Acropolis, and in the place where the giant shell hit, a fountain of seawater erupted. Wherever it is spear of Athena growing olive. She became a symbol ancient Athens and promised victory to their patroness. Part of the temple built in these places is dedicated to the legendary ruler Erechtheus. He once ruled in Athens. It was in the Acropolis that the king's sanctuary and his grave were located. Later, the temple itself became known as the Erechtheion.

It was destroyed by fire, but the temple was rebuilt in times of Pericles... Now about architectural features This structure can only be judged by archival sources, where in several editions there are outlines of the temple and its brief description. But none of the sculptures or remnants of marble decorations have survived. All porticos were damaged, including portico of Caryatids... It has been partially restored according to drawings and remains one of the main architectural landmarks. Acropolis of Athens.

No less bright - Parthenon... This building is rather large and massive, but its structure is very simple. This temple is also dedicated to the patron goddess of Athens. Great Parthenon erected by the ancient sculptors Kallikrat and Iktin. Researchers note the optimal combination of the columns of the temple with steps, friezes, sculptures and pediment. The structure was entirely made of marble. But it was gradually turned from white to multi-colored. The architects placed a couple of porticoes and columns in the majestic building. It was in the Parthenon that a gigantic statue of Athena flaunted. Created it sculptor Phidias, using gold and ivory in their work. The precious metal almost entirely constituted the upper garment of the goddess. Later, the statue was irretrievably lost. Only a small copy of it has survived.

Acropolis of Lindos

The city of Lindos, which was built in ancient times, has a history full of legends. The settlement was founded in the 12th century. BC. Attraction ancient city today - one of the main ones on the island. It is a favorite tourist destination. Architectural monuments attracts here and researchers of ancient Greek culture and art.

In Lindos there is and the oldest Acropolis... He is no less famous than Athenian. In addition, this structure is much older than the one that was built in Athens. Acropolis of Lindos erected on high mountain... From its peak you can observe the most beautiful picture - a unique view of the sea.

Athena Linda al's patronage the city of Lindos... That's why linda temple, which was located on the territory of the Acropolis, was considered the dominant structure here.

Researchers have been carrying out excavations in this area for several years and one of the beautiful days they found traces of an ancient sanctuary. The finds are dated back to the 6th century BC. The result of the examinations was the conclusion that the temple was once destroyed by fire. But a couple of centuries later, a new building appeared on the same place. Probably, this was an attempt to build the Acropolis in the likeness of an old structure. It was beautiful architectural design and a huge staircase.

We climbed to the Acropolis of Lindos along a thin path. It wraps around a huge, steep rock on which the temple is erected. On the territory of the complex there were sanctuaries and structures dating back to 400 years. BC. It is known that it was in these sanctuaries that the islanders worshiped their many gods of paganism. Here, nearby, archaeologists have found:

    A tower with a Christian-type chapel.

    Roman temple.

    Ruins of a temple built during the Great Roman Empire.

    Ruins of the temple at the Palace of the Grand Master.

    Church of St. John. It is known about it that it was built around the 13th century. new millennium.

Lindos at all times were considered the most romantic and majestic structures Ancient Greece ... It was erected in the very beautiful place islands. Staying there evokes thoughts of the Middle Ages on tourists.

Acropolis(from the Greek word "acropolis" - which means "upper city") - is a fortified part of the city, located on a hill and intended for the defense of the city in wartime. The Acropolis was the site of the original settlement of people, and much later a lower city was built around it, which did not have significant protective structures.

Walled cities were usually built around a hill or high cliff. Internal fortifications were erected on the rock. Such a citadel in ancient Greece was called the Acropolis. However, the building played not only the role of an internal fortress - the Greeks kept in the depths of their consciousness ideas about prehistoric times, and the square raised on the rock symbolized for them the heavenly sphere, sacred soul-cleansing forces and immortality.

Fearless warriors and wise military engineers fortified the entrance to the Acropolis only when the enemy approached. The threshold of the sacred site seemed to the Greeks as a kind of border of immortality and earthly prosaic affairs. Temples dedicated to the ancient Greek gods were located on the acropolis. One of the outstanding monuments of world architecture is the Acropolis in Athens.

Acropolis of Athens occupies a rocky hill over 150 meters high. Its summit is gently sloping, and the temples are built on it in ascending order. The hill is 170 meters wide and about 300 meters long.

Structure of the Acropolis in Athens.

The ensemble of the Athenian Acropolis includes several temples and other important objects, among which are the following:

  • - This is the central and most important temple of the Acropolis, dedicated to the patroness of the city, the goddess Athena. The temple was built in the middle of the 5th century BC by the architect Kallikrates.

  • Hecatompedon- one of oldest temples as part of the Acropolis, which was built in honor of the goddess Athena, which was built much earlier than the Parthenon.
  • - a temple within the Acropolis, located north of the Parthenon, which also had an important religious and cult significance. The Erechtheion was dedicated to the goddess of wisdom Athena, the god of the seas Poseidon, as well as the legendary Athenian king Erechtheus.

  • Athena Promachos statue- a huge bronze statue of the goddess Athena - the patroness of the city - polis. Its author was the sculptor Phidias, who erected the statue in 465 - 455 BC on an elevated pedestal between the Parthenon and Erechtheion temples.

Athena holds a shield and a spear in her hands, and a golden helmet flaunts on the head of the statue. The spear was also made of solid gold. In the rays of the sun, they sparkled, and their light was visible for many kilometers. That is why the statue of Athena Promachos served as a kind of beacon for sailors - they navigated by it and successfully reached the shores of Hellas.

  • Propylaea- represent a passage, bounded by a colonnade, which is intended for solemn processions. It is not by chance that the Propylaea have become the hallmark of the Acropolis - their slender colonnade forms the entrance to the ensemble.

  • Temple of Niki Apteros- dedicated to the goddess Nike - the winner. The temple is located in the south - westward from Propyl. It was built on a rock ledge and therefore additionally reinforced with an 8-meter high retaining wall. The Temple of Nike was built by Callicrates in 427 - 424 BC.

  • Eleusinion
  • Bravroneion- This is the sanctuary of the goddess Artemis of Bravronsky, which was located in the corner of the Acropolis near Chalcoteka. The goddess Artemis patronized pregnant women and women in labor. the temple is distinguished by its simplicity and grace.

  • Chalcotek- a special building in which weapons, ritual objects and utensils for performing sacrifices were collected for storage. It was here that spears, shields, shells, catapults belonging to the city were kept, as well as trophy weapons obtained in fair battle from the enemy.

  • Pandroseion- This is a temple building - a sanctuary built in honor of the daughter of the first king of Attica Cecrops, whose name was Pandros. The sanctuary courtyard is trapezoidal. On its territory is the altar of the god Zeus Gerkei - the patron saint of the family hearth.

  • Arrephorion- This is a small building that serves as a residence for four arrefor - young girls of noble birth who weaved peplos, intended as a gift to the goddess Athena during the annual Panathenaic Games.
  • Athenian altar- a special place in the courtyard of the Acropolis, where it was customary to perform ritual sacrifices in honor of the ancient Greek gods. Usually, sacrifices had to be made during ceremonies and holidays.

  • Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus
  • Sanctuary of Pandion- today it is the ruins of a destroyed building, which in ancient times was located in the southeastern part of the Athenian Acropolis. This small building was the temple of the legendary ancient Greek hero Pandeonis, one of the Athenian kings.
  • Odeon of Herodes Atticus- is a building in the form of an ancient Greek theater, designed to be visited by 5 thousand spectators. The building was built in 165 AD by order of the Greek orator and philosopher Herodes Atticus in memory of his deceased wife Regina. Today, the building has been almost completely preserved, and it hosts performances and concerts.

  • Standing eumenes Is a two-story building with Doric columns. Inside the building there are Ionic columns, and the upper tier is decorated with capitals made in the Pergamon style. Ahead of Stoya are the remains of the foundation of the monument to Nikias. Standing Eumenes was built on the side of a hill, and got its name from the architect Eumenes II of Pergamon.
  • Asklepion Is an ancient Greek temple built in honor of the god of healing Asclepius. The sanctuary had not only religious and cult significance, but also served as a medical institution. The Asklepions contributed to the development of medical science in Ancient Hellas.

The priests of the god of healing, the Asclepiades, were engaged in the treatment of the sick. At first, only certain ritual actions were performed, but later the priests began to use various healing herbs and potions. This helped to heal patients, and also contributed to the accumulation of special medical knowledge.

  • Theater of Dionysus
  • Odeon of Pericles
  • Temenos of Dionysus
  • Sanctuary of Aglavra


This border was a colonnade called the Propylaea. The Greeks improved the order borrowed from the traditional Egyptian architecture... The columns of the Propylaea are made in the Doric order, which the Greeks considered the embodiment of strength and courage.

The exterior of the Propylaea is not characterized by symmetrical lines. The right wing of the building seemed to shrink to make room for the marble temple. The four columns of the temple, thinner and more graceful, stand on chiseled supports and end with two elastic curls. These are the columns of the Ionic order - the embodiment of graceful femininity.

Temple of Niki Apteros.

The goddess of victory Nika is depicted unarmed, for real victory is higher than weapons. Victory is fickle, which is why Nika has eagle's wings. After the Greco-Persian wars, the Greeks claimed that having settled in their city, Nike would never leave it, and therefore they portrayed victory without wings, and the structure was called the Temple of the Wingless Victory - Niki Apteros. Thus, Victory became a home goddess for Athens.

And, as proof that she feels confident and comfortable, on one of the bas-reliefs of the temple, she slowly straightens the strap of her sandal. Nika's temple is located directly in front of the entrance to the Acropolis. The left wing of the Propylaea is a spacious marble pavilion where the world's first painting museum, the Pinakothek, was set up.

Statue of Athena Promachos.

Just as other cities were separate cities from each other, the Acropolis was a special world, opposed to the city - a world in which reality merged with fiction. Those who came to the Acropolis were greeted by a huge figure in a scaly shell, cast from bronze.

In the struggle for independence, there was a conscious unity between people and the land. The Greek served his fatherland selflessly. The conquered world could turn out to be fragile, and Athens could turn to war in dreams at any moment. The armed world existed in the guise of the patroness of the polis in armor and a helmet. Bronze figure, leaning on a spear, was for the Athenians the goddess Athena herself.

Greek sculptors did not adhere to established standards once and for all, they were constantly in a creative search. The artist strove to give the figure a more expressive pose or a new gesture. The canons of Greek art were not invariable and the priests did not follow their strict observance. Each master made his own changes. Also, Greek art was unknown once and for all the established plots.

The world appeared to the Greeks in a constant cyclical movement. The plastic embodiment of gods and heroes was a statement of perfection. Sculpture was considered the main art, and work on the creation of sculptural compositions was headed by the brilliant ancient Greek sculptor Phidias, the creator of the bronze statue of Athena.

According to the myth, two deities claimed the role of the patron saint of the city - the polis - Athena and the god of the seas Poseidon. During the dispute, Athena lightly touched the rock with her spear, and an olive tree grew in this place. In turn, Poseidon struck a stone with a trident, and water gushed out of it.

However, the gods unanimously recognized Athena's miracle as more useful, and gave the city under her protection. The city also got its name from the name of the goddess.

The god of the seas Poseidon was also the god of the rich, while the goddess of wisdom Athena patronized the workers. The myth of Athena's victory over Poseidon is captured in the sculptural composition on the western pediment of the Parthenon, the main temple of the Acropolis.

Most of the figures are nude. The ideal of the Greeks was the harmony of external and internal beauty, the unity of body and spirit. The Greek gods, restless, passionate and active in character, were similar to the Greeks themselves.


Today we will take an excursion to the Athenian Acropolis.

It is translated from Greek as "upper city". In the ancient Greek city-policies, an elevated and fortified part was called the acropolis. This fortified part of the city, located in an elevated place, served as protection in times of danger. Therefore, it was on the acropolis that temples were erected to the gods, patrons of the city, the treasury and weapons of the city were kept. Such acropolis were in many ancient cities. Known, for example, the most ancient acropolis in Mycenae, Tiryns. But the most famous is by far the Acropolis of Athens!

This slender ensemble of outstanding works of architecture and sculpture is considered a masterpiece of not only Greek, but also world art, a kind of symbol of the greatness of classical Greece. The Acropolis of Athens is a World Heritage Site. Therefore, it is probably superfluous to say that, having arrived in Athens, even for a very short time, you must definitely visit the Acropolis and see, as they say, with your own eyes all this splendor.

In this regard, we decided today to invite you for a fascinating walk along the majestic and ancient Acropolis. This miracle of antiquity is located on a cliff 156 meters above sea level. This rock is of natural origin and has a flat top. It is noteworthy that the entire complex architectural and spatial complex of the Athenian Acropolis takes into account the surrounding nature as much as possible. Let's take a walk through this ancient fortress.

Approaching the Acropolis, in the area of ​​the southern wall, we will see that the rock on which the Acropolis was built is fortified stone walls... These walls are huge, five meters thick! Such walls were around the entire complex, but only a fragment of them, which we see, has survived to this day.

These are very ancient walls! They were erected in the XIII century BC. NS. According to legend, these majestic walls were erected by beings of supernatural power - the Cyclops. The ancient Greeks believed this. And today, looking even at a fragment of these gigantic walls, we are also ready to believe that walls of such dimensions could only have been erected by mythical creatures-strongmen!

In general, it should be noted that the first fortifications on the rocky spur of this rock appeared long before the onset of the classical period. In those distant times, the Acropolis was the focus of the city's political and military life: first of all, it was the dwelling place of the ruler. But at the end of the second millennium BC, the Acropolis acquired an exclusively cult significance!

According to myths, a wooden image of the goddess Athena, the patroness of the forces of the earth and the warlike protector of the city, was thrown by Zeus to Earth and fell right on the Acropolis! Therefore, it was here that temples were erected in honor of the goddess! But, unfortunately, almost all of them were destroyed by the Persian king Xerxes, who captured Athens in 480 - 479 BC. NS. The "father of history" Herodotus himself even testifies to this in his notes.

The Acropolis was rebuilt only in the so-called golden age of Pericles. This Athenian strategist, having concluded a truce with Sparta, was given the opportunity to deal with the arrangement of the capital. Under the direction of the greatest of the Greek sculptors Phidias by the end of the 5th century BC. The Acropolis was rebuilt. Moreover, the new Acropolis was incredibly beautiful and grandiose!

Let's get a little closer. The Propylaea appear in front of us from the western part of the complex.

This is the main, solemn entrance to the Acropolis! This gate was erected in 437-432 BC. Let's mentally fast forward to the distant V century BC. and we will see what the Propylaea were at that time, and at the same time we will see what was happening here. So, we are in the distant past! In front of us, the Athenians are walking slowly along a wide stone staircase to the Propylaea. Look, people on foot are walking along the side aisles, and horsemen and chariots are driving along the central aisle! Sacrificial animals are also led right there.

Pay attention to the Propylaea themselves! They are made of Pentelikon marble. You see what a beautiful material it is. Today this marble looks different. But nothing can be done, time takes its toll. And in those days, the gate simply amazed with its magnificence! You have noticed that the Propylaea are two Doric porticoes, one of which faces the city, the other towards the top of the Acropolis. Raise your head and look at the ceilings of the porticoes. See those square indentations? These are caissons! They are painted with gold stars on a blue background! Very beautiful, isn't it! And you see, where the slope of the hill rises sharply, a transverse wall with five aisles is built. So the central of these aisles is intended only for solemn processions! At normal times, it is closed by a bronze gate. By the way, these gates are the boundaries of the sanctuary. It is a pity that much has not survived to this day!

Yes, the Propylaea are great! Have you forgotten that you and I are in the distant past? Do you remember? Then look to the left. Do you see this rather large building that adjoins the Propylaea? This is the Pinakothek, an art gallery. Here are the portraits of the heroes of Attica! Now look to the right. See the ledge on the rock? You know, this is the very ledge from which, according to legend, the Athenian king Aegeus back in the 13th century BC. rushed down, seeing the ship of his son Theseus entering the harbor with black sails, symbolizing the failure of his voyage to the island of Crete! Remember the legend? And remember that this was a mistake, and Theseus, in fact, was alive! Yes, fate sometimes plays evil tricks with people! On the ledge is a small rectangular temple of Nika Apteros, dedicated to the goddess of victory Nike. Translated, its name sounds like "Wingless Victory".

Do you know why Wingless Victory? The fact is that under the conditions of a truce in the protracted Peloponnesian war, the Athenians thereby expressed the hope that victory would not "fly away" from them now! Just look at what an unusually graceful marble temple it is! Standing on a three-step pedestal, this temple is surrounded on all sides by a sculptural ribbon of a frieze, which depicts episodes of the struggle between the Greeks and the Persians, the Olympic gods (Athena, Zeus, Poseidon). But we can see this sculptural ribbon of the frieze only when carried in our imagination in those distant times. As you understand, it has not survived to this day. If we, all in the same past, go inside the temple, we will see a beautiful sculpture of Athena-Nike! The majestic goddess holds a helmet in one hand, and in the other - a pomegranate fruit, a symbol of a victorious world! It's a pity, but today this magnificent statue can no longer be seen either. Unfortunately, it was also destroyed.

But let's continue our journey through the Acropolis in the past. Let us follow the Athenians into the Propylaea. After passing them, we found ourselves at the very top of the cliff. Look, right in front of us rises a huge bronze statue of Athena Promachos, that is, Athena the Warrior. See the gilded tip of her spear? The Athenians are sure that on clear days it serves as a reference point for ships sailing towards the city. Immediately behind the statue, note that there is an altar in the open area, and a small temple is erected on the left, where the priests perform rituals of worship to the patroness of the city - the goddess Athena. If we go to any of the residents and ask about this place, then we will be told the ancient myth about the dispute between Athena and the god Poseidon for the possession of the largest of the Greek city-states.

We learn that, according to the myth, the winner in this dispute should have been the one whose gift would be of greater importance to the city. Then Poseidon threw his trident at the Acropolis and a source of sea water began to beat at the place of his impact. He also promised the Athenians success in the maritime trade. But Athena won in this dispute! She struck with a spear, and an olive tree grew in this place, which became the symbol of Athens. Therefore, this is where the altar is located. By the way, note that one of the parts of the temple is dedicated to the legendary king of Athens, Erechtheus. This part is called the Erechtheion. Don't be surprised that only a part of the temple. Then there was only a part, but later this name was transferred to the entire temple. And today we know this building as the Erechtheion.

Of greatest interest in the Erechtheion is the Portico of Daughters - six sculptures of the most charming girls support the roof of the temple extension instead of columns. In Byzantine times, they were called Caryatids, which meant women from the small town of Caria, famous for their exceptional beauty. One of the Caryatids (together with the friezes and gables of the Parthenon) at the beginning of the 19th century, with the permission of the Turkish government, was taken to England by the ambassador of this country in Constantinople, Lord Elgin. Elgin's act so excited the Athenians that soon a legend was born about the sounds heard in the night - the cry of the five Daughters who remained on the temple for their kidnapped sister. And Lord Byron "dedicated" his poem "The Curse of Athens" to the robber of these immortal treasures. The famous Elga marbles are still in the British Museum, and the statue on the temple has been replaced with a copy.

Take a close look at the Erechtheion. The peculiarity of the temple is its extraordinary asymmetric layout, taking into account the unevenness of the soil. Such an interior, marble relief friezes, original porticoes, the most famous of which is the caryatid portico, can be seen only in the past, since they have not survived to this day: the marble relief friezes are completely destroyed, and the porticoes are very damaged. But, you must admit that even today, even with damaged porticoes, the Erechtheion is still beautiful! This is a gem of ancient Greek architecture!

The temple consists of two rooms located at different levels. Eastern temple, is located higher than the western one. By the way, remember the legend told to us by the people of Athens about the dispute between Athena and Poseidon?

According to legend, two powerful deities, Poseidon and Athena, fought for the right to patronize the city and its inhabitants. To resolve this dispute, the Olympic gods suggested that the rivals make a gift to the city. Poseidon struck the rock with his trident and seawater gushed out of it with a spring - a symbol of the sea power of the city, which the god of the sea gave him, and from the place where Athena struck with a spear, an olive tree sprang up. The gods recognized the gift of Athena as much more valuable and gave the people under her protection, and the city was named after her.

Now look at the floor in the temple, see these irregularities? These are the marks from the blow of Poseidon's trident! Do you see a well inside the temple? This well contains salty sea water. This is the source that, according to legend, Poseidon bestowed on the city! Yes, after all you've seen, you are now unlikely to say that myths are fiction! On the western side, close to the Erechtheion, is the sanctuary of the nymph Pandros. It is there, inside an open courtyard, that you can see the sacred olive tree, the very one that Athena, according to legend, gave to the inhabitants of the city.

We hope you haven't forgotten that you and I are still in the past? Then we will continue our journey through the Acropolis. Do you see the solemn procession heading to the most magnificent temple of the Acropolis, the Parthenon?

This is the holiday of the Great Pan-Fini! The culmination of this celebration takes place at the altar in front of the eastern façade of the Parthenon, where the new clothes for the statue of Athena are handed over to the priests. Yes, the Parthenon is the most important and most iconic place in the Acropolis. This temple is also dedicated to the goddess Athena. But this time she performed in the guise of Athena-Parthenos or Athena-Virgin. Hence the name of the temple.

See how beautiful this temple is!

It has amazing harmony! Its steps, outer colonnade, pediments, friezes and metopes are all immaculate and magnificent! The entire building was erected from local white marble. The Parthenon is a masterpiece of ancient Greek architecture and a symbol of Greek genius! Let's climb its marble steps. By the way, pay attention to the columns of the temple. See, the columns are tapering upwards. This is not an optical illusion, it really is. This architectural technique helps to visually increase the height of the columns, and it seems that they rush high into the heavens and almost touch the heavens!

As we said, all the structural elements of the Parthenon, including the roof tiles and steps, were carved from local Pentelian marble, which is almost white, but over time takes on a warm yellowish hue. Therefore, today the Parthenon no longer looks snow-white. But, nevertheless, today it is called the "anthem" of Ancient Greece and the "beauty of simplicity"!

Let's enter the Parthenon. Look at the colossal gold and ivory statue of Athena in the space bounded by the inner colonnade! It has not survived today, but in the past we can see it. You see, the goddess's clothing and helmet are made of solid gold, and the hair and shield are made of gold plates. Look at her eyes! They are made from precious sapphires! On her right hand, Athena holds the figure of the goddess of victory Nike, at the left shoulder - a spear. Luxurious robes, helmet, shield and aegis, adorned with the mask of the Gorgon Medusa, give the statue a stately solemnity. Yes, this is a real goddess! Here she is - the great patroness of the great city!

statue of Athena Parthenos

Sculptural groups on the gables of the temple depict the deeds of this goddess. On the east - the birth of Athena, who in full armor jumped out of the head of Zeus after the blacksmith god Hephaestus cut his head with an ax. In the west - the dispute already known to us between Athena and Poseidon, when the olive tree donated by the goddess was recognized as a more valuable gift than the source of salt water discovered in the rock by Poseidon. Yes, to our great regret, not everything that was created by ancient masters, and that the Athenians of distant times could contemplate, has survived to this day. Let's now return from our time travel. Let's take a look at the great Acropolis today. Agree that all the same, what is left and preserved is also simply magnificent! Yes, the Acropolis is truly a standard of harmony, naturalness and beauty!

Here are a couple more photos from the Acropolis:

At the entrance to the Acropolis there is also theater of Herod Attica... Tiberius Claudius Herod Atticus was one of the richest Athenian citizens, as well as the Roman governor in the province of Asia. Among other things, he was a famous philosopher and was the teacher of Marcus Aurelius.
In 161 A.D. in memory of his wife, he built the Odeon (theater) in Athens. It is a perfectly preserved example of Roman architecture in Athens.
The theater had a 35.4 meter long stage built over two floors and was lined with white and black marble slabs from the Karista quarries. The theater had a capacity of up to 5,000 people. The roof of the theater was made of cedar wood.
The premises of the theater were rebuilt and today the Athens Festival is held in the theater, where the best theaters in the world present their art to the attention of the audience.

In the 6th century BC. the tyrant Pisistratus who ruled in Athens instilled the cult of Dionysus in Athens and organized the Great Dionysias, which were held during March - April. Around the same time, the poet Thespides, a native of the Ikaria demos, appeared in Athens. He introduced the first actor to the Dionysia and himself began to write the texts that the actor and members of the choir were supposed to read. Before Thespides, these texts were purely improvisational choirs. Thespides also began to devote texts not only to events in the life of Dionysus, but also to other heroes. Greek mythology and real historical characters. Actor's masks were also invented and introduced, since the same actor had to play many roles.

In the 4th century BC, during the reign of Lycurgus, the wooden spectator rows were replaced by stone ones and have not changed since then. The stage of the theater has been rebuilt many times.

The theater has 78 seats, which are divided by a passage into two zones. The passage is also part of the Peripatus - the path that surrounds the sacred rock of the Acropolis.

The front marble spectator rows, 67 seats, were intended in ancient times for rulers, archons and priests. In the center of the front rows is the throne of the main priest of the temple of Dionysus Eleftherius.

The Romans changed the theater twice. Once during the reign of Emperor Nero, in the 1st century AD, and another time during the reign of Phaedrus, in the 3rd century AD.

The friezes that can be seen today on the stage of the theater depict scenes from the myths of Dionysus. The first frieze depicts the birth of God: seated Zeus, and in front of him Hermes with the baby Dionysus in his arms, along the edges of the Kurita, they dance a battle dance with weapons in their hands. Then Icarus is depicted sacrificing a goat to Dionysus, and on the right is only Dionysus with his friend Satyr.

Among the exhibits of the museum is a well-preserved metope from the southern facade of the Parthenon, depicting the battle of the Lapiths with the centaurs. The crown jewels of the museum are the Caryatids originals from the southern portico of the Erechtheion. The statues are kept in a room with a special temperature regime.

The Acropolis of Athens is the main attraction of Greece. All tourists are concentrated around it. As with any top European attraction, it is not worth visiting during the high season. The surrounding areas are strikingly different from. It is quite safe here, there are a huge number of shops, cafes and restaurants.

Acropolis of Athens - Pantheon, Erechtheion, Propylaea, Odeon of Herodes Atticus.

The complex is quite small. All the iconic sights of Athens are concentrated around it. All of them can be safely viewed in one day.

The Acropolis of Athens is a 156-meter rocky hill with a gentle summit (~ 300 m long and 170 m wide)

It is foolish to think that all these buildings, columns and statues are two thousand years old. All that they could have been taken away here long ago and blown up. Today's acropolis is almost completely renovated. It lasts a long time and will not end soon.

The Parthenon is the main temple in ancient Athens. Built in 447-438 BC NS.

In 560-527. BC NS. in place royal palace the temple of the goddess Athena was built. In the 5th century, the Parthenon became the Church of Our Lady. After the conquest of Greece by the Turks (in the 15th century), the temple was turned into a mosque, to which minarets were added, and then into an arsenal. In 1687, after a shell hit from a Venetian ship, an explosion destroyed almost the entire central part of the temple. At the beginning of the 19th century, the English Lord Elgin broke down a number of metopes, tens of meters of the frieze and almost all the surviving sculptures of the Parthenon pediments.

After the proclamation of Greece's independence, during restoration work (mainly in the late 19th century), the ancient appearance of the Acropolis was restored whenever possible: all late buildings on its territory were liquidated. Reliefs and sculptures of the Acropolis temples are in the British Museum (London), in the Louvre (Paris ) and the Acropolis Museum. Remaining under open air the sculptures have now been replaced with copies.

I spent half an hour twisting photographs of the Parthenon, but it still remained overwhelmed. The solution turned out to be simple - there are almost no strictly straight lines in the contours.

  • The steps have a slight rise towards the center, since otherwise it would seem from a distance that the floor is sagging;
  • The corner columns are inclined towards the middle, and the two middle ones towards the corners. This was done to show them straight;
  • All columns have an entasis, thanks to which they do not seem thinner in the middle;
  • The corner columns are slightly thicker in diameter than the others, as they would otherwise appear thinner. They are not circular in cross section;

The Acropolis of Athens has very bright and contrasting illumination. It is almost impossible to get normal photos in the dark. The best time- dust.

Odeon of Herodes Atticus (165 AD) - a building for singing and music competitions, built in Athens under Pericles. It was subsequently used for various public purposes. The odeon has the classical form of an ancient theater with 5000 seats, in which almost everything from the time of construction has been preserved to this day, with the exception of statues in niches and multi-colored marble facing. They are not allowed inside, you can get there only during concerts and performances by paying for a ticket. The Bolshoi Ballet performed on the stage of the Odeon.

The Theater of Dionysus is located on the southeastern slope of the Acropolis Hill and is one of the oldest theaters in the world. The theater was built in the 5th century. BC NS. and was wooden. About 326-325 BC the theater was reconstructed: the wooden stage and rows of seats were replaced with marble ones. The stone seats were placed in 67 rows, reaching the base of the Acropolis. The theater now accommodated up to 17 thousand spectators, which at that time amounted to about half of the Athenian citizens. Due to its huge size, the theater was devoid of roofing, and therefore the actors, choir and spectators were located in the open air, and the stage action took place in natural light.

Theater of Dionysus. Athens.

The Erechtheion is one of the main temples of ancient Athens, located on the Acropolis north of the Parthenon. The construction dates back to 421-406 BC. NS. The temple is dedicated to Athena, Poseidon and the legendary Athenian king Erechtheus.

Among the sights of Athens, a separate place is occupied by the first modern Olympic facilities - the Panathinaikos Stadium and the Olympic Village. Since the stadium in its present form was built only at the beginning of the revival of the Olympic Games, it was built according to old model(in particular, its treadmills do not meet current accepted standards). The 50 horizontal marble stadium seats around 80,000 fans.

Panathinaikos Stadium. Athens. Entrance - 3 euros.

I already wrote that Athens as a whole and the Acropolis area are two different worlds. Below are photos of the Acropolis districts - Plaka and Thissio.