Nazca south america. Nazca lines in Peru. Feature of the Nazca lines

Nazca Desert (Peru) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The Nazca Desert, located off the southern coast of Peru, is one of the most amazing and mystical places on the planet. This area is widely known for its giant mysterious lines, with great height folding into realistic drawings, as if made by the hand of an invisible giant master. The number of arts is amazing: in the Nazca desert, there are more than thirty identifiable drawings alone, and there are still about 700 geometric shapes and countless lines and stripes. Millions of tourists from all over the world come to see the mysterious signs every year, and the desert itself is perhaps the most visited attraction in Peru.

A bit of history

Hummingbird, Monkey, Dog, Whale - these are just a few of the giant drawings in the Nazca desert. The first data on the existence of shallow long trenches of unknown purpose date back to the 16th century, and in 1939 it became clear from the air for the first time that these stripes were forming perfect pictures. The first photos of the desert were obtained in 1947, and since then scientists have been puzzling over the purpose of the Nazca drawings.

So far, it is only known that the authors of the drawings (at least according to the version of modern science) are the ancient Nazca civilization that existed from the 1st century BC up to the 8th century with the center in the ceremonial city of Cahuachi (28 km from the current city of Nazca) ... In addition to desert arts, Nazca left a legacy to mankind extensive system underground water canals (many of them are still used by the locals), as well as examples of ceramics and textiles that can be seen in the Antonini Archaeological Museum in the city of Nazca.

The famous Nazca Lines are located on a 50 x 5-7 km stretch of rocky desert, occupying a total area of ​​500 sq. km.

How to get there

Main locality The Nazca area has the logical name Nazca. The most convenient way to get here is by bus, this indispensable Peruvian transport. Buses leave from all major cities of the country, the fastest way to get to Nazca is from the city of Ica, the center of the southern coast of Peru - the journey will take 2-3 hours and cost about 30-40 PEN.

Buses also arrive in Nazca from Cuzco and Arequipa; in the first case, you will have to spend about 14 hours on the road, in the second - “only” nine, both buses leave from the starting points at night, arriving at the place in the morning. A ticket from Cusco will cost about PEN 90-100, from Arequipa about PEN 75-85. The trip from Lima will take about 6-8 hours depending on the route.

If you want to see the Nazca lines, but are based in Lima, it is most convenient to purchase excursion tour in one of the agencies of the Peruvian capital. Tourists hit the road at 4 am, visit the cities of Ballestas and Nazca itself (including its attractions), and fly around the Nazca lines in a light aircraft. Return to Lima - around 10pm the same day. The cost of the excursion is about 900-1000 PEN. Prices on the page are for September 2018.

What to travel on

You can get around the city of Nazca on foot - it is very small. A taxi ride to any distance within the city limits will cost no more than 4 PEN, and the road to the airport (from where “light boats” with tourists rise into the air) will cost no more than 5-6 PEN.

Hotels in the Nazca desert

Hoteliers of the city of Nazca and the surrounding area, of course, could not ignore the increased popularity of the area among foreign tourists - so there are enough options for accommodation here. Prices start from 35-40 PEN per room without embellishment; for 50 PEN you can stay overnight in comfort, and for 90-120 PEN you can even boo. For budget travelers, there are a lot of hostels with prices from 15-20 PEN per bed. Well, to feel the authentic atmosphere of Nazca, you can stay at a private hacienda turned into a hotel.

Cuisine and restaurants

In the city of Nazca, you should not look for gourmet restaurants - after all, although it is a popular, but a province. But there are more than enough establishments of a workers 'and peasants' character here - and they serve very good food: the ingredients are fresh, the preparation is simple but solid, and the portions are huge. All kinds of sandwiches and burgers serve as fast food, kiosks with which are located on any of the streets of the city. If you want to dine hot, Nazca restaurants are at your service, where for 8-15 PEN you will be offered a fixed menu of soup, several main courses to choose from and a drink.

Nazca Lines

The famous Nazca Lines are located on a 50 x 5-7 km stretch of rocky desert, occupying a total area of ​​500 sq. km. In fact, they are shallow furrows a meter wide and 30-40 cm deep. Due to the fact that the soil surface in Nazca is darker, and the "wrong side" is lighter, the lines are perfectly distinguishable by the eye. But due to the fact that the drawings occupy a gigantic area, you can see them in all their glory only from the air.

Flights over the Nazca desert start from the local airfield, where operator stands are presented in abundance. A seat in the four-seater Cessna (2 pilots and 2 passengers) will cost about 50-70 USD in the low season and 90-110 USD in the high season. Necessarily need to bargain! Also, the passenger will be asked to pay an airport tax of 10-15 PEN. The flight duration is about half an hour.

In addition, on the Nazca line you can admire the lookout tower located along the Pan American Highway. From there you can see 3-4 drawings and a magnificent mountain landscape on the horizon. A taxi from the city of Nazca and back will cost about 55 PEN, and the ascent to the tower itself will cost 3 PEN.

Nazca city and surroundings

To get a complete picture of the Nazca culture, you should definitely visit the interesting Antonini Archaeological Museum. Here are examples of ceramics and textiles recovered from archaeological excavations, and in the garden there is a model of a Nazca aqueduct and a model of Nazca lines.

In the nearby town of Cantalloche, it is worth seeing the system of Nazca underground aqueducts (“pucuyos”), thanks to which cotton, corn, beans and other crops are successfully grown in this arid region. Nearby you can look at the ruins of the Inca city of Paredones.

The Chauchilla burial is the only place in Peru where you can see mummies about 3 thousand years old "in a natural setting." For centuries, treasure hunters have plundered ancient graves, not hesitating to leave the deceased owners of the jewelry on the surface. Do not be surprised to see skulls, bones, hair and other evidence of the frailty of human existence under your feet.

The drawings of the Nazca Desert are simply amazing! Their lines stretch from horizon to horizon, occasionally converge, intersect; the impression is involuntarily created that this is the runway of ancient aircraft. Here you can clearly distinguish flying birds, spiders, monkeys, fish, lizards ...

Nazca is a desert in Peru, surrounded by low spurs of the Andes and bare and lifeless hills of dense dark sand. This desert stretches between the valleys of the Nazca and Ingenio rivers, 450 kilometers south of the Peruvian city of Lima.

"For many centuries before the Incas on south coast Peru was created historical monument, unparalleled in the world and intended for posterity. In terms of size and accuracy of execution, it is not inferior to Egyptian pyramids... But if there we look, lifting our heads, at the monumental three-dimensional structures of a simple geometric shape, then here, on the contrary, we have to look from a great height at wide open spaces covered with mysterious hieroglyphs, as if drawn out on the plain by a giant hand. "With these words begins the book of the explorer of the desert Nazca Maria Reiche "The Mystery of the Desert" Mathematician and astronomer Maria Reiche specially moved from Germany to Peru to study mysterious drawings. plans of all lines, sites and drawings.

Giant drawings scattered between abstract figures and spirals are extremely impressive, the size of which reaches tens, and sometimes even hundreds of meters. Of all animals the largest number- birds. Fantastic and quite authentically painted, 18 birds are depicted in the desert. But there are also completely mysterious animals, such as a creature that looks like a dog, with thin legs and a long tail. Images of people are also found, although they are drawn less expressively. Among the images of people there is a bird-man with the head of an owl, the size of this figure is more than 30 meters. And the size of the so-called "big lizard" is 110 meters!

The area of ​​the desert is approximately 500 square kilometers. The surface of the ground here is surprising in that it is covered with a kind of engraving that resembles a tattoo. This "tattoo" on the surface of the desert is not deep, but huge in size lines and shapes. There are 13,000 lines, more than 100 spirals, over 700 geometric areas (trapezoids and triangles) and 788 figures depicting animals and birds. This "engraving" of the earth stretches for about 100 kilometers in depth in a winding ribbon that is 8 to 15 kilometers wide. These drawings were discovered through photographs taken from an airplane. A bird's eye view shows that the figures were created by removing from the light sandy subsoil brown stones covered with a thin black layer of the so-called "desert tan", which is formed of manganese and iron oxides.

The figures and lines are perfectly preserved thanks to the arid climate of the area. A wooden marking peg found in the desert, hammered into the ground, was carefully examined and subjected to radiocarbon analysis, which showed that the tree was felled in 526 AD. Official science believes: all these figures were created by one of the Indian cultures of the pre-Inca period, which existed in the south of Peru and which flourished in the years 300-900. AD the technique of execution of the lines of these huge "drawings" is very simple. As soon as it is necessary to remove the upper layer of dark crushed stone that has darkened with time from the lighter lower layer, a contrast strip appears. The ancient Indians first drew on the ground a sketch of the future drawing measuring 2 by 2 meters. Such sketches have survived near some of the figures. On the sketch, each straight line was divided into its constituent segments. Then, on an enlarged scale, the segments were transferred to the surface using stakes and a wooden rope. Curved lines were much more difficult, but the ancients coped with that too, breaking each curve into many short arcs. It must be said that each drawing is outlined by only one continuous line. And, perhaps, the greatest mystery of the Nazca drawings is that their creators have never seen and could not see them in full.

The question is quite natural: for whom did the ancient Indians do such a titanic job? The researcher of these drawings, Paul Kosok, estimates that it took over 100,000 years of working days to create the complex of Nazca figures by hand. Even if this working day lasted 12 hours. Paul Kosok suggested that these lines and drawings are nothing more than a giant calendar that accurately shows the changing seasons. Maria Reiche tested Kosok's conjecture and collected overwhelming evidence that the drawings are associated with the summer and winter solstices. The beak of a fantastic bird, with a neck length of 100 meters, is located at the point of sunrise at the winter solstice.

Some scientists put forward a version that the drawings were of exclusively cult significance, but this version is rather doubtful, because the religious building must certainly influence people, and the huge drawings on the ground are not perceived at all. The Hungarian cartographer Zoltan Zelke believes that the Nazca objects are just a map of the Lake Titicaca area at a scale of 1:16. After researching the desert for several years, he found a lot of evidence to fully confirm his hypothesis. In that case, who was this super-giant map intended for? The riddle of the Nazca drawings remains not fully solved.


The first incomprehensible lines to Nazca were discovered in 1927 by the Peruvian archaeologist Mejia Xesspe, when he accidentally glanced from a steep mountainside onto a plateau. By 1940, he had discovered several more incredible ancient signs and published the first sensational article. June 22, 1941 (the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War!!!) American historian Paul Kosok took a light plane into the air and discovered a giant stylized bird, whose wingspan exceeded 200 meters, and next to it something resembling a landing strip. Then he discovered a giant spider, a monkey with a strangely coiled tail, a whale and finally on a gentle mountain slope a 30-meter figure of a man with a hand raised in greeting. This is how perhaps the most mysterious "picture book in the history of mankind" was discovered.
Over the next sixty years, Nazca was fairly well studied. The number of drawings discovered has long exceeded several hundred, and the overwhelming majority of them are various geometric shapes. At the same time, some lines reach a length of up to 23 kilometers.
And today, the solution to the mystery has not become closer. What versions and hypotheses have not been put forward during this time! The drawings tried to present them as a kind of giant ancient calendar, but no mathematical justification was presented to the scientific world.
One of the hypotheses identified the drawings as some designation of the zones of influence of the Indian clans. But the plateau was never inhabited, and who could deal with these "ger-
bami clans "when they are only visible from a bird's eye view?
There is a version that the images of Nazca are nothing more than an alien airfield. Needless to say, a number of runways are indeed incredibly reminiscent of modern runways and runways, but where is at least some evidence of alien intervention? Others argue that Nazca are signals from an alien mind.
Recently, voices have begun to be heard that Nazca is generally the brainchild of someone's falsification. But then a whole army of counterfeiters had to work in the sweat of their brow over the manufacture of the most gigantic counterfeit i in the history of mankind. How could they, in this case, keep the secret and why did they, in the end, become so disfigured?
The most conservative part of scientists insists that all the variety of drawings and figures was dedicated to a certain god of water: “probably! were a kind of sacrifice to the ancestors or gods of the sky and mountains, who sent people the water that is so necessary for irrigating the fields. " But why was it necessary to turn to the god of water in such a remote place, where permanent residence, no farming, no cultivated fields have never been? The rain shed on Nazca was of no particular benefit to the ancient Peruvians.
It is believed that ancient Indian athletes once ran along the giant ancient lines, that is, some ancient South American Olympiads were held on Nazca. Let's say that athletes could run in straight lines, but how could they run in spirals and in a pattern, for example, monkeys?
There were publications that huge trapezoidal areas were created for the sake of some mass ceremonies, during which sacrifices were made to the gods and mass festivities were carried out. But then why did the archaeologists, who had interrupted all the surroundings, not find a single confirmation of this artifact? In addition, some of the giant trapeziums are located on mountain peaks, which is not so easy for a professional climber to climb.
There is even a completely absurd version that all the gigantic work was done solely for the purpose of a kind of occupational therapy, in order to somehow occupy the idle ancient Peruvians ... They say that all the images of Nazca are nothing more than a giant loom of the ancient Peruvians, who they laid out their threads along the lines, since in the pre-Columbian era, the Americans did not know the wheel and did not have a spinning wheel ... It was even argued that the Nazca drawings were a huge encrypted map of the world. Alas, so far no one has undertaken to decipher it.
The most cautious part of historians defines the drawings and lines of Nazca as some "paths that had a sacred meaning, along which ritual processions were performed." But then again, who could see these paths from the ground?
Until now, scientists have not come to the conclusion how the Nazca drawings were created, because the production of images of such a huge scale presents a huge technical difficulty even today. More or less precisely, only the technology of direct creation of stripes has been established. It was quite simple: the surface layer of stones was removed from the ground, under which the ground had a lighter color. However, the creators of the drawings had to first create sketches of future giant images on a small scale and only then transfer them to the area. How they managed to maintain the accuracy and correctness of all the lines at the same time is a mystery! For this, at least, they had to have at hand the entire arsenal of modern geodetic equipment, not to mention the most perfect mathematical knowledge. By the way, today's experimenters were able to repeat only the creation of straight lines, but they were powerless in front of ideal circles and spirals ...
this, the images were created not only on flat areas of the earth. They were applied on very steep slopes and even on almost sheer cliffs! But that's not all! In the Nazca region, there are the Palpa mountains, some of which are cut off like a table, as if a monster had gnawed their top. These gigantic artificial cuts also feature drawings, lines and geometric images.
There is also no unity regarding the construction time. Nowadays, it is customary to divide everything created on the plateau into seven conditional cultures, very spaced in time, from Nazca-1 to Nazca-7. Some archaeologists are inclined to attribute the creation of Nazca drawings to the period from 500 AD. before 1200 AD Others categorically object, since the Inca Indians inhabiting this area of ​​Peru do not have even distant legends regarding Nazca, which gives grounds to attribute the time of the creation of the images to almost 100,000 years BC. They tried to determine the age of the stripes from the remains of fragments of clay shards found nearby. It was believed that ancient builders drank from clay jugs, and then sometimes they were broken. However, on the same strip, shards of all seven cultures were found everywhere and, in the end, this attempt at dating was recognized as unsuccessful.
The scientific study of Nazca today is also hampered by the prohibitions of the authorities. Due to the fact that after the discovery of the drawings, the plateau underwent a real invasion of "wild" tourists who traveled around the plateau in cars and motorcycles, spoiling the drawings, now the appearance directly on the Nazca plateau for anyone is strictly prohibited. Nazca was declared an archaeological park and taken under the protection of the state, and the fine for unauthorized entry into the park is an astronomical amount - 1 million US dollars. All comers, however, can admire the giant ancient images from the board of tourist planes, which continually circle over the mysterious plateau. But for real scientific research, this, you see, is still not enough.
But the secrets of Nazca do not end there. If on the surface of the plateau there are gigantic drawings incomprehensible to the human mind, then in the depths of the caves there are even more incredible pukios - the most ancient underground water pipes in granite pipes. There are 29 giant pukios in the Nazca Valley. Today's Indians attribute their creation to the creator god Viracocha, but the channels are the work of human hands. At the same time, one of the canals was laid under the local river Rio de Nazca, so much so that its the purest water in no way mixed with the dirty water of the river! From the description of an eyewitness: “Sometimes stone spirals lead into the depths of the earth, and watercourses have an artificial channel lined with slabs and smoothly hewn boulders. Sometimes the entrance hole is a deep shaft, going into the earth ... Everywhere and everywhere, these underground channels are artificial structures .. ”Pukios is also from the area of ​​eternal mysteries. Who, when and why created these gigantic water structures under a deserted plateau? Who used them?

Ancient clay figurine depicting a dinosaur operation.

In the capital of the Nazca province, the town of Ica, lives the owner of the most incredible collection in the world, professor of medicine, Hanviera Cabrera. He has more than two and a half thousand figurines made of unbaked clay, which the professor gets from the local Indians. Figures depict ancient Peruvians alongside ... dinosaurs and pterodactyls. At the same time, the ancient Peruvians perform operations on dinosaurs, fly astride pterodactyls and look into Space through a telescope. The figures are estimated to be between 50,000 and 100,000 years old, or even more. As for the radiocarbon method, it gave very contradictory results. In addition to the figurines, Professor Cabrera's collection contains similar drawings on stones, including those that depict aircraft in the starry sky. The collection of Professor Cabrera is no exception. The famous Mexican collection of Acambaro also contains dinosaurs, including flying ones. The same is true in the Ecuadorian collection of Pater Crécy. In addition, there is also a collection of Russell Burrows, who found statues in the caves of Illinois with strikingly similar themes. The same thing was found not so long ago in Japan. Falsification in this case is impossible even theoretically! Well, and, finally, the most scandalous find on the Paluxi River in American state Texas, where dinosaur bones and fossilized human footprints were found in the same rock by archaeologists! So people lived already in the era of dinosaurs, or, conversely, dinosaurs lived in the era of people! But both completely change our ideas about the beginning of the human era, and therefore one can imagine how much irritation, misunderstanding and just outright opposition these findings cause among the elite of the scientific world, who have made a name for themselves on those hypotheses that are now completely crossed out by the findings of recent years!
And how not to recall here the seemingly absurd assumptions of the Crimean academician A.V. Gokh, who says that the protein necessary to create a huge number of repeaters of the Crimean pyramids was obtained from huge dinosaur eggs. It should be admitted that the statements of the Crimean academician now do not look so groundless.
Now, I think, the time has come to present to the readers the hypothesis of the Emil Bagirov Institute regarding the giant geoglyphs in the Nazca desert. However, to begin with, there are two more facts.
First. Quite recently, by the works of the German researcher Erich von Daniken (known to us from the sensational publicistic film "Recollection of the Future"), a giant ... classic MANDALA was discovered in Nazca! Yes Yes! The same sacred man-dapa, with the help of which today's Tibetans and Hindus designate the pictures they contemplate during meditation! The same mandala, which was once a sacred sign of the Aryans and one of the main Vedic symbols. Is it a coincidence? No way!
Second. The ancient texts of the Old World are everywhere narrating about some flying machines, moreover, apparatuses of completely terrestrial origin.
For example, in the "Book of the Greatness of Kings" the flights of King Solomon are fully described: in one day they covered a three-month journey ... He (Solomon) gave her all sorts of wonders and treasures that one could wish for and a chariot that moves through the air and which he created according to the wisdom given to him by God ...
And the inhabitants of the land of Egypt told them: in ancient times the Ethiopians visited here; they moved in a chariot like an angel, and at the same time they flew faster than an eagle in the sky. " Quotations from the famous Mahatbharata are no less indicative: “l / i then the king (Rumanvat) with his servants and harem, with his wives and nobles entered the heavenly chariot. They flew around the entire width of the sky, following the direction of the wind. The celestial chariot flew around the whole earth, (flying) over the oceans, and headed towards the city of Avantis, where the holiday was taking place. After a short stop, the king again took to the air in front of countless onlookers, who were amazed at the sight of the heavenly chariot. "
Or here's another: “Arjuna, the terror of the enemies, wanted Indra to send his celestial chariot for him. And then, in the radiance of light, a chariot suddenly appeared, illuminating the airy twilight and illuminating the clouds around and all the surroundings were filled with a roar, similar to the rolling of thunder ... "
So all Indian sources claim that the ancient Aryan civilization had air ships - vimans. We find echoes of these unusual means of transportation in the legends of the peoples of the Aryan area, for example, the famous Russian fairy tales about a flying ship and so on. But for takeoff and landing, the vimans needed runways and runways. Are there traces of them in the Old World? As it turns out there is! At the present time, at least three are already known: one in England, the second on the Ustyurt plateau near the Aral Sea and the third in Saudi Arabia... At the same time, similar giant geoglyphs were found everywhere, as in Nazca, although in smaller numbers. And this despite the fact that no targeted searches for the airports of antiquity have ever been carried out anywhere.
So what can you suggest? After destruction Tower of babel, that is, after the collapse of a single ancient Vedic faith into several concessions, an energetic migration of the Aryan tribes began, and with it the export of Vedic religion and knowledge. Of course, the main settlement of the Aryans was by land. It spread throughout Eurasia, where Vedic influence is felt everywhere to this day. However, most likely, some of the Aryans also used the mysterious Vimanas, which, as we already know, had a long flight range and could fly over the oceans. It was then, most likely, that followed the heroic rush across Africa and the Atlantic to South America. But why was the landing made specifically on Nazca? It can be assumed that for some time this region attracted the Aryans because the Nazca region is rich in deposits of iron and copper ore, gold and silver. Let us also pay attention to the fact that it was in the Nazca region that very ancient abandoned mines for the extraction of all these metals were discovered.
Apparently, for some time the Aryans from the arrived Vimans lived in these places. They brought the local people into obedience, organized the extraction of metals, introduced and spread among the ancient Peruvians the cult of the Great Goddess-First Mother, the Holy Sun-Horse, immortality of the soul and rebirth. It was then that the runways and geometric signs were built, allowing the vimanas to correctly aim at them, underground water conduits, which facilitate the provision of water. It seems that the Vimans actively carried out the export of mined metals to Egypt or some other countries that were in the area of ​​the then Aryan influence. It is possible that the Aryans also used tamed local pterodactyls for short-range flights, which was captured in the ancient clay figurines of Peru. Apparently, there was such an experience. Suffice it to recall the same "Avesta" and "Rigveda", numerous European-Aryan mythology, where heroes very often use flying lizards as a quite suitable means of transportation. The same Russian heroes, for example, on occasion willingly used the legendary Serpent Gorynych for this purpose ...
However, the time has come and the Aryans who settled on Nazca, having completed their mission, left forever a place that was not very suitable for permanent residence, leaving local residents Vedic cults, knowledge of crafts and the firm belief that the people-gods who flew away will definitely return someday. It was then, apparently, that the intensive creation of many drawings began, so that the gods flying in the sky past Nazca saw that they were still awaited here, as, incidentally, in other places in America, where similar geoglyphs are now found. At the same time, they drew what, in the opinion of the Indians, those who flew away liked most, what they were once surprised and amused: unusual monkeys, hummingbirds, whales, iguanas.
Fortunately, the Aryans left the secrets of the technology for creating grandiose images to the local residents. That is why, among other drawings, the Indians also placed a grandiose mandala - the sacred Vedic sign of the Aryans, quite logically assuming that seeing it, the people-gods will definitely return to this land, where they are so loved and so devotedly awaited. But, alas, none of the gods ever returned.

Centuries passed, millennia. The foundations of the Vedic faith, once laid here by the Aryan priests, over time, intricately intertwined with local cults. However, the pyramids, the cult of the Sun, and many priestly rituals still strikingly resemble their Vedic foundations. All this time, the Indians patiently waited for the fair-haired, bearded people-gods carrying great faith and great knowledge to return from the west from across the ocean. The time has come and bearded men, chained in iron, came from the west, but instead of the long-awaited blessings, they brought destruction and death. However, this is a completely different story ...

Many centuries ago, on the territory of an exotic country, in which mysterious pyramids and places of worship, there was a highly developed ...

From Masterweb

15.04.2018 02:00

Many centuries ago, on the territory of an exotic country, in which the main attractions of Peru have been perfectly preserved - the mysterious pyramids and religious buildings - existed highly developed civilization Inca. However, even before its appearance, great empire Nazca, which appeared in the desert of the same name and existed until the II century AD in the south of the country. The ancient Indians had a deep knowledge of irrigation and land reclamation.

Giant drawings

The people who disappeared from the face of the earth became famous thanks to the mysterious hieroglyphs that aroused the interest of scientists. Even opinions were expressed regarding the alien origin of figures and lines that were completely accidentally discovered in the 20th century. The Nazca geoglyphs are huge drawings applied to the surface of the earth and are not intended for public viewing. Thanks to the arid climate, they are perfectly preserved.

Bizarre and invisible from the ground signs are made in a single manner on a huge scale. At first glance, these patterns are hardly distinguishable and represent an incomprehensible interweaving of all the lines carved into the ground. The real shape of the images can only be observed from a height, when the randomness takes on meaning.

Craving for self-expression

People have always loved to draw and did it on rocks, cave walls, and then on paper. From the earliest period of human existence, they had a desire for self-expression. The oldest images are petroglyphs (symbols on the rocks) and geoglyphs (signs on the ground). The unusual patterns found in the desert are, according to scientists, an unparalleled historical monument, the inscriptions of which were drawn by giant hands. At the ends forming the drawings, they found wooden piles driven into the soil, which played the role of coordinate points at the start of work.

Lifeless Nazca Desert with Secrets

The desert surrounded by the Andes and sandy hills is located almost 500 km from small town Lima. The coordinates of the Nazca geoglyphs and the mysterious plateau on which they were discovered are 14 ° 41 "18.31" S 75 ° 07 "23.01" W. The uninhabited space of the earth, shrouded in a veil of secrecy, covers an area of ​​500 square kilometers. Rare drops of rain falling on the hot surface immediately evaporated.

The ancient Indians realized that the lifeless desert was an ideal place for burial, and they arranged tombs in the dry layers that provide incorruptibility. Archaeologists have discovered more than 200,000 hollow ceramic vessels decorated with patterns and stylized drawings. It is believed that the finds are doubles of small bowls that served as the so-called receptacle of the soul in the grave of the deceased.

A plateau covered in bizarre patterns

Surprise is the surface natural area, covered with an unusual "engraving", slightly reminiscent of a tattoo. The geoglyphs of the Nazca desert are not very deep, but gigantic in size, reaching tens and hundreds of meters. Mysterious lines intersect and overlap to form intricate patterns. One of the most mysterious places on our planet looks like a gigantic drawing board.

From the nearby foothills, it is not possible to see the giant images dug in the earth's firmament: they look like separate stripes or shapeless strokes. And you can only see them from a height. So, a bird resembling a hummingbird is about 50 meters long, and a flying condor is more than 120 meters long.

Mysterious symbols

In total, about 13 thousand Nazca lines and geoglyphs were found on the plateau, made in the soil of the earth. They are grooves of various widths dug in the desert surface. Surprisingly, the lines do not change due to the unevenness of the terrain, remaining perfectly flat and continuous. Among the images, there are mysterious, but very authentically drawn birds and animals. There are also human figures, but they are less expressive.

Mysterious symbols, which on closer inspection turn out to be huge scratches on the surface of the desert, were revealed thanks to photographs taken from an airplane in 1930. From a bird's eye view, it can be seen that the mysterious drawings were created by removing the upper, darkened with time, rubble from the light lower layer. Black patches are called "desert tan" and are composed of a compound of iron and manganese. The exposed light soil has such a shade due to the large amount of lime, which hardens quickly in the open air. In addition, the high temperature and the absence of winds with precipitation contributed to the preservation of the geoglyphs of the Nazca plateau.

Technique for performing giant drawings

This is a rather interesting technique: at first, the Indians made a sketch on the ground of the future work, and each straight line of the image was divided into segments. Then they were transferred to the desert surface using stakes in the form of furrows up to 50 centimeters deep. And if it was necessary to draw a curve, then it was divided into many short arcs. Each resulting drawing was outlined with a continuous line, and the creators of the unique creations inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List have never seen them in full. Since 1946, scientists have begun to closely engage in unusual masterpieces.

Another mystery

It is curious that the Nazca geoglyphs in Peru were applied by hand in two steps: images of animals and birds appeared much earlier than lines and stripes superimposed on complex shapes. And I must admit that the early phase was more perfect, because the creation of zoomorphic images required a very high skill than simply cutting straight lines in the ground.

The difference between very high quality and not very skillfully executed images is quite large, which gave rise to rumors about the creation of symbols in different time(possibly by other cultures). In addition, scientists even remembered those whom our ancestors called their gods, although official science considers them to be fiction, denying the existence of an ancient advanced civilization. Numerous artifacts suggest otherwise, and those who lived several millennia before us possessed the highest technology that surpassed modern capabilities.

This discrepancy indicates the difference both in the capabilities of the "artists" and in the technique of performance. If we consider that any society develops from simple to complex, experiencing ups and downs, then the level of civilization always goes up. However, in this case, the scheme is violated, and advanced technologies are replaced by primitive ones.

Indians who imitated the drawings

It is believed that the early author of all the Nazca geoglyphs (photos are presented in the article) was a highly developed civilization. Accurately calibrated drawings, crossing difficult terrain, required enormous labor costs and special skill. It is these signs that amaze scientists and tourists with their thoroughness of execution and their scope. And the Indian tribes living on the plateau were simply trying to imitate the remaining models. But they didn’t have so many opportunities, and therefore trash copies appeared. The facts speak about one thing: the oldest drawings were made either by representatives of another civilization, or with their direct participation.

However, not all researchers agree with this theory. They combine two stages, making the cautious assumption that the Nazca civilization possessed a special technique of artistic expression.

Is the mystery of the Nazca geoglyphs solved?

The images, the true purpose of which scientists cannot yet understand, are striking in their size. But why did the Indians do such a titanic job? Some researchers believe that this is a gigantic calendar that accurately shows the change of seasons, and all the drawings are somehow connected with the winter and summer solstices. Perhaps the representatives of the Nazca culture were astronomers who observed celestial bodies. So, for example, a huge image of a spider, according to the scientist of the Chicago Planetarium, is a diagram of the star cluster of the constellation Orion.

Others are sure that the Nazca geoglyphs, which cannot be discerned from the ground, have a cult significance: this is how the Indians communicated with their gods. The famous archaeologist J. Reinhard is one of them. He sees in the kilometer-long lines the roads that led to the place of worship of the deities. And all the figures of animals, insects or birds are the personification of living beings that die without water. And he makes his own conclusion: the Indians asked for life-giving moisture - the basis of life. However, most scientists do not support the version, considering it dubious.

Still others believe that this is a kind of map of the area of ​​Lake Titicaca, only its scale is 1:16. However, no one can answer who it was intended for. And someone sees in the bizarre patterns a map of the starry sky transferred to the surface of the desert.

Others, who saw the crossed lines, suggested that this was the designation for the runway of ancient spaceships. Scientists examined an ancient cosmodrome in a plateau formed by mudflow deposits. But why do aliens plowing interstellar space need such primitive visual cues? In addition, there is no evidence of the use of the desert for takeoff or landing of aircraft. But the supporters of the alien version are not diminishing.

Fifths declare that all images of people, animals and birds are made in memory of the Flood.

The sixth put forward a hypothesis according to which the ancient Nazca Indians mastered aeronautics, which is confirmed by the found ceramics. They clearly show symbols resembling Balloons... That is why all the Nazca geoglyphs are visible only from a great height.

Trident on the Paracas Peninsula (Peru)

Today, there are about 30 hypotheses, each of which tries to explain the strange masterpieces of the Indians. It is impossible not to mention one more curious hypothesis. Some archaeologists, who saw the image of the giant trident El Candelabro, which is more than 128 meters long, on the slope of the Pisco cliff on the Paracas Peninsula, believed that it was in it that the clue was hidden. The gigantic figure is visible exclusively from the sea or air. If you mentally draw a straight line from the middle tooth, it turns out that it is directed towards the strange lines of the Nazca desert (Peru) covered with ligature. The geoglyph was made several hundred years before the birth of Christ.

Nobody knows who created it or why. Researchers believe that he is a symbol mythical Atlantis, which contains important information about our planet.

An ancient irrigation system?

Several years ago, archaeologists who studied the geoglyphs of the Nazca desert, visible even from space, declared that the spiral lines that ended in funnels were the oldest aqueducts. Thanks to the unusual hydraulic system, water appeared on the plateau, where drought always reigned.

An extensive system of canals distributed life-giving moisture to those territories where it was needed. Through holes in the ground, the wind came in, which helped to drive out the remaining water.

Ancient Indian craftsmanship

Other questions arise regarding mystical patterns. Our contemporaries are surprised how the ancient Indians created trenches over a kilometer long in rough terrain. Even using modern methods of geodetic measurements, it is quite difficult to draw a perfectly flat line on the ground. But the Nazca Indians (or representatives of another civilization) did it very easily, digging ditches through ravines or hills. Moreover, the edges of all lines are perfectly parallel.

Unusual find

Recently, not far from the desert, in which they found unique drawings that are traces of an ancient civilization, an international expedition discovered an unusual mummy with three fingers and toes. It is the limbs that look very strange. The sensational find, strewn with white powder, is a bit like a plaster sculpture, inside which is a skeleton with the remains of organs. Studies have shown that the age of the mummy is more than 6 thousand years, and the powder has embalming properties.

The genome of the individual was unraveled by Russian scientists, who stated that it was not a human mutant, but a representative of an extraterrestrial race. According to experts, next to the mummified body there were drawings depicting a three-toed creature. His face can also be found on the surface of the desert.

However, not all scientists believed the findings of the Russians. Many are still convinced that this is a skillfully made forgery, and the find has all the signs of a hoax.

New drawings and riddles without answers

In April of this year, the scientific world was stirred up by the information that new Nazca geoglyphs were discovered with the help of drones. 50 unknown images, affected by time, cannot be seen with the naked eye. They were detected not only by aerial images, but also by subsequent analysis using the latest technologies. It is curious that most of the half-erased drawings of various sizes are abstract designs and warriors of the Paracas civilization.

Scientists said that some of the symbols found were made by the ancestors of the Nazca Indians. Soil erosion had previously hindered the discovery: the crumbling soil of the plateau made the bizarre patterns blurred. Therefore, it was not possible to view the Nazca geoglyphs from a satellite or from an airplane. And it was only thanks to the high-resolution cameras installed on the drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) that clear pictures were obtained.

Ecological problems

So far, the mystery of the Nazca geoglyphs remains unsolved. The matter is further complicated by the fact that now the plateau has the status of a sacred zone, where it is prohibited archaeological excavations... Access to the anomalous territory, reminiscent of a giant easel, on which the ancient "artists" left their messages, is closed.

In addition, an ecological threat looms over the desert: deforestation and environmental pollution are changing its climate. Due to frequent rains, unique creations on earth can sink into oblivion. And the descendants will never know the whole truth. Unfortunately, so far nothing has been done to save them.

Everyone can admire the mysterious patterns of the desert

Travelers going to Peru should remember that the plateau belongs to the world cultural heritage UNESCO, and it is forbidden to visit it without permission. But tourists in Nazca are adored because they allow the locals to live well in a very inhospitable area. Thanks to the incessant foreign flow, people survive.

However, anyone who wants to admire the mysterious signs can do this without even leaving home. It is necessary to launch a special program showing satellite images of the planet. Let us remind once again the coordinates of geoglyphs in the Nazca desert - 14 ° 41 "18.31" S 75 ° 07 "23.01" W.

Kievyan street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

The Nazca Lines still cause a lot of controversy as to who created them and when they appeared. Strange outlines, clearly visible from a bird's eye view, resemble geometric shapes, even stripes, and even representatives of the fauna. The dimensions of the geoglyphs are so large that it is not possible to understand how these images were drawn.

Nazca Lines: Discovery History

Strange geoglyphs - traces on the surface of the earth, were first discovered in 1939 on the Nazca plateau in Peru. American Paul Kosok, flying over the plateau, noticed strange drawings, reminiscent of birds and animals of enormous size. The images intersected with lines and geometric shapes, but stood out so clearly that it was impossible to doubt what they saw.

Later in 1941, Maria Reiche began researching strange shapes on a sandy surface. However, it was possible to take a photo of an unusual place only in 1947. For more than half a century, Maria Reiche devoted herself to deciphering strange symbols, but a final conclusion was never provided.

Today, the desert is considered a conservation area, and the right to explore it has been transferred to the Peruvian Institute of Culture. Due to the fact that the study of such a vast location requires huge investments, further scientific work on deciphering the Nazca lines has so far been suspended.

Description of Nazca drawings

If you look from the air, the lines on the plain are clearly visible, but walking in the desert, it is unlikely that it will be possible to understand that something is depicted on the ground. For this reason, they were not discovered until aviation became more developed. Small hills on the plateau distort the pictures, which are drawn by means of trenches dug across the entire surface. The width of the furrows reaches 135 cm, and their depth is from 40 to 50 cm, while the soil is identical everywhere. It is due to the impressive size of the lines that they are visible from a height, although they are hardly noticeable in the process of walking.

Among the illustrations are clearly visible:

  • birds and animals;
  • geometric figures;
  • chaotic lines.

The dimensions of the printed images are quite large. So, the condor stretches for a distance of almost 120 m, and the lizard reaches 188 m in length.There is even a drawing that resembles an astronaut, whose height is 30 m. the trench seems impossible.

Hypotheses of the nature of the appearance of lines

Scientists from different countries tried to figure out where the lines point to and by whom they were laid. There was a theory that such images were made by the Incas, but research has proven that they were created much earlier than the existence of the nationality. The approximate period, which dates the appearance of the Nazca lines, is considered to be the 2nd century BC. NS. It was at this time that the Nazca tribe lived on the territory of the plateau. In a village belonging to the people, sketches were found that resemble drawings in the desert, which once again confirms the guesses of scientists.

Maria Reiche deciphered some symbols, which allowed her to put forward a hypothesis that the drawings reflect a map of the starry sky, and therefore were used for astronomical or astrological purposes. True, this theory was later refuted, since only a quarter of the images fit the known astronomical bodies, which seems insufficient for an accurate conclusion.

At the moment, it is not known why the Nazca lines were drawn and how the people who did not possess the skills of writing managed to reproduce such traces on an area of ​​350 square meters. km.

Giant land drawings of the Peruvian Nazca plateau are deservedly considered one of the most mysterious sights not only in South America, but also on the entire planet.

About 500 square meters of the plateau's territory is covered with mysterious lines, folding into bizarre shapes. The lines forming the Nazca drawings were drawn on the surface of the earth in a peculiar way - by excavation, as a result of which trenches up to 1.5 meters wide and up to 30-50 centimeters deep were formed.

The lines form a huge number of geoglyphs - geometric and figured patterns: over 10,000 stripes, over 700 geometric figures (mainly trapezoids, triangles and spirals), about 30 images of birds, animals, insects and flowers.

Nazca's drawings are impressive in their size. So, for example, the figures of a spider and a hummingbird are about 50 meters long, a condor drawing extends 120 meters, a pelican image - almost 290 meters. It is striking that with such gigantic dimensions, the contours of the figures are continuous and surprisingly accurate. Almost perfectly flat strips cross the beds of dry rivers, climb high hills and descend from them, but do not deviate from the required direction. Modern science is unable to explain this phenomenon.

For the first time, these amazing ancient figures were discovered by pilots only in the 30s of the last century.

This is due to the fact that from the ground it is almost impossible to recognize figures stretching tens and hundreds of meters in length.

Despite decades of research, it remains a mystery how, who and for what purpose made these drawings. The estimated "age" of the images is from fifteen to twenty centuries.

Today, about 30 patterns are known, about 13 thousand lines and stripes, about 700 geometric shapes (primarily triangles and trapezoids, as well as about a hundred spirals).

Most researchers attribute the authorship of the drawings to the representatives of the Nazca civilization, who inhabited the plateau before the appearance of the Incas. The level of development of the Nazca civilization has not been sufficiently studied, therefore it is impossible to say with confidence that its representatives possessed the technologies that made it possible to create such drawings.

There are many versions explaining the purpose of the Nazca geoglyphs. The most common of these is astronomical. Its supporters consider the Nazca lines to be a kind of astronomical calendar. A ritual version is also popular, according to which giant drawings are intended for communication with a heavenly Deity.

Multiple repetitions of the same lines and figures, as well as the revealed mathematical patterns in their proportions and mutual arrangement, give the right to assume that the Nazca drawings are some kind of cipher text. According to the most fantastic hypotheses, the figures on the plateau serve as landmarks for the landing of alien ships.

Unfortunately, a purposeful and regular study of the Nazca geoglyphs is not carried out in our time. The centuries-old mysteries of the famous Peruvian drawings are still waiting for their researchers.

Geoglyphs of Nazca and Palpa from a copter. Peru 2014 hd

Nazca satellite drawings