The most interesting stories about Bali. Interesting and shocking facts about Bali! What should a tourist know about? Not taller than a palm tree

Bali offers surfing and diving, religious, ecological and beach tourism. Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, but despite this, much of the life of the local population is not known to the general public. Interesting Facts about Bali will help you discover and learn something new and even useful. Bali is part of the Islamic state of Indonesia. Bali on the world map is located here.

Bali is Island of the Godswith a very varied landscape: hills and mountains, beautiful coastlines and sandy beaches, curvy rice terraces and bare volcanic slopes. Surfing and diving, unique cuisine, a large number of cultural, historical and archaeological sites - Bali has a lot to offer to the tourist market, and the market is very happy with this offer. Bali Island boasts big amount interesting places from a tourist point of view. A variety of excursions await you: sightseeing and thematic, exciting walks, yacht tours, and even culinary courses. Current prices for excursions in Bali, as well as a list of private Russian speaking guides can be found on the website of the special project for tourists "Experts.Tourister.Ru" -

  • It is believed that the earliest settlers in Bali emigrated from China in 2500 BC.
  • It is noteworthy that in Indonesia, more than 88% of the population profess Islam, while on the island of Bali, which is part of this state, 83.5% of the population profess a special kind of Hinduism. That is why pork dishes can be tasted only in Bali; in Indonesia, pork is not eaten, since this food is prohibited in Islam.
  • Subak is an irrigation system rice fields in Bali, was developed over 1000 years ago. Considered an objectUNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Bali is just one of over 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia.
  • One of the most expensive coffees, Kopi Luwak, is produced in Bali.
  • Balinese people believe that a newborn child is the reincarnation of one of the family ancestors, and therefore the child should not touch the ground until 3 months.
  • A child, regardless of gender, is usually given one of these four names: Wayan, Made, Nyoman, or Ketut. This can be translated as: born first, born second, and so on. If you have more than four children, you just start over with Wayan. Descriptive nicknames help avoid confusion. This rule is true for the lowest caste. Yes, there are 4 castes in Bali, similar to those in India.
  • Bali was the host of the competition Miss World 2013 ... This was the first time an International Beauty Pageant was held in Indonesia.
  • The island has a tropical climate and is divided into two seasons.The dry season lasts from April to October and the rainy season from October to April. The best time the dry season is considered to be visited, it is also more crowded. Many people go for inspiration and peace during the rainy season, when the tourist flow is insignificant.
  • Balinese menus include white rice, pork, spicy vegetables and exotic fruits.
  • One of the most sacred temples in Bali - Pura Ulu Watu, r nestled high in the rocks at the southwestern tip of the island.
  • Seminyak is the center of Bali's luxury life. Hereyou will find boutiques, restaurants, cafes and fashion shows.
  • Ubud is the artistic heart of Bali, the center of spiritual life.The streets are filled with galleries where artists from different generations do their work. An indescribable view opens up hereto the rice terraces. Thisgreen landscape is often chosen as better place for yoga and meditation.

Pain can be characterized in different ways. She aches, pricks, pierces, crushes, cuts, drills, drives you crazy. But at the same time, there is no life without pain. Remember the old anecdote: if you woke up in the morning and nothing hurts, then you are dead.

Here are some of the most interesting facts about pain:

1. Scientists have calculated that every day every homo sapiens experiences more than a hundred painful attacks, just not all of them are recorded by the mind. In our brain there is a so-called "pain center", which controls pain impulses and rejects the weakest ones. This area is called an insula, and it is located deep between the hemispheres of the brain. Sometimes the "center of pain" fails, and then a person can experience asymptomatic pain all the time. A variation of this problem is called fibromyalgia, or flying pain.

2. There are about 500 people on the globe who never experience pain. But do not rush to envy them. Lack of pain is a rare condition called syringomyelia. This disease can be inherited or caused by severe brain injury. At the same time, a person lacks the sensitivity of nerve endings. Usually, these people rarely live to even 40 years. After all, the absence of pain does not mean the absence of injuries. Just imagine how much damage these people are doing to themselves without feeling it. Immunity to pain makes their body much less protected.

3. Despite the fact that the brain receives signals about pain from all parts of our body, it is the only organ that is not able to feel it, since it is completely devoid of nerve pain receptors.

4. Psychogenic pain is a symptom of depression. For example, it seems to a person that his heart, then his head, or his stomach hurts, and upon examination, no diseases are found in him. 68% of people suffering from psychogenic pain begin to experience pain in the middle or towards the end of the working day, and 19% - in the early morning. Moreover, no analgesics help them to get rid of pain. But motherwort and validol do an excellent job with this task.

5. Women have a higher pain threshold than men. This is due to the fact that estrogens, female sex hormones, have a natural analgesic effect. In men, the stress hormone adrenaline is responsible for pain suppression. That is why a man is able to get fatally injured, for example, in a fight, but at the same time continue to fight. However, in a peaceful life, an innocent ukolchik can knock him down.

6. Our body has a "pain memory". This is evidenced by phantom pains. When a person loses a leg or an arm, the brain on a subconscious level refuses to perceive it and looks for the lost limb, irritating it with the help of already non-existent nerve endings.

7. It turns out that you can feel someone else's pain. However, this does not guarantee that you will be able to alleviate it. For example, you may feel the same pain that the other person feels, albeit in a mirror image. This is because the "pain center" processes the visual signal and projects it onto your body. This is called the phenomenon of empathy, and only humans can experience it.

8. Hot peppers can help relieve pain. Scientists have found in it the substance capsiacin, which is a blocker of pain impulses. Capsiacin is also found in mustard and horseradish. Doctors recommend eating these products for people with chronic pain syndromes (arthrosis and neuralgia). Recently, scientists have been actively working on the creation of an anesthetic with capsiacin molecules.

9. There are a number of foods that irritate nerve endings. For example, Parmesan cheese, vinegar, smoked meats, chocolate, and foods containing monosodium glutamate (sausages, canned food, instant soups) can cause headaches.

10. Help to get rid of chronic pain gems... There is even a technique called lithotherapy (from the Latin litas - stone). Of course, psychotherapy plays an important role here. Nevertheless, topaz and malachite help get rid of pain in the kidneys and joints, sapphire and amber - for headaches, emerald - for pain in the heart, and jewelry with amethyst will help relieve hangover.

Finally, I found time to finish the article that I started writing while still in Indonesia. As a result, I got a whole list of 25 interesting facts, observations and tips that I have collected during six months of my life in this wonderful country. This article will be especially useful for those who are going on a trip to Bali or other islands in Indonesia. Enjoy!

  1. Indonesia is the largest island and densely populated state in the world. The whole country consists of 17,800 islands.
  2. The main religion of Indonesia is Islam, 86% of the population adhere to it. 9% are Christians, 3% are Hindus and the remaining 2% are Buddhists and others. But in Bali, the picture is completely different. Almost 90% of the local population of the island is Hindus.
  3. A good one can be rented for as little as Rs 500,000 per month ($ 52) or Rs 35,000 per day ($ 3.6).
  4. In Indonesia, fuel is very cheap - the price of one liter of gasoline costs 4,500 rupees ($ 0.46).
  5. Volcano Agung (3142 meters) in Bali is considered the most sacred place on the island. All the temples of the island are facing in its direction and all Balinese try to sleep with their heads in the direction of this volcano.
  6. The most reliable and cheapest telephone service in Indonesia is Telkomsel SimPATI.
  7. In almost all large cities Indonesia can easily find free accommodation through and thus meet local youth.
  8. In almost all local eateries (warungs), you can have a hearty meal for only 15,000 rupees ($ 1.5).
  9. On the main island of Java locals will constantly ask you to take pictures with them. "Hello mister, can I take picture with you?" is a standard phrase. By the way, even if you are a girl, you will still be called "mister".
  10. Prices for food and housing on the main island of Java are sometimes two to three times cheaper than in Bali.
  11. In markets and stores where there are no price tags, you can safely bargain and discount the declared price two or three times.
  12. Wild monkeys can be found in the jungle in Bali.
  13. In Bali, Ubud is a city of yogis, Kuta is a city of party-goers.
  14. In the first place among tourists in Bali - the Australians, the second - the Japanese and the third - the Chinese.
  15. Parking a scooter or car near tourist spots and large shops usually costs Rs 1,000-2,000.
  16. The maximum bribe that a police officer should pay to ride a scooter without a helmet and without a license is 50,000 rupees. Do not give any more, even if you are intimidated by a large fine and a police station.
  17. Every second Balinese is called Wayan (regardless of gender).
  18. Lizards live on the island of Komodo - they are dinosaurs or dragons.
  19. The maximum amount that can be withdrawn from an ATM in Indonesia is Rs 3,000,000 ($ 312).
  20. Indonesia used to be a Dutch colony and this greatly affects the architecture of many cities.
  21. In Indonesia, left-hand road traffic as in Thailand.
  22. The maximum period of stay in Indonesia without leaving is 6 months (this requires a social visa). After this period, you need to leave for a neighboring country, make a new visa and re-enter Indonesia.
  23. Balinese celebrate New Year in a very unusual way - in complete silence. No one on the island leaves their homes for 24 hours. All restaurants, offices, schools and shops are closed.
  24. Prices for housing in Bali in budget guesthouses - from 100,000 ($ 10) to 200,000 rupees ($ 20), when renting for a long time (week, month) - cheaper. For example, we rented a whole for only $ 450 per month.
  25. Indonesia is full of tropical fruits: snake fruit, pineapples, strawberries, apples, bananas of various varieties, tangerines, papaya, mangosteen, rambutans, wood apple, durian, passion fruit,. All of these can be found in almost any fruit market.

On the largest Malay archipelago, on the territory of Indonesia, there is the picturesque island of Bali. The island is part of the Small Sunda Islands group. Bali area - 5780 m2, population - 3 890 757 people. Bali island is one of the most visited tourist resorts... The island has everything for have a nice rest: picturesque landscapes, friendly people, beautiful beaches, ancient culture with beautiful temples, well-developed infrastructure.

As in all countries, Bali has its own traditions, culture and mystery.

Bali is washed by Tikhiy and Indian Ocean... The island has a peculiar relief, where there are mountains with volcanoes and lowlands.

There are four types of forest on the island: savanna, deciduous, mountainous and evergreen.

Bali is called Pulau Kahyangan, which means island of the gods.

The island was discovered for recreation by hippies who for some time lived in the territory of Kuta. As a result of the "hippie pilgrimage", the Indonesian government decided to develop the resort and trisma. The World Bank and the UN have contributed to the successful development, they have invested in tourism development in Bali.

The architecture of the island is unusual; the houses of the indigenous people can very easily be confused with small temples. The Balinese are very religious and they decorate their homes with many religious statues.

Strange as it may seem, but the Indonesian language is one of the most popular in the world, it is spoken by about 200 million people.

In Bali, the spoken language is divided into three levels, depending on the caste, sublime, medium, rough. Residents from a certain caste can only use the language to which they belong by status.

On the territory of Bali in the northeastern part there are two large volcano: Gunung Agung (3142 meters), Gunung Batur (1717 meters)

The island is 80 kilometers long.

The temperature on the island can fluctuate. The temperature on the beach rises to 30 degrees, and at the mountains or at the foot of the volcano reaches 15 degrees.

Indonesia is a densely populated Muslim country, but on the island 90% of the inhabitants are Hindu. In Bali, such gods as Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, as well as the supreme god Sang Yang Vidi Vasa are worshiped.

The locals are very religious, which explains the large number of temples on the island. According to some sources, there are about 11,000 of them. Some temples such as Uluwatu and Tanah Lot are architectural monuments.

Each house has its own small temple, where the inhabitants conduct their religious rites.

Balinese consider the house to be a living creature, the head is the family temple (the home temple must necessarily look at the Agung volcano), the arms are residential buildings, the legs are the barn, the kitchen.

Bali is a holiday island, 230 days a year are festive processions, colorful events, interesting customs. The inhabitants living on the island have different nationalities and religions, therefore, both Islamic, Hindu and Christian holidays are celebrated here.

One of the strangest traditions on the island is the teeth cutting ceremony. The meaning of the tradition is to shorten the fangs, so that a person is deprived of being like demonic entities and the pacification of the six main sins in Bali: greed, lust, anger, jealousy, drunkenness, arrogance.

Most residents are not Muslim, but polygamy is still allowed. A man can marry four women, while for the second, third and fourth wives, the first gives permission. On the given time there is polygamy in Bali. But it is mostly common among the Balinese of the higher castes.

On the island, in different corners, you can find statues dressed in black and white skirts and hats, as the locals believe in magical abilities and the ability to come to life at night.

Childlessness and impotence are grounds for divorce.

Balinese love children, especially boys, they procreate, care for elderly parents, inherit the land. Girls go to their husbands' family and have no right to inherit something from their family.

The most famous drink is Kopi Luwak elite coffee. Method of preparation: raw materials are collected from the excrement of an animal of the civet variety, which eats ripe coffee beans.

Many colorful umbrellas can be found on the streets and along the coast, they are called "tedung", which means "protection" and each color has its own meaning, indigenous population believe that umbrellas have a protective function. There are four sacred colors in Bali: red, green, white, yellow.

According to the majority, Bali is a heavenly place with numerous beaches, exotic fruits, cocktails, massages and all kinds of entertainment.

I have long dreamed of living in Bali. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the bestselling Eat Pray Love, fueled my desire to come here as soon as possible. We had been planning to fly to Bali for a long time, waited for a card to stay and set ourselves up for a trip. I imagined swimming in the ocean, sunbathing on the beach, eating exotic fruits and drinking coconut.

We flew in for two months. During this time, we got to know the locals and learned a lot about Indonesia. In general, I liked the rest. We jumped from the waterfall, explored the sunken ships with scuba diving, traveled the whole island far and wide, reviewed almost all the local beauties and the best beaches, laughed with taxi drivers, tried the sensational Luwak coffee and mangosteen tea, which they took with them to Krakow. They took with them a lot of pleasant memories, but there are facts that are not written about on the Internet, but you need to know about them.

  1. Bali is widespread dengue fever... Its carriers are mosquitoes. V tourist places they are being hounded. But the most important thing is that you do not know where a mosquito carrying this rubbish can bite you. Fever is something that locals and tourists alike dread. The best defense from this - stock up on mosquito spray and carry it with you everywhere. It is better to put a mosquito balloon in the hotel. For example, baigan. Expensive restaurants bring this spray and can be used. In cheaper restaurants and in warungs, you should ask the waiters to bring mosquito spray. It is very easy to confuse the symptoms of fever with the flu, so if the temperature rises, you should immediately go to the local hospital and not delay until the flight home. You should not self-medicate, because some of the drugs we are used to, on the contrary, can be harmful or fatal.
  2. A couple of years ago, locals saw a python on Jimbaran. I don’t remember what size it was, but huge. The catcher was immediately summoned. He caught a python. The tourists wanted to take a photo, the python escaped, strangled the hunter and disappeared. Until now, no one has seen about him. What is it all about? If you suddenly see a snake, it is worth keeping in mind that the snake attacks only in two cases: 1) if it is wounded; 2) if she feels threatened. By itself, it will not attack. It is worth letting her crawl.
  3. About the weed. It should be borne in mind that keeping, growing or just buying grass is a public posthumous execution. A couple of years ago, locals publicly shot two Australians who brought the weed with them. And then another ten people. This is not a joke! Despite this, you can find street vendors especially on the neighboring islets. But often they come with a set of police officers in collusion who shake out every last penny from you, including movable and immovable property.
  4. If monks are held in high esteem in Thailand, here are the police.
  5. What confused me was the skinny animals: cats, dogs, cows, roosters. Cows are kept in disgusting conditions - garbage is scattered around them and, judging by the smell, they are not washed. I judge more than once. Cows grazed around one of our guesthouses all day long.
  6. You should be careful with taxi drivers... I would have crossed out Uber altogether, since fraudulent transactions are often observed with it. For example, we ordered a car, and a taxi driver arrived and started bargaining. In such cases, it is worth getting up immediately. I had to open the doors on the go. The golden rule is not to get into a taxi until you have agreed on the price and route. This is not the only case. We used the BlueBird taxi service, which follows its reputation, in the # 1 market. It is worth looking at the stork to be drawn. They are often substituted and instead of a stork, you can see another bird, a gate or something like that. A fake taxi costs a lot more. I also recommend mobile app Grab is an analogue of Uber, something in between the price of BlueBird and Uber. There were no surprises with him, but it is not always possible to get them out. Especially concerns the beach areas and Ubud due to conflicts with local taxi drivers.
  7. Mostly Australians (most of all), Dutch and Russians rest in Bali. According to the locals, there are no Ukrainians here at all. But again, we were also mistaken for Russians, so this is not yet an indicator.
  8. Last year we lived in Thailand on Phuket Island, and I just fell in love with Thais. People are always glad to see you, happy and do not look into your wallet. On this occasion, I published my article on Organic Woman. Which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the Balinese. They greet and communicate with you only so that you buy something. And if you refuse, then they can shout a couple of words in pursuit and the attitude changes dramatically. Until you reach the beach, all ears will buzz with massages, taxis and all sorts of baubles. Moreover, everyone has to refuse at least 3 times - no one lags behind the first time. Even walking silently or a short “thank you” will not help.
  9. We concluded that the Australians spoiled the locals and the prices in Bali be healthy.
  10. It is worth changing money only in banks... Once we came to a currency exchange point and a local almost pocketed 20% of $ 200 for some taxes. First, he tried to cheat on a calculator (which is very easy when you use millions of rupees), then he pointed to taxes of 20%. We turned around and left, changed in a bank not far away and naturally there were no taxes.

I didn't mean to intimidate you, but nobody canceled the precautions. It is worth having a mosquito spray with you, when you see a snake (if you suddenly see it) let it just crawl, for grass lovers - be aware of the punishment. In general, the rest in Bali is pleasant and memorable.

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