Holidays in bulgaria or montenegro. Real estate by the "Russian-speaking" sea: Bulgaria or Montenegro. The best time to relax

Dear members of the forum, please advise where it is better to go with a baby-year-old. "Torn" between Bulgaria and Montenegro (Petrovac).
Priority: as quiet as possible at the beginning of July, uncrowded beach, clean sea, convenient entry into the sea, availability of children's entertainment complexes (slides, swings), experience of such a holiday, we will be grateful for the names of mini-hotels). Where is the best place to live with a child in Bulgaria? I read that renting an apartment there is also possible.

The only "+" of Montenegro in your version - there is no need for a visa. We need it in Bulgaria.
Everything else is in favor of Bulgaria.

Alenaaa, you, apparently, do not even imagine HOW MUCH there are babies from a month old in Montenegro! and there are sandy beaches (and a lot!), and the sunset is gentle, and the salinity of the sea is only good (it neutralizes any intestinal infections, for which expanse in the Black Sea, which is why Bulgaria and Turkey are leading in the number of "stomach problems" in the season)
my son and I went to ChG in his 5 months (for 3 weeks), after his one and a half years (for the whole summer) and arrived now (son 3.5, daughter 10 months), again for the whole summer
everyone is happy!

But we, too, were all happy: we have been resting with a child in Bulgaria for 10 years (Albena), everything for him was 5. And in Montenegro - in September, everything would be fine, but in Petrovac on the beach in September there are so many people that you will not find on the beach all summer in Albena.

True, I have not been to Montenegro, but I will not go to Bulgaria again. Nothing bad happened to us specifically and the choice of the place for us was correct, but there are so many children in the neighborhood, and not only children, "tormented by their bellies," as someone wrote here that this put a lot of pressure on the psyche.
By the way, about Turkey, we went there more than once, including with the baby, and nothing bad happened either to us or to those around us, in terms of illness.

In Bulgaria, you need to choose the right resort, in Albena there is a medical center (if anything), and in Turkey I would not get involved with medicine for babies at all. If the "quiet, not crowded" beach - in Albena hotels Nona, Elitsa (they are on the edge of the resort, stand on the shore), or Sunny Day, Riviera (closed resorts) ... In Montenegro, I repeat, it is good, but: the language barrier (our the hostess did not speak any language, except her own, they explained on the fingers, the wide beach still needs to be looked for (certainly not Petrovac), in Budva there is no overcrowding

To be honest, I would prefer Bulgaria over ChG for many reasons. Although I will remain with my opinion that with such a small child, it is better to stay at home for 2-3 years, - this has been written here a million times. And about the railroad. an infection in Bulgaria, which mothers constantly write about, I will say one thing that children must be constantly monitored so that dirty hands and sand, as well as food that has been in the sun for a leak. several hours, not dragged into the mouth! That's the whole truth about these infections. And at the end: Bulgaria for children's recreation more attractive than CHG ...

As for the stomach infection and that you need to monitor the child, then everything will be OK, you, of course, said that correctly. But that's why adults also get sick, with a slightly lower frequency than children, but get sick.
Adults get sick more easily, but still get sick.
I personally felt bad on the day of departure. The flight was a nightmare for me. Three days after returning, I was also ill - headaches, runny nose, throat and vomiting, of course.

In terms of hygiene, I am very scrupulous, so I sin at sea: a day or two before my illness, I accidentally swallowed water in the sea. It is possible that I caught something in the hotel restaurant, but neither my husband nor my five-year-old daughter got sick at the same time. So, after all, the sea (we don't go to the pool)
By the way, about medicine, in Turkey we went to the doctor with an insurance policy - everything is very professional. I also bought medicines for myself in Turkey at a pharmacy (antacid) - amazingly effective, otherwise I was ready to climb on the wall, as my stomach ached, and I had already used up my ulcer medicines.
In general, the goods there, as it seemed to me, are of better quality than in Russia.

We had to (((no complaints: the child fell off a hill, within 12 hours an X-ray, a tomograph, a consultation of specialists ... a normal bolt with modern equipment ... certainly better than in many of our regions ... I am not talking about the countryside at all

Nothing of the kind, the family rested 4 times in Bulgaria, once for 1 day my husband was not very good, once for a couple of days for me, my daughter only on the last arrival on the penultimate day was bad, it's good that the next day, on the day of departure, everything was already OK. At the age of 12, they don't play in the sandbox, they don't put their hands in their mouths and they don't drink water from the sea-pool, I generally keep quiet about adults. How lucky you are.

comparing the Black Sea and the Adriatic is wrong. Black is considered the dirtiest sea on the planet.
when the citizens of the USSR had no choice where to rest, then a trip to Krasnodar resorts seemed the height of happiness ...
now, when there is a choice, and prices are comparable, I would swim in a cleaner place.

limitation along the way you have.

Leilochka I go to the forum very rarely, but I remember you! You here all the time lift up Turkey and rinse BR =)

For a small child better Bulgaria... In general, as a doctor, I do not recommend taking a child to a sharp change in climate until 3 years old. And if you take it out, then at least for a couple of months! In children, the period of acclimatization is up to 3 weeks.

Hello, members of the forum, I am interested in one question here. Last year we had a family vacation in Albena, Bulgaria. I didn't like the rest, Bulgaria, or Albena itself. This year we are going to Montenegro. On the forum, I read a lot of unflattering reviews about it and at a price it is more expensive than Bulgaria. Is Montenegro much different from Bulgaria, I mean in terms of service, hotels, beaches, cuisine and conditions for children. Their nature is different, as I understand it.
And also, where would you advise to relax with a 3-year-old child (beach vacation), except for Montenegro, Bulgaria, Turkey and Egypt. Advance senkyu.

I can also advise Cyprus.


In terms of service it is more expensive, in terms of the quality of service it is very ambiguous - like our South of the 90s.
As for hotels - now, thanks to the excitement of the last three or four years (like, visa-free entry, "... they love us there", etc.), the prices are completely inadequate (hotel holidays).
In the kitchen - South Slavic cuisine - a lot of grilled meat. The fish is quite expensive.
On the beaches - in Bulgaria - sand, in Montenegro - pebbles / small pebbles. For children - the best beach in Bulgaria; but in Montenegro the purest water(if only not in places where tourists gather) and the Adriatic.

Thank you, of course, Vladimir67, for an exhaustive answer about Montenegro. But about Spain, the question was not actually asked to you and not for you to discuss it. I don’t think I did anything very impartial by asking this question. Be more positive, we still communicate on the forum.

Wherever there are good ones sandy beaches)
In Europe, these are Spain, Greece and Cyprus. As you were advised above.
Study calmly reviews and forums for these countries, choose. Fortunately, there is still plenty of time before summer.

Regarding Montenegro, Vladimir noted everything correctly.
Good luck!


We went to Bulgaria for two years in a row. On a sunny day. In general, I think that along the entire coast, this is the only place worth going to have a rest. Now there seem to be a couple more good hotels near Burgas, but they are more focused on an adult SPA vacation.

Montenegro, IHMO, like Croatia, is good for children with obvious broncho-pulmonary and allergic problems. Everything that got out at home is wonderful to breathe and go through there.
If you need the sea as such, then these two countries are not very suitable - rocky beaches, cold sea, unstable weather even during peak season.

From the "seas" I was in Spain (I did not like it at all), Turkey (good, but eternal infections in hotels), Egypt (problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible, so you constantly have to think about what you eat and drink), Bulgaria (I liked it), Croatia (average because of the reasons listed above), Cyprus (I would not go there with a child, it is not green there), Crete (there are excellent sandy beaches on the south coast, but to get to them you need more than 2 hours to drive along a serpentine road, on the northern part there are sandy you need to look for beaches, but they are also very good), Tunisia (it is worth going in September).

I myself am going to Balaton this year. We decided to change the sea to a lake.

Quote: Regarding the beaches of Montenegro, I agree, mostly pebbles turning into coarse-grained sand, and as for the sea and the weather, it's complete nonsense. In the season, the sea is warm, the water is clear, and the weather is excellent.


Yah? From July 5 to August 19, 2005 I spent in Cavtat. Croatia. The border of Montenegro is just over 25 km away. The water on July 5 was +18, on August 19 +20. "Warm" water around +24 was one week in early August, when the air temperature was +33, the rest of the time the water was like in the Atlantic +22 at best. During this month and a half, there were heavy rains three times and the temperature dropped to +10. Argue?

For two years in a row, in July 2007 and June 2008, the water in the Black Sea (Bulgaria) was +24 +26 (it did not drop below 23), the rain was the only one in June and the temperature did not drop so much. The climate in Bulgaria is much more stable - it was always warm. Maximum light blouse in the evening. In Croatia, I wanted to put on a jacket.

From July 5 to July 19, 2008 rested in Budva. The water temperature was not lower than + 24, the air temperature for two weeks never dropped below + 30. Once there was a dry thunderstorm and then at night. It never rained. The guides complained that this weather had been since mid-June .Did you argue?

Natasha! In Boka, near the Island of Flowers, the water temperature was 27 already in mid-June! True, this is not an indicator, since the water is always warmer there. In August, the heat was terrible (for me), 38, went to the mountains to come to their senses, there were 29))). Water - accordingly. On September 10, the people on the beaches were dark, the water is also very warm. Last time last year I swam on the 5th of October in Mogren, the water was 23 degrees.

Last year was not an indicator at all - from the middle of July the whole of Europe was on fire. If you remember what a nightmare it was.

I was in Montenegro and Croatia in early September 2007. It was warm for several days, and then it was very cool - they wore jackets. Most of the acquaintances say that it was also very cool for them to have a rest in Montenegro.

Your 2 weeks, sorry, is not an indicator - I spent 1.5 months in Croatia and a little more than a month each time in Bulgaria. Therefore, I believe that my observations are more objective. Although, again, there is no year after year, and the climate is changing.

In general, the climate in both Croatia and Montenegro is considered very moderate. Those who do not tolerate heat go there to rest.

Thank you all for your answers and an interesting discussion, as they say, truth is born in a dispute. As I understand it, the climate and nature in Montenegro can please us, but the beaches are unlikely. Are there sandy beaches in Montenegro anywhere? What resort and hotels would you recommend so that the child has conditions and young parents go somewhere, we go with a nanny.

Quote: Where? On the coast? Then why deny the obvious - the climate is not stable. There will be no guaranteed heat like in Greece or Turkey. Even in Bulgaria it is more stable.

Well, or there is another option - you and I have a different concept of heat - for me the air is below 25 for the sea - it's cold. I won't go swimming.

As soon as there is a desire to acquire a "second" home in a foreign land, the question immediately arises - where will this house be? Now we will talk about the very popular destination for Russians - Bulgaria and its direct competitor - Montenegro. So let's dot the “i's” and try to make a comparative analysis of these two countries from the point of view of acquiring a “second” home there.

air temperature + 27 ° C air temperature + 28 ° C
water temperature + 25 ° C water temperature + 25 ° C
air temperature + 11 ° C air temperature + 3 ° C
water temperature + 7 ° C water temperature + 10 ° C
national visa of Bulgaria national visa of Montenegro
Schengen visa * for citizens of the Russian Federation, entry to Montenegro
for up to 30 days carried out
terms of registration
5-7 working days 0 slave days
from 2 160 rub. 0 p.
Moscow-Burgas-Moscow from 7 200 rub. Moscow-Tivat-Moscow from 11 700 rub.
Moscow-Varna-Moscow from 7 200 rub. Moscow-Podgorica-Moscow from 11 300 rub.
Moscow-Plovdiv-Moscow from 8,000 rub.
Moscow-Sofia-Moscow from 8,000 rub.
flight time
Moscow-Burgas-Moscow 2h 50min. Moscow-Tivat-Moscow 3h
Moscow-Varna-Moscow 2h 50min. Moscow-Podgorica-Moscow 3h 10 min.
Moscow-Plovdiv-Moscow 3h
Moscow-Sofia-Moscow 2h 50min.
price per square meter
South coast(Burgas) from 400 € / m² Boko-Kotor Bay from 2,000 € / m²
north coast from 550 € / m² Budva Riviera from 2,000 € / m²
mountains (Plovdiv) from 400 € / m² Barskaya Riviera from 1,500 € / m²
Ulcinj Riviera from 1 200 € / m²
maintenance cost
management company (housing and communal services) from 5 € / m² per year management company (housing and communal services) from 10 € / m² per year
electricity from 0.05 € / kWh electricity from 0.012 € / kWh
water supply from 0.75 € / cubic meter water supply from 1.2 € / m3
telephony from 10 € per month telephony from 15 € per month
the Internet from 10 € per month the Internet from 15 € per month
VAT (included in the price) 20% VAT (included in the price) 17%
4% tax upon receipt of a title deed 0,01-0,25%
0,15% annual real estate tax 0,08-0,8%
10% income tax individuals 9%
bread from 20 p. bread from 12 p.
milk from 40 p. milk from 44 p.
meat (pork) from 130 p. meat (pork) from 280 p.
apples from 40 p. apples from 80 p.


Bulgaria is located on the Black Sea coast and, despite its relatively small size, has a fairly diverse landscape: coast, plains, valleys, hills, mountains. Bulgaria is located in the continental and Mediterranean climatic zones. In summer on the coast there is a pleasant plus + 24 + 26 ° С, in winter there is a slight minus. The water temperature in summer is about + 25 ° C. In the mountains, the winter is snowy, which allows you to engage in winter sports, and in the summer it is warm, but not hot. In short, there is a place in Bulgaria for every taste.

Montenegro stretches along the coast Adriatic sea... On the coast, the climate is Mediterranean, in the north of the country it is moderately continental. By the sea, summers are warm and long up to + 28 ° C, and winters are short, but cool up to + 3 ° C. In the mountains, summers are warm + 20 + 25 ° C, and winters are cold down to -10 ° C. The water temperature in summer is about + 25 ° C.

A visa is perhaps the main document for a foreigner. It gives you the right to stay in the country for a certain period. Flights and hotel are not a problem, but visa refusal is a problem. The preparation of this particular document takes most time, so it is important to know all the subtleties and pitfalls of this process.

Obtaining a visa to Bulgaria, in time, fits into a week, In Chernogiria for citizens of the Russian Federation, entry for up to 30 days is carried out without a visa. A visa to Bulgaria costs 1,400 rubles, for entry into Chernogiria for a period of not more than 30 days, you must pay for a visa to you don't have to.

The cost indicated in the table is taken from official sources ( visa centers) for travel with tourist purposes (including sightseeing tours to get acquainted with potential property). These data are relevant only for self-collection of documents. If you use the services of travel agencies or visa intermediaries, then the cost of registration may differ from the above. A Schengen visa will not allow you to travel to Bulgaria, but will allow you to obtain a Bulgarian visa on simplified terms.

The international passenger air transportation market is now very wide. Tickets for 50 euros? Not a problem. For 5,000 euros? We'll find it! Regular or charter, economy or business class - any whim for your money. But still, when acquiring real estate abroad, you need to understand how expensive the journey home will become. So, in order to get from Moscow to Bulgaria, and then back to Moscow, you will need 2.5 - 3 free hours for a one-way flight and from 180 euros for round-trip air tickets. The situation with Montenegro looks a little different: 3-3.5 hours and from 300 euros.

Of course, these are just approximate data: weather conditions and seasonality are the main force majeure in this matter. That is why travel time can be delayed, and prices can surprise you both for the better and for the worse.

On the Bulgarian coast, the price per square meter of residential real estate averages 475 euros, on the coast of Montenegro - 1,700 euros. Accordingly, the difference is € 1,225. Thus, it is almost 4 times cheaper than real estate in Montenegro!

From the table we have provided, it can be seen that the cost of maintaining Bulgarian real estate is cheaper than Montenegrin, and this applies to both services and prices for water and electricity. The cost of annual maintenance provided by the management company in Bulgaria averages 5 euros per sq. meter per year, in Montenegro this service costs 2 times more - 10 euros per year for each square meter of your property. 1 cubic meter of water in Bulgaria is also cheaper than in Montenegro by almost 1.5 times.

According to the data of 2011, the use of the Internet in Bulgaria cost from 10 euros per month, in Montenegro this type of communication is more expensive - prices start from 15 euros. The cost of a telephone connection in Bulgaria starts from 10 euros, in Montenegro from 15 euros. The table shows the cost of tariffication for telephone and Internet services for one calendar month, the cost of equipment, installation and other costs is paid separately.

So, you have been choosing for a long time and, at last, have decided? Congratulations! Take a breath and familiarize yourself with the costs that await you in the design of your apartment, and maybe at home, in ownership. Let's not torment you with expectations. Meet: The very first tax that a homeowner pays is the tax upon receipt of a title deed (a document confirming ownership). In Bulgaria it is 4% of the cadastral value, while in Montenegro it is about 0.01 - 0.25%. The annual tax on real estate in Bulgaria is 0.15%, the rate of a similar tax in Montenegro is from 0.08 to 0.8%. Personal income tax (profit earned from the lease of property) in Bulgaria and Montenegro is the lowest in Europe - only 10 and 9%, respectively.

The question of the cost of living in a particular country cannot but worry potential owners of real estate. Of course, I want an elementary set of products to pleasantly surprise not only with excellent quality, but also low prices... But sometimes, even when tourist voucher to one of the countries, you can spend on food twice the cost of the tour itself. Which, undoubtedly, negatively affects the impression of the country. In order not to disappoint in your "second" homeland, you need to understand in advance how much.

In the table above, you can compare prices for some products from Bulgaria and Montenegro. Let us tell you a little secret: according to the official statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, Bulgaria is the country with the lowest food prices. They are as much as 32% below the average price level of other European countries.

Our task is to compare and show you dry statistics.

And it's up to you where to buy the dacha.

Bulgaria and Montenegro are quite popular tourist destinations due to their natural and financial attractiveness. But rest and landscapes outside the window in these countries are completely different. We hope that our comparison will help you make the right choice.

We are sure that despite the general equality that our research has shown, after reading all the material, you can easily decide which of the countries suits you best. It is rather difficult to recommend anything here unequivocally, since everything is ultimately decided by your inclination to active rest and the presence of children in the group.

Criteria Montenegro Bulgaria
1 0
0 1
1 1
1 0
1 0
0 1
0 0
0 1

Where to stay cheaper?

For comparison, take average price the first 5 results of the aggregator. As initial parameters, we indicate a 3 * hotel for two for 7 nights in early August from Moscow.

Bulgaria from 73 830 rub.

Montenegro from 56,513 rubles.

As you can see, a trip to Montenegro will cost significantly less. This is due to the less congestion of the direction and features hospitality(more on that below)

Where are the best beaches?

In Bulgaria, the entire Black Sea coast is covered with fine-grained sand. There are no beaches with pebbles or stones. The width of the beaches is 30-100 meters. The coastal areas located within resort towns and villages, as well as near hotels, are well equipped. There are plenty of wild beaches between the health resorts.

In Montenegro, the rocks rise directly to the coast. Because of this, a significant part of the country's beaches are covered with medium and large pebbles, some of them have stones. The only corner coast on which lies White sand- Great beach. It is 13 km long and 50-70 meters wide. Also on the territory of the state there are several sandy and pebble beaches. It is worth highlighting the presence in Montenegro and large sections of the coast and resorts intended for nudist recreation.

For beach holiday Bulgaria is definitely better suited.

Black sea coast

Adriatic coast

Where is the weather and climate better?

The water temperature is about the same, but the Adriatic Sea is visually cleaner and more transparent due to the pebbles. But on the other hand, the climate in Bulgaria is hotter and the season, with good hands, can last until the end of September. Weather in summer they are still more stable on the Black Sea coast.

The quality of the hotel infrastructure

Most of the hotel infrastructure in Bulgaria is 2 * or 3 * hotels, converted from hotels that existed during the Soviet era. In such buildings, as a rule, there are at least 200 rooms. There are relatively few establishments with new buildings (up to 25%). Some modern hotels have 4 * or 5 * categories. The resorts opened in the 2000s (Elenite, Dyuni) have apart-hotels.

Cost of living in Golden Sands (Bulgaria)

Hotel Stardom Discount Price per night, from Select dates

HVD Club Bor - Ultra All Inclusive


5 905 5 199

Sunny Residence Complex


2 888 2 696

Iberostar Sunny Beach Resort(Iberostar Sunnah Beach Resort)


6 440 4 985

Grand Victoria


8 216 7 424

Dit Evrika Beach Club


7 510 4 429

Karlovo (Karlovo)


3 808 2 632

Dunav Hotel - All Inclusive


3 723 3 274

In Montenegro, on the contrary, there are almost no hotels left from the communist era. Small private hotels with 20-40 rooms make up about 80% of the fund of establishments intended for tourist accommodation. Since these are often private hotels, the prices are more reasonable than in the chain Bulgarian hotels. At the same time, several dozen modern hotel complexes categories 4 * and 5 *.

Accommodation cost in Budva

Hotel Stardom Discount Price per night, from Select dates

Splendid Conference & Spa Resort


33 955 13 608


7 510 5 263


12 837 8 794


4 814 4 365

Hotel Slovenska Plaža


7 082 6 312

If we are talking about the price / quality ratio, the advantage for the hotels in Montenegro, equipped with everything you need for a wonderful holiday, but devoid of sophistication. In Bulgaria, the situation is slightly different. There are more opportunities for accommodation in 4-5 * hotels, but you will have to pay much more expensive, and the quality sometimes leaves the best.

Excursion program

There are many beautiful places located near the Black Sea coast. it nature reserves, botanical gardens, ancient and modern palaces, bridges. But a significant part of the country's attractions (monasteries, ethnic villages) are located at a distance of 200-300 km from the beaches, in the capital of the country - Sofia, as well as in the mountains near it.

The area of ​​Montenegro is 8 times smaller, so all the sights of this country can be reached in 2-3 hours. Mountainous relief state allows travelers to do different kinds outdoor activities: rafting, mountaineering, cycling, steam and hang gliding. The presence of monasteries, fortresses and museums provides a unique opportunity to combine all types of leisure.

Vacation with children

Bulgaria is better suited for family vacation, because:

  1. There are sandy beaches
  2. Most of the hotels have everything you need for children's entertainment (animation, children's clubs, playgrounds)
  3. More 4 * hotels that meet all children's requirements
  4. More water parks and children's excursions

But if you are traveling with older children who like to spend time actively, then Montenegro is probably a more interesting option.


As elsewhere, in both countries, tourists can face petty theft of wallets or money from their pockets. Night walks in all areas of cities and towns are not dangerous. It is difficult to single out which country is safer to rest in.

Price level

Type of productsBulgariaMontenegro
Fruits (melons, watermelons, apples, oranges, lemons)0.5-1.5 € for 1 kg0.5-1.3 € per 1 kg
Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes)0,4-0,8 € for 1 kg0,3-1 € for 1 kg
Milk0,6-1 € for 1 liter0,6 -1,1 € for 1 liter
Meat (pork)6-8 € for 1 kg4-6 € for 1 kg
Natural juices0.75-1.5 € for 1 liter0.75-2 € for 1 liter
Mineral water0,4-1 € for 1 liter0.5-1.2 € for 1 liter
Lunch at a restaurant for 2 persons20 eurosEUR 26

In Montenegro, prices are greatly inflated due to the fact that only private ones work in the tourist regions. shopping centers and they do not have the required level of competition.

Vacation in Bulgaria is cheaper, but less interesting.


In terms of budget, security, price level, the country is on the same level. Lunches at a restaurant in Montenegro will cost more, but you will have to pay less for accommodation and flights.

The main advantages of Bulgaria are the availability sandy beaches and excellent children's infrastructure almost everywhere. In Montenegro, this will be a problem.

In Montenegro, it will be more pleasant for independent tourists who travel without children and prefer leisure with walks in the mountains and sightseeing tours.

If Egypt with the scorching sun and Turkey with the crowds of Russian vacationers are already tired of them, the tourist's gaze turns to Eastern Europe with the "friendly Slavic" states. Of course, we mean Montenegro and Bulgaria. However, the question always arises, which country provides Better conditions for recreation: Montenegro or Bulgaria? Let's compare point by point.

  1. 1. How to get to the country?
    In order to travel to Bulgaria, before the trip you need to apply for a visa - either Bulgarian or Schengen. The process of paperwork and processing can take from 4 days to a month. You don't need a tourist to Montenegro, you just need to buy a plane ticket.
  2. 2. Prices for tours to Montenegro or Bulgaria
    There are few last-minute deals, because holidays in Montenegro are relatively expensive. In 2011, for two weeks for two with flight and meals, it was about 100 thousand rubles. Bulgaria is cheaper, last minute tours can be found, but, most likely, they will have to wait a long time. Ride on sunny Beach can cost only 60 thousand rubles for two. In general, tours Montenegro, Bulgaria are still abroad. And you have to pay accordingly.
  3. 3. Service and hotels
    In terms of service, Montenegro-Bulgaria resembles Crimea. Sometimes both there and there you can find excellent four-star, but more often two or three-star ones are offered, furnished reminiscent of the sanatoriums of the Soviet Union. The quality of service in Montenegro is slightly higher, in Bulgaria everything is done with some "laziness".
  4. 4. Sea
    Montenegro is located slightly to the south of Bulgaria, but the influence is influenced by the cool Adriatic Sea. Montenegro is cooler and drier than Bulgaria, as the coast is not so great. are mainly pebbly, and the water of the Adriatic rarely heats up higher than 22-23 degrees Celsius. In Bulgaria, the Black Sea is familiar from childhood. It is not very clean, but it is shallow and warm. Beaches with soft fine sand, for children here the rest is much more comfortable than in Montenegro. So, in terms of beach and bathing holidays, the choice of Montenegro or Bulgaria suggests an answer to the question of what the tourist prefers: pleasant warm or clear azure water.
  5. 5. Other types of recreation
    Both Montenegro and Bulgaria offer tourists a wide range of entertainment for every taste. However, there is more entertainment in Bulgaria: there are water parks, dolphinariums, and entertainment centers, and nightclubs, beach activities, mass interesting tours... And in Montenegro, on the other hand - ecological recreation, mountain, sports tours, inspection of churches and ancient monuments, trips to nature reserves, etc. Those who have already purchased Montenegro Bulgaria tours in advance know that in both Eastern European countries, besides the sea, there are chic ones.
  6. 6. Nutrition
    In 2011-2012, food prices in Bulgaria were cheaper than in Montenegro. For 8 euros in Montenegro, you could buy only a second and a drink (juice, beer, water), and in Bulgaria - a salad, a second, a dessert, a drink, a glass of wine. However, perhaps due to the East European crisis, food prices in both countries will increase.

People of Montenegro and Bulgaria

Bulgarians, mostly brown-eyed brunettes, have more Slavic features (but not much). Montenegrins are more hardworking than Bulgarians. This is noted by everyone who has traveled on tours to both Montenegro and Bulgaria. So, usually Montenegrins often clean up in hotels, carry out routine repairs. And Bulgarians are a very tight-fisted nation, and, for example, bargaining for a discount will not work, whereas in Montenegro, you can always negotiate a price reduction with individuals and sellers. But in both countries, Russians are treated mentally, locals remember all the good things Russians have done in different periods of history. It can even be argued that Russian tourists both in Montenegro and in Bulgaria are loved and respected.