What to choose: Canary or Balearic Islands. Prices in the Balearic Islands

An archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, an autonomous region of Spain with the capital Palma de Mallorca, and most importantly for us, that it is a popular tourist destination beach holiday from May to October. Most big islands these are Menorca, Mallorca, Ibiza and the island of Fermentera, in addition, there are other small islands, mostly uninhabited.

How to get to the Balearic Islands

The three islands have their own airport, direct flights connect the islands with the cities of Spain, busy routes with Madrid and Barcelona. There are many flights from European cities, especially London. In summer, you can safely fly here from Kiev or Moscow. If you want to sail on a boat, ferries from Barcelona are at your service. Small passenger ships run between the islands themselves, which carry passengers; the ticket price does not exceed thirty euros.

There is a railway on the island of Mallorca, by bus you can get to almost any place within the island.

Car rental in the Balearic Islands is quite popular, the cost of a car rental is slightly higher than in mainland Spain, but much lower than, for example, in Iceland.

Climate and weather in the Balearic Islands

I must say right away that it will be cold to swim in the sea in winter. The air temperature during the day is about fifteen degrees Celsius, at night it drops to plus five. In the summer, it can be plus thirty during the day, about twenty at night. Mediterranean climate with a pleasant and refreshing breeze from the sea leaves good impression about rest, in summer it is not stuffy and not hot. The beach season runs from early May to late October. Water temperature in summer time about twenty-five degrees.

Beaches in the Balearic Islands

For example, in Mallorca, seventy-six beaches, the total length of which is more than five hundred and fifty kilometers, twenty-two beaches have received the Blue Flag, and this is almost every third beach. Tourists are attracted by virgin nature, cleanliness and well-groomed local beaches. The Balearic Islands are an advantageous place to buy a summer house, by the way, this is exactly what many celebrities and just wealthy people did. However, a house on the Belear Islands is commensurate with the price of a Moscow apartment, so this can be affordable for each of us. But let's get back to our beaches.

All of them are state-owned, it is impossible to buy or rent a beach area. You will have to pay only for sun loungers and umbrellas, entrance to any beach is free. I note right away that the Magaluf resort is popular with tourists from the former Soviet Union, possibly due to the amenities and low prices in the area. If you are going to fly to the islands with a child, I would advise the town of Illetas, the entrance to the sea is gentle, the resort is maximally adapted for family holidays.

Most of the beaches on the Balearic Islands are sandy, if you prefer pebbles, then you can recommend the Son-Kalju beach. The most visited beaches of the islands are Playa de Palma, Cala Major, Calla, Vinas, Cala Gran, Cala D'Or. To be honest, it is difficult to single out the most the best beaches, especially since the taste of tourists, as a rule, is not the same.

Divers will not be disappointed if you dived in Egypt, the underwater world is not much worse here. Majorca is especially popular with divers. It is the largest island in the archipelago, and the capital of the autonomous region, Palma de Mallorca, is also located here.

The beaches of the island of Menorca are not inferior to Mallorca, the large beaches of Caya Galdana and Caya Anna are especially magnificent. In the south of the island there are sand dunes and nudist beaches. The northern beaches are uncrowded if you prefer secluded rest then this is the place for you.

The island of Ibiza is considered to be the most partying island, mainly young people come here, there are clubs and discos all around, in the evening and at night the beaches turn into a dance hall. The most popular beaches in Ibiza are Playa de la Salina, Talamanca, En Bossa, Figueretas, Cala Salada and San Salinas nudist beach. Most of the beaches of the island of Ibiza have a variety of sports equipment, athletic fields, shady courts, football and volleyball fields, and water sports are also available.

More calm beaches Cala de Portnat, Cala d'Ort and Bennirra. In contrast to them will be the beaches of Santa Eularia des Rio, Sant Antoni and Playa d'en Bossa, where everyone is very active and fun, the beaches are one whole disco that works around the clock. Ibis is the most expensive island, there are many five-star hotels, however, three-star hotels do not differ in reasonable prices.

On Fermentera Island you can find a quiet and relaxing beach holiday, the island is almost uninhabited.

Prices in the Balearic Islands

It is quite expensive here, especially for the youth resort of the island of Ibiza

Balearic restaurants and cuisine

The restaurants will offer you Mediterranean Spanish cuisine with a large selection of seafood. Be sure to order the local caldera soup, rice paella, sobrasada sausage, potato rolls, almond pie, spiral tarts and fig bread. Tapas bars are worth a visit, such as those near the beaches. I note that it is better to go to those restaurants where locals go, restaurants designed only for tourists are distinguished by high prices. Please note that restaurants close for siesta from 1pm to 4pm.

Attractions in the Balearic Islands

What to do in the Balearics? Of course, lie on the beach and swim. In Mallorca, in the capital of the archipelago, Palma de Mallorca, you can visit archaeological museums, various architectural attractions, and this is Bellver Castle and Cathedral... You can visit a bullfight, take a walk in a Spanish town. Majorca's main natural attractions are the Arta Caves, the Dragon Caves and the underground lake Martelna in the east of the island.

On the island of Menorca, pay attention to the city of Mahon, take a walk around the historic center, the city is quite small, so all the architectural sights are within walking distance. It is worth going to the city of Ciutadella, here is a beautiful old part of this settlement with a magnificent Cathedral and many palaces. The oldest history represent local megaliths.

In Ibiza, the main attraction is the club culture. Among the architectural heritage, I will single out the Archaeological Museum with finds from the Roman era, the Cathedral of the city of Ibiza, the ruins of the fortress of Sas Taulas and Castel. From all three islands you can take a boat trip to little trip by waves, and from Ibiza the easiest way to get to the island of Fermentera. In the Balearic Islands, you can successfully practice golf, diving, windsurfing, visit various water parks, go on excursions to ancient villages and witness cultural and sports events.

The climatic features of the Balearic Islands region are complemented by the picturesque relief of the area, which is mountain ranges and extended sandy shores with lush green vegetation of coniferous forests, fruit trees, olive groves. On the territory of the Balearic Islands, thanks to the favorable weather and landscapes, are located nature reserves included in the list of protected sites by UNESCO.

In addition, the well-developed infrastructure allows you to easily get to local resorts. International airports are located in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, hundreds of flights from different parts of the world take all year round. Those wishing to visit mainland Spain, sunny Andalusia or mysterious Catalonia can use the ferry or local by air... To travel to the islands, tourists use buses, taxis, and in Mallorca, rail transport.

The Balearic Archipelago is located east of mainland Spain and is one of its autonomous regions. In addition, the closest neighbors of the Balearic Islands are the southern side of France and the north of the African coast. The total area of ​​the island is about 5,000 square kilometers, and the total length of the coastline of the line reaches 1,500 kilometers. In addition to the large islands: Ibiza, Menorca, Mallorca, Formentera, many small ones also belong to the Balearic ones. The total number of all islands is 50. Sunny weather on the islands lasts 300 days a year, precipitation is short-lived, mainly in spring and autumn, summer is usually hot and dry.

Each of the large Balearic Islands has its own administrative center. The island of Mallorca and its capital, Palma de Mallorca, are world famous for their Dragon Caves with one of the largest underground lakes in the world. Ibiza with the capital of the same name is famous for noisy youth parties, discos, dance events of a world scale, where show business stars love to come. Menorca and her main city Mahon attracts tourists with a rich variety of architectural attractions, which organize interesting excursions... Formentera offers tourists a relaxing, secluded getaway. Undoubtedly, the main component of all the Balearic Islands is their magnificent beaches and Mediterranean weather, refreshed by sea breezes in summer and sunny during winter.

The archipelago of the Balearic Islands enjoys mild weather in the winter months with little difference in performance. different islands... The average temperature in December is 16 ° С, January 15 ° С, February 16 ° С. The nights are cool. Daytime temperatures drop significantly as the sun sets. The night minimum, noted on the coast, is 5 ° С, however, the average air temperature ranges from 7-10 ° С. Tourists who come to Spain in winter on the Balearic Islands sunbathe in the sun, but do not swim in the sea, the water at this time is not more than 15 ° C. Winter precipitation is about 20% of the average annual, mostly rainy weather in the Balearic Islands occurs in February, 7-8 days of the month. In December and January, the rains are accompanied by wind, but they pass quickly, lasting 4-5 days a month.

With the arrival of March, the rainy season is established on the Balearic Islands, during this period cloudy weather can last 8-9 days a month, in the evenings it rains and winds blow. The average air temperature in March is 18 ° С, in April 19 ° С, in May 23 ° С. After winter, the water is still cool, in March 15 ° C. By the end of April, by the offensive tourist season in the Balearic Islands, the thermometer creeps noticeably to the top. The spring sun is already warmer, daylight hours lasts 7-8 hours. The water temperature reaches the initial bathing marks of 18-20 ° C by the end of May. In May, the beach season opens, however, in the evenings it is still cool no more than 15 ° C, so for night walks it is best to bring warm clothes.

Summer in the Balearic Islands is famous for the abundance of sunny weather, lack of precipitation, warm cool nights. In June, the air temperature rises to 25 ° C, the water warms up to 21 ° C, it can rain 3-4 days a month. With the onset of July, hot dry weather sets in, the air warms up to 27 ° С, in August to 30 ° С. The water at this time is kept at a comfortable bathing mark of 24-25 ° C. The nights are warm, at least 20 ° C. The peak temperatures of the thermometer coincide with the number of vacationers on local beaches... In the summer, the islands are filled with tourists, and the daytime bustle turns into nightlife, thus, the summer resort life on the Balearic Islands does not subside for a minute. Lovers active rest come to the Balearic Islands for classes aquatic species sports.

Almost half of the autumn in the Balearic Islands is spent on the continuation of the beach season. The weather in September practically does not differ from the summer one, there is a slight drop in temperature to 27 ° C, the water warmed up to 26 ° C and does not cool down yet. September the Velvet season, an excellent option for lovers of light coolness and not bright sun. The rainy weather in the Balearic Islands in September lasts about 3-4 days. With the onset of September, the temperature reaches 22 ° C, in cloudy days about 20 ° С, at night the onset of autumn is felt, the temperature is about 14 ° С and less. The rainy season comes in November, good sunny weather more and more often replaced by gusty winds and prolonged downpours. The air temperature is 18-19 ° С, the water is cooled to 19 ° С.

When you want to organize a vacation in Spain on the Balearic Islands, you should remember that the weather data are approximate, most often repeated in recent years, and the temperature on one island may differ slightly from the other. For a specific resort and time frame, it is best to check the preliminary forecast. The most successful periods for the organization sightseeing tours are April, May, October, September. There are much fewer tourists than in summer, prices are slightly lower, and the weather is not very hot. Comfortable 20-25 ° С will allow you to spend a lot of time under open air... You should not be afraid of rains, because in these seasons they are mainly at night or during the day for a short time. In winter, many tourists come to the Balearic Islands with a shopping program, buying fashionable novelties from leading Myrrh designers.

The Balearic Islands are located in the Mediterranean Sea and are a Spanish province. As a rule, tourists visit the largest islands - Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca. Among other resorts Mediterranean Sea this archipelago stands out for its clean ecology. The climate here is temperate and maritime. However, compared to other Mediterranean islands, the temperature difference and humidity are higher here. In winter, the air temperature varies between + 8 ° C - 15 ° C. And in summer - from + 27 ° С to + 30 ° С. At the same time, the summer heat does not cause discomfort here thanks to the Embat sea breeze, which brings coolness to the islands. Tourists are attracted by the fact that there are about 300 days a year - sunny, and in the summer the sun shines for 10 hours a day. Well, the water here is just a miracle, in summer its temperature is about 25 ° C.

The largest island in Mallorca

The largest and most popular tourist island in the Balearic Islands is Mallorca. Vacationers on the island are amazed by the purity of the azure sea, and the beauty of mountain landscapes and white beaches, and lush vegetation, and a variety of recreational activities and attractions.

One of the advantages of the Balearic Islands is their amazing nature.

The island of Mallorca is especially famous for the variety of flora and fauna. It is known for its picturesque mountain ranges, protected forests and fertile valleys. The clear blue sea and white beaches attract tourists from all over the world. In the north of Mallorca, there is a rocky place called Formentor. There you can climb one of the mountain platforms and enjoy the view of the mountain ranges and the endless sea.

On the southeast coast of the island, places worth visiting include Sala de Or, Cala Santanyi and Cala Lombards. In the south of Mallorca is located National park Mondrago, where sand dunes along the coast merge into oak forests with orchids in the deeper part of the reserve. Mallorca is also famous for its caves, which are a creation of nature from the Miocene era. Stalactites and stalagmites create bizarre shapes, inside some caves there are lakes and even underground rivers... Dragon Caves, Drakh Caves and Arta Caves are especially popular.

Sanctuary of Menorca

The second largest of the Balearic Islands is the island of Menorca. In 1993 it was recognized as a Biosphere Reserve thanks to the efforts local residents for nature conservation. There are unique representatives of flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else. Of particular interest is the Albufera des Grau lagoon, a beautiful quiet place- a paradise for all kinds of water birds. Herons, ducks, coots and long-eared cormorants nest here, and the lagoon provides conditions for ornithological research. There are over 30 species of orchids in Menorca. And there are many other plants as well. The island is especially beautiful during the flowering period.

Pine Ibiza

Ibiza is classified as a pine island due to the fact that, despite the variability of the relief, almost the entire island is covered pine forests... These trees are known to have a wonderful effect on the air, making it healthier. And in Ibiza there are quite a few types of pine trees. Also here you can find olive and almond trees, palms and a huge variety of fruit trees. In the forests you can find hares, squirrels, quails. Falcons soar in the sky. The symbol of Ibiza is lizards, of which there are also many here, but dangerous insects or poisonous snakes are not found on the island.

Holidays in the Balearic Islands

Each of the Balearic Islands can surprise and delight its guests. Tourists arriving in Mallorca should visit Palma de Mallorca, the capital of the island. There are many architectural monuments different eras... It is worth paying attention to the Cathedral and Bellver Castle. Since the Balera Islands belong to Spain, Spanish traditional shows like a knight's tournament or bullfight are regularly held here. In addition to architectural attractions, there are many natural monuments, for example, caves with underground lakes.

Balearic spa resort Magaluf

Most popular resort in Mallorca it is Magaluf. Here, a high level of service is combined with excellent natural conditions... Spacious beaches with clean sand, calm bays with clear water- all this is Magaluf. Those who want to spend a vacation with their family should pay attention to Illetas - a cozy place with spacious bays.

Mallorca has 76 beaches, about a third of them are highly rated for their cleanliness and amenities. Moreover, absolutely all beaches on the island are free. People most often flock to Playa de Palma, Cala Major, Calla, Vinas and Palma Nova. And fans of small, uncrowded bays should choose the beaches of Cala Gran, Cala D'Or, Cala Ferrera or Cala Llonga. There is also a pebble beach - Son-Kalju. On any beach you can find umbrellas, sun loungers, pedal boats and cafes.

Often people come to Mallorca for diving. The best months for this sport are September, October, May and June. Underwater world off the coast of the island is striking in its variety. And diving schools will allow a beginner to sink to the bottom or organize a more difficult dive for professionals.

Features of rest in Menorca

The capital of Menorca is the city of Mahon. Sometimes it is compared to a museum, because there are a lot of cultural monuments here. Of particular interest is the Church of St. Mary with a 19th century organ. There are many squares with palaces and other buildings from different eras.

The city of Ciutadella is also interesting, which with all its appearance reminds of bygone times. Here you can stroll along the medieval narrow streets and see the ancient castles. Of particular interest is the Cathedral, as well as the palaces of Salort, Vivo, Olivas, De Saura.

In Menorca, buildings have survived from the Bronze Age, the so-called Talayot ​​culture. This mysterious civilization lived here about 3.5 thousand years ago and left a memory of herself in the form of bizarre structures.

The most popular beaches in Menorca are Caya Galdana and Caya Anna. Comfortable hotels are located next to them. There are also quite a few beaches in the south of the island, including nudist ones. For those who prefer a quiet and secluded vacation, it is better to go to the north coast. Here nature is better preserved, and cozy coves with crystal-clear water invite to rest and relaxation.

For impressions on Ibiza

Wanting to spend your holidays in the islands sunny Spain, many tourists do not know which is better to choose - the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which of these two archipelagos is better suited for recreation. To decide on the choice of a vacation spot, first of all, you should take into account the goals and time of the year of the planned trip.

Canary Islands

The Canary archipelago is located in Atlantic Ocean... It includes eight inhabited and several small uninhabited islands... Inhabited islands include: Tenerife, La Gomera, Hierro, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and La Graciosa.

The climate of the archipelago is characterized as a tropical trade wind. Constantly blowing trade winds soften the dry climate. The Canary Islands are characterized by the absence of sharp changes in temperature and a small amount of precipitation throughout the year.

The largest island in the Archipelago is Tenerife. Its area is 2034.38 km², and the population in 2012 reached 908 555 people. Tenerife is located on the same latitude as the Sahara Desert, which affects its climate. The main feature of the climate is that the maximum seasonal drops in air temperature are no more than 10-15 ° C. Therefore, the Spaniards call Tenerife sla de la Eterna Primavera, which translates as "the island of eternal spring."

In summer, the average air temperature ranges from +24 to + 28 ° С, and in winter from +13 to 18 ° С. On sunny winter days, the air can warm up to +21 ... + 22 ° С. The water temperature in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Tenerife in the period from December to January is + 18 ... + 21 ° С.

Mountain ranges divide Tenerife into two parts: north and south. In winter climatic conditions in these parts differ significantly. In the north, it rains more often and the climate is more humid. In the south, the climate is dry, and precipitation is much less frequent.

On all inhabited Canary Islands With the exception of La Graciosa, many hotels have been built, including budget and luxury hotel chains. There are no large hotels on La Gracios, which is not surprising, because it is the smallest inhabited island archipelago.

Balearic Islands

The Balearic Archipelago is located in the western Mediterranean. The most large islands the archipelago are Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza (Ibiza) and Formentera. Ibiza is noisy youth resort for lovers of bars and night discos. Stormy nightlife boasts also Mallorca. Therefore, lovers of tranquility are advised to relax in Menorca or Formentera.

The climate of the Balearic archipelago is Mediterranean. This type of climate is characterized by dry hot summers and mild winters with an average air temperature of + 8 ... + 15 ° С. In summer, the average air temperature in the Balearic Islands is + 27 ... + 31 ° С. The water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up to + 25 ° C in summer. The beach season in the Balearic Islands starts in April and lasts until around mid-October.

Where to go to rest?

If your vacation is between November and March and you want to enjoy southern heat, then a vacation in the Canary Islands would be a good option. For example, you can go to one of southern resorts Tenerife. On the island of Gran Canaria in the autumn-winter period it is also quite warm - in January the air temperature can reach + 20 ... + 21 ° С.

For those who do not like the sultry heat, summer in the Canary Islands will also be very comfortable. After all, the climate of the archipelago is softened by trade winds and cold currents. Therefore, even at an air temperature above +25 ° C, the heat will be easily tolerated.

A summer rest in the Balearic Islands will appeal to lovers of hot weather and sultry sun. The hottest summer months here are July and August. In the second half of September, the velvet season begins.

If you are interested in sightseeing vacation, then in the autumn-winter period you can go to Mallorca. The most interesting sights of Mallorca are located in the capital of the island - the city of Palma. To this day, medieval churches, cathedrals and the Royal Palace are well preserved in Palma.