What is included in the menu is all inclusive. All inclusive features in different countries. Yet costs are inevitable

Almost always when ordering tourist route to Greece, UAE or within Russian Federation at sea, travelers are encouraged to choose their accommodation and type of food. There are plenty of options, and each of them directly affects not only the cost of the trip, but also the quality of rest and the amount of positive impressions / memories.

It will help you figure out what types of food in hotels are decryption. AI, FB, HB, BB, OB, UAI notation is not an example of spy coding. These letter combinations contain comprehensive information about what a tourist should hope for, and what can be forgotten right away.

What are the options for food regimes

The dietary regime included in the description of a tourist escort on the seashore or at the foot of mountain ranges indicates how many times a day a visitor can order meals for free at a hotel restaurant / cafe / bar. In other words, this amount of food has already been paid for by the tourist when making the tour. The assortment of dishes is often presented as a buffet or in the form of a menu.

According to the internationally accepted classification of food in hotels in Greece, the UAE or other resorts, all possible types are presented in the form of an abbreviation of two / three letters. For an ignorant tourist, it is impossible to understand what types of food they offer in hotels without decoding.

To exclude mistakes and, at least, unpleasant emotions during your stay at the hotel (and as a maximum - a completely ruined vacation), you should get acquainted with a detailed and understandable description of these abbreviations.

Food types with abbreviations and explanations

All places for the resettlement of travelers use the standard decoding of the types of food. What does it mean? All words are taken from of English language and knowing the translation, one can easily understand what the given hotel has prepared for the accommodation conditions.

OB (Only Bed), RO (Room Only), or AO (Accommodation Only) That means “only a bed”, “only a room” or “only accommodation” - this is the cheapest type of tour by the sea, which will provide travelers with only a place to stay without additional free meals.

To the logical question of a tourist: "is there where to cook food?" - it is not always possible to get an unambiguous answer from a travel agent when registering a voucher. In other words, with 100% probability you can only count on canteens, cafes, restaurants and other catering places.

BB (Bed and Breakfast, which translates to "bed and breakfast")- This is a fairly common option for the settlement of tourists. In Sochi, hotels operating under such a program guarantee travelers a place to stay and a free morning lunch. The choice will provide buffet dishes or continental (ie inexpensive buffet) option in the form of sandwiches, coffee, etc. There is no dinner for such accommodation.

HB (Half Board)- Adler hotels for vacationers with this type of accommodation in the hotel will necessarily provide only breakfast and dinner. There are no alcoholic drinks or snacks here. And about lunch you will need to take care of yourself: all catering points are available to travelers if there is no desire to cook.

HB +- this is an analogy to food on HB, only slightly increased by the range of free alcoholic beverages (domestic production). For example, the Gelendzhik hotel with meals under such a program will provide tourists with a unique chance to taste wine products only from the best cellars of the Krasnodar Territory.

FB (Full Board): translates to "full board", i.e. the vacationer has free three meals a day. Tourists are offered a buffet with a set of salads, first and second courses, meat, fish and vegetable products, as well as drinks / juices / tea / coffee.

FB +- this is the same "full board" only + alcoholic drinks of state producers. This type of settlement enjoys special attention when traveling to the United United Arab Emirates, to China, to the islands of Oceania, since the cuisine of these countries is special and of course it will be safer for your own health if all dishes are prepared by a professional chef in the hotel restaurant.

AI (or ALL, UALL: All Inclusive, which means: all inclusive)- full diet at the expense of the travel agency. The tourist is guaranteed to be able to order free morning lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner from the dishes on the menu. And also alcoholic drinks, snacks, coffee many times. When booking a tour, choosing hotels with meals on the seashore is considered a rather profitable decision, even despite the more high cost stay here:

  1. This eliminates the need to look for and get to retail outlets in an unfamiliar city outside the hotel;
  2. Guaranteed quality food products;
  3. This program provides vacationers with complete freedom from culinary hassle.

A feature of this type is that all products and drinks are only domestically produced. There is no import here.

UAI (Ultra All Inclusive)- this is the same as in the above example, a meal option according to the system: breakfast-lunch-lunch-afternoon tea-dinner + alcohol and snacks. The key position of UAI nutrition is that the menu contains imported drinks and food. Almost all hotels in the UAE and the countries of the world operate on this type of accommodation.

There is another fairly popular program - AO (or RO). This is a tourist accommodation on the beach in a hotel without meals. The advantages of this choice:

  1. A tourist can independently choose exactly those products and prepare dishes that he loves (or that are allowed to him by doctors). This type is relevant for parents with small children, since mothers in any case prefer to cook porridge for babies themselves.
  2. This type of food reduces the cost of the tour. By the way, this is not chosen by the poorest tourists, since quite often the placement of a tourist according to the AO system implies his settlement in expensive apartments. And if a person does not want to cook himself, then numerous restaurants / cafes are at his service (which also cannot have a financial benefit).

Alternative classification and decoding

But, not all countries use abbreviations for the standard classification of types of food in hotels. Sometimes hotels with a pool in the UAE offer an alternative designation:

  1. EP (similar to ОВ) and means that visitors will not receive free meals here at all, because it is not included in the cost of living;
  2. CP (or continental plan), which provides tourists with a choice of light meals (tea / coffee, rolls, sandwiches, fruits) and only once a day in the morning;
  3. BP (bermuda plan) is a hearty American-style morning lunch, i.e. here they will offer meat / fish dishes, salads, pastries and many other products that are not at all for a vegetarian or a person on a diet;
  4. MAP - half board consisting of a full breakfast and a hearty lunch. It can also be supplemented with an afternoon tea according to the British tradition, even in hotels in the UAE;
  5. AP (american plan), which means full board, i.e. three meals a day with additional snacks.

Types of breakfasts

In some cases, when choosing the type of accommodation at the Adler hotel with meals, details such as the type of breakfast may be specified. There are only three of them, different in cost and content:

  1. Continental Breakfast - a light and simple set of food and drinks (coffee / tea / juice, bun, fruit);
  2. English type, consisting of hearty scrambled eggs, hot toasters, buns with jam and butter, and coffee / tea;
  3. The American type is the most satisfying and high-calorie set of dishes: hot and cold snacks, pastries, slices, etc.

In any case, when choosing the type of food in the hotel, tourists should be guided by the rule: only a full stomach will give strength and desire for active excursion routes and fun walks. In other words, quality rest starts with food!

Catering at resorts - BB, HB, FB, All Inclusive

"Healthy food" is an important (and for many, the most important) component of a successful vacation. Alas, there are no standards that allow you to be sure that the chosen hotel will be fed "to the heap", tasty and varied, does not exist. Of course, any tourist today knows that Turkish hotels most leave noticeably recovered, but the French are unlikely to give you such an opportunity. Although, in any case, the choice of dishes in a 5 * hotel will certainly be higher than in a 3 * hotel.

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Most often, types of food in hotels are designated by Latin letters (BB, HB, FB) - such abbreviations can be found both in the tour description and in the catalog where the hotels themselves are presented.

Ep, RO, BO, AO, ОB (only bed)- no meals
BB (bed end breakfast)- only breakfasts ( Buffet)
Continental breakfast - light breakfast consisting of coffee or tea, juice, rolls, butter and jam
English breakfast - full breakfast, usually includes fruit juice, scrambled eggs and ham, toast, butter, jam, coffee and tea
American breakfast (american bulet) - analogue of a continental breakfast + various cuts (sausages, cheeses) and hot dishes (scrambled eggs, sausages)
HB (half board)- half board, breakfast and dinner (buffet), free tea, coffee, water for breakfast
HB + (half board plus)- extended half board, breakfast and dinner (buffet). Local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
FB (full board) - breakfast, lunch, dinner (buffet)
FB + (full board plus)- full board, breakfast, lunch, dinner (buffet), as well as drinks during meals
Mini all inclusive- full board with local drinks not only with meals, but also in limited quantities during the day
AI (all inclusive)- all inclusive, breakfast, lunch, dinner (buffet), local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Also additional food
UAI (ultra All Inclusive)- meals throughout the day with a wide selection of dishes, including imported spirits.
A-la carte- a menu in which each dish is indicated with a price

BB meals (Bed & Breakfast)

BB means the hotel only serves breakfast. Usually, this option is offered for sightseeing tours or business trips. Continental breakfast (usually this is what is served in 2 * -3 * hotels) most often some thinly sliced ​​sausage and cheese, a bagel with jam, a small package of yogurt, coffee are not rich. If it is a "buffet" (known throughout the world as "buffet"), then vegetable and fruit salads, several types of pastries, boiled eggs are added to them. In high-level hotels, you can already count on hot sausages and omelette dishes. A must for breakfast and juice, which is usually poured from the machine, but almost certainly it turns out to be a highly diluted concentrate.

It is important to note that in a hotel of any level, breakfast is included in the cost of living and it is impossible to refuse it. Usually breakfast is served no later than 7 a.m., but if a tourist leaves for the airport or for an excursion earlier, then you must inform the receptionist - he will be served breakfast early (albeit without a hot dish) or they will give him a lunch package.

HB power supply (Нalf-Board)

HB - half board, that is, breakfast and dinner is the most popular type of food in almost all resorts, with the exception of Turkey, which loves to "include everything". Breakfast in this case is usually a traditional buffet, dinner can be a buffet and a salad bar with some choice of hot dishes according to the menu. Any drinks in this case are paid (this also applies to plain water, if it is brought not in a jug, but in glass bottles) and are not cheap. True, if you order a bottle of wine for dinner and it is not drunk entirely, then it is left for the next days. You don't need to pay for drinks every time, you just need to tell the room number to the waiter, and upon departure, the receptionist will issue an invoice for all days (which is recommended to be carefully checked!).

FB Power (Full-Board)

FB is full board (three meals a day). Lunch, like dinner, in this case can be a buffet and à la carte, but in any case, drinks in the afternoon and evening are again paid separately. When it is possible to choose between "half board" and "boarding", tourists usually choose the former, because in Spain, Greece or Cyprus it is not a problem to find a good tavern near the hotel even in the high season. Unfortunately, it is not possible to replace a hotel lunch for dinner or vice versa in all hotels, although hotels in the UAE provide a similar service.

Sistama AL (All Inclusive)

All Inclusive "all inclusive" - ​​the most common in Turkish resorts, in other countries it is much less common. In inexpensive hotels 2 * -3 * assumes the usual three meals a day with a standard choice of dishes and 1-2 bars, free of charge "dispensing" tea and coffee during the day, mineral water, cola and local spirits.

The set of local alcohol is the same everywhere: grape vodka rakiya (in Turkish "raki"), which is drunk, diluted with water, as a result of which it acquires a milky color, local cognac (konjak), a drink under strange name VoTka, dry red wine, in principle, is not bad, but without "frills" and, of course, the national pride of the Efes beer. Of course, in these hotels you can order imported alcoholic drinks, but already for an additional fee.

All other types of All Inclusive, offered by Turkish hotels under the name "Ultra", "Maximum", "Imperial", etc., represent almost round-the-clock food (and drinking, including imported alcohol). Tourists who find themselves in a Turkish "club" hotel can visit two breakfasts, lunch, "tea" afternoon tea, dinner and "late soup" after a disco during the day, and in breaks enjoy sandwiches, pizza, ice cream and sweets.

The variety and choice of dishes here often exceed reasonable limits, the quality is excellent, especially since in best hotels many dishes are prepared directly in front of you. If you wish, you can book a table in advance and spend the evening not at the general buffet, but in an Italian or Japanese restaurant located on the territory of the hotel. As for imported alcoholic beverages, their choice is usually limited to several varieties of whiskey, martini, and gin. However, in such a hotel, they often warn that several types of elite alcohol (expensive cognacs, wines) are offered for an additional fee.

By the way, often in all-inclusive hotels they ask you to name the room number and sign on the receipt even when ordering "free" alcohol. You should not be afraid of this, it is just one of the forms of control over the work of waiters.

V sightseeing tours when hotel accommodation is of a temporary nature, the following types are used:

- Continental Breakfast(Continental breakfast) - a light breakfast consisting of coffee or tea, juice, rolls, butter and jam;
- English breakfast- full breakfast, usually includes juice, scrambled eggs, toast, butter, jam and coffee (tea);
- American breakfast- similar to a continental breakfast, includes various cuts and hot dishes.
- "Buffet" is an organized free breakfast of many hotels in the world. It is included in the price of the room that you occupy at the hotel.
it can be a fenced part of the restaurant, a special room. In the middle of the hall there is a table that can be placed along the wall of this room. Various foods are laid out on it: fruits, and cottage cheese, and juices, and a gastronomic snack, and hot dishes under a lid in special bowls, and prepackaged products in foil (butter, pates, jam, honey). And on a separate table or on the same table - dishes and cutlery.

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Hello everybody! When planning a vacation, tourists sometimes have questions: What kind of food system is in modern hotels? What is buffet, continental or American breakfast? What does RO BB HB FB AI UAI mean?

For a long time I myself was confused, I could not remember in any way what letters denote breakfast, dinner, or three meals a day. Therefore, I decided to write a short post, where I will decipher all these "hieroglyphs", I will write down the possibilities of this or that option.

Modern hotels provide guests with different dining concepts. Before you is a short table, I will decipher each item in more detail below.

RO (room only)
without food
BB (bed breakfast)one meal a day - breakfasts
HB (half board)two meals a day - breakfasts dinners or breakfasts lunches and soft drinks with meals
HB + (half board plus)two meals a day - breakfasts dinners non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks of local production with meals
FB (full board)three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner and soft drinks with meals
FB + (full board plus)
EXTFB (extended half board)
three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner, local non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks with meals
AL (all inclusive)three meals a day with intermediate
snacks -
breakfast lunch dinner, additional meals, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks during the day
UAL (ultra inclusive)reinforced three meals a day with snacks -
breakfast lunch,
dinner, free meals in A-lacarte restaurants, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock

Room only (RO) - translated means "room only". Accordingly, meals are not included in the price.

Bed breakfast (BB) - translates to "bed and breakfast". Moreover, breakfast in different countries or even hotels can be, as a "buffet", and "continental" (CB), "American" (AB) or "English".

  • CB (Continental breakfast) - translates "continental breakfast". Everything is modest: a cup of coffee or tea, toast, a roll, butter and jam.
  • AB (american breakfast) - differs from the continental only in the presence of hot dishes: scrambled eggs, sausages.

Half board (HB) - in Russian "half board". In some hotels you can choose between breakfast dinner or breakfast lunch. Coffee, tea, water are usually included in the price, but in most hotels you can get them for free only during a meal. In other cases, payment is required.

Half board plus (HB +) - "half board plus", differs from HB only in that the price includes some alcoholic drinks. Usually locally sourced and most often only with meals.

Full board (FB) - means "full board". The price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus coffee, tea, water. The conditions are the same as in HB, only three meals a day.

Full board plus (FB), Extended half board (EXTFB) - "full board plus" or "extended board", local alcoholic drinks are added to the previous concept.

All inclusive (AI) - means "all inclusive". The name fully justifies itself. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, intermediate meals: late breakfast, afternoon tea, late dinner, and other snacks. Unlimited soft and alcoholic drinks throughout the day. As a rule, this food system implies the ability to eat from 6 am to 12 am.

Ultra inclusive (UAL) - "ultra all inclusive". Breakfast, lunch, dinner, with free access to A-lacarte restaurants (themed restaurants on site). This concept includes more choice and more variety in nutrition than AI. Of course, any drinks are included in the price.

The food regulations in hotels can be different. Most often, especially in resort areas, the concept of food "buffet" is widespread. The buffet is an opportunity to independently choose and compose your diet. With this system, the dishes are arranged in the hall, and the tourists themselves choose and put the food on the plate.

Whatever one may say, “all inclusive” is a comfortable type of rest. I bought a tour - you can fly with almost no money. They will feed, give to drink, take you to the hotel. Although the "all inclusive" system differs in different countries - and it happens that after the Turkish diversity, tourists are unhappy with the modest choice of all inclusive in Jordan.
Read and memorize how all inclusive works in different countries. Now you will know exactly what to prepare for, and you will not be disappointed.

All inclusive in Greece

Nutrition. Healthy - a lot of fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, which are brought to hotels directly from the garden. Chopped tomatoes and cucumbers do not have time to turn into a sour salad - the waiters serve fresh dishes on time. The cuisine is mostly Greek. There are fish and meat. The hotels do not always have a buffet - most often it is à la carte meals with a choice of 3-4 main courses. Vegans and vegetarians always have something to profit from. The higher the category of the hotel, the greater the choice of food.
The most expensive Greek hotels (where the price starts from 250,000 rubles per tour) with all inclusive meals offer a unique service. It's called dining out: you can dine at any local tavern outside the resort for free.
Animation. No noisy parties and daily pool entertainment. You can count on live music and shows on weekends.
Additional services. Sun loungers and swimming pools are free only if the hotel is located on the first line with a private beach. Spa treatments, massages, meals in a-la carte restaurants are rarely included in the all-inclusive price. You will have to pay extra for additional options - for example, for a baby potty (it is considered disposable). In Greece, you will have to pay for everything that is done with your hands in front of you.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Do not take - breakfast or half board is better, so as not to get attached to the hotel. But even if you only plan beach vacation then it is better to eat in local taverns: Greek local cuisine is delicious, aromatic and inexpensive. During a week of rest, you can try many different dishes and never repeat it.

All inclusive in Turkey

Nutrition. 90% of Turkish hotels have a free buffet with salads, main courses, desserts, snacks. Local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are included in the price; you will have to pay extra for well-known brands of alcohol. Hot dishes - meat, fish, grilled sausages - are served in portions, the rest can be taken on a common table. Drinks are provided by the bartender.
Some hotels have an "ultra all inclusive" system: this is a round-the-clock service, meals at any time of the day, and foreign-made drinks. To match this type, hotels should have several restaurants (including à la carte, all free), large grounds, heated pools.
Animation. Even the simplest hotel has pool entertainment. This can be performances by dancers, bartender shows, torch juggling, contests for children and drunk adults, or a regular disco.
Additional services. In hotels 4-5 * there may be water parks for children - the visit is included in the tour price. Spa treatments are usually paid extra. Sun loungers and umbrellas on the beaches are often paid.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Definitely yes. Hearty, plentiful, tasty and economical. Yes, finding a tour to Turkey without "all inclusive" is still a quest.

All inclusive in Tunisia

Nutrition. Usually 3-4 times a day, the restaurant is not open around the clock. Hotels may have bars, a-la carte restaurants, where meals are not included in the price. The variety of dishes is not as great as in Turkey. Soft drinks are free, but you will have to pay for alcohol. In some hotels in Tunisia, plastic cards are used instead of bracelets: drinks and dishes are dispensed by bar codes, there should be a break of 5-7 minutes between portions of alcohol.
Animation. Aqua aerobics in the pool, evening shows, kids club - free of charge. Activities on the beach - jet ski, parachute, banana - for a fee.
Additional services. Thalasso, balneo, spa treatments are paid separately. Some hotels offer a free hammam. Sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach are free, and towels can be charged.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take. Food outside of hotels is usually more expensive. Plus, the variety of dishes on the Tunisian buffet is almost as good as the Turkish one.

All inclusive in Cyprus

Nutrition. A small selection of dishes, often drinks are not included in the price. The buffet is a lot of vegetables and meat (meatballs, kebabs, souvlaki and cutlets), but little fish. All fish and seafood dishes are prepared from frozen raw materials. There are also ubiquitous snacks: fries, burgers, nuggets. The choice of dishes is limited, every day the same is served, changing 1-2 dishes.
Animation. If animation is announced, then it can be karaoke, discos, show programs and contests by the pool, water aerobics - everything is like in Turkey.
Additional services. Drinks and meals between meals, dry cleaning, laundry are charged separately. Sun beds and umbrellas are usually paid, because the beaches are mostly municipal.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take - if you are vacationing with children and do not plan to travel around the island. Take "half board" - if you do not want to be attached to the hotel. Eating outside the hotels is expensive, but you will still want to try the local dishes in the taverns. So breakfast-dinner is perfect.

All inclusive in Bulgaria

Nutrition. A definite plus - all inclusive is available here, the dishes are familiar to us. Eating at the hotel is 2-3 times cheaper than going to a cafe every day. In a standard 4 * hotel, you will be served seasonal vegetables and fruits, 2-3 fish and meat dishes, several types of soups, ice cream, pastries, pancakes. There is a children's menu almost everywhere. Restaurants are not open around the clock, but only for breakfast-lunch-dinner. Alcohol is usually paid, drinks outside the restaurant too.
Animation. Entertainment in hotels in Bulgarian is aqua aerobics and exercises by the pool. In 4-5 * hotels there are entertaining shows in the evenings.
Additional services. With all inclusive bracelets, you will be allowed to visit the hotel's private beach for free (though there are few of them - mostly all municipal beaches). If the hotel is simpler, you will have to rent sun loungers and umbrellas for money. It can be uncomfortable on your own towel on the sand: the beach all the way to the sea is forced with sun loungers, forcing you to pay rent.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take. Restaurants and cafes on Sunny Beach and Golden Sands expensive, all inclusive always pays off. Even if you do not plan to stay in the hotel, we recommend half board - it will still be cheaper.

All inclusive in Jordan

Nutrition. Red Sea, 5 * hotels, "all inclusive" - ​​sounds very similar to Egypt. But no: this country is completely different, especially when it comes to food and service. Aqaba hotels have a good selection of dishes according to the "buffet" system: yoghurts, casseroles, omelets, sliced ​​cheeses, sausages and vegetables, rice, potatoes, pasta, several meat and fish dishes. Chicken is the most popular meat. The most delicious desserts are fruit jelly and local halva. Few of fruits.
Please note that most hotels do not include drinks in the tour price. Have to pay for the juices drinking water, alcohol. But you can collect water in a cooler for free in your bottle.
Animation. There are practically no show programs, karaoke, contests. In the evenings in 4 * and 5 * hotels you will be entertained only with live music.
Additional services. Swimming on the municipal beaches of Jordan is uncomfortable - they are still for the locals. Therefore, almost all hotels organize transfers to private beaches (Tala Bay). There you have to pay for umbrellas and sun loungers, unless you live on the beachfront.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take. If only because the tourist infrastructure is not yet developed, it is problematic to eat in local cafes outside the hotels.

All inclusive in Israel

Nutrition. As a rule, all inclusive is 3 meals a day, drinks in the bar are included in the price. The choice of dishes is usually large, but hotels do not offer anything special to try - standard cereals, pasta, potatoes and several types of meat (mainly chicken and turkey). There are almost no fish. Lots of dairy products and yoghurts. You will not find delicious desserts in a standard Israeli hotel - except perhaps fruits. As for drinks, they usually offer liqueurs, beer, juices from packages. Tourists are advised to take tea bags with them - there are problems with this.
Animation. Mainly designed for children. For adults, there can be discos and music in the evenings.
Additional services. If the hotel has a private beach, sun loungers and umbrellas are free of charge. If not, you will have to pay. But no one bothers you to lie down on your towel right on the sand.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take only if you are traveling with children. Do not take it if you are planning to walk without children - there are many inexpensive cafes and street tents with high-quality fast food in Eilat, Netanya, Tel Aviv. Self-catering will be cheaper than in a hotel. More delicious and more varied.

All inclusive in the UAE

Nutrition. All inclusive in Arabic is a high level service. Starched tablecloths, a la carte dishes, drinks are served in beautiful glasses. The amount of alcohol is usually limited. Waiters may well refuse another portion if they think you've had enough. Local drinks are included in the price, imported drinks are paid separately.
Restaurants are open only for breakfast, lunch and dinner - there is no 24-hour food here. If you need to have a snack during the day, then only for the money. The choice of dishes is large, but you will have to pay separately for delicacies (like lobsters).
Animation. It practically does not happen.
Additional services. Often, UAE hotels include free use of bicycles, boats, canoes, and a sauna in the all inclusive program. You will have to pay for sun loungers on the beaches if the hotel is not on the first line.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take in all emirates except Dubai - there you can eat more varied and cheap in street cafes.

All inclusive in Spain

Nutrition. In the resort European cities hotel all inclusive is similar to Turkish - buffet with a large selection of dishes. Lots of fresh vegetables, fish, seafood, meat dishes. Vegetables are cut separately, sauces are placed separately so that you can collect your own salad. Ice cream, pastries, cakes, jellies - a wide variety of desserts. All local drinks are free while the bar is open. Food and drinks cannot be taken out of the restaurant.
Please note: there is a significant difference between FB and ALL meals in Spain. For full board, drinks are free for breakfast only, and you have to pay for lunch and dinner. You cannot bring drinks to the restaurant, and the price for them in the hotel rises 2-3 times.
Animation. Almost never happens, except for discos and live music.
Additional services. Sun loungers and umbrellas are free only on private beaches, you will have to pay on municipal ones.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take in Mallorca and Tenerife - there it will be more expensive to eat in local cafes. On the Catalan coast, you can easily get by with breakfast or half board. There are plenty of affordable cafes serving delicious local tapas, paella, fresh seafood and sangria - definitely worth a try!

All inclusive in Cuba and the Dominican Republic

Nutrition. Shrimps, crabs, mussels, fish of all kinds, grilled meats, fresh salads that are prepared in front of you, and tropical fruits - all this is all inclusive in the Dominican Republic and Cuba. Local rum, several types of imported drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails are included in the price. In 2-3 * hotels there is a small selection of meat, but there is always seafood. If you are leaving for an excursion, you can ask the hotel for "dry rations" with sandwiches. Most often, food is available around the clock.
Animation. In Cuba - discos, shows, sports, beach bars. In the Dominican Republic - live music, exercises in the morning. The higher the star rating of the hotel, the more entertainment.
Additional services. Usually, the cost of accommodation includes the use of equipment for water sports - canoes, boats, catamarans, fishing rods, snorkeling masks. Sun loungers and umbrellas on private beaches are free. Towels are provided on bail.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Definitely take! Eating outside the hotel is more expensive, and the quality of the food is about the same.

All inclusive is a convenient system when you are traveling with children. Less cost, less risk, less whims. If on a trip you plan to go on excursions and spend a minimum of time at the hotel, choose half board.
In Asia, India, Indonesia, it is better to do without hotel food altogether or take only breakfast: it is cheap, tasty and interesting to eat on the street in order to get acquainted with the local culture. And in some countries, for example in the Seychelles, all inclusive is generally prohibited at the legislative level. So the government wants tourists to get to know the country more and get out of hotels more often.

All Inclusive is the All Inclusive catering system found in hotels around the world. This system is very popular in Turkey. When buying an All Inclusive hotel tour, you don't have to worry that you will have to pay for food and think about where to eat. But even “All Inclusive” can be different - we tell you what the differences can be and what you need to know about.

6., hotel 4 * (Beldibi)
7., hotel 5 * (Sarigerme)

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1. What is "All Inclusive"?

This is an All Inclusive food system. Choosing a hotel with "All Inclusive", you get three meals a day "buffet" (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and free drinks, including alcoholic ones.

2. But there are limitations

For example, breakfast, lunch and dinner always take place at the same time, so if you are late, you will have to pay for your food in the hotel cafe or bar. Also, most hotels have a time slot in which alcohol is provided. Usually this is from 10 am to 10 pm. Alcohol in "All Inclusive" is only local, imported - for an additional fee.

3. What then are the differences?

In a variety of food. For example, you can buy a tour to a three-star hotel in Turkey - and there will also be "All Inclusive" with three meals a day, only the variety of dishes will be less. In a five-star hotel with "All Inclusive" there will be more dishes: for example, not three side dishes, but five, a large selection of salads and several types of desserts. That is, the concept is one (three meals a day and drinks), and the difference in the quality and variety of dishes depends on the level of the hotel.

4. What else is included in "All Inclusive"?

V different hotels may be different Additional services, for which you do not need to pay extra: use of the safe and minibar in the room, massage, hammam and much more. Full list can be found in the hotel description.

5. What is Ultra all Inclusive?

This is an Ultra All Inclusive food system. It gives you much more privileges during your stay: for example, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, there can also be brunch and afternoon tea. Also, hotels operating on this system have a number of free services with which the hotel attracts guests:

Nutrition. It is more varied and is not limited to the standard set of “breakfast, lunch, dinner”. Also in the hotels "Ultra all Inclusive»There are also restaurants with different concepts (for example, with cuisines from different countries), and several visits to such restaurants are free for hotel guests.

Imported alcohol. In hotels with "All Inclusive" alcohol is only local production, and in "Ultra all Inclusive" there is also imported alcohol - and you do not need to pay extra for it. You will only have to pay for premium drinks at the bar.

Mini bar. It is either filled once before your arrival, or is constantly replenished. As a rule, you do not need to pay for drinks and food from the minibar in a hotel with the "Ultra all Inclusive" system.

Lots of entertainment. SPA, massage, bike rental, tennis, classes aquatic species sports, kids club - everything is free. Each hotel has its own list of free services. Paid services there are also, but there are very few of them - mainly car rental, extreme views sports (for example, water skiing) and more.
But be prepared for the fact that a tour with a hotel operating on the "Ultra all Inclusive" system will cost more than the usual "All Inclusive".

We have selected several hotels with "All Inclusive" and "Ultra all Inclusive" - ​​so you can see the differences between the services offered and choose the hotel that suits you.

✔ (Beldibi)

This hotel is located at the foot of the mountain in Beldibi and operates on the "All Inclusive" system. The hotel has its own pebble beach with free sun loungers and parasols. The hotel has indoor and outdoor pools, as well as waterslides... Guests can use the luggage storage room and in-room safe (charge). There is only water in the minibar.

The hotel has a free gym and table tennis, you can do aerobics and go to the sauna. For a surcharge, you can go for a relaxing massage or spa. An animation program is also organized for guests, and there is a mini-club for children. Children can also have fun in the separate children's pool and on the playground.

✔ (Sarigerme)

Alinn Boutique Hotel is located in paradise scenic location and works according to the "Ultra all Inclusive" system. The hotel has its own sandy beach across the road - there is a shuttle service. Sun loungers and towels are provided free of charge.

In-room guests can use a free safe and a minibar, which is filled with food and drinks before check-in. There is also a telephone and a TV with a Russian channel in the room.

You won't get bored at the hotel. It has 3 swimming pools, 2 restaurants (including an a la carte restaurant - when you order meals from the à la carte menu) and 3 bars. This is an adults-only hotel - children under 16 cannot be accommodated there.

The hotel territory is full of different entertainments. You can go to the fitness center, do aerobics, play tennis, billiards, darts or volleyball. After active sports, relax in Turkish bath, SPA center or sauna - admission is free. In the evenings, the hotel hosts entertainment programs and discos. And if you suddenly need to settle business matters, the hotel has a conference room, business center and free internet.

You can book these and other hotels in Turkey online. Yes, no need to go to a travel agency - just select the dates you like, the hotel you like, book and pay online in a couple of minutes! And if you want to see only All Inclusive and Ultra All Inclusive hotels, then select these options in the search results.

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