Where is the Crimea swallow's nest. Crimea swallow's nest history of creation. Wedding ceremonies

Swallow's nest in Crimea

Cape Ai-Todor

The rocky promontory, named after the extinct medieval monastery of St. Fyodor, is formed by three spurs. Sightseeing ships dock to the shore in a miniature bay of the eastern spur, whose name Limen-Burun naturally translates from Tatar as “the cape of the harbor”. A narrow strip of the coast is reliably protected from sea winds even during a storm, when the parking lots closest to Ay-Todor are closed. There are simply no other areas suitable for mooring ships and swimming on Ai-Todor - there are boulders and rocks all around.

On the miraculously preserved from the weathering patches of soil in Limen-Burun, juniper grows, enriching the air of the resort, it is no coincidence that patients with pneumonia and bronchitis are treated here. At the top of the cliff there is a real juniper grove, fenced with a railing. Vacationers walk along it and enjoy marine species... The observation deck is located at a height of 82 m, right above the sculpture of an eagle ready to take off. Opposite the spur, in the sea, the Parus rock is visible. Previously, it was connected to the Limen-Burun isthmus, but during the earthquake in 1927 the natural bridge was destroyed.

Military Camp Charax

The western spur, actually Ai-Todor, in ancient times, when the peninsula was Greek, was called Kriumetopon, or Sheep's forehead. Here in the I-III centuries. the Roman military colony Charax was established - the largest settlement of this kind in the Crimea. After the Romans, the Goths lived on the territory of the fortress, and then - peaceful fishermen. In accordance with the tasks of the camp, the builders did without frills, placing only the most necessary things on the seashore: barracks, baths, a sanctuary, an aqueduct, a necropolis. Full-fledged archaeological research of the ruins began in late XIX centuries, but they are not completed to this day.

In 1835, on the foundations of a Roman lighthouse at an altitude of 87 m above sea level, by order of the famous navigator M.P. Lazarev, a new lighthouse was laid. Outwardly resembling a squat white cylinder, surrounded by a coarse mesh and relict oaks and junipers, it still functions. The work of the lighthouse was interrupted only during the world wars and battles on the territory of the Crimean peninsula.

The palace of the Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich was named in honor of Kharax, located 15 minutes walk west of the Swallow's Nest. The ensemble is famous for its park with 200 species of cultivated plants. The gray limestone building with red tiles follows the tradition of Scottish architecture, quite unexpected among the lush subtropical vegetation.

Charax Palace of Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich

Avrorina Skala

The middle part of the cape in the Middle Ages served as a haven for monks hiding from the bustle of the world. The Tatars, who assigned the name Monastyr-Burun to the spur, did not bother them. TO XIX century when not a trace remained of the monastery, the rock received a poetic name in honor of the ancient Greek goddess of the morning dawn Aurora.

Panorama of the castle and surroundings

The history of the Swallow's Nest complex

It was on Aurora Rock in the 70s of the twentieth century that the first "Swallow's Nest" appeared - an unremarkable wooden building on the edge of the cliff. At that time, the cape was built up with cottages for patients, and a doctor and his family settled near the cliff. After his death, the widow organized a major overhaul, gave the building a presentable look and sold it as a country house. Baron Steingel became the new owner of the snow-white house. Soon he initiated the construction of another building to replace the cracked old one.

Construction and reconstruction of the "Swallow's Nest"

The author of the project was Leonid Sherwood, a representative of the famous creative dynasty, who until that time had shown himself only as a sculptor. In accordance with the wishes of the owner of the site, it was decided to take advantage of the experience of European architecture and create a building in the neo-Gothic style, with its characteristic narrow graceful spiers and towers directed into the sky. The emphasis was placed on the exterior of the house, the interiors remained unworked. The next owner of the house built in 1912, Rokhmanova, arranged the interior in the Old Russian style, discordant with the exterior. However, after a few years, not a trace remained of the unsuccessful design decision: during the Civil War, the territory passed to the Bolsheviks, but before that it was almost completely plundered by looters.

During the NEP period, the building was repaired and a restaurant was set up in it. The earthquake of 1927 destroyed part of the balcony and the garden - they simply fell into the sea, while miraculously there were no casualties. The young state did not have money for the complete restoration of the complex, therefore, until the 60s, the building stood simply fenced off from unwary visitors. Gradually turning into ruins, "Swallow's Nest" still remained an excellent background for photographs. During the reconstruction of the late 60s, the building was literally dismantled by stones, an earthquake-resistant base was installed, and then assembled in the reverse order, keeping the original appearance. All materials were brought by hand, since heavy equipment could not drive up to the Aurora rock, in which the crack was also repaired. Since 1971, the facility has been open to tourists. Exhibitions were held inside the house, and a restaurant was open until, in 2016, engineering surveys confirmed a new collapse hazard.

Dacha "White Swallow"

Some sources claim that the merchant Shelaputin was the owner of the Swallow's Nest, and it was he who came up with the idea to create a neo-Gothic landmark in Crimea. Historians are sure that there was confusion: just 30 meters from the real "nest" there is a two-storey cottage "White Swallow", built by order of Shelaputin in 1888. Part of the Zhemchuzhina sanatorium, in 2002 it was reconstructed and is now rented to tourists for living. The object is absolutely safe, since it is far from the edge of the cliff, but from its terrace there is an excellent view of the Swallow's Nest and the sea.

Architectural features of the Swallow's Nest castle

Sherwood was often criticized for lack of taste, pointing to an excessive number of tiers and towers per unit area. In fact, such a building density was forced: a plot of land suitable for work occupied only 10 by 20 m, and it was supposed to live in the house. Initially, the Swallow's Nest complex included a residential building, a summer kitchen with amenities and a watchman's house. The owners were housed in a 12-meter, two-story tower, in tiny bedrooms, a more substantial living room was laid out further from the cliff. What the author can really be blamed for is ill-conceived additional protection for the foundation. In an earthquake-prone area, it was possible to say with absolute certainty that conventional measures were not enough and the building would be partially or completely in the sea. This is exactly what happened just 15 years after the end of construction.

Active recreation in the surroundings

Under Avrorina rock, below the water level, there is a network of grottoes up to 10 m deep. The narrow entrance to it is located at a depth of 8 meters, therefore, single diving without an experienced instructor and flashlights is strictly prohibited. The grottoes are called the Ichthyander Caves in memory of the movie "Amphibian Man", which was filmed in these places.

Another option extreme rest available only to professional athletes. From time to time, acrobatic jumping competitions are held on Aurora Rock. A push-off platform is installed at a height of 27 m. Without this device, a daredevil throwing himself down from the height of a city high-rise building is guaranteed to crash against the rocks.

swallow's Nest- one of the most popular places, which by its appearance fully justifies beautiful name... The castle is located on the top of the 40-meter cliff of Aurora, which is located on the central ledge of Cape Ai-Todor and presents an unusually picturesque view from all sides. As a kind of crown of the rock and a symbol of Crimea, the castle attracts many tourists every year from different countries who want to admire the beauty of this place.

The history of the castle dates back to the end of the 19th century, and its initial appearance radically different from the current one. It was a country house, the first owner of which, a retired general, showed courage and built a one-storey building on a steep cliff, giving it the name "Castle of Love". With such a wooden house, the future castle was captured and remained on the canvases of Aivazovsky, Logorio and other famous artists of that time.

From that moment on, the future castle began its countdown, while changing several owners until it was acquired by the German entrepreneur Rudolf Stengel, who gave the building the appearance of a European medieval castle in miniature. The modern "Swallow's Nest" is a small castle and resembles a copy of a classic castle in the Gothic style with sharp spiers and curly, lancet windows.

This stunning sight beckons and attracts the eyes of travelers like a magnet. The fascinatingly unusual location of the building acts as a bold architectural solution. The white stone walls of the castle are visible from afar, especially, it is beautiful in the evening illumination, at sunset of the day or in the morning hours of dawn. During its existence, the castle has undergone many changes, and after the earthquake it was temporarily closed as an object for excursion visits, but was subsequently restored, fortified and reopened.

The swallow's nest had a chance to visit both as a restaurant and as a sanatorium, but the castle withstood all the trials, it even became even more beautiful. Today the castle is not only a work of architectural art, but also an original restaurant where you can spend an evening in a cozy atmosphere and buy a souvenir as a souvenir. But to get inside the castle, you have to overcome an obstacle of 1200 steps, so many admire the surroundings of the castle from the observation deck, from where other sights that are so rich in Crimea are clearly visible.

You can get to the castle by sea by boat and by land by shuttle taxi... Of course, it is better to visit the Swallow's Nest as part of an excursion to hear fascinating stories about the sights of Crimea from the mouth of the guide, in particular, about this castle extraordinary beauty, which is located in the village of Gaspra. It is like a snow-white lighthouse on a steep cliff soars between sky and sea. The castle is deservedly considered one of the best places on the planet, therefore, many scenes of famous domestic and foreign films were filmed here.

Swallow's Nest - Gothic Crimean castle with a difficult and dramatic history.

The Swallow's Nest is a landmark and a symbol of the South Coast of Crimea, its decoration, a place that attracts tourists, where movies are made, where lovers make appointments. A mysterious castle, about which there are many stories. How was it really?

The swallow's nest rises above the blue sea. / Photo: www.grifon-tur.ru

Construction of the cottage "Castle of Love" on the rock

Active construction of palaces on the southern coast of Crimea began at the end of the 18th century. People came here to improve their health, admire the magnificent sea views and just relax. Particular attention was drawn to the Aurora Skala, which towered over the sea surface. Undoubtedly, this could not be ignored.

The first to build a house in this place was a veteran of the Russian-Turkish war, a general, whose name, unfortunately, is not known today. He built a summer cottage and gave it the romantic name Castle of Love. The construction did not last long, the general himself watched the progress of the work, and soon a wooden one-story country house took its place on the Aurora rock.

A. Goryachev. Painting Swallow's Nest.

The castle of love was painted by famous artists such as Aivazovsky, Bogolyubov, Lagorio. It has always attracted the attention of travelers and locals.

Host succession

After the death of the general, the wooden house was sold to Albert Tobin, who at that time was a member of the Yalta city council. Tobin was not satisfied with the appearance of the wooden house, and he began its reconstruction. It was at this time that the structure received the name Swallow's Nest. However, for some reason, the Tobins' family could not complete what they had begun, and the dacha was sold to Anna Rakhmanova. She was a rich and capricious lady, led several tenement houses in Moscow and had every opportunity to realize her fantasies. The wooden house was demolished without regret, and the merchant's wife began to build a stone palace. But Rakhmanov did not last long either - in 1911 she sold the Swallow's Nest to the oil industrialist Baron von Stengel.

The castle is magnificent against the backdrop of the sea sunset. / Photo: pimg.mycdn.me

In 1912, a small castle with all the trappings of the Gothic style appeared on the mountain.

Project change, the work of the architect Sherwood

The baron decided to completely change the appearance of the castle, the project for this was made by the famous Moscow architect A.V. Sherwood, who had a difficult job ahead of him. The foundation for the building was not too large and had a length of 20 and a width of 10 meters, while the height of the castle was 12 meters. With such dimensions, it was necessary to make the internal structure of the house appropriate.

Castle, interior decoration. / Photo: www.azovskiy.net

It was decided to arrange the entrance hall, living room and two bedrooms in series, connecting them with steps. The Baron really liked the idea of ​​the architect, he invested in the castle with great pleasure, dreaming of a piece ancient homeland on the Crimean land. For the construction of the gothic handsome man, gray Crimean limestone and yellow Evpatoria stone were used. However, von Stengel did not manage to enjoy the dacha romance: in July 1914, the First World War broke out and he had to return to his homeland. The castle with the flying name Swallow's Nest was sold to the merchant Shelaputin.

Design flaws

Despite its stunning appearance, the castle had many structural flaws. Experts point out the wrong proportions of the structure. All parts are mechanically connected, but with a polar load, they do not attract, but seem to push each other. Outwardly, the castle seems to be very unstable, there is a feeling that at any second it can fall apart and fall off the cliff.

N. Osipenko. Swallow's Nest.

Today it is difficult to say why the architect chose such a strange combination - two cubic elements and a flat prismatic one. Perhaps this was done on purpose. The elements of the building seem to be piled on top of each other, each towering above the bottom. The window and door openings are also not too precise, and the interior decoration is too harsh. In the grand hall there is a large fireplace, bronze lamps, inlay and a carved ceiling with volumetric dragons. A large number of coats of arms from past centuries. And at the same time, all this is diluted with gloomy wooden beams with large fasteners.

If we ignore the nagging related to the architectural concept, the rest of the Swallow's Nest looks just amazing, perhaps its ill-conceivedness leads to this effect - a lonely building above the deep sea attracts the eye.

Restaurant opening

The castle was sold to Shelaputin. Many believe that it was this man who made a restaurant out of him. This is a mistake, since in 1914 the patron of the arts Shelaputin died in Switzerland. The castle went to his heirs. According to some historians, opening a restaurant in such scenic location decided by the manager of the Shelaputin estate in order to increase his income.

A favorite place for vacationers. / Photo: qrim.org

Despite all the efforts, the plan did not bring much results, since Russia was shaken by the wars. First World War I, then Civil War, and the new government nationalized the Shelaputins' estate, closing the restaurant.

During the NEP, the castle was supplemented with an open terrace, and the restaurant began to function again, and worked until 1927, when the Crimea was shaken by the famous Yalta earthquake. The castle survived, but passed into the category of emergency buildings.

The castle after the Crimean earthquake. / Photo: 24.ru

What was in the castle in Soviet times and how it was repaired, what is now

Despite the emergency state of the building, in the thirties a library from the Zhemchuzhina sanatorium was opened in it. The authorities, giving up on the accident rate, decided to use the castle for their own purposes. However, the cracks began to widen and the library was closed. The era of waiting has arrived.

Many years later, at the end of the sixties, specialists under the leadership of the architect I.G. Tatieva were still able to repair the Swallow's Nest. The specialists have strengthened the foundation, the facade and interior rooms have undergone minor changes. A monolithic slab was brought under the building, and the castle itself was completely surrounded by anti-seismic belts. A huge work was done, difficult, hard, because special construction equipment had to be adjusted to the object, lifting cranes, and all this on narrow roads for cars.

Today, there is a large souvenir market at the foot of the castle. Tourists can buy here a variety of small seafood crafts, paintings and photographs, towels and trays, dishes and fridge magnets, all featuring the magnificent, mysterious, long-suffering Swallow's Nest.

The palace-castle Swallow's Nest in Crimea is considered one of the most amazing places peninsula and its business card... Who has not heard of the Swallow's Nest? Probably not everyone has been, but certainly everyone has heard.

On our Crimean trip, we also did not bypass such a famous landmark and went on an independent excursion to personally look at the Swallow's Nest.

We drove to the Swallow's Nest from (below we will tell you how to get there), got off at the stop after the Parus sanatorium. Here, right by the road, she met us observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the Swallow's Nest and its surroundings. There are also souvenir shops and kiosks with soft drinks, pies and other snacks.

The Swallow's Nest Castle was built in the village of Gaspra, on the 40-meter-high Aurora cliff of Cape Ai-Todor, so that it seems as if the palace is about to collapse into the sea waters.

A truly magnificent sight, it is already breathtaking. This view alone is worth coming to look at the Swallow's Nest from this point.

Here, near the observation deck, to the left of it, you will see a sign telling which way to go to the Swallow's Nest castle. The sign says that there are 1200 steps to the castle. An impressive amount, isn't it? But in reality everything turned out much easier, the path was easy, and there were fewer steps, they counted personally.

Turning down the signpost, here you are greeted by the exhibition "Garden of living tropical butterflies". We did not go to the world of butterflies, but we looked at the large butterflies sold here.

On the way, we see that the Swallow's Nest is getting closer and closer and becoming more and more beautiful.

On the way, there will be platforms with cafes and souvenir shops, as well as a beautiful view of the cliffs and the endless blue sea. This view is mesmerizingly gorgeous.

Here we are at the goal. The road was interesting and short-lived. Near the castle itself there is a small observation deck and recreation areas are equipped.

Admiring the Swallow's Nest castle. This is not visible from afar, but coming closer you can see that part of the castle's territory is not just located at the very edge of the cliff, but goes beyond its limits and hangs over the water.

On postcards, photographs and posters, the Swallow's Nest looks voluminous and impressive in size. So it seemed to us that it was a very large building. In fact, the nest turned out to be a completely small castle, on the contrary, it was somehow small and seemed to descend from the pages of a fairy tale or which had previously served as a Barbie doll's house.

I must say, the impression was twofold, on the one hand we were struck by the miniature size of the castle, and on the other hand, it produced an impressively fabulous and some kind of toy kind of fortress. It was as if you were on the set of a Hollywood film, on which the appearance was recreated, but in miniature.

Information plate on the castle wall

The castle Swallow's Nest itself and the area around it are clean and well-groomed. The entrance to the territory of the castle is free and free. But you can't just get inside, the interior premises are given over to various exhibitions.

Just above the Swallow's Nest itself, there is another small observation deck, from which an even more beautiful view of the castle itself, rocks, the sea and its surroundings opens. The palace has lancet windows, several tiers of a crenellated roof, and the main decoration is a high tower with spiers.

The cliff below is impressive

They decided not to tell anything about the history of the castle, since such information can be found with interest on the Internet, in the same Wikipedia.

They returned back the same way, only not down, but up the steps

Stop right next to the signpost and souvenir tents. The entire inspection of the Swallow's Nest along with the road took us about 3 hours. Money was spent - 120 rubles for a bus in both directions, we were traveling from Yalta.

If you figure it out, then in one day you can see two Crimean sights at once - Swallow's Nest and Mount Ai-Petri. Moreover, they are close by. From the Swallow's Nest there is nothing to drive in the direction of Alupka and you are already at cable car Ai-Petri. Many do just that, first to the nest, then to the cable car to Ai-Petri.

How to get to the Swallow's Nest castle

By bus:

Buses run from Yalta from the upper platform of the bus station, buses run often. On the plate next to the bus number, the swallow's nest will be written in large letters. Just in case, it is better to ask the drivers which bus will go first and whether it will get to the Swallow's Nest, since there are a lot of buses.

You need to get there before the stop after the Parus sanatorium, you can, of course, get off on the sail itself, the distance is short, but still ask the driver to stop in front of the Swallow's Nest, the Swallow's Nest stop. Drive back in the same way. One-way travel costs 30 rubles.

There are also buses from the city center.

Buses can be reached from other cities of the Crimea.

By car or taxi:

There are several ways, you can go on any, depending on where you are heading. For example, through Kurpaty along the Alupkinskoye highway (if from cities from the Yalta side). You can also go along the Yuzhnoberezhnoye highway N19, then on the Sevastopol highway T2709 and go to Alupkinskoye, towards the sea following the signs "Swallow's Nest".

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"Swallow's Nest" - the same toy castle on a sheer cliff, which adorns almost all the covers of travel publications about South Shore Crimea. It's no joke, even on the cover of National Geographic, this castle managed to visit. And this despite the fact that this building cannot be called a real castle.

The "Swallow's Nest" is purely decorative, and even crumbles, it is being restored all the time ... This Crimean landmark has always aroused controversial feelings for me. Some kind of mixture of wonder and disappointment.

But being near Yalta and not visiting the well-known "pearl" is also not the case. You just need to do it right ...


So where did the Swallow's Nest castle come from? Unfortunately, I won't tell any romantic stories. A place on a cliff with a beautiful view of the sea was first chosen by some general and built a dacha for himself. This happened in 1880, the building was made of wood. Then the plot with the house passed from one owner to another, along the way it got its beautiful name - Swallow's Nest. And in 1901, Baron Steingel bought the site and decided to build a romantic castle, just like in his native Germany. This is how the castle appeared in the form we know it now.

But the change of owners did not stop there. "Swallow's Nest" passed from hand to hand, and at one time it was completely abandoned - survived the largest earthquake in Crimea. And so, after the establishment of Soviet power on the peninsula, the castle became accessible to everyone. By the way, already in 1968 it was necessary to strengthen the foundation of the castle so that it ... would not fall into the sea.

Castle "Swallow's Nest" in Crimea: today

And a little uninteresting modern history... "Swallow's Nest" is constantly used for different purposes. For quite a long time there was an Italian restaurant with dubious cuisine and exorbitant prices. Then there were exhibitions of artists, and now they show us interior of the castle... At one time, the entrance to the territory was paid, but it was illegal.

Now there is another reconstruction and we must be prepared for the fact that it is forbidden to go to the "balcony" over the sea. We'll have to be content with views of the back of the castle. But! It still takes your breath away when you look at this 40-meter rock, crowned with stone palace with turrets. Anyway, this fairytale castle bears the status of an object cultural heritage federal significance. So you have to go and look, but it is better to go or swim to this fragile beauty.

"Swallow's Nest": where it is and how best to get there

Castle address: Russia, Crimea, Bolshaya, Gaspra village, Alupkinskoe highway 9a. Exact coordinates for online maps: 44.430662 N, 34.128532 E. For GPS navigators: 44 ° 25.839 ", 34 ° 7.119.

And now in an understandable tourist language. "Swallow's Nest" is located 20 km from Yalta and the main flow of tourists comes from Yalta. Near the "Swallow's Nest" itself there are villages that are part of Big Yalta: Gaspra and Kurpaty. There are three ways to get to the castle. And be sure that the perception of the attraction itself depends on your choice. So, you can get there:

If you got to the castle from the Livadia Palace or by minibus / car, then you will find yourself at the "Swallow's Nest" stop. Here you can start taking the first shots with observation platforms, but to the palace you still have to walk 800 meters along the stairs past the sanatoriums.

And here it is - a fairy-tale castle - rises on a cliff and just begs for the sight of the camera. You can enjoy its aesthetic benefits and take good photos.

"Swallow's Nest": the best locations for photos

I will share my favorite and most advantageous sites for photographing the "Swallow's Nest" and myself against its background:

What to do at the "Swallow's Nest"

By the way, some important practical information: from November to May, the palace-castle is open from 10:00 to 16:00 (Monday is a day off), and from June to October from 10:00 to 19:00 (seven days a week). The entrance is free. At the very entrance there is free toilet... Everything is clear with photographs - this is one of the main entertainments here. There are a few more options for your pastime, for an amateur.

Where to eat near the "Swallow's Nest"