777 200 nord wind best places. North wind. Salon and best seats

Rossiya Airlines began operations back in 1992. During this time, the company has gained great popularity among passengers, and now Rossiya is a member of Aeroflot groups. The company transports a million passengers annually, increasing route network... For all flights you need to have a good fleet in your arsenal. That is why the fleet includes modern aircraft, For example Boeing 777.


The Boeing 777 appeared not so long ago, in 1994. Liners immediately became popular, they were ordered by many of the world's leading companies. The airline “has several such planes and several more are on order. Specifications Boeing 777-300 the following:

  • Length - 74 meters.
  • The capacity is about 400 people.
  • Cruising speed - 905 kilometers per hour.
  • The flight range is up to 12 thousand kilometers.
  • The maximum flight altitude is 13,100 meters.

Boeing 777-300 is good for long-distance flights which are often hosted by the airline. The liners are in excellent condition, as they entered service not so long ago. The average age of all aircraft is two and a half years. You should know that in general the entire fleet of "Russia" is very new, the average age of all Boeings is 4 years.

The layout of the Boeing 777-300 airline "Russia"

The seats on the company's aircraft are located as follows:

Boeing 777-300 of Rossiya Airlines is divided for several classes:

  • Business Class. Located in the bow of the aircraft, it can accommodate 30 passengers.
  • Comfortable class. Located behind business class, the number of seats is 48.
  • Economy class. Standard on-board service, accommodates about 330 people.

Armchairs are usually arranged according to the principle: 9 seats in a row or 10 seats in a row (in the middle there are 4 seats, and on the sides - 3). According to tourists, the Boeing 777-300 is a fairly comfortable airliner. Occasionally, people complain about uncomfortable seating, narrow aisles, or missing windows on some seats.

The best seats on the Boeing 777-300

When choosing places to fly, study the aircraft layout and listen to your desires. In the picture there is a photo of the aircraft cabin to make it easier to navigate:

  • From the first to the fifth rows - Business Class... There are two seats here, only 6 seats in a row. The chairs themselves are wide enough, the distance between them is increased, which means there is more legroom. The chairs themselves are comfortable and soft.
  • 11-16 rows. These seats are in the compartment comfort class... The seats here are arranged according to the "2-4-2" scheme. The distance between the seats is slightly reduced, so there is less legroom. But this class has its pros and cons. The most uncomfortable row is row 11, its disadvantage is that the partition in front of the seats is too close. In addition, there is a toilet nearby, which can interfere with your peace of mind during the flight.
  • 17 row. This is the first row economy class, there are no neighbors in front, so the seats will not be reclined on you, and your legs can be straightened as you like. Only in this row, the side seats are arranged in pairs, and in others, the seats are already arranged in three.
  • Row 18, seats C and N. There are no neighbors in the front, so there is a lot of legroom. These places are located in the middle of the aircraft, the pitching will be minimally noticeable.
  • 24 row. Located after the emergency exits, there are no neighbors in front of you. But there is a toilet nearby, so you may hear unpleasant sounds and smells, especially in places D and G.
  • Row 38. Same as 24. There is an emergency exit and a kitchen nearby. But a lot of legroom.
  • Rows 47-49, seats A, C, H and K. From these seats, the side seats are again arranged in pairs. But the aisles do not become wider because of this, it is quite possible that passing passengers or flight attendants will interfere with you.

Nice seats in the Boeing 777-300

Let's dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of Boeing 777-300 passenger seats:

  • 12 row, places C, D, G, N. All these places - lateral at the aisle... People will often pass to the toilet here, so they can interfere with you, since the passages themselves are not very wide.
  • 20 row, window seats... The key word is "Window", which just may not be here. Passengers often complain that this particular aisle has no porthole.
  • 23 row. These are the last places in front of the exits, the backs of the chairs can be reclined here. But behind you there will be toilet, so people will often walk by you, especially it can interfere with the aisle seating.
  • Row 36. Similar to row 23. Behind you will be toilet and technical rooms... The walking of people will be noticeable most of all on the ground.
  • 50 row. A similar situation with the previous rows. Toilets located behind the seats can interfere with your recline the seat back and people will often flicker past you.

Worst seats in a Boeing 777-300

The Boeing 777 has few bad places... Each seat has its pros and cons, but these are not the places to choose:

  • Row 37. The row is located in front of the cupboard and toilet, the walls of these rooms will prevent you from reclining the backs completely. In addition, the outer seats - D and G will touch passers-by.
  • 51 row. A similar situation as in the 37th row. There is a sideboard behind the chairs, which means that the backs of the chairs cannot be folded back.

Salon interior

Business class has comfortable leather seating. They have a folding table, comfortable armrests, a plasma screen. The seats themselves can be expanded 180 degrees. The design of this part of the cabin is usually made in classic colors - blue, red, white.

The Boeing 777-300 business class looks something like this

The comfort class is very comfortable and spacious. The seats are arranged here according to the "2-4-2" scheme. The interior is slightly different from the business class. The chairs are not leather here, the distance between them has decreased. The seats are made in the corporate colors. Not every flight offers this class of service.

Seating arrangement in comfort class Boeing 777-300 Russia

Economy class is the easiest to decorate, the seats are standard, but comfortable. The layout of the cabin may vary slightly from aircraft to aircraft. The main colors in the design are dark. The aisle and row spacing are very narrow.

In general, the Boeing 777-300 of Rossiya Airlines is a large and comfortable airliner capable of carrying a large number of long distance passengers.

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The Boeing 777-200 is an excellent liner designed for ultra-long routes. It can accommodate several hundred passengers. The basic version was developed back in the 90s. Since then, more than 550 aircraft of this model have been produced and delivered (including two modifications of increased flight range). Today Boeing 777-200 is used on intercontinental and transatlantic flights. Let's talk about the characteristics of the liner, the layout of the cabin and the peculiarities of choosing a seat on the plane, which is very important during a many-hour flight.

Liner features

The aircraft is almost 64 meters long and 18.5 meters high. The wingspan is 61 meters. An empty plane weighs almost 140 tons, the maximum takeoff weight- more than 247 tons. Boeing 777 can climb to a height of 13 kilometers, reaching speeds of up to 965 km / h. It is capable of taking on board from 314 to 440 passengers.

The Boeing 777 is the first airliner to be built without a single paper drawing and is fully CGI.

The base model Boeing 777-200 cannot boast of impressive flight range performance, since it was originally intended for domestic routes - it is able to cover a little less than 10 thousand kilometers.

Later, the 777-200ER modification appeared. It was distinguished by an increased flight range. The plane could cover up to 14.3 thousand kilometers and was already intended for transatlantic flights.

The next variant, the Boeing 777-200LR, has become the longest-range airliner in the commercial segment. It is capable of flying over a distance of 15.8 thousand kilometers, so that it can easily connect two airports anywhere in the world.

Boeing 777-200 is operated by such airlines as Emirates, KLM, Qatar, British Airways, Air France and others. Long-haul liners are in the fleet Nord wind and Iraero.

Salon layout

There are several options for the layout of the liner cabin.

  • The most capacious is the one-class version, where only one economy class is provided - such a Boeing is capable of accommodating up to 440 passengers in the cabin.
  • Boeing 777-200 in a two-class layout (economy plus business) can accommodate up to 400 people.
  • The capacity of the liner with a three-class layout is 301-305 passengers.

Features of the choice of seats

Before moving on to specific layouts, here are some universal tips. Pay attention to the rows in front of partitions and emergency exits - the angle of inclination of the seat backs is usually limited here. Spending 10 hours without the opportunity to lie back and rest normally is a rather dubious pleasure. So it is worth choosing these places only as a last resort - when there are no other options.

On the one hand, it is convenient to sit in places located near the bathrooms, because you do not need to go far. On the other hand, queues of other passengers will constantly gather in the aisle here, so one can only dream of peace.

If you are flying with a small child, check with the airline's representatives to see if the cabin is equipped with cradles for cradles. If yes, then declare your intention to take these places in advance, because there may be many applicants.

Seats after emergency exits have one indisputable advantage - the distance to the seat in front is much greater here than on standard rows. But these seats are usually paid - airlines position them as seats superior comfort... At the same time, not everyone will be able to sit here, but only those who pass according to the safety criteria. Children, pregnant women, passengers with disabilities cannot be accommodated here.

Salon Boeing 777-200 ER "Nord Wind"

Six Boeing 777-200ER are in the fleet of NordWind Airlines. All liners are made in a single-class layout and are designed for 440 passengers. The layouts of the liners' salons differ depending on the vessel, although the differences, as a rule, relate to the layout of some rows, as well as the location and number of bathrooms in the cabin. To determine the place, find out in advance the tail number of the aircraft you are going to fly, and then find its layout on the airline's website.

For example, consider the scheme of a Boeing 777-200 ER with the tail number VQ-BUD.

The layout of the liner cabin can be studied at the link.

The salon is divided into three blocks. There are three kitchens, which are located at the beginning and the tail. Toilet rooms are also allocated at the beginning, middle and end of the aircraft - there are nine in total.

The layout of the seats on most of the rows is as follows: three seats on the left, four in the center, three on the right. At the beginning and at the tail of the plane, there are rows where two seats are located on the left and right.

Despite the fact that all seats belong to economy class, the carrier distinguishes among them three subcategories of seats:

  • Comfortable places. They are distinguished by increased legroom. These include rows 1, 12, 13, 36 and 37. These seats can only be selected for an additional fee. Prices are 1000-1500 rubles for domestic flights and 20-75 euros for international ones.
  • The preferred rows are the three rows following the "comfort" rows. Rates here vary from 500 to 700 rubles for domestic flights and from 15 to 50 euros for international routes.
  • All other seats are categorized as standard. But here, too, there are both more and less successful chairs.

The seats of the first row, in addition to the larger space, are also distinguished by the presence of mounts for cradles for children. So there is a high probability of being close to young children - and they, as you know, are not always calm.

Rows 2, 3 and 4 are preferred locations. Here you will be served earlier, and upon arrival you will be the fastest to leave the aircraft cabin.

Two more luxury seats are in the third row (seats 3C and 3H). Since only two seats are installed in the first two rows near the windows, no one sits in front of the passengers, due to this the space increases and you can safely stretch your legs into the aisle.

Rows 5 to 11 are standard seats of the first block. The peculiarity of the 10th row is that there are only seven seats (in a 2 + 3 layout), on the right, instead of seats, there is a technical unit. And in the 11th row there are only 4 seats in the center.

The second block includes rows 12 to 35. There are also comfortable seats (DEFG 12 rows, HJK 16 rows and ABC 17 rows). There is enough legroom in front to stretch them out. The peculiarity of the 16 and 17 rows is that there are attachments for the cradles. And the disadvantage of the 12th row is the placement of seats in the center of the cabin - so passengers will not be able to admire the views from the window. Another disadvantage of all the aforementioned rows is the proximity to toilets, so it will always be crowded and noisy here.

Next to the comfort seats are three "preferred rows" (seats ABC from rows 18 to 20, DEFG seats from rows 13 to 15, HJK seats 17-19 rows).

The worst places are the seats in the last row of this block (row 35). Due to the close proximity to the partitions of the technical blocks, the seat backs do not recline here. The rest of the rows of the block are standard seats.

The third block of seats also starts with enhanced comfort seats (seats DEFG 36 rows, ABC and HJK 37 rows), then three rows of "preferred" paid seats, then standard seats.

The peculiarity of the layout in the third block is that, starting from row 47, there are not three, but two chairs near the windows. The reason is design features liner and the narrowing of the fuselage.

Boeing 777-200 "Iraero": interior layout

Another Russian carrier that uses the Boeing 777-200 is Iraero Airlines. Its aircraft are distinguished by a two-class cabin layout. The liner has a capacity of 371 passengers.

You can see the layout of the salon.

Business class is designed for 11 people. There are two rows of chairs - they are all comfortable and comfortable.

Economy Class starts with row 3 and seats 360 passengers.

The best seats are all 3, 8, 26 rows, as well as ABC and HJK 27 rows. These seats are located behind Business Class and emergency exits, so there is more space than the rest of the seats.

The worst places are the last rows of each block. These are rows 25, 39 and 40. Due to the location behind the technical blocks, the backrests here are limited in reclining. You should not choose seats C and H of the 35th row - due to the narrowing of the fuselage, the backs of these seats also do not recline, so you will have to spend the entire flight in one position.

The rest of the seats do not differ from each other in terms of comfort.

Boeing 77 airliners were developed in the 1990s. These aircraft were intended for long-distance flights. The 777-200 model is notable for the fact that all of its developments were carried out without paper. That is, no drawings were made. The preference was given to computer graphics.

The liner began to carry out passenger transportation in 1995. During the production of these aircraft, its variants were developed and built. This is the 777-200ER, which has an increased flight range, the 777-200 LR, capable of operating on ultra-long-range routes, and the 777-200 Frighter, the cargo version. It should also be called the Boeing 777-30. This modification differs from the basic one (777) in that it has an elongated fuselage.

The aircraft, depending on the layout of the cabin, can carry from 305 to 550 passengers. Its various variants are capable of operating on lines with a range from 9100 to 17500 kilometers. It was on the Boeing-777 that the record for the flight range for passenger airliners was set. It is 21601 kilometers.

Salon and best seats

Quite often, the cabin layout is presented in three classes. These are business class, comfort and economy class. In this case, the liner can take on board 402 passengers.

The layout of the seats is 3 + 4 + 3. In the tail section, where the fuselage narrows, the scheme is 2 + 4 + 2. Business class has 30 seats, while economy class has the largest number of seats.

The kitchen and toilets are located in the bow and aft of the liner. In addition, they are located in the middle of the cabin, at the beginning and at the end.

Of course, the most comfortable seats are in business class and comfort class. However, the majority of passengers travel in Economy Class. There is less comfort here. The vast majority of seats are of standard comfort, but there are better and worse seats.

The first in this class is the 17th row. The seats here are the most convenient, since there is an emergency hatch in front, which means there is a lot of free space and you can stretch your legs.

In the next, 18-lm row, seats C and H are the most comfortable. It is far from the utility rooms, there are no chairs in front. That is, there is a lot of legroom.

Rows 24, 38 and 39. The seats in the middle part literally border on the kitchen or toilets. Minus - traveling passengers. Plus, there are no neighbors and a lot of space ahead.

For seats in rows 12, 13, 14 (exception - 3 last places in the 12th row), the backs of the seats recline not a small angle. The reason is that they are located in the immediate vicinity of the kitchen. The same lack of seats in the 39th and 39th rows. But this is not about the kitchen. There are bathrooms nearby. Another drawback is that passengers move in the aisles almost all the time.

In the part of the cabin, close to the tail, there are also best places... They are also in the 45th row. It is located just behind the escape hatch. Passengers have plenty of legroom here.

Those sitting in row 46 seats are uncomfortable. The reason is that there are toilets nearby.

There are amenities in the 54th, 55th and 56th rows. Here, due to the narrowing of the cabin, the seats are only in pairs.

The next, 57th row, as well as the 58th row has disadvantages. There are utility rooms and toilets behind. Due to the presence of walls behind the chairs, their backs do not unfold.

Some clarifications about the seats in front of the escape hatches. Although they are considered the most comfortable, there are restrictions for some categories of passengers. Pregnant women, children, passengers with children or pets are not allowed here. It is forbidden to provide seats here for elderly passengers and foreigners who do not speak Russian well or English... Preference is given to men who inspire confidence. Such passengers in case emergency help the flight attendant open the hatch, help evacuate people.


The Boeing 777-200, which gained popularity rather quickly, is the largest aircraft with two engines. These engines are the most powerful and largest used in aviation.

The peculiarity of the aircraft, among other things, is the composite materials present in its structure. Their total weight is nine percent of the weight of the aircraft.

The liner also has the largest and most powerful landing gear. His tires are also the largest and most durable. In particular, one tire is capable of withstanding a 27-ton load.

The cruising speed of this aircraft is 905 kilometers per hour, the maximum is 945. The liner is able to climb to an altitude of 13100 meters.

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The Boeing 777-300ER is one of the largest and most popular wide-body aircraft in the world. The Boeing's wingspan is 61 meters, comparable to the width of a football field.

The length of the aircraft itself is just over 63 meters. The height from the asphalt to the tip of the tail is 18.5 meters.

Boeing 777-300ER can lift a mass equal to a little more than its own in the air.

This modification of the aircraft flies at a higher speed than its smaller relatives, the average cruising speed of the Boeing 777-300ER is 909 km / h, and the maximum is 965 km / h.

For comparison, 20-30 years ago, only combat aircraft, fighters and bombers, flew at such a speed. Same way, this modification Boeing 777-300ER has a significant flight ceiling, it can take off into the air to an altitude of 13100 meters.

The possible maximum flight range of the Boeing 777-300ER (loaded) is: 10110 kilometers, therefore this type of aircraft makes not only short-haul, but also long-haul flights.

The minimum crew for a Boeing 777-300ER flight is 2 people, a pilot and a co-pilot, which gives the right to say that this aircraft is quite simple to operate and modern.

To complete the maximum flight on a Boeing 777-300ER, the aircraft tank must be filled with 181 tons of fuel.

All aircraft in the Boeing 777 series, including the Boeing 777-300ER, are equipped with 2 engines, this type of aircraft can network even without the engines turned on, and continue flying on 1 engine if one of the engines fails.

These aircraft are purchased by well-known airlines, including:

  • Emirates (Emirates);
  • Turkish airlines;
  • North wind;
  • Aeroflot;
  • Nord Wind

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Since the Boeing 777-300ER has a fairly large cabin size and can accommodate up to 550 passengers, the aircraft is equipped with many different amenities.

The design of Aeroflot's Boeing 777-300ER is made in the style of the company, the greatest refinement is presented in the first class - these are always the best seats, a little worse, if I may say so in business class, the difference between them is not big, the size of the seats is perhaps.

Seat map Boeing 777-300ER

Rows 1 - 5 of the business class are the most comfortable seats on the plane.

You can not only sit in them, but also lie down like in a real bed.

All the advantages and charms of these places can be checked only in flight, their price corresponds to their level, especially on long-haul flights.

Compared to other classes, there is a huge distance between seats of 160 centimeters, the latest press, a huge selection of menus and much more.

When choosing business class, it is better not to choose 1 row DGHK seats, since they are located next to the toilet, and now you cannot hear any cufflinks, but the sound of flushing soda is very strong and can wake you up or distract you.

In other airlines, there is a thin partition between economy and business class, but this is not about Aeroflot, there is enough distance so that you do not hear economy class, you can safely choose the 5th row.

6 - 11 row

This is a new class for a flight in Aeroflot called comfort, no longer an economy, but not a business yet, a good range at the level of service can be compared with a business.

The distance between the chairs is slightly less in comparison with the business, it will be possible to unfold the chair by 120 - 130 degrees, you will also have the latest press at your disposal, each chair in front will have a personal screen where you can listen to music or watch movies.

In the comfort class, the last row is 11, a thin partition separates from the economy class, so this row is also better not to choose.

17 - 51 rows

Economy class, the largest class on the plane between the rows in most cases, the standard distance of 81 centimeters.

In economy class, you can recline the back to the standard 105-110 degrees, before ordering tickets, you can order special meals from Aeroflot, a very large selection of different meals that differ from the usual, but even if you have not ordered the food from Aeroflot is good.

Eating on board for economy class

17, 24 and 38 rows

Seats in these ranks can be classified as privileged, since, firstly, no one can recline the backs on you, secondly, you can recline the backs, and thirdly, you will have legroom as in business class.

These rows are the best in Economy Class.- a lot of space, but there is a minus they are located next to the toilets, since the economy class is the largest class, it is possible that people gather around your seats, some people do not like it when they are standing over their souls, you can also be woken up or distracted by the sound of a flushing water from the toilet because of the vacuum, it turns out to be highly resonant.

Despite all this, these are ideal places to sleep.

On some aircraft in rows 23, 36, 37, 50, 51, the back of the seat may be blocked due to the fact that they are located near the toilet.

Also, at these rows people will walk more often since the toilet is located nearby, this is the same as the above rows only the back of the chair does not recline, but in front of you it reclines and besides you do not have much distance for your legs, so the data it is better not to choose rows.

23 row - similar

Note that 23A and 23K do not have a full-fledged porthole.

A small window is placed on the emergency door. The display and table are located in the armrest.

It is forbidden to obscure approaches to escape hatches with hand luggage.

It is also prohibited to sit in these seats for a certain group of passengers: with animals, children, the elderly and the disabled.

If not for one significant advantage, the data could be called the most uncomfortable on board. But, due to the placement of escape hatches, there will be plenty of legroom in the front.

This is a significant advantage, especially on long and long haul flights.

Seats ABHK 47 row can also be attributed to privileged they are located in the rear of the aircraft, and they have a fairly large distance between the front seats, as well as their advantage is that they are located near it and they have one of the best views from the window.

All other seats in economy class are no different, but if you choose a seat among them, then choose next to the window, if you are not afraid to fly, and if you are afraid, choose a seat for yourself right in the very middle, it’s easiest to fall asleep and forget about your fear or his completely lose.

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Where are the best seats in Aeroflot's Boeing 777?

The best seats on Aeroflot's Boeing 77 and any other Boeing 777 are located in business or first class, and if it is even more serious, it primarily depends on what you will be doing while sleeping or doing something.

If you sleep, then choose places where there is a lot of space and away from places where people with small children are usually accommodated.

General tips and tricks for choosing the best seats on a Boeing 777-300ER

All Aeroflot Boeing 777 aircraft flying on long-distance routes have an individual 110-volt socket, as well as an individual display where you can insert your flash drive with your movie, everyone also has headphones.

Also in Aeroflot, as in other companies, there is a function of restful sleep, you will not be woken up when serving food, newspapers or drinks, for this you need to press a special button in the business class cabin, and in other salons ask the sticker not to wake up and stick it on the armchair and you can calmly become.

As for food, in all classes you can choose a special menu in advance (when buying an air ticket) or choose the food that is already on board.

On such huge planes, there is always a wide selection of food and drinks for all classes, not even talking about business.

When choosing a place, go around places that are located near technical rates, toilets, kitchens.

The location of the seats in the Boeing 777-300ER - their disadvantages and advantages

  1. The best seats in any class are considered window seats by most passengers. In these places always good view, no one will ask you to go to sleep comfortably in them, but if you have a need to go out often, then it is better not to choose them.
  2. If you need to get up often your choice is obvious - these are the seats along the aisles. Easy to get up, no one to wake up and just as easy to sit down. A small, but for lovers of sleep, a significant minus of these places is that they may be asked to let you pass, or if you sit wide, then passers-by may hurt you or even more unpleasant to step on you.
  3. Well, if you don't care about the view, you can choose a place in the middle of the central row, there, just like at the window, no one will bother you and you will sleep peacefully.

Russian airline NordWind will lease two more wide-body Boeing aircraft 777. This is a modification of the Boeing 777-300ER. By ordering these machines, the carrier became a new client of the Dubai leasing company DAE Capital (a division of Dubai Aerospace Enterprise), the owner said. aircraft... The previous aircraft operator was the Taiwanese carrier EVA Airways.

According to the carrier's representative, "in order to implement the strategy of feeder transportation in 200 directions of autumn-winter navigation, NordWind airline continues to expand its own fleet of wide-body aircraft and announces the preparation for operation of two Boeing 777-300 aircraft." The first aircraft will arrive at the carrier's base Sheremetyevo airport (Moscow) on August 31. In the first week of September, after customs procedures, it will be put into operation on the routes from Moscow. The airline will take over the second plane within the next week.

Boeing 777-300ER aircraft produced in 2005 will receive tail numbers VP-BJL and VP-BJO. They will become the first aircraft in the NordWind fleet with a three-class layout (a total of 312 seats: 38 in business class, 63 in premium economy class and 211 in economy class).

The former operator of both Boeing 777-300ER NordWind is Taiwan's EVA Airways

The fleet of NordWind already has four Boeing 777s of another modification - Boeing 777-200 (equipped with 393 seats in two classes). With the receipt of two cars, the airline's fleet will have 22 aircraft. In addition to Boeing 777, we are talking about wide-body Airbus A330-200, as well as narrow-body and Boeing 737-800. Four more aircraft are expected to arrive by the end of 2017.

In January-July, NordWind's passenger traffic increased by 85.4% to 1.598 million people. At the same time, the seat occupancy rate decreased by 2.9 percentage points to 86.9%.