Spain toll roads review. Car rental in spain. Surface paid parking

Everything a tourist needs to know about car rental in Spain: cost, documents, insurance, traffic rules, toll roads, as well as major car rental companies in Spain.

Rent a car in Spain and travel to an amusing trip by this sunny country- a wonderful opportunity to truly discover all the diversity of Spanish cities, to feel the rhythm of life in non-capital Spain, to feel the full power of the local hospitality and to master a couple of phrases in the local language. Car rental in Spanish, by the way, will be "alquiler de automoviles".

By car, you can go to a neighboring country in the Schengen area, but then you will have to pay extra for "foreign" insurance (cross-border). It is prohibited to leave the territory of the European Union in a rented car.

You have the right to request a contract in English if you do not understand Spanish or Catalan.


In all major airports countries and at some railway stations there are counters of international distributors: Hertz, Avis, EuropCar, Sixt, Goldcar. Their offices are also open in cities lying on tourist routes(and this is almost all of Spain). V resort areas local network agencies operate. For example, Centauro in the mainland and Cicar in the Canary Islands. Of course, the highest rental rates are at the airport, but it doesn't matter if you book a car through the website. Offices offer 5-25% discounts regular customers, bonuses to owners of cars of certain brands. Weekend prices are lower than weekdays. If you plan to rent a car for a long period of at least 20 days, then it is better to conclude several contracts with one firm. It will be cheaper than paying at once for the entire period.

The tariffs for all companies are comparable, but the choice of brands is still wider with international agencies, and the technical condition of their units is better. The price depends on the car category, specific dates, high or low season. In August and September, when Europeans travel en masse in Spain, the cost rises by 10-20%. In late autumn and winter, on the contrary, it falls due to lack of demand.

Avis wants 30-50 EUR per day for Fiat-500 or a similar car (the cheapest option), Citroen-C1 costs about 55-60 EUR, stylish BMW-Mini-Cabrio, which is great to drive in Tenerife or Ibiza, it will cost 90 EUR. There is also a more budgetary "Opel-Cabrio" for 70 EUR from Cicar. Range Rover Sport and Volvo XC90 crossovers cost 125 EUR. Prices on the page are for April 2019.

Additional options: a second driver and a child seat (seat) cost 3-9 EUR / day for each position.

A prerequisite for renting is a credit card, where the deposit is blocked. In most cases, this is an amount from 300 to 800 (1000) EUR, depending on the car group. Money is usually returned within 7-10 days after the end of the contract.

Documents, insurance

To rent a car in Spain, you need an international driver's license and a credit card. The driver must be at least 21 years old (in some companies at least 23 years old) and have a driving experience of at least a year (in some companies at least 2 years). The vehicle must be returned with a full tank.

The rental price usually includes a limited insurance with a deductible (from 300 to 500 EUR). For an extended or reduced amount of the deductible, you will have to pay extra.

Types of insurance in Spain:

  • TPL (Third Party Liability) - limits the driver's liability in the event of material damage to third parties;
  • CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) - when causing damage to a rented car;
  • TP (Theft Protection) - in case of theft of a rented car;
  • PAI (Personal Accident Insurance) - sets the amount of compensation in the event of physical damage to the driver and / or passengers;
  • EP (Extended Protection) - limits the driver's liability for legal claims against him by third parties in the event of significant damage to him (material and / or health and life).

The phrase "limits liability" means that your financial liability in these cases is canceled partially (insurance with a deductible) or completely (without a deductible).

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Fuel and refueling

You can refuel a car in Spain with unleaded 95 or 98 m gasoline (gasoline sin plomo) and diesel fuel (gasoleo A or gas-oil) - check the type of fuel required for your car at the rental point. Diesel rental is usually more expensive, but if you plan to wind hundreds of kilometers, it will still be more profitable.

When refueling the vehicle, the mobile phone must be switched off.

Traffic Laws

Most highways in Spain are equipped with speed cameras. Some of them warn the nearest police station about the violation of the speed limit by the driver of a foreign vehicle. In this case, the employee has the right to stop the vehicle and issue a fine, which must be paid immediately.

The use of dipped headlights during daytime is mandatory only when driving through tunnels. Radar detectors are allowed in Spain, but anti-radars are prohibited (an average fine of 6,000 EUR).

When renting a car, it is worth checking the presence of mandatory equipment in it: two emergency stop signs (if necessary, both must be installed), a spare wheel and a reflective vest (use when leaving the car for roadway or curb). It will be useful to have a set of bulbs for headlights, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.

Speed ​​limit in Spain. Settlement: 50 km / h, not settlement: 90 km / h, road: 100 km / h, highway: 120 km / h. Minimum speed on the Autobahn: 60 km / h.

In Spain, it is compulsory for all passengers to wear seat belts and transport children less than 135 cm tall in a special seat or using a booster. Talking on a mobile phone is allowed only on a speakerphone, without headphones.

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Small fines issued by police officers can be paid immediately upon receipt of an official receipt (for foreigners, this mandatory requirement otherwise the vehicle may be detained). But there is also a nice moment: for payment on the spot, you get a 50% discount.

The allowed blood alcohol content of a driver in Spain is up to 0.5 ‰. For drivers with less than 2 years of experience: 0.3 ‰.

Some amounts of fines: speeding - from 100 to 600 EUR; wrong parking- 90-200 EUR; parking under the “no stop” sign, unauthorized overtaking, driving through a red light - 200-400 EUR; non-use of seat belts - 200 EUR; talking on the phone without a speakerphone system - 200 EUR; violation of the rules for transporting children - 200 EUR; driving in the opposite lane - 400-500 EUR.

Many small towns have radar-controlled traffic lights - if you slightly exceed the speed limit, a red light will turn on on your way.

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Toll roads

Some roads in Spain will require you to fork out for use. The amount depends on the distance to be driven. You can pay in cash or by credit card. Be careful - for those local residents whose cars are equipped with a device from which payment is charged automatically (without stopping the vehicle), there are dedicated lanes indicated by a blue circle with white stripes inscribed in a black square.

You will also have to pay for the following tunnels in the province of Barcelona: Cadi Tunnel (5 km) - 11.82 EUR and Vallvidrera Tunnel (2.5 km) - 3.78 EUR or 4.25 EUR during rush hours (from 7:30 to 10:30 and from 17:00 to 21:00 on weekdays).

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Parking in the cities of Spain

In the centers major cities in Spain, the number of parking spaces is limited, finding a free space can be problematic. The blue zone means that you have to pay for parking by taking a ticket from the machine. Most often, parking is payable on weekdays from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 21:00, and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 14:00. But these rules are subject to change. In some places, parking during working hours is impossible without special permission(Horas laborables).

It is prohibited to park on the sidewalk if there is a yellow stripe or the Vado sign near it.

The underground car parks are called aparcamiento subterraneo, and the number of free spaces or lack thereof is indicated at the entrance (completo). The cashier for payment is located at the exit from such a parking lot.

The Ora Zona system, which operates in some cities, means that you can purchase a parking ticket at a tobacco kiosk or small shop, which will give you the right to leave your car for 30, 60 or 90 minutes.

Moving around Spanish territory by car is a guarantee that your vacation will be complete and comfortable. Some tourists come here by their own cars, others prefer to rent them. But whatever the solution to this issue, it is important to know that roads in Spain are divided into several categories, and 10% of their total length are toll highways.

What you need to know about Spanish roads

The roadmap for the Kingdom of Spain is quite extensive. All tracks were built on historically formed paths, so the network developed in stages and somewhat chaotic. The only exception is the autobahns, which were built as part of the program for the development of the country's transport system.

Most of the highways originate in Madrid. Some coastal regions can also boast of them.

That said, you should take into account the mountainous terrain of Spain, thanks to which many highways are rather winding and often offer travelers steep descents and ascents. Hard-to-reach regions of the country are connected by numerous tunnels and bridges.

All highways in this area can be roughly divided into three groups:

  • paid (autopistas) - have several directions, are indicated on the signs with the letters AR, differ in the presence of multi-level interchanges and a small number of sharp turns. The speed limit is 130 km / h, although many allow themselves to increase it to 140 km / h. However, due to the large number of cameras and radars, it is best not to do this;
  • free (autovías) - located mainly in the suburbs of large cities and perform the function of bypass roads. Some of them are laid in underground tunnels and mines. Usually, free road differs from paid by lower speed of movement;
  • national significance - these roads are characterized by a significant speed limit. Driving on them is allowed in both directions. Cross the Spanish cities, towns and villages, mountains, beaches, fields encountered on the way. In fact, these are the roads that have been here at all times, but over the years have been updated and tied to high-speed autobahns.

The last group of roads promises a more pleasant journey. As a rule, they do not have fences, and therefore make it possible to admire the beauty of the local landscapes. If you came here as a tourist, rented a car and want to see everything that the country is so famous for, then form a route along these routes.

It should be borne in mind that the first two types of highways significantly save time due to the accelerated movement along them.

The fastest highways in the country are:

  • M-50 - connects the R-2 highway in Madrid and the northern A-1;
  • AR-41 - toll road connecting Toledo and Madrid;
  • The A-45 is a free highway between Malaga and Cordova.

The two main highways along the Mediterranean coastline are the A7 and A2. At the same time, the second one runs closer to the seashore in the Costa Brava region, so it is more convenient to get to any resort town in this region along it. If you need to quickly cross the country from Barcelona to French border, choose A7.

As you head south, you should be aware that both of these roads are mirror images of each other and only 100 km from Barcelona do they begin to diverge. For this reason, when approaching the Catalan capital, you need to be extremely careful not to miss the desired exit. Otherwise, you can go in a completely different direction.

The road map in the kingdom is in less and less demand, in most cases due to the fact that when renting a car, many companies give their customers a navigator. For this, however, you will have to pay as for a separate service.

Therefore, to help you save some money, we suggest using a detailed map of all Spanish highways. It comes in handy if you want to plan the route of your trips around the country in advance.

There is no way to avoid traffic congestion in Spain. However, if you know where and when the main congestion of cars occurs, they can be successfully bypassed.

Majority traffic flows near large settlements falls on weekdays. Usually it is 7.00-10.00 in the morning in the direction of the city entrance. In the evening, the same situation is observed from 19.00 to 21.00, but already at the exit from the village. If you get stuck in a traffic jam at this time, you can be guaranteed to spend a couple of hours in it.

For the weekend, it is better to leave the city either early in the morning or in the afternoon, since everyone tries to leave in the morning. It is better to plan to return home on Sunday before 5 pm, otherwise you may find yourself in a traffic jam later.

Toll tracks

The amount of money that will have to be set aside to travel on a particular highway depends on several factors:

  • vehicle types;
  • seasons (there are different rates in summer and winter);
  • time of day (day or night);
  • tracks.

Therefore, when choosing a route to follow, it will be useful to study on the map how to get from one point to another. The fact is that it often happens that a toll road runs parallel to a free one. In this case, you can save a lot.

The leader in the number of toll roads is Catalonia - about 633 km. It is followed by Valencia - 367 km, then Galicia - 327 km. But in Northern Asturias, only 22 km of roads are toll.

The fare for such routes is given in the table:

Start and end point, distance in km
Price in EUR
AR-1Burgos - Arminion (84)12,25
AR-2Zaragoza - AR-7 (225)
AR-4Seville - Cadiz (95)
AR-6Madrid - Adanero (74)
AR-7A-9 (France) - Barcelona (156)
Barcelona - Valencia (347)
Valencia - Alicante (178)
Cartagena - Vera (228)
Malaga - Guadiaro (105)
AR-8A63 (France) - Bilbao (105)5,35
AR-9Ferrol - A3 (Portugal) (196)
AR-15Tudela - Irursun (112)5,55
AR-36Ocaña La Roda (150)
AR-41Madrid - Toledo (60)
AR-51Villacastin - Avila (26)1,45
AR-53Santiago de Compostela - Dawson (57)
AR-61Segovia - AR-6 (28)

AR-66Campomanes - Leon (78)13,15
AR-68Bilbao - Zaragoza (298)32.30
AR-71Leon - Astorga (43)
R-2Madrid - Guadalajara (59)
R-3Madrid - Arganda del Rey (39)
R-4Madrid - Osuna (58)
R-5Madrid - Navalcarnero (28)4,70
S-32Mongat - Palafols (57)
Castelldefels - Vendrell (49)
S-33Barcelona - Montmelo (29)1,63

All the rates shown apply to motorcycles and cars and are relevant for the summer season. Please note that the quoted prices may be slightly higher during peak hours.

Moreover, the greater the distance, the higher the tariff. For example, to get from Marbella to San Sebastian or Bilbao, you will have to plan a considerable budget.

At the same time, the distance from Madrid to Guadalajara and to Osuna is about the same, and the difference in the cost of travel on the highway will be a little more than 3 euros.

When entering a toll highway, you will be warned several times that ahead - paid site paths. Moreover, you will be offered free detours. If you are in no hurry, take this opportunity.

This is especially true for those traveling in Andalusia and Catalonia, where a huge number of scenic spots, which can be admired from the observation decks.

There are several ways to pay for using the toll road. On some of them this can be done at the entrance, on others - at the exit.

Approaching such a highway, you will see that it is divided into many lanes. Above each of them is an indication of how exactly you can pay.

The options are as follows:

  • payment through the TeleTAC system. It allows you to make a payment remotely. For this, a special device is installed in the car. Most often they use it locals;
  • only by card;
  • by card or cash;
  • through operators.

The last option is the safest for those who doubt themselves. And if you couldn't figure it out, there is always an operator call button on the turnstile.

On many phones you will see a 3+ button. If you have more than three passengers in the cabin, feel free to click on it. A little later, the system will recalculate your payment, make a discount and return the difference to your card, provided that you paid with it.

Traveling through toll tunnels

It will also cost you a certain amount of money to drive this or that section of the path through the tunnel:

  • Tunnel Cadi - located in Catalonia, Barcelona province. Its length is 5 km. The year of opening is 1984.
VehiclePrice in EUR
Any kind of motorcycles9,52
4-wheel vans for up to 9 passengers with or without towing a trailer with two wheels
trucks and buses
cars, vans, vans with or without towing a trailer with two wheels
trucks or buses with 4 or more wheels
passenger cars and vans with 4 wheels up to 9 passenger seats with a trailer with 4 wheels, of which at least one pair of twin wheels.30,93
  • Tunnel Vallvidrera - its length is 2.5 km, it is also located in Catalonia.
VehiclePrice in EURPrice in EUR
at rush hour
Any types of motorcycles2,94
Passenger cars, vans with 4 wheels (single-axle trailer, towed or not), minibuses3,78 4,25
Four-wheeled vans and buses5,94 6,68
Passenger cars and four-wheeled vans with a four-wheeled trailer, or with one pair of twin wheels7,88 8,87

Traffic rules on the roads of Spain and fines for their violation

Regardless of whether you have to rent a car in Spain or you intend to come here on your own, in any case, you need to know what traffic rules apply on the roads in this country:

  • documents: driver's license (for foreigners it is best of all international standard + national rights), technical passport for a car, insurance;
  • all persons in the car must wear seat belts;
  • transportation of children is allowed only in special chairs appropriate for their age;
  • using a mobile phone is prohibited. The handsfree system must be connected to the speakerphone;
  • the permissible alcohol intake is 0.5 ppm for experienced drivers; if the driving experience is not more than 2 years, then 0.3 ppm;
  • speed control is carried out by cameras and radars. Most often they are installed on the back of a sign placed above the road;
  • you can use low beam only in tunnels;
  • speed on highways - 130 km / h, in the city - 40 km / h, outside - 80 km / h.

It is prohibited to install anti-radar equipment in the car - the fine for its use is 200 euros.

Drunk driving will cost 5,000 euros. The same amount will have to pay pedestrians who will cause an accident.

You can pay the fine on the spot with a 50% discount. However, in this case, the driver is deprived of the opportunity to appeal the claim if he does not agree with it.

For more details on what you need to know about driving on Spanish highways and how violation of the rules is punishable, see the article “Rules road traffic in Spain".

Gas stations

The Spanish road, whether toll or not, usually has very good coverage and numerous areas where you can rest, wash and refuel. A gas station is usually a whole complex that includes a store, a cafe, an automatic car wash.

When refueling, you must first pay for the required amount at the checkout, and then return to the car and insert the pistol into the gas tank. Most gas stations are self-service.

Two years ago, the famous Spanish network Repsol developed its own mobile app, which allows you to make payments at more than 300 gas stations remotely.


Spanish traffic rules strictly regulate the issue of where, when and for how long you can leave your car. Moreover, the rules affect not only the time of day, but also the day of the week and even certain days during the month. In some areas of the city, you can leave your car during business hours only with a special permit.

In settlements, parking is carried out on even days on the even side of the street, on odd days, respectively, on the side where the houses with odd numbers are located.

Violation of parking rules threatens not just with a fine - the car will be taken to the impound parking lot.

All parking areas are painted in specific colors. At the same time, parking in the yellow zone is prohibited. Blue are paid parking lots equipped with parking meters. But you can leave your car there for only a few hours. The most successful option is underground parking.


The most convenient way to travel around Spain is by car. But in this case, you will have to familiarize yourself not only with the traffic rules, but also with the features of the entire road system.

All tracks here are divided into free, paid and nationally significant. The main difference is the speed of movement on them and the arrangement.

Toll highways most often have a special fence and allow you to reach speeds of up to 130 km / h.

But in order to admire the Spanish landscapes, you should choose the roads that run through cities, villages, beaches and fields. They are most often free, but the speed of movement on them should not exceed 80 km / h outside the village.

Spain Traffic Rules: Video

Do not forget that when refueling a vehicle, your mobile phone must be switched off.

Traffic rules in Spain

Most of the Spanish roads are equipped with cameras that record the speed of passing cars and transmit the data to the nearest police station. If you break the speed limit, a police officer will stop you and punish you financially. In order to avoid further trouble, it is worth paying this fine.

The use of dipped headlights during the day is required only in tunnels. The use of anti-radars in Spain is strictly prohibited. For this violation, a colossal fine is imposed - 6,000 euros.

When renting a car, you need to make sure that it contains two emergency stop signs, a spare tire and a vest with reflective stripes.

In Spain, it is strictly monitored that drivers use seat belts, and special restraints are purchased for children. You can drive and talk on the phone at the same time only using the speakerphone. If you do not follow this rule, your wallet will be seriously damaged.

Fines in Spain

Violation of traffic rules in Spain will inevitably lead to the fact that you have to pay a fine in an amount depending on the severity of the offense. For example, speeding in Spain is considered a serious violation, especially if the speed is exceeded by more than 50% of the established speed. In this case, a summons about a fine can come by mail. In this case, the penalty receipt received from the policeman must be paid on the spot. This is a prerequisite for foreign citizens. The advantage will be that for payment on the spot there is a 50% discount.

  • Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km / h - from 100 to 600 euros
  • A trip to a red traffic light - 200-300 euros.
  • Neglecting seat belts - 200 euros.
  • Calling by phone - 200 euros.
  • Driving into the oncoming lane - from 400 to 500 euros.
  • Drunk driving - from 500 euros.

Most small towns in Spain have traffic lights that are controlled by radars. If you exceed the speed limit, the traffic light will automatically turn on the red light.

Payment of fines in Spain via the Internet

If the summons about the fine came by mail, then the fine can be paid in online mode if you have a credit card from any of the major payment systems, for example, Maestro or Visa. To do this, in your computer browser, you must activate the option that allows you to accept cookies. Detailed instructions for online payment of fines issued in Spain can be found.

Surprisingly, in Spain there are conditions, the observance of which when paying fines will allow you to receive a certain discount... For example, if you hurry up and pay within 15 days from the date of the violation, the amount of the fine can be reduced by 50%. However, taking advantage of such a discount and paying a smaller amount, you thereby lose the right to appeal an administrative offense.

Toll roads in Spain

To use the toll roads, the tourist will have to fork out a little. The amount of payment directly depends on the distance. You can pay for the service either by credit card or in cash.

On such roads, there are special lanes at the entrance and exit from them, which are indicated by a blue circle with white lines in a square. These lanes are intended for local residents who have cars with an automatic toll device on such a road. The fare has been increased since January 2019 on some roads in Spain.

The fares for the main toll roads in Spain can be viewed.

In addition to toll roads, there are toll tunnels near Barcelona:

  • Cadi (length 5 kilometers): motor vehicles - 9.83 euros, cars - 12.08 euros, trucks and cars with a trailer - 26.36 euros.
  • Vallvidrera (length 2.5 kilometers): at rush hour - motorcycles - 3.38 euros, cars - 3.34 euros; off rush hour - motorcycles € 3.01, cars € 3.86.

Parking in Spain

Basic moments

It is always difficult to find a free parking space in the heart of large Spanish cities, and even more so for free. The area marked in blue means that the parking lot must be paid at a nearby machine. In some places, parking in the daytime on weekdays without a special document is generally prohibited.

Underground parking lots at the entrance have information about free places or about their complete absence. There is a cash register at the exit from a parking of this kind.

Some Spanish cities have the Ora Zona system. It allows you to purchase a parking ticket in a small supermarket or stall, which will allow you to park your car for a short time from half an hour to 90 minutes.

It is forbidden to leave the car on the sidewalk with a yellow stripe or the Vado sign.

Despite the fact that everything looks very difficult, it will not be difficult to park correctly in Spain if you study the issue in advance and familiarize yourself with certain rules, which are in many ways similar to Russian traffic rules. The main of these rules is that parking is allowed only in specially designated areas. At the same time, it is important to note the fact that compliance with this rule is closely monitored not only by the police, but also by local residents. Therefore, you do not need to take risks and rely on luck when parking near a house that has a parking sign prohibiting parking. The owner of the house will not turn a blind eye to this and will definitely call a tow truck.

Of course, as with any rule, there are exceptions. For example, during a football match, the police will not issue a fine if you leave your car near the stadium. In other cases, when faced with difficulties in finding a parking space, you should not take risks and break the law - look for paid parking.

There are enough paid parking lots in Spain and it won't be difficult to find them. There are both underground and surface parking lots.

Underground car parks in Spain

Paid underground parking in shopping centers

Often, any shopping center in Spain has a paid parking lot. However, you can use the parking absolutely free of charge - this opportunity is provided by almost all large commercial centers, subject to certain conditions. For example, if you visit a shopping center during the so-called “free parking hours” (usually siesta time), there is no charge for parking your car in the parking lot. Moreover, it is possible to extend this time simply by shopping for a certain amount.

Along with large shopping centers, there is the possibility of free parking in general grocery stores. To do this, you just need to present your parking ticket to the cashier when you pay for your purchases.

Public underground paid parking

In the cities of Spain, public parking is marked with a special symbol "P" (Parking publico). Such parking lots are usually located in residential and office buildings, and despite the fact that they are called public, it will not be possible to park on them for free. Public parking is a private property, therefore the cost of services, as well as the opening hours, may vary and depend on the owner of a particular parking. This can be a round-the-clock mode, or a more abbreviated version, for example, until eight o'clock in the evening.

Before using the public parking service, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the conditions of its work in advance. And you should start by studying the information that is indicated on the board located directly under the pointer. If the word "ocupado" is lit on the board, then all the seats are occupied, otherwise you will see the word "libre" - there are free seats.

Another feature of Spanish underground parking is the possibility to rent a parking space for a long time. When choosing an empty seat, pay attention to whether the empty space is marked with the designation "plaza reservada" or a more abbreviated version - "reservado". This means that the designated place is reserved for a long time and you cannot park here.

Surface paid parking

In Spain, paid surface parking zones are usually marked with different colors.

Blue zone

This parking zone is the most common option. It is called “zona azul” in Spanish and is denoted by a special blue dotted line on the roadway, as well as an icon in the form of a picture, which shows a hand dropping a coin. Please note the difference in the payment system. Unlike underground parking, payment is not made upon departure, but immediately after you have parked. For the convenience of paying in the blue zone, there are special parking meters designed to pay for parking depending on the time you need. The coupon received from the parking meter must be placed in a clearly visible place under the windshield. The presence of such a ticket is vigilantly monitored by employees of the blue zone. And do not forget to extend the parking time if it has expired, and leave the ticket with additional payment in the same conspicuous place. A careless attitude to timely payment can lead to undesirable consequences - you may be issued a fine, and the car may be taken to an impound parking lot.

The blue parking zone in Spain is designed specifically to prevent large congestions of cars left on the streets, and therefore, it is not generally considered as a place for long-term parking. That is why you will not be able to purchase a parking ticket for several hours at once. The maximum number of hours for one payment is no more than two hours.

It should be noted that paid parking can significantly hit your pocket, because the average price for 1 hour is from 1 to 3 euros. But there are also positive aspects - on weekends, as well as at night, there is no payment for the parking service in the blue zone.

Paid parking hours may differ depending on which city you are in, details are always indicated on the sign. Basically, you will have to pay for parking:

  • from 9:00 to 16:00, and from 16:00 to 20:00 - on weekdays,
  • from 9:00 to 14:00 - on Saturday.

The coastal area has its own characteristics. In winter, parking in the blue zone can be used free of charge, but in summer the paid parking time can be increased, so we recommend that you learn about these features in advance.

Orange or green zone

These areas are for parking on special conditions, and you can find it in almost any major settlement in Spain. In fact, here we are dealing with the same blue zone, but such it is exclusively for those who are not fortunate enough to live in the neighborhood. The owners of cars living nearby can enjoy a number of advantages, ranging from preferential prices for paying for parking and ending with the ability to leave the car for a long time (from a week to 3 months).

For other car owners, the parking rules, as well as payment, will not differ much from the blue zone. You can pay for parking at a time with a time limit (up to 2 hours), moreover, you can use the parking only on set days of the week. Most often these are weekdays, with rare exceptions when parking is possible on Saturday. Parking times are from 8:00 to 20:00.

What is the difference between the orange and green zones? There are no differences in the very purpose of the zone. It's just that in some cities the zones are designated differently. For example, the green ("zona verde") zone will be designated in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​and in Zaragoza and Valencia, the same zone will be indicated in orange, and will be called "zona naranja".

Recall that only car owners with a resident card can use the privileges of this parking lot. At the same time, there must be a registration in this place.

Special parking areas

In addition to public parking areas, there are also specialized parking spaces, access to which is significantly limited, as well as areas where parking is prohibited in principle. These areas include the following categories.

Resident area - marked with the “zona residentes” icon and is intended solely for parking owned by nearby residents.

Loading and unloading area - denoted by markings made on the asphalt in the form of diagonal yellow lines. It is allowed to use it only for the purpose of loading or unloading at a strictly allotted time: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00. Moreover, there are restrictions on the duration of parking - no more than 30 minutes. There is no charge for using such a zone.

No Parking. It doesn't matter what city you are in - the designation of such a zone will be the same. If there is a continuous yellow line on the asphalt, it is best not to park in this area.

What to do if your car was evacuated in Spain

In most cases, the reason for this is the violation of the rules in force on the territory of this state. Before you park, be sure to pay attention to the no-parking warning signs. Usually in Spain they are installed in the following zones:

Also, be sure that you do not find your vehicle if you park it on a double solid line or in a place where your vehicle will obstruct other traffic or pedestrians.

Please note that tow truck services in Spain are by no means cheap and prices may vary depending on the city. The most painful thing on your wallet will be the evacuation of a car in Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza. The more "loyal" cities in this regard include Leon, Melilla and Jaen.

You broke the rules, but managed to arrive at the place before the car was loaded onto the tow truck? In part, you are lucky and there is a chance to negotiate with a service employee. If you're lucky, you can only get off with a verbal warning. Otherwise, you cannot do without paying a fine, just do not forget to demand a receipt for payment.

Is it possible to refuse to pay for tow truck services at all? It is possible, but in this case the car will remain in the parking lot and you will not be allowed to pick it up from there. So, as you can see, this is not an option, and, unfortunately, you will have to pay.

And one more nuance. The presence of unpaid fines in your possession will not be the basis for hindering the return of the car from the parking lot. You will be allowed to pick up the car, requiring you to pay only the costs of the current evacuation.

Luck was not on your side and the car was evacuated after all? The first thing to do is call the Municipal Police Department. Here you can get information about the location of the parking lot, from where you have to pick up the car in the near future.

How to pick up a car from a parking lot in Spain?

The easiest way in this situation is for those who are the owner of the evacuated vehicle. In this case, you will need to present a driver's license, as well as an identity document. In addition, you may be asked to show the documents for the car.

The worst case will be if the car is not yours and the owner is another person. You will need to provide not only an official permission for the right to use (power of attorney) from the owner of the car, but also his documents.

We also advise you not to aggravate the situation by making too insistent demands to return your car if it was evacuated at the end of the working day and the parking lot is already closed. Please be patient before the start of a new working day, because in this situation there are no "cases-exceptions" provided.

Summing up: do not violate the established traffic rules, park your car only in the proper places, do not neglect the services of paid parking - and you will be able to completely protect yourself from many unpleasant situations and unplanned expenses.

A trip to Spain will be unforgettable if you decide to rent a car. Today I will tell you about my real experience, about the many nuances of driving on Spanish roads: where to park, what determines the cost of the highway, fines, basic traffic rules and speed limits.

Before going to Spain, I thought for a long time which option to choose: to travel as standard, like many on foot, or to stop at a car rental. I liked the latter more, since I am an avid motorist, and I was also interested in seeing the country, and not just at a few famous sights. In addition, I already had the experience of traveling by car in Italy, it turned out to be very successful. It was really cool and cool. Although there was one nuisance. You can learn the nuances from the article Highways in Italy.

For independent travel good communication is necessary, various situations may arise along the way. You can easily get lost or you may need to call somewhere. After a trip to Italy, I still had an Orange SIM card. In principle, everything suited me in it. I decided that I would take her. But then I remembered that the tariff for Spain is different. I went to the site to check how everything would work there. I saw that when buying a new SIM card, a bonus of 1 or 2 GB is provided, depending on the balance. I decided to take the second one. Moreover, the previous trip showed that sometimes just a voice connection is needed. I took a SIM card with a 2 GB bonus and distributed the Internet to 2 phones and a tablet without any problems. Everything is very convenient.

Car rental and toll roads

If you are dealing with car rental abroad for the first time, then be aware that most companies require a passport and an international license. Also, some put forward a number of other requirements, for example, driving experience from 2 years and age from 21. The cost of renting a car in Spain starts from 30 euros and can go up to 80 per day, it all depends on the class of the car. Do not be surprised if you are asked to leave a deposit, which is equal to the cost of the rent (I left 50 euros). After returning the vehicle, the deposit is returned in full, verified by personal experience.

Now I will tell you more about my trip to Spain. I flew to Barcelona and rented a middle class car for 50 euros + the same amount of the deposit. I could have left my credit card instead of a cash collateral, but I did not dare.

Roads in Spain can be toll and free. By the way, if you move on toll highways, it comes out faster and more economically due to lower fuel consumption. In this case, you need to calculate everything and think over the route twice. Just like in Italy, moving through the tunnels is also paid.

But the fare is calculated a little differently, the price depends on several factors:

  • on how many kilometers traveled;
  • what category of vehicle;
  • season;
  • traffic congestion, or rather, you got into rush hour or not.

For example, for the distance from Barcelona to Valencia, which I covered, I had to pay 40 euros (347 kilometers), the AR-7 highway. I familiarized myself with the prices in advance so that the invoice was not a shock to me. I advise you to do the same before the trip. You can get acquainted with the approximate rates on the website of the Spanish highways (the cost is updated once a year). But keep in mind that these are only approximate prices, because if you get into rush hour, it will be more expensive. In addition, a lot depends on the route you choose and the season of your trip.

Parking in Spain

Parking in Spain is not so simple, if you do not prepare, you can get into a mess. To prevent this from happening to you, I am telling you the main subtleties and nuances.

Parking rules may differ on weekdays and weekends, and it is also important to take into account the time of day. In some places you need to get a permit if you want to park during business hours.

Parking spaces are especially tight in the center of Barcelona, ​​and you have to work hard to find a free space. Before you park your car in the blue zone, you need to buy a ticket from a special machine. Please note that you can pay from 9 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 9 pm on weekdays, on weekends - from 9 am to 2 pm.

If you have not found a place in the above ground parking, do not despair, because many large Spanish cities have underground parking zones. By the way, before entering, I advise you to read the information on a special board, which indicates the number of free parking spaces. This will save you tons of time. You need to pay at the box office or at special stations, not like we have before you park the car, but after, when you are already leaving.

By the way, in small towns the Ora Zona system is relevant - you buy a parking ticket at any retail point of sale, for example, in a tobacco kiosk. You can put the car on for 30, 60 or 90 minutes, very convenient. I did that in Valencia. I bought a ticket for an hour, parked my car and went to enjoy the local cuisine. If you are late, you will have to pay extra for the extra time. But be careful, if there is a tow truck icon in the parking lot, then if you are 10 minutes late, you may no longer see your car. I watched this, the sight is not pleasant, the guy was really sorry ...

At the place of the car that was evacuated, there should be a sticker indicating the address and phone number. But I advise you to carefully monitor the time, otherwise, spend a lot of nerves and money (towing will cost 100 euros), after all, a foreign country and a rented car. Also, be careful not to park in places for the disabled, here the fine is 200 euros.

Basic rules of the road in Spain

If you decide to see the country by car, you will have to familiarize yourself with the basic traffic rules. The following speed limits apply in Spain:

  • in settlements, you can drive no more than 50 kilometers per hour;
  • outside the settlement up to 90 km per hour;
  • on the road up to 100 km;
  • on the motorway, it is allowed to drive at a speed of 120 km per hour.

There are also restrictions on the minimum speed - at least 60 km on the Autobahn.

I must say right away that in Spain it is better not to violate traffic rules. If you think that no one sees you and you can put a little more pressure on the gas, then this is not so. Since 2010, cameras have been installed everywhere that control the speed. If the rules are violated, the policeman is given a photo of the car and near the nearest control point the motorist will be fined a tangible, large amount. I do not advise experimenting, a very expensive pleasure, as my friends told me. By the way, if a tourist is unable to pay a fine on the spot, he may be detained.

Alcohol is no less strict here, although Spain is famous for its wines, you should not drink before the trip. The maximum level of alcohol in the blood is 0.5 ‰, if the driving experience is less than two years, then no more than 0.3 ppm is allowed. In case of exceeding the indicators, you will have to pay 500 euros for the violation. If the level of alcohol in the blood is twice the permissible level, then such a rash act will cost 1000 euros. The same amount will have to be paid if it is a repeated violation.

If you refuse to test for the presence of alcohol or drugs in the blood, a fine of 500 euros is charged.

Note that it is prohibited to talk while driving a car, unless there is a special conversational device that allows you to communicate without using your hands. And yet, dropping into a gas station, I noticed a crossed out phone. After talking with the workers, I learned that you need to turn off the phone while refueling, which I quickly did. Otherwise, a fine of 200 euros will be issued.

Payment of fines

Police officers have the right to demand payment of the fine on the spot. In this case, the person is given a receipt for payment. If the tourist cannot pay in cash, vehicle delayed until payment is received. By the way, in Spain there are special conditions for tourists: in case of violation and payment of a fine on the spot, a 50 percent discount is applied. True, the tourist loses the right to appeal the decision. It is also possible to receive a receipt by mail, then it must be paid within 20 days using the Internet or any banking institution (in this case, a 50 percent discount is also provided). By the way, local authorities can track the offender by his numbers and send him a penalty receipt home. Therefore, I do not advise you to break the rules. What pleases this time, having the experience of traveling in Italy, I did not receive a single fine, which is what I wish for you.

Spain conquered with its beauty, the locals are very friendly and welcoming. In a short time, I was able to see many interesting places that are simply not accessible to most tourists without a car. Enjoy the freedom, because having a car, you can go anywhere in the country and see unique places... I will say for sure, it was worth it, I would repeat it. Despite the many nuances, I strongly advise you to travel this way. After all, this is a real thrill and pleasure.

We set off on a trip to Spain. And in order not to go broke from transportation costs, we have compiled a detailed manual on budget travel around the country. Local low-cost airlines, buses, trains, car rental or search for fellow travelers - we disassemble everything possible options... Save to bookmarks!


Plane is the easiest way to travel long distances: almost any flight within Spain will take less than an hour. Often this is not only the fastest, but also, thanks to local low-cost airlines, quite budget transport. In addition, this is practically the only way to get to the islands, for example, Ibiza or.

Major low cost airlines in Spain


One of the main Spanish low-cost airlines with an extensive domestic network, based in Barcelona. It is convenient to select directions and prices: for example, getting from Barcelona to Malaga is offered for € 40, and from Valencia to Bilbao - for € 42. By the way, there is a chance to grab these tickets and much cheaper: the company quite often arranges pleasant sales - keep an eye on information on the low-cost airline's website.


From Barcelona to Seville or from Valencia to Santander - your favorite low-cost airline offers many flights in Spain, including the islands (all routes -). At the time of preparation of the material, tickets from Madrid to Mallorca, for example, could be grabbed for the fabulous € 2.43, and from Barcelona to Ibiza - for € 10. Keep your finger on the pulse - check the prices here.


This low-cost airline cannot boast as many domestic flights in Spain as its competitors, but it often has sales. Cheap tickets are the most convenient way to search. For example, they offer to fly from Malaga to Bilbao for € 15 (in July), and from Santander to Seville - for € 26 (in October).

Iberia Express

The democratic daughter of the national carrier Iberia is based in Madrid and flies on short- and medium-haul routes. The price list for domestic flights starts from € 30-40, though not for all dates.

Life hack.

If you can't find the perfect flight from your city, check the nearby airports. For instance:

Instead of the main airport Of Barcelona - El-Prat: Barcelona Girona and Barcelona Reus;

Instead of Seville - Jerez airport;

Airports are relatively closeMalaga and Granada, as well as, Alicante and Murcia.


Spain has a well-developed rail network. Most flights are operated by a national company Renfe.

Search for travel companions

The topic of finding fellow travelers in Spain is well developed - you can easily find a car in almost any city or town. But in this case, the trip is unlikely to be planned in advance: many drivers publish ads at the last moment. The option of driving someone else's car reduces the load not only on your wallet, but also on. Here is a list of the main services that locals use:

BlaBlaCar- the most famous service for finding fellow travelers, which works regularly in Spain.

Amovens Is another popular service where you can also rent a car and rent.

Amicoche- absolutely free ride search system: you will not be charged any commission. Keep in mind that you will have to pay the driver in cash.

Compartir Is a local service with a large loyal user base.

Life hack.

The cost of a trip in the same direction for different drivers can differ significantly, and often it is not a matter of greed at all. Some drivers ask for less because they are in no hurry and decide to bypass toll roads, while others appreciate speed, but they also charge a higher price. Check the route in advance.


Spain is not best country for hitchhiking. Experienced travelers warn that the average speed of movement here will be significantly lower than in other European countries. Drivers are reluctant to stop; those who catch a car at gas stations have a better chance of luck. You can read more about hitchhiking in Spain.


Most cheap way move around any country - on foot. In Spain passes