How to park in spain. Parking in barcelona. Wrong parking penalty - what to do with it

When renting a car in Spain, pay attention to the parking rules. They are not very difficult and will be easy to follow. The main thing that you should remember is that the police observe and react to violations very quickly for non-observance of parking rules. Therefore, you should not run into it. The fine can range, depending on the city, from € 10 to € 100, and for “wild” parking on the beach, you can fly up to € 200.

Parking zones

More often than not, tourists “get paid” by making one mistake - they look for signs (which may look unusual) and do not look at the colored markings of the sidewalks at all. Parking zones are marked with colored markings on the road. Blue dotted line on the road surface and drawing: a hand holds a coin. "Zona azul". Paid parking with a time limit (usually no more than 2 hours). It is paid immediately, as soon as you park the car, at the parking meter nearby. Be careful in the blue area adjacent to the beach. In the "high" season, the paid time is extended; But the inscription will be in Spanish. Although - the numbers are still Arabic, so you can figure it out. Green stripes On Pavement. "Zona verde". Places for residents (local). A non-resident has the right to leave the car for an hour, less often two, only during the day (from 8.00 to 20.00). The zone can only be used by residents at night. Payment at parking meters. Orange stripes On Pavement. "Zona naranja". Means the same for locals. Tourists can get up for an hour or two during the day. The payment procedure is in the parking meters.

If you see a sign next to green or orange markings: "zona residentes" or "area residents", only residents of neighboring houses can park here.

Parking payment

The parking meter takes coins, doesn't give change, “speaks” Spanish, but many have an English menu. It works according to the same scheme as all parking machines in Europe: put down coins until you see the time you need on the display, then press the most noticeable button, be sure to take the check and put it on the tidy so that the controller can see it. The amount for parking is different, but usually it is € 2-3. At night (from 20.00 to 8.00) and Sunday you can leave the car for free.

Where to park the car

  • yellow slanting lines (denote the loading / unloading area);
  • VADO inscription (entrance to the garage);
  • "NO PARKING" - a sign or just an inscription;
  • drawing of a wheelchair.
Naturally, it is forbidden to park the car in the pedestrian zone, at the pedestrian crossing, in the taxi stand.
If you have grossly violated the parking rules, the car can be evacuated. In this case, call your local police station.

Underground parking lots in shopping centers

As a rule, all large shopping centers in Spain are equipped with underground parking. It is paid, but you can leave the car for free if the receipt for your purchases in this center is more than a certain amount (usually € 20). Pay for parking (if the check is less) should be inside the shopping center. The shopping center also provides free hours, however, they are very inconvenient - this is siesta time, when you do not want to wander around Spanish cities, it is too hot and everything is closed.

City underground parking

They are located in commercial and residential buildings and are identified by a capital “P” on the façade or by the “parking publico” sign. On the board at the bottom there is an inscription “libre” - there is a free space, “ocupado” - everything is occupied. They work in different ways. Some are available 24 hours a day, others close at 20.00. Opening hours and cost, see the same plate at the entrance. It can be different in different cities and even in the same city, since, although parking lots are called urban, they do not belong to the municipality, but to individuals.

The seats marked "plaza reservada" cannot be occupied, these are reserved seats for certain cars.
The city parking is paid as follows: at the entrance you take a coupon from a noticeable yellow-blue machine. When you check out, pay for it at the box office.

Wrong parking penalty - what to do with it

The best thing is to pay immediately, ideally on the spot. The Spanish police have the right to accept “minor” fines up to € 350. But, most likely, when you find the receipt, the police will no longer be around. Go straight to the nearest bank branch.

If you pay within 10 days, you can count on a 50% discount.

Is it possible to "lose" a receipt

The thought looks tempting, but it is better to somehow cope with this temptation and act according to the law. Otherwise, upon your return, not even one, but several unpleasant surprises await you:

  1. Within a month on your email receive a notification from the distributor that you have been fined for violating the parking rules on such and such a date in such and such a place. And the amount was withdrawn from your account (about € 36). Bad news. But do not rush to rejoice and think that the fine has been paid and no one else will bother you. In fact, this is a notice of payment not of a fine, but of a “service”. The company got worried and sent your data to the police - that's what the money was taken for. And the fine itself hangs on you, only the discount does not apply to it;
  2. Next, wait for a letter (or letters, if the first is ignored) with a demand to pay, in fact, a fine. If you are 100% sure that you will never get to Spain again in your life, even in transit, replace the card upon arrival home and you can continue to ignore the letters further. If you want to go again, you will have to pay both a fine and a huge penalty on top.

If your plans include renting a car on vacation, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of parking in. In addition, the country has toll tunnels (travel on the 5-kilometer Cadi costs 12.5 euros, and on the 2.5-kilometer Vallvidrera - 3.7-4 euros) and roads, for which both cash and a card are suitable. So, for the movement on AP-6 - Adanero (70 km) you will have to pay 12.40 euros, for VAP-7 - (178 km) - 17.20 euros, for AP-41 Madrid - (60 km) - 9.20 Euro.

Features of parking in Spain

If a motorist sees an inscription or a yellow stripe on the sidewalk, it means that it is not allowed to leave the car there. To park in Spain, you need to find a parking lot, and if it is highlighted in blue, it means that you need to pay for the parking space at the machine located nearby.

When exploring some Spanish cities, you can come across the Ora Zona system operating there: its advantage is that the driver can get a parking ticket when visiting a stall or small store (it gives the right to park for 30-90 minutes).

Those who stumble upon underground parking should know: for those entering there, information will be displayed whether there are free or no parking spaces in the parking lot. You need to pay for the parking space at the ticket office located at the exit from the underground parking.

Spanish underground parking lots:

  • Paid underground parking in the shopping center: you can use their services free of charge as part of “free parking hours” (coincides with the siesta time), which can be extended if you buy goods for a certain amount in the shopping center.
  • Paid public underground parking: Typically, Purking public (P) is located in office or residential buildings, and the price of a parking space is set by each owner independently. The working hours of some of them are limited (for example, until 20:00) or lasts around the clock. The free space will be indicated by the libre board. And if there are no places in the parking lot, the ocupado board will light up. If a parking space is reserved (long-term rental) and marked reservado, it means that parking there is prohibited.

Paid surface parking in Spain

Such parking lots, or rather their zones, are painted in different colors. In the blue zone (zona azul), the payment for a seat is paid at the entrance to a special parking meter. Those who received the coupon must secure it under the windshield. You can leave a car for free in zona azul at night and on weekends. It should be noted that the blue zone of the coastal regions of the country has its own characteristics: parking services in winter time you do not need to pay, and in the summer - the time of paid parking usually increases.

As for the orange (zona naranja) and green (zona verde) zones, they do not give any privileges to autotourists (they can be used by drivers with a resident card and registration in this place).

In Spain there are special parking zones: in zona residents (for residents) those who live next to it can leave their car. If you see diagonal yellow lines on the asphalt, it means that there is a loading and unloading zone in front of you, which is allowed to be used on weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm for no more than half an hour (you do not need to pay). Important: the “No parking” sign is drawn on the asphalt as a continuous yellow line.

The car of the violator of the parking rules can be evacuated, and to find out its fate, you need to call the Municipal Police Department.

Parking in Spanish cities

Parking at Plaza del Carmen in Madrid costs 0.040 euros / 1 minute (1.22 euros / 30 minutes, 2.15 euros / 1.5 hours, 31.25 euros / day), at Garaje Guva - 2.55 euros / 1 hour (30 euros / 24 hours), and on Vazques de Mella - 1.23 euros / 30 minutes (3.39 euros / 90 minutes, 31.25 euros / 24 hours).

For 1 minute at Villur Parking, motorists will pay 0.65 euros (subsequent minutes are charged at 0.059 euros; payment for a whole day of parking - 40 euros), for every minute of parking on El Born - 0.044 euros (26.50 euros / day), and for 1 minute at Parking Condal - 0.056 euros (a whole day of parking will cost 30 euros, and overnight parking from 9 pm to 9 am - 20 euros.

Visitors to Valencia can leave their car at Parking Centro (1 minute of parking will cost 0.045 euros, and the whole day - 20 euros), Heroe Romeu (30-minute parking is paid at 1.50 euros, hourly - 2.40 euros, 2- hourly - at 4.25 euros, 3-hour - at 6.10 euros, 4-hour - at 7.95 euros, and 5-hour - at 9.80 euros; parking during the day costs 22.65 euros) or Parking Estacion Valencia Nord (the first 15 minutes of parking are free, and from 16 minutes there is a tariff of 0.73 euros; 30 minutes of parking will cost 1.37 euros, and the whole day - 25.80 euros).

To leave a car in Avenida del Mar, you need to pay 8 euros / 12 hours, for Aparcamiento Mercado - 0.05 euros / 1 minute (4.91 euros / 1.5 hours, 0.032 euros / each additional minute, 17 euros / whole day), and on Las Terrazas - € 0.06 / 1 minute (€ 1.5 / 30 minutes, € 0.03 / each additional minute, € 18.20 / whole day).

Car rental in Spain

For car rental, you will need an international driver's license and a card with 500 euros on it (security deposit). The age of the autotourist must be at least 21/23 years old. The average rental amount is 30-80 euros / day. If you wish, you can purchase extended or insurance with a reduced deductible amount (TPL, PAI, CDW and others).

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Today we will continue to consider the features of the organization road traffic in Spain, which would be nice to transfer to domestic roads.

Let me remind you that the talk was about the features of applying road markings, columns that streamline traffic, and a large number of roundabouts.

Well, let's start this article by looking at the peculiarities of car parking in Spain.

Features of parking in Spain

Paid parking spaces

Perhaps the first thing that catches your eye in Spain is abundance of paid parking lots... I can't say that absolutely all parking spaces are paid. Not at all. The number of such places on the roads ranges from 30 to 50 percent.

Unfortunately, in the photo, the markings of the paid parking lot are not visible very well, so I will describe it in words. The markings are exactly the same as on a normal road, but they are applied blue paint.

For example, one side of a street in Spain might have white markings (free parking) and the other blue (paid parking). At the same time, paid parking is no less popular than free parking.

The driver is obliged to pay for parking on his own at a nearby machine. There he also receives a coupon, which he places under the windshield.

I would also like to note that for paid parking strict control is carried out. Quite often I came across police officers issuing tickets for unpaid parking. Apparently, their job is that they walk around some territory (a block or several) and issue fines for all cars parked for free in paid places.

The penalty slip is quickly printed out on a small "pocket" printer, placed under the wiper blade and the policeman follows on.

Underground parking

Another feature of Spain: in cities, parking complexes are often located underground:

The photo above shows the entrance to a paid parking lot under one of the small squares. As you can see, the cost of parking is almost 4 euros per day (approximately 180 rubles).

It is obvious that building underground parking lots is not a cheap pleasure. However, many Russian cities having parking problems need similar solutions.

Dedicated taxi ranks

Consider the special dedicated lanes for taxis:

Taxi stands are very common in Spain. If you walk on foot, then literally every 5-10 minutes such places come across. Moreover, several cars are constantly on duty at each parking lot.

In my opinion, this is convenient. If you want, you can take a taxi, and you don't have to look for it by calling dozens of companies and taxi companies.

Parking lots for motorcycles and mopeds

Well, one more interesting feature traffic organization is marked parking areas for motorcycles and mopeds:

I also came across similar parking lots many times. Obviously, a motorcycle carrying one person in a city takes up much less space than a car carrying the same person.

Unfortunately, in Russia it will hardly be possible to achieve such a proliferation of two-wheeled vehicles, since it is rather dangerous to ride a motorcycle or moped in winter.

Infrastructure for bicycles

In Spain, bicycles are also very popular, so an appropriate infrastructure is being created for them. For example, in many cities bike paths:

Please note that cycle paths in Spain are marked accordingly (for example, give way). In addition, it is important to note that the tracks are not episodic, but form a separate transport system.

In cities, paths usually connect different areas. Moreover, there are also intercity bike paths. Those. between neighboring cities you can travel relatively quickly, safely and on a budget on bicycles.

Also in Spain in large quantities there is also other infrastructure for bicycles. For example, bicycle parking (now they appear in Russia as well), bicycle rentals.

The most amazing element that I have ever seen is motorway bike bridge:

Please note that the height of the bridge is 10-15 meters (four-storey building), and under it there is a full-fledged two-level junction on a six-lane motorway. The length of the bridge is at least 100 meters. In general, the construction cost a decent amount.

Such technical solutions on the territory of Russia, of course, are of limited use. First of all, because of the cold season, when the use of bicycles is quite dangerous.

Mirrors in places with limited visibility

Consider another great solution that can significantly reduce the amount. This installation of convex mirrors in places with limited visibility:

These mirrors are very often installed in places with limited visibility. For example, at exits from courtyards, at unregulated intersections, etc.

Using a mirror, drivers can assess the traffic situation on the next street in advance and, if necessary, reduce the speed in advance. On the other hand, if there are no cars on the second road, you can drive through the intersection without slowing down at all.

For comparison, when leaving, for example, from a courtyard in Russia, you need to drive very slowly, moving the car literally a few centimeters and looking behind obstacles.

One-way roads

Well last feature which I want to consider is a large number of one-way roads in Spain.

One-way roads, firstly, eliminate the need for passing oncoming vehicles on narrow streets, and secondly, they provide higher traffic capacity at intersections. Obviously, an intersection with 2 entrances and 2 exits can be driven much faster than a standard intersection with 4 entrances and 4 exits, where traffic flows constantly intersect.

I would like to note that in some regions of Russia one-way traffic is also widespread. However, not everywhere.

Well, in the next article in the series, I will talk about the remaining interesting technical features of traffic management in Spain.

Good luck on the road!

As with most major European cities, parking your car in Barcelona is not trivial and can be a little nerve-wracking. This is especially true for some central regions in the daytime.

If you are visiting Barcelona with a foreign registered vehicle and do not have an apartment with a garage, then you need to find a secure parking lot. Although the city has a large number of parking spaces, car parks in Barcelona have limited space. They also fill up very quickly.

Keep in mind that foreign registered vehicles are getting more scammers. When leaving your car in the parking lot, make sure your doors and trunk are locked and your windows are closed, or at least not open enough for someone to get in and get something of value.

So let's take a look at what types of parking lots are available in Barcelona and how they are marked.

Parking types (zones) in Barcelona

There are three types of parking spaces in Barcelona: green zone, blue zone and free zone. In addition, there are special markings for unloading points and lanes for buses, on which certain time you can also park for free.

Green zone (Àrea verda)

Parking spaces in Àrea verda indicated by green markings on the asphalt. These parking lots are primarily intended for local residents who pay only € 1 per week.

For those who do not have a resident card, the price is higher, and at the same time, parking is limited in time to one or two hours.

These parking spaces are usually free from 20:00 to 08:00 every day, and in some areas also on Saturdays and Sundays. From 1st to 31st August, all green areas are free due to summer vacations, with the exception of those exclusively for local residents.

We recommend that you always pay attention to the next to the parking lot to avoid surprises and to make sure that you have not violated anything. Be aware that on some streets the side of the sidewalk where you can park changes periodically.

Always check the information on the specific sign for your lot of parking spaces.

Vehicles owned by both residents and non-residents can be parked in the green area without restrictions outside the working hours indicated on the sign.

Parking rates in the Green Zone (Àrea verda)

For non-residents, the cost of parking is from € 2.75 to 3.00 depending on the area from 08:00 to 20:00 on weekdays. The rest of the time, parking is free.

Blue zone (Àrea blava)

Parking spaces in Àrea blava indicated by blue markings on the asphalt. These car parks are located next to shopping centers, hospitals, schools, etc. The main purpose of these car parks is to provide parking for the maximum number of people visiting the area.

The times when parking in the blue zone is payable coincides with the peak driving times in the city. This is from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 on weekdays. However, parking fees may apply in the city center on Saturdays and in the beach area on Sundays and public holidays.

Just like in the green area, the side of the sidewalk where you can park may change from time to time.

Parking in the blue zone is currently paid for everyone and is limited in time from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the area. Parking must be paid immediately after stopping at the nearest parking meter.

The issued ticket must be placed under the windshield so that it is clearly visible to the controller. Otherwise, he may issue a fine. Typically, the fine is € 100 for incorrect parking and € 150 for paying a tow truck.

Outside of the specified times, you will be able to park your car in the blue zone for free, so it is not necessary to leave your ticket on the dashboard.

Parking rates in the Blue Zone (Area blava)

In the blue zone, rates are set based on the existing demand for parking. In Eixample and Ciutat Vella, where there is an increased demand, tariff A applies, while tariff B applies in other areas of Àrea Verda. Tariffs C and D apply in areas where there is less demand for parking.

Free zone

Finding free zones in the city center will be problematic. Basically, such zones are located on the outskirts of the city: in the Zona Universitaria area, in the Poble Sec area (near the Montjuic mountain), in the Bogatell area. In these places you can leave your car for a long time.

The main disadvantage of such parking is that you leave your car far from the center and sometimes even far from the area in which you live. And such parking lots are not guarded and do not provide security guarantees.

However, do not forget that Barcelona is famous for its developed public transport, and you can easily reach any area by metro or bus.

You can also consider options for free parking in the La Maquinista shopping center (Calle Potosí), near the Ikea store (сalle Сiencias 100). However, these car parks may be closed at night.

Here are some more addresses with free parking:

  • Av. Carmen Amaya, 44, 08902 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
  • Carrer d'Enric Bargés, 3, 08014 Barcelona
  • Carrer de Josep Serrano, 77, 08024 Barcelona
  • Carrer de la República Dominicana, 264 (La Maquinista), Barcelona
  • Sagrera, 44, 08027 Barcelona
  • Carrer de Berenguer de Palou, 78, Barcelona
  • Passeig de Valldaura, 223 08016, Barcelona
  • Carrer Bòbiles, 2, 08905 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Unloading places

Barcelona has areas dedicated to the loading and unloading of trucks and vans, where you can park a certain type of vehicle for 30 minutes from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00.

These zones are marked with yellow zigzag markings. Outside the timetable, places with such markings are available for free parking.

Bus lanes

On some bus lanes in the city, you can park for free on weekends. Typically, these lanes are found on wide streets. Such as, for example, Muntaner or Balmes. In any case, there should always be an appropriate sign on top, which indicates the possibility of parking on the weekends.

There must be a sign next to each parking lot indicating who and how long can be in this parking lot.

The “Àrea residents” sign means that only residents can use the parking lot. From 08:00 to 20:00 Monday to Friday, a parking ticket is required.

The Àrea preferent sign means that parking is allowed for everyone. However, for non-residents, the maximum parking time is 1 hour. A parking ticket for non-residents is required from 08:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday, and for residents only from Monday to Friday.

The Àrea blava sign means that parking is allowed for everyone. From 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 Monday to Friday, a parking ticket is required. The maximum parking time is 2 hours.

Garages in Barcelona

There are plenty of underground parking spaces in Barcelona. And along the roads there are information boards, which indicate where the nearest parking lot is and the number of free places in it.

Unfortunately, they have one significant drawback - high price... You can pay from € 17 to 30 per day. On the other hand, if you want to stop for a couple of hours to watch the singing fountains, then underground parking can be considered a perfectly acceptable option.

Advice to all travelers by car !!!

You shouldn't go to the city center unless absolutely necessary. Public transport well developed in the city: by metro or bus you can easily reach any point in the city center.

Do not forget that when refueling a vehicle, your mobile phone should be off.

Traffic rules in Spain

Most of the Spanish roads are equipped with cameras that record the speed of passing cars and transmit the data to the nearest police station. If you break the speed limit, a police officer will stop you and punish you financially. In order to avoid further trouble, it is worth paying this fine.

The use of dipped headlights during the day is required only in tunnels. The use of anti-radars in Spain is strictly prohibited. For this violation, a colossal fine is imposed - 6,000 euros.

When renting a car, you need to make sure that it contains two emergency stop signs, a spare tire and a vest with reflective stripes.

In Spain, it is strictly monitored that drivers use seat belts, and special restraints are purchased for children. You can drive and talk on the phone at the same time only using the speakerphone. If you do not follow this rule, your wallet will be seriously damaged.

Fines in Spain

Violation of traffic rules in Spain will inevitably lead to the fact that you have to pay a fine in an amount depending on the severity of the offense. For example, speeding in Spain is considered a serious violation, especially if the speed is exceeded by more than 50% of the established speed. In this case, a summons about a fine can come by mail. In this case, the penalty receipt received from the policeman must be paid on the spot. This is a prerequisite for foreign citizens. The advantage will be that for payment on the spot there is a 50% discount.

  • Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km / h - from 100 to 600 euros
  • A trip to a red traffic light - 200-300 euros.
  • Neglecting seat belts - 200 euros.
  • Calling by phone - 200 euros.
  • Driving into the oncoming lane - from 400 to 500 euros.
  • Drunk driving - from 500 euros.

Most small towns in Spain have traffic lights that are controlled by radars. If you exceed the speed limit, the traffic light will automatically turn on the red light.

Payment of fines in Spain via the Internet

If the summons about the fine came by mail, then the fine can be paid in online mode, having credit card any of the major payment systems such as Maestro or Visa. To do this, in your computer browser, you must activate the option that allows you to accept cookies. Detailed instructions for online payment of fines issued in Spain can be found.

Surprisingly, in Spain there are conditions, the observance of which when paying fines will allow you to receive a certain discount... For example, if you hurry up and pay within 15 days from the date of the violation, the amount of the fine can be reduced by 50%. However, taking advantage of such a discount and paying a smaller amount, you thereby lose the right to appeal an administrative offense.

Toll roads in Spain

To use the toll roads, the tourist will have to fork out a little. The amount of payment directly depends on the distance. You can pay for the service either by credit card or in cash.

On such roads, there are special lanes at the entrance and exit from them, which are indicated by a blue circle with white lines in a square. These lanes are intended for local residents who have cars with an automatic toll device on such a road. The fare has been increased since January 2019 on some roads in Spain.

The fares for the main toll roads in Spain can be viewed.

Besides toll roads, there are paid tunnels near Barcelona:

  • Cadi (length 5 kilometers): motor vehicles - 9.83 euros, cars - 12.08 euros, trucks and cars with a trailer - 26.36 euros.
  • Vallvidrera (length 2.5 kilometers): at rush hour - motorcycles - 3.38 euros, cars - 3.34 euros; off rush hour - motorcycles € 3.01, cars € 3.86.

Parking in Spain

Basic moments

It is always difficult to find a free parking space in the heart of large Spanish cities, and even more so for free. The area marked in blue means that the parking lot must be paid at a nearby machine. In some places, parking in the daytime on weekdays without a special document is generally prohibited.

Underground parking lots at the entrance have information about free places or about their complete absence. There is a cash register at the exit from a parking of this kind.

Some Spanish cities have the Ora Zona system. It allows you to purchase a parking ticket in a small supermarket or stall, which will allow you to park your car for a short time from half an hour to 90 minutes.

It is forbidden to leave the car on the sidewalk with a yellow stripe or the Vado sign.

Despite the fact that everything looks very difficult, it will not be difficult to park correctly in Spain if you study the issue in advance and familiarize yourself with certain rules, which are in many ways similar to Russian traffic rules. The main of these rules is that parking is allowed only in specially designated areas. At the same time, it is important to note the fact that compliance with this rule is closely monitored not only by the police, but also by locals... Therefore, you do not need to take risks and rely on luck when parking near a house that has a parking sign prohibiting parking. The owner of the house will not turn a blind eye to this and will definitely call a tow truck.

Of course, as with any rule, there are exceptions. For example, during a football match, the police will not issue a fine if you leave your car near the stadium. In other cases, when faced with difficulties in finding a parking space, you should not take risks and break the law - look for paid parking.

There are enough paid parking lots in Spain and it won't be difficult to find them. There are both underground and surface parking lots.

Underground car parks in Spain

Paid underground parking in shopping centers

Often, any shopping center in Spain has a paid parking lot. However, you can use the parking absolutely free of charge - this opportunity is provided by almost all large commercial centers, subject to certain conditions. For example, if you visit a shopping center during the so-called “free parking hours” (usually siesta time), there is no charge for parking your car in the parking lot. Moreover, it is possible to extend this time simply by shopping for a certain amount.

Along with large shopping centers, there is the possibility of free parking in general grocery stores. To do this, you just need to present your parking ticket to the cashier when you pay for your purchases.

Public underground paid parking

In the cities of Spain, public parking is marked with a special symbol "P" (Parking publico). Such parking lots are usually located in residential and office buildings, and despite the fact that they are called public, it will not be possible to park on them for free. Public parking is a private property, therefore the cost of services, as well as the opening hours, may vary and depend on the owner of a particular parking. This can be a round-the-clock mode, or a more abbreviated version, for example, until eight o'clock in the evening.

Before using the public parking service, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the conditions of its work in advance. And you should start by studying the information that is indicated on the board located directly under the pointer. If the word "ocupado" is lit on the board, then all the seats are occupied, otherwise you will see the word "libre" - there are free seats.

Another feature of Spanish underground parking is the possibility to rent a parking space for a long time. When choosing an empty seat, pay attention to whether the empty space is marked with the designation "plaza reservada" or a more abbreviated version - "reservado". This means that the designated place is reserved for a long time and you cannot park here.

Surface paid parking

In Spain, paid surface parking zones are usually marked with different colors.

Blue zone

This parking zone is the most common option. It is called “zona azul” in Spanish and is denoted by a special blue dotted line on the roadway, as well as an icon in the form of a picture, which shows a hand dropping a coin. Please note the difference in the payment system. Unlike underground parking, payment is not made upon departure, but immediately after you have parked. For the convenience of paying in the blue zone, there are special parking meters designed to pay for parking depending on the time you need. The coupon received from the parking meter must be placed in a clearly visible place under the windshield. The presence of such a ticket is vigilantly monitored by employees of the blue zone. And do not forget to extend the parking time if it has expired, and leave the ticket with additional payment in the same conspicuous place. A careless attitude to timely payment can lead to undesirable consequences - you may be issued a fine, and the car may be taken to an impound parking lot.

The blue parking zone in Spain is designed specifically to prevent large congestions of cars left on the streets, and therefore, it is not generally considered as a place for long-term parking. That is why you will not be able to purchase a parking ticket for several hours at once. The maximum number of hours for one payment is no more than two hours.

It should be noted that paid parking can significantly hit your pocket, because the average price for 1 hour is from 1 to 3 euros. But there are also positive aspects - on weekends, as well as at night, there is no payment for the parking service in the blue zone.

Paid parking hours may differ depending on which city you are in, details are always indicated on the sign. Basically, you will have to pay for parking:

  • from 9:00 to 16:00, and from 16:00 to 20:00 - on weekdays,
  • from 9:00 to 14:00 - on Saturday.

The coastal area has its own characteristics. In winter, parking in the blue zone can be used free of charge, but in summer the paid parking time can be increased, so we recommend that you learn about these features in advance.

Orange or green zone

These areas are for parking on special conditions, and you can find it in almost any large locality Spain. In fact, here we are dealing with the same blue zone, but such it is exclusively for those who are not fortunate enough to live in the neighborhood. The owners of cars living nearby can enjoy a number of advantages, ranging from preferential prices for paying for parking and ending with the ability to leave the car for a long time (from a week to 3 months).

For other car owners, the parking rules, as well as payment, will not differ much from the blue zone. You can pay for parking at a time with a time limit (up to 2 hours), moreover, you can use the parking only on set days of the week. Most often these are weekdays, with rare exceptions when parking is possible on Saturday. Parking times are from 8:00 to 20:00.

What is the difference between the orange and green zones? There are no differences in the very purpose of the zone. It's just that in some cities the zones are designated differently. For example, the green ("zona verde") zone will be designated in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​and in Zaragoza and Valencia, the same zone will be indicated in orange, and will be called "zona naranja".

Recall that only car owners with a resident card can use the privileges of this parking lot. At the same time, there must be a registration in this place.

Special parking areas

In addition to public parking areas, there are also specialized parking spaces, access to which is significantly limited, as well as areas where parking is prohibited in principle. These areas include the following categories.

Resident area - marked with the “zona residentes” icon and is intended solely for parking owned by nearby residents.

Loading and unloading area - denoted by markings made on the asphalt in the form of diagonal yellow lines. It is allowed to use it only for the purpose of loading or unloading at a strictly allotted time: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00. Moreover, there are restrictions on the duration of parking - no more than 30 minutes. There is no charge for using such a zone.

No Parking. It doesn't matter what city you are in - the designation of such a zone will be the same. If there is a continuous yellow line on the asphalt, it is best not to park in this area.

What to do if your car was evacuated in Spain

In most cases, the reason for this is the violation of the rules in force on the territory of this state. Before you park, be sure to pay attention to the no-parking warning signs. Usually in Spain they are installed in the following zones:

Also, be sure that you do not find your vehicle if you park it on a double solid line or in a place where your vehicle will obstruct other traffic or pedestrians.

Please note that tow truck services in Spain are by no means cheap and prices may vary depending on the city. The most painful thing on your wallet will be the evacuation of a car in Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza. The more "loyal" cities in this regard include Leon, Melilla and Jaen.

You broke the rules, but managed to arrive at the place before the car was loaded onto the tow truck? In part, you are lucky and there is a chance to negotiate with a service employee. If you're lucky, you can only get off with a verbal warning. Otherwise, you cannot do without paying a fine, just do not forget to demand a receipt for payment.

Is it possible to refuse to pay for tow truck services at all? It is possible, but in this case the car will remain in the parking lot and you will not be allowed to pick it up from there. So, as you can see, this is not an option, and, unfortunately, you will have to pay.

And one more nuance. The presence of unpaid fines in your possession will not be the basis for hindering the return of the car from the parking lot. You will be allowed to pick up the car, requiring you to pay only the costs of the current evacuation.

Luck was not on your side and the car was evacuated after all? The first thing to do is call the Municipal Police Department. Here you can get information about the location of the parking lot, from where you have to pick up the car in the near future.

How to pick up a car from a parking lot in Spain?

The easiest way in this situation is for those who are the owner of the evacuated vehicle. In this case, you will need to present a driver's license, as well as an identity document. In addition, you may be asked to show the documents for the car.

The worst case will be if the car is not yours and the owner is another person. You will need to provide not only an official permission for the right to use (power of attorney) from the owner of the car, but also his documents.

We also advise you not to aggravate the situation by making too insistent demands to return your car if it was evacuated at the end of the working day and the parking lot is already closed. Please be patient before the start of a new working day, because in this situation there are no "cases-exceptions" provided.

Summing up: do not violate the established traffic rules, park your car only in the proper places, do not neglect the services of paid parking - and you will be able to completely protect yourself from many unpleasant situations and unplanned expenses.