Independent trip to the UAE. Rest in the uae. Beach Holidays in Dubai

The approaching vacation season has made the question of the best place to spend the long-awaited vacation days urgent. New "fashionable" players have appeared on the tourist destination market in recent years. Including . Moreover, today a visa is United Arab Emirates can be obtained independently and free of charge.

The popularity of travel to Dubai has recently been bolstered by the prospect of getting permission to enter the UAE right at the airport. In 2019, the process of obtaining such a permit is simplified as much as possible. It is issued at the airport upon arrival of a Russian citizen for a period of 90 days.

The recipient will only need to present his passport. Its period must be at least six months from the end of the trip. It is also important to have at least one blank page in the passport for affixing a stamp. These simple conditions will remove the question of how to obtain a visa to the UAE for the duration of your vacation.

There is no cost to obtain such a permit, it is free.

Alternative options for obtaining a visa

To obtain a long-term visa to the UAE for a period of more than 90 days, there is no need to first fly to this state. Exists today.

Sample e-visa to the UAE

Such permission can be obtained by contacting the visa center and submitting a request for a visa to the UAE on your own on the website.

Also, a visa must be issued to citizens of those countries with which the UAE does not have visa-free regime.

Types of visas

After applying for a visa to the UAE, you can independently visit this state only as a tourist. In all other cases, a slightly more complicated procedure will be required. At the moment, there are several options for such a permit to stay on the territory of the United Arab Emirates.

Starting the registration process, you must initially understand the purpose of obtaining and represent the direction of your activities in this country.

Today there is a whole list of visas:

  • tourist;
  • working;
  • cruise;
  • resident;
  • guest room;
  • business visa.

Registration procedure

Today, visa processing in the UAE is carried out:

  • Through relatives living in the territory of this state.
  • Through in Moscow:
  1. Address: Maroseyka street, 7/8, office 206;
  2. Working hours: every day from 9:00 to 20:00;
  3. Phone: +7 495 973-65-58; +7 499 714-54-74.
  • With the help of a travel agency.

Depending on the option chosen, the total cost of the paperwork may differ. In this case, it will be possible to make an almost independent visa application for a long time. Including due to the simple and understandable design of all documentation.

Do I need to declare the inviting party

Any visa to the UAE, other than the one issued at the airport upon arrival, requires the presentation of a sponsor or guardian of the stay.

This role can be played by:

  • The airline upon arrival for a short time with the provision of confirmation of the purchase of a return ticket.
  • The hotel where the visa holder will be staying.
  • Employer. For those who plan to work in a company registered in the UAE, she becomes a trustee.
  • Relatives living on the territory of this state. One of the simplest options is to issue an invitation from them.

Visitor visa

When collecting and sending a package of documents, it is important to clearly understand what purpose the potential recipient is pursuing.

An applicant for a visitor visa will need to go through two stages. Documents explaining the purpose of the trip to this state are sent to electronic version or brought in person to the visa center. A complete package of documents will need to be submitted after receiving travel approval.

For visits to relatives, it is best to obtain a permit to enter the United Arab Emirates by invitation.

Tourist long-term visa

A tourist visa is also granted for 90 days. It is issued to those wishing to go to relatives, friends, or simply meet with various partners. The price of the commission for its provision depends on the company with the help of which such a document is drawn up.

The video explains: how to get a tourist visa in the UAE

For business trips, a business visa will be the most convenient. To make a visa of this type, you will need to deposit an amount of 3500 rubles and pay for the services visa center... The request is confirmed by the company inviting the business specialist. It must be registered in the United Arab Emirates.

Resident visa

It is issued for the longest period of three years. Detailed permission is granted to persons working in a local organization or to those who have real estate in the Emirates. A feature of this option is automatic cancellation in case of departure for a period of more than six months.

We advise you to see: how to get a resident visa in the UAE

Package of documents submitted for obtaining a visa

To send a request for a permit to stay on the territory of a given state, the applicant:

  • A valid international passport with an expiration date of at least six months after the date of intended return. A passport with other terms will not be considered.
  • Carefully filled in, obligatory in Latin letters, the questionnaire presented on the official website. On behalf of children who have not yet celebrated their majority, the document will be completed by a parent or guardian.
  • Copy of tickets to Dubai in both directions.
  • Copies of all completed pages of the Russian civil passport.
  • Written permission for the processing of personal data issued to the visa center.
  • Documents that will confirm the financial viability of a potential guest of the Emirates.

Depending on the type of visa, the final processing price may differ.

Proof of financial solvency

One of the most financially successful countries in the world is attentive to the financial solvency of each of its potential guests .:

  • You can get permission for a child at the airport or in advance.
  • It is required to provide permission to leave from the parent who does not go on a specific trip with a child.
  • A minor must have his own passport, and not just be entered in the passport of one of the parents. Or a photograph of the child entered into the document must be glued into the parent's passport.

The advantage of obtaining a visa for a child who is inscribed in his parent's passport with a photo pasted in is that there is no need to pay a separate visa fee. The child's personal passport and the issuance of a personal visa according to this passport requires a standard 100% payment.

To each according to his needs. So you can rightfully describe a vacation in the UAE, a man-made magnificent fairy tale among the dunes, a paradise for shoppers and divers, a country that never ceases to surprise even the most skeptical tourists with many years of experience in top-class resorts with enviable regularity. Capricious young ladies, accustomed to white sand and the purest blue waters are in awe of Emirati beaches. Inspirational lovers of extreme sports explore the underwater, sandy expanses and, paradoxically, snowy, dreamy natures wander along and across the mysterious nooks of traditional bazaars, and gourmets and other hedonistic-minded contingent enjoy delicious dishes national cuisine and aristocratic helpful service. In the Emirates, everything is combined with everything: the playful sea breeze plays with expensive curtains in the windows of a seven-star hotel, the luminous Burj Khalifa needle can be seen from the nomad camp in the dunes, and the dromedrome for camel racing is neatly squeezed between the high-rises of modern business centers.

But this is superfluous

    Summer 2019! Unearthly beauty will always win your heart! From 55,000 rubles. for two. , and other resorts in the UAE. Installment 0%! Treat yourself and your loved ones. Hurry up to book! Discounts for children up to 30%. Buy a tour. Departures from Moscow - get a discount right now.

    Rest from 38,000 rubles. for two. The most delicious offers for the summer 2019! Interest-free installment plan for tours! Popular resorts and verified hotels. ,. Discounts for children up to 30%. Hurry up to book! Buying tours. Departures from Moscow - get a discount right now.

Lie down on the beach

We will not hide: along with the above-mentioned rich opportunities for all kinds of vacation activities, the UAE attracts tourists primarily with the prospect of basking in the hot Arabian sun, surrounded by the luxury of human hands. In the Emirates, it is much less likely to spend two weeks of rest, which had been hard won from the employer, in the unpleasant environment of often deranged compatriots, as happens, for example, in popular mass destinations. Of course, all inclusiveness is not uncommon here, but the cost of enjoying "all included" is several times higher than similar pleasures in Egypt, Turkey or Tunisia, thus in advance sweeping aside a good half of the irrepressibly fun working masses. In addition, a beach holiday on the Emirati shores has a certain amount of exoticism: while in the waters Mediterranean Sea only the lazy one has not yet plunged, the waves of the Persian and Oman Gulfs have washed the bodies of a relatively small number of Russians today. Another plus of the beach Emirates is the oriental habits so cute to the northern soul: snow-white robes local residents, races on precious camels, jewelery bursting with kilograms of gold and tickling the nose with aromas of spices, incense and perfume.

3 days in the UAE

Buy everything your heart desires

Shopping is another well-known feature of the United Arab Emirates. In general, being here, you understand how global the idea of ​​the ideological inspirers of turning the UAE into tourist mecca: to satisfy every whim of visitors with 200% fulfillment of the plan. If you want shops, here are the masses shopping centers, from the foot to the top filled with a variety of goods: from general civilian souvenirs to highly specialized women's garments-niqabs, leaving only the eyes visible. The same specific Emirati scale is felt, for example, in gold shops: not just jewelry boutiques are offered to the attention of tourists, but a whole Gold & Diamond Park - a megamall with almost the equivalent of an average gold reserve. European country... Fans of gambling oriental bargaining have not been ignored either: in shops on the streets of Sharjah and Dubai, you can, with foam at the mouth, knock down the price of a luxurious carpet or fabulous pointed-toed slippers.

Explore the surroundings

A man-made paradise in the heart of the Arabian Desert, the UAE boasts the most primitive lifeless landscape within walking distance of modern infrastructure. Here you can listen to the mournful century-old songs of the Bedouins under the Asian sky literally sagging under the weight of numerous stars, ride through the dunes in ultra-modern air-conditioned jeeps and observe from afar a silk tent with heavy curtain tassels and a flying patriotic banner - this is some kind of tired old emperor relaxing at business negotiations in the open air. Fans of unusual combinations can ski on the largest artificial slope under the roof Ski dubai(and breathe in the scent of real trees planted around). Diving enthusiasts will delight in swimming with sharks, rays and other cold-blooded animals at the Dubai Aquarium. Finally, you can enjoy the panorama of the desert-futuristic surroundings from the 124th floor of Borj Khalifa (and here you can also dine in the world's highest restaurant).

If you want to go to Dubai on your own, you should get it in advance visa... To do this, you need to fill out an application on the website, submit to the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates and wait solutions... Your name and surname are not on the blacklist, you paid the fee of 70-80 euros on time, taken care of on submitting an application 30-35 days before departure - you will not be denied a visa, having issued it in 2-5 working days.

If not I want to take the queue at Embassy, but decided to go to the UAE on your own and already know where to stay - make out visa through the hotel and even airline(especially important for transit visa for 96 hours). It is enough to go to the official website embassies(postal address in Moscow: street Olof Palme, 4), clarify all the nuances and correctly fill out the form.

By the way, a visa is not pasted into a foreign passport, the validity of which should expire no earlier than six months after the end of your trip, but the document is issued in the form of a printed electronic form and presented at customs along with the passport.

UAE this state where do we go citizens To enter Russia, you must have a visa, and the visa must be issued before departure. Airlines Emirates, Air Arabia, Etihad and Aeroflot are selling special packages for the UAE, which includes round trip tickets and a monthly tourist visa of the Emirates.

Also visa to you can issue hotel, firms specializing in the issuance of visas or firms of the same direction working via the Internet. To open a visa, you only need a passport and a photo, but it is important to know that for unmarried women under 30 they can to arise problems with discovery visas without a travel agency (10 years ago such restrictions for the citizens of Russia and the CIS was not, but due to the influx of "moths" from the former Soviet countries, the state introduced these restrictions).

Also if you are planning go to UAE with children, make sure that they are entered on the father's visa (especially for boys). Mandatory with different surnames of the spouses, translate and take with you a notarized translation of the marriage certificate, in order to avoid unforeseen problems when crossing the border, check into one room in hotel and just for your tranquility(The UAE is a very progressive, but still a Muslim country, and if, when traveling in the UAE with a travel agency, 5 star hotels turn a blind eye to persons living in a civil marriage, then in case With independent travel this feature of this country is worth knowing).

If you want to go to Dubai on your own and already have a visa, you can purchase tickets. Important: if there is no visa at the time of departure, you will not be released from the country, under no circumstances! You need to know that the UAE is not the most economical prices, and therefore popular airline emirates offers very comfortable travel conditions with a ticket price of $ 3000. But you can always buy tickets on the websites of low-cost airlines - this is an option for those who know how to count money. So a round trip will cost about 20 thousand rubles (economy class) per adult and without children. You can purchase a ticket in advance, as well as book both round trip and one way.

It is also important to answer certain requirements for applying for a visa, and here you will need valid or already expired visas to the USA, England, Japan, Australia or at least to the Schengen countries. Pages with by these visas also scanned and are applied to the online application in the "Other documents" section. I somehow got carried away with the process of filling out the application form and forgot about visas, so the next day I received a reminder about the need send them immediately.

Now it remains to go to process... Do not be surprised if immediately after registration visa request, you will be kicked out: you need to check your mailbox and find there a letter from the visa center with a link - this will be the key to further developments. By going on it, you will only need fill a simple questionnaire, upload the prepared documents and pay the fee along with the deposit; the first is a total of $ 100 for a 96 hour visa, the second is $ 272 and in theory comes back after the tourist leaves the UAE.

Well, then you have to wait a day or two for the Indians from the visa center to check everything and send the documents to the Arabs, about which a letter will be sent to you - otherwise another letter will come with a request to add any documents.

Final decision takes official in United Arab Emirates, and in case of a positive outcome, a PDF file with an entry permit will be sent to the mail. It must be printed and presented at passport control, otherwise you will have to part with ten fine dollars.

It will be somewhat more difficult if in United Arab Emirates if you are flying with some other airline other than Emirates, you will have to get a local sponsor. High-end hotels are good for this, but first need to on a case-by-case basis, ask them if they would bother with visas. If they do, they will need to send some documentation besides the above... In particular, a double-sided copy of the credit cards, with which the hotel will take a deposit of 5000 dirhams and return it after the tourist crosses the UAE border and sends a copy of the page with the exit stamp. In addition, a visa will cost 500 dirhams, which is actually $ 140. But you don't have to send copies of visas and internal passport pages.

By planning independent trip to the United Arab Emirates, it must be remembered that this is peculiarly strange, even among the countries of the Arab world. Strict requirements for the strict implementation of the visa regime, limits the entry of unwanted people into the country. Even when applying for a visa through a travel agency, there are cases of unmotivated refusals. Moreover, no one will explain the reason for the refusal. And, if, for example, after a long time, you again submit documents to the visa department, do not hesitate, there will be a refusal again. That is, for some reason, your identity is not desirable to enter the Emirates.

However, some have reasons to apply for a visa on their own. There are some difficulties here. Some are surmountable, some are not. Let's say it's not realistic for Israeli citizens to get to the UAE. This applies to Russians with dual citizenship. Likewise, if you have ever been to the UAE, and you have problems with the implementation of the law of this country. In this case, even if you subsequently managed to somehow change your personal data and get an entry visa, then passport control you will not be able to get there. The fact is that the iris of your eyes is already in the computer base of your undesirable presence in the country. To overcome this obstacle, you must lose both eyes. And get to know the country by touch. Joke. But this, by the way.

I will try to give a short list of what you need to know for those who, for some reason, need it. My story is not an instruction to refer to. This is just a rough description of your actions. And, if your intentions are serious, you yourself will have to work out this issue.

You yourself will deal with this issue, or instruct the company to prepare additional documents, in addition to the passport and photographs, to save time.

If you and your spouse have different surnames, be sure to make a notarized translation of the marriage certificate. Emirates, a country of advanced views, but still Muslim. And Sharia law has not been abolished here. You will need this document when crossing the border. Checking in you in one hotel room, without it, is also impossible.

If you are planning to travel with children, be sure to make sure that the children are entered on the spouse's visa. There is one more complication concerning lovely unmarried ladies under 30 years old. Most likely, the visa will have to be done through a travel agency. There were no such restrictions even 10 years ago. Alas, girls from Russia and the CIS countries, your reputation is spoiled. For the now fashionable trend, to live in a so-called civil marriage, the Emirates have their own answer. They have not "heard" about it, and they will not admit it. So, civilians, in the UAE, you are absolutely strangers, and it is quite possible to fall under the Sharia law. And lawyers in the Emirates are also quite Sharia. So, you want to go, jogging to the registry office.

Salaam Aleikum!

For tourists, as you know, there are two options to plan your vacation: order a tour from a travel agency or independently book a hotel and buy a flight (the so-called "conscious tourism").

At first glance, the first option is much simpler, cheaper, more convenient, and in general, most tourists at such moments reason exactly this way: “I am going to have a rest, I don’t want to do anything, let knowledgeable people do everything for me”. All this is so, but, often, organizing recreation on your own does not require much effort. What does a tour operator do? In 15 minutes, he manages to go to the hotel booking site, call his intermediaries, book a flight and apply for a visa, if necessary. A tourist pays for his laziness, and after all, rummaging through the Internet, booking a hotel and buying tickets will take a maximum of half a day. So after all, at the same time you will know exactly what and where you spent your money. In my opinion, this is reasonable. In addition, sometimes you want to choose for yourself from what you can see. And not from what the travel agent will provide you with.

Self-planning your vacation is usually 15-20% cheaper, in my case it turned out by as much as 50%.

When I monitored prices from operators for tours in the UAE, I did not find less than $ 700-800 per person, given that the hotel in such tours is 2 or 3 stars. I booked the hotel for 178$ for 4 nights (this is 45$ per night ) in a five-star well-known Hilton hotel in a junior suite with breakfast! I assure you, in all the Emirates, accommodation for such a price, in principle, cannot be found, not to mention such a hotel.

We chose the hotel in the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, which is located next to Dubai, an hour's drive from its center. Ras al-Khaimah is famous for its luxurious clean beaches, stunning mountainous landscapes and historical sites... For two days we rested on the beach and at a hotel in this emirate, the next 2 days we went to Dubai.

You can see on the screenshot when I booked the hotel - the dates, the number of people (the three of us were traveling), breakfast, price. Plus, I had the opportunity to cancel my hotel reservation 5 days before check-in and get my money back. And this, I can tell you, is a rarity in the tourism business.

Naturally, I looked at the options on other resources, and of course, on the popular booking, which positions itself as the cheapest resource for online booking. As it turned out, not the most.

I recently learned about the company in which I booked the hotel and have already joined this discount club. Moreover, I personally checked how it works. This is not just an opportunity to enjoy discounts, travel the world profitably, but also a great business opportunity where anyone inspired by this idea can make good money. In addition, soon this trip will pay off for me and we can assume that I went for free.

Friends, I am actively looking for interested people in this area, those who are looking for something new and interesting for themselves, who want to change a part of their life for the better, travel light and earn money at the same time. I will be glad to help, please contact.

With the settlement at the hotel, everything went great, despite the fact that we arrived very late, we were settled without any problems at 2 am and it took only a few minutes. Delicious and plentiful breakfasts, excellent service, plus, we had the opportunity to use all the services of the Hilton Resort & Spa ***** hotel, which was located on the first coastline.

From the very beginning, the idea of ​​traveling to Dubai came to me when I accidentally stumbled upon reasonable prices on the flight of the Hungarian-Polish budgetary company WizzAir, and at the time of purchase of tickets, prices fell by half from the already low price. So, the round trip cost per person 1,137 hryvnia ( 138$ ). Despite this super-cheap option, the airline's services were top notch. Plus, it was beneficial for me to join the WizzAir discount club, which provided me and those who fly with me with a 10% discount on flights to Dubai, as well as on future flights throughout the year.

But in fact, not only this company provides such low costs, I heard about many others, you just need to delve deeper into this issue, and you suddenly find that flying to other countries, living there is not as expensive as the tour operators offer.

People on all forums on the Internet, tour operators scared us that it was impossible to obtain a visa to the UAE on our own. Don't trust those who have never tried this. To get a visa to the UAE, you just need to scan your passport and photographs and send them to the embassy mail. After 5 days, the visa will be sent to you by mail, you will print it out - and you don't even need to go anywhere!

Be the tourist-conscious! There are opportunities, they practically lie on the surface, you just need to find time to look at them better. I did not use the services of tour operators even in the UAE. No bus tours Dubai can be seen much better from the windshield of the subway than from the window of the bus. Even before the trip, I completely planned my vacation, what places to visit, where to go and at what time, I bought tickets for Burj Khalifa in advance (the main attraction of Dubai, the most high building in the world), since I learned that upon arrival there are no more tickets left and they are 2 times more expensive.

So, flight and accommodation in the UAE for one person for 5 days and 4 nights was: 316$.
Where can you find such a price from a tour operator including flights and a 5 * hotel?

About moving (taxi, buses, metro), what places to visit, about food in the UAE and more I will tell you in the following posts about my trip.

I am very pleased with my vacation, I really liked organizing and planning everything on my own and it did not require much effort, but brought a lot of pleasure, added self-confidence, and I will organize further trips only this way and no other way, because, just believe me, this is the best way. Try it, you will like it!

Yacht charter in Dubai.