Birthday script on a cruise ship animation. New scenario plan. Concerts of classical music

Jubilee evening script

"Cruise on the liner" Yubileiny "around the school continent" 2017



Presentation "Happy Anniversary, School!"

(the signal of the plane sounds at the airport, the presenter comes out and announces)

Stewardess 1 : Dear passengers!The boarding is announced on 10/07/2017, passengers are asked to go to board and take your seats.


Slide 1 "Happy Anniversary, School!"

Stewardess 1: In the second business class salon on the right side of the liner are invited guests.

Stewardess 2 : Teachers and school staff are invited to the second business class salon on the left side of the liner (accommodation of guests)

Slide 2 (image of a flying plane)

the song "Little Plane" by Valery is played

Stewardess 1: We are glad to welcome on board of our liner the birthday people of today's celebration, a large team of our school

Stewardess 2: Honorable and distinguished guests!

Stewardess 1:

Cruise all of you to the Jubilee
Today we have invited.
So that no one is late
They asked very much.
Stewardess 2;

And here you are, the hall is decorated,
Faces are warmed by the warmth.
It's time to open the banquet.
Let's have fun. (Applause.)
Stewardess 1: Dear passengers! (with sign language interpretation) We ask you to fasten your belts, belts and sit down more comfortably. And stay in place until full climb

Stewardess 2: Our liner "Yubileiny" goes on a cruise around the school continent.

Stewardess 1: Flight control charter flight undertakes a crew consisting of:

Ship captain Lysenkova E.E. (handing over the cap)

Stewardesses : Ivanova O.V. and Gulova O.G.

Stewardess 1: Today we will take our flight, the duration of which is 40 years of school life.Flight time is more than 4 hours.

Stewardess 2 : And now we will introduce you all to the rules that must be observed during our entire flight:
- during takeoff and landing, everyone needs to fasten their belts,

During the flight, it is allowed to unfasten for an abundant reception of the treat,
- during takeoff and landing, the backs of the chairs should be brought to an upright position, during the entire flight it is allowed to tilt your chair towards the neighbor with his permission, but not 90 degrees,
- there is no call button for the flight attendant, so please contact all questions orally and in writing,
- the doors of emergency and main exits are located in the same place as the entrance

toilets are located at the tail of our liner near the exit,
- getting up and going home during the flight is allowed only with the permission of the ship commander,
- during the whole flight you will be offered soft drinks, cold snacks and a hot dinner.

Stewardess 2 During the flight, it is prohibited to: get bored, eject from the plane before landing,

Stewardess 1: give up the opportunity to spin in a whirlwind of dance,

Stewardess 2: tell others anything other than compliments and praises.

Stewardess 1: During the flight, it is allowed to: congratulate each other on the anniversary of the school;

Stewardess 2: take an active part during the entire flight, charge everyone with a good mood;

Stewardess 1: give compliments, confess your love to school, teachers, and each other!

Stewardess 2: The ship commander and crew wish youpleasant flight!

Stewardess 1 :

Today we have a great reason
Gather everyone at the festive table
After all, the school's anniversary is a good reason,
Let's fill the glass with sparkling wine!

Stewardess 2:

School is an expensive word,

In that word is warmth and light.

And the director at this school

A ray of light between the planets

Stewardess 1 : While our liner is gaining the required altitude, the floor is given to the commander of our crew - Lysenkova E.E.(Music. Guests are filling their glasses.)

Stewardess 2:

Every teacher is a great dreamer and inventor. And we invite you to compose a chain of stories that happened in the school, the main characters of which are teachers and students. And it begins like this ... “The autumn sun timidly made its way through the morning mist and looked into the school window. The morning began as usual ... "Continue ...

Stewardess 2:

And let with love and excitement
For you, heroes of the celebration,
Congratulations sound today
And just kind words

Stewardess 2:

Our school is a friendly home

Many good people live in it.

All the inhabitants of this glorious house

Close to greet - guests of the area.(congratulations to distinguished guests)




Stewardess 1:

We hope that your flight will be comfortable and your communication will be pleasant.
Listen to the announcement:
“The jubilee flight today has a video salon, a radio center, where you can send applications and musical congratulations in honor of today's celebration. During the trip, you will also be offered drinking songs, games, entertainment that while away the travel time. "

Stewardess 2 : On the eve of the Anniversary, we conducted a survey among the teachers of the school and present the results to you.

Slide 3 (diagram based on the results of the questionnaire)

Average school portrait This is one comic study of the "face of the school". (results)

Stewardess 1:

May this day go down in history forever
Success and joy will bring our school
And let the guests have fun carelessly
Nobody, I hope, will leave the anniversary sad.
Stewardess 2: Well, guests, I ask everyone to get up,
Raise full glasses,
Let's wish each other happiness
Let's say it together three times ... .. Congratulations !!!
Let's drink a healthy toast to the bottom
And to the School - three times ... Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

(airplane sound)
Stewardess 1: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching "Alley of memory"

We begin to decline(sound signal)

Slide 4 "Alley of memory"

Stewardess 2:

The avenue of memory is magical -

Thoughts and dreams are evident here.

Aley of memory is sincere -

Here you will meet everything that you remember.

Stewardess 1:

We are glad to introduce you very dear and important guests, not even guests, but the VICTORS of the celebration.

The floor is given to 1 director of our school Zhuk ______________________________________

Stewardess 2: time sweeps away the wounds left in the memory of those who will never come here again ... We

we remember those who, unfortunately, are no longer with us.

VIDEO (Against the background of the song, photographs of the teachers who have passed away are shown, comments L.A. Troshchinina)

Stewardess 1: Flying over the memory lane, let's remember the funny moments of those past years The floor is given to the 2nd director of our school Dmitrieva Antonina Nikolaevna

Stewardess 2: Dear passengers! The crew of the ship informs you that our airliner has reached maximum altitude, the evening continues, you can unfasten the belts, it is allowed to get up, but not all at once, it is allowed to walkbut no further than the captain of the liner

Stewardess 1: 40 years is a long time

How many events happened during this period!

Something has been forgotten, but much remains

in our memory and became history

Stewardess 2:

"How did it all begin?"

We will ask you questions

Quiz "The day it was."
The host of the corporate event names various memorable events in the life of the company and asks those present to recall the exact date when these events took place. For each correct answer, the participant (team) receives five prize points.

Competition "Who, Where, When".
The host of a corporate event turns on a projector (or overhead projector) and shows guests photographs, video chronicles or slides. For each episode, guests must answer the following questions:
1. Who is this or what is it?
2. Where does it happen?
3. When (exact day, year) does it happen?
Each correct answer is awarded five points.

(After that, the results of the competitions are summed up, and the winners receive prizes. )

Stewardess 1: And we are gaining altitude again, our flight continues and we fly further in the direction"Islands of congratulations"

Stewardess 2: Dear friends, our flight continues, the temperature inside the liner is gradually rising. There are guests on board our liner, the floor is given to our guests _____________________________________________________________________________ (former graduates and teachers)

Stewardess 1:

What could be more wonderful
When love melts
Congratulations to the school
Colleagues and friends!

Slide 5 "Islands of congratulations"

Stewardess 2: The crew also decided that it was time to present a few more small gifts to our school from colleagues, we are going to descend, fasten your seat belts in front of us"Island of congratulations" (teachers' speeches)
Stewardess 1:

A rich harvest for wishes,
Guests have a large supply of them,
Congratulate our school on the anniversary date
They are ready right here, now.





Stewardess 1: Dear passengers! So take your seats, we take off again and go to the foot "Mountain Range"

Stewardess 2: What is an ordinary passenger usually busy with until his liner arrives at its destination?

Stewardess 1: I know! Firstly, he sleeps, secondly, communicates with fellow travelers, thirdly, drinks and eats, fourthly, looks for himself interesting entertainment... But today we have an unusual, anniversary flight, and our passengers are not ordinary, but friends, colleagues, in a word, dear and honorable guests. What should our passengers do now?

Stewardess 2:
While our plane is gaining altitude, I suggest ... "

Recall the various professions that exist and suggest who can get drunk how. Do you know how a carpenter, for example, gets drunk? (into the board).

Glazier - to smithereens

Carrier - in an arc

Firefighter - Into the Haze

Shoemaker - in the insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Pig - to a pig squeal

Footballer - out of bounds

Hunter - into a snipe

Railwayman - into the trolley

Cook - in a sausage

Cooper - into the barrel

Forester - in the bump

Musician - in tune

Electrician - passed out

Athlete - in prone

Medic - until pulse loss

Physicist - until resistance is lost

Journalist - to the point

Chemist - before precipitation

Writer - up to the pen

Astronomer - to the stars from the eyes

Now let's remember who loves how?

Firefighter - fiery

The cook is hot

Photographer - instantly

Confectioner - sweet

Watchmaker - by the minute

Lawyer - eloquently

Bath attendant - hot

Fisherman - in cold blood

Accountant - prudently

Student - platonic

The doctor is deadly

Crazy - Crazy

(airplane sound again)


Stewardess1: And stop again.Our airliner has landed at the airport for refueling, and you all have the opportunity to refuel and warm up a little.

( dance break).

STEWARDESS 1: Before you "Mountain Range "

Stewardess 2: We land right at the foot of this mountain range (photo on the screen of all school teachers) behind which our children always feel protected from storm winds, snowfalls, storms, blizzards. These are our teachers and educators. Patience to all of you and health for many years.

Stewardess1: Students of our school have prepared a video for you - congratulations. Attention to the screen.

Stewardess 1: The good mood grows along with the speed of our liner. I ask the guests to raise their glasses so that all adversity in our school will rush away with the speed of a jet airliner, and its future would be filled with the light of joyful happiness.

Stewardess 2:

Why is the anniversary so wonderful?

The fact that the house of friends is full.

A sea of ​​toasts, games and laughter ...

There is still fun for you

Continuing the fun

We all play the lottery.


Stewardess 1: Our liner is flying rapidly forward. From a height of flight, we can see all the corners of our vast, beloved school continent.

Stewardess: Let's try to look into every corner of it, which left its indelible mark on the soul, taught a lot, and most importantly taught us to believe in ourselves, on our way "entertainment island " from here we will stay for a long time to refuel our liner

Stewardess 1: Dear passengers, we are going downhill, look at the eluminators, before us is the "entertainment island", to begin with, we will warm up a little


Stewardess 2:

And now I ask you
Everybody's going to dance now.
Let's dance together
Have fun, light up.

(dance break)

Stewardess 1 : After the dance break, it seems to me that you have a second wind, and I propose to perform collective songs


Stewardess: 2 Dear guests! Today, at this hour, a collection of extraordinary things is presented in this room. These are favorite items or essential supplies for teachers and school staff.

Things are invisible and your task is to guess these things and their owners.

1. Exhibit number one. A sheet that is hung on a board, painted with red and black arrows. reflecting the glorious path of armies and states, but the main thing of our mother Russia. What is the sheet and who is the teacher who owns it?

2. Exhibit number two. This is a subject that no day is complete without. To compose it, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. In this thing, all the lessons are spelled out.

What is this thing and who composes it?

3. Third exhibit. The exhibit is bipedal, but each leg has its own purpose. When one leg is buried in the surface, the other dances around it in a circle.

The owner of this exhibit has a number of other necessary items for working on the board, but she can do without them, depicting all kinds of figures on the board with a sweeping movement of her hand. What are these things and who is their owner?

4. The fourth exhibit Object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. Especially often it is attacked by a tall person, after occupation with whom all parts of this body ache. What is this item and who owns it?

5. Fifth exhibit. Thing. which we will talk about is very important, it contains all the information about the students. where they live, who are the parents, and most importantly there are numbers from 1 to five. What is this subject?

6. Sixth exhibit. The object is round in shape, but not used in the gym. Motley. spinning, with the help of this item you can travel without having dollars, camels and jeeps. What is this item and who is its owner?

7. Seventh exhibit. Or rather not an exhibit, but an exhibition of exhibits that you will see when you come to one of our school's rooms. There is everything for life, and most importantly, in order to cook such delicious food. This is the most delicious study in our school. What is this office and who is its owner.

Stewardess . 2: School you should know this!

Stewardess 1: Our school is our cozy home

Where children are always waiting for us

Where we are greeted with only good

Where nobody will be bored

All the stars lit up in the darkness

Over our school

There is no where

Life is so fun

We all love you

Happy birthday school! (filling the glasses)

Stewardess 1:

Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night, you can't live without smiles
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy Anniversary, friends!

(filling the glasses)

Stewardess 2: A dance break is announced

Stewardess 1: We offer one more entertainment for you dear passengers

Stewardess 2:

We say thank you everyone

For your hard work!

For what you are in the world,

That you are working here. (pouring glasses, drinking for our union)

Lead 1:

It is very difficult to keep at the level!
But, if you try, it is possible!
Everyone has their own level, I know
And this is what I now offer you:
Raise glasses to chest level,

Forgetting now for a while your scales
And drink one scale for everyone,
After all, we need to level all the levels!
And a common understanding
Will have a beneficial effect
For all processes in your body
And there will be no place for you in pessimism!
Dance break


Let's drink together to success,
Let him accompany everyone in life!
So that you never know barriers in dreams
And in good noble beginnings!

And in order to securely consolidate success,
We will drink for him all evening
And may our holiday be successful!
With success and may you be lucky in everything

Stewardess 1 : So our cruise around the school continent has come to an end.Thank you for the pleasant communication!

Stewardess 2:

All earthly sounds today

We have intertwined in a single chorus

And there is no place for blues and boredom,

After all, school is our life!

Lead 1:

Live, school, for many, many years,

Let the restless hearts beat.

We wish you light and victories

And we are with you forever, to the end!


LLC "Vodokhod"

Form of organizing animation programs on cruise ships
With Russian tourists.

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Every day, on board the ships, various animation programs are held so that our tourists can spend their free time from excursions as actively as possible, and most importantly - to their liking. Taking into account all the conditions of the route schedule, and based on the experience of previous years, you can make a list of mandatory activities. Among them:

1. Captain's cocktail with a ceremonial launch of balloons (presentation of the tour team, crew)
2. Welcome concert
3. Morning exercises
4. Dance class
5. Children's room, children's entertainment program
6. Concert of classical music
7. Table games tournaments, loto club
8. The Captain's Dinner
9. Evening entertainment
10. Additional programs
11. "Play, button accordion!"
12. Evening of relaxation in bars
13. Disco

Below we will dwell on each of the points in more detail. But do not forget that these standards are a minimum of ideas, a given direction, and are designed for your creativity and professional data!
If possible, take part in the programs of your colleagues!

Attention: prepare the site for any event in advance! After the end of the event, all props must be removed from the site to specially designated places in order to avoid loss and damage.

Captain's cocktail with the ceremonial launch of balloons (presentation of the tour team, crew)


 Preparing the concert venue for departure.
 Departure of the ship and launch of balls.
 Passage under the "Bridge of Desires" (when departing from St. Petersburg)
 Meeting the crew of the ship on the sun deck.
 Introducing the crew by a passenger assistant.
 Word of the captain.
 Champagne.
 Presentation of the tour crew by a passenger assistant

The site must be prepared one hour before the departure of the ship on the voyage. There are champagne tables on the sun deck, music is playing (harbor masters prohibit loud sound, check with the passenger assistant). Please do not allow yourself to set up sound equipment, tables and set up microphones before the very beginning of the event. The guests of the ship should see the already prepared platform.
10-15 minutes before departure, the methodologist invites guests to the sun deck (in bad weather, to the conference room). At this time, you should turn on musical accompaniment on the river theme, the animators greet everyone, the pop musician sings a cheerful welcome song.
Then, the animation team has to take out and distribute Balloons guests. With the departure of the ship on a voyage with loud cries of "Hurray" everyone launches them into the air, thinking good weather and a successful trip. All this, as interesting and lively as possible, the animators must explain, play along with the distribution of balls. For example, lie that the balls will please the sun and we will be provided good weather etc.
Please calculate the time of music, taking out and distribution of balloons in advance, as this should happen BEFORE the ship leaves for the voyage !!!
As soon as the ship departs, the methodologist (or radio operator) turns on the march "Farewell to Slavyanka", at this moment the musical accompaniment of the sun deck must be turned off. After waiting 10-15 seconds, the animators announce that they are ready to launch the balloons. For example, on the count of three, all as loudly and happily shout "Hurray!" and release the balls!
The bridge, under which the ship passes (when departing from St. Petersburg), must also be beaten. Ask tourists to close their eyes before entering the bridge, make a wish and open their eyes only when the bridge is passed, etc.
Please do not leave the site in silence until the ship's crew arrives. Rehearse the applause with which everyone will meet the captain, tell us a little about what awaits the guests of the ship during the trip, recommend dressing warmer, hold a competition, sing a song, etc. etc. Do not lower the emotional bar of the event, communicate with guests constantly. Give the crew exit as solemnly as possible.
The appearance of the captain, restaurant director, ship's medic and passenger assistant should be announced with solemn fanfare or march.
After a welcome speech from the crew, champagne will be offered to all guests. During the buffet table, the passenger assistant will introduce the animation group to the guests.
ATTENTION! Sometimes the presentation of the tour team takes place at a welcome concert or information meeting. Check this moment with the passenger assistant!
After the end of the official part, do not leave the site in silence. DJ puts on background music or pop musician performs songs.

Welcome concert.

Involved in the program: the entire animation group.
Welcome concert is an event where our guests can get acquainted with the animation group of the ship. Each artist must show himself from the most advantageous side, sing, dance or tell what will be interesting for the guests if they attend his program. The animators introduce each of the artists, briefly telling (before or after the performance) about where and when they can attend their events. Please check this information with the passenger assistant.
Please do not limit your welcome concert to just a concert program. The classic entertainer is not suitable for this event. Work interactively, that is, in direct communication with the viewer. Beat every performance, come up with original liners for every concert number! This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.
For example: “Many wonderful and interesting and even unique people work on our ship. You probably won't believe me, but we even have our own organist! Yes, this is really so and, moreover, I want to surprise and puzzle you even more, because he always carries his Organ with him! Haven't you guessed who we are talking about yet? Then I present to you our accordion player Igor! Why is the Authority you ask? And I will answer you: everything is very simple, because when Igor plays his button accordion, he represents one whole with him, and you will see for yourself now! ”,“ And now I want to present to your attention one more diamond in the diadem of our tour. the brigades are the soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic Society, laureate of international competitions Tatyana Rubinskaya! Tatiana will perform for you ... "
First of all, animators must introduce and invite a passenger assistant to the stage, who, in turn, invites the methodologist for a welcoming speech. This is the so-called official part. After that, start the program.
DJ and the animation team of the ship need to pre-select the appropriate musical accompaniment for the event and work out the moments of its inclusion. This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.
Conduct short contests and interactive games with the audience between the performances of the artists. After the first competition, identify the winner, hand him the "Chance" card, while explaining to the guests what it is, why it is given and what to do with it next.
"Chance" is a lottery ticket / card, which is drawn at the final gala concert in the form of a lottery, followed by the presentation of prizes. Please coordinate the raffle form with the passenger assistant.
The competitive program of the presentation concert should not be long and tedious, as it is a kind of interlude to what the guests will see during the cruise.
End the concert by singing a common song (all staff of the tour team). For example, "We are wandering artists." However, if in a creative team there is a person with a poetic gift, compose your own.

Morning work-out.

Exercise is a very important part of the day. It depends on how you spend it, how the day of our guests begins and continues. Your task is not so much to warm them up physically, but to charge them with cheerfulness, optimism and good mood.
You won't wake anyone up with dry, technical exercises, you will only tire them out and make you want to rest. Add some creativity and imagination to your work!

Example 1: Assign exercises that are relevant to the topic of our journey. Movement based on commands: left rudder, right rudder, bow, stern, scrubbing the deck, captain on board (at attention), around, equalize, become in height ... Movement of sea animals (animals in general). The movements of the captain, cabin boy, cook ... The movements of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire (Sun), Air (wind), Metal (ship). Arrange a competition between the participants (and don't forget about the "odds")

Example 2: If a mixed audience is present at the gym, enter a pair exercises program - after all, this is also an element of team building (team building)
If suddenly only one person came to your gym, encourage him with a "chance" for willpower, endurance and early rise. Give the guest an exclusive activity (or so he thinks so) that no one else does. For example, a course of breathing exercises. Let him leave you with his head held high from the consciousness of his exclusivity.

Remember, if no one came to charge on time, you must still be at your workplace until the end of the prescribed time. Someone might have slept a little. He shouldn't see an empty hall.
You need to radically differ from the tourist group in your appearance during this program. BE BRIGHT !!! After all, the energy charge and the mood of the guests depend on you for the whole day.
Remember the most active tourists, they can be attracted for the gala concert (more on this later).

Dance class

The program involves: a sports instructor.
Depending on the schedule and the number of guests, the dance class can be divided into adults and children. But the essence remains the same. Taking into account the wishes of tourists, the sports instructor must choose a dance, or several, which will be learned during the flight. Please note that the sports instructor must provide all musical materials himself.
In addition to the goal of teaching your guests the basics of dancing, you should invite them to participate in the final gala. They can perform both with just learned dances and with their own repertoire. You are required to help rehearse, edit, provide costumes (your own or from the props available on board the ship).
If a tourist asks you to work out with him individually, you do not refuse him. Coordinate the place and time of the lesson with the passenger assistant and inform the tourist.
If the guests do not have any special wishes about the choice of the dance studied, suggest something to their liking. It's very good if you manage to put on something comic, lively, energetic. However, it all depends on the contingent, creativity and mood of the guests.

Children's room, children's entertainment program.

The program involves: children's animator, educator, DJ (as needed).
If the layout of the ship allows, then our little tourists spend time in the "Children's room" with a teacher during the day. Remember, the mood of the children affects the mood of their parents and not only. Noisy kids running on decks rarely make anyone happy. Therefore, the educator must make every effort to interest them in himself. Conduct outdoor games, learn to sing, draw, turn on cartoons. During the cruise, you can prepare and organize an original exhibition of children's drawings, always encouraged by prizes. Please coordinate the holding of the exhibition and the awarding of prizes with the Passenger Assistant.
Also, during the cruise, if time permits, children's entertainment programs can be assigned to the passenger assistant. Conduct "Fun Starts", "Treasure Hunt", come up with a program based on the plot of popular fairy and movie stories.
Traditionally, on board our ships, together with the ship's restaurant, a “Sweet Party for Children” is held, during which little guests are offered tea, cake and pastries from the restaurant's chef.

You can come up with a scenario for this holiday yourself, but take into account the following proven scheme:

 interactive part
 tea party with music
 conduct part of the program in the form of a conversation (welcome). Those. the program should take place not only in an active game mode, but also simply in the form of a conversation at the table. Make riddles to the children, conduct a short survey about the rules of etiquette and good manners, etc.

For example, you can first search for treasures, which will be tea and cake. While drinking tea, tell the children stories about pirates, tea, or Russian traditions. And after the meal, arrange a small quiz based on what you heard. Don't forget the prizes!
Please agree with the passenger assistant on the number of children on the program, the time when tea and sweets are ready!

Concert of classical music.

The program involves: classical musicians.
Concerts of classical music are held 2-3 times a week in the music salon of the ship (Panorama Bar). Usually at this time the bar stops working and turns into a concert venue.
It is advisable to divide all concert performances thematically: "Opera arias", "Romances", "Songs from musicals", "Music of Russian composers", etc. It all depends on your creativity.
Turn your performances into live performances rather than background music. The position of “classical musician” on cruise ships differs in that the audience comes to the bar of the ship for a concert program, so they perceive the artists not as background music in the bar !!!
It will be interesting if you anticipate the performance of each number. a short excursion into the history of the performed work.
Please follow the general rules for every artist performing on stage: culture of communication, concert costume, concert make-up and, of course, a smile!

Board game tournaments, loto club.

The program involves: animators, a sports instructor (by agreement, based on a parallel program).
Most often, tournaments are held during the daytime (before or after lunch). Competitions in checkers, chess, backgammon can be held both on the same day and during the entire cruise.
The Lotto Club is a very popular separate event.
Your task is not to turn the game into an intellectual, dry, quiet competition. If it is checkers, chess, backgammon, accompany the course of the game with sharp comments. If this is a lotto, beat the numbers of the kegs.

The Captain's Dinner.

The program involves: DJ, pop musician
At the end of the journey, the captain invites all guests to a farewell dinner. The salons of the restaurant are festively canned, wine is poured, the dishes are distinguished by special sophistication. At the beginning of dinner, the captain, restaurant director, chef and passenger assistant come to the restaurant. They say farewell words, congratulate the guests on the end of the cruise, and then come personally to each table with a glass of champagne.
The task of DJ and the pop musician is to distribute in advance, bring and connect speakers and sound equipment to the restaurant salons, check the microphones. When the crew approaches the restaurant, turn on the solemn march, while delivering speeches, remove all sound, and then leave the background music until the crew leaves the premises.

Evening entertainment programs.

The program involves: animators, DJ, the rest of the animation team as needed.
After dinner, all tourists are invited to attend the evening entertainment program... It should be a concert-interactive event with the presentation of "Chances" and various titles.
Animators must have competent speech and active recitation.
Please follow the general rules for every artist performing on stage: culture of communication, concert costume, concert make-up and, of course, a smile! The animation group should radically differ from the tourist group in its appearance during the concert-interactive programs. BE BRIGHT !!!
The traditional programs on board our motor ships are as follows:

 Miss and Mister cruise
 Neptune Day
 Gala concert (all animation group involved !!!)

The rest of the programs are at your discretion. Please check with your passenger assistant. The script plan for each show is fully tailored to your creativity and professional qualities.

Show "Miss and Mister Cruise" can be divided into 2 days, that is, Miss Cruise is identified on one day, and Mister is revealed on the next. The basis of the program is a variety of interactive games in which guests selected from the hall compete. The jury, also consisting of the guests of the ship, evaluates the participants, and at the end selects the winner. The rest of the participants are also awarded titles, for example "Vice-Miss", "Princess of the Cruise", "Knight of the Cruise", "Boss of the Cruise" and so on. It is better to present the personal certificates at the final "Gala-concert" before the drawing of "Chances"
In addition to the participants' competitions, conduct interactive games with the audience. For example, "Magic Hat", "Leisya, song!" etc.

Scenario plan of the "Day of Neptune" can be anything. It is desirable to carry out this program on the "sun deck" of the ship. This program consists of two stages: 1. Preparatory (in the daytime you prepare props and rehearse concert numbers with tourists) and 2. Main (final evening program). This program is most often carried out in the middle of a cruise. The task of the animators is to calculate the most active from the mass of guests and offer them participation.
The basis of the scenario plan for this event can be, for example, the war between Neptune and the Sea Devil or Pirates, if the “Pirate Dinner” is not planned on the cruise (see below). Here's an example of building a program.
In the underwater kingdom, the Witch meets an old friend - the Sea Devil. They agree to disrupt the holiday of Neptune, so that the witch becomes the lord of the sea, and the Devil for this could sink as many ships as he wishes. The Devil and the Witch run away to collect a team, and the main Mermaid comes out onto the stage, accidentally overhearing the conversation. Wails and runs to report to Neptune. It turns out Neptune (most often this role is played by an accordion player) begins to congratulate everyone, the main mermaid appears and talks about the conspiracy. Neptune calls the "army" of Mermaids (a team of tourists) for help, and the Witch, the Devil of the Sea and a team of sea demons (a team of tourists) immediately appear. When two teams meet in the underwater kingdom, an argument begins who will be the Lord of the Sea - the Devil or Neptune. There is only one way to solve this - to prove in trials who is stronger! In the first competition, demons win, in further ones - mermaids. The demons lose absurdly: they either fall, or the balloon they were carrying burst, or they push each other (make an agreement in advance and rehearse with the guest performers). After losing, the Witch and the Devil are going to escape. Mermaids catch them, forcing them to repent. Neptune forgives everyone, and everyone dances a dance of friendship with the audience.

Examples of contests:

 Jumping with balls between the knees
 Doubles running with pins between the backs
 Badminton on the go (pin and ball)
 Crossing the swamp (rearrange the rugs)
 Growing snake (running along the serpentine, after each circle one participant is added)

One of the main and long-awaited events of the cruise is the final Gala Concert.

Its peculiarity is that in addition to the farewell numbers of the animation group, it contains the farewell numbers of the guests of the ship. This is what they prepared during the dance class, "Play, button accordion" and other events, or what they have been able to do for a long time and wanted to perform.
At the end of the Gala Concert, the awarding of titles earned for the cruise, as well as a drawing of prizes for the "chance" cards with the presentation of the main prize - a Voucher to the next year's cruise, is held. Please coordinate the delivery of prizes and vouchers with the passenger assistant !!!
The gala concert is also held in 2 stages - a rehearsal with the guests of the ship and the final evening program.

Additional activities.

The program involves: the entire animation group
Additional events include concerts of a pop musician, a variety of master classes, and evening events that are different from the traditional ones. Information and requests for additional activities depends on the cruise schedule and is coordinated with the passenger assistant.
However, there are a number of additional activities that are traditional and are carried out, if possible, on each flight. These include:

 Beer show
 Pancake show (Vodka pancake show)
 Pirate Dinner
 Fun starts on the shore (green stops)

"Beer Show"- an event for the adult contingent of tourists. It is held in two versions: 1. All guests are offered a glass of beer and a bowl of croutons and thematic interactive games are held. 2. Themed interactive games are encouraged with beer. Please agree on the options with the Passenger Assistant!
In the case of the first option, the nature of the program should be concert-interactive. Also, do not forget to tell a little about the history of beer in a playful way.
In the second version, it is not necessary to include concert numbers in the program. It is more beneficial and interesting. Also, do not forget to tell a little about the history of beer in a playful way.
Most importantly, the "Beer Show" program should run on a positive, informal wave. Here's an example of an introductory word:
Host: “Today we decided to remove from our program some touch of academicism, as you have already noticed, I am not wearing a tuxedo. And we have prepared for you a naughty, entertaining and educational evening called "Beer Show". Today we will try to figure out how to drink beer, where to drink beer, with whom to drink beer, how to drink beer in a place where it is absolutely impossible to do this, while preserving the face of a respectable citizen. And of course, we will taste beer with you, but first, let's try to remember all the brands of beer that you know (in the form of an auction, famous brands of beer shout from the hall, who shouted the last one gets a prize - a bottle of beer) ”.
The following contests can be included in the interactive part of the program:

 Beer tasting - four participants are offered 4 glasses of beer of different brands (the brands are voiced). Their task is to guess which one.
 Disguise - Dress up as an infant to have a beer in the playground. Four male participants, four female participants must dress for speed under babies and drink beer from bottles with nipples.
 Bombardier - there are three members in the team. 1st - inflates the ball and passes it to the second, 2nd runs to the third participant, sitting on a chair and bursts the ball, sitting on his knees.
 Pass the bottle in a circle with your knees. The one who dropped is eliminated.
 "Mom is coming!" - an analogue of the children's game "Potato" and running around the chairs. While the music is playing, pass the bottle around. Those who have it in their hands at the end of the music are eliminated.

"Pancake Show" or "Vodka-Pancake Show".

Joint event with the restaurant. Animators and all persons involved, except for DJ, in Russian folk costumes. Please note that the entrance to this event is paid, so it must pass at a good level.

This program should take place in an interactive lecture mode. During the program, tourists should not only taste Russian pancakes, caviar and vodka, take part in competitions, but also get a short historical excursion about the appearance of these products and the culture of their use in Russia. Please ask the ship's passenger assistant for additional materials. This program carries a folk theme, therefore, if possible, support it not only with its appearance, but also musically and competitively.

The program is a Russian folk holiday with the history of vodka and pancakes. You can come up with a kind of fairy tale and play it out with elements of interactivity, you can conduct a concert-interactive program on the topic. You can start with the auction already familiar to us, only this time, we need to come up with synonyms for the word "get drunk". Who won - a decanter of vodka as a gift.

Well suited contests "Pour, drink, snack" for adults and "Spread, eat, pour and drink" for children. The essence of the contests is simple. A team of 4 people (in the adult version, more is possible, the main thing is not a multiple of 3) performs the commands according to the name. The first one pours, the second one drinks, the third one takes a bite. And so on in a circle until the vodka runs out in the decanter. In the children's version, there is only one circle. The first one spreads the pancake with jam, the second one eats it, the third one pours the juice, the fourth one drinks it. Whose team is faster.
In the program, it is imperative to perform Russian folk songs or ditties. You can start the program in a good form, for example:

“Greetings to all honest people.
Open your mouth wider
now close it
So that the hippopotamus does not jump.
Herring in the river
And we have vodka in our glasses.
Got up early today
I ate a dried bagel.
After I went out into the garden
Maybe someone will pour me a drink?
Toha guy anywhere
Doesn't harm
I came to amuse everyone
I couldn't find you better
Well, my name is Toha
Here and clap is not bad
And where is my sister Yarokha ?! "

"Pirate Dinner" can take place as a separate event, and with a continuation on the evening program, or you can combine it with the Day of Neptune.
The Pirate Dinner event is not announced in the program of the day or in the radio broadcast.
If the number of the artistic crew on the boat does not allow holding the Pirate Dinner in two restaurants at the same time, start dinner in each of the restaurants 30 minutes apart.

Props and uniform:

The animation team is wearing pirate costumes. There are blindfolds on the eyes, bruises under the eyes, pistols in hands, etc.
The restaurant waiters (or some of the waiters) are also dressed in pirate costumes or vests, with bruises and scars on their faces.
Restaurant decoration. (Designed by the animation team)
Fishing nets, artificial fish, etc. hang from the ceiling of the restaurant.
All table setting is messed up, many chairs are chaotic, food is missing on the tables.
In the center of the restaurant hall, a tied cook (or a passenger assistant) sits on a chair, gagged in his mouth, “crying”.
Pirate waiters sit around the cook, some on chairs, some on the floor and playing cards, not paying much attention to the tourists, and later they help the animators dance and make the tourists sing.
The main pirate (animator) invites guests to the restaurant.
As soon as all the guests take their places, the Chief Pirate announces to the guests that the ship has been seized, the cook is tied up and no one will eat today, because everything has already been eaten by the pirates.
The Pirate Chief proposes to find a common compromise.
Further, the course of the program depends entirely on the creative potential of the animation group. You can make guests dance a dance or sing a sea song ... .. And you can do both.
When everything is over and the waiters start serving dinner, you can read out a comic menu, for example:

 Assorted meat "Minesweeper's mistake"
 The egg is cool, in a leather jacket
 Sausage Ostankinskaya (525 m)
 IronBacon
 Ministerial chicken brains
 Processed marmot
 Salami "Aleikum"
 Fuck (in the good sense of the word)
 Radish "I'll tear my mouth"
 Chop "Kidney"
 Ancient Greek porridge
 Sir Oatmeal
 Stigma in your own gun
 Fried pork with horseradish
 Medical duck with apples
 Saddle of a lamb with stirrups
 Homemade bun (in tights and slippers)
 Cupcake "Capital" (40 degrees)
 Gingerbread - keychain (souvenir)
 Pancakes with barbell
 Sugar gauze
 Horseradish - Brule
 Chewing gum, studded (winter)
 Grape - Vegetable
 Sliced ​​and smooth-bore loaves (45 caliber)
 Sbiten "Messerschmitt" in German
 Fast rolling lips
 Cucumbers are well-groomed
 St. lard
 Elephant ear jelly
 Beef noses
 Fish Nucleic
 Sick pumpkin "after yesterday"
 Lard yak lard in Ukrainian (served in bite-sized pieces)
 Bomzhenina
 Fat-free lard (specially for "maskals of the damned")
 Homeless ice cream stoned
 Zablevnoe
 Jellied gov.
 Milky boobs
 Salad "Red-handed"
 Holobzdets

But with the "Pirate Dinner" you can also associate the evening animation program if the schedule for the evening is not Neptune Day. You can call the program, for example, "Visiting Flint." Instead of dancing and singing in the restaurant, the animation group, together with the waiters, collects "tribute" from the guests: watches, brooches, hairpins, etc. (do not take jewelry and money !!!) and invites guests to come to the evening program to "buy back" their belongings. The things collected in the restaurant can be used as forfeits during the evening animation program. The animation team's pirate costumes are preserved on the Flint's Visiting evening animation program.
After collecting tribute or completing tasks, dinner at the restaurant begins in its usual form. There is no need to re-reserve tables, the guests of the ship will do it on their own.
It is recommended that the animation group think over the lines related to the guests of the ship in advance, in order to exclude rudeness in the program, because the program is conducive to this. Please do not drag out the program. Dinner should be on schedule.

Fun starts on the shore.

The program involves: animators, sports instructor, DJ, button accordion player, educator, the rest of the animation group as needed.
On some voyages, motor ships call at the so-called "Green Parking". Usually the restaurant staff organizes a barbecue on the shore for an additional fee. In addition, it is necessary to hold various events for tourists - Merry starts, "Play, button accordion!", A disco.

DJ has to play loud music on the sun deck. The accordion player sings songs on the street with those who wish. Animators, educators and sports instructors hold fun starts - sports competitions for every taste.

"Play, button accordion!"

Involved in the program: accordion player.

Every day after (or 45 minutes later from the beginning) of the evening program, all tourists are invited to the "Play, button accordion!" This is a kind of karaoke with a button accordion. Since the contingent of guests attending this event is usually elderly, the accordion player should prepare a repertoire of the 60-90s, romances and songs from films. It is better to diversify your evenings by theme.
But you shouldn't limit the whole event to songs only. Arrange music quizzes, stage scenes, rehearse numbers for the Gala concert.
An evening of relaxation in the bars.

The program involves: classical musicians, pop musicians, DJ (if necessary)

Evening is the most favorable time for bar workers. Therefore, you cannot leave the bar in silence. Traditionally, there are two music bars on the ships - the Music Salon and the Disco Bar.
The Music Salon employs classical musicians. But this time not as academic performers, but as musicians-tappers. Your task is not to tire the guests with the richness and academicism of the program, but only to create a mood. Add jazz works by contemporary composers, music from famous films, etc. to your repertoire.

In the Disco Bar, after the end of the animation program, pop musicians work in the bar for at least 2-2.5 hours. Please do not leave the bar quiet between performances. Play background music. After the end of your concert program, please turn on the background music in the bar or ask the bartender about it.
Please follow the general rules for every artist performing on stage: culture of communication, concert costume, concert make-up and, of course, a smile! The program of the performance must include various musical pieces. Try to take into account the age and wishes of the audience present when building the repertoire plan for the program.

If, due to weather conditions, the disco is transferred from the sun deck to the bar, it is better to mix your performance with the disco or ask the DJ to start his work after your performance. Please coordinate this form of work with the DJ and passenger assistant.

P.S. The layout of some ships does not allow the disco to be held separately from the performances of a pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with the ship's DJ. Please coordinate this form of work with the DJ and passenger assistant.


The program involves: DJ, pop musician (if necessary)
On all motor ships (in addition to motor ships of project 92-016), a disco is held on the sun deck in good weather. Please diversify the repertoire, taking into account the age and wishes of the audience present. Do not forget to talk to your guests, do not reduce your work to technical switching of musical compositions.
The layout of motor ships 92-016 does not allow the disco to be held separately from the performances of a pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with the boat's DJ in the bar. Please coordinate this form of work with a pop musician and passenger assistant.

Scenario of the prom night "Cruise on the ship" Dream "around the school continent"

year 2014

(the signal of the plane sounds at the airport, the presenter comes out and announces)

Leading: The registration of tickets for flight No. 9a9b 2014 on the Mechta liner is announced.

Flight control is undertaken by a crew consisting of:

First pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Co-pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Stewardesses (F.I.) ______________________________________

Stewardess: Attention! The first salon invites graduates of 2014, graduation number 9a and 9b

(Leaders - the crew in turn read out the names of the graduates, who, accompanied by musical accompaniment, go out in pairs and take their places)

Stewardess: We are glad to welcome on board of the liner the birthday of today's celebration, our graduates,

1 in: dear guests, dear teachers

2 in: and beloved parents of our graduates.

Stewardess: Dear passengers! We ask you to loosen the belts, belts and sit down more comfortably.

1 in: Our Mechta liner embarks on a cruise around the school continent.

2 in: Today we will take our flight, the duration of which is 9 years of school life.

Stewardess: During the flight, it is prohibited to: get bored, eject from the plane before landing,

1c: give up the opportunity to whirl in a whirlwind of dance.

2c: tell others anything other than compliments and praises.

Stewardess: During the flight, it is allowed to: congratulate each other on successful graduation from school;

1c: take an active part during the entire flight, charge everyone with a good mood;

2 in: give gifts, confess your love to school, teachers, parents and each other! (airplane sound)

1c: Enjoy your flight! And to brighten up our flight, we offer watching a video, memories of school, accumulated over 9 years.

2c: Our flight is on dizzying height... The temperature overboard is 25 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. And what kind of weather do forecasters predict in graduation classes?

1 lead The head teacher for educational work Shatalova Olga Ivanovna will tell us about this. (Music, word by Shatalova O.I.)

Grants certificates _______________________________________________________________


1c: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching the children's bay.

We start descending (beep)

2c: Let's see what our graduates were like in their distant childhood. And the dance will remind us of this to our graduates

(ninth graders and primary school students) (song + clip) (2.36)

(airplane sound)

Stewardess: Our liner strives upward again. From the height of our flight, it is very clear that during 9 years of school life, our graduates have mastered a huge school continent, which is impossible to forget.

1c: Look out the porthole window! Ahead is the "Unknown Island", where for the first time our first graders entered this land.

2c: And they were immediately, here, surrounded with attention, care and love by the first inhabitants of the island - the first teacher: Tuzhilina Vera Stepanovna and Nechaeva Galina Evgenievna

1c: We're landing.

The graduates want to say words of gratitude and deep gratitude to their first teacher.

(graduates read poetry)

1. "Thank you!" for what you taught us
2. "Thank you!" for putting up with our class,
3. "Thank you!" for the years that you were with us,
4. "Thank you!" for loving us!
5. "Thank you!" because they endured leprosy,
6. "Thank you!" for the fact that they managed to cope with us.
7. "Thank you!" for justice, sorry for the nerves
8. "Thank you!" for everything, our first teacher!

V.S. and G.E. present certificates ______________________________________________



(airplane sound again)

2c: And again we are on the way. Before you is a mountain range, behind which our graduates have always felt protected from storm winds, snowfalls, storms, blizzards. These are your homeroom teachers! Medvedeva Natalia Yurievna and Shulepova Valentina Konstantinovna.

1c: We land right at the foot of this mountain range.

Homeroom teachers' words

Certificates are handed over ____________________________________________________________



(airplane sound)

2c: Our liner is flying rapidly forward. From a height of flight, we can see all the corners of our vast, beloved school continent.

1c: Let's try to look into every corner of it, which left an indelible mark on the souls of our graduates, taught a lot, and most importantly taught us to believe in ourselves, choose a goal in life and strive for it.

2c: Our respected teachers play an important role in choosing the right route around our continent. And the students want to say THANKS to all teachers with this song.

Song for teachers(music sounds, on the teacher's screen)

(airplane sound)

1c: Attention! We are approaching a huge, most beautiful corner of our continent, which is called "Paradise".

2c: Where our graduates are always welcome, they will always understand and forgive, they will instruct them on the right path, dress them beautifully and feed them deliciously.

1c: Because for the inhabitants of this corner, their children are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most talented and desirable.

2c: If the son is the first everywhere,

The stars from the sky are easily enough

It's all parenting nerves

Heaven is moving towards him.

1c: If a daughter grows up to the joy of others,

Clever, sportswoman and artist,

So it was mom who tried to-

And she was a mentor and a close friend.

2c: How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many hard and long years

Given for daughters and sons!

Stewardess: And now, dear parents, listen, your children want to tell you the same.

(graduates read poetry.)

We love you, we appreciate you, we adore you.
You are our everything! We adore you heartily ...
And we say all this from the heart.

Now we shout out loud for the whole world to hear
Such kind and gentle words !!!
We love you parents !!!
-Can not hear…
We love you! By scripts: "YOUR CHILD!"

Parents' words.

Presentation of letters to parents.

1 lead The commander of the crew just reported that we were caught in a vortex. There is an emergency on board. What do we do?

2 leads Don't panic! We urgently need to come up with a red herring. Passengers will be distracted, and in the meantime we will fix the problem.

1 lead I realized our broadcast continues.

2 leads Our graduates are in touch.

(Song about love")

2 leads Then now is the time to offer the Hits of the Season video program.

1 lead A video clip is on your screens.

(Song "Suddenly the door creaked like in a fairy tale") (2.45)

1 lead We have all the artists on board. Not a flight, but a concert.

2 leads Did you know that the emotional overload of the artists is comparable only to the overload of the pilots?

1 lead Our flight is proceeding normally. This is all thanks to the sponsors of the company.

2 leads Attention! Passengers, do you hear?

Passengers: Fine!

1 lead Fine!!! Excellent as always!!! Familiar voices !!! We invite to the stage the graduates who are not afraid of any overload, who for 9 years stubbornly, step by step closer to their today's victory.

    Venevitina Anastasia

    Dyachenko Oksana

    Malyutina Olga

    Margoshvili of Milan

    Sotnikova Margarita

    Stoyanova Elena

    Paporova Yana

    Ishkova Kristina

1 lead For the presentation of certificates with honors, the director of school number 20 and, in combination, the director of our company "Twentieth Airlines" is invited - Krugov Sergey Nikolaevich.

2ved. So our cruise around the school continent has come to an end. We invite all passengers to the stage.

1 lead

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales come to visit themselves.

2 leads

Here the clouds are not visible, It is crowded here from smiles.
The planet "Childhood" flies on the Dream liner!

Final Song (2.50)

Voice behind the scene:(call signs) The plane "9A-9B" landed on flight 2014 along the route "Childhood-Youth". Passengers, school airline representatives, sponsors and guests are kindly requested to go to the waiting area for further travel along the "Success and Victories" route.

Solemn ceremony
summing up the results of the city competition
professional skills of cultural workers
"Recognition" - "Sea cruise or one day on vacation"

The stage is decorated in a nautical style. Wall draperies should match the theme. For a festive mood, you can decorate the hall with bouquets of blue and white helium balloons. The tables are covered with light airy tablecloths (preferably in bed colors). Music sounds. Guests are gathering in the hall.

YUNGA enters the stage with a megaphone: “Attention, attention !!! A few minutes remain before the departure of the RECOGNITION cruise liner, all passengers are kindly requested to take their seats in their saloon.

Music sounds. The presenter enters the stage, he is Boatswain and his assistant Jung.

BOATSMAN: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

YUNGA: Admirals and admiral women! Swimmers and female swimmers! Sailors and sailors! Yoongi and the ship's washers ...

BOATSMAN: Hello, dear cultural workers. We are delighted to welcome you on board our hospitable vessel. First of all, let me introduce myself - I am the boatswain of this wonderful ship. We can say his soul and will, his courage and salvation, his thought and his conscience! Everyone here respects me for my cheerful and kind disposition. (Applause and standing ovations sound in the recording. The boatswain, not being shy, begins to bow, and, apparently, he really likes to be in the spotlight.) Thank you, thank you ...

YUNGA: It started !!!

BOATSMAN (noticing the cabin boy): Oh, yes, I'm sorry, I did not introduce it. My assistant is Jung! Not yet experienced, but kind guy! And today we invite you, dear cultural workers, to go with us on a trip around the world.

YUNGA: You know better than me that a cultural worker does not always succeed in rest.

Your work is as follows:
Give smiles, mood,
Any leaf of the calendar
Brings inspiration to culture.
And on women's day, and on New Years,
And even on the Day of the Navy,
When all the people rejoice,
The cultural workers have a job.

BOATSMAN: So today put all your worries aside for later and relax with us for at least one day!

YUNGA: So, friends, go ahead! Take a cruise! Give up the mooring lines!

BOATSMAN: Hey, sailor! Why are you uncommanding! What were you ordered? Help me with the celebration, not give orders.

YUNGA: I'm nothing ... I'm so ... rehearsing ...

BOATSMAN: He's rehearsing! Do you know what is the main thing in the navy?

YUNGA: Pasta! In a naval way.

BOATSMAN: No, cabin boy. The main thing in the navy is order. (hands him a mop). Here you go! Admiral's gift. Named mop of the third degree!

YUNGA: Yes, these degrees of yours gave me algebra when I was in school!

BOATSMAN: Know, son, a mop will make a man out of you! (leave)

1. M.N. Quadro "Yungi" (dance with mops)

Music. Boatswain and Jung enter the stage.

Boatswain: Today we dedicate our sea cruise to you - cultural workers! You, like no one else, know how to give joy, beauty, poetry, fantasy, saturating them daily life... Therefore, you certainly deserve a holiday for yourself!

YUNGA: Not a single festive event is complete without awarding the best of the best. And very soon you will hear the names of those who, with their creativity, love for their chosen profession, ignite and warm the hearts of others!

Thunder is heard.

BOATSMAN (scared): A thousand devils! What's this? (takes the telescope from Yoongi) The waves of the sea rise like mountains and a fierce storm is raging! Really, it was the lord of the seas himself who came to us for a holiday? What an honor, gentlemen! Mighty Poseidon rushes to us across the sea in his chariot! Please welcome! Head of Mr. N-sk - _______________________________

Rises to the stage __________________ He ​​is brought out a crown and a trident.

BOATSMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, now our ceremony can be considered open! So it's time to give the signal to sail!

Lingering horn of the liner

YUNGA (dreamily): Nice! Comrade Boatswain, does this beep remind you of anything by chance?

BOATSMAN: What are you talking about?

Fanfare. D.A. _______________ They put a turban on his head.
Rewarding. Background music.

YUNGA: In the nomination "Our hopes" the diploma of the participant is awarded to the pilots of the book sea - librarians: …………………………

YUNGA: In the nomination "Our hopes" the Winner's diploma is awarded to: ………………….

BOATSMAN: In the nomination "Our hopes" the senior assistants of their captains - chief mates, namely, creative workers of cultural and leisure institutions - are awarded.

Boatswain: A special diploma is awarded to: ……………………….

YUNGA: In the nomination "Our hopes" the Winner's diploma is awarded to: ……………………….

BOATSMAN: In the nomination "Our hopes" the Winner's diploma will be awarded to: ………………… ..

YUNGA: Yes, it's nice to know that our cultural workers are not afraid of anything: neither the endless expanses of the seas, nor violent storms, nor the Ninth Wave.
We wish you to always remain on the crest of success and strive for the shores of creative heights!

BOATSMAN: What is this? (looks through the telescope) A thousand devils! We're trapped! The pirates are very close! (blows whistle) Whistle all up!

5.M. N. Quadro "Pirates"

BOATSMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic! I have great news for you! The pirates are disarmed! But this time it is not Dmitry Anatolyevich's merit ... the pirates are disarmed by the smiles of our charming ladies!

YUNGA: Comrade Boatswain, maybe they just chickened out?

BOATSMAN: Before whom? Is it in front of you? Ha ha!

YUNGA: Before the next nominee, on whose shoulders lies the unbearable burden of all creative concerns, before the one who has been standing firmly on the captain's bridge for more than a year and rules with a confident hand. It is time to welcome on our deck the real captain, in whose hands the helm is secure.

BOATSMAN: To present the award in the nomination "Head of a Cultural Institution", the head of Mr. N-sk - _____________________________

Rises to the stage _________________
Rewarding. Background music.

YUNGA: In the nomination "Head of a Cultural Institution" the Winner's Diploma is awarded to: ………

Music. Applause. Everyone goes to the hall.

YUNGA: Dear cultural workers, please accept our most sincere congratulations. May our gifts bring you joy and warm your soul.

BOATSMAN: A young, but very brave sailor congratulates you on the holiday. Please welcome! Maxim Praslov!

6.M. N. M. Praslov "Don't be afraid, mom, I'm with you!"
7.M. N. M. Praslov "…………………………………………… .."

Music. Boatswain enters the stage, looks through the telescope.

BOATSMAN: Well, and we're going further ... Not far from the Cape good hope, sheltered from all the winds is the Cove of Success. Let's wrap up there!
How many of them float in the stormy sea of ​​drifting ships with torn sails! They have no compass or map of where to sail. Well, if they are randomly brought into the bay of success, then they cannot stop there. Because there is no anchor.

YUNGA: Fortunately, the following professionals, which will be discussed further, do not belong to this category in any way, because they were able to properly anchor. They are wonderful and passionate people, in love with their work, and deeply devoted to their profession.

BOATSMAN: In order to continue the award ceremony, we ask the most purposeful, most decisive navigator who can only be compared with the great Odysseus to climb onto our deck. Please welcome! Chairman of the Duma G.O. N-sk ______________________
Rises to the stage _____________________
Background music. Rewarding.

Boatswain: The special prize is awarded to:

1. The most demanded and popular newspaper - "City of N-sk"!

BOATSMAN: Any big holiday that happens in our life, we always want to remember and capture in the photo. Therefore, we invite all the awardees to our deck for a general picture!

Music. Everyone goes on stage. Photo for memory.

BOATSMAN: Dear cultural workers! We wish you that the lighthouses of all shores continue to illuminate your path in the vast seas and oceans. May the Bermuda Triangles never come across your path. More new ones for you interesting discoveries and adventure!

8.M. N. Quadro "Extravaganza"

YUNGA: Dear cultural workers! Once again, we are glad to congratulate everyone who received well-deserved awards today.

Ringing of the bell.

BOATSMAN: Well, the ringing of the ship's bell says that our beautiful cruise is drawing to a close. Bathed in the last rays of the setting sun, our liner "Recognition" sails to its berth. Today we have tried to bring together everything necessary for our cruise to take place.

YUNGA: There were musical gifts and congratulations, there were guests and the most pleasant surprises! And there was also a desire for a holiday! We had a desire to give you a holiday.

BOATSMAN: Those who came to our deck had a desire to make this holiday kind and memorable ...

YUNGA: And, of course, today each of you had the opportunity to once again be convinced of the correctness of the chosen profession.

BOATSMAN: This holiday has become a recognition of our work with you. And on this day, we want to wish you - to move only forward. Do not stop there, continue to surf the new expanses of the sea of ​​life. More creative discoveries to all of you ...

TOGETHER: And a fair wind to your sails!

Liner horn

The song "Argo" is playing

If you're worried about being bored on a cruise ship, put those thoughts out of your head. There are so many activities on cruises that a day at sea can be as fun (and exhausting) as sightseeing in the ports. There is something for everyone: a climbing wall, a cooking class, wine tasting, video games and much more.

Want to soak up the sun or take a dip in the pool? No problem. Do you want to shop, go for a massage or play at the casino? No one will bother you. Riding a surfboard, driving a racing car, or stopping by an ice rink? Yes, even such exotic activities are available on board. And on the Royal Caribbean Quantum of the Seas and Anthem of the Seas you'll find the first skydiving wind tunnels in the sea.

Whatever your preference and activity level, you will find a way to have fun on cruise ship... We've categorized programs and activities by type so you can find something that will keep you busy and enjoyable on board.

Daily newsletter

How do you know what is happening on the ship? A daily newsletter is delivered to the cabin every evening. One copy will also be waiting for you after checking into the liner. Here you will find the schedule of events and invitations, as well as the opening hours of spas, restaurants, shops and bars. You will also be able to find a list of movies on your TV, information on ports of call en route, boarding and disembarking passengers, sunrise and sunset times. Children enrolled in the onboard kids' club (see below) often receive their own age-appropriate daily newsletter.

How to have fun during the day?

Dozens of organized events will be offered to you every day, especially in sea ​​days... If you prefer leisure then you can take part in basketball or volleyball competitions, try playing golf or take dance lessons.

Indoors, you will have access to master classes, card games or bingo, origami or ikebana training, watching the cooking or wine tasting (usually at an additional cost). Entertainment shows throughout the day are performances in public areas of the liner (e.g. improvisational comedies on Norwegian Cruise line, small performances at the Princess Piazza or the ice show at Royal Caribbean) or film screenings (indoors or by the pool).

You can of course skip all the organized activities and just relax in the pool with a cold cocktail. In addition, ship internet centers, boutiques, casinos and libraries are open all day at sea, not to mention many 24/7 food outlets.

Gyms and spas on cruise ships

It's hard to find a modern cruise ship without a fitness center and spa on board. While some ships only offer basic equipment, newer liners often have multi-tiered spacious rooms with ocean views and state-of-the-art equipment.

Onboard fitness centers provide a wide variety of strength and cardio equipment, and many have separate instructor-led classes. You will find a list of halls in the daily newsletter, but each hall also has its own list with opening times for different classes. Most of the classes are free, but some companies charge an additional $ 10-15 for special instructor-led classes such as yoga, TRX and spinning (a type of cycling aerobics) that you have to sign up for in advance. Some super modern jumbo jets offer amenities such as punching rings and punching bags, Pilates equipment, and TRX training loops. Please note that sports shoes are a must gym, without it you will not be allowed there.

Fitness center on a cruise ship

The spa is a place to enjoy massages, facials and other wellness treatments. Most ships have salons where you can get haircuts, manicures and pedicures - all at an additional cost. You can also find a steam room and sauna or a thalassotherapy pool - a combination of a jacuzzi and a mineral bath. Cruise ships have spas for men with special services (including old-fashioned straight razor shaving) and teens. Here you will find offers such as acupuncture, teeth whitening and thermal body cleansing. Check the daily newsletter or Special offers from spas, and to save money, book treatments on port days, not sea days.

Relaxation room of the Celebrity SPA center

Fun for kids on a cruise ship

Many cruise ships have separate seats for children under 18 years of age. Modern ships are more family-oriented, so here you can find a huge number of places of entertainment for the youngest travelers, such as playgrounds, discos, pools, water slides, galleries and just deck space for children.

Parents can enroll their children in children's clubs, where educators and animators organize various games, competitions, art and craft training, dance parties and much more for them. Some liners partner with third-party companies to offer unique programs such as acting classes, magic tricks, scientific experiments and experiments, and DJ training. Children can spend as much time in the clubs as they want; they can participate in activities or just hang out wherever they want (the level of leeway given varies by age group). Please note that kid's clubs are usually closed during meals and late at night. Families with young children can also participate in joint activities for children and parents.

Fun for the little ones on a cruise ship

Evening entertainment

Most ships create a Vegas atmosphere at nightfall. The casinos are usually closed during the day, and at night they are packed with people trying their luck at slot machines, blackjack or poker. Bands and singers perform in bars and lounges for you to enjoy music or dance; piano bars are becoming more and more popular in modern courts... And, especially late at night, the dance floors are popular.

Every evening, the Ship Theater will host grand shows featuring high-tech laser and video effects, as well as expertly costumed dancers and singers performing popular hits and tunes from Broadway shows. There you can also see singers, comedians, magicians, and sometimes even those performers whom you saw on TV. There is karaoke for talented passengers and sometimes talent shows are held. Even on small ships there will be some kind of entertaining shows: dance groups, musicians with synthesizers or a guitar.

Cinemas under open air by the pool - another favorite evening event for passengers on such liners as Princess, Carnival, Disney. You can cuddle on the sun loungers, eat popcorn and watch new movies on giant LED screens. It's like a car cinema, only on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean.

Life on a cruise ship does not calm down until late at night