Manufacturing of models of sea and river transport. Production of models of sea and river transport Cruise ship from paper download and glue

In a magazine for paper modeling Paper modeling No 89 shows the patterns of the tugboat Vanya and the gunboat Vanya No. 5.

In 1905, the Borel and Sons Trading House ordered to build a tugboat for their Volga Shipping Company at the engineer Bari's plant in Saratov. The ship was built according to the most advanced project for that time. The steamer had a steel hull with rectangular frames rounded in the zygomatic part. The under-deck space was divided into forepeak, bow living quarters, engine room, boiler room, oil pit or cistern, aft living quarters and afterpeak. The ship was equipped with a 300 strong steam engine of the Compound system, steam was produced in two fire tube boilers, built like the machine in Switzerland. In front of the boiler room, on the main deck, there was a double-acting direct-acting steam pump of the Cameron system. The pump was needed for pumping fuel oil and pumping water from the hold. The steamer was driven by two paddle wheels, with outer rims and rotary blades mounted on one axis.

The main deck had rafters mounted on side brackets. Wheel casings were located under them, and on them were shell cabins, where part of the crew and the captain's cabin were located. In the bow of the deck there was a utility room with a storeroom, a bathhouse and latrines. The roof of the shell cabins and the economic cabin was covered with an awning deck, on which there was a wheelhouse with a captain's bridge, there were fire buckets at the edges and lifebuoys were hung. A cargo hook was installed on the roof of the boiler room behind the pipe on supports, on which a rail from the towed barges was fixed. The aft deck had no superstructures, except for the vestibule of the entrance to the aft living cabins. It was equipped with arches for a towing rail. Goods packed in boxes (containers) were placed under the arches. A hand-held anchor spire was installed on the bow, which was rotated by hand with punches. Three straight bollards were installed on each side. Manila mooring ropes were laid nearby. To control the ship, there was a simple rudder, with a lever tiller at the upper end of the stock. The steering wheel was controlled by a hand wheel using rods and chains from the wheelhouse. Engine room was connected with the wheelhouse by a negotiating pipe and the ship's machine telegraph. The steamer was named as a person Vanya.

The tug sailed along the Volga and Kama, drove barges with timber, flour, salted fish and other peaceful goods from Rybinsk to Astrakhan and back. This continued until the fall of 1914. The First World War broke out in August 1914. The woods and barrels of salted fish were replaced by shell boxes and cannons, civilian passengers were replaced by recruits and soldiers. The route has changed, now the tug Vanya went from Nizhny Novgorod to Perm, Saratov and Tsaritsyn, whose factories supplied the army with weapons. In 1917, factories began to stop, workers went on strike, merchants hid goods while waiting better days... The tug Vanya also stopped at the pier in Nizhny Novgorod. He stood there until the end of June 1918.

The new Bolshevik government sought to strengthen its power throughout the territory of Russia, all those who disagreed with its policy were declared enemies of the working people. The Civil War began in the country. The Red Army was hastily organized to defend the Socialist Fatherland. The fighting was mainly fought along railways and navigable rivers, along which the troops of the opposing sides could move.

To protect the rivers, both the Red and White created military flotillas from ships and barges suitable for this purpose. Of the ships, tugs were the most suitable, on the deck of which cannons could be placed, turning them into armed steamers. June 29, 1918 Nizhny Novgorod District Administration water transport transferred the nationalized tug Vanya to the disposal of the commissar of the Volga military flotilla N.G. Markin, who arrived from Petrograd by order of the People's Commissar for Military Affairs L.D. Trotsky to organize defense on the Volga.

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For the third year now I have been watching one interesting topic on the profile forum, where the author of the topic - Denis introduces readers to his hobby. Denis is passionate about 3D modeling and creates 3D models of river passenger ships. I cannot but tell about this wonderful hobby :) Denis provided me with his images and kindly agreed to introduce readers to his hobby on the pages of my magazine. If you have any questions, ask Denis. I think he will answer them here in the comments.

The process of creating a 3D model of a motor ship is long and complicated. For example, Denis has been modeling the Altai motor ship for four months! The choice of this ship for modeling is not accidental. The author traveled on it in 1990. In the mid-nineties, the ship was decommissioned and scrapped, but found a new embodiment in the 3D model of Denis.


Here the model was “brought to mind”. The size of the bow windows was reduced, the ship fit into the landscape and placed on the decks of passengers.


Motor ship "Altai". Photo "antique".


View of the Altai motor ship leaving with passengers.


One of the 3D passengers of the ship.


And this is Denis's first work. Six-seater hydrofoil pleasure boat Volga. Also with the passengers.



I would not mind putting such a model in my closet. It will be necessary to learn more about 3D printers :)


A couple more types of "Moskvich" project 544.



A river tram goes along the Moskva River against the background of the Smolenskaya Embankment.


If the motor ships of the 588 project and river trams"Moskvich" can still be seen live on the rivers, the next 3D model presented by Denis remained only in photographs and newsreels. Meet. Three-dimensional computer model of the diesel-electric ship "Lenin".


Working moments of the creation of the model for the theater "Lenin".




Deck furniture is arranged.


View to the port side.


A representative of the Volga Shipping Company is on the middle deck. Welcome aboard the diesel-electric ship Lenin! :)


Working moments. Choice of model and skin color.


The bow of the house "Lenin".



Boat deck.


Visualization of the model.


And here Denis decided to revive the river landscape. Simulated a buoy.


Buoy in the afternoon.


Buoy at night. By the way, I liked the 3D images. There is no different kind of interference that occurs in real photographs. For example, there are no dirt spots on the matrix.


On this visa, the "Lenin" goes upstream, because the white buoy defines the left edge of the fairway.


Another project of Denis. I hope not the last one :) Denis decided to model the motor ship "Alexander Suvorov". This is how a geometric model of the hull surface is created. According to the drawings, line by line, all with handles. This is not an easy task.




The work on the hull is almost complete. There is even a cutout for every porthole!


Top view of the bow of the future "crocodile".


Tank of the ship.


Experiments with paint.



Another view of the tank.



The 3D model of the ship would not be complete without the model motor boat"Kazanka", which should be placed at the stern of the ship. I had to model it too.





Almost finished 3D model of the motor ship "Alexander Suvorov".


And here I do not agree with Denis. Note the dinghy and awning at the stern boat deck... "Alexander Suvorov" is notorious for the fact that on June 5, 1983, at full speed, it entered under the non-navigable span of the Ulyanovsk bridge across the Volga and touched it. As a result of the collision, the wheelhouse, a cinema hall full of tourists and the pipes of the ship were completely demolished. After the disaster, the ship was taken to the backwater "40 years of October", then taken to be repaired in the city of Kiliya. While shipyard The city of Kiliya produced tankers "Volgoneft" on which fire-protected closed motorboots are installed. These motorboats were installed instead of ordinary boats on the motor ship "Alexander Suvorov". Those. if this model of the motor ship "Alexander Suvorov" is after 1984, then instead of boats there should be orange covered motorboats. And if this is a model of a motor ship before June 5, 1983, then there was no awning at the stern of the boat deck yet.


Such covered motorboats are now installed on "Alexander Suvorov".


"Kazanka" at the stern.


What is all three-dimensional :)


Visa for the Suvorov wheelhouse.


Final rendering.





Here is such an interesting hobby for Denis. If someone is interested in his 3D models, then I inform Denis's email for communication: [email protected] Have questions? Ask in the comments. I will invite Denis here :)

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Manufacturing of models of historical and modern, military and civil ships, passenger ships, dry cargo ships, tankers, gas carriers, floating cranes, floating drilling platforms, special vessels for servicing the oil and gas complex; river, small and sports vessels. Manufacturing of floating radio-controlled and remote-controlled models. Manufacturing of models and layouts of any marine technology and equipment, port cranes, port and sluice complexes, shipyards, docks, booms. Manufacturing of models of sea and river ports, piers, berths, embankments. Manufacturing of sports models for ship modeling. Manufacturing of radio-controlled simulator models for professional training of specialists in navigation and cargo handling.

Check out the list of our work in this area:

  • A static desktop model of the research vessel "Arctic" (Rubicon 1700 Trawler). Scale 1:30.

  • At the request of our Siberian customer - a large operator of the transport industry in the eastern part of our country - we have manufactured a large exhibition ship model. It was a reduced copy of the river dry cargo ship"Sergey Pokhabov" project No. SK2000K, class RA.

  • Gift model of the ocean-going oil tanker Yuri Senkevich. Scale 1: 400. The length of the model is 617.5 mm.

  • Conceptual model of the Russian scientific seismic survey vessel "Akademik Primakov". Scale 1: 185.

  • Circulation of models (3 pieces) of the Russian scientific seismic survey vessel "Akademik Primakov". Scale 1: 185.

  • By the order of the ship owner, we made a gift scale model of the Russian oil tanker "Kem Krest". Scale 1: 250.

  • We all know that recently our country has been paying increased attention to strengthening its defense capability. Special, and quite reasonable, attention of the leadership of our state is paid to the northern regions of Russia, the Arctic region. The old northern military towns are being revived and, most importantly, new arctic bases designed using the latest technologies are being created.

    We are pleased to inform you that for a demonstration at the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, we made for 7 days model of ensuring the delivery of petroleum products to the Russian military base"North Clover", located on the Arctic island of Kotelny.

    The model demonstrates the laying of a route by an icebreaker through the Northern Sea Route for the passage of a tanker and subsequent transshipment of fuels and lubricants to the storage facilities of the island base.

    Scale 1: 400.

    Layout dimensions: 2.5 x 0.8 m.

  • Friends, we always take on orders for the creation of models of various ships and ships with special interest and enthusiasm. The explanation is simple - many of us started our way in modeling with a ship modeling circle in the nearest House of Pioneers. Yes, and there is more romance in ships. No wonder the poet wrote:
    “How are the steamers seen off?
    Not at all like trains ... "

  • Quite recently we handed over this small ship model to our private customer. Gift scale model motor yacht The Bavaria 33 is 500 mm long and is placed on a noble wooden base. This model is as close to the original as possible and is made with a high degree of detail. The yacht model is equipped with a transport container.

  • The CORBIERE ferry model, created by the specialists of the Designers Guild and presented as a memento to one of the crew members, is a static model of a sea cargo-passenger ferry. The model is made with a fairly high degree of detail and is installed on a stand made of noble wood, and also equipped with a transparent protective cap. The length of the model is 1000 mm.

    Manufacturing materials: plastic, metal.

  • Model scale 1: 150 was made for Rosatom Production Systems LLC, as part of a series of gift ship models and has a hull length of 1000 mm ..

    The Yamal nuclear icebreaker - Arctic class was laid down in 1986 and launched in 1992. In 2000, he made an expedition to the North Pole to meet the third millennium. In total, he made 46 flights to the North Pole.

  • Model nuclear icebreaker, made by order of the Federal Agency "RF" "ROSATOM". Served by S.V. Kirienko to CEO ElBaradei in honor of the IAEA anniversary.

  • The scale of the model is 1: 144, made for LLC Production Systems of Rosatom, as part of a series of gift ship models and has a hull length of 1000 mm ..

    Material: plastic, metal. Equipped with a mahogany stand and a transparent case.

    FNPPs are created to supply electrical and thermal energy to coastal consumers ( settlements and industrial enterprises), including in the Far North. In addition, they are used for the desalination of seawater.

  • For a present to their leader, employees of one of the companies ordered this model from the Model Designers Guild. Our ship modelers have made this 600mm long yacht out of plastic, wood, metal and fabric, equipped with a stand.

  • The scale of the model is 1:20, made for LLC Production Systems of Rosatom, as part of a series of gift ship models and has a hull length of 750 mm ..

    Material: plastic, metal. Equipped with a mahogany stand and a transparent case.

  • The model is an exact copy of the legendary frigate "Pallada", launched in September 1832 in St. Petersburg. This sailing ship was one of the most technically advanced warships of the Russian fleet of that time. Interesting fact: The first captain of the frigate "Pallada" was the great Russian naval commander, and then lieutenant-captain, Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov.

River passenger ships- a very numerous class of ships. Voyages of small motor ships last several hours. The passenger on them is protected from bad weather and can rest in a soft comfortable chair. Large ships are often built specifically for long-term travel and are equipped with comfortable sleeping cabins. Small ones have a shallow draft and a displacement of up to 80 tons, which makes it possible to operate them even on rivers. The model of such a "microliner" turns out to be very beautiful and has good driving characteristics.

The deck superstructure is manufactured using the same technology as the hull (see "MK" No. 6, 1977). According to the drawing, a punch must be cut out of a block of wood and the deck superstructure must be stamped out of polystyrene, plexiglass or celluloid. An excess layer of material is cut off from the finished superstructure and the lower part is adjusted to the level of the deck. A hole is cut out at the end to enter the passenger compartment. After finishing and painting, it is necessary to simulate or make windows and doors. They can be made from colored celluloid, photographic film, colored paper, or stenciled blue. The captain's cabin is located on the roof, in which the ship's control post is located. It is glued from pieces of polystyrene, plexiglass, celluloid.

Fans are turned on a lathe from non-ferrous metal (brass, aluminum) or suitable rivets are used.

The mooring device consists of bollards and bale bars.

1 - flagpole with a flag, 2 - bollards, 3 - ventilation heads, 4 - klotik light, 5 - mast, 6 - searchlight, 7 - captain's cabin, 8 - navigation distinctive lights, 9 - deck superstructure, 10 - bow boss, 11 - hull, 12 - bulwark, 13 - hatch, 14 - front hook, 15 - ballast (lead), 16 - bracket, 17 - screw, 18 - rudder, 19 - lifebuoy, 20 - measuring bar, 21 - support hook ( hook), 22 - box with life belts, 23 - bale bar.

The bollard pedestals are turned on a lathe, the base of the bollards and bale strips are made from pieces of polystyrene and plexiglass.

Mast made of wire and pieces of tin and set on it below the top lights (white), and on top of the klotik light (red).

To determine the direction of movement of the motor ship in the dark, on the sides of the superstructure, side distinctive lights are reinforced: on the left - red, on the right - green.

Lifebuoys- made of aluminum or copper wire.

After thorough processing of the surface with sandpaper, the model is covered with nitro paint (with a brush or from a spray gun). Hull colors: topside - white, underwater - red or green, deck - light brown or dark gray to match the color of the metal.

When the model is ready, you can rent the ship for a wedding, you need to test it on the water, adjust the stability. The side and bow roll of the model is regulated on the water by moving a piece of lead (ballast). By increasing the weight of the ballast, a normal draft of the model and a straight course are achieved, and by selecting a rubber motor, the maximum speed is achieved.