What is the difference between Chomolungma and Everest? The dizzying height of Mount Everest. Mount Chomolungma: the etymology of the name

Everest, or another name for Chomolungma, is the most high mountain on the ground. Find out where she is.

Where is Everest located?

Mount Everest has 2 peaks, the highest northern one, 8848 m high, and the southern one - 8760 m.

Mount Everest got its name from George Everest, an English surveyor who has devoted more than 37 years to the study of this area. This is a European name, the people of Tibet (China) call their mountain Chomolungma, and for the people of Nepal, the name of the mountain sounds like Sagarmatha.

Chomolungma is located in the Himalayan range of mountains ( South asia), which are located in 5 countries: China, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan and India.

The northern peak of Everest belongs to the territory of China, and the southern one is on the Sino-Nepalese border.

The Himalayan mountains stretch for 3000 km and a width of 350 km.

Climbing Mount Everest is carried out from the Chinese and Nepalese territories.

When was Everest formed?

The Himalayan mountains were formed about 60 million years ago, during the Jurassic-Triassic periods. The formation of the mountains was the collision of two tectonic plates: Asian and Indian. Mountains "grow" to this day.

Mount Everest is composed of the following rocks:

  • Dark fine-grained schists.
  • Crystallized white limestone.
  • The hornfelses are striped dark green.

Almost at the very top there are intrusions with veins of quartz and granite.

A little about climbing Mount Everest?

It takes about 40 days to visit the peaks of Everest. First, climbers undergo acclimatization (getting used to the mountains) in the mountains below in height, in the main base camps, of which there are only 2. Acclimatization is necessary in order not to get sick with altitude sickness.

Even before the ascent, you need a special diet - eat a lot of rice and pasta in order to make a reserve of energy, because in the mountains more than 10 thousand kcal is spent every day.

There is not enough oxygen in the mountains, so most climbers make ascents to high peaks, like Everest, with oxygen cans, which they begin to use when the altitude approaches 8 thousand meters above sea level.

Another negative factor on Everest is that the air temperature can drop to -62ᵒC, and besides, hurricane winds, so climbers wear goose down clothes.

In order not to “fly” off the cliff, the conquerors of Everest use synthetic ropes (nylon), 10 mm in diameter, for fastening, and ice axes, “cats” - special devices with metal spikes - are put on their boots.

The first conquerors of Everest were the Englishman Edmund Hillary and the Nepalese Tenzing Norgay. It happened in 1953.

So now we know where Everest is.

Even from school, it is known that the highest mountain on Earth is Everest (Chomolungma). This is true if the height of the mountain is measured only above sea level. In this regard, the question arises, which is the highest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea or Everest?

Not everyone knows that there are mountains on Earth that grow from the “bottom of the sea”. Mount Mauna Kea, located on Hawaiian Islands, one of them. It rises from the ocean, leaving almost 6,000 meters under water. Only a small part of it rises above the surface of the water - only 4205 meters. This fact contributed to the attribution of Mauna Kea to the low mountains. The real height of the dormant volcano is over 10,200 meters. If you measure the distance from the base of the mountain to its top, it turns out that Chomolungma is not the highest mountain. The victory will go to Mauna Kea - a sleeping volcano.

Local tribes call it " White Mountain"Because of the abundance of snow on the slopes, which skiers love. Among the local tribes, Mauna Kea is considered sacred mountain... It is almost a million years old. Only the leaders of the tribe can climb to the top of a sleeping volcano to communicate with spirits.

For many centuries, the mountain fed and clothed the native tribes, gave them material for construction. But lately everything has changed. The once dense and impenetrable forests have significantly thinned out, rare representatives of flora and fauna have disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. This happened due to the violation of the eco - system due to active reproduction of the introduced from “ big land»Animals and deforestation by Europeans.

Every year, "White Mountain" is visited by tourists from all over the world to admire the beautiful views and go skiing. The attraction of Mauna Kea is a large observatory with 13 powerful telescopes, which is not at the top. The favorable climate on its slopes, as well as convenient humidity indicators, make observations here as comfortable as possible for scientists, allowing them to make unexpected discoveries.

Answering the question which mountain is higher - White Mountain or Everest, it is safe to say that White Mountain is higher. Chomolungma rises above sea level at 8848 meters, which is less than the height of Mauna Kea by more than a kilometer.
Despite this, the most popular among the conquerors of the mountains is Everest. This is explained by its impressive height. Every year, thousands of people strive to visit the summit of Everest, despite all the dangers that may lie in wait for them while climbing. At the same time, many also dream of conquering the top of Mauna Kea. Despite the seemingly "easy" to overcome 4200 meters, it is not so easy to do it, and even experienced climbers are convinced of this.

The magnificent landscapes of Mount Chomolungma are mesmerizing. The highest mountain is covered with glaciers, which give rise to many mountain rivers and streams, and its top is hidden in a fantastic haze. The nature around Mount Everest is strikingly beautiful. The Asian queen of the mountains is constantly beckoning adventurers, climbers, rock climbers and casual travelers who love real wildlife.

The highest mountain in the world rises among the glaciers of the Himalayas. Everest is a mountain with a height of 8848 meters, and this is an absolute record. The place where the ancient peak settled is located on the border of Nepal and China, at the intersection with the Tibetan Autonomous Region, but the highest point belongs to the latter country - this is the peak of the Main Himalayan Range.

Queen of the mountains

The intricate name "Chomolungma" comes from the Tibetan "Divine mother of life", which symbolizes vitality or the wind. This name was given to the mountain peak in honor of the goddess Sherab Chamma. Nepalese call the highest mountain in the world differently. "Sigarmatha" - this is the name of Everest in their language. The translation coincides with the Tibetan version - "Mother of the Gods". The familiar name "Everest" was proposed by the Englishman Andrew Waugh in 1856. Around the same time, it was determined that Mount Everest has the highest height in the region.

On our planet, pristine places are annually destroyed. Civilization didn't get to natural monuments only in rare exceptions, and the object of our attention is one of such reserves. Mount Everest, photo of which was taken in different years, does not change its appearance.

From the side of Nepal, "Mother of the Gods" is covered by two mountain peaks - Nuptse and Lhotse, which are very high. To see the highest mountain in the world, you will have to go a long distance and climb the Kala Pattar crust, which rises 5.5 km. Another option is to climb Gokyo Ri, which is almost the same height. Only in this way can you see Everest in all its pristine beauty. Of course, if the mountain stood on a plain, among the valleys, alone, it would be easier for us to feel the power of this creation of nature. But the extra effort needed to get the best possible angle creates a special atmosphere.

Outwardly, Mount Everest (the photo shows this very well) resembles a somewhat irregular pyramid. The southern slope is at a steep angle, so snow and ice cannot stay on it. The bare side gives the mountain a unique look.

Mount Everest consists of sandy sediments and limestone, which used to serve as the bottom of the Tethys ocean. Believe it or not, scientists have proven that the summit used to be hidden under water. Shells and other residual rocks are still found on Chomolungma. seabed... 60 million years ago, the mainland began to move, tectonic plates split, and the Indian lithospheric plate moved north. Upon collision with the Eurasian plate, deformation was formed, due to which most of the ocean has gone underground. A stone barrier was formed, on which mountains are now located, including Everest. The Himalayas are still growing because geological processes have not stopped yet.

Because of its ancient history the climate of the mountains is rather unstable. In the warmest month of July, at the top of -19 C. In winter, the temperature can reach -60 C. It never gets above zero. Monsoon winds in summer bring a lot of precipitation and snow storms, so this is not the best time for climbing.

Animals and plants are reluctant to live here. Near the foot of Everest, there is a little grass and undersized shrubs, lichens, moss. Himalayan jumping spiders live here, only they are able to withstand an altitude of almost 7000 meters above sea level. They eat frozen insects brought here by the winds. In addition to spiders, some species of grasshoppers live on the slopes. From 6700 m, only microbes live in the Himalayas. Birds sometimes fly to the top - ducks and jackdaws, which can withstand the test of height.

Sacred Sherpa Mountain

Sherpas can be found among the indigenous population of Tibet. This is backgammon that emigrated from China five centuries ago to the southern side of the Himalayan range. They protect their sacred mountain Chomolungma, as they consider it the abode of gods, demons and spirits.

Local legends say that the Indian preacher Padmasambhava, who became one of the founders of Buddhism, came up with the idea of ​​organizing a competition to see who climbs Everest faster. The rival could not defeat the elder, and left the drum on the side of the mountain. Now, whenever an avalanche descends from the mountains, locals beat the ritual drum, expelling the spirits.

The most striking records are set by the local population. So, the representative of the Sherpas Tenzing Norgay together with E. Hillary first climbed to the top. Two of his compatriots have been there at least 20 times in their entire lives. Sherpa Pemba Dorje spent only 8 hours and 10 minutes on the ascent.

For a long time, local beliefs forbade white people to climb the mountains. It is believed that the first admitted was Trisul in 1907. From this moment, the story of the conquest of Everest begins.


The very first climber who decided to conquer Everest was the Indian mathematician Radhanat Sikdar. The profession helped him calculate the height of the sacred mountain, so he set off prepared. Covering a distance of 240 km, Sikdar proved his calculations. It is worth noting that his research helped the British-Indian Geodesy Service organize an expedition to explore the height of Chomolungma.

The conquest of Everest is a proverbial event. As soon as people found out that this is the highest mountain in the world, they immediately began to conquer it. But the successful ascent took place only on May 29, 1953. E. Hillary and N. Tenzing were able to conquer Everest. From that moment on, climbing Mount Chomolungma became an obligatory program for every climber. This is a difficult path that can often end tragically. On the way, professionals are trapped by oxygen deficiency, low temperatures, heavy wind, frostbite. This dangerous species extreme sports, which is often abandoned after the first rest at the beginning of the journey.

Soviet climbers climbed Mount Everest in 1982. For five days (from 4 to 9 May) 11 of our compatriots fought bravely against nature. A new kind of record was also held - the first ascent at night. The path to Everest, the mountain, the height and the slope directly affect the difficulty of the ascent, the Soviet athletes made their way along their previously unpaved path - on the southwestern slope. One of the members of the expedition made the ascent without an oxygen cylinder, which equates to a fatal risk.

Everest is a mountain, the height of which has been established for several decades. Finally, accurate measurements appeared only in the middle of the 20th century. Chinese researchers have voiced a figure of 8848 meters. I must say that in 1998 other data appeared. American scientists using a navigation system determined that Everest is 2 meters higher than previously thought. Italian surveyors are generally inclined to consider the height of Everest equal to 8872 meters, that is, 11 meters higher than the initial assumptions. In modern science, the Chinese point of view is adopted.

Whatever the true height of the Chomolungma years, not everyone succeeds in conquering its peak. The last few hundred meters are considered especially difficult. On this stretch of the path, most climbers give up, who change their minds to risk their health. The retreat is, of course, offensive, but the very fact of the attempt is highly valued in the circles of mountain lovers. According to statistics, only one attempt out of 10 is crowned with success.


Despite the fact that people have not yet reached the local nature, a nature reserve has been opened around the mountain in recent years. Visit National park Sagarmatha can be done by everyone who does not have the opportunity to climb the highest point in the world. It is also very beautiful here.

For 50 years, almost 3000 climbers from different parts of our planet have reached the summit of Everest. Mount Chomolungma is insidious, during the ascent many people were hit by an avalanche, they died from hypothermia and lack of oxygen. Modern equipment, oddly enough, does not yet save climbers from the real risk of not reaching the top.

These days this kind extreme tourism is gaining more and more popularity. Many amateurs cannot even imagine how difficult it is to climb Mount Everest, the photo of which and the initial ascent do not seem very difficult. Overcoming yourself, fighting your own fears - this is the main motive of climbing. Those who climb the mountain out of pure vanity will not succeed. Climbers say mountains feel intent and respond with proud challenges.

It is worth noting that the residents of Nepal make good money thanks to the tourism industry, but they treat new people with a considerable amount of mistrust. They realize that sacred mountain able to kill anyone, but still rejoice in the flow of tourists. And people are attracted by the desire to test themselves for strength.

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I remember from my school geography course that EVerest is the highest mountain on Earth... I associate it with the adventure series of the same name. This film impressed me very much. I would not dare to climb to such a great height. Honestly, I would not have climbed 2 km up, let alone 8.

What is the absolute height of Everest

I think that not every climber wants to conquer this mountain. Its beauty is amazing, but it is not safe. Only professional climbers can attempt the Everest climb. This mountain still called the "Mountain of Death"... But, despite this, it attracts many tourists. This mountain has three namesI am:

  • Everest- from English;
  • Chomolungma- from Tibetan;
  • Sagarmatha- from Nepali.

All these titles stand for "Mother of the Universe" . The absolute height of Everest above sea level is 8848 m . For a long time, scientists could not determine the exact height of this mountain. Back in the 19th century, the Chinese named the figure at 8844 m. The Nepalese began to prove that this is an inaccurate height, and that it is 4 meters higher.

Located giant mountainin the Himalayas, on the border between Nepal and China... Have you seen the video about Chomolungma? Do you know what she looks like? The shape of the mountain is similar to a pyramid. The slopes are very steep, and there is always eternal ice at the top. The mountain itself composed of sedimentary rocks ... As proof of this, scientists have repeatedly found fossils of marine animals and shells.

Due to the enormous height of Chomolungma and in our time is one of the least explored mountains. Conquering its slopes is difficult and unsafe. Do you know that:

  • on the top of the mountain the temperature in winter can reach -60 ° C. V summer time temperaturedoes not rise above 0 ° C;
  • wind speed at the top 200 m / s(wind from 30 m / s is considered a hurricane);
  • scientists prove that 450 million years ago, the summit of Everest was under the water of the oceansa;
  • the mountain continues to grow. For a year, its height increases by 4 millimeters a;
  • climbers climb a mountain near three months... During this time, they lose weight by more than 10 kilograms.

Mount Everest (also called Chomolungma) is known as the highest in the world, but only if not taken as a criterion absolute height... Everest rises above sea level for the maximum distance among the other mountains of the Earth, but there is a volcano growing from the bottom of the ocean, so in fact its height is higher. Nevertheless, since the summit of Everest reaches the highest mark on the planet, it is the main goal of most climbers who dream of conquering a giant at least once.

Mount Everest location and characteristics

There are hardly those who do not know on which continent the highest peak is located (Eurasia). They talk about Everest in geography lessons, showing where the mountain is located, which hemisphere belongs to. Many people miss which country Chomolungma is located in, but geographical coordinates will help determine the exact position of the highest point on the planet, and this is China. Its latitude and longitude in degrees are as follows: 27 ° 59′17 ″ N. sh. 86 ° 55'31 "in. etc.

The mountain enters mountain range, being part of the Mahalangur-Himal ridge. In fact, it belongs to two countries: Nepal and China, while highest point, North Summit, is part of China. Its height in meters is 8848. South peak slightly inferior in terms of its indicator, but, nevertheless, reaches 8760 meters.

Due to its outstanding height, Everest was measured relatively recently. The first estimate appeared back in 1852 in the course of trigonometric calculations. In the 1950s, theodolites were already used: with their help, it was possible to fix the exact value equal to 8848.13 meters. Later, various information appeared, in which the measurements fluctuated up and down. The reason for this was that the peak consists of glaciers, which for a number of reasons can increase and decrease. It is officially recognized that the height of Everest is 8,848 meters, and its solid rock ends at around 8,844 meters.

The shape of Everest resembles a pyramid with three faces, while from the south the slope is steep and bare, as snow and ice slide from this side. Due to the high altitude, it is not surprising that wind speeds can exceed 200 m / s. In summer, the temperature fluctuates around 0 degrees, in January it drops to -35 degrees during the day and -50 and even -60 at night.

origin of name

Chomolungma is a Tibetan name that means "Divine Mother of vital energy." This unusual name was chosen to honor the Bon goddess Sherab Chamma. She is a symbol of the mother's energy. The Tibetans also gave the mountain a second name with the same etymology - Jomo Gang Kar, which translates as "Holy Mother, white like snow."

Another popular name comes from English, as it was given as a tribute to the merits of George Everest. At the beginning of the 19th century, he was a famous figure in geodetic research. The scientist's successor put forward his surname as a name after the employee of the service where Everest worked, made the world's first measurement of "Peak XV", which was considered the highest in Eurasia and presumably on the planet.

There is another name given by the inhabitants of Nepal. In their language, Mount Chomolungma sounds like Sagarmatha, which means "mother of the Universe." In Nepal, they are especially warm to highest peak, so they prefer to call it in their native language.

Mountaineering Center

Mount Everest, due to its outstanding size, has long attracted the attention of climbers, but today climbers climb the proven routes. Many groups prepare in the camps, trekking organized almost daily during the season. This is one of popular destinations tourism, so Mount Chomolungma can hardly be called uninhabited.

The pioneers Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary, who first reached the highest point in the world in 1953 on May 29, entered the history of ascents. After their luck, many expeditions managed to reach the peak, but only from the beginning of the 19th century, hiking became available to a large circle of comers.

Climbing to the top is allowed in spring and autumn, as there are fewer winds during these seasons. In the fall, use the rise only from the south side. The preparation takes about two months, as the body must go through a period of acclimatization. The last 300 meters are considered the most dangerous, but the impressions of the opening view are worth it. Not in a single picture or photo can you see what the conqueror of the mountain will receive, because emotions will greatly enhance the effect of what he sees.