Kochnev alexander yakovlevich vim avia. The court sent the ex-general director and chief accountant of VIM-Avia under house arrest. Rich Sabas - the heart and liver of Russian aviation

And Ekaterina Panteleeva are involved in the case of embezzlement of money from passengers of the bankrupt carrier, they should soon be charged. At the same time, journalists discovered the registration place of an airline that until recently was in the Russian top 10: it turned out to be a closet in a remote Tatar village.

Mikhail Voronin, a lawyer for VIM-Avia's general director Alexander Kochnev, said that his client asked to postpone testimony at the Investigative Committee on a criminal case of fraud. “He ... was in the UK without food, water, rest and sleep. He was physically unable to testify this morning, so he asked to postpone it, ”the lawyer said, stressing that Kochnev, in principle, did not refuse to communicate with the investigation.

In turn, the lawyer of the chief accountant of VIM-Avia, Ekaterina Panteleeva, Ekaterina Pavlovskaya, told RBC that on September 27 Panteleeva, along with Kochnev, appeared on a call to the Investigative Committee to testify. “Tomorrow there will be interrogation and a measure of restraint will be chosen,” Pavlovskaya said. At the same time, the lawyer was unable to confirm the information that Panteleeva denied embezzlement at the airline, referring to a nondisclosure agreement. Earlier, the Interfax agency reported that after interrogation, which lasted all night without food or sleep, Panteleeva gave detailed testimony and explained the reasons for the mass cancellation of VIM-Avia flights.

Earlier, the ICR opened a case against unnamed employees of VIM-Avia under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). They were suspected of receiving 1 million rubles for the sale of tickets, when it was already known that VIM-Avia was not capable of fulfilling its obligations to customers. On September 27, the case was redirected to the central office.

The situation around "VIM-Avia" escalated at the end of last week... September 22 at the Moscow airport Domodedovo Dozens of flights of VIM-Avia were delayed both in Russian and international directions. The Federal Air Transport Agency reported that these delays are related to the unsettled debt of the airline to refueling organizations.

On September 25, one of the owners of VIM-Avia, Rashid Mursekaev, admitted that "the airline has a difficult economic situation, working capital has run out and funding has been frozen." On the morning of September 26, more than 20 regular flights and more than 10 charter flights of the airline were canceled in three Russian cities and six foreign countries(Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus). VIM-Avia has obligations to carry about 200 thousand passengers by the end of the year. Rosaviatsia turned to several Russian airlines (among them - Azur Air and UTair) in connection with the situation with the transportation of VIM-Avia passengers.

On the same day, the Federal Air Transport Agency conducted emergency meeting dedicated to the problem. Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov said that the main task now is to export from abroad those clients of VIM-Avia, whose vacation has come to an end. On the same day, Sokolov said that supporting VIM-Avia was pointless, since “the company had practically stopped working”.

The situation with VIM-Avia was discussed on September 27 at a meeting with members of the government, chaired by President Vladimir Putin. The head of state expressed bewilderment at the fact that the airline, according to officials, meets all the criteria, but at the same time cannot work. Putin announced incomplete official compliance with Minister Sokolov and indicated to the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich that he does not pay enough attention to the industry. Experts note that the VIM-Avia crisis may end with Sokolov's resignation from the post of minister.

As the agency reported, " Ruspres"On the evening of September 27, the investigation against the officials of VIM-Avia, on behalf of the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, was transferred to the Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases. Then it became known that the owners of VIM-Avia, Rashid Mursekaev and his the spouse left Russia.

Rich Sabas - Heart and Liver Russian aviation

Tens of thousands of VIM-Avia customers have been stuck at airports for an indefinite period, while the airline's head office is registered far from the Russian capital, in the small Tatarstan village of Bogatye Saby. Reporters of IA "Tatar-inform" decided to understand such an unusual location of the air carrier's office and understand what the office of "VIM-Avia" is doing in a Tatarstan village far from the bustle of the capital.

To get from Kazan to the head office of VIM-Avia, located in Bogatye Sabakh, it took Tatar-Inform correspondents about an hour and a half by car and another hour to find the necessary building, lost among unremarkable buildings on the outskirts village.

Immediately upon arrival at the area, the correspondents met a local resident who works as a postman, who suggested where the building 1A is located on Stroiteley Street (this is the address indicated in the registration data of the airline). At the same time, the postman herself had no idea what was on given address and was very surprised when I heard about the airline's office in my native village.

Having found the necessary address, the correspondents of IA "Tatar-inform" faced a new problem - the perimeter of the building was surrounded by a long dark green fence, on the only gate of which there was a padlock. They managed to get into the territory through the checkpoint of the neighboring section, where the reporters met a local security guard, who reluctantly explained that it was possible to get to the VIM-Avia office.

“You can go through, there is still nothing there, just a sign. They are currently undergoing repairs there, recently they have replaced the windows. The room is empty, nobody works there. I haven't seen them for a long time, since last year. As the sign was put up last year, they walked there, and after that I have not seen them even once, ”said the security guard.

The head office of VIM-Avia is located in a one-story building of a dubious type - on one side there are 2 rooms (1 of which belongs to the air carrier), on the other side of the building there is an entrance for cars and a garage. There is a bright red sign on the facade of the house "VIM-Avia"... The door to the premises was open, knocking on it, the journalists of IA "Tatar-inform" decided to go inside.

There they were greeted by a narrow dark corridor lined with boxes, as well as two doors - one closed, and on the other hung a sign with the words "controllers". After knocking on the second door, we decided to go in and check for people. In a small room, about 18-20 sq. meters, two women were sitting, as it turned out - representatives of the Sabine communal services. According to them, the territory and the building in which the office of VIM-Avia is located belongs to the Sabinsky MPP ZhKKH, which rents out the adjacent room to the air carrier.

“We ourselves are the controllers of communal services, otherwise the premises are rented. They (representatives of "VIM-Avia", - approx. T-s) are rarely here, their premises are constantly closed, these are two men. We do not see them, we close the door to our room, it can be cold here. Well, they sometimes go there, go in, go out and that's it. In terms of area, their premises are the same as ours. Today I have not seen them, "- shared the representative of the Sabinsky" MPP ZhKKH ".

Immediately after the conversation with the journalists, the representatives of MPP ZhKKh announced that they had lunch, after which they hung a lock on the front door of the building and left, advising in an hour or two to find the chief accountant of MPP ZhKKh in the neighboring administrative building (she also dined), which they believed had more information about the unusual tenant.

After waiting for an hour and a half, the reporters of the Tatar-inform news agency were still able to find Lilia Novikova at her workplace, who, having heard about the purpose of the journalists' visit, hastened to disown all possible questions at once. “VIM-Avia has nothing to do with us, they just rent this space, that's all. This is not ours. They pay their rent on time, and we rent them out, ”the chief accountant of MPP ZhKKh emphasized.

Nevertheless, the woman said that rent is paid once a quarter, the issue price is 15 thousand rubles. “They have already paid for the third quarter, in three days the fourth quarter will go,” the accountant explained.

According to Novikova, the payment for the lease is controlled by a local representative of the airline named Ruslan, with whom you can arrange a meeting by phone and ask all your questions. Having written Ruslan's number on a piece of paper, Lilia Novikova politely said goodbye. Correspondents of IA "Tatar-inform" called the indicated number and agreed to meet with Ruslan, who arrived at the scene just a couple of minutes after the call.

The guy arrived in his car, introduced himself as Ruslan Stepanov, a legal adviser for VIM-Avia in Bogatye Sabakh. According to Stepanov, he himself lives in Bogatye Sabi, does not have any information about the financial condition of the airline, and will find out the latest news about his employer from the media. He also noted that he had contacted the Moscow office of the company the day before, and no changes in its operating mode are planned yet.

“I work here, I live in Sabah, and they give me my salary. In the (rented - approx. T-s) premises we are currently doing repairs, when it is finished, I will work there. Yesterday I only talked with them (with the Moscow representatives of VIM-Avia, - approx. T-s), they did not tell me anything new. What I know, you know too, ”said Ruslan Stepanov.

The head of the press service of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Eduard Khairullin, told Tatar-inform news agency that neither the Government of Tatarstan, nor Tatneft had anything to do with VIM-Avia and its obligations.

According to the information available to the agency, the company Tatneft was engaged in the supply of fuel for "VIM-Avia", and the bank "Zenith" credited it. Now, perhaps, the issue of restructuring debts to the bank will be considered.

We would like to remind that the VIM-Avia airline was engaged in domestic and international passenger air transportation. According to information from the official website of the company, currently its fleet consists of 7 aircraft, including Boeing-777-300 and Airbus-330-200, however Executive Director The Association of Russian Tour Operators Maya Lomidze noted that most of the aircraft are on lease in case of bankruptcy of the company, the planes will probably be counted towards the lease payments.

The founder of VIM-Avia, according to information from open sources, is Rashid Mursekaev. In May of this year, the air carrier announced a program of charter flights on the Kazan-China route, however, problems with paying for fuel and periodic flight delays that VIM-Avia has experienced since the beginning of 2017 did not allow this project to be fully implemented.

The replenishment of the airline's fleet is always a great event, the AK is the addition of passengers, the airport is more loaded, passengers have more comfort, directions, flight on a new type of aircraft (although many of them probably do not think about it), and photographers have a new object of hunting.
On February 17, just such another joyful event took place in the history of VIM-AVIA and Domodedovo airport - a new type of aircraft Airbus A330-200 was handed over in a solemn ceremony.

The event was excellent in terms of brightness and emotions. Firmly enduring the Moscow cold weather, the flight attendants of Vim-Avia took part in the photo shoot with the A330 model and with the hero of the occasion.

Guys, judging by their smiles and emotions, did not notice the cold and happily helped us, responding to our "look over there", "look here", ".. into the lens"

The event was attended by representatives of VIM-AVIA, Airbus, Domodedovo airport.
In the photo: Elena Fedorova, Public Relations Director of VIM-AVIA, General Director of VIM-AVIA Alexander Yakovlevich Kochnev and Vadim Marusov, Regional Director for Business Development in Russia and the Republic of Belarus.
Alexander Yakovlevich said that already having in the park Airbus aircraft In particular, the A319, which proved to be excellent, VIM-AVIA is pleased to receive the A330, another milestone in cooperation with Airbus and a new stage in the development of AK. In 2017, VIM-AVIA will celebrate its 15th anniversary and plan to double air fleet, this will happen mainly at the expense of wide-body. Thanks to this, it will actively develop route network AK and in the segment of long-haul routes.
And Vadim Marusov warmly greeted the new operator of the A330 and expressed confidence that VIM-AVIA, as a successful and efficient operator of the A319, will fully appreciate the benefits of unification of the Airbus aircraft families.

PIC appreciated the replenishment

Well done guys, thank them very much.

It's a pleasure to fly with such flight attendants, you will fly with them, say hello from us)
Look with what warmth they look at their newcomer, they will soon accompany him in the sky.

This is how sometimes you have to do squats for a good shot - so spotting is also fitness))

You can't tear yourself away from the guys)

Although some switched to themselves)

Oh, and Seryoga is so carried away by the A330 that he does not look back and will now be pecked in the back of his head))

And here is our handsome man in full growth, perspective and girth.

Welcome aboard

Tea, coffee, cassettes?)

But such a bright and positive safety card for the A330

And we on board did not lag behind the flight attendants)

А330-200 VIM-AVIA is presented in 252 armchair configurations, of which 24 are for businessmen, 228 for economists.

Guess the riddle - what is the name of the flight attendant?
Hussars and hussars to be silent!)


you get the idea - no comments)

I have a strange association - whale shark

Baaal plane

Engines and tips are, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating elements in airplanes, well, of course, wing mechanization during takeoff and landing.

Alexander Kochnev. Photo by Kommersant

The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia has completed the main investigative actions in a high-profile criminal case of fraud and abuse in the once one of major airlines country "VIM-Avia", which is currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. On Friday, the investigators of the State Investigative Committee filed charges in the final version of the three persons involved in the investigation. Depending on the role of each of them, the former CEO of the company Alexander Kochnev, Vice-President Alevtina Kalashnikov and accountant Ekaterina Panteleeva were charged with committing crimes under Part 2 of Art. 201, part 1 of Art. 176 and part 3 of Art. 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of power, which entailed grave consequences; illegal receipt of a loan and transfer of currency to non-residents of the Russian Federation using forged documents). Similar articles, but already in absentia, were charged by the investigation to the co-owner of the company Rashid Mursekaev, who left Russia even before the start of the proceedings.

Initially, the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR accused the defendants of especially large-scale fraud committed by an organized criminal group (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the investigation, knowing that the airline located financially distressed and unable to pay for fuel and airfield services, they continued to sell tickets for flights that eventually failed. However, according to the lawyer of Alexander Kochnev, Mikhail Voronin, the investigators, having analyzed this episode, obviously came to the conclusion that the airline was still trying to fulfill its obligations to clients to the end. The former top managers of VIM-Avia did not admit their guilt.

"Alexander Kochnev conscientiously performed the duties of the airline's general director, so all his actions were in accordance with the law," believes lawyer Voronin. "Kochnev himself believes that if in September last year the company could pay for fuel, then its planes would still fly."

According to Voronin's lawyer, after the final charge was presented, his client refused to testify, considering it necessary to first familiarize himself with its text in detail. “In addition, we need to study a few more documents that are not in the case,” the defense attorney explained to Kommersant.

After the charge of fraud was dropped, the main article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on abuse of power, which provides for up to ten years in prison, became the main one in the case. According to the investigation, the top managers of VIM-Avia allowed it, in particular, in relation to CJSC "Commercial Agency of Domodedovo Airport", which was not paid more than 500 million rubles for ground handling of aircraft, as well as FSUE State ATM Corporation. The latter could not receive more than 200 million rubles for air navigation support of flights of VIM-Avia liners. It should be noted that Rashid Mursekaev acted as the guarantor for fuel loans at Domodedovo. A claim for 300 million rubles was personally satisfied against him, but there was actually nothing to foreclose.

The press service of Domodedovo airport reported that by the decision of the arbitration, the entire debt was recovered from VIM-Avia, but then it was fully included in the register of claims of the airline's creditors.

The lawyers of the defendants in the investigation were unable to explain exactly what episodes the charges under Art. 176 and 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, explaining this by the fact that they did not familiarize themselves with the documents of the investigation in detail. According to a Kommersant source, the investigation believes that hundreds of millions of rubles were withdrawn from the airline under bogus contracts... The banking episode is obviously connected with PJSC "Bank" Zenith ""(62.66% owned PJSC Tatneft), which provided VIM-Avia with a credit line for 3.6 billion rubles until December 31, 2020. The funds were allocated against the security of expensive aircraft engines, auxiliary power units and securities of various companies. In 2017, VIM-Avia stopped servicing the loan without paying interest on it in the amount of RUB 32 million. In addition, in violation of the agreement with Zenit, the airline received another loan - from Absolut Bank for 581 million rubles. By the way, Absolute is still trying to get its money back through arbitration.

In turn, Zenit ceded the right to claim the loan to OOO RNGO, which also went to court. During the inspection of the pledged property, it turned out that six out of ten aircraft engines and one auxiliary unit (estimated at almost 1 billion rubles) are absent, and the securities do not correspond very much to the value at which they were taken as a pledge. The arbitration collected 3 billion rubles from the suspicious borrower in favor of the RNGO, allowing the remaining engines to be put up for auction and the promissory notes to be sold.

It is assumed that in a couple of weeks the persons involved in the investigation can begin to familiarize themselves with its materials, after which the indictment will be sent for approval to the Prosecutor General's Office.

As the agency reported Ruspres Rashid Mursekaev and his wife left the country after the first delays in payments appeared, taking a regular flight to Istanbul. Law enforcement agencies did not put obstacles to the owner of VIM-Avia. In connection with the scandal around the airline, President Vladimir Putin announced incomplete official compliance with ex-Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov. The penalty was lifted in May, when the candidacy of the resigned minister was considered for the post of head of Aeroflot instead of Vitaly Savelyeva.

On Friday, September 29, the interrogation of the general director of VIM-Avia, Alexander Kochnev, and the chief accountant of the airline, Ekaterina Panteleeva, took place. After that, the investigation appealed to the Basmanny Court of Moscow with a demand to send both defendants under house arrest in the case of embezzlement of funds from the air carrier's clients.

The term of the investigation in the case was extended until November 25, and both defendants were placed under house arrest until that time. At the same time, the chief accountant Panteleeva and her lawyers agreed with the preventive measure, and the former general director Kochnev asked the court to release him on recognizance not to leave. Kochnev's defense has not yet decided on the issue of appealing the court decision.

At the same time, the investigation continues to identify those involved in the theft case. Thus, the number of detainees may increase.

The investigator said in court that upon the theft of funds, it was established that the company's management “for the purpose of embezzling cash abroad".

The representative of the Investigative Committee also stressed that the owners of VIM-Avia, Rashid and Svetlana Mursekaev, left the territory of Russia on the day of the initiation of the criminal case. Their location is being established.

In addition, on Friday, Alexander Burdin, who previously headed Transaero, was appointed the new CEO of VIM-Avia, and the new team began to conduct financial analysis and stabilize the company's activities.

"In order to resolve the crisis situation that has developed in the airline" VIM-Avia ", a new general manager- Alexander Burdin, who has significant experience as an anti-crisis manager, "RIA Novosti quotes a representative of VIM-Avia.

“The schedule of repayment of the existing debt for fuel and airport services is being agreed. The new management of the company cooperates with law enforcement agencies, ”the company said in a statement.

At the same time, the Federal Air Transport Agency said that the department was not informed about Burdin's appointment as the new general director of VIM-Avia.

  • Aircraft of the airline "VIM-Avia"
  • RIA News

Presidential attention

After the Russian airline VIM-Avia declared its bankruptcy, the Russian government came to the aid of passengers who cannot return to their homeland due to the cancellation of flights. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to send Tu-214 aircraft belonging to a special flight unit (SLO "Russia") of the Administrative Department of the President of Russia to Antalya for the removal of tourists.

“The special flight unit“ Russia ”, on behalf of the President of Russia, will send two Tu-214 aircraft to Antalya for the removal of passengers of the VIM-Avia airline,” said Elena Krylova, press secretary of the Presidential Administration.

The first flight to Turkey was made by the government aircraft from Vnukovo to Antalya at 13:00 Moscow time, and the second at 18:00. Thus, 320 Russians will return to Moscow.

According to the press secretary of the head of the Russian state Dmitry Peskov, Putin is constantly informed about the measures taken in connection with the situation with the VIM-Avia airline, and he keeps the situation under personal control.

“The President is constantly informed about the measures taken, but the main work is carried out through the government. Vigorous measures are being taken there, ”Peskov explained.

The day before, the Russian president took a number of steps at the ministerial level, announcing the head of the Ministry of Transport, Maxim Sokolov, about incomplete official compliance.

Airline assistance

Meanwhile, Russian and foreign air carriers promptly responded to the request of the branch headquarters to help Russian passengers who were left without return tickets due to the bankruptcy of VIM-Avia. On Friday, UTair started transporting passengers from Turkey.

  • Airplane UTair
  • RIA News

"UTair has started transporting VIM-Avia passengers at the request of operational headquarters Ministry of Transport, which is dealing with the elimination of the crisis situation.<...>Passengers with VIM-Avia tickets can take a flight on all regular UTair flights subject to availability, ”the airline’s press service said.

On Friday at 11:30 Moscow time, a Boeing 737-500 aircraft took off from Moscow's Vnukovo airport, this board will transport Russian citizens from Antalya to Samara.

The UTair press service explained that, according to Andrey Martirosov, the airline's general director, “the mechanism for reimbursing the airline’s costs has not yet been determined, but in this moment it is more important to help compatriots to return home ”.

In parallel with this, the airline " Ural Airlines"Expressed its readiness to accept VIM-Avia passengers on its flights.

From September 29, Ural Airlines began carrying passengers with VIM-Avia tickets on its own flights. Transportation is subject to availability until October 16. VIM-Avia passengers with valid tickets are allowed to board the flight if the route indicated on the ticket coincides with the route of Ural Airlines. To board a flight, VIM-Avia customers who have a valid ticket in their hands must contact the Ural Airlines representative offices at the airports of destination, ”the press service of the company said.

  • The plane of the airline "Ural Airlines"
  • RIA News

At the moment, there are free seats on liners flying from Simferopol to Yekaterinburg and Moscow. Ural Airlines is ready to “pick up passengers flying to Domodedovo (Moscow) and Koltsovo (Yekaterinburg) airports”.

S7 Airlines also volunteered to help by organizing additional flights from September 29 to October 10.

On a daily basis, there will be a flight on the route Moscow - Simferopol - Moscow, and from October 1 to 10 - a flight Moscow - Sochi - Moscow. The planes will be sent on the Moscow - Simferopol - Moscow route on September 30 and October 2; October 2 - Moscow - Yerevan - Moscow and Antalya - Moscow; October 3 - Antalya - Moscow and Moscow - Nizhnevartovsk.

Also on the topic

Fraud and seven billion in debt: the general director and chief accountant of VIM-Avia were detained

The general director and chief accountant of VIM-Avia were detained in a fraud case, the Investigative Committee reported ....

Sergei Izvolsky, an advisor to the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, said that such airlines as Royal Flight and Azur Air have joined VIM-Avia. "Uralites" are still taking people out of Barcelona, ​​EllinAir - from Thessaloniki, Turkish Global Atlas - from Antalya to Samara, the flight is planned today (September 29. - RT) ", - he explained.

About 600 Chinese citizens affected by the suspension of the charter program of VIM-Avia will return home this Saturday and Sunday, Interfax-Tourism reports.

According to the Ministry of Transport, in just a day on September 28, almost 4 thousand passengers of VIM-Avia were transported. More than 2 thousand were transported by the airline itself, 1.25 thousand - by others Russian airlines, 548 passengers - by foreign air carriers. 36 flights are planned for September 29: 22 regular and 14 charter, of which 16 are domestic regular flights, six - international regular and 14 - international charters.

Bankruptcy and fraud "VIM-Avia"

The airline officially admitted on September 25 that it did not have the funds to continue working. The management announced that it will stop operating charter flights.

The total debt of VIM-Avia for services, fuel, airport and ground support of flights is about 1.3 billion rubles. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich signed a document according to which Aeroflot's board of directors on September 28 had to approve the allocation of funds to the airline to finance operating and financial activities, which he could compensate through settlements with the industry.

A criminal case was initiated against VIM-Avia under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Fraud"). On Wednesday, September 27, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Svetlana Petrenko, announced that on behalf of the head of the department, Alexander Bastrykin, the case was transferred to the central office of the Investigative Committee. According to the investigation, since September 22, officials of the airline, knowing that they did not have enough funds to buy fuel, continued to sell tickets for flights, having received over 1 million rubles for them.