Why does the plane drop fuel before landing? Pilot-instructor on the air "Kommersant FM" - about an emergency with a plane in Sheremetyevo. Which version seems most likely to you?

MINSK, May 6 - Sputnik. The actions of the crew of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 and ground services made it possible to avoid further more of casualties among passengers, Honored Pilot of Russia Vladimir Romanenko said in an interview with Sputnik.

Sunday evening at Sheremetyevo airport after emergency landing the plane belonging to the Aeroflot airline caught fire. The liner was supposed to fly to Murmansk, but was forced to return to air harbor... The fire on board killed 40 passengers and one crew member.

Why didn't the crew drain the fuel

"Superjet belongs to the class of small-body aircraft, and it does not provide for fuel discharge in the air. This procedure, as for all short-haul aircraft, is possible only on the ground," Vladimir Romanenko said.

In his opinion, "all that the pilots of the airliner could do in such a situation was to burn fuel while circling over the airfield." In emergencies, aircraft of this class are allowed to land in excess of the maximum landing weight. For long-haul aircraft, a significant excess is unacceptable, since the landing gear will not withstand.

For short-haul liners, such landings are allowed subject to the requirements for reloading and mandatory subsequent technical inspection. Due to the fact that the crew did not have radio communication, fuel production under the guidance of dispatchers was impossible.

"Thunderous situation, lightning flashes ... In the area of ​​the airfield, in the immediate vicinity there are other aircraft. Since the crew could not receive dispatcher commands, the PIC (aircraft commander - Sputnik) decided to land," Vladimir Romanenko explained. "They made the right decision."

Caught a "goat"

At the same time, the vertical speed was high, and "therefore, it turned out to be a" goat "(the term denoting a" bounce "of the airliner from the runway after touching the landing gear - Sputnik). Apparently, not all aircraft control systems worked correctly when landing in manual mode ...

“The crew could not sit down and left for the second circle. I took aim, how you can control the plane and feel it, and tried to land again,” Vladimir Romanenko explained the crew’s actions. “The attempt was unsuccessful, perhaps, a gust of wind prevented me. I suppose the matter is in the aircraft's inadequate response to the management actions of the crew.

The footage from the crash site at Sheremetyevo shows how passengers leave the burning plane together with hand luggage: bags and even suitcases. Obviously, this slowed down the evacuation process.

According to an experienced pilot, delaying passengers with their suitcases creates even more congestion on the plane. “Moreover, they opened the luggage compartment, which led to an even stronger fire in the tail section,” he said.

Crew halved evacuation time

At the same time, we must pay tribute to the ground services: the firemen worked on "five", the expert does not doubt.

"They could not stand along the runway, there is no reason for that. Being in the starting mode, the fire brigades calculated the place where the liner would stop," Vladimir Romanenko explained. "They did a perfect thing: they arrived quickly, quickly extinguished ... it turned out ... Where to go: full fuel tanks ... Well, at least these passengers were saved. "

"If it were not for the crew, which reduced the time for evacuating passengers by almost two times from the standard, at best only the crew itself and about five or six passengers would have survived," the sputnik interlocutor summed up.

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Is it true that planes dump the remaining fuel before landing?

    The most interesting thing is that today aircraft practically do not discharge fuel. Previously, planes had such a supply of fuel that was designed only for flight, in case of an unplanned landing, the planes either circled over the airfield to burn out the remaining fuel, or dumped it so that ignition did not occur during landing. Now progress has moved forward. Now a special powder is thrown into the fuel tank, which simply makes the fuel non-combustible and does not need to be dumped.

    Today, such a phenomenon as fuel dumping practically does not occur in the flight practice of pilots. civil aviation- and even on the contrary - they are rewarded in every possible way for fuel economy - this is a business today and only in case of an emergency will the pilots dump fuel. If the fuel is constantly dumped, then the ecological catastrophe will be rapid on Earth.

    Aircraft do not drop fuel residues before landing.

    They don't need to do this if everything is going according to plan and the landing is not emergency.

    But if you urgently need to land, an emergency situation has arisen, then there are rules that air crews are forced to adhere to. Vehicle, and in which it is necessary to land the plane by dropping excess fuel.

    Yes, this does happen in the event of an emergency landing. Once there was a rowdy passenger on board, whom the flight attendants could not calm down. He threatened the safety of passengers and cabin crew. And the pilot made the decision to land the plane. The landing was made urgently at the nearest airport, but there was a lot of fuel in the tanks. As a result, the pilots had to dump fuel. Deboshir was arrested after the flight, and the airline filed a lawsuit against him and collected a large amount of money. The same can happen with a sick passenger on board or an emergency on board when an emergency landing is required.

    Fuel is only discharged during an emergency landing immediately after takeoff. Kerosene costs decent money, so no one will dump it unless absolutely necessary. The black trail usually occurs not during landing, but on takeoff, when the engine is operating at maximum power in afterburner mode, the trail leaves soot from unburned kerosene residues.

    Airplane discharges fuel when it is forced to make an emergency landing, as there is a risk of explosion. The more fuel remains in the tanks, the stronger the explosion can turn out in case of failure. If the landing is unplanned, but not emergency, then the fuel is burned.

    Here Sergei Rakitin answered quite rightly, that the plane dumps fuel only in case of a forced landing, immediately after takeoff, or somewhere in the middle of the way, but if the situation permits, then kerosene not reset and is maximally developed to a safe weight. Emergency reset is done only when the plane, for some emergency reason, cannot fly in circles producing fuel.

    Landing an aircraft with a heavy weight of fuel on board is risky. The route of flight and refueling of the aircraft is calculated taking into account that there is enough fuel to reach the alternate airfield and that after landing at such an airfield there is still approximately one to three tons of kerosene left (this is for large liners).

    In the event of an emergency discharge of fuel, a white trail will be visible behind the plane. Black trail is, as Sergei Rakitin writes, just soot and soot from kerosene.

    The planes release fuel only in the event of an emergency emergency landing to avoid a fire. In some cases, if the situation permits, the crew continues the flight on purpose in order to maximize the fuel supply. And nobody dumps fuel on purpose.

    Dumping of fuel is required for emergency landings. And a dump is done only when it is impossible to reduce the amount of fuel simply by producing it. Airplanes just fly in circles, producing fuel. If this is not possible, then the discharge is at a high altitude.

    By reducing the amount of fuel, the crew of the aircraft reduces the possibility of an explosion during an emergency landing and, accordingly, a fire.

In connection with the incident at the Sheremetyevo airport, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article on violation of traffic safety and operation rules air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence. The department confirmed the death of 13 people. Passenger liner Aeroflot was supposed to fly to Murmansk, but after takeoff the crew requested an emergency landing. According to one version, the engines on board caught fire. According to the other, an electronics malfunction was discovered, and the liner tried to land, but hit the runway, its chassis was damaged and fuel tanks pierced, which caused the fire. According to the third version, lightning hit the plane. The host of Kommersant FM Ramaz Chiaureli discussed the situation with the first class instructor pilot, master of sports in aerobatics on jet aircraft, Andrei Krasnoperov.

- Which version do you think is the most probable?

Lightning strikes seem unlikely to me. Most likely, the causes of the accident are related to external influences, since now there is a spring migration of birds, and, possibly, one of them got into the engine during takeoff, which caused the destruction of the compressor, and then a fire broke out. The second version is that something happened to the plane, because it was planted with full tanks. This situation has its own specifics, while landing with full tanks is generally not recommended. Typically, aircraft are given a specific area to generate or even discharge fuel. The fact is that there is a system to facilitate the aircraft landing: there is a permissible takeoff weight, there is landing weight with which you can land. But if the plane exceeds the load on the landing gear at the time of landing, then their strut may well break. In this situation, the plane was very heavy. In addition, in this case, fuel leakage is almost inevitable due to deformation of the wings when they hit the strip.

The Superjet is a new car. There may be some peculiarities here, why did the pilots, for example, not drop fuel, given that they had to go into the go-around? Could this be the reason that the fire appeared?

In this case, praise to the pilots who were able to land the plane somehow on the runway. In order to dump fuel, there must be a normal flight, the engines must work in a normal mode, and, naturally, there must be normal calm conditions. In this situation, something unusual happened, since the pilots went for an emergency landing.

And an emergency landing always has such a property that there is a large overload due to the fuel in the wings.

Well, at the moment of touching, the quality of the landing depends on the pilot: there is a soft touch, there is an overload of more than 2 units.

There is information that Superjet sent a distress signal before landing at Sheremetyevo, and communication with it was lost. Is the reliability of the machine in this case fully credible? What awaits these liners now?

First, until the cause of the incident is clarified, all types of these aircraft will naturally stop all flights. This is normal, as the cause can be repeated on another airliner like the Boeing 737 MAX. In this situation, you need to figure out what the reason is. But the fact that there was no connection, it is natural - the pilots were fully tuned in to the landing, they were not up to the smallest detail, the main thing was to save the passengers.

- And because of what the connection could be lost?

Perhaps they could have cut off the power to the plane during a fire in order to exclude its further development. According to the instructions, it is necessary to report an emergency, but it is also necessary to de-energize the plane before landing so that there is no spark.

- So you still admit that the fire could have appeared when the car was still in the air?

If there was no connection, then the pilots themselves cut off the power to the plane so that at the time of landing they would not have a spark. Moreover, the plane tried to land on a concrete strip, and in any case, the crew had to report so that the other airliners were diverted in different directions. Otherwise, there was a different situation: someone would take off at that time from the runway, they landed, you know, it would be even more interesting.

If the plane was de-energized, it turns out that even on the instruments the pilots did not land, but landed as manually as possible, as soon as possible?

Devices showing speed, altitude, do not work on electricity. They are ordinary, analog, that is, you can fly an airplane perfectly, without any problems.

Now a source in the Federal Air Transport Agency said that the cause of the fire was still hard landing... It means, apparently, something completely different abnormal situation happened in the air.

If something happened on the plane, because of which the pilots decided to do emergency landing, not to fly to Murmansk, which means that something could have happened connected with the electrician, especially since there was no communication with the crew. This is the point.

That is, initially something was wrong, but what already happened next is already a rough landing.

Here, in this situation, the pilots tried to quickly land the plane, I would also land at any speed, if only I could get down quickly and take people. Naturally, the situation can develop in different ways. It turned out the way it turned out, we need to figure out what the reason is.

Domodedovo airport representative:

“We used additional resources to receive flights, taking into account the incident at Sheremetyevo airport, provided the necessary forces and means to provide and service aircraft and passengers in addition to the airport's own flights. "