What is included in the big Yalta. Yalta Crimea. Big Yalta - rest with children

Yalta is located in the south of the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea coast. At the same time, the concepts of the city of Yalta and Big Yalta... The latter is called the Yalta region. Yalta is considered the recognized capital of the Crimean resorts, as well as the commercial and passenger seaport of the southern coast of Crimea. A common version of the appearance of the name of the city is that it is of Turkic origin. Yalta was first mentioned by the Arab historian Al-Idrisiya in 1154.

Translated from the Crimean Tatar "yalida" means "on the shore". Yalta is located in the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula, on the seashore on three hills in the valleys of the Derekoyki (Bystraya) and Uchan-Su (Vodopadnaya) rivers. There are a large number of parks on the territory of Big Yalta. Vorontsovsky and Livadiysky are general resort attractions due to their size. The famous walking Tsarskaya trail originates in the Livadia park. Also attractive for tourists are the following parks: Gurzufsky, Hararadsky, Miskhorsky, Kiparisny, Chair, Primorsky and many others. They were created on the basis of the southern coastal forest using ornamental foreign plants. Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve located on the territory of Big Yalta.

The territory of the city of Yalta has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. It is characterized by: mild and rainy winters, long hot summers, cool springs and long warm autumn. Of great importance is the combination of an ice-free warm sea and mountains that stand in the way of cold winds. Recreational resources for Yalta play the most important role. Such reserves as Yalta mountain-forest, Crimean natural and "Cape Martyan" are the main therapeutic and climatic resource of the city. Also of great importance are monuments of landscape gardening art of local and national importance.

Yalta has beautiful picturesque forests, natural boundaries and beautiful river gorges. The Crimean flora is special in that it contains a large number of plants of alien species, as well as in that there is a continuous vegetation of plants, when spring flowers begin to bloom after the last autumn flowers. The fauna has an insular character and is very close to the Mediterranean type. The southern coast does not have large animals at all, mainly the following animals are characteristic of this part: teleut squirrel, mountain sheep-mouflon, stone marten, badger, roe deer, wild boar, weasel, hare, hedgehog, bat, shrew, fox. The ecology of Yalta has a number of problems, primarily pollution caused by emissions from transport. In the early 2000s, the reconstruction of almost the entire Yalta coast began, namely: many beaches were reconstructed, as well as new ones were created; ennobled many wild beaches... Massandra Beach received the prestigious Blue Flag award.

The restoration, after which the Yalta embankment became a shopping street and a place of mass festivities, was completed in 2003. The resort town of Yalta gained wide popularity during the Soviet years. This was due to the fact that the rest here was much easier due to visa-free regime and affordability in price for residents of the CIS countries, and since the beginning of the XXI century it has become cheaper and in comparison with Russian resorts... As for the landscape of Yalta, an interesting combination occurs in it architectural structures and nature.

A large number of the most beautiful picturesque buildings have been preserved on the territory. late XIX- the beginning of the twentieth century. Today the city is also of considerable interest among vacationers against the background of Russian and European resort cities. Every year this city is visited by a large number of people who are going to have a good time, relax, swim in the sea, visit local attractions or get medical treatment in Yalta sanatoriums.

Yalta on the map is located in the southern part of Crimea, from Foros in the west and up to Krasnokamenka in the east. This city is the recognized resort capital of the peninsula, an important passenger and commercial port.

History of the name

The city of Yalta, according to the most common version, got its name from the Greek word "yalos", which translates as "coast". For the first time this settlement was mentioned in 1154. The lines about the Polovtsian city on the Black Sea coast came from the pen of the Arab historian Al-Idrisiya.

Yalta on the map. Physical and geographical characteristics

The city is located in the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula. It occupies the coast of the Yalta Gulf in the Black Sea. On the territory of the city are the hills of Darsan and Glory. On the land side, Yalta is surrounded by a semicircle Crimean mountains.

The general resort attraction is the Vorontsovsky and Livadiysky parks, laid out on the territory of Big Yalta (the latter includes the city itself, Alupka and many villages). First of all, they impress with their impressive size. Unique decorative foreign plants were widely used in their creation.

Climate features

Where is the city of Yalta? At about the same latitude as the popular Italian resorts of Genoa and Ravenna. The warm sun caresses the city for about 2,250 hours a year. A similar indicator can boast of such chic Mediterranean resorts as San Remo, Nice and Cannes. The city of Yalta (Crimea) has a temperate climate similar to the Mediterranean subtropical. The winters are rainy and mild, the spring is cool, the summer is long and hot, and the autumn is warm and long (the so-called velvet season).

Yalta on the map of Crimea is located in the arms of the warm sea and mountains, which play the role of reliable defenders from cold winds. Such geographic feature provides favorable conditions for vacationers.

Yalta (Crimea) is famous primarily for its recreational resources... Such reserves as "Cape Martyan", the Crimean natural and Yalta mountain-forest, provide the therapeutic and climatic value of the resort.


Yalta (photos of the city are presented in the article) is famous for its magnificent beaches. However, not so long ago they were subject to gradual destruction under the influence of landslides. People began to purposefully improve the beaches only a few decades ago. So, the construction of retaining walls was organized, the digging of trenches in seabed and covering them with stones. With the help of floating cranes, hundred-ton groins were installed, and millions of cubic meters of crushed stone were placed between them. As a result, people have learned to create artificial beaches even in those areas that were previously considered completely unsuitable for recreation.

Fauna, flora

Yalta Nature Reserve is unique place, where about two thousand species of various plants grow. Juniper-oak forests and shrubs cover the slopes of the city. The most common pine and Crimean pine, as well as juniper, and fluffy, maple, hornbeam, beech, cedar, dogwood, pear and mountain ash.

Forests on the southern coast are of extremely important water and soil protection importance, therefore they are recognized as nature reserves and are carefully protected.

The fauna of the southern Crimean coast has an island character and is similar in type to the Mediterranean. On this territory you can see red deer, roe deer, stone marten, badger, teleut squirrel, wild boar, weasel, fox, hare, hedgehog, shrew, bat.

Ecological situation

First of all, let's highlight a number of existing problems:

  • At least nine hundred units per hour (sometimes this figure reaches 1600 units) is the transport load on the main highways of Yalta in the summer during the daytime. As for the winter period, boiler houses are considered the main source of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, the state of the treatment systems of which has left much to be desired for many years.
  • The maximum concentration on the highways of Simferopol reaches six MPC (maximum permissible concentration), and on the roads of Yalta - three may be due to the use of low quality fuel.
  • As established by experts, in Yalta, the optimal concentration of benzopyrene is almost twice as high. This fact allows us to assert that the ecological situation in the city is unsatisfactory.
  • In March 2012, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development allocated ten million hryvnia to modernize the Yalta sewerage system in order to stop the discharge of runoff into the Black Sea waters. However, as of 2013, the city's wastewater treatment plant is still in very poor condition. For this reason, the waters adjacent to the port beaches are periodically polluted with sewage.
  • April 2012 was marked by extensive discussion of the problem of poor cleaning of city streets. Local residents independently organized subbotniks to cleanse Yalta from garbage. In September of the same year, similar events were resumed, as the local authorities were unable to maintain cleanliness in the city.

A bit of history

The remains of the settlements of the ancient inhabitants of the Crimean territories - the Taurus - were found by archaeologists near Simeiz, on Cape Ai-Todor and in some other places. The artifacts have been dated to around the 4th to 5th centuries BC. The Taurus were pirates, fishermen, farmers, hunters and pastoralists. Their lifestyle can be described as semi-sedentary.

According to legend, Yalta is a city founded by Greek sailors. It is believed that for a long time they wandered across the endless Black Sea expanses, and after seeing the long-awaited coast, they exclaimed: "Yalos!" (this is how the word “shore” sounds in Greek). Since then, these lands have been called so. On maps and documents of the XIV century. the city is referred to as Yalita, Gialita, Kallita and Etalita.

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? Currently, it belongs to the Russian Federation, but in the summer of 1475, the city, like the entire Crimea, was captured by the Ottoman Turks. South coast included in Ottoman Empire... In the second half of the fifteenth century, there was a powerful earthquake that destroyed Yalta. Only after seventy years did the Armenians and Greeks begin to settle in the devastated area. Historians believe that it was during that period that the name used to this day was fixed for the city.

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? Back in 1783, Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. This happened as a consequence of the process of mass resettlement of Crimean Christians to the Azov region in 1778 and the emigration of Crimean Tatars to Turkey. At that time, Yalta was a small deserted fishing village.

19th century

The Governor-General of the Novorossiysk lands - Count Vorontsov - in 1823 provided two hundred dessiatines of the Yalta land, subject to the cultivation of vineyards, orchards and construction. Newly made wealthy owners, thanks to the hard work of their serfs, erected luxurious villas, palaces, mansions on this territory, laid huge industrial gardens and vineyards. In addition, at this time, magnificent parks appeared, which are pleasing to the eye to this day. local residents and tourists: Gurzufsky, Massandrovsky, Alupkinsky, Livadiysky and others.

The city of Yalta was gradually expanding. The map of the area allowed Vorontsov to understand that this inconspicuous settlement, thanks to its unique relief and convenient bay, could become an important city for Russia.

Important transformations

The year 1838 was marked by the formation of the Yalta district. The once deserted village acquired the status of a city. A year earlier, Count Vorontsov ordered the construction of a gravel road that connected Yalta with Simferopol and Alushta. In 1848 the city acquired a direct road connection with Sevastopol.

Destruction and restoration

During the war of 1853-1856. the whole Crimea was seriously affected. Yalta (a map of the city at that time helps to understand the nature and scale of destruction) was no exception. Over time, the city was restored, moreover, they began to talk about it as an excellent resort. Dr. Dmitriev and Professor Botkin noted that the Yalta climate is curative. It is for this reason that Emperor Alexander III issued a decree on the construction of two palaces in the city - Livadia and Massandra.

Private construction also did not stand still. So, one of the richest people in Russia - Prince Yusupov - erected a palace in Koreiz, Count Milyutin - in Simeiz, Naryshkin - in Miskhor.

In 1886, according to the instructions of Alexander III, the construction of a powerful pier made of stone, as well as a sewer system, began. Another important completed project of that period was the Yalta embankment. In 1898, the construction of the city water supply was completed.

As a result, by the end of the nineteenth century, many knew where Yalta was located on the map, since the city was already known as a wonderful resort. The interest of those in power was also fueled by the fact that in the 1860s Livadia, near Yalta, became the southern residence of the tsar's family.

Twentieth Century

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? Russia. And at the beginning of the last century, many representatives of the imperial nobility considered it their duty to have a palace or at least a dacha on the southern coast of Crimea.

By 1914, two gymnasiums and a commercial school, two clubs, four paid ones, libraries and the same number of cinemas had already been opened in the city.

The situation in Yalta changed significantly after two revolutions - the February and October revolutions - went out of their way. According to Lenin's decree, luxurious mansions and palaces were transferred to the use of the people. In addition, new health resorts were being actively built. The Dolossy sanatorium was the first to open its doors. It happened in 1928.

And again the war ...

During the Great Patriotic War, German troops occupied the Crimea. Anti-Nazi activities were launched in Yalta. The occupants organized a Jewish ghetto in the city. 4500 Yalta residents were herded there. All of them were later shot near Massandra. In the period from 1941 to 1944, Yalta was mercilessly bombarded by enemy aircraft. The city was liberated from the invaders in April 1944.

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? From 1954 to 2014, the city was part of the Ukrainian lands, but now it is part of the Russian Federation.

Recent history

At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the reconstruction of most of the Yalta coastline began. As a result, the state of the beaches has significantly improved, which today receive more than one thousand people a year, and Massandrovsky was even awarded the "Blue Flag". In 2003, reconstruction work on the city embankment was completed. Since then, it has become not only a shopping street, but also a place of mass festivities. In 2009, a memorial chapel was erected on the same embankment, which was later consecrated in the name of the Councils of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. It was built in honor of the memory of all those innocently killed during the hard times, during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. It is noteworthy that the memorial is located not far from the wooden chapel of St. Alexander Nevsky, demolished in 1932, erected in memory of Alexander the Second who died at the hands of terrorists.

On March 18, 2014, Crimea (including Yalta) became part of Russian Federation... This happened on the basis of a popular referendum held two days earlier, as well as an agreement between the authorities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea.

Residents of Yalta do not in vain proudly name native city open-air museum. Created for the recreation of Russian nobles, this once tiny settlement is now popular resort... Tourists from many countries are happy to soak up the local beaches under the gentle Yalta sun.

The southern coast of Crimea is a wonderful place that has been attracting people for several centuries. , the unofficial capital of this region, grows every year, occupying the surrounding mountains, merging with neighboring villages.

The concept of big Yalta has already appeared: more than 70 kilometers. Big Yalta in the east starts from Gurzuf and ends in Foros in the west. The Big Yalta includes the city of Alupka, 7 large resorts and many small resort villages.

The boundaries between them are practically erased. On a small stretch of the peninsula, there are many palaces, mansions, churches, parks and other interesting sights.


Probably no coincidence among the many empty valleys south coast Crimea, the first Russians chose Gurzuf. Farmsteads were built here, parks were laid out, one of the first resorts in Russia was opened.

Since that time, a small part of the old city with narrow, crooked streets, a magnificent park with 19th century fountains, the dachas of K. Korovin and A. Chekhov, which have now been turned into museums, and many others have survived. interesting corners pleasant to walk.

Mount Bear- a symbol not only of Gurzuf, but of the whole Crimea. A bear drinking water from the sea can be seen from almost anywhere in the village.

You can climb or drive to the top of the mountain and admire the stunning views of the sea and coast.

There are several houses of creativity of artists and writers in Gurzuf. This place has an extraordinary aura that is so necessary for work and creativity.

From Yalta to Gurzuf 18 kilometers. You can get there by bus from the Yalta bus station or by minibus number 31. Travel time is about an hour.


Massandra is a small, cozy village very close to the outskirts of Yalta. The development of this place, like all the villages of the southern coast of Crimea, began in the 19th century.

Glory to Massandra was brought by the wineries that still exist here, which were the first in Crimea to produce wines of European quality.

The famous wine cellars of Massandra are still the main object of tourist interest. From all over the Crimea, excursions come here to visit cellars, tastings of the famous Massandra wines and, of course, to buy your favorite wines.

- the least known royal residence. As a museum, the palace was opened relatively recently.

For many years after the revolution, the palace was the state dacha of the first persons of the state, and therefore it was well preserved.

The magnificent Massandra park still pleases tourists today. This park is a real masterpiece of landscape architecture.

From the center of Yalta to Massandra only 5 kilometers. You can get there by bus # 44 or minibus # 3 in just 5-10 minutes if the road is free.


On the slope of Mount Mogabi, 3 kilometers from Yalta, there is the village of Livadia. In the 70s of the 19th century, Livadia became the summer residence of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.

The Big and Small palaces were built for the royal family. Even earlier, the first owners established vineyards and the production of wines began.

A park with rare plants was set up on a large territory, an orchard was planted, and a greenhouse was set up. When the royal family rested in Livadia in the summer, outsiders were strictly prohibited from entering the residence. Even the passage on the Yalta-Sevastopol road was blocked.

After the revolution in 1925, a sanatorium was opened in Levadia, which still exists today.
During the German occupation, the Big so-called White Livadia Palace.

In February 1945, the famous Yalta conference was held here. After many years of restoration work, in 1974 the White Palace was opened for excursions.
In Livadia there is a center for organ music "Livadia".

Livadia is located on a mountain, the village rises about 100 meters above the sea. Going down the stairs every day is not a very pleasant experience.

To descend to the beach, you can use the elevators, which are 300 meters from the village. Elevators are paid, have 2 lines, and deliver to the free beach.

Livadia beach is large-pebbled, with a small number of sun loungers. The sea water, unlike Yalta, is very clean.

You can get from Yalta to Livadia by minibuses:

  • No. 11 from the Yalta bus station;
  • No. 27 Yalta-Alupka;
  • # 55 Massandra - Livalia;
  • №№ 32, 47 from the clothing market.

The border between Yalta and Livadia is conditional, the travel time is no more than 10 minutes.


The name of the village was given by the surrounding rocks. The word "oreanda" means rocky. The resort is 6 kilometers away from Yalta. Most of village, Lower Oreanda, located by the sea.

Since 1825, the village has been the property of the Romanov family. Until now, the "Sunny Path" runs here, which begins in the Livadia Park, and ends in a white gazebo-rotunda.

Here Nicholas I built the first palace in Crimea, which after his death, the palace passed to the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich.

Thirty years after its construction, the palace burned down. After the fire, the remaining stones were built

The most interesting attraction of Oreanda is the Mast Rock.

A huge rock at the very shore of the sea is split into two parts. Inside one of them there is a grotto, in which a primitive man's camp was found.

There are many sanatoriums in Lower Oreanda that have common beach which is called "Golden Beach".

The pebble beach stretches for 400 meters between Livadia and Cape Ai-Todor, similar to the trident of Neptune.
The cliffs above Oreanda protect it from the northerly winds.

The magnificent Oreanda Park, full of evergreens, makes this small village a great place to relax. There is a "Chekhov" bench in the park. The writer often walked in the park, and the action of many of his stories takes place here, in particular, the meeting of the heroes of the story "The Lady with the Dog".

You can get from Yalta by any minibus from the Yalta bus station towards Alupka. The Yalta-Alupka road passes through the village.


Gaspra, which is 10 kilometers from Yalta, is considered one of the best resorts on the southern coast of Crimea.

Gaspra has practically no borders with the neighboring villages of Miskhor and Koreiz. There are many sanatoriums in Gaspra that are open all year round.

The abundance of cedars, junipers and cypress trees make the air healing. Doctors recommend that people with pulmonary diseases spend here at least 2 weeks a year.

There are many attractions in Gaspra, the most famous of which is the castle " swallow's Nest". This castle on the rock is one of the famous symbols of Crimea.

Now the castle is closed for restoration, but observation deck around it is open. It offers a beautiful view of the surroundings.

There are very ancient and rare monuments in Gaspra - the Taurus necropolises and the Roman fortress Charax, which were built before our era.

Before the revolution, the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium was a palace that belonged to Prince Golitsin and Countess Panina. In 1901-1902 Leo Tolstoy rested here. The sanatorium has a museum room of Leo Tolstoy and a memorial plaque.
The building of the sanatorium "Yasnaya Polyana" is a palace with octagonal side towers, which are crowned with battlements and entwined with ivy. The building is very decorated with lancet windows.

From Gaspra to Livadia passes the Tsar's path, which was a favorite walking place for the family of Tsar Nicholas II.

In Gaspra there is the Aytodor lighthouse, built in 1835 on the site where the Roman signal tower was located.
Yuri Tyurin, the lighthouse keeper, created a museum of marine life items: ship bells, nautical charts, photographs and items of marine life.

At the top of Ay-Todor, a unique tree grows - pistachio, which is more than 1000 years old. This amazing tree is one of the oldest in Crimea.

The beaches of the Gaspra sanatoriums are pebbly. They are well equipped with umbrellas, sun loungers, changing rooms, showers and toilets.

Natural, "wild" beaches on the southern coast of Crimea are rare. Gaspra has them, and they are made of dark shale sand mixed with gravel. Pebbles have been added to the beach soil to protect the beaches.

You can get from the Gaspra embankment to Yalta by a pleasure boat or a motor ship. Also, all three main highways along the southern coast of Crimea pass through Gaspra. You can get from Yalta to Gaspra by minibuses # 47 (Yalta - Koreiz), # 26 (Yalta - Simeiz), # 32, 27 (Yalta - Alupka), or by bus Yalta - Foros.


The history of Koreiz, a small village 12 kilometers from Yalta, began in the 30s of the 19th century. The estate here was acquired by Princess A.S. Golitsina, who was exiled to Crimea for her religious views.

The estate and the Orthodox Church were built according to the project of architects K. Eshlishman and F. Elson. At the beginning of the 20th century, the estate was bought by Prince Yusupov, and built next to the old manor house magnificent palace in the art nouveau style.

The Yusupov Palace is one of the most luxurious in Crimea. The palace was built according to the project of the architect Krasnov from local stone, gray marble-like limestone, the deposit of which is located in Gaspra.

The architecture of the palace is eclectic: white enamel panels, Viennese chairs and corner sofas coexist with marble lions imported from Italy. The palace is surrounded by a magnificent park that covers more than 16 hectares. Ornamental plants grow in the park, many of which are rare.

There is another remarkable monument in Koreiz - the Dulber Palace. It was built at the end of the 19th century for Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich Romanov, uncle of Emperor Nicholas II. The Moorish style of the palace makes it stand out among the Crimean palace buildings. Peter Romanov borrowed ideas for the building while traveling in the Middle East. The amazing castle is decorated with domes and battlements, above the entrance you can see a saying from the Koran. The palace is surrounded by a picturesque park with palm trees, bamboo groves, plane trees and pistachio trees.
Currently, the palace houses a sanatorium.

Ai-Petrinsky towers over Koreiz mountain range... The slopes are covered with a forest of the famous Crimean pine, and the battlements of Ai-Petri look like ruins medieval castles or dragons.

You can get to Koreiz from Yalta by bus number 47. The bus departs from the park near the Yalta clothing market.


Foros is one of the oldest settlements on the southern coast of Crimea. It was founded by the Greeks in the 5th century BC. Information about Foros can be found in the treasury lists of Genoa.

After the conquest of Crimea by Russia, the Foros estate was acquired by A. Kuznetsov, the king of porcelain and tea. For long-term residence of the Kuznetsov family, a two-story mansion was built in the classicism style. The interior of the mansion was quite luxurious. The best masters of applied art were invited to design it. Fifteen wall panels by artist Y. Klever have survived to this day. Today the mansion is one of the buildings of the sanatorium.

Simultaneously with the mansion, the Foros park was laid. The basis of the park was the forests that grew on the slopes of the mountains. The most famous place in the park is "Paradise". There are 6 artificial lakes, picturesquely located at different levels.

The construction of the magnificent Foros Church of the Resurrection of Christ is also associated with the name of Kuznetsov. It is located on the Red Rock and rises 400 meters above the sea. The snow-white cross-domed church in the Byzantine style was built of bricks. In accordance with Byzantine traditions, the interior of the temple is striking in luxury: frescoes, mosaics, marble facing.
The church offers a beautiful view of Foros, Cape Chekhov, the wonderful Tikhaya bay.

Foros is 38 kilometers from Yalta, which can be taken by minibus # 28 from the bus station.

Big Yalta is a magnificent resort region with dozens of resort villages, many palaces, unique parks, a huge number of sanatoriums and wonderful, warm sea... Rest here is a real holiday.

Since Soviet times, summer vacation by the sea has been associated in the minds of the country's citizens, first of all, with Taurida. The most famous place I was on the Crimean peninsula Yalta is an amazing, picturesque and sunny city, which is still ready to welcome thousands of tourists every season.

Where is the city in Crimea?

Yalta is located on three hills in the south of Crimea. On three sides, it is enclosed in a ring by the wooded spurs of the Crimean Mountains - like a Greek amphitheater. The surrounding nature is amazingly lush and beautiful. The resort itself is literally buried in the greenery of parks and gardens. The local climate is very close to the Mediterranean. The sea is warm here, and the amount sunny days in a year it exceeds a hundred.

Yalta on the map of Crimea

Where to stay for rest?

Tourists who choose to rest in Crimea, Yalta will offer many opportunities for accommodation. You will be welcomed in numerous and. Private sector also provides for a variety of options for living in cottages, houses and apartments, and sometimes it is easy to save money by negotiating with the owner directly - without intermediaries. They deserve special attention, the best of them - - is ready to accept inexpensive holidaymakers.

All visitors have a wonderful experience. It is a little over 20 years old and contains over 100 different representatives of the fauna. The animals can be fed with special formula sold at the entrance. Particularly will be a visit to the section where baby animals are kept. Some of them are allowed to play with.

The hotel's dolphinarium provides daily performances with dolphins and fur seals. - born artists. Sometimes it seems that performing various tricks gives them pleasure.
After the end of the performance, you can swim in with these amazingly intelligent and friendly animals. The photo taken at this moment will be a good reminder of summer vacation in Crimea.

You should definitely take your child on an excursion to wonderful world... It is easy to see the fairytale houses and figures of animals, carved from wood and inscribed in a beautiful landscape at the foot. On the territory of the park complex, animators in costumes of fairy tale characters work, who organize various quizzes and competitions for children.

Do not leave indifferent a child in Yalta and entertainment, equipped on the territory of the hotel of the same name. Great slides, tons of options children's leisure, jumping into the water and the mass of the pool will appeal to everyone. Take your child for a ride on the most interesting cable car of the Crimea - there will be a lot of impressions from such a ride.

Where can you eat in Yalta?

True gourmets should definitely dine at the Colonnade restaurant. Aristocracy - the motto of the institution, can be traced in everything, from the exterior to the interior of the premises.
Excellent serving, high level of service and exquisite taste of dishes will ensure an excellent meal. The wine list will not disappoint either.

The restaurant "Siam Paradise" is ready to welcome admirers of gastronomic delights. Here, the visitor will be offered to taste dishes traditional for Thai and Japanese cuisine. The menu includes mainly seafood dishes. The level of service and quality of service offset the relatively high prices.

Interested in budget vacation in Crimea? Yalta won't disappoint here either. An inexpensive and hearty meal for the whole family can be found in the cozy cafe "U Solokhi", decorated in the Ukrainian farm style. Special culinary masterpieces are not served here, but the food is delicious and the portions are large. Service is fast and the waitresses are polite.

How to get there (get there)?

Getting to Yalta from Simferopol is extremely easy. Literally every half hour, buses leave on this line and route taxis from railway station, and trolleybuses from the airport. Travel time will be about one and a half hours. Yalta is also connected with other cities of Crimea by regular bus service. Here is the schedule of the nearest buses at the city bus station:

On your own or rented car from Simferopol airport you can get there in this way:

And from Sevastopol, you should take the following road:

Undoubtedly, Yalta is one of best places for recreation in Crimea. Wonderful nature and a lot of entertainment will make your stay here very enjoyable and memorable for a lifetime.