Beach vacation in myanmar by the sea. Myanmar - beach holiday. Wild beaches "Burma"

Tourism is gaining momentum every year. People come here to see ancient pagodas and beautiful nature, taste local cuisine and buy gems... Recently, tourists have discovered and beach vacation in Myanmar, because its shores are washed by the Indian Ocean, no less beautiful than in neighboring or.

Where to go to sunbathe?

Popular beach resorts in Myanmar are located in the northwest of the country:

  • B - the most famous and luxurious beaches of the former Burma. They stretch for three kilometers and represent a strip of ideal white sand, on which hotels, restaurants and even a golf course are built. Beach sports, snorkeling and diving are available.
  • An even longer beach at the Ngwe Saung resort. Its infrastructure is inferior to the resort of Ngapali, but romantics and lovers of solitude feel great on a 15-kilometer strip of white sand.

You can also sunbathe on the shores, but a visit to it is rather an immersion in the life of a Burmese village. Here you can buy authentic souvenirs, taste local cuisine, take part in the festival of lights and see trained cats in a Buddhist monastery.

Weather features of a beach holiday in Myanmar

The climate in the north of the country and in its extreme south is somewhat different. Myanmar's beach resorts are located in the subequatorial zone. Three main seasons determine the weather on the coast:

  • The wet period lasts from late May to mid-autumn.
  • In October, it gives way to a cool season that lasts until the end of winter. The air temperature at this time rarely exceeds + 27 ° С, and winds from the mainland often bring dust storms.
  • In late February, the heat comes to the beaches of Myanmar. Thermometer columns reach + 32C.

The maximum amount of precipitation falls in July.

Journey to Silver Water

The main attraction of the Ngapali resort - glowing at night ocean water... The glow is formed by a special type of plankton that lives in the Bay of Bengal.
In general, the most comfortable beach holiday in Myanmar is possible in Ngapali. Dozens of hotels have been built here, the facades of which are decorated with a respectable number of stars, and there are restaurants serving local seafood on the menu. The prices for hotel rooms in the resort are not very humane, but you can afford a few days in a real paradise.
The ideal beach season in Myanmar starts in October, when the rainy season ends, and lasts until May. Later, the heat reaches its peak and it becomes problematic to sunbathe comfortably.
There are a lot of entertainments for tourists in the resort, but excursions to neighboring villages are considered the most popular. Guest reviews about the customs of local residents are the most positive. The Burmese are hospitable and very welcoming.
Among the architectural wonders is the Shiteton Temple. Built in the 16th century, it is famous for its many Buddha statues. Fans of national souvenirs will be pleased with a trip to the market in Taungu, where pearls and horsehair boxes are sold, and interesting photos can be done in fishing village Lonta.
The road to Ngapali will not seem long if you choose the local aviation as a means of transportation. The flight from or will take just over half an hour. The bus will have to travel at least 14 hours, as on its way automobile transport must overcome a high mountain pass.

To the elephant camp

The long strip of beaches at the Ngwe Saung resort offers comfortable rest and relaxation on the shores of the Bay of Bengal. Hotel prices are much lower here, and most thrifty tourists When choosing where to sunbathe in Myanmar, they book local hotels.
The infrastructure of the resort does not shine with modern diversity, but anyone can have a hearty lunch, rent a bicycle and take a fascinating excursion around the surroundings.
Excursions to the Elephant Camp are especially popular, where locals train elephants and train them to help people in various household jobs. Tourists are also offered rides on good-natured giants in the tropical rainforest.
The bus from Yangon reaches the resort in six hours, and from Patain it takes only one and a half hours.

Cruises and dives

The city of Merguy on the coast of the Andaman Sea in the southern part of the country is the starting point for cruises in the archipelago of the same name. It consists of 800 small islands, each with secluded beaches and excellent diving conditions.
The Mengui Archipelago is surrounded by coral reefs that are home to tropical fish, stingrays and moray eels. On the Burma Bank diving site, there are underwater currents that allow the diver to drift, and underwater plateaus that drop off steeply for tens of meters.
The famous Black Rock and Shark Cave diving sites are not places for the faint of heart. In addition to stingrays and red octopuses, gray reef sharks and whale sharks and mantas can be found around these diving sites.
Lampi is a protected area and marine park where deer and tigers, elephants and monkeys live. Excursions to the reserve turn a beach holiday in Myanmar into an educational and exciting adventure.

O good rest every person dreams. To make your dream come true, you just need to choose the desired country. One of these famous countries where it is always warm is Myanmar. In winter, it is very comfortable here, the air temperature is kept at +15 degrees. In summer, the heat can reach up to +41. We will tell you all about beach holidays in Myanmar in 2019 in this article.

For those who first come across a word like Myanmar, it is worth noting that this is a state that recently had the name Burma. It is with the word Burma that tourists associate positive impressions and an unforgettable beach holiday.

The state of Myanmar is located in the northwest of Indochina in South-East Asia... Nearby are countries such as China, and. The shores of the state are washed by the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal Indian Ocean... So the size of the coastline is up to 2 thousand km, it is this factor that makes it possible to organize here unforgettable vacation for tourists.

The country has a varied topography, as one part is covered with mountains and the other with plains. But the peculiarity of this country is that more than 65% of the territory is covered with tropical forests. This geographic location does not allow an increase in the density indicator in cities. Primarily most of population lives in the coastal zone, which allows them to engage in industries and open a tourism business.

Myanmar on the map:

The nature in Myanmar is very diverse because a large number of rivers and lakes make the soil fertile. In the depths of tropical forests there are places where nature has not yet been touched. Therefore, the resting place can be called not only exotic, but also extreme.

How to get there?

You can get to Myanmar by air or land. Until 2013, there was only an opportunity to get to Burma by plane, but after the borders with China, Thailand and India were opened, tourists had many options and ways of how to get to Myanmar.

The air route remains the most convenient for tourists who wish to relax in Myanmar in 2019. At the same time, the ticket price is quite low, so you can get from Bangkok to Yangon for $ 25.

From Russia, it is best to first fly to, or, and then by direct flight you can fly to your vacation spot. At the same time, delays in flights, as a rule, do not occur, which allows you to correctly plan your trip.

If you pave the way through India or China, the tourist will have to spend a lot more money, while getting on a direct flight will be more difficult.

Before planning a tour to Myanmar, you need to apply for a visa. This can be done in several ways:

  • through consular offices in;
  • in neighboring countries that are located next to Myanmar;
  • through the issuance of an electronic visa (it will be received upon arrival in the country).

Obtaining a visa is a very simple action, since you do not have to collect a lot of documents, the only thing worth noting is that you do not need to write a journalist in the column "profession", since for people with this type of activity you will have to fill out a lot of additional documents.

When to arrive?

Traditionally, there are three seasons in Myanmar:

  • wet (falls in June-October). At this time, resting in Myanmar is not very convenient, since most of the roads are simply flooded due to heavy rainfall. But on the other hand, the prices for vacations at this time are very low and there are not many tourists. Such budget vacation suitable for those who wish to retire and enjoy beautiful landscapes and active recreation;
  • cool (falls in November-February). In this season, the largest number of tourists come, since the weather at this time is the best (there is no rain and the optimal temperature regime is noted). Nevertheless, at night the weather in cities is rather cool, therefore, given this fact, you need to take warm clothes with you. Also, in this season, you should try to book places in hotels earlier, since they are quickly disassembled;
  • hot (corresponds to the period March-May). This season, only some cities are hot (Yangon, Mandalay and Bagan), in all the rest settlements a slight coolness reigns, which still does not interfere with a quiet rest.

A budget vacation can be taken during the rainy season. There are very few tourists during this season. If you are not keen on spending your holiday on the beach, then you can freely visit Burma during this period. Compensates for a rich beach holiday excursion program... Tourists will not be bored sitting in hotel room and contemplating the pouring rain outside the window.


This country has a large number of religious buildings. The unofficial name of Myanmar is "the land of a thousand pagodas". Therefore, lovers of architecture and temples should definitely go to the city of Bagan.

Beach holidays in Myanmar are unusual. Burma has a unique coastline. It will be especially interesting for those who are fond of diving.

Underwater reefs, vibrant ocean flora and fauna will not leave you indifferent. And fabulously soft sand on the beach clear water, comfortable hotels and private hotels, unusual souvenirs will give you an unforgettable vacation.

Just do not forget that Myanmar is the second country after the production of opium. Be vigilant and don't look for unnecessary adventures.


This country attracts with its exotic luxury and mystery. There is a wide variety of entertainment here. Go on a cruise on the Hierawadi River or by air on a balloon, swim in the mountain lake Inle. The beaches of the Adaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal will warmly open their sea embraces.

If you are a fan of stories about Mowgli, have long dreamed of seeing an old abandoned city in the thickets of the jungle, then interesting and excursion tours on dead city you will love it.

Cuisine and restaurants

The difference between the cuisine in Myanmar and the southeast is practically nonexistent. Traditional rice and noodles reign in all cities. But even such dishes have their own characteristics.

Through the influence of the culture of neighboring countries, Indian, Thai and Japanese cuisine can be found in restaurants and cafes. Mohinga (rice noodle soup with fish, garlic and lemongrass) is very popular in Myanmar. Very often you can find in restaurants serving "sets" when various spices, curries, fresh vegetables and so on are served along with rice.

You should definitely try traditional sweet dishes, for example, sweets made from rice flour similar to manna. Such pastries can be found not only in cafes or restaurants, but also in local bakeries.

If a tourist comes from Russia or Europe, then you should switch to local cuisine very slowly and carefully, since it differs significantly from traditional Slavic food.

There are a sufficient number of restaurants and cafes throughout the country, so you need to focus on where there are a lot of people. In such places, food is usually inexpensive and tasty.

Is there anything to be afraid of?

On the streets you can meet very kind people who are positively disposed towards tourists. This behavior was formed under the influence of the Buddhist worldview.

There are very strict penalties for crimes against foreigners in Myanmar, so the fear among local residents of the law is quite high. But still, before choosing a place to stay, you must be sure to focus on the following factors:

      • are there any rebels in the nearby regions who are fighting for independence, since the number of such places has been growing recently. During such events, tourists are simply protected from entering unsafe areas and are strictly warned about all safety measures that are needed when faced with such situations;
      • you should not go on vacation to the northeastern parts of the country, since they are poorly controlled by the authorities. And the drug business is flourishing on their territory. This is the main reason for the undesirability of rest in these regions;
      • Opium may be distributed among the local population, so at night one should try to stick to people and not wander the dark streets.

Also, in some cities, for example Bagan, there is a chance to stumble upon a snake, so you need to carefully look at your feet. To protect against insects, tourists are given special mosquito nets, raincoats and other devices so that a person feels completely safe.

What can you bring with you?

If you look around in Myanmar, you can see that the exotic reigns around, so it is logical that shopping will be just as exotic. You don't have to worry about bringing your friends from the trip, since Burmese souvenirs are famous for their beauty and fully reflect a person's resting place.

The most popular souvenirs that can be brought from Myanmar are:

Thus, resting on beach resort, tourists can bring a piece of the resort home with them. At the same time, there are also many interesting and original souvenirs for friends.

Holidays in 2019

A stay in a 4-star hotel for a week without any travel to other cities will cost about $ 2000. If you want to visit National park Myanmar and visit neighboring towns, then prepare at least $ 3000.

Also, since tourism has just begun to develop here, it is too early to talk about European amenities in hotels. On the territory of Myanmar, you can find a lot of hostels where simple beds cost from $ 8-10 per person. Amenities in such hostels will not be up to par, since even a shower is shared for tourists.

If you rent a double room, then the price for it will be in the range of 12 to 15 dollars, but in such rooms the amenities will be shared.

The price for the hostel includes breakfast: toast, tea or coffee and fruit. If a tourist wants to buy a room with a shower, then its cost will be from $ 20, but before settling into it, you need to check the serviceability of the taps and the availability of hot water.

As for the cash in the country, the official currency is the kyat, which the locals call chat.

In general, Myanmar is considered inexpensive and strange, so the trip will not greatly affect the tourist's budget. So, a trip in a car will cost about 0.20 cents, a lunch for two - $ 2.5, a trip to a restaurant and a hearty lunch - $ 5.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that since landlines in Myanmar are already fading into second place, you will have to use exclusively mobile communication... It may not be necessary to buy a local SIM card, since the mobile operator MTS provides its customers with long-distance communication services in Myanmar.

Despite some inconveniences that are typical for exotic countries, rest and relaxation on the real and unforgettable beaches of Myanmar should try any tourist.

Video review of travel in Myanmar:

All travelers to Myanmar sooner or later ask themselves a question - "yes" at sea or "no" at sea? And if yes, then where? Into the usual cheap checked by crowds of tourists , or on the unknown expensive Burmese coast?

My answer was unequivocal - I take beach Myanmar.
Whatever one may say - I flew to this country to enjoy the primordiality and originality. Do not fly across the floor of the globe just for a fraction of the emotions! Now we have to take it to the fullest. The only thing left was to figure out which resort to stay at.
The problem is that even in Myanmar there is a long coastline and numerous islands, but the beach choice is extremely scarce. In fact, only two options are available to foreigners - Ngapali and Ngwe Saung. The entire coastal area belongs to the military and is considered a protected border area. Remember how in the Soviet past? In the evening, border guards could drive on the beaches and arrest the police.

The expensive and respectable Ngapali is considered the best. Ngwe Saung is more democratic, cheaper, closer to Yangon, and accessible even by bus (!) But since our way to the sea lies with , then it's easier to get to Ngapali - just one flight. But in Ngwe Saung - only through Yangon. First the plane. Then the bus. For a long time. Inconvenient. But the prices in Ngapali bite.

Once at the dawn of tourism, hotels here cost $ 40-60. But now ... Not prices - but a reason to drink valerian. With the onset of the tourist boom in the country, prices rose, rose, and now the cost of modestly cheap decent housing starts at $ 100. with a ponytail.
The fact is that there are no B & Bs and guesthouses in Ngapali. There are several affordable lodges and a limited pool of luxury hotels on the Bay of Bengal.

I spent a lot of time looking for a suitable option, corresponded with local travel agents (they give a lower price, as a rule), and looked through booking systems, and climbed onto hotel websites until I came to a consensus with my respected Dalia and agreed to give 95 bucks for the cheapest room in Tande beach in the farthest and noisiest (it is near the road) building. Bought for the promised gift dinner (just kidding, really, the best price / quality ratio).

Insanely cute antique buses are taken from the airport to the hotel. I hope they will not change them when they become even more developed and wealthy. Of course, she did not refuse the opportunity to "steer".

Looking ahead, it’s a little expensive, of course, but I don’t regret it a bit. We had good hotel, nice beach, great service and clean room. The beach at the hotel is also good - long, gentle, the tide is almost not felt, you can swim at any time and the view is beautiful. Of course, there are almost no fish (only modest gray schools). But we were ready for this.

So what is Ngapali? It is a long chain of fishing villages and deserted beaches with hotels located near Tandwe Airport.
It is believed that the name of the resort comes from the Italian Napoli. And the toponym was brought to Burma by Italian travelers led by the famous Marco Polo.

Ngapali is a seasonal resort with a pronounced monsoon climate. In the "off-season" the coast is literally flooded with water (it pours from the sky, the sea storms). Therefore, tourists do not go, and most hotels simply close. As a result, hot Ngapali located in the tropics has almost the same short duration holiday season like a native cold Crimea... And the locals are also trying to earn money for the year in advance during this season. Here's a paradox.

What to do in Ngapali? Well, craftsmen find entertainment for themselves. From here you can go to Zalong to see the relics of a sleeping Buddhist monk (they ignored it, although they intended to), go fishing or snorkeling in the sea (ignored, it's not worth wasting time). You can go to Thandwe, but why, if there are only a few days of the cleanest sea?

For most, Ngapali is practically a vegetable rest. Sea, beach, food. To rest comfortably, you should seriously approach the choice of the hotel and its location. Of course, I cannot tell you about all the bays. I walked around with my feet only the distant bay, in which our complex is located.

It starts with the once quite good budget Silver Beach Resort... Now, at a price of $ 100 it makes no sense to live there for a simple wooden bungalow. At the beginning of the season, the hotel had about a dozen guests (including our friends, we know from them). But the management never lowered the price. The beach is good there. Nearby is a beautiful river with such fine sand that you fall into it below your ankles. Unusual.

And then, behind Silver Beach, huge stones begin in the sea. The view is beautiful but impossible to swim. Both the beautiful Bayview Hotel and the pretty Lin Thar Oo Hotel lodge are located exactly opposite the stones. Do you need it if you love the sea? Right behind the stones is our Tande beach. Everything is ok here, I already said. Okay lasts somewhere to the middle of the beach, to the eerie in its ugliness The Little Mermaid. Popular Sandoway, Amata, Jade Marina fall into this zone.

And the waves here can pull out high steep steps on the shore. Of course, you can swim here too. Probably. But it is better in special slippers.

Rounding off the parade of hotels on this beach is the Diamind Hotel. It is also relatively budgetary (at the Tande beach price level). But its main problem is the sad beach / sea and the proximity of the fishing village (just beyond the river). Why is it problem? Yes, because sometimes it smells of fish in a very unglamorous way. And so the hotel is nothing nice. And if you ate living in it, you can walk every day to admire the process of unloading and selling freshly caught fish - close. And this is extremely interesting.

Well, the hotel was sorted out, with leisure (more precisely, its almost complete absence) too.
Where in Ngapali to feed? I will be original - and wherever, and where you like it! Wherever we ate, it was delicious everywhere. We tried food both in cafes popular with tourists and in little-known, forgotten by God. Prices are insanely low. The most expensive thing we took (just kidding) was a $ 1.50 beer.

But, seriously speaking, for lunch + dinner we spent 10-12 dollars per person (with beer and fresh juice). Moreover, the food included not some sad synthetic sausages, but natural fresh seafood.
In the end, we stopped at a seaside cafe with a lovely woman.

The cafe is located exactly opposite the stones on the beach, on the side of a fairly busy road. She bought us by refusing to sell octopuses declared in her own menu with the words "these store" ones.

But grilled shrimp in hot pepper and with sweet and sour sauce, um, lick your fingers. Yes with cold tasty Myanmar beer.

The only thing I don’t want to know is in what conditions the owners of these coastal cafes prepare the dishes, and how they wash the dishes. I know the result - delicious and no intestinal diseases.
The atmosphere is amazing. The table and chairs are not sand, candles in the evenings, Sunsets. Packs of dogs and common children))

If you don't risk eating on the beach, you can go to a more "solid" establishment. To do this, you need to go out onto the road and walk towards the village. The most popular cafes are located near the Sandoway group, Amata. And the famous Two Brasers, and ZAW.
Well, I was in their kitchen ... Let me repeat - they cook deliciously here. Very!
The owner of this establishment, Treasure, is a merry fellow and a joker. He has a strong business and a good family.

All visitors to the establishment are friends and brothers. And he remembers them (!) By name. I met him on the beach (we did exercises together in the morning - he remembers! Our difficult names for their ears). And he drinks a coconut cocktail with rum, invented by himself. And if it's hard for you to go, he can take you to your hotel after dinner. Or, conversely, pick up from the hotel to the restaurant. He has a great huge refrigerator. And kitchen equipment, for which he even flew with his wife on a plane to Yangon. And even went with her to look at the Shwedagon (the main shrine of Myanmar). And his children are winning the competition. And he is very proud of them. And you sit like this and think, "Lord, you traveled half the world, got thousands of kilometers to this Asian Tmutarokan, and it was much easier for you to do that than for a local businessman with good local income to fly to Yangon. My respect and gratitude. for the life lesson "Don't complain!"

The most expensive restaurant on the coast, located on Pleasant View Islet (aka "PVI"). When the tide starts, the approaches to the restaurant are blocked by high water.

I cannot but mention one more feature of the beach in Ngapali - souvenir trade. Sorry boys, this is a girls minute. The main product on the beach and in all shops is pearl products of different colors and shades from milky white to bluish black.

I don’t know how you can restrain yourself when there is such variety
Sell ​​them in an original way. You choose the color of the beads, the desired length, the fastener of the product, bargain until you are hoarse (a string of pearls on average turns out to be 12-17 dollars), and then watch how you create a piece of jewelry from several dozen heavy, iridescent pearls.

The quality, of course, is not gem-quality, but very high. Although I purchased the unquoted beads in the Baroque shape, I was very impressed. The factory for the cultivation of zheschuzhin, by the way, is right here, as I read.

You can buy jewelry both on the beach and in souvenir shops near the road.
Along the road, by the way, it's interesting. and local houses, And numerous cafes, and souvenir shops with shops. Light is only in houses. And then according to the schedule. The road is not lit at all, but the traffic is intense - it's the only one. We must take a flashlight from the hotel. They give it there.

What else is interesting about the beaches of Ngapali? Emptiness. The record number of people in the sea at the same time - 11 people. We counted. All over the beach.

And the lifeguard protects your safety in full dress. Those. in a suit and tie. True, barefoot and in a life jacket.
They can also bring you fruit and cut it right there. Pretty aunts.

Interestingly they rise from the sand - with a straight back, just pushing up with their legs

See you later! Waiting for us
That's all, in principle, about the sea and the beach. I can, of course, complain about the disgusting Internet in the hotel. But I think this is a plus. Less chances of surfing the net, more enjoyment of your vacation. All the more so, even in plans to go to fishing villages.
And the last thing about the climate. Surprisingly, it's not stuffy here. It's even chilly in the evenings. So, if there were no mosquitoes (and they are), then it would be possible to live without an air conditioner. Good so far, in Ngapali. Hurry up to see absolutely deserted beaches before they are overrun by hordes of tourists. As the locals said, the coasts have already been bought out or leased from the junta by the Chinese. So soon the pristine beauty may come to an end. 1 stars


Located in Ngapali, Kipling "s Bay Guest House offers a garden, terrace and rooms with a terrace. The beach is a 5-minute walk away. Bicycles can be rented at an additional cost. I absolutely loved my time at Kipling "s! Properties were very clean and comfortable, located within five minutes walk from a beach, some very good restaurants also nearby. Breakfast was super! Highly recommended.

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Three Seasons Guest House 1 stars


Located in Ngapali, Three Seasons Guesthouse. This 1-star guest house offers a garden and air-conditioned rooms with shared bathroom. Amazing hospitality. The hosts are very polite and friendly, and willing to help with any requests. The location is close to some good restaurants and a short walk from a spectacular beach. Breakfast is also great with some tasty homemade local treats

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Mingalarpar Ngapali Guest House 1 stars


Mingalarpar Guesthouse Ngapali is located in Ngapali. Free Wi-Fi is provided. Private parking is available at an additional cost. Good location. Close to the beach and next to a wonderful restaurant with delicious food Ngapali Kitchen. Very friendly staff who went out of their way to make the stay more comfortable. Helped with buying tickets to Meow.

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WEStay @ Chillax House 2 stars


Westay @ Chillax House is located just a short walk from Ngapali Beach. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and a garden. The staff is always smiling (especially the girl who makes the breakfast!) And helpful! Just a couple of minutes from the beach Comfortable and big bed WITH COTTON BLANKET! AMAZING HOT SHOWER perfect temperature in the room thank to the AC Restaurants are a few minutes away in the main road And a mention also for the guests, I had to extend two more days because of the amazing people I "ve found there! That place Is like a magnet for lovely peoples !!

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May 18 Guest House Ngapali


Located in Ngapali, May 18 Ngapali Guest House has a garden and free WiFi. It offers a 24-hour front desk, room service and currency exchange. A great place to stay. The staff is friendly, the owners are trying to fulfill any of your wishes. One gets the feeling as if he came to rest with his relatives. Within walking distance there is everything for comfortable rest... Cafe, souvenirs, and of course the most important thing. SEA! It is also possible to rent a bike or E-bike.

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The villager lodge 2 stars


The villager lodge is located in the beachfront resort of Ngapali. It offers free WiFi and free private parking on site. The hotel is located close to the sea 100 meters. Near the "supermarket" and an excellent restaurant "Queen sea" and a lot of local food. The rooms are darkish. The mattresses are comfortable, the bed linen is clean, changed frequently. Soap, shampoo, gel, toothbrushes were reported daily, the room was cleaned. Plumbing is serviceable, hot water is available all the time. Breakfast is served with omelet, rice, soup warn the night before, seasonal fruits, sweets, toast, cheese. The staff is friendly, ready to provide help and advice. Wi Fi the further from the reception, the worse. In the evening, mosquitoes are at the decision. The hotel left a good impression.

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River Top Lodge 3 stars


With a 10 minutes ’drive from Thandwe Airport, River Top Lodge is located in Ngapali. This property features a restaurant and a free airport shuttle service. A hotel with a large territory. There are small flower beds near the bungalow. The pool is big, good lighting in the evening. The hotel is located in the first line from the road, but it does not interfere at all. Across the road 2 minutes to the beach. There is a minimarket next to the hotel. Cafe along the road. The staff will advise on "tasty" establishments. The interior is in good condition, it is cleaned twice a day. The cleanliness is perfect. Laundry service is expensive. The buffet is monotonous, but delicious. In the nearest radius of similar hotels (in appearance) were not found. The reception is always friendly staff, not a single request was left without attention. Free transfer to the airport is a nice bonus from the hotel.

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Amata Resort & Spa, Ngapali Beach 4 stars


Amata Resort & Spa, Ngapali Beach is located on Ngapali Beach. It features an outdoor pool and a spa and wellness center. Free WiFi is available throughout the property. I have already been to this hotel and will gladly come again. Great location and good beach, no stones. Comfortable rooms. The staff is friendly, the managers at the reception were very attentive to my wishes and found an excellent room, and also helped during my stay to solve minor issues, for example, a street lamp shone in my eye and turned it off :-). Will definitely stay again! There is something relaxing in this hotel, surrounded by greenery, a pleasant atmosphere, despite the fact that it is certainly a bit old. But numerous pluses cover these minuses ...

One of Myanmar's closest neighbors, Thailand, has long been popular with Russian tourists as a beach recreation area. This industry is developing rapidly in Vietnam.

But beach holidays in Burma are still in their infancy, although the country's prospects in this area are excellent.

Beach Vacation Prospects

Beach holidays in Burma have a great future, primarily for natural reasons. The country owns almost 2,000 km of coastal areas in the Andaman Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.

Beach strips can stretch for miles. Most of them are covered with light sand and the sea is calm enough for comfortable swimming.

Often, parts of the jungle are suitable for the beaches themselves, and a vacation at the sea can be combined with an acquaintance with the sights of tropical nature.

Excellent prospects open up for those tourists who get out on a picnic on the coastal islands (and there are a lot of them off the Burmese coast).

Additional benefits

An additional opportunity is to get to know in practice the most important branch of the local economy, which is fishing. Very often, the locals go about their business, not paying attention to the resting foreigners.

You can go fishing yourself - this is not prohibited, but it is better to get permission and find out from local experts where what is being caught. Then it may turn out to catch very exotic specimens.

Burma has hot weather, but rains are frequent in summer and autumn. You can find sections of the coast both with waves and calm ones. In the Bay of Bengal in summer, you can observe the phenomenon of phosphorescence at night - the water glows due to the presence of special small organisms in it.

Tourists in Burma consider it a special exotic to swim in the glowing sea. The bather is practically not threatened by dangerous animals here, and you can get into the water and on the wild beach without special precautions.

Beach Holidays in Burma

Reviews about a beach holiday in Burma note significant differences in conditions in different regions of the country. The most prestigious beaches are located near the city of Ngapali.

Here along the coastline are lined up prestigious hotels, the "star rating" of which is quite consistent with generally accepted standards. The prices for vacations are very high here by local standards, but the conditions correspond to the European ideas of comfort.

The beaches of Ngapali are several kilometers of clean, light sand and many water activities, including sailing trips to the nearest islands.

The extensive beaches of Ngwe Saung are also nearby, where conditions are more modest. Some parts of this beach (it is very long - about 15 km) are still quite wild.

There is little luxury here, but lovers of silence will like Ngwe Saung more than Ngapali, since there are practically no nightclubs, discos and other noisy entertainment establishments... Such things are found only in selected hotels.

The vast expanses of the coast in Myanmar occupy wild beaches that will appeal to lovers of nature, tropical exoticism and solitude. Such beaches are at Davei, as well as on the coast of the Andaman Sea.

Thanks to the friendliness of the local population, tourists in Burma should not be afraid of sparsely populated corners, so the country's wild beaches may turn out to be even more attractive for many than the "cultivated" ones.