Red dunes in Phan Thiet. White and red dunes: the majesty of Lotus Lake in the desert. How to get to the White Dunes by bike on your own

You have chosen a tour and decided to visit Mui Ne in Vietnam. The peculiarity of the resort in Mui Ne is that all the attractions are located near the village. One day is enough for tourists to visit all Beautiful places. Amazing place next to Mui Ne, worth seeing is the Red Dunes.


The red dunes are a beautiful desert with sand and unusual flowers: red, pink and peach. The combination of desert colors and flowers makes this place extraordinary, the desert attracts attention and enchants visitors. The sand changes color depending on the time of day, from milky white to shades of wheat, amber and brown. This phenomenon will charm you.
Red dunes are often referred to as pink, yellow and gold dunes. In the desert is located amazing lake, it is called the lotus lake. It consists of three reservoirs, which are combined into one, and lotuses grow on top. All tourists love spending time on the lake, especially newlyweds, couples in love, as well as celebrities. In this place, romance reigns, which we lack in Everyday life... Video clips are often filmed at the lotus lake. You can't pick lotuses, they do it locals, they have the special skills needed to pick flowers in the lake. The residents willingly sell flowers to tourists.

How to get there?

You can get to the red dunes by bus that runs from Phan Thiet to Mui Ne every 20 minutes. If you wish, you can rent a motorcycle or bicycle. You can leave your transport at paid parking at a roadside cafe.


For a thrill, it is better to get to the desert by motorcycle or bicycle.
To see the beauty of the desert from above, you need to climb to the top of the dunes, they are not high, it will not be difficult for you to climb up. At the top, you will have an amazing view, magnificent sand that shimmers in the sun, the dunes look like silk that rolled down and formed folds sliding down. Upstairs you will be able to feel freedom, a surge of strength and a charge of positive energy. The mysterious nature, the combination of colors will be the reason to take many extraordinary photos. Before you will open beautiful view to the bay below. Local guys offer tourists, for a few dollars, a kind of sled, they can cheerfully descend from the tops of the desert. Sleds are plastic sheets. The plastic is light and soft, it is very convenient to ride on it from the tops of the desert. Such an activity will attract not only young people, but also older people. After all, every person inside is a child who wants to forget about life's problems, get distracted and just play pranks like in childhood. Remember not to leave your belongings to be saved by the local kids.

How to dress?

If you are visiting the Red Dunes in Mui Ne, you should wear comfortable shoes. During the ascent to the top, your feet will be buried in the sand, so the shoes should be as comfortable as possible.
The sand dunes in Mui Ne will enchant you and will remain in your hearts for life.

Fairy stream, white dunes, red dunes, red canyon - this is an excursion as part of a jeep trip to the small fishing village of Muine, which began to turn into popular resort... Thousands of tourists come here now, but some locals are still engaged in traditional fishing. Near the village there are beautiful natural landscapes with mountains, lakes and even sand dunes. I regularly organize excursions to these places and invite you to join an interesting journey.

Below are the basic conditions for organizing a trip, taking into account the fact that you are either in Mui Ne or in neighboring resort Phan Thiet. When leaving other areas, the cost and time of the excursion may change.

You can adjust the walking time and length of stay in each of the proposed places at your discretion. I will tell you more about the prices and conditions for organizing the excursion at the end of the page. In the meantime, I would like to briefly describe how our trip will go and what places we will visit.

How the excursion goes

On the eve of the trip, we will agree on the start time of the excursion. But I suggest leaving the hotel early in the morning. Why? The point is that the Mui Ne area is a popular tourist destination. The closer to dinner, the more people there are. In addition, the sand on the dunes is very hot under the midday sun, so walking on it will not be very pleasant, if not impossible. And these places look much more beautiful at dawn than during the day.

The tour includes the following objects:

  • White Dunes and Lotus Lake
  • Red dunes
  • Mu yine fishing village
  • Red canyon
  • Fairy Stream

White Sand Dunes and Lotus Lake

First, we will get to the White Dunes (Đồi Cát Trắng). This is a real piece of the desert in the south of Vietnam. The area is located 30 km from Mui Ne. The length of the dunes is about 10 km, the height reaches 70-80 m. In appearance, they are somewhat reminiscent of the Sahara Desert in miniature. The sand here is light, shallow and deep enough that it is not so easy to walk on it. But, for a fee, you can ride an ATV directly from high slide... The rental price is about VND 1,000,000 for half an hour.

Near the dunes, century-old pines grow, graciously giving their shade. For a semi-desert place, the infrastructure is quite well developed here. There are pr okata points, small stalls with food and drinks. On weekends, many locals come to the White Dunes to have picnics here.

Lake Lotus is located next to the dunes. In fact, there are two ponds that used to be one body of water. The locals call it Bau Ba, or Bau Trang. The lakes cover an area of ​​about 70 hectares, have a depth of 5 m to 19 m. Their surface is covered with lotus leaves.

The flowering time of aquatic plants is from the beginning of July to the end of September. If you arrive during this period, you will be able to admire the beautiful picture. From the very shore and almost to the middle of the lake, its surface is covered with pleasantly smelling white-pink flowers. If you wish, you can rent a boat. The lake is full of fish, and some locals offer tourists to go fishing with them.

Red Sand Dunes

The red dunes (Đồi cát bay Mũi Né) are located at the northeastern end of the village of Mui Ne. Their area and height are less than those of the White Dunes. The sand here is not really red, but yellow-orange or light brown. But at dawn and dusk, it turns pink. Against the backdrop of the Red Dunes, great photos are obtained.

It is easier to walk in this place than on the White Dunes. You should wear comfortable sandals or sneakers on your feet, as the sand is very hot closer to lunch.

You will see many children among the dunes offering to rent a sled. This is an ordinary thick film, on which it is convenient to roll over the sand. Do not deny yourself this pleasure, the experience of the descent is truly amazing.

Muine Fishing Village

A visit to the fishing village of Mui Ne is scheduled for the middle of the trip. It is located in a small bay where local fishermen traditionally hid from storms. Life here has hardly changed in recent decades, although the proximity of the popular tourist resort is felt.

Hundreds of fishing boats are moored along the coast. You will see traditional, even round Tum tea, which has become a symbol of Vietnam. Most often they are metal, although there are also old wicker ones. Such boats do not go far out to sea and are used to check the nets thrown near the shore.

With observation deck opens beautiful panorama... From here you can see the whole harbor with boats on the water, the promenade and the beach. If you turn the other way, you can admire bamboo groves, orchards and rice fields. There are many restaurants on the shore serving traditional food, fish and seafood. They are all fresh, because the fishermen deliver the goods in the early morning.

Red Canyon

The Red Canyon is an old river bed that has now turned into a small river. Many people call this place a miniature copy. Grand canyon in the USA. The walls of the ravine are formed by limestone and red clay deposits. They formed bizarre ledges and cornices covered with cracks. In the rays of the rising and setting sun, they play with red, fiery red, pink flowers.

In some places, white limestone stalagmites rise from the bottom of the canyon, like in real caves. The banks are partially overgrown with bamboo, coconut trees, pomelo, lemons and rare tropical shrubs. If you bring comfortable shoes, you can get out on the slope and look at the beautiful scenery from above. They also offer ostrich rides.

In some places along the route there are small cafes. But general impression from the place it does not change, and the Red Canyon remains a corner of almost untouched avenue.

We will end our excursion with a visit to the Fairy Creek (Suối Tiên Mũi Né). This romantic name is given to a small river flowing along the bottom of the Red Canyon. She is the remnant of that large stream that once formed a unique ravine with red walls. The depth of the stream is not more than half a meter, but in most places the water level barely reaches the ankles. You can walk along the bottom on foot, after taking off your shoes.

The river is about 2-3 kilometers long. One side of the coast is the walls of the Red Canyon, the other is bamboo thickets, and in some places real jungle. Exotic birds are often found there, and you can also see small monkeys, lemurs and other animals. There is even a small petting zoo at the end of the route. Squirrels, crocodiles, lemurs, porcupines live in it. The animals are allowed to be fed.

Closer to lunchtime, we will finish the trip and head back to the hotel or any other place in the vicinity of Mui Ne that you think.

I will drive you in Jeep, Willys or UAZ cars with an open top. There are no normal roads in some places where we go. Therefore, we are looking for a reliable car. And thanks to the open top, you get a better view of the surroundings and ride with the breeze.

Attractions included in the excursion on the map

1km 5km 10km 25km 50km 75km 100km 150km 200km 300km

No categories found

Building a route ...

Cost and conditions

I offer options for excursions for a different number of private traders. Prices largely depend on this.

Here are the main types of tours:

  • Individual tour
  • Group tour for 3-5 people
  • Group tour for 6-40 people

Now I will tell you more about each.

  1. Individual tour
    This option is convenient for those traveling alone. It is also suitable for two people. I will pick you up from your hotel in a comfortable air-conditioned Ford Everest vehicle.
    Cost - $ 70 (regardless of whether one person is traveling or two)
  2. Group tour for 3-5 people
    The group tour is suitable for those traveling in a small company of up to 5 people. The advantage of such an excursion is that the cost for each subsequent participant will be lower. The more people go, the less each of you will pay.
    Here are examples of prices:
    - For 3 people - $ 84 ($ 28 for each)
    - For 4 people - $ 100 ($ 25 each)
    - For 5 people - $ 100 ($ 20 for each)
  3. Group tour for 6-40 people
    I can organize excursions for larger groups as well. In this case, we will go by tourist buses. It is also possible to organize a trip by minibus Ford Transit (for a group of up to 15 people).
    We will need to discuss the cost of such an excursion separately during the preparation process, since the price depends on the number of participants and other conditions.

Regardless of the size of the group, the cost of services includes:

  • Russian-speaking guide services
  • Transfer from the hotel and back
  • Entrance fees, if needed
  • Mineral water

Duration - 5 hours:

  • Start - 06:00
  • End - 11:00

These conditions apply if you are in Mui Ne or Phan Thiet. If you want to go on an excursion from Ho Chi Minh City or any other resort in South Vietnam, we will discuss the cost and conditions separately. For example, from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne you need to go about 4 hours (distance 200 km), so such a trip may take 1-2 days.

You can find a list of all my excursions in the Excursions in Vietnam section.

Excursion to national park Cat Tien (Nam Cat Tien, Kat Tien, or Nam Cat Ti en) is a trip to a nature reserve located in the plains of South Vietnam, at the foot of the Central Highlands. The park is a unique natural landmark that has retained its original appearance.

Reading time: 7 minutes

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Mui Ne is a small fishing village in South Vietnam. The resort attracts tourists clean beach, pleasant winds that allow you to practice aquatic species sports, and attractions. Worthy of attention places in Mui Ne are red and white dunes, lotus lake and red canyon. We will talk about them in our article.

Right outside the village of Mui Ne, following the main road, the Red Dunes (doi hong) begin. You can reach them by taxi (it is only 5 km) or by city buses No. 1 and No. 9.

If you've never been to the desert, the view will overwhelm you. During the day, the majestic sands acquire different colors: in the morning they are pink, in the afternoon they are orange or yellow, depending on the presence of clouds, and in the evening they turn crimson.

But, firstly, there are too many people here at this time, and secondly, when agreeing to an evening excursion, you need to be careful with a guide or guide so that he does not lead you into the very heat. It is very hot here during the day.

The sandy hills of the Red Dunes reach a height of 50 meters and are constantly changing shape due to the wind. Everywhere local children scurry about, who obsessively offer to ride an impromptu plastic sleigh on the dunes for “only” 100 thousand dongs from the nose. Be sure to bargain and the kids will cut the price by half or more. This entertainment is exciting, and if you loved to go downhill on sledges as a child, you will definitely like it. Lie on your stomach on the plastic band, push off and race at high speed down the sandy hill.

Everyone who travels to the White Dunes makes a stop in the Red Canyon.

You can see it from afar, an unearthly landscape - a combination of bright red clay sand and green vegetation that breaks through here and there, it is impossible to miss. Against the background of this Martian landscape with cacti, everyone loves to be photographed, and walking below, you can imagine yourself on another planet.

From the top of the Red Canyon, there is a wonderful view of the sea and the village.

If you go further from Mui Ne along the main road, then after 24 kilometers the territory of the White Dunes (doi cat trang) begins. Their total length is over ten kilometers and they really impress with their size and radiant whiteness.

There are almost no tourists here, only special excursions, riding in open jeeps, and a few singles who came on bikes. It is as if this place was created in order to experience the depth and loneliness of the desert. And the photographs against the background of the dunes are simply amazing.

The entrance to the White Dunes is free and paid. Each has its own pros and cons.

  • Free entrance is not equipped, and leaving your transport here is risky, you can puncture tires or twist a wheel.
  • The paid entrance is equipped with tents with food, parking and is located to the south. For 200 thousand dongs, you can park your motorcycle there and not be afraid for it. At the entrance you can buy an ATV tour of the dunes, it will cost from 200 to 400 thousand dong, depending on how you bargain.

A little lower and inland there is a lake.

In the midst of white majestic hills is a blue lake, all covered with lotuses. This pleasantly cool spot in the sand is especially beautiful when pink lotuses bloom, each up to 35 cm in diameter.

You can ride a boat on the lake, but for this you need to negotiate with the locals.

  • Wear a hat to keep sand out of your ears and nose.
  • Wear goggles designed for skiing and snowboarding to protect your eyes from fine particles of sand and dust.
  • Put your photographic equipment in a protective case or use cheap soap dishes. Small particles rising from the wind render cameras unusable.
  • Bring a bottle of water with you, there are vendors at the entrance, but their prices are very high.
  • Wear trekking sandals or comfortable closed shoes. You can walk barefoot in the desert only in the morning and late in the evening when the temperature of the sand decreases.

The area around Mui Ne is worth visiting. It is quite possible to meet in one day to see both the Red Dunes with a canyon and the White Dunes with a lotus lake. You can come here both on your own and by ordering an excursion, for example, by jeeps or other means of transport. The main thing is to prepare well, put on comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as take a supply of water, and, of course, a camera to capture these extraordinary multi-colored landscapes of the desert.

While on holiday in Vietnam, and specifically in Mui Ne (not far from Phan Thiet), we were looking for such interesting things to see, so that it was not far away, without long journeys. Unfortunately, all excursions there are associated with long bus journeys.

There are very few attractions in Mui Ne, and one of them is Red Sand dunes(Red Dunes).

Her visit is often included in the package with other excursions. But, then it will look like this:

I advise you to visit the Red Dunes on your own - by bus or taxi.

The entrance is free.

The view is pretty simple at first. But, then climbing higher and higher, we find ourselves in the real Sand Dunes. I think everyone knows that it is almost impossible to convey the entire scale, the entire panorama of beautiful landscapes in photographs. But, as far as I can, I will show))

Whimsical Sand Drawings:

Why go there? To admire a small piece of the desert. Walk along the Dunes with yellow-orange sand. Unusual landscape! Everyone is accustomed to snowy landscapes, or the sea with palm trees, but here ... there are only sands)) By the way, depending on the sunlight, the sand changes its brightness: from light yellow to deep orange.

On the Dunes, local residents organized their own simple business - they offer tourists skiing on sheets from a sandy mountain. You will have to pay for the rent of the sheet itself (there are plastic ones, there are plywood ones) and the services of a woman who will rub the sheet for smoothness and help you slide. Well, in my opinion, sheer nonsense. The sheet rolls badly, no speed, and then all the clothes are clogged with sand! There were no emotions. Emotions were when we rode cable car v Krasnaya Polyana. And in winter we have fun and free ride from any slide. Therefore, I cannot recommend this type of entertainment.

It's just nice to walk on the Dunes and take beautiful photographs as a souvenir.

What to bring with you: sunglasses, a bottle of water, and most importantly - a camera. Photos against the background of orange sands come out amazing)) Girls must have an elastic band for their hair, as it happens in the Dunes strong wind... Shoes - flip-flops or sandals (lightweight and comfortable).

Hello everyone! Winter is getting closer, many are planning rest or wintering. I bought the tickets myself yesterday. Tired of freezing. In connection with the approaching cold weather, the days of warm Vietnam start on the blog.

There will be articles about the sights of Vietnam so that the next time the next ticket sale appears, you already know what kind of country this is - Vietnam, and whether you want to go there.

There was a separate post about them, and today I will tell you about what to see in the vicinity of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

Not far from Mui Ne there are Red Dunes, Red Stream,. All these sights, if you have a bike, can be visited in 4-5 hours.

The closest to Mui Ne are the Red Dunes, starting immediately after fishing village... You can google Red Sand Dunes Mui ne, it will immediately give you. These are sandy hills, the height of which reaches 50 meters.

I really love the desert, so I was pleased with the visit to the dunes. And I advise you, not all are lying on the beach or kitesurfing. The red dunes are actually not so red, but in certain time days can acquire a pink tint. During the day, the dunes are quite yellow.

The ocean is visible from the top
Sometimes the dunes are red

The red dunes are not as spectacular as those located 35 km from Mui Ne, but from the red dunes you can ride on special sleds (and in fact, ordinary oilcloths).

The local kids will be happy to offer you their device for only 30,000 ($ 1.5) dong for one descent or 50,000 dong (2.5 $) for an unlimited number of descents. If you want to ride, be sure to bargain, because the starting price is charged under 100,000 dong.

Vietnamese children offering surfing at the dune entrance

To get a pleasant surfing experience on the dunes, you need to move out not while sitting, but lying on your stomach on an oilcloth, as shown in the video:

Good to know:

1. On the Internet, you can often read advice that it is better to go to the Red Dunes early in the morning before sunrise or in the evening at sunset, then the lighting is the softest, and the dunes acquire an unusual pink tint. Perhaps it is so, but at these hours there are a lot of people.

At lunch there are fewer people, but very hot. If you want to be alone with the desert, then it is better to go to the White Dunes. Most tourists don't get there.

2. Wear closed shoes or sandals that will not slip off your feet. It is not very comfortable to walk in flip flops on the sand, and it is impossible to walk barefoot, as the sand in the desert is hot.

3. Be sure to bring a hat and sunglasses. There is no shadow on the dunes, the sun is merciless, especially at lunchtime.

4. Take water with you. There is a small shop near the dunes, but prices are higher than in Mui Ne.

5. Admission to the dunes is free at any time of the day.

6. For parking the bike under a canopy across the road from the dunes, you can ask for money. We parked the bike for free just off the shelter.

Red dunes of Mui Ne, how to get

We rode a bike, the way from the center of Mui Ne took about 20 minutes. Also, buses No. 1 and No. 9 go to the Red Dunes from Mui Ne. The dunes can be reached by bike in about 40 minutes or an hour.