Hawaii which state. Hawaii is a resort state with amazing tropical nature. Republic of Hawaii and annexation by the United States of America

Hawaii is a US state located in the Northern Hemisphere in the Pacific Ocean (Hawaii). Geographically, Hawaii is located at a distance of 3700 km from the main part of the United States. The population is 1,374,810 people (2011). The area of ​​the state is 28,311 km². The capital is Honolulu. Large cities - Kaneohe, Kailua, Hilo. The most common languages ​​are English and Hawaiian. In 1959, the state became the 50th US state.

State landmarks

The Hawaiian Islands are famous for their beaches and are home to many resorts. In the northeast of the state, there is the extraordinarily beautiful Waipio Valley with waterfalls and a black sand beach. In the state capital, an unusual palace of the Hawaiian kings has been preserved, with a statue of the founder of the Kamehameha dynasty. The Pearl Harbor military base is located on the island of Oahu. After strikes by Japanese aircraft carriers on the base, President Roosevelt announced the entry of the United States into World War II.

In the southwest of the city of Hilo there is National park"Hawaiian volcanoes" with famous volcano Kilauea. it active volcano which is constantly erupting. More than 300,000 cubic meters of lava are emitted daily, and only the ocean can stop it. The Diamond Head volcanic crater, also known as the diamond or diamond head, is very popular. This picturesque crater is located on Oahu, east of Waikiki.

Kealakekua Bay Nature Reserve is famous for the abundance of various tropical fish, coral reefs. Due to the high visibility (up to 30 meters), this place is popular with diving enthusiasts.

Geography and climate

The state of Hawaii is located in the central region The Pacific, on Hawaiian Islands... The archipelago includes many islands, most of which are the summits of underwater volcanoes. There are over 20 active and dormant volcanoes here. Most The state is covered by savannas and tropical rainforests. The climate is tropical trade wind, without sudden temperature changes. Two seasons can be distinguished: from May to October - dry, from October to April - wet. The state's average annual temperature is between 18 and -25 ° C. The level of precipitation reaches 4000 mm per year.


Much attention is paid to tourism and services. It is the backbone of the state's economy. There are many recreation areas, resorts, national parks and attractions. Sugar and fruit canning industries are important sectors of the economy. The state is home to major US military installations. Dozens of ships and submarines can stop at the Pearl Harbor naval base. There is everything you need for repair, maintenance of transport, as well as accommodation for crews and their families. V agriculture about 1 million hectares are used. Pineapples, sugarcane, bananas, coffee, sisal, guava, macadamia nuts are grown here. Recently, the cultivation of fish, various molluscs and algae has become especially popular. A small part of the farmers are engaged in animal husbandry. Hawaii is an important Pacific Ocean transport hub that connects Canada and the United States with the Philippines. East Asia, New Zealand, Australia.

Population and religion

The average population density is 83 persons per km². The population of the white race is lower here than in other states. Most of all Asians and representatives of "mixed" races are here. By race: Asians - 38.6%, Americans or residents of European descent - 24.7%, mestizo - 23.6%, Hawaiians - 10%, African Americans and other nations - 3.1%. Most of the inhabitants of European descent are Germans, Portuguese and British. About 9% of the population of the islands is Hispanic, about 5,000 people are Russians. By religious belief: Christians - 28.9%, Buddhists - 9%, Jews - 0.8%, others - 10%. More than half of the state's population does not identify with any of the religions. About 75% of the population lives on the island of Oahu.

Did you know ...

They say that according to the law, the inhabitants of the island must have a boat, otherwise they can be fined.

Geographical encyclopedia

US State, Hawaiian Islands. 16.7 thousand km & sup2. The population is 1,172 thousand people (1993). Adm. c. Honolulu. Before the arrival of Europeans and up to the middle of the 19th century. ruled by the local royal dynasty. In 1893 the USA was annexed, in 1959 they became 50 m ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

I (Hawaii), an island in the Pacific Ocean, the largest of the Hawaiian Islands. 10.4 thousand km2. Formed by the peaks of 5 volcanoes (Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Kilauea, Hualalai, Kohala). Main city Hilo. Volcanological observatory. II state of the USA, on ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Noun., Number of synonyms: 2 island (218) state (133) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Hawaii- (Hawaii), pcs. USA, uniting a group of islands in the center, part of the Pacific Ocean. The indigenous population of the Polynesians was ruled by local rulers. The original name. The Sandwich Islands were given by Captain Cook (1778) in honor of his ... ... The World History

Hawaii- (Hawaii) Hawaii, USA, uniting a group of islands in the North Pacific Ocean, stretching from about. Hawaii to about. Kure (with the exception of Midway Island); pl. 16641 sq. Km, 1108230 people (1990); adm. the center is the city of Honolulu (in the south of Oahu). Largest cities… … Countries of the world. Dictionary

Hawaii- an island in the Hawaiian Islands archipelago, the Pacific Ocean; USA. The name of the island of Hawaii (Hawai i) is ancient. Its etymology is unknown, but, apparently, it is genetically related to the name of the legendary ancestral home of the Polynesians of Hawaii. Sometimes this place name ... ... Toponymic dictionary

Hawaii, about.- (Hawaii) Hawaii, the island, the largest and most southerly. from the islands of the Pacific Ocean in the state of Hawaii, USA; pl. 10488 sq. Km; adm. center - Hilo. In the Hawaiian volcanic national park two active volcanoes - Manau Loa and Kilauea ... Countries of the world. Dictionary


  • Voyage to Hawaii, Brown Carter, 496 pp. To expose the criminals, the indefatigable Danny Boyd comes to Hawaii (`Voyage to Hawaii`), investigates the case of the disappearance of the famous actress (` Deadly Dream`), visits ... Category: Action Series: One Love Story Publisher: CENTRPOLIGRAF, Manufacturer: CENTRPOLIGRAPH,
  • Enchanted Hawaii, M. Stingle, "Enchanted Hawaii" is the fourth and final book in the series about Oceania by the Czechoslovak writer and ethnographer Miloslav Stingle. The first three - "Black Islands", "The Last Paradise" and ... Category: Other countries of America, Australia and Oceania Series: Stories about the countries of the East Publisher:

Hawaii is a state of the United States. Located in the Hawaiian Islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere, 3700 km from the continental United States. Population - 1,283,388 (2008 state), including Hawaiians (26%), Americans and European descent groups (23%), mestizo (13%), Filipinos (9%), Chinese (5%) , Japanese (1%), etc. The urban population is about 70%. Official language- English; in part (in everyday life) national languages ​​are also preserved, including the Hawaiian language. The capital and largest city is Honolulu. Other large cities are Hilo, Kailua, Kaneohe. The economically most developed island is Oahu.

Year established: 1959 (50th in order)
State Slogan: The Freedom of the Land is Imprinted in Virtue
Formal name: State of hawaii
Most Big city state: Honolulu
State capital: Honolulu
Population: more than 1.2 million people (42nd place in the country).
Area: 28.3 thousand sq. Km. (43rd in the country.)
Even larger islands in the state: Hawaii, Kauai, Kahoolave, Lanai, Maui, Niihau, Oahu.


The state is located in the Hawaiian Islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The area is 16.8 thousand km². On the island of Hawaii there are active volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea, the dormant volcano Mauna Kea (height 4205 m).


Tropical trade wind climate. The average annual temperature is 18-25 degrees Celsius. Precipitation is up to 4000 mm per year. Rainforest and savannah.


The islands were first inhabited by the Polynesians in the 6th-3rd centuries BC. NS. Back in the 16th century, Hawaii was visited Spanish sailors, but officially they were opened by the expedition of the English captain James Cook, who called them the Sandwich Islands (1778). The Europeans found several state formations on the Hawaiian Islands, which at the beginning of the 19th century merged into a single kingdom. The rise of interest in sugarcane production led the United States towards the end of the century to exert greater economic and political influence on the affairs of the archipelago. The local population, faced with infections brought in from the outside, from which it did not have immunity, died out: by the end of the century, about 30 thousand people remained of the 300,000 Polynesian population.

In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown with direct US intervention. A year later, the Republic of Hawaii was formed, which was directly dependent on the United States. S. Dole became the president of the republic. In 1898, at the height of the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed Hawaii and granted it self-governing territory in 1900. From 1901 to 1902, the first president of the Hawaiian Senate was Nikolai Sudzilovsky-Roussel, also known as Cauca Lukini (in Kanak for "Russian doctor"), who during his tenure managed to carry out reforms in support of the Kanaks, but could not resist the influence United States and was stripped of American citizenship for anti-American activities.

State of Hawaii

Hawaii is the only island state in the United States. Almost 4 thousand kilometers separate it from the Pacific coast of the United States. It occupies the Hawaiian Islands archipelago, as well as some separate islands in the central Pacific Ocean that are not related to the archipelago. At the same time, individual small islands of the archipelago (for example, Palmyra atoll) do not belong to the state, remaining the territory of the United States. The state owns about 130 islands and islets, including coral atolls. However, only seven islands are inhabited. The Hawaiian Islands are either volcanic in origin or made of white coral limestone. The largest islands lie in the southeastern part of the archipelago, while their size decreases to the northwest. The largest islands in the Hawaiian archipelago (southeast to northwest) are Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu and Kauai. The Hawaiian Islands chain stretches for 2,600 kilometers. However, due to the smallness of the islands, the state's territory is only 16,729 square kilometers.

The island of Hawaii is not only the largest, but also the "highest". There are two huge volcanoes on it - Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. The height of the first is 4205 meters above sea level, the second is 4170 meters. If we were to measure the height of the cones of volcanoes from seabed, then both mountains would become the greatest peaks of the earth, exceeding the 10-kilometer mark and one and a half kilometers higher than the height of Everest. Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano, Mauna Loa is active. There are many others on the islands active volcanoes, for example, there is also Kilauea on the island of Hawaii. The slopes of the volcanic mountains slope gently down to the coast, forming fertile valleys and coastal lowlands.

All inhabited Hawaiian Islands lie south of the Tropic of Cancer, which, along with the mild northeastern trade winds, determines the paradise climate of this corner of the earth. The beautiful nature of the islands is extremely varied. There are mountains and valleys, amazing coasts, bordered by groves of nautical palms found only in Hawaii, which got their name because their leaves are located in one plane, like feathers in the opened tail of a peacock, and from them you can determine the position of the cardinal points. In a mild climate, tropical forests with their inherent lush vegetation feel great. The well-groomed rectangles of the cultivated land are also pleasing to the eye.

The capital and the only big city the state is Honolulu, located on the island of Oahu. The population of the capital is about 380 thousand people. At the same time, 89 percent of Hawaiians identify themselves as city dwellers. The population of the state of Hawaii is about 1.2 million. Ethnic composition the state's population is unique: less than half are locals, 22.3 percent are Japanese, 33.3 percent are whites, more than 6 percent are Filipinos. With the extreme diversity of the population and very a large number of mixed marriages, we can say that the population of the state consists of some national minorities. Hawaiians consider themselves to be Americans, but at the same time they feel they are unique. It manifests itself even in the desire to use diacritical points in writing, especially when writing toponyms and proper names.

The state was named after the Hawaiian archipelago, but the meaning of the word is unclear, although it is known to be of Polynesian origin. About a thousand years ago, the archipelago was inhabited by immigrants from Polynesia. However, the Europeans discovered them only in 1778. Using the right of a discoverer, the famous English captain James Cook named these islands Sandwich in honor of his patron John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich. In 1796, the Hawaiian Islands became an independent kingdom, so today in the capital Honolulu you can see the former Royal Palace- the only one in the United States. However, in 1893, the last island queen Liliuokalani (1838-1917), who ruled Hawaii for only two years, was overthrown by the Americans who settled on the islands. The Hawaiian Islands were a republic for five years, and then were annexed by the United States, receiving the status of a US territory in 1900.

In the 20th century, the Americans deployed the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii. On December 7, 1941, this base was suddenly attacked by the Japanese, as a result of which the US Navy suffered heavy losses in ships and manpower. The attack on Pearl Harbor precipitated America's entry into World War II.

Hawaii was granted state status on August 21, 1959, becoming the youngest state in the United States and adding the last, fiftieth star to the national flag of the country.

After the war, the Americans took care of the development of the Hawaiian economy. Large pineapple and sugarcane plantations appeared there, where not only local residents, but also thousands of emigrants from Asian countries got jobs. Hawaii produces a fifth of the raw sugar and produces the largest pineapple crop in the world. On west coasts the islands are successfully growing coffee - the area allotted for it is constantly increasing. Of course, in the tropical trade wind climate, bananas, guava, papaya and other exotic tropical fruits ripen perfectly. On smaller farms, cattle are raised. An important source of income for the ocean state is fishing and other seafood. Agriculture and fisheries in Hawaii is focused not so much on meeting local needs as on exporting products. Therefore, food industry enterprises began to develop on the island. Suffice it to say that the state accounts for 40 percent of canned pineapples and 70 percent of pineapple juice of the amount of these products produced worldwide.

Despite the abundance of mountains, the state is poor in minerals. However, local stone is used to build houses and roads. The same is true for timber: although industrial timber harvesting in Hawaii is in its infancy, it satisfies the basic needs of the local population. The island produces clothes and footwear, paper, metal products.

However, the main income for the state of Hawaii comes from tourism. The wonderful climate and stunning white sand beaches attract a huge number of tourists from all over the world. It is no coincidence that the locals call Hawaii a "paradise".

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Our readers were asked to tell about the Hawaiian Islands - an exotic state of the United States. I fulfill their request. Today we are leaving for you to the Hawaiian Islands.

The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago of 8 large islands, several atolls, seamount peaks and more than a hundred tiny islets with a total area of ​​over 16,600 square kilometers. It is believed that there are 132 islands in the Hawaiian Islands. The archipelago is located in the Pacific Ocean and stretches for a distance of 2,400 km.

The Hawaiian Islands are based on 8 islands in the southeastern part of the archipelago (central part of the Pacific Ocean). From west to east, these are the islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolave, Maui, and Hawaii. To avoid confusion in names, the last island - Hawaii - is often called Big island(Big Island). Hawaii is usually associated with these 8 large islands, in large part because the remaining 124 islands have a total area of ​​about 8 square kilometers. Most big Island archipelago - Hawaii (Big Island) has an area of ​​10,432 square kilometers.

Hawaii's natural and diverse landscapes, warm tropical climate, abundance of public sandy beaches and active volcanoes make it popular place for tourists, surfers and scientists.

In 1959, Hawaii received the status of the 50th US state. Hawaii is more than 3800 km away from the continental United States. Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially heterogeneous state, with people of European, American, Polynesian, Japanese, and other backgrounds. Hawaii is the only state in the United States with an official local language. Despite the influx of tourists, many native Hawaiians have maintained their customs and traditions.

The state's official nickname is The Aloha State. The word "Aloha" is of Hawaiian origin and at the same time expresses greeting, sympathy, goodbye, wishes for kindness and love. Most often pronounced as a greeting.

Hawaii, like Alaska, has no common borders with any of the other continental states of the United States. Hawaii is the only US state that:

  • Not located in North America
  • Completely surrounded by the ocean
  • Entirely an archipelago
  • Where coffee grows
  • Has a royal palace

Roughly 90% of Hawaii's gross product comes from services and tourism.

Niihau) - the westernmost of the eight Hawaiian Islands. Visiting the island is limited due to the fact that it is the property of private individuals.

Kauai) - the most ancient island of the archipelago, which has a volcanic origin. It is a tropical oasis that delights millions of tourists with its natural beauty. In Kauai, you can see everything that you would expect to see on an island lost in the ocean: wide sandy beaches, mountains, plateaus, canyons, waterfalls, jungle and fertile valleys.

The land in Kauai is very fertile, coffee, sugar cane, mangoes, bananas, papaya, avocados, pineapples, etc. are grown here. The main attractions of the island are Waimea Canyon and the Na Pali coast.

Oahu) - the third largest (71 by 48 km) and the most populous island of the archipelago. The population of the island, excluding tourists, exceeds 950 thousand people. The capital of Hawaii, Honolulu, is located in the southeastern part of the island.

To the west of Honolulu lies the famous Pearl Harbor, the harbor where the US Navy is based. Oahu is known for its beauty, it is perfect place for relax. One of the island's iconic landmarks is the Diamond Head, a crater of a volcano that went extinct thousands of years ago. By the way, Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, was born in Honolulu.

Molokai) beautiful island, whose residents are skeptical about tourism and unnecessary noise. This place is suitable for those who like a quiet holiday.

Lanai) - a small island (29 km long), nicknamed "Orange Island". Lanai is home to some of the world's finest golf courses. Most of the island's attractions can only be seen by traveling on dirt roads in a rented SUV. it a nice place where there are not as many tourists as Oahu.

Kahoolawe) - the smallest of the islands, not interesting for tourists.

Maui) - the second largest and third most populous (154 thousand people) island of the archipelago. The diverse landscape, the beauty of nature and the developed service make Maui one of the favorite vacation spots. In addition to the beaches, tourists are interested in the Haleakala National Park and the town of Lahaina.

Hawaii) or Big Island (BigIsland) Is the easternmost and largest island in Hawaii. The population is over 175 thousand people. The island has 5 volcanoes, 2 of which are active. Most tourism is concentrated in the western part, however, stunning landscapes open up in any part of the island.

Excursions in Hawaii are not only sightseeing tours around Honolululu and the islands, but also visiting interesting sights and unique places that will leave the brightest impressions.

The climate in Hawaii is tropical, although temperatures and humidity are less severe due to the almost constant trade winds blowing from the east. Moreover, the climatic features differ significantly on each island. In fact, Hawaii has only 2 seasons: the dry season from May to October, and the rainy season from October to April. In winter, temperatures rarely drop below 18 C at night and stay around 28 C during the day. In summer, temperatures stay around 24 C at night and rise above 30 C during the day.