How to climb ai petri from yalta. Crimea mountains. Cable car on Ai-Petri in numbers

There are three ways to get to one of the most famous mountain peaks of Crimea: by minibus, cable car and on foot.

By minibus

Minibuses run from the Yalta bus station. These are not regular routes, but finding the right minibus is not difficult. The drivers will find you themselves, and if they don’t find you, then you will definitely hear them. The fare is 350 rubles, the travel time is about 40 minutes. The road to Ai-Petri runs along a picturesque mountain serpentine. By the way, it was on this track that one of the rally races of the European Championship took place, before the introduction of sanctions.

The minibus will take you to the eastern bazaar, next to which there is a cable car station and the famous Ai-Petri teeth. But you will have to fight off the local Tatars for a long time, who will invite you to eat. You can also go back to Yalta by minibus, only the fare will be 300 rubles.

I like this option least of all, because the road along the mountain serpentine is very swaying, and then I walk away from the trip for a long time, but if you are poorly guided by the terrain, then this option is the simplest and most reliable.

Cable car

You can also get to the top of Ai-Petri using , which is located in the lower Miskhor, it is 30 minutes drive from Yalta. The fare is 350 rubles, the ascent time is about 12 minutes. Cable car will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions, but only if the weather is clear. If Ai-Petri will be covered by clouds, then from the cable car cabin you will not see anything except fog.

Therefore, consider the weather when planning your trip. In order to enjoy the panoramic views and the coastline, the weather must be clear and cloudless. Only in this case you will fully experience all the beauty of nature and the acuteness of the sense of height that Ai-Petri gives to tourists.

On foot

Well, the most The best way climbing Ai-Petri is, of course, a hiking option. Only after reaching Ai-Petri on foot, we can proudly say that you have conquered this peak.

Hiking will give you a lot of positive emotions, and as you ascend to the top, your gaze will open up such landscapes from which you will not want to take your eyes off, you will go to places to which you will want to return again. Depending on the route chosen, you can swim in the cold waters of mountain rivers and drink the purest spring water.

In addition to all this, such trips will strengthen your health and physical fitness, and you will also be able to breathe the mountain-forest air, which, together with physical activity, has a healing effect on the body.

For me the best and interesting option is a hiking trip, but for this you need to know the routes of the trails and their names. The mountains do not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards them, and accidents are not uncommon here, so to hiking must be taken very seriously and responsibly. Options for hiking routes for climbing Ai-Petri can be

Or you can go on one of the hiking trails with us. We are organizing such trips. You can familiarize yourself with route options and prices .

The height of Mount Ai-Petri is easy to remember - 1234 m above sea level. This is not the most high peak Crimean mountains but definitely the most famous. Translated from Greek, the intricate name of the mountain means "St. Peter".

Ways to climb Ai-Petri

On the cable car

This is perhaps the most popular and scenic way to climb the mountain. The cable car "Miskhor - Sosnovy Bor - Ai-Petri" originates almost at the very coast of the sea, in the village of Miskhor, and rises to a height of 1234 m. The fare is 300 rubles, you can check the operating schedule of the cable car on the official website.

The funicular's cabin is designed for 35 people. There is not a single support tower between the Sosnovy Bor and Ai-Petri stations, and the distance between them is 1670 m. This is one of the longest unsupported flights in Europe. Only the road in Germany surpassed the Crimean cable car, where in the town of Oberiettenberg the Reiteralpe cable car has a span of 1980 m. The lift on Ai-Petri can boast of its trouble-free operation.

By minibus or car

If you go from Yalta towards Alupka along the South Coast Highway, then in the area of ​​the village of Vinogradnoye you will see a right turn to Bakhchisarai. 22 km of mountain serpentine will lead to the terminal station of the Ai-Petri cable car. The road is very picturesque, it passes by the Uchan-Su waterfall, mountain lake and several viewing platforms.

You can leave your car on paid parking near the terminal station of the cable car.

On foot

The so-called Koreiz (Miskhor) trail, which is 4 km long, leads to the top. It starts opposite the Crimean Tatar village of Chatal-Kaya, the walking route starts immediately from the Samota stop on the South Coast Highway.

Market on Ai-Petri

The first thing you will encounter when you find yourself at the top is a huge market, which is located right on the way to the famous Ai-Petri teeth (several detached rocks). Here you will be offered to buy souvenirs, sweets and warm clothes in a very intrusive manner. The sellers are mostly Tatars. The market is open at any time of the year. The passage to Ai-Petri itself is paid.

44.448089 , 34.056201 It is easy to remember the height of Mount Ai-Petri - 1234 m above sea level. It is not the highest peak of the Crimean Mountains, but it is definitely the most famous. Translated from Greek, the intricate name of the mountain means "St. Peter". Ai-Petri

As I wrote earlier, it was discussed in the last article, and today we go to the sights of this chic resort. After several gloomy days on our trip to Crimea, the first sunny morning. And we will spend this wonderful day at the same wonderful place - Mount Ai-Petri.

How to get to Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea

After a quick breakfast and packing our things in a backpack, we went to the bus station in order to leave by public transport to Ai-Petri.


WITH Yalta bus station there is a bus under № 102 (he first passes by, then stops at the cable car on Ai-Petri, and the final stop at his place, everything that is needed in one set). Flights daily from 06:45 to 21:45, interval 35-60 minutes 38 rub / person.

WITH bus stations " Clothing market» (not far from the Yalta Embankment) there is a bus under № 132 ... Flights daily from 07:00 to 21:00, interval 20-30 minutes, fare Yalta-Ai-Petri (lower station of the cable car) 34 rub / person.

It is very difficult to get to the desired stop. On the bus, the main share of passengers is occupied by visitors, who ask each other almost every 5 minutes if they are leaving soon.


Taxi Yalta-Mount Ai-Petri (upper station of the cable car) will cost from 1200 rub / car one way.

Personal or rented car

The easiest way to get there is by car, moreover, along the way you can see Bird home and Vorontsov Palace without adjusting to the schedule public transport... If you have a license, but do not have a car, it is easy through the Internet and you can get it in Yalta upon arrival. Directions map below. A serpentine road on the Ai-Petri plateau passes through the settlement of Okhotnichye. In addition, passing sights that are described in many excursions in the form of the Uchan-Su waterfall and the Silver Gazebo can only be seen if you drive along the serpentine by car. It will be about 10 km to walk from the upper station to them, and you also need to get to the village where the buses go.

You can also negotiate with the locals about a car from Miskhor ( 1000 rub).

Koreiz (Miskhor) trail

If the cable car is closed, and you have no desire / opportunity to rent a car, then you can climb to the Ai-Petri plateau on foot along the Koreiz trail.

From Yalta at the bus station we take buses: 107, 128, 142 and get off at the bus stop Koreiz ( the fare is approximately 35 rubles).

By the way: bus number 107 after Koreiz turns to the side bottom station cable car. You can get off at the next stop after Koreiz - "Burevestnik sanatorium" and walk another 200-300 meters to the cable car.

The Koreiz trail begins immediately after the Koreiz stop, at first it goes more gently, closer to the plateau there will be a good slope.

  • You will have to overcome about 4 km.
  • Wearing comfortable non-slip closed-toe shoes
  • In a backpack with you - water!
  • For the correct reference point in the smartphone - the MapsMe map.

Excursions to Ai-Petri

Group excursions from Alushta:- up to 40 people, 6 hours

Individual excursions from Yalta:- up to 3 people, 9 hours

Cable car to Mount Ai-Petri

We did not have time to dismount from the bus, when a young Caucasian ran up to us and began to eloquently tell how you can get to the top of Ai-Petri, and what else you can see on the way back if you do not go down the cable car. To get more information, I made a very interested face, knowing full well that the young man is not crucifying in front of me for the sake of beautiful eyes. The site was almost completely empty when I realized that there was nothing more interesting to get out of the boy. We said goodbye to him and went to a small building with ticket offices on the cable car right there.

The cost and operating time of the cable car on Ai-Petri (2019):

Working hours cable car: from 10 to 17- rise, and from 10 to 18- descent.


  • 400 rubles / adult, 250 rubles / child one way.
  • the passage to the teeth from the upper station of the cable car is separate 100 rbl.
  • attractions at the prongs: walk along the suspension bridges over the abyss ( RUB 500), trolls from the top to one of the slopes on the plateau ( 700 m., On the way 1 min, cost 1000 rubles).


  • take warm clothes and a raincoat with you regardless of the weather, mountains are mountains
  • it is better to wear comfortable non-slip shoes with closed toes on your feet. Even if you are not going to walk the forest paths, there are also stones and roots on the plateau, and after the rain it is also slippery
  • at the top station of the cable car there are a lot of cafes and shops, you don't have to carry food and water with you, but the prices are tourist, you understand
  • in winter, the cable car is closed, you can drive along the serpentine by car or negotiate with the local ( 1000 rub / car)

You can't get through here with a stowaway, because somewhere in the middle of the route of the yellow booth, passengers are transplanted, and at the same time the purchased tickets are checked. It's the same on the way back. In principle, whoever has a car can probably climb the mountain for free on the road. However, I do not guarantee that now there has not been stuck any barrier with a duty.

We drove the first half calmly, only about a couple of tens of meters above the ground. Moreover, I was pushed into the very center of the crowd so that even through the windows something was hardly observed. But it gave me a chance to almost be the first to climb into the second booth when transferring and take advantageous positions at the window in front.

The second part is more exciting with beautiful views on the sea and in front of the visible rock. During the trip, I heard intriguing stories that the cable car is made in such a way that in front of the top the cabin rises almost vertically for several meters and hangs at the very edge for a couple of seconds.

I was waiting for this moment with great excitement. I will say that what I heard is partly true. The booth at the end of the path really goes at a very steep angle, rising high above the surface of the earth, but in front of the top it does not hang, but simply tugs at it a little, which is why it no longer takes your breath away, but becomes somehow uncomfortable.

Mount Ai-Petri

The views are amazing upstairs. At such a height, they cannot be different. The wind is only strong here.

There are also plenty of shops upstairs, you want barbecue, you want Uzbek cuisine, you want sweets, trinkets and so on. While walking from one observation deck to the other, you only have time to dismiss obsessive offers.

There is one more to the left observation deck, previously enclosed by a fence, in which a hole made by tourists now gaped. It seems useless to close up the hole, because tourists are still “breaking” to the edge.

Here it is really uncomfortable from the realization that there are no safety rails, but beyond the edge there is a sharp cliff of several tens of meters.

I don’t know ... I didn’t check it.

Where we left is not the very peak yet. You still need to walk 700 meters to the very top to the battlements. Passes along a rocky slope, slippery and muddy after rain. Separate entrance and fee - as much as 100 rubles. In fact, all the same (according to local traders) can be seen if you walk a little to the left of the pay-per-pass booth. But curiosity is not letting go, I gave these 100 rubles. and went higher. My travel companion was stuck at the checkout, as there were already enough dizzying views from him.

On that day, after the rains, so that the tourists would not break their necks and legs, we shifted a little the way through the forest along drier paths to the top.

Having got out into the open space, I first looked around to see if it was possible to bypass this ticket office at all (sorry, it's a hitchhiking habit). Below in the photo, if you look to the right, there is a wide road to the left from the parking lot with cars. I think if you walk about 300 meters along it, and then turn into the forest to the place where I was now standing, then you can get here for free. Anyone who wants to can try it on personal experience... But be careful, the locals say that there are karst wells in the form of inconspicuous holes.

The first attraction is already visible from below: suspension bridges going from the main rock to a small peak with a cross. For those for whom adrenaline is not enough at the top, you can walk in equipment under the guidance of an instructor, there and back meters 90 total.

In the photo it looks harmless, but up close it is quite dizzy.

I climbed to the very top and sadly found there another bounding railing and some kind of iron stump, all hung with ribbons.

I was not going to climb over the fence, so I just walked to the place where it ended. Here, too, there were plenty of breathtaking views.

By that time, an excursion group had pulled up to me. The guide publicly announced that since he understands the curiosity of tourists trying to climb over the fence, in order to maintain safety and their work. He will still allow everyone to take pictures almost at the very top. But only on his terms.

Having heard this, I decided to join the group, it was impossible to miss such an opportunity. We stopped right in the place where the iron piece was sticking out. Here the guide climbed over the fence and allowed only two of the group to go with him to take a photo. Naturally, I squeezed into one of the following pairs. Here's the proof.

And while all this was happening, someone from the crowd asked about the very iron contraption that the guide was leaning on at that moment. He said that this is another attraction. From this iron pillar down (naturally in the opposite direction from the cliff) there are trolls, along which in just 1 minute you can “lower” everyone who wants to.

I received my portion of photographs and headed back.

The day was in full swing and I still wanted to have time to see the Vorontsov Palace. Therefore, we cut off the idea of ​​going down on foot along the forest paths.

Those interested can go down faster trails directly from the plateau to Miskhor, for example (see MapsMe maps). But there, apart from sources and species, there is nothing special. We did not waste time and returned the same way - on the cable car.

As I said above, the Vorontsov Palace is the terminal 102 of the bus. Therefore, going to the stop at the cable car, and waiting for the desired bus, we went to, which I will talk about next time. Good weather on Ai-Petri!

The southern coast of Crimea is the most popular place among vacationers and tourists. They are attracted by the pearl of the Crimea - Yalta, which can be seen from a bird's eye view if you climb a hill. To realize your desire, you should find out how to get to Ai-Petri from Yalta and use its observation deck.

Location of Ai-Petri

You can climb the flat surface of the mountain top, the height of which reaches 1 234 meters:

  • By funicular;
  • By minibus;
  • By car;
  • On foot.

You can get to Ai-Petri shuttle bus before settlement Miskhor. From the Yalta bus station, a regular bus covers the distance within half an hour. If you decide to get there by car, then you should go in the direction of Simeiz. The reference point for the turn will be the sanatorium Uzbekistan, there is a sign to Ai-Petri how to get there.

Climbing Ai-Petri

Exciting sensations in a person are caused by the movement of the funicular to the top of Ai-Petri. The cable car with the longest span without supports in Europe, for the convenience of tourists, the waiting stations are equipped with TVs, stands with the necessary information. From its top one can see such sights of the neighborhood as:

  • Bird home;
  • Mount Diva;
  • Mountain Cat;
  • Vorontsov Palace.

From the top of the mountain, a road is clearly visible, along which you can see - how to get to Ai-Petri... ends at 18-00, after this time tickets are not sold. The movement of the cable car to the top takes no more than five minutes. Many people prefer to lift with a car.

Conquering Ai-Petri by car is quite exciting. The route to Bakhchisarai passes through a coniferous forest, the duration of the route will take about 40 minutes. Only experienced drivers make the ascent by car on Ai-Petri, but the bravest ones overcome the distance and conquer the summit on foot.

Hiking trails

There are several hiking trails that are used for hiking:

  • Botkin;
  • Taraktash;
  • Koreizskaya.

The most convenient trail is the Koreiz trail, it will lead you to the plateau.

It should be noted that at its top the temperature is seven degrees lower than at the foot, it is also very windy, so you need to stock up on warm clothes.

The flat top allows to accommodate trade stalls with souvenirs and products of their sheep skins, establishments with Tatar cuisine, Crimean wine is sold.

A special condition becomes from the mountain air, coniferous forests, from the view of the sea, merging with the sky. Mountain peaks that remain below and surround Ai-Petri.

Neighborhood Ai-Peri

Returning from the top, you can visit one of the warmest places in Crimea - Miskhor, which has an amazing park. The park zone stretches along the coast, it contains more than three hundred species of plants from different countries... A fountain attracts tourists, as well as a sculpture in the sea of ​​a girl - a little mermaid.

On the territory of Miskhor there is the Yusupov Palace, around it there is a park that attracts attention no less than the building of the palace. You can return to Yalta by regular bus, they move at intervals of one hour.

To the Yalta embankment from Miskhor, boat traffic is organized. Boat trip will enchant you with the beauty of changing landscapes, from the side of the sea you can see mountains immersed in greenery and clouds. If you're lucky, you might be surprised when the boat is escorted by dolphins.

Also, traditionally, you can use the taxi service. No matter how difficult the road to Ai-Petri is, this trip will leave an unforgettable impression, a positive attitude for a long time. Anyone who has become acquainted with Crimea will always return to it.