Research of the hotel market in Kerch. Marketing research of the real estate market (segment of hotels) of the Black Sea coast. Research and analysis of the hotel market in Crimea

Crimea is an interesting region: on the one hand, it has been one of the main resort areas of the country for over 100 years, on the other hand, despite its unique natural advantages (sea, mountains, air, etc.), the hotel real estate market is still in the stage of its formation. In a word, we can say that in 26 years modern history Crimea was able to reach a new quality level.

According to experts at the Diplomat Residence apartment complex, before the political changes in 2014, the number of international and domestic federal hotel operators was extremely small. Over the past 3 years after the referendum, the situation in Crimea, mainly in its southern part, has significantly improved. Many temporary accommodation facilities have passed official certification, the hotel service of which does not lag behind world standards.

Current situation, proposal

According to the information of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, in total 11 new facilities were opened on the territory of Crimea in 2016. It is noteworthy that 4 of them work according to the “all inclusive” system (a new trend that is gaining momentum in Crimea). More than half of the discoveries took place in the Big Yalta region. And the total number of collective accommodation facilities is about 770, of which 409 are in hotels of various formats, and the rest - sanatoriums, boarding houses, and facilities providing health services.

According to experts of the "Diplomat" Residence apartment complex, the most popular among tourists is the so-called South Coast of Crimea (SCC): the cities of Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, Sudak and various adjacent villages. At different periods of time, from 40% to 60% of all tourists who come to Crimea rest in this zone. It is natural that a significant share of the number of rooms is concentrated here, as well as an average higher price indicator for accommodation compared to other areas of the peninsula.

The small number of hotels under the management of international brands is partly due to the small "promotion" of the peninsula internationally. So, at the moment, from those represented in the region, one can single out such networks as: Best Western International (most hotels are located in North America) - Best Western Sevastopol hotel, Premierhotelsandresorts (Ukrainian chain) - Premier hotel Palace Hotel Oreanda in Yalta, Russian chain "Atelika" - hotel "Sea corner".

One of the last to enter Crimea was the international hotel chain Rixos, which took over the management of the Mriya Resort & Spa complex, opened in 2014. In addition to the listed, the most professional hotel facilities include Palmira Palace, Villa Sofia, Levant, Villa Elena, Primorsky Park, Crimean Breeze , "Agora", located in or near Yalta, as well as Riviera Sunrise Resort & SPA (formerly Radisson Resort & SPA) in Alushta.

The most demanded part of the South Coast is the territory of Big Yalta. The total number of temporary accommodation facilities in this area is currently 113. (excluding mini-hotels and guest houses with less than 15 rooms), more than 13,000 rooms. More than 50% of the number of rooms falls on sanatoriums. In terms of the number of objects, more than half are various hotels. The largest of them (as well as on the entire peninsula) is the Yalta-Intourist hotel complex with a total number of rooms of 1,186.

Offer value

According to experts of the Residence "Diplomat" apartment complex, the cost of living primarily differs depending on the type of place of temporary stay, the novelty and quality of construction, as well as the geographical location. In the high ("hot") season, which is July-August, the cost of accommodation is usually the highest.

Thus, the average cost for a standard double room in the highest quality hotel complexes in Big Yalta is 12,900 rubles per day. The maximum cost is fixed at Villa Elena Hotel & Residences - 28 395 rubles per day, and in the Premier Palace Hotel Oreanda and Mriya Resort & Spa complexes - about 17 500 rubles per day. In other hotels, the average room rate is about 5,600 rubles per day. It is interesting to note that the average cost of double occupancy in sanatoriums and boarding houses in this area is comparable - 5,300 rubles per day.

A significant part of investments in the renovation of existing and construction of new hotel complexes over the past 15 years came from large Russian companies. At the same time, the scale of investments decreased significantly even during the crisis of 2008-2009. On the eve of it, about 15 hotel properties were announced, many of which were subsequently frozen or postponed indefinitely.

After the annexation of the peninsula to Russia in 2014, not only Ukrainian investors, but also Ukrainian tourists left the hotel market. Thus, there has been an almost complete reorientation of the tourist flow to visitors from other regions of Russia. Initially, this led to a decrease in the number of tourist flows, but then the numbers recovered. If in 2015 the number of tourists was about 4 6, million people, then in 2016 it has already grown to 5.6 million people. (46.5% of them rested on the South Coast). With an increase in the share Russian tourists there is also an increase in demand for collective accommodation facilities.

Development of new facilities

The largest discovery over the past three years was the commissioning of the five-star hotel complex Mriya Resort & Spa in August 2014. The project was initiated by Sberbank, and the British bureau of Norman Foster was responsible for its architectural development. This project of reconstruction of the territory of the former boarding house "Mriya" is significant not only for South Shore, but also for the whole Crimea. The management of the facility managed to involve the Turkish hotel operator Rixos, who had previously cooperated with Sberbank.

According to the specialists of the Diplomat Residence, among other recent discoveries in the Big Yalta area, it is worth noting the new buildings of the Yalta-Intourist and Palmira Palace hotels, commissioned in 2015, as well as the new Atlantis hotel together with a water park in 2015, and the Azor art hotel in Livadia in 2016.

Among the promising projects, the YaltaPlaza apartment complex under construction, located in the center of Yalta, should be noted. The estimated completion date for the construction is Q2 2017.

Another potential site could be an investment recreational town in Koreiz, where the administration is preparing for privatization at once three neighboring state sanatoriums: Dyulber, Ai-Petri and Mishor. Also at the investment forum in Sochi this year it became known that the structures of the entrepreneur Igor Chaika are planning the implementation of a new hotel complex in Crimea - on a vacant site, or on the basis of an existing facility. The second option is quite logical in the current reality, since most of the plots of interest from an investment point of view have already been built up.

Development prospects

Speaking about the prospects for the development of the hotel market in the region, one should start, first of all, with the main constraining factors. One of the key problems at the moment is transport accessibility. As such, there is no railway connection - there is an opportunity to get to Anapa or Krasnodar, then on the "Single ticket" through ferry crossing... The same route for those traveling by private transport.

The planned opening of the Kerch Bridge in 2019 will be a key milestone in the development of Crimea, which will greatly facilitate the route to its resorts. In addition to this, the construction of the Tavrida highway from this bridge to Sevastopol will also improve the transport logistics of the peninsula. Another important stage in the development of transport accessibility is work on the expansion and reconstruction of airport terminals in Simferopol, as well as, in the future, consideration of the possibility of launching airports in the cities of Sevastopol and Kerch (worked until 2008). All these measures will increase the flow of visitors to the peninsula, the potential of which, according to various estimates, is at the level of 8-10 million people per year.

It is also worth noting that the infrastructure has not yet been fully restored, which a significant number of sanatoriums and hotels are facing. To solve this problem, as in any large-scale development project, well-coordinated work of both government agencies and private investors is required. In particular, to work out these tasks, the program "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020" was created.

It involves the allocation of five tourist and recreational clusters (Evpatoria, Saki, Leninsky District, Chernomorsky District, Koktebel), within which it is planned to create infrastructure facilities necessary for the tourism industry. According to this program, 22.5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for their financing. At the same time, in all clusters it is planned to allocate investment sites to attract private investment in the construction of infrastructure tourism facilities. According to the available information, now there are 22 investment projects under implementation for a total amount of 15.8 billion rubles. In total, in 2016, about a hundred investment applications were considered for a total amount of about 80 billion rubles. (about half of the applications fell on the South Coast region). And during the year 21 agreements were signed in the field of development of resorts and tourism for 15.6 billion rubles.

Tatiana Mazaeva, Director of the Sales Department of the Diplomat Residence notes: “The implementation of large-scale government programs to support the tourism industry, as a rule, are long-term. What could have been done in the current situation (for example, to increase the capacity of the airport and the crossing) has already been done. However, in the future, any significant changes in the hotel market are possible only after the completion of major infrastructure programs (such as the construction of the Kerch bridge). In the current realities, each project must be weighed from different sides and carefully work out its concept. "

In a word, Crimea with its natural resource, unique and unrepeatable climate, as well as rich history is one of the most promising resort areas in Russia, and even the whole of Eastern Europe. And in the future, with a competent, systematic approach, its potential will be realized in the coming years.

Market analysis hotel services Is the first thing to do when starting to form a business idea and planning to enter this market. However, marketing research of the hotel services market is not a one-time procedure. It must be repeated regularly to monitor changes in the market situation, select marketing strategies, monitor competitors and keep your business at the highest level.

Analysis tasks

The tasks of researching the hotel services market depend on the time the research is carried out. Primary market analysis sets the following tasks for the researcher:

  • Assessment of the current situation in the market that the company wants to enter.
  • Study of the target audience.
  • Assessment of the level of competition.
  • Determination of the market development potential.

Having determined these indicators, you will be able to understand what is currently lacking in the market, which business has potential and can quickly pay off.

In repeated research, the objectives depend on the objectives of the research. For example, an assessment of the feasibility of offering a new service or entering the market of a particular region. The analysis should be aimed at obtaining the most complete information about the market in general and the problem under study in particular.

Types and stages of research

Depending on the tasks facing the researcher, there are several types of analysis.

  • Research of key components of the hotel market - market participants, suppliers, customers, etc.
  • Analysis of the company's potential in the market and its market share.
  • Research of trends in the development of the market.
  • General assessment of the economic situation.
  • Analysis of market saturation and assessment of the feasibility of introducing new services.
  • Forecasting market dynamics for the short or long term.
  • Research of competition and the work of competing companies.
  • Assessment of customer satisfaction with the services received.

For a successful study, it is necessary not only to obtain reliable and accurate information, it is also important to analyze them correctly and draw conclusions that will be useful to the company in its work.

The entire study of the hotel services market takes place in several stages:

  • Identifying the problem and defining the purpose of the analysis.
  • Setting tasks designed to achieve the goal.
  • Selection of sources and methods of obtaining information.
  • Collection and research of information of a secondary order.
  • Collection of primary data.
  • Processing and analysis of the information received.
  • Formation of conclusions and ways to use them in business.

The main thing is to correctly define the purpose of the study. It depends on what the sources of information will be, what ways to get it and what conclusions to look for in it.

Receiving the information

Having decided on the purpose and objectives of the analysis, you can proceed to the second important stage - the collection of information for analysis. You can get information in different ways, but all sources fall into three main categories:

  • The company's own sources.
  • Observations.
  • Marketing research of the hotel services market.

The information itself, in turn, is divided into two classes: primary and secondary.

Primary information is data that is obtained specifically to solve the problem. It is collected during the research. At the same time, data collection is focused on solving specific research goals. Such information is usually fairly reliable, but collecting it takes time and investment. Therefore, in some cases, it is allowed to use another class of information - secondary.

Secondary information is data that has been collected for other earlier studies. It has advantages in terms of receipt - you do not need to spend time getting it, and the costs are usually much lower or absent at all. Some studies with secondary information need to be purchased, others are freely available, for example, government statistics, etc.

Secondary information can be obtained from internal or external sources. Internal sources belong to the company itself, these can be:

  • Sales department reports, financial and other reports.
  • Books of reviews and suggestions.
  • Forms of visitors to the hotel.
  • Contracts with partners, suppliers, customers.
  • Statistics on hotel occupancy, settlements with travel agencies, etc.

External sources of secondary information can be:

  • Publications of government agencies, tourism organizations, etc.
  • Yearbooks with statistical data.
  • Commercial research.
  • Special studies in the hospitality business.
  • Exhibitions, forums, etc.
  • Internet sites, forums, etc.

Collection of primary information

Primary information is the most important for market analysis. There are three main ways to obtain it:

  • Observations.
  • Polls and interviews.
  • Panel studies.

Observation is the simplest method. It consists of researching customer behavior in a real-world setting. Observation can be carried out in special conditions or by the field method. For hotel market research, field research will be considered to be conducted directly at the hotel.

Polls can be structured or free-form. They can be conducted by telephone, mail, or in person. Face-to-face interviews can also be conducted one-on-one or in a group.

Panel marketing research is a periodic survey of a group of people in order to find out their opinion on a particular issue. When conducting such research, it is important to formulate questions in such a way that they arouse the respondent's interest and arouse the most truthful answers from him.

Having collected all the necessary information, you can draw conclusions about the state of the hotel market, the prospects of the market as a whole and the company in it. Accurate analysis allows you to run your business more efficiently and maximize profit growth.

Crimea is an interesting region: on the one hand, it has been one of the main resort areas of the country for over 100 years, on the other hand, despite its unique natural advantages (sea, mountains, air, etc.), the hotel real estate market is still in the stage of its formation. In a word, we can say that over 26 years of modern history, Crimea has been able to reach a new quality level.

According to experts at the Diplomat Residence apartment complex, before the political changes in 2014, the number of international and domestic federal hotel operators was extremely small. Over the past 3 years after the referendum, the situation in Crimea, mainly in its southern part, has improved significantly. Many temporary accommodation facilities have passed official certification, the hotel service of which does not lag behind world standards.

Current situation: supply in the hotel market of Crimea

According to the information of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, in total 11 new facilities were opened on the territory of Crimea in 2016. It is noteworthy that 4 of them work according to the “all inclusive” system (a new trend that is gaining momentum in Crimea). More than half of the discoveries took place in the Big Yalta region. And the total number of collective accommodation facilities is about 770, of which 409 are in hotels of various formats, and the rest - sanatoriums, boarding houses, and facilities providing health services.

According to experts of the "Diplomat" Residence apartment complex, the most popular among tourists is the so-called South Coast of Crimea (SCC): the cities of Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, Sudak and various adjacent villages. At different periods of time, from 40% to 60% of all tourists who come to Crimea rest in this zone. It is natural that a significant share of the number of rooms is concentrated here, as well as an average higher price indicator for accommodation compared to other areas of the peninsula.

The small number of hotels under the management of international brands is partly due to the small "promotion" of the peninsula internationally. So, at the moment, from those presented in the region, one can single out such chains as: Best Western International (most of the hotels are located in North America) - the Best Western Sevastopol hotel, Premier hotels and resorts (Ukrainian chain) - the Premier Palace Hotel Oreanda in Yalta, Russian chain "Atelika" - hotel "Sea corner".

One of the last to enter Crimea was the international hotel chain Rixos, which took over the management of the Mriya Resort & Spa complex, opened in 2014. In addition to the listed, the most professional hotel facilities include Palmira Palace, Villa Sofia, Levant, Villa Elena, Seaside Park, Crimean Breeze, Agora, located in or near Yalta, as well as Riviera Sunrise Resort & SPA (formerly Radisson Resort & SPA) in Alushta.

The most demanded part of the South Coast is the territory of Big Yalta. The total number of temporary accommodation facilities in this area is currently 113. (excluding mini-hotels and guest houses with less than 15 rooms), more than 13,000 rooms.

More than 50% of the room stock falls on sanatoriums. In terms of the number of objects, more than half are various hotels. The largest of them (as well as on the entire peninsula) is the Yalta-Intourist hotel complex with a total of 1186 rooms.

The cost of living in hotels on the Crimean peninsula

According to experts of the Residence "Diplomat" apartment complex, the cost of living primarily differs depending on the type of place of temporary stay, the novelty and quality of construction, as well as the geographical location. In the high ("hot") season, which is July-August, the cost of accommodation is usually the highest.

Thus, the average cost for a standard double room in the highest quality hotel complexes in Big Yalta is 12,900 rubles per day. The maximum cost is fixed at Villa Elena Hotel & Residences - 28 395 rubles per day, and in the Premier Palace Hotel Oreanda and Mriya Resort & Spa complexes - about 17 500 rubles per day. In other hotels, the average room rate is about 5,600 rubles per day. It is interesting to note that the average cost of double occupancy in sanatoriums and boarding houses in this area is comparable - 5,300 rubles per day.

A significant part of investments in the renovation of existing and construction of new hotel complexes over the past 15 years came from large Russian companies. At the same time, the scale of investments decreased significantly even during the crisis of 2008-2009. On the eve of it, about 15 hotel properties were announced, many of which were subsequently frozen or postponed indefinitely.

After the annexation of the peninsula to Russia in 2014, not only Ukrainian investors, but also Ukrainian tourists left the hotel market. Thus, there has been an almost complete reorientation of the tourist flow to visitors from other regions of Russia. Initially, this led to a decrease in the number of tourist flows, but then the numbers recovered. If in 2015 the number of tourists amounted to about 46, million people, then in 2016 it has already grown to 5.6 million people. (46.5% of them rested on the South Coast). With the increase in the share of Russian tourists, there is also an increase in the demand for collective accommodation facilities.

Development of new hotel facilities in Crimea

The largest discovery over the past three years was the commissioning of the five-star hotel complex Mriya Resort & Spa in August 2014. The project was initiated by Sberbank, and the British bureau of Norman Foster was responsible for its architectural development. This project of reconstruction of the territory of the former boarding house "Mriya" is a landmark not only for the South Coast, but for the whole Crimea. The management of the facility managed to involve the Turkish hotel operator Rixos, who had previously cooperated with Sberbank.

According to the specialists of the Diplomat Residence, among other recent discoveries in the Big Yalta area, it is worth noting the new buildings of the Yalta-Intourist and Palmira Palace hotels, commissioned in 2015, as well as the new Atlantis hotel together with a water park in 2015, and the Azor art hotel in Livadia in 2016.

Among the promising projects, the Yalta Plaza apartment complex under construction, located in the center of Yalta, should be noted. The estimated completion date for construction is Q2 2017.

Another potential site could be an investment recreational town in Koreiz, where the administration is preparing for privatization at once three neighboring state sanatoriums: Dyulber, Ai-Petri and Mishor. Also at the investment forum in Sochi this year it became known that the structures of the entrepreneur Igor Chaika are planning the implementation of a new hotel complex in Crimea - on a vacant site, or on the basis of an existing facility. The second option is quite logical in the current reality, since most of the plots of interest from an investment point of view have already been built up.

Prospects for the development of the hotel market in Crimea

Speaking about the prospects for the development of the hotel market in the region, one should start, first of all, with the main constraining factors. One of the key problems at the moment is transport accessibility. As such, there is no railway connection - there is an opportunity to get to Anapa or Krasnodar, then on the "Single ticket" through the ferry crossing. The same route for those traveling by private transport.

The planned opening of the Kerch Bridge in 2019 will be a key milestone in the development of Crimea, which will greatly facilitate the route to its resorts. In addition to this, the construction of the Tavrida highway from this bridge to Sevastopol will also improve the transport logistics of the peninsula.

Another important stage in the development of transport accessibility is work on the expansion and reconstruction of airport terminals in Simferopol, as well as, in the future, consideration of the possibility of launching airports in the cities of Sevastopol and Kerch (worked until 2008). All these measures will increase the flow of visitors to the peninsula, the potential of which, according to various estimates, is at the level of 8-10 million people per year.

It is also worth noting that the infrastructure has not yet been fully restored, which a significant number of sanatoriums and hotels are facing. To solve this problem, as in any large-scale development project, well-coordinated work of both government agencies and private investors is required. In particular, to work out these tasks, the program "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020" was created.

It involves the allocation of five tourist and recreational clusters (Evpatoria, Saki, Leninsky District, Chernomorsky District, Koktebel), within which it is planned to create infrastructure facilities necessary for the tourism industry. According to this program, 22.5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for their financing. At the same time, in all clusters it is planned to allocate investment sites to attract private investment in the construction of infrastructure tourism facilities. According to available information, there are 22 investment projects currently under implementation for a total of 15.8 billion rubles. In total, in 2016, about a hundred investment applications were considered for a total amount of about 80 billion rubles. (about half of the applications fell on the South Coast region). And during the year, 21 agreements were signed in the field of development of resorts and tourism for 15.6 billion rubles.

Tatyana Mazaeva, Director of the Sales Department of the Diplomat Residence, notes: “The implementation of large-scale government programs to support the tourism industry is usually long-term. What could have been done in the current situation (for example, to increase the capacity of the airport and the crossing) has already been done. However, in the future, any significant changes in the hotel market are possible only after the completion of major infrastructure programs (such as the construction of the Kerch bridge). In the current realities, each project must be weighed from different sides and carefully work out its concept. "

In a word, Crimea with its natural resources, unique and inimitable climate, as well as rich history is one of the most promising resort areas in Russia, and even throughout Eastern Europe. And in the future, with a competent, systematic approach, its potential will be realized in the coming years.

The material was prepared by the specialists of the company Residence "Diplomat"

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Marketing research of the hotel real estate market in Sochi (article: 02210 29995)

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    1. Characteristics of the supply of hotel facilities within the city of Sochi
    1.1. Dynamics of changes in the number of rooms in 2007 - 1st half. 2008 biennium
    1.2. Breakdown of the proposal by class
    1.3. Commercial terms
    2. Characteristics of demand for hotel facilities in Sochi
    2.1. Occupancy of hotel real estate objects (by months) in 2007
    2.2. Demand structure by purpose of visiting objects (in the format of an expert opinion)
    2.3. Demand structure by class of hotel facilities
    3. New projects announced in the period September 2007 - September 2008

    Diagram 1. Dynamics of changes in the number of rooms, 2007-2008, pcs.
    Diagram 2. Supply structure by hotel class,%
    Diagram 3. Structure of supply by room rate per person per day,%
    Diagram 4. Structure of the offer by the cost of a single room for 1 person per day,%
    Diagram 5. Structure of the proposal for the cost of a double room for 1 person per day,%
    Diagram 6. Supply structure by the cost of a suite for 1 person per day,%
    Diagram 7. Structure of supply by room rate per 1 person per day off-season,%
    Diagram 8. Structure of supply by room rate per 1 person per day per season,%
    Diagram 9. Dependence of the average cost of a room per person per day on the hotel's distance from the sea, rubles.
    Diagram 10. Dependence of the average cost of a room per person per day on the hotel class, rubles.
    Diagram 11. Dynamics of the average cost of rooms per person per day, 2007-2008, rubles.
    Diagram 12. Occupancy of hotel property,%
    Diagram 13. Occupancy of hotel property in the village. Krasnaya Polyana, %
    Diagram 14. Occupancy of business objects of hotel real estate,%
    Diagram 15. Demand structure by purpose of visiting accommodation facilities,%
    Diagram 16. Occupancy of accommodation facilities with a medical base during the peak season,%
    Diagram 17. Demand structure by hotel class,%
    Diagram 18. Demand structure by hotel class in 2007,%

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    Number of employees
    4.3. Production
    Unleaded (straight-run) motor gasoline
    Automotive gasoline (in general)
    Automotive fuel for gasoline engines with an octane rating of more than 80, but less than 95
    Diesel fuel
    4.4. Largest Moscow companies by revenue
    4.5. Producer prices (for the domestic market)
    Motor gasoline AI-92

    Diesel fuel
    4.6. Retail prices
    Motor gasoline AI-92
    Motor gasoline AI-95 and higher
    Diesel fuel
    4.7. Market trends