Feodosia in winter. Rest in Feodosia in winter. Children's play center South Park

Homeland of the great marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky, ancient land, sung in the works of Chekhov and immortalized on the canvases of Voloshin Feodosia is located in the southeast of the Crimean peninsula on the coast of the bay of the same name at the foot of extinct volcano Kara-Dag. Read our article on the Tour-Calendar and you will find out why the beginning of summer and autumn is best time for relaxation in this climatic paradise.

Tourist season in Feodosia

Feodosia is a picturesque secluded resort on Black sea coast especially loved by those who prefer a measured beach holiday to the seething seaside life. The beauty of Feodosia and its magnificent climate so captivated many outstanding personalities that they lived out their days here. And for good reason: the cleanest air, beautiful golden beaches, healing mud and mineral springs, as well as a unique geographical position had and to this day have a beneficial effect on the body. V tourist season, lasting from late May to mid-October, a large number of tourists come here. Basically, these are Russians and residents of the CIS countries. Of course, the level of service here is far from European, but the city authorities are trying to do everything to improve the brand of the resort.

High season

In mid-June, lovers of the generous Crimean sun and warm sea flock to the resort. In July and August, the largest concentration of people is observed here. Basically, these are Russians and residents of the CIS countries. Of course, the level of service here is far from European, but the city authorities are trying to do everything to improve the brand of the resort.

Low season

In the period from the beginning of November to the beginning of May, there is a decline in tourist activity at the resort. The sea is already cooling down, and this is the main reason why people come here. Although a certain category of people chooses the off-season for health purposes, which will be discussed below.

Beach season in Feodosia

The beach season in Feodosia opens in late May. The coastline is replete with colorful umbrellas and stalls. However, sea water warms up to comfortable levels only in early June. By the way, they start swimming here earlier than on the South Coast. This is due to the flat bottom, which warms up faster than the rocky one. South coast Crimea. At the end of June, the sea water temperature reaches 24 ° C, and in the midst of the beach season - 25 ° C - 26 ° C. The beach season usually ends in late September or mid-October.

The Velvet season

The velvet season in Feodosia gives a great chance to swim and immerse themselves in the seaside life for those who have earned money in the summer or simply could not escape from the soulless metropolis. For example, pleasant weather, warm sea, gentle sun and a small number of "their own kind". By the way, don't forget about the prices. At this time, they are especially attractive: the cost of living in boarding houses and hotels is 5% - 16% lower, food is also cheaper.

The best time for excursions

Arriving in Feodosia, you do not have to lie on the beach all the time. There is something to see here - thanks to the centuries-old history of the city and its magnificent nature. However, the positive outcome of the excursion program depends entirely on the time you choose for sightseeing. If a cold rainy day is suitable for visiting museums and galleries (for example, the Aivazovsky art gallery), then to visit the reserve on the site of the extinct Kara-Dag volcano, sunny, but not hot weather is necessary. Months such as May and September best meet these requirements.

It's time for holidays and festivals

The Feodosia Department of Culture is much for a variety of festivals and creative holidays, as tens of thousands of guests of the city have already seen. The beginning of May is marked by an incredibly colorful weekly festival of balloons "Air Brotherhood". From July to September, Komsomolsky Park turns into a real antique city during the craft season “City of Craftsmen”. On the last Saturday of July, for more than 40 years, Feodosia celebrates the City Day with festive concert, sports and dance shows. Traditionally, in September, during the grape harvest, there is a 3-day wine festival "Winefeofest". In October, tourists who have lingered at the resort will be greeted by the welcoming atmosphere of the Spivogray music festival, which attracts pop singers and groups from the CIS countries, Georgia, Bulgaria and Poland.

Wellness season

The nature of Feodosia awarded the resort salt lakes and mineral springs, which, in combination with the magnificent climate of these places, create real wonders. Local sanatoriums and boarding houses specialize in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, broncho-pulmonary and nervous system. Their doors are open all year round. However, it is believed that it is spring, not summer, that is the most favorable time for undergoing procedures, when nature wakes up, the sun warms pleasantly, but there is no intense heat.

Climate in Feodosia

The unique geographical position of Feodosia, determined by the equal distance from the North Pole and the Equator, has found a huge imprint on the formation of the local climate, which is defined as "temperate" at the resort. The Crimean steppes, mountains and coniferous forests give it special softness. Summers are characterized by hot and dry weather, while winters are mild and snowless. In count sunny days Feodosia has outdone many of the southern coastal resorts, but it is a little cooler here than in Yalta.

Feodosia in the spring

March in Feodosia meets everyone with still cold weather, which is rather unstable at this time. There are often fogs caused by the rise of warm air from the sea. Sometimes dry winds and dust storms occur in spring, alternating with periodic rains. Slow warming has been observed since April. And already for the May holidays, just right to wear light clothes, because the outdoor thermometer reads from 18 ° C to 22 ° C. However, don't forget that spring evenings and nights are pretty cool. In general, spring in Feodosia is a moderately warm, but unusually beautiful time of the year: this is the time of flowering of trees and shrubs, when the air is filled with phytoncides, the aroma of fresh foliage and is saturated with ozone.

Temperature and weather in Feodosia in spring

Weather in Feodosia in MarchWeather in Feodosia in AprilWeather in Feodosia in May
Average temperature+5 +10 +15
Day temperature+7 +13 +18
Temperature at night+2 +7 +12
Water temperature+7 +10 +16

Feodosia in summer

Summer in Feodosia is hot, but relatively dry. That is why it is so easy to breathe here. Largely due to the brackish sea breeze and steppe winds, filled with a slightly perceptible aroma of the foothills. The city revives in mid-June: the excitement is noted not only among visitors, but also among the owners of the tourist business. At this time, a large number of people are resting in Feodosia, but here one does not feel the bustle and overcrowding that can be found in the South Coast. Sea water temperatures during the season range from 20 ° C to 26 ° C, although cold currents do occur, which reduce these values ​​by 10 ° C - 12 ° C. In the evening, the inexorable heat “dissolves” - someone goes to restaurants and cafes, and someone goes to swim under the starry sky. At the very end of summer, there can be heavy showers accompanied by thunderstorms. But they do not bring a cold snap.

Temperature and weather in Feodosia in summer

Weather in Feodosia in JuneWeather in Feodosia in JulyWeather in Feodosia in August
Average temperature+20 +23 +22
Day temperature+23 +26 +26
Temperature at night+17 +19 +18
Water temperature+22 +21 +22

Feodosia in autumn

Autumn in Feodosia is much warmer than spring. Especially its first half, which is almost completely devoted to the Velvet season... The sea is completely calm. The barely perceptible breath of autumn is felt only towards the end of October, when there is a significant drop in air temperature. Until mid-November, the weather in Feodosia provides clear, cloudless days. Only in the last week of this month precipitation increases. In autumn, paragliders gather here, as evidenced by dozens of multi-colored domes hanging in the air. By the way, if there is a desire to join the sky, you can take several professional lessons on flying a hang glider, paraglider or balloon.

Temperature and weather in Feodosia in autumn

Weather in Feodosia in SeptemberWeather in Feodosia in OctoberWeather in Feodosia in November
Average temperature+18 +12 +6
Day temperature+21 +15 +8
Temperature at night+15 +9 +4
Water temperature+18 +14 +10

Feodosia, resort

Vacation at sea Resort hotel

Available rooms

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Vacation at sea Resort hotel

Available rooms

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia, resort

Feodosia- a city with 2500 years of history, the heir to the Greek and Bosporan cultures, the successor to the Genoese Kaffa and the Ottoman city of Kefe. Feodosia in translation from Greek means "given by God", this is confirmed by the golden sands of the Feodosia Gulf, the ridge of the Crimean mountains rising from the Cape of St. Elijah and the gentle blue sea. Historical eras, culture and traditions of different peoples are intertwined in the streets of the city - the towers of the medieval citadel, Turkish baths and mosques, Armenian churches and Byzantine cathedrals, villas and mansions in the Moorish style endowed the resort with a unique architectural appearance.

For all its eccentricity, Feodosia is also a well-known seaside resort, equally attractive for beach holiday, spa treatment, sports and active recreation, travel to the sights of the Crimea. The city captivates guests with a variety of landscaped beaches, exquisite cafes and restaurants, hotels and wellness complexes, cultural events and colorful festivals.

Geographical position

Feodosia is located on east coast Crimea, at the base Kerch Peninsula, 120 km from Simferopol, 98 km from Kerch, 42 km north of Sudak. Resort town facing the Feodosia Gulf, bounded by the pointed cape of St. Elijah.

Feodosia is located on the border of the steppe and the foothill forest-steppe. From the south-west, the resort is surrounded by the Tepe-Oba ridge, which encloses the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains. City quarters lie on a plain, along which the bed of the low-water Baibuga River, which flows into the sea, snakes. In the suburbs there is salt Lake Aji-Gol. Natural landscapes Feodosia - wormwood and salt marshes, foothill steppe, overgrown with forbs and feather grass. Vineyards are laid out near the mountain ranges, along the slopes of Tepe-Oba there are pine forests, while plane trees, cypress, fir, Crimean pine and thuja cast shadows on city streets and parks.


The climate of Feodosia combines the features of the Mediterranean and the steppe. Generally, weather in the city they are comfortable for recreation all year round, but in winter the temperatures here are much lower than in the resorts of the southern coast.

Winter in Feodosia is mild and warm. The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is 0.9 ° C. No stable snow cover is formed. This time of the year is characterized by strong gusty winds.

Summers are hot, sunny and dry. The average July temperature is 23.5 ° C, but daytime temperatures often rise to 30 ° C and higher. The weather is clear and warm until October.

The average annual rainfall is about 450 mm.

The number of hours of sunshine is 2265 per year.

The swimming season in Feodosia lasts from late May to September. The water temperature during this period ranges from 19-25 ° С.


Cellular services in Feodosia are provided by mobile operators MTS and Win Mobile, the Beeline network operates in the international roaming mode. For calls within Russia, it is most convenient to use MTS tariffs, and if you plan to make calls within the peninsula, it is better to purchase the Win Mobile package. A number of operators offer 3G and 4G mobile internet service.

In some cafes and restaurants, boarding houses and resort hotels, as well as in the city libraries of Feodosia, points of wireless Wi-Fi access to the Internet are equipped.

The telephone code of Feodosia is 6562.

When calling from other cities, you should dial - 8-6562-subscriber's number.


According to 2014 estimates, the population of Feodosia is 69,000 people. Most of the city's residents, about 72% are Russians, 18.8% of Feodosians are Ukrainians, 4.6% are Crimean Tatars, about 2% are Belarusians.

Transport component

Feodosia is a major transport hub on the Crimean peninsula. There is a railway station and a large bus station serving as a transshipment point on the Simferopol-Sudak road. In addition, the proximity of the Kerch ferry crossing makes the resort more accessible for tourists who prefer to travel by car.

Air transport... In order to get to Feodosia, you must first take a flight to Simferopol. international Airport Simferopol accepts flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Tyumen and other cities of Russia. The distance from the airport to the resort is 120 km. You can get from the airport to Feodosia by taxi - there are dispatch counters in the arrivals hall. A taxi ride to the resort will cost an average of 1,500 rubles, and the travel time is about 2 hours. You can also first get by minibus No. 49, 98, 100, 115 or trolleybus No. 9 to the bus station, and from there to intercity bus to Feodosia.

Railway transport... Within the city limits of Feodosia there are two railway stations- Feodosia and Aivazovskaya. Trains from different cities Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Near the stations there are stops from where buses and route taxis as well as dispatch counters and taxi ranks.

Road transport... Near the railway station Aivazovskaya is the bus station of Feodosia, direct bus routes connected with major cities and the resorts of Crimea - Sudak, Simferopol, Kerch, Yalta.

Sea transport... There is a seaport in Feodosia, large Passenger Transportation are not implemented, but there are excursion routes along the coast, boat trips along the Feodosiya Gulf are organized, a three-hour sea excursion to the foot of the extinct volcano Kara-Dag.

Urban land transport Feodosia - buses and minibuses. More than a dozen bus routes cover the central part of the resort and the suburbs. In addition, Feodosia is served by several relatively large taxi services, private carriers. Several companies offer a car rental service.


The main types of tourism in Feodosia are beach and active recreation, health improvement and excursion tourism.

Beach vacation... The main advantage of Feodosia is its long, more than 17 km long and wide, about 200 m, coastal strip covered with golden sand and small pebbles. The gently sloping and shallow bottom of the bay allows you to open bathing season already at the end of May and enjoy the Black Sea waters until October. Most of the resort's beaches are open to the public, and the delineation is formal. There are a lot of people on the beaches during the peak season, but due to the length and width of the coastal zone, there is enough space for everyone.

The most famous beach of the resort is "Golden Beach", located 6 km north of Feodosia. A wide strip of sand stretches along the sea for several kilometers, and the remoteness from the city allows you to fully enjoy your vacation by the sea. The Golden Beach has changing rooms, sun loungers, umbrellas, awnings and water attractions. There are also beach complexes that combine nightclubs, cafes and dance floors.

A strip of comfortable city beaches begins near the Aivazovskaya railway station and stretches to seaport... The most popular beaches "Pearl", "Bounty" and "Cote d'Azur" have all the necessary infrastructure - from cabanas and shady awnings with sun loungers to all kinds of water activities and attractions. The above-mentioned sandy beaches with a gentle bottom, gradually gaining depth by the sea, are convenient for families with children.

The main municipal beach of Feodosia - "First City" is also sandy, with a small admixture of small pebbles. There are sun loungers and beach umbrellas, boardwalks, water activities. Behind the beach there is a well-maintained embankment with fast food outlets, a beach market and souvenir shops.

In the southern part of the Feodosia Gulf there are pebble beaches "Kameshki", "Banzai", "Tropicana" and "Beach on the old embankment". All of them are comfortable and comfortable for rest.

Connoisseurs of solitude and contemplation of nature choose uncrowded wild beaches Feodosia on Cape Chumka and Cape St. Ilya.

Leisure... Like other seaside resorts, Feodosia offers ample opportunities in the field of active recreation and sports. The resort has a paragliding club, a diving center, horse yards, tourism centers offering bike tours, hiking, riding a buggy and ATVs. The waters of the Black Sea are a space for sailing, paddle surfing, fishing, water attractions- "banana" and "bun".

Health tourism... Feodosia has favorable climatic conditions - the air here is filled with aromas of steppe medicinal plants and southern flora, saturated with sea salts and microelements. Expressive landscapes, swimming in the Black Sea and relaxing on the beaches have a positive impact on health. Natural conditions Feodosia served the creation of large sanatorium-resort institutions specializing in the treatment of the digestive system, the endocrine system and metabolism, the respiratory system, the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

Excursion tourism... Feodosia is the owner of a considerable number of attractions. The guests of the resort have the opportunity to see the monuments of history and architecture, visit the museum and archaeological complexes. Excursion agencies and bureaus of sanatoriums and hotels offer tourists walking, bus and sea excursions.

Important phone numbers

Emergency phone numbers of Feodosia:

Unified Rescue Service and Fire Service - 101

Police - 102

Ambulance - 103

City information service - 109

Air ticket offices - 3-01-32

City bus station - 3-04-64

Intercity bus station, dispatcher - 7-10-52

Information railway station - 005


The excursion potential of Feodosia can hardly be overestimated - the city with a long history keeps the memory of the ancient Bosporus kingdom, the culture of the Sarmatians and Scythians, the Genoese Republic, Turkish rule and the Russian Empire. Among the sights of the city there are architectural monuments, ancient archaeological complexes, natural objects.

Once in Feodosia there was the capital of the Genoese colony - Kafa, surrounded by powerful fortress walls. Since then, fragments of a fortress with majestic quadrangular towers have been preserved in the city. Visitors to the historical and architectural reserve "Genoese Fortress Kafa" can see the southern wall of the citadel with the towers of St. Clement and Crisco, the pylons of the gates and the moat, several ancient churches and Turkish baths. Scattered fragments and individual towers can be seen on city streets and in parks.

The architectural appearance of Feodosia is unthinkable without villas and mansions of the 19th century, stretching along Aivazovsky Avenue in a chain. Here are the Spanish-Moorish mansion "Victoria" with intricate decorations on the facade, which belonged to the ancient Karaite family, the cottage "Milos", lavishly decorated with reliefs and statues of ancient Greek gods and heroes, caryatids, the famous cottage Stamboli, whose architecture combined modern and Moorish style.

Not inferior to villas and places of worship of different denominations and cultures - the Church of Ivan the Forerunner of the XIII century, the Friday mosque Mufti-Jami, crowned with a twelve-sided dome, the Armenian temple of Surb Sarkis, the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God of the Russian-Byzantine style.

The city parks and squares of Feodosia also store many attractions. Surrounded by the Jubilee Park is the Fountain for the Good Genius, also known as the Aivazovsky Fountain. The fountain was installed in gratitude to the Aivazovsky family, who donated more than 100,000 buckets of water per day to the city from their source. The composition is a bronze female figure with a seashell in her hands, crowned with an arcade with the inscription “To the great Aivazovsky and his disciples the grateful Feodosia”.

Another very remarkable building is located next to Aivazovsky Avenue and the embankment. Pushkin's grotto is designed to hide from the sun on a hot day. An arched entrance and a wrought-iron fence hide the artistic painting based on the works of the great poet.

Leisure at the resort

Restaurants. There are cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, pizzerias, trattorias and fast food outlets in Feodosia. Most of establishments lined up coastline... The restaurant "SunRise" is also facing the sea. Visitors are accommodated in a cozy tropical-style room in a bungalow or on an outdoor terrace overlooking the sea. SunRise serves European cuisine with original elements - Caesar salad with seafood, tiger prawn tails in a creamy sauce, delicious and light desserts.

You can touch the culinary traditions of sunny Georgia by visiting the Aragvi restaurant in the center of Feodosia. Oriental cuisine - lagman, shurpu, pilaf and pasties are presented in the menu of the "Gulsum" restaurant.

The title of the most cozy and atmospheric institution in Feodosia is the art-cafe "Entresol", located on the plane tree alley. Magnificent furniture, art forging, curly table lamps, bookshelves, intricate wall clocks and portraits of writers adorn the cafe halls. In "Antresoli" guests are offered dishes of European cuisine under original names such as Suprema Napolitana, Filete Veracruzan. In the evenings, literary readings are held in the art cafe, musical programms and concerts.

Beach Club 117, located on the outskirts of the resort, in the Golden Beach area, offers a charming view of the Feodosiya Bay, a wide selection of food and drinks, as well as evening and night entertainment. In addition, there are canteens and cafes in Feodosia offering simple and hearty dishes at reasonable prices.

Parks. There are several large park zones in Feodosia, but the embankment, framed by plane trees, poplars, thuja and cypress, and blown by the sea breeze, is a favorite place for walking for citizens and guests of the city.

In the city center next to railway station and the port is the Jubilee Park. In the shade of the park flora, benches and gazebos, a playground, as well as several sights - an ancient Genoese tower, an oriental-style fountain, a memorial to fallen soldiers - have taken refuge. In the heart of the Jubilee Park there is a flowering alley with a colonnade and a fountain.

One of the oldest green areas in the city - Morsad or Sailor's Garden on the site of the slave market of the times Ottoman Empire... The logical continuation of the garden is the plane tree alley along Gorky Street.

In the northern part of Feodosia, not far from the Aivazovskaya station, there is the Komsomolsky Park. Guests of the park will find wide shady alleys framed by Lebanese cedar, sycamore and acacia trees, playgrounds and sports grounds, secluded corners for quiet relaxation.

In addition, Feodosia has a network of small squares, boulevards and park areas with several walking paths and rows of benches.

Theaters and cinemas. There are several folk theaters in the city - the Belyanova folk theater and the Paradox theater. Performances based on classical and modern works are staged on the stage of the House of Culture and cinema and concert halls of resort institutions.

New films in 2D and 3D formats are shown in the Crimea, Ukraine and Pioner cinemas.

Museums. Feodosia pampers guests with interesting museum collections. Thus, the city has the National Art Gallery named after I.K. Aivazovsky, which has the largest collection of works by the great Russian marine painter. The exposition of the museum acquaints visitors not only with the work of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, but also with the history of his family and the gallery itself, with the works of foreign marine painters of the 18th-19th centuries.

The Feodosia Museum of Local Lore has a huge collection of antiquities. Behind the glass showcases are kept tools of the Paleolithic and Neolithic times, ancient figurines, amphorae and decorations from the times of the Bosporus kingdom, plates and coats of arms of the Genoese, dishes from the Ottoman period, documents and photographs.

People who are not indifferent to the history of Russian literature have the opportunity to visit the Alexander Grin House-Museum and the Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev Museum. The city also houses the Vera Mukhina Museum and the Money Museum.

In summer, commercial exhibitions of animals, birds, wax figures, and instruments of torture are held at the sites of Feodosia.

Entertainment and shopping centers. There are several small shopping centers in Feodosia, combining supermarkets, electronics stores, communication salons and cafes. For guests of the city, the doors of clubs, bars, beach complexes, bowling clubs and billiard rooms are open. Most of the disco bars and dance floors are located along the waterfront, foam parties and competitions are held on the beaches.

Water parks. There is no water park in Feodosia, but there is a modern water entertainment complex in Koktebel, just half an hour's drive from the city center. In the Koktebel water park, visitors will find extreme slides "Space Pipe", "Black Hole", "Kamikaze" and "Free Fall", closed pipe slopes, multislide slides, descent on inflatable rafts, complexes of children's slides.

Amusement parks. Several attractions - children's carousels, trampolines, a slingshot ride and a prize shooting range are located on the embankment of Feodosia. In summer, the Crazy Surf children's amusement park is open, featuring colorful carousels for toddlers. Electric car rentals and trampolines are available in city parks.

An adventure for children and adults can be a visit to the rope park in the Komsomolsk park. For visitors, there are several routes of different complexity, overcoming the obstacle course and riding a zip line.

Dolphinariums. Guests of Feodosia can visit the Nemo Dolphinarium. The complex hosts daily performances with bottlenose dolphins, fur seals , sea ​​lions. Romantic performances take place on Friday and Saturday nights.


The squares and parks of Feodosia regularly become the venue for art, theater and music festivals. Connoisseurs of beauty will appreciate the programs of the annual festival of arts "Cimmerian Muses", the International Festival of Chamber Music "Musical Constellation of Aivazovsky".

The annual events for Feodosia were the Festival of Author's Music, the International Theatrical Festival "Crimean Ark".

In September, the resort traditionally hosts the International Wine Festival "WineFeoFest". The holiday begins with a colorful procession, includes tastings, thematic exhibitions, and show programs.

Hotel in Crimea. Rest in the winter in Feodosia in a comfortable hotel with a swimming pool located just 5 meters from the well-groomed sandy beach... The convenient location allows you to enjoy your vacation without worries: nearby there is everything that a tourist might need - shops, cafes, restaurants, bus stop... The hotel also has its own shop where you can buy fresh food and drinks. The hotel offers a children's playground and a bar. The windows overlook the sea. Private parking is available on site.

to the beach 0 meters

Hotel in Crimea. Rest in the winter in Feodosia in a comfortable hotel located in close proximity to the sea, or rather, along the sea. Here the windows offer picturesque views of the Black Sea and the Crimean Mountains. At your service are comfortable spacious economy class rooms, a spacious private beach, an equipped playground, a mini market, a pizzeria, a cafe with a summer terrace, a barbecue area, and Wi-Fi internet in the rooms.

to the beach 50 meters

Hotel in Crimea. Winter rest in Feodosia in a comfortable hotel located a few meters from cote d'azur The Black Sea. There is a well-developed infrastructure near the hotel, there are various cafes and grocery stores. There are nearby attractions where a tourist can visit the Aivazovsky Gallery, the Genoese Fortress, Pushkin's Grotto, the Karadag Nature Reserve and drive to the Taigan Zoo.

In the southeast of the Crimean peninsula, the city of Feodosia is located, known as a major commercial port and, of course, an excellent resort, which is traditionally chosen by a huge number of family vacationers. Developed tourist infrastructure and favorable location are just some of the reasons for the popularity of Feodosia as a resort. People come here not only to relax, but also to improve their health. This is facilitated by the sea ionized air, as well as the availability of resources in the form of healing silt mud and natural mineral waters.

The cleanest sea, gentle sun, favorable climate and rich historical heritage the region attracts tourists here not only in summer, but throughout the year. The population of Feodosia exceeds 68,500 people, but at the "peak" of the season, this number increases significantly. Many people choose this resort for family vacation, but there are no less cheerful companies of young people, as well as elderly people who stay not in hotels in Feodosia, but in sanatoriums and boarding houses. No one will be bored here, because in addition to numerous beaches, cafes, restaurants and amusement parks, bright parties in bars and nightclubs await you, and, of course, a rich and interesting excursion program... They love sports in Feodosia, because it is here that hang gliding and sailing regatta competitions are held, but that's not all! The resort often hosts various festivals, including theater, music, wine and many others. The nature of Feodosia is incredibly beautiful, being here, surrounded by mountains and southern vegetation, you will feel like in a fairy tale.

If we talk about Big Feodosia, in addition to the city of Feodosia itself, it includes several resort villages:

If we talk about the beaches of Feodosia, they are completely different. So, here you will see wide beaches with rich golden sand and small shells, the so-called "silver" beach in Fox Bay, which got its name from the sand with fine gravel, as well as pebble beaches in the Kara-Dag bays. Among the latter, special attention should be paid to the beaches of Carnelian Bay, which are covered with colored pebbles. A characteristic feature of the beaches of Big Feodosia is that they are wide and shallower, for this reason they often stay at this resort with small children. It is worth noting that there is a Dolphinarium in the Karadag Bay, so here you can not only swim a lot, but also see a bright and colorful show with the participation of dolphins, fur seals and other inhabitants of the Black Sea.

Holiday season in Feodosia

Feodosia - amazing beautiful resort, which is especially fond of all those who prefer to relax on the seaside. It is not for nothing that this place was chosen many years ago by outstanding personalities, including Aivazovsky, Voloshin and Chekhov, because it is incredible beautiful nature, healing air and a favorable climate is the main thing that these places are famous for.

Rest in Feodosia in the summer

Already at the end of May, tourists begin to come to the resort, but nevertheless, the optimal time for comfortable swimming begins in June, when the water temperature warms up to + 21- + 22 ° C, towards the end of the month it reaches + 23 ° C, but in July and in August, the water in the Black Sea becomes very warm and is + 24- + 26 ° C. The excitement for housing, namely, hotels in the center of Feodosia, becomes strong in mid-June, when the air temperature "starts" from + 23 ° C in the afternoon and does not drop until the end of summer. In general, the summer in Feodosia is hot, but relatively dry, due to which the heat is tolerated quite easily. Heavy rains can take you by surprise in late summer, but they do not drop temperatures.

Velvet season in Feodosia

If you have not had the opportunity to escape from the noisy and dusty metropolis in the summer, you have a great chance to do it in early autumn, because the velvet season is a favorable period for relaxation in all respects. There is no more sweltering heat, but the temperature of the water and air still allows you to comfortably spend time on the beaches, there are fewer tourists, and housing prices are falling significantly.

Rest in Feodosia in autumn and spring

A vacation at a resort in March can be overshadowed by the whims of the weather that is not yet stable during this period, since the first evening sun can be replaced by thick fog or dust storms and rains. In April, it gradually begins to warm, and nature plays with bright colors, trees and shrubs bloom. Well, in the period May holidays the thermometer rises to + 18- + 20 ° C, but do not forget that it is still cool in the evenings.

Autumn in Feodosia is an order of magnitude warmer than in spring. If we talk about the first half of autumn, then this is the aforementioned "velvet season", which is characterized by calm and pleasant warm weather. It gradually begins to get colder from the end of October, and until mid-November, the weather in Feodosia is mostly clear, cooling and precipitation occur only by the end of November. Autumn is the best time for paragliding as you will see a huge number of brightly colored canopies floating in the air.

Rest in Feodosia in winter

Winter at the resort does not last long, and it rarely snows at all, it rains much more often during this period in Feodosia. In winter, the thermometer ranges from +3 to + 6 ° C, frosts occur only at night, while they are insignificant. Quite often in winter, the air temperature rises to + 14- + 16 ° C, this weather is more reminiscent of spring or autumn than winter. The disadvantage of rest during this period is that most cafes and restaurants are closed, otherwise you will have access to numerous attractions of the resort and, of course, its unique nature, attracting tourists to Feodosia.

10 things to do in Feodosia:

  • Visit the Aivazovsky Art Gallery.
  • Take a memorable photo in front of the panel at the Green Museum.
  • Swim on the shell-shell Golden Beach, which is atypical for the Crimea.
  • The whole family should visit the amusement park in Primorsky.
  • Visit the old wineries.
  • Spend an evening in a cozy cafe or restaurant by the sea.
  • See the most beautiful reserve Karadag.
  • Visit the ancient temple of St. Dmitry Thessaloniki in Ordzhonikidze.
  • Enjoy the stunning sunset.
  • See the old Genoese fortress.

Where to stay - hotels in Feodosia

On the territory of Big Feodosia, a lot of options for various accommodation facilities are presented. These include sanatoriums and boarding houses, recreation centers, mini-hotels, apartments and much more. Moreover, here you can find both budget accommodation and book a room in a 4-star hotel, on the territory of which there are several restaurants and bars, a SPA complex and other services. The cost of accommodation in hotels in Feodosia depends on the category of the accommodation facility, as well as the distance from the beach.

Every year the flow of tourists choosing Feodosia for families with children is only growing. Everyone comes here for something different: someone to soak up the beach, someone - exclusively for active rest... If you have chosen Feodosia for a vacation with the whole family, you should worry in advance about where to stay and what to see with your children.

What entertainment for children is there in Feodosia?

Thanks to priceless climatic conditions and a wide range of interesting and recreational recreation, in Feodosia you can have a great rest for families with children at any time of the year. Where to go with a child in Feodosia, we will consider in this article.

Dolphinarium Nemo (oceanarium)

There is not a single child who does not love dolphins. Science has long proven that communication with these mysterious inhabitants sea ​​not only evens out the psycho-emotional background of a person, but also can help in the fight against many mental and neurological diseases. In addition, dolphins are very funny creatures, hanging out with which will not leave indifferent even an uncommunicative kid.

What to see with children in Feodosia? Of course, dolphins, which you can feed and even swim with them in one of the best Crimean dolphinariums - "Nemo". A set of entertainment programs: meeting dolphins, swimming with dolphins, feeding, etc. Even a couple of hours of communication with these funny mammals will allow your baby to recharge with positive emotions for the whole year.

In addition, dolphin therapy sessions are held within the described dolphinarium. Such classes are held under the guidance of specialists, thanks to which they can be used for the rehabilitation of children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, neurological pathologies and autism.

Also, festivals are regularly held here, where the artists (they call the local bottlenose dolphins in no other way) show the real wonders of acrobatics under the guidance of their coaches. At the end of the performance, each child can take a picture with his favorite dolphin.

Crocodile farm

And also, you can go with children to a crocodile farm in Feodosia. If everyone knows about the existence of dolphinariums, then about crocodile farms few have heard. However, in Feodosia there is also such an unusual institution. The entrance here costs only 150 rubles, and children under 7 years old accompanied by a parent can enter for free.

For such a small amount, everyone can literally plunge into the world of reptiles. There are rare breeds of turtles and crocodiles here. The entire first floor of the farm is dedicated to these amazing creatures. However, you should be careful, because crocodiles are extremely dangerous creatures. However, local guides can tell about this and much more. The second floor of the farm is not so "dangerous": it is inhabited by fish and small marine animals.

Amusement park on the waterfront

Just a few steps from the Embankment is located large park attractions. Here are collected activities available for children of all ages. The entire park is conventionally divided into zones with entertainment of different "danger".

For babies from 2 to 6 years old, the following are perfect:

  • Swimming pool with jet skis;
  • Trampoline;
  • Locomotive;
  • Carousel.

Children from the age of 6 (but only accompanied by their parents) can go to attractions such as:

  • Swans;
  • Orbit;
  • Merry slides;
  • Little dragon;
  • Cars;
  • Room of fear.

Well, adults may well tickle their nerves on the rides:

  • Hammer;
  • Bench;
  • Chain, etc.

Children's play center South Park

« South Park"Is a kind of mini-city under the roof, intended for the entertainment of children in Feodosia. This place is more suitable for younger children, as the attractions here are quite simple:

  • Inflatable slides;
  • Corner with soft cubes;
  • Pool with balls;
  • Balloon racing;

All entertainment here is as safe as possible, so even a child who has barely learned to walk can be safely brought here. The center of the park is decorated with a small fountain. Children's music is always played here, and the kids are very reluctant to leave this town.

Hang gliding museum

But visiting the Feodosia hang-gliding museum will be interesting for both children and adults. Here is a huge archive of materials from famous Russian and Soviet aviators. And the entire path of creation and development of domestic aviation is reflected in the countless number of exhibits. Each aircraft presented in the exposition, as they say, "on the go." You can see this with your own eyes here.

In the museum you can learn everything about the scientific and design activities of Efimov, Utochkin, Matseevich, Gorshkov, Popov, Rudnev and other outstanding scientists.

By the way, it was in the vicinity of Feodosia that the first pilot training center was once established. There is even a mountain "Letnaya", from where the first hang-gliders and gliders once soared into the sky.
Now, hang gliding competitions are held annually in these places.

Museum of antiquities

Entertainment for children in Feodosia can be educational. The Museum of Antiquities, also known as the Feodosia Museum of Local Lore, was created back in 1810. Since then, his foundation has become truly rich. For two centuries, exhibits were brought here from all parts of the Peninsula - first of all, from Sudak, Kerch, etc. The collections were also replenished thanks to the local residents.

The fund of the museum is replenished almost daily, because excavations on the territory of Crimea do not stop for a minute.

You should definitely visit the following halls and expositions:

  1. Russian Crimea;
  2. The Great Patriotic War;
  3. Karaimskaya Sloboda;
  4. Archeology, etc.

Ticket prices for this museum start at 70 rubles (child ticket). Children under 7 years old can enter free of charge.

House-Museum of A. Grin

The most curious can go on an excursion to Chekhov's house. Previously, this museum was part of the local history museum, but over the years it began to work autonomously. In Soviet times, there was a tradition of making houses where famous people once lived into something like a living monument-museum. The same fate is at the house of the famous writer A. Green.

This place is a must-see when vacationing in Feodosia with children. The museum attracts admiring glances even on the approach to it, because it is made in the form of a large ship.

Inside you can find a huge collection of manuscripts, newspaper articles and clippings, portraits and many documents related to the life and work of the writer.

The real highlight of the interior is its decoration with ship decoration items. Here you can see sails, bells, navigational instruments, ropes and much more.

Thematic excursions are constantly held for children, interesting lectures are read. Contemporary art exhibitions are often held in the neighborhood.

Boat trips in Feodosia

Being in Feodosia with children, you can get into the present cruise... Moreover, you can make such a walk both on a small boat and on a real motor ship.

If you want to take an hour-long boat trip, you can just take a leisurely swim in the waters of the bay. If you need a long "swim" on a comfortable boat, you can choose a route from the following:

  • Kara-Dag - Golden Gate;
  • Sudak - New World;
  • Koktebel - Kara-Dag;
  • Golden Beach - Koktebel, etc.

On a note: Long walks are made on the beautiful and comfortable ship "Mikhail Svetlov".

Water activities and attractions on the waterfront

As in any coastal city, in Feodosia you can plunge headlong into the world of water entertainment. Many such attractions are arranged specifically for children:

  • Water trampolines;
  • Funnels;
  • Inflatable bridges;
  • Castles on the water;
  • Riding a scooter, banana, etc. (only accompanied by adults);
  • Jet skis;
  • "Pills", etc.

Attractions in the vicinity of Feodosia, which are worth visiting with the whole family:

Water park in Koktebel

Many go with children to Feodosia, knowing that there is an excellent one in Koktebel not far away. It is traditionally divided into two zones: adult and children's. For kids, everything is organized not only brightly, but also as safely as possible.

Even on the way to the water park, everyone can see a huge variegated mushroom - it is he who is the center of the children's zone. On different sides of the mushroom fountain, there are many low slides with images of heroes of famous cartoons and fairy tales. There is also a beautiful pool with octopuses and elephants. Every child will definitely find something to do here. After all, it is simply impossible to be bored here.

An interesting fact is that children, whose height has not reached 1 m, can be accompanied by an adult to the water park for free.

In this institution you can watch a real theatrical performance, where the main characters are bottlenose dolphins. The Karadag Dolphinarium is one of the oldest on the peninsula. In addition to the dolphins themselves, here you can meet friendly fur seals. There is also a special show program called "auction". Its essence is that dolphins and seals themselves bring pictures to the audience, and they name the price for them.

Although tickets to this dolphinarium are quite cheap, spending starts with an “auction”. You will also have to pay here for photo and video filming. Dolphin therapy sessions for children with health problems are also held here. The natural reserve - the volcano Kara-Dag Kara-Dag - is a place where you should not go with very young children. Still, the way here is not so close. However, teenagers and older children withstand it easily, which allows you to enjoy the views famous volcano and stock up positive impressions from the trip.

You can go here only when accompanied by an experienced guide. He will carry out interesting excursion, and will tell the story of this place in a gripping way.

Many people come here to capture the silhouettes of an extinct volcano. These views are one of the visiting cards of these places. I must say, there is something to admire. Kara-Dag amazes the eyes of tourists both from the sea and from land. Take at least the names of some of its peaks and sections:

  • Retinue;
  • Throne;
  • Gingerbread horse;
  • King with queen, etc.

Genoese fortress

Holidays with children in Feodosia will not be complete if you do not go on an excursion to the Genoese fortress. This building is one of the oldest in Crimea, over the years it has become a real tourist "Mecca". Unfortunately, today not much remains of the once frightening bastion. But this does not mean that there is nothing to see here. The walls of the famous stronghold, its main citadel and part of the defensive fortifications have survived to this day.

Many people are in a hurry to see it until the restoration began here in order to enjoy the spirit of living history. The towers of St. Clement and Crisco are also well preserved here. You can still see the famous bridge leading to the fortification. You can also see the famous Turkish baths and churches that have survived from the depths of centuries.

Where to eat with a child in Feodosia: cafe canteens and restaurants of the city

Resting with a child in Feodosia, you need to take care of his nutrition. Fortunately, there are many places where you can feed your child. Here are the most frequently visited establishments:

  • Bistro "Gallery";
  • Arcadia Restaurant;
  • Burger club;
  • Cafe "Old Town".

Where to stay in Feodosia with children

Families with children are most often looking for establishments where they can stay inexpensively, but with the comfort of home. There are such places in Feodosia in a large number... But most of all, the prices will please in the following hotels and boarding houses:

  1. Villa Victoria;
  2. Hotel "Valentina";
  3. Guest house "May 1";
  4. Pension "Feodosia";
  5. Pension "Ukraine".

Conveniently and inexpensively for rest, you can stay in a sanatorium. For example, the Voskhod sanatorium would be an excellent option for families with children.

Renting housing from owners is also traditionally popular. You can rent an inexpensive house right by the sea - in its entirety or in a separate room. Some families prefer to rent a small apartment for the duration of their vacation. Prices for rental housing in Feodosia vary depending on the season. Overall, however, they are fairly democratic. In any case, accommodation and recreation with children in Feodosia will be inexpensive.