Business for daily rent. How to make a daily apartment rental business. There is no problem with the laundry. There is only laziness

The best option for starting a business without investment will be a daily apartment of the living space. We will tell you how to do this correctly in the article.

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Business concept

Since this area is not new and has been well researched for a long time, we can say that either one-room apartments are popular, which are rented just to spend the night, or three-four-room apartments, in which guests of the city or students live.

From a profitability standpoint, one room is ideal. The owner saves on repairs, utility bills, and cleaning, while receiving the same money that he would have with larger apartment... This is due to the fact that the cost of housing is mainly calculated not for one person, but for the living space as a whole.

It is best to rent apartments near train stations, hospitals, and educational institutions. Due to the fact that housing can be left unattended for a while, it is better to give preference to the third and higher floor. This will slightly reduce the risk of break-ins and arson.

Upfront costs

Even if you have several apartments that belong to you personally, costs cannot be avoided. And the rate of recoupment of objects depends on how clearly the advertising is developed and all conditions are thought out.

Items that you simply cannot do without payment:

  1. Payment of utility bills. This expense item lies entirely with the property owners, even if the guests spent a whole month in the rented apartment.
  2. Payment for the services of cleaning companies or cleaners. Of course, these responsibilities can be performed independently, but having several apartments, it will not be easy to do this. And if you consider that the apartment can change guests every day, and you need to clean it after each, the apartment owners will have to devote their time to running around the facilities and cleaning.
  3. Advertising. Fortunately, there are many free message boards on the Internet that will allow you to convey information about the services you provide to potential customers. But the “sharks” of this market segment know that this is not enough, so they go for tricks, such as an agreement with taxi drivers, or the placement of promoters. The essence of such advertising is that a person who has just got off a bus or train usually goes either to a taxi, because to people who offer accommodation immediately near the train stations. The taxi driver can, as if by chance, recommend to guests good housing, and get your deserved percentage for it. The standard rate is 100 rubles for one occupied apartment.
  4. Do not forget about force majeure, which usually require significant waste. This can include equipment breakdown, repair costs, "flood" from neighbors, cockroach infestation, etc.
  5. If you do not rent your apartment, but rented, then the costs will be much higher.
  6. Payment for the services of realtors.
  7. Repair, preparation of housing for operation.

It should always be remembered that it is easier (and cheaper) to prevent troubles than to deal with them after the fact. If you know that the neighbors of the leased object have faulty plumbing or are "problematic", take care of this in advance. After the first flood from the neighbors from above, force them through the court to eliminate the malfunctions in their apartment, thus saving themselves from the source of danger.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs

Since we have already determined that renting out apartments is a business, and, with the right approach, very profitable, then it must be formalized in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that a person who rents out their own or rented housing under a social rental agreement (subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 67 of the RF LC) has the right to carry out their activities without. But for those who have more than five leased objects, it is better to play it safe and legalize their activities.

On the this moment in judicial practice, there are no cases of punishment of persons who rented out housing without the status of an entrepreneur. The thing is that the very fact of entrepreneurial activity in this case is difficult to prove, because in fact it is your property and you can dispose of it as you like.

But there are a number of clear advantages in registering an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Any claims against the tenants can be resolved if all cases have been properly processed.
  2. It is possible to prove the fact of residence of the person (persons) and damage to property in order to compensate for the damage only if you have a lease agreement in your hands.

Rent for an apartment (for sublease)

Sublease Is the process of re-renting real estate from a primary tenant to a secondary one. To register a sublease, a document is drawn up that has the format of a lease agreement and cannot have a validity period longer than the original document on renting a living space.

Persons who plan to sublease the rented real estate need to be aware that in case of violation of the terms of the contract by the subtenant, the primary tenant will still have to answer to the owner.

The same applies to non-payment of utilities, non-compliance with the rules for using the entrusted object, and damage to property.

Because of this circumstance, legally illiterate sub-tenants decide that they do not bear any responsibility and can easily violate all the terms of the contract. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for the landlord, this is not the case. The subleaser is responsible to the person with whom he has a written agreement.

If you decide to sublet your home, carefully read the terms of the contract, and remember that the clause on a possible increase in payment is quite reasonable - if the owner raises the rates for the tenant, he, in turn, will have to raise them for you.

Payment for the services of a realtor

But if you nevertheless decide to build a successful business in the field of rental housing, then you cannot do without the services of realtors. Such companies will allow the owner or tenant to find living space. The bottom line is no downtime and constant income.

The main thing is to contact trusted companies that can be trusted not only by you, but also by people who are looking for housing.

Home improvement

Undoubtedly, it is possible to rent out Soviet-style apartments, but do not forget that rumors spread quickly. Even if several people, due to ignorance or lack of an urgent alternative, stop in such conditions, then in a few weeks even realtors will not agree to cooperate with you.

You need to invest in improvement. If you do not have funds for a major renovation, first take care of the health of the plumbing, the availability of hot water, good sleeping places, a washing machine, and a refrigerator.

For many clients, it is not so much the style and decor that matters as the functionality and cleanliness of the home. Therefore, even if the wallpaper in the apartment is not the newest, there simply should not be any mold and torn edges!

Fixed costs

From the entire list of expenses mentioned above, we can single out those that are permanent and cannot be avoided if you are aiming for a good result:

  • taxes (if you still issued an individual entrepreneur);
  • rent (if the apartment is not yours);
  • advertising (maybe free);
  • cleaning and washing;
  • public Utilities;


The amount of income and the rate of recoupment of the project directly depend on:

  • the initial state of the living space;
  • the quality and quantity of advertising;
  • the work of realtors;
  • your relationship to customers;
  • the area where the dwelling is located;

Usually, full-time daily rentals can recoup the costs in less than six months, provided that there are no major overhaul costs.

How to find clients?

The most productive ways to find clients are:

  1. Advertisements on Internet sites.
  2. Arrangement of promoters at train stations and agreement with taxi drivers.

This way, customers find you on their own. Working on the Internet (creating communities in in social networks, constant updating of the ad) greatly facilitates the process of finding an apartment.

Renting out an apartment purchased with a mortgage

The fact that someone bought an apartment with borrowed funds does not make him an inferior owner. Therefore, housing, taken out on a mortgage, can be rented out in the same way as bought for cash.

All items related to the disposal of housing are spelled out in the "Law on Mortgage". In theory, the bank can prohibit such activities, but will not do so. It is foolish for the banking system to block the person who issued the mortgage with an additional source of income, which increases the chances of timely and full repayment of the debt.

Risks, pitfalls

The main danger of such a business- the safety of the apartment. But it can be minimized by issuing an individual entrepreneur and drawing up a lease agreement between guests and owners (tenants, sub-tenants).

Always ask for a passport from persons you check in, even for a day. And remember, having in your hands a simple copy of your passport without a contract, you are not entitled to any kind of claim. Safety or economy - the choice is yours.

Business advantages and disadvantages

As in any business, renting a personal or rented apartment for daily rent has its advantages and disadvantages.

The first include:

  1. Fast payback.
  2. Almost constant monitoring of the condition of the living space.
  3. High demand.
  4. Optional registration of an individual entrepreneur.
  5. Small investment (subject to good initial condition of the apartment).

The disadvantages, perhaps, include only the risks that appear in the case of renting an apartment without the appropriate documents.

Daily renting of an apartment can bring a good and stable income if everything is organized correctly. This service is very popular due to the fact that it is much cheaper for visiting tourists to rent an apartment than a hotel room.

Since this area of ​​earning money is not new, it has already been well studied. One-room apartments or four-room apartments are especially popular. Of course, from a rational point of view, one-room apartments are considered an ideal option - the owner of the area saves not only on electricity and heating, but can also afford to make a luxurious renovation.

The owner of a one-room apartment will not lose money for money, since the price of housing is calculated not for one tenant, but for the entire area.

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Apartments located near the train station, schools and hospitals are very popular. Since it often happens that such housing is empty, it is better to buy an apartment on the third and fifth floors, this will significantly reduce the risk of criminal activity.

Daily rent - business features

From time immemorial, real estate was considered the most profitable investment, because many citizens, having free money, buy real estate. With the correct and accurate conduct of business, you can significantly improve your financial situation without risks.

The most the best option renting your own living space is considered, of course, there are businessmen who start their own business in the rented space, but this is not the case.

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Some citizens even take out an apartment on a mortgage, and then they safely rent it out to tenants, thus they not only cover the monthly mortgage loan, but also manage to earn a little on it.

Pros and cons of such earnings

For owners rented apartments the advantages are as follows:

  • good income without risks and investments;
  • if necessary, you can use the housing yourself;
  • when selling an apartment at a time when a potential client is being searched, you can rent an apartment to newcomers;
  • if the owner of the area cooperates with realtors, he will be provided with a flow of clients;
  • no need to issue an individual entrepreneur, which significantly reduces the financial costs of paying taxes.

How to make money by renting apartments by the day?

Cons of such a business:

  • if the apartment is a mortgage, then the bank can prohibit its leasing to other people, it can not only fine the owner of the real estate, but also take the apartment altogether;
  • conflicts with neighbors arise, since a constant flow of customers can disrupt the usual life of the residents of the house;
  • there are clients who are not conscientious, who can simply ruin property - break a window, tear wallpaper, break equipment, and so on.

Underwater rocks

Often there are dishonest clients who spoil property and do not want to pay for it later, so that such unpleasant situations do not arise, you need to issue an individual entrepreneur and draw up a lease agreement with each client. Also, when checking into an apartment, you always need to take a passport from the guest, make a copy of it with the registration address.

Nowadays it is a very profitable business, but you will think that this is impossible and you will be wrong. Following the link, you will find detailed instructions on how to start this business and make it profitable.

At the same time, we want to emphasize that even if there is a photocopy of the client's passport on hand, if the property is damaged, the owner of the premises will not be able to make a claim if he does not have a contract. Therefore, here you need to choose - saving money or safety and security of property.

Rental business: how and where to start

The first thing to do is to study all legal regulations carefully. First, of course, you need to go through a banal registration of a legal entity, in other words, you need to open an individual entrepreneur if you plan to do this business for a long time. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the costs of accounting, today it costs about 5,000 thousand rubles to open an individual entrepreneur.

If the apartment will be rented exclusively for legal entities, then in this case you will have to register as a Limited Liability Company. In this case, such a procedure will cost a little more, about 15 thousand. In order to calmly and consistently earn in this area of ​​business, you need to pay about 15% of the profit to the tax service every month or twice a year.

This video will tell you how to start a business in the field of daily rent of an apartment:

Of course, not all apartment owners can make good money. In order for a living space to bring a good and stable income to its owner, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Long lease term, at least one year.
  2. Good location. The apartment should be located in the city center, where the infrastructure is developed.
  3. Nice and modern renovation.
  4. The presence of the necessary furniture in the apartment: sofa, air conditioner, refrigerator, microwave oven, TV, washing machine. This is only the minimum that should be in a rented apartment, otherwise there will be no people wishing to move in at all.

Step-by-step instructions for renting an apartment

Previously, the requirements that the apartment must meet were announced. When the premises are completely ready to receive guests, you need to take care of the legal side of the business. It is imperative to open an individual entrepreneur in order to be able to draw up a lease agreement with each client, this will protect the owner of the property from unexpected troubles.

After all legal issues are resolved, you can start looking for a potential client. To do this, you need to use the Internet: you can place an ad on a popular site, for example, Avito. In order to attract customers as much as possible, it is necessary to present the information correctly.

The ad must indicate the location of the apartment, its cost, the availability of furniture, and Additional services, if any. You can advertise your apartments via the Internet, for which you can use groups in contact or classmates.

Do you have free space, but you do not want to rent it out, and its maintenance is not cheap? You can and the maintenance of the premises will definitely pay off. All details on the link.

Local newspapers and magazines also do not need to be bypassed; there you can also submit a similar ad with a phone number and an apartment address. There is no need to save on advertising, spending a couple of thousand can get much more customers.

Business plan based on income and expenses

In the beginning, the owner of such real estate, of course, will have to spend a little, 30 thousand rubles will be enough, with this money you can draw up documentation, pay for advertising and buy the most necessary things for the apartment: disposable slippers, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, and so on.

An example of an apartment for rent.

The average daily rent of a one-room apartment is about 1,500 rubles. We multiply this amount by 30 days and get 45 thousand rubles, now we subtract 15% of the tax and get a net profit per month of about 30 thousand.

But again, it all depends on the number of rooms, the furnishings in the apartment, and so on. You can rent it much more expensive and more profitable, everything is purely individual. And if a person has not one, but several apartments for rent, this increases profits at times.

How is the registration of an individual entrepreneur

As mentioned earlier, it is possible not to open an individual entrepreneur when running such a business, but in this case there are great risks, for example, a tenant will ruin furniture or break a window. If there is a lease agreement, if such a situation arises, it will be possible to return the money for the damage caused.

Features of payment for sublease

Subleasing is a process involving two tenants. For the correct registration of a sublease, a document must be drawn up that looks like a lease agreement and does not have a long validity period. The subtenant is fully responsible for the rented property and will be responsible for its damage to the real owner.

If a suitable apartment is subleased, you must carefully study all the terms of the contract. It often happens that the true owner of an apartment raises the price for the tenant, and he, naturally, in order not to go into the negative, raises the price of living space to the client.

Today, many Russian citizens consider realtors to be swindlers. This perception has also been reinforced by frequent cases of fraud by real estate firms. But if a person is determined to start a business in the field of renting apartments, then it is definitely impossible to do without the help of realtors and a plan.

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Such firms allow the owner to find a solvent client. The result is a stable income and no downtime. The most important thing is to contact a trusted company that has proven itself on the positive side.

Monthly income and expenses

Of the frequently occurring housing costs, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Tax (if an individual entrepreneur was issued).
  2. Renting an apartment (if it is not owned).
  3. Advertising (you can also find free advertising, but it will be ineffective).
  4. Apartment cleaning and bed linen washing (in order to save money, you can do it yourself).
  5. Payment of utility services.

You can find out all about the daily rent of apartments in this video:

The size of the potential income and the direct payback of this project depend on the following factors:

  • the initial state of the apartment;
  • quality of advertising;
  • the work of the realtors themselves;
  • location of the apartment.

Usually, daily rent fully utilized apartments pay off all expenses in less than five months, subject to renovation costs.

Renting out a living space purchased with a mortgage

Anyone who bought real estate with a mortgage is already a full-fledged owner, despite the fact that he has to pay for a loan every month.

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Buying real estate is not only a way to preserve your own savings, but also an opportunity to make money on it by reselling or renting it out. This is one of the liquid and unique assets. There are two main aspects that are guided by businessmen who invest in real estate: the desire to save their money in the face of inflation and the desire to increase their income by reselling real estate or renting it out.

  • Pros and cons of renting out an apartment
  • How much can you earn by renting out an apartment?
  • Place matters
  • New building or "secondary housing" - what to choose?
  • Renting apartments by the day
  • What documents are needed to rent out an apartment?

Pros and cons of renting out an apartment

The purchase of a home for the purpose of further renting out are the most common investment transactions. It will not be possible to make money quickly on such an operation, the average rental income is 3.5-5% per annum of the cost of an apartment. But this is a promising and long-term investment of funds, over time, you can move adult children here or sell it, for the purpose of construction country house... Of course, renting out an apartment requires some trouble: you need to constantly look for tenants, maintain the apartment, and do cosmetic repairs.

Before the crisis of 2008-2010. the number of "investment" transactions, subsequently associated with earning income, amounted to about a third of all transactions on the Russian market. Gradually, their share decreased to 20%, and now it is 15%. At the same time, the number of long-term investors who purchase real estate for the future has increased.

The attachment Money in the purchase of real estate is a long-term project, but more reliable than a bank deposit. A bank deposit can be placed at 10-12% per annum in rubles, but one must also take into account possible risks: recently there have been many bankrupt banks. Banks with a solid reputation give low interest rates.

How much can you earn by renting out an apartment?

Let's take a look at a table that clearly demonstrates rental income:

Apartment optionsApartment costRental income per month, in rublesRental income per year, in rubles
Room800 000 7 000 84 000
1 bedroom apartment1 900 000 14 000 168 000
2-room apartment2 700 000 18 000 216 000
3-room apartment3 500 000 22 000 264 000

But in addition to income, there are fixed costs - these are: apartment renovation, rent and utility bills (if this is not included in rent), insurance and income tax.

Apartment optionsRent and utility bills per year, in rublesTax (13% of rent)RedecoratingInsuranceTotal expenses per year
Room24 000 10 920 6 000 3 200 44 120
1 bedroom apartment30 000 21 840 12 000 7 600 71 440
2-room apartment42 000 28 080 24 000 10 800 104 800
3-room apartment60 000 34 320 36 000 14 000 144 320

The profitability and payback period are influenced by the size of the initial investment in real estate, renovations, as well as the distance from transport hubs. The payback periods for apartments purchased for their own money are more than 10 years, and those taken on a mortgage are even longer. You can get up to 96 thousand rubles a month from a one-room apartment.

Apartment optionsApartment cost, in rublesNet income, in rublesIncome in%
Room800 000 39 880 4,98%
1 bedroom apartment1 900 000 96 560 5,08%
2-room apartment2 700 000 111 120 3,88%
3-room apartment3 500 000 119 680 3,42%

Place matters

Tenants, and especially foreigners, are not interested in the historical location of the apartment, but in good transport links and the availability of the necessary services. If there is no money to buy an apartment in Moscow, then you can start buying an apartment in the Moscow region. The rental income of such an apartment will be 10-15% lower than in the capital, but the funds for the purchase of an apartment will also be spent 50% less.

The price of an apartment and, accordingly, the cost of rent, for housing located near metro stations and railway stations... It is worth keeping an eye on the construction of new metro lines and buying apartments for rent there. In Moscow, apartments in areas outside the Moscow Ring Road, where the metro arrives, are skyrocketing in price. For example, in Mytishchi, the cost of buying and renting housing increased by 30%.

There will also be no loss for the option of purchasing housing in areas close to airports. At not so high costs, such apartments bring a stable income.

New building or "secondary housing" - what to choose?

When housing is purchased, for subsequent renting out, two things need to be considered: how long will it take to recoup the investment, and how much the housing will cost in the future. If you put the question of the payback of funds to the fore, then you need to buy an old building.

Most of the proposals on the apartment market are old-built apartments. And the demand for them is quite high, renting an apartment at a lower price is more profitable than paying for renting an apartment. Although there is also a demand for them, some want to live in newly built houses and apartments filled with modern furniture and appliances.

Apartments in a new building are more expensive, and accordingly, their payback will be longer. But at the same time, renting in a new building will cost more. If an apartment is purchased on the primary market, then it is recommended to buy it from a large developer who has experience in commercial development, as well as joint mortgage lending programs with state banks. The developer sells apartments in accordance with federal law FZ-214.

So, the apartment has been purchased and you have decided to renovate it. One of the main mistakes landlords make is to renovate an economy class apartment in a business class. Believe me, tenants will not appreciate it, and you will spend quite a lot of money. Business-class apartments are another matter, they must be equipped with expensive furniture and design repairs must be carried out here.

Renting apartments by the day

Another type of income is renting apartments for rent. These services are used by business travelers and tourists who do not want to overpay for hotels. The most in demand are middle-class apartments, the cost per day ranges from 1.5-3.5 thousand rubles. The rent of this property is on average 50 %% of the total rent. The next in demand are elite apartments, the rental price of which is 3.5-6.3 thousand rubles per month.

Of course, this business, like any other, has its negative aspects, the apartment can be idle for some time. But during the autumn-spring period, and especially in holidays, real estate of the middle class is filled by 100%, and the cost of rent these days increases by 2 times.

What documents are needed to rent out an apartment?

After purchasing a home and carrying out repairs, the apartment must be insured. We draw up a full insurance contract: we insure walls, interior decoration, property that is in the apartment, and, of course, civil liability (arson and fire caused by residents). For apartments that are rented, an increased rate of 50% is applied. For example, for an apartment on the outskirts of the capital, estimated at 7.5 million rubles, the insurance payment will be 15 thousand rubles.

If you yourself will be renting an apartment, then you must:

  1. Obtain consent from all its owners and registered persons to rent out the apartment.
  2. Post an ad and search for a tenant.
  3. The contract shall be concluded for a period of 11 months, in which it is necessary to indicate:
  • all persons who will live in the apartment (make copies of all passports);
  • how the rent will be paid monthly or quarterly;
  • who will pay utility bills (electricity, water, etc.);
  • rules for the use of electrical appliances;
  • when the landlord can visit the apartment, etc.

Connoisseurs of time can contact a law firm to draw up a lease agreement, this service will cost you 2 thousand rubles.

  1. Issue an apartment transfer certificate, in which to indicate all the faults at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
  2. Write receipts in which the landlord indicates that he received the money, and the tenant that he received the keys.

If your housing is municipal, then the Moscow government requires you to register it with the State Unitary Enterprise. To do this, you need to contact the "Moscow City Center for Rental Housing", here you need to bring: a statement, the consent of all owners to rent out an apartment, an extract from a personal account or house book, a social tenancy agreement. The cost of the service of the center's employees will cost you 1,600 rubles. After registration, the contract will be registered with the State Unitary Enterprise.

So, in this article we tried to highlight all the pros and cons of renting out an apartment, which apartments are better for renting out, in which areas, we also indicated that this business is a long-term project and its payback comes in a few years, but the project reliable and liquid, since whatever the rent and demand for rent, you have a liquid asset that you can use for your own purposes, or sell it.

The category of "business from scratch" can be safely attributed to the activity of renting apartments for rent. At the same time, you may not own apartments, but also earn on short-term rent. All that is needed for this is to find housing, the owners of which are ready to provide it on a sublease basis. Sublease is a form of agreement in which the right to rent out an apartment is, as it were, transferred.

A business like this might seem straightforward and easy to organize. But not everything is so smooth and calm. There are a lot of apartments for daily rent, but not all of them bring good money, and some do not justify the money invested in them at all.

It is good if the property already has a couple or three apartments. Even if one-room apartments (the most popular on the market), then the profitability will be higher. If there is no such property, you will have to rent housing for a long time and rent it out on a daily or hourly basis.

The whole difficulty in organizing a business comes down to finding suitable housing. Many owners, hearing the word "daily rent", immediately associate it with drunkenness, prostitution and other negative things. And no persuasion can change their opinion. Although, in fact, such apartments rarely need subsequent repairs, in contrast to apartments in long-term lease.

It is not profitable for subleasers to keep housing in poor condition, because they simply will not have clients. After each check-in, the apartment is carefully cleaned. What can not be said about long-term rent: tenants (and among them there are a lot of young people) in 90% of cases do not monitor the condition of the apartment. And they walk and drink in such apartments no less.

“To conclude a sublease agreement for an apartment you like, you have to lie a little to the owners. I say that I have agreements with some firms for the settlement of people who come on a business trip. And in this case, tenants will change frequently. If you agree to these conditions, then I will pay you a little more for the rent. The homeowners are worried at first, but when they see that everything is in order with their apartment, they calm down. And the opinion of the neighbors and the chairmen of the HOA they are already indifferent, "says the user" Rasklad "on the forum

It is best to look for apartments closer to the city center. It is much easier to find clients here. And the advertising costs are much less. It is also worth renting apartments as close to each other as possible - this will reduce transport costs. If one apartment is located 15 km from another, then transportation costs will be much higher.

Legalization of activities

The peculiarity of the business for daily rent of apartments is that it is difficult to control by the state. That is why a considerable part of businessmen work without registration of entrepreneurial activity and do not pay taxes. In some cases, this is justified, especially when it comes to 1 - 3 rented apartments and the income from the activity is not so large that it makes sense to legalize the business.

With the growth of the organization's turnover, when the organizer no longer has one or two apartments, but at least 5-6 apartments, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. With the registration of a business, it will be easier to find new apartments (homeowners trust organizations more than ordinary individuals). It will become calmer to work, since no one has canceled the fines for illegal entrepreneurial activity. There will always be envious people, including in the person of the chairmen of the HOA, who can report this to the police or the prosecutor's office. And in this case, you will always have documents. Everything will be within the law ..

Such a business is most often registered as an ordinary individual enterprise. To register a business with the tax office, you need to present an application, a photocopy of your passport and TIN, a receipt for payment of the state duty. The registration application should indicate OKVED codes: 55.23.5 "Activities of other places for temporary residence" and 70.20.1 "Renting out own residential real estate" (you can specify several codes). Within 5 working days after the submission of documents, you can receive a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. And you are the legal representative of the business.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the choice of the taxation system. All three well-known special regimes are suitable for such activities: patent (patent taxation system), UTII (imputation) and USN (simplified taxation). The most profitable option is a patent. You pay a fixed fee (about 10 thousand rubles) and work quietly for a whole year. You do not need to provide reports, keep accounting, etc. But the patent system is not adopted in all regions, which means that you have to choose between UTII (you can use up to 500 sq. M.) Or STS. These special modes are also beneficial (although they are somewhat more expensive), but you will have to keep accounting and submit reports on schedule.

It should be borne in mind that, having registered a business, you will have to pay income tax for apartment owners, which is 13% of the rental price. In order not to offend yourself, this issue should be discussed with homeowners at the stage of concluding a sublease agreement. These same 13% should rightfully be deducted from the cost of renting an apartment.

Hiring employees

If we are talking about building a business, and not about working “for the sake of work,” then the issue with employees should be resolved. If you have 2 - 3 apartments at your disposal, then somehow you can manage it alone. And if you work with 5 or more apartments, there is no way to manage it alone.

Imagine a picture: you have found a client, you are going to show him the apartment. While you are negotiating, you receive a call from the second client - you are distracted by the conversation. At this time, the third client moves out of the apartment, which already has another client, and you urgently need to put things in order in the apartment, etc., etc. And there can be a dozen or so small vain things like this a day. Your head will be spinning, which will affect the quality of work and the number of clients. Therefore, as the number of orders increases, you should consider hiring a maid to clean the apartments and a customer service manager. The cleaning lady can only be paid a percentage of the work done, without registering it with the state (so as not to pay insurance premiums). For a manager - a salary and a small percentage for motivation. Let him work with clients, answer calls, hold meetings, check the condition of apartments after guests, etc.

In this case, you have a lot of time that can be spent on searching for new apartments, on solving accounting and legal issues, on advertising services, on monitoring the work of personnel. There will be time for personal life, and business will be enjoyable.

How to advertise a service

Finding customers is one of the first tasks to be addressed. There will be no clients - there will be no income, and the obligations to pay rent will not go anywhere. The following options will help in creating a client base:

  • Placing advertisements in newspapers. An old and proven method, although with the advent of the Internet it becomes less and less relevant. But this does not mean that the media should be abandoned altogether. Many business travelers, upon arrival in an unfamiliar city, buy newspapers and find apartments there.
  • Posting leaflets in places popular for tourists and visitors. These are exits from the metro, bus and tram stops, auto and railway stations, central streets of the city.
  • Placing information on bulletin boards on the Internet: avito, slando, city portals, etc. Do not forget about drawing up a competent description, with an abundance of high-quality photos.
  • Try unique advertising techniques, such as writing ads on the pavement. All you need is a stencil and a can of paint.
  • You can negotiate cooperation with local taxi drivers, as often visitors hire a taxi at the airport and ask the driver to suggest where you can rent inexpensive housing.

Pitfalls in the "daily" business

Finding an apartment, legalizing business and settling issues with tenants are far from all the problems that await an entrepreneur in this area. One of the main problems is the lack of clients. For a business to generate income, each apartment must be at least 70% full. That is, out of 30 days - 21 days in rent.

Housing demand can be low not only because of high competition, but simply because of the seasonal downturn. In the summer in the central part of Russia, the demand for daily rental housing falls sharply. People are leaving on vacation, there are fewer business trips. For this reason, you should not open a business for the summer season. Some seasoned entrepreneurs in the off-season give up some of their rental housing in order to reduce fixed costs.

At the same time, for resort cities (Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa, etc.) summer is just the season. And in the fall and winter, such a business is idle.

We should also mention the mortgage and purchase of apartments on credit. On the forums, you can read ideas of the following content: “You can buy several apartments on a mortgage and rent them out for daily rent. It's better than paying the landlord. " The idea looks tempting, but not feasible for a number of reasons:

  1. To get a mortgage even for one apartment, the bank will have to like it a lot. He will demand a certificate of income from you, look at your credit history, ask you to find guarantors, etc. Your official income does not reach 30-50 thousand rubles. a month and the bank refuses you. If you want to arrange two apartments, then you will already need an income of 80 thousand rubles. And if you have such an income, then why do you need a mortgage and daily rent.
  2. From the point of view of investment, this option looks extremely unprofitable. The return on investment will be about 8-10 years, which is unthinkable for a normal, working business.

How much can you earn. Brief business plan

Long-term rent of a one-room apartment in Moscow will cost 25-30 thousand rubles. per month. This should take into account the costs of cleaning, advertising and depreciation (replacement of broken equipment and furniture) - about 5 thousand rubles. for an apartment per month. Such apartments can be rented out for an average of 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles.

Roughly the picture in the season should look like this:

Profit from the delivery of six apartments will be about 120,000 rubles. per month.

To determine the return on investment, the initial investment in the business should be considered. Each apartment will need to be brought to the required comfort - to make repairs, purchase furniture and appliances. At least 100,000 rubles should be allocated for each apartment. Therefore, six apartments will require an investment of 600,000 rubles.

Hence, the payback of investments according to the calculations given above will be from 6 months. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that there will be few clients in the first months. It will take more than one month to work before a permanent client base is developed and word of mouth begins to work. Therefore, the payback period can be safely multiplied by two.

If you are young and looking for a simple and straightforward business that does not require a lot of start-up capital, in which you can try your hand and hone your entrepreneurial skills, then the niche of subletting apartments is definitely for you. It looks like this: you rent an apartment from the owner for a long time and are looking for daily clients for it (for a higher price, of course).

The stratum cap is minimal here - the first month of rent, a deposit, and the same amount for putting the apartment in order. Even in Moscow, you can keep within 100,000 rubles, what other business will you start with this money?

About pitfalls, skerets and chips for attracting clients and how much you can really earn on daily rent, magazine Reconomica talked to a person who has been in this business for over 2 years.

How I found the daily rental business niche

My name is Alexander Poberezhsky , I have been renting apartments for 2 yearsdaily in Nizhnevartovsk... I didn't have my own apartments, I rented them and subleased them. Call me even a realtor, even a speculator, but you can make money on this.

I worked for a hired job merchandiser about six months, I was very tired of it, I wanted something of my own, to do a business that I like and brings good income. I think that anyone would like to work for themselves, to do a job that they like and to receive an appropriate reward for it.

Every morning, when I went to work, I paid attention to all sorts of advertisements that came across my way, I was looking for a business. At that time, I still had a forum on the Internet dedicated to making money, and my comrades and I actively discussed different types earnings and small business.

Renting apartments for rent is a profitable business!

One day I noticed that in our city, apartments are actively advertised on fences. daily. N The city of Nizhnevartovsk is young, it is only being built up, and in each microdistrict, the construction of multi-storey buildings was actively underway. These construction sites were fenced with slabs and fences made of professional sheet, and so on these fences themselves there was an advertisement for “apartments daily " ... I immediately realized that this is free advertising, and the real estate business is a very profitable business, and began to collect information about this business.

At that time, I had neither the knowledge nor the experience of working in real estate, but I had a burning desire to learn all this, because I was only placing beer in stores. In general, I will tell you how I myself began to engage in small business renting apartments. daily.

Short-term apartment rentals - growing business with a low entry threshold

To date, apartments for rent daily, are actively pushing ordinary hotels out of the market. Agree that it is much more convenient to rent an apartment, whether you are a newcomer or just wanting to relax and have a good time with a person of the opposite sex. In general, the advantages of apartments by the day a lot, I will not list all of them, I think you yourself guess about it.

How to find your first customers

By the way, today it is quite simple to advertise this service, you need to enter in the search engine “apartments by the day in Nizhnevartovsk ", and the search engine will give out many sites on this topic, most of them are free bulletin boards, that is, you add photos of apartments and descriptions to any of the sites (and, of course, your phone number) - and tomorrow you customers are calling.

After several months of work, you will definitely have repeated orders if your objects are clean and comfortable, and the price is within the market. The price should be monitored - as the competition grows, the price gradually decreases, the high price will scare off many potential customers.

The economy of subletting apartments. Calculation based on the example of a provincial town

So, now let's get back to the calculations - I will give them solely on the basis of my experience in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, in which I live.

Renting a 1-room apartment for a long term - that is, for a month - costs from 16,000 rubles, you can find it cheaper if you wish, it will cost 1,500 rubles per day, I take into account the most ordinary economy-class apartment. That is, if the apartment is rented out every day, you will earn about 45,000 rubles, subtract 16,000 rubles per month and get 29,000 rubles of net profit, I did not take into account the utility bills and consumables like toilet paper, soap, etc.

This is a rough initial calculation in order to understand the essence. In practice, it is impossible to achieve 100% occupancy for certain reasons. Demand is higher on weekends. If you rent apartments for the weekend for 2 days, then your object will be idle on weekdays. If you only search for clients who take from 5-7 days and more, you will end up with a bunch of one-time applications.

In practice, it is necessary to focus on the occupancy rate of 60-70%, with such a figure a stable profitability is achieved. In our example, if the occupancy rate is over 60%, after the costs of utilities and washing, you will receive 8-10 thousand rubles in profit from each apartment.

By the way, just recently, I myself again tried to do this business - I advertised my number on daily sites, I receive 1-2 calls consistently a day, so I think that the apartment will not be idle.

If you wish, you can expand the number of apartments to 2-3, or a mini-hotel of an apartment type, well, this already depends only on your efforts, accordingly, the profit will be much higher, I think that you can calculate yourself, I will only say that a 2-room apartment is long term for 1 month costs from 18.000-20.000 (also economy class). And renting this apartment for a day costs from 2000-2.200 rubles. Accordingly, if you rent a two-room apartment for 20,000 a month, and rent it out for 2,000 rubles, then you can earn a maximum of 60,000 rubles, in reality 40,000. Subtract the monthly rent (20,000 rubles), and we get about 20,000 profit from one apartment.

A two-room apartment is more profitable, although one-room apartments are in great demand. By the way, people who need an apartment for a day are most often interested in one-room apartments. V resort towns it's easier to find a family with children who needs exactly a two-room apartment, but couples and singles will rent a two-room apartment from you only if the city runs out of free one-room apartments and a hotel room is still more expensive.

Since one-room apartments are most often in demand, it would be nice to have two odnushki and one kopeck piece. For me it was the other way around: one odnushka and two kopeck pieces, my apartments brought in 5,500 rubles a day, not counting the rent that I paid to the owners.

How to agree with the owner that you will rent out his apartment for rent

Approximately such objects are in good demand.

There is no need to deceive the owners, saying, for example, that you will live in the apartment, or some specific people - for example, employees from the company oriflame. Remember that tomorrow you will advertise this apartment on the site avito in the heading for daily rent. Naturally, either the owners themselves, or perhaps realtor, who will help you rent an apartment, see your ad and inform the owners about it. Of course, you will be immediately evicted without refunding your deposit for violating the lease agreement.

Never trust people, there are many scammers in the world who are ready to cheat, always be on the alert, carefully check the apartment and do not allow people to live in debt, carefully check the documents. After each tenant, check all household appliances, be sure to check the stove to see if you forgot to turn it off. Also look at water metering devices to see if extra money is running away.

From theory to practice. How I started my rental business

Quite by chance, through a friend, I met a guy who was engaged in apartments for rent, that day we drove up to the pizzeria, and he took money from the tenant for a week, I immediately calculated, and it turned out to be about 10,000 rubles. In fact, he did nothing and received that kind of money, and I worked like a damn and earned 16,900 in a month as a merchandiser. It was then that I thought about seriously starting this business.

Look for clients first, and then for an apartment!

Naturally, we began to see this guy more often, we just played billiards in the evenings, sometimes I asked the secrets of this case. In general, in July I just started bombing fences every evening, painted ads like “square. day + number of a short, quickly remembered phone ”.

After a couple of weeks, people started calling my number, sometimes there were 20-30 missed calls a day. Naturally, I tried very hard, my ads were very different and stood out from the rest, I did 3D graffiti with black and colored sprays, in short, by the fall I painted the whole city and began to look for an apartment.

It was back in 2010, now there is the Internet and many different daily sites on which you can advertise both for a fee and for free.

The search for an apartment was long, in the evenings I pasted advertisements on the boards near the entrances, and in the morning they were torn down by the cleaning ladies, but I did not know about this, and therefore there were few calls from the owners of the apartments. Also at that time there was a newspaper of free advertisements "Fair". Under the heading demand, I posted my ad about renting an apartment. In general, almost a month later I managed to find an apartment, of course, it was scary, I did not know what to talk about with the owners and how to persuade the owner of the apartment that I would rent it by the day ... This is where my friend helped me, he explained everything.

Business tricks and secrets

When the owners called, I said that I was renting an apartment for the organization, people would change, civil engineers would live, well, in general, I cheated a little. And one fine day I got a call from a man who absolutely did not care who would live, the money that I gave him at the beginning of each month for renting a one-room apartment was important to him.

The apartment was not very good, at five storey , economy class. Having put things in order a little, I did everything as it should be: I bought bed linen, pillows and blankets, repaired the socket in the kitchen and began to rent it daily.

Hourly rentals maximize profitability

There were a lot of clients, immediately on the very first day a woman moved in and it started, went when the apartment was vacated in the morning, I managed to rent it by the hour, for 3 hours for 750 rubles, by the hour, by the way, they often asked, and always when the apartment was even occupied, I was on the phone, negotiating with the following clients - so the apartment was occupied to the maximum. Sometimes I even managed to pass 2-3 times a day by the hour, so at the end of the month I got much bigger than that the amount that was planned. By the way, I had the most low price by the hour, which is why it was so often possible to rent out an apartment to lovers of privacy.

There is no problem with the laundry. There is only laziness

The linen must be clean, otherwise you will not see clients.

A month later, I began to expand and rented a second apartment, a two-room one. The only drawback of this business is that every new client needs clean, fresh, ironed linen. I prepared linen at home, washed it in a typewriter and dried it on batteries, and of course I ironed it, I didn’t have a car then, and I went to apartments in a minibus with a backpack, the apartments were in different parts cities.

However, the most pleasant moment in this case is the money that people pay when they rent an apartment. You take cash and a passport as a deposit, now, of course, people are already working with contracts and taking money as a deposit in the amount of 1,500 rubles, but I took only a passport as a deposit.

A month later, I rented another two-room apartment, and in total I had 3 of them. Honestly, it was very tensely prepare linen every day, for each apartment and populate people every night. However, I really liked to transfer money from my everyday wallet to the one that was kept at home. Every morning I deposited 5,500 rubles, and at the beginning of each week I deposited about 30,000 rubles into a bank account.

How to make money on daily rent of apartments today. Step-by-step instruction

I repeat, I have been doing this for a long time, then my life circumstances changed. But this business lives and develops. Despite the fact that the market is slowly being captured by the most advanced players with their own staff of maids, laundries, accounting systems and forecasting occupancy rates, you can still make money on renting apartments for a day today.

An example of a daily rental market big city

Currently, in order to repeat all the steps of success, you need:

  1. Rent an apartment for a long time... You can rent an apartment partially furnished and without household appliances, for the first time put your own out of the house, or buy for a penny at avito. Submit on avito an ad in the “demand” section that you want to rent an apartment, also post ads near the entrances, on bus stops with the text “I will rent an apartment”, and sooner or later you will find an apartment from the owner (no need to pay a commission to the realtor).
  2. To the owner you say that visiting employees of the organization will live in the apartment (come up with your own story), it was my brother - the owner of a road construction company. From the owner, you need to get a receipt stating that you paid the money for the month and the deposit, also find the necessary contract on the Internet. It’s not bad if you immediately put the owner of the apartment up to date and say directly that you will rent out the apartment for daily rent.
  3. Next, you need to place ads with photos and full description apartments on all daily sites, just in any search engine type "apartments for rent" and your city, register on each of the sites and post your ads. The 2 main sites are Avito and Airbnb. By the way, I have a list of more than 40 sites on which you can advertise both for free and for free, add me to contact, and I will gladly share it with you.
  4. Create a VKontakte group, do Business Cards and put them in the apartment, or hand them over to the tenants. By the way, I handed out my business cards to taxi drivers when I was driving to the apartment, I just said: “do you mind if I leave an advertisement with you?” - and gave several business cards.
  5. You also need to partnerwith people who are already in this business. Just find apartments by the day in your city, call, meet, tell him that you will refer clients to him when the apartment is occupied and would like to receive such in return. You need 1-2 partners, also communicate with partners about sensitive issues and learn from other people's mistakes.
  6. Complete the apartment with everything you need for living: furniture, household appliances, bedding and other little things.
  7. Now you need to rent an apartment... It is best to take it not to youngsters for parties, but to adult business travelers, shift workers - for serious people, filter such people right away on the phone. You take a rent per day, fill out an agreement plus a deposit (1500 rubles, or a passport).
  8. Next, you take the keys back, inspect the apartment, if everything is in order and in place, return the deposit and disperse. Naturally, you clean up the apartment and look for new clients. Also work on marketing, advertise on radio, television , delegate posting ads and expand to a mini-hotel of apartment type.

Is business subleasing easy?

My friend, when he heard how many clients called me, and I simply let them down because the apartments were occupied, he always said: expand , you're just missing out on customers. Another friend of mine said that I get money for free. And a friend who told all the secrets of this business said that this is not a very good troublesome business and requires a lot of responsibility and attention.

Advice: The scheme of daily rent can be greatly improved by not giving money to the owner, but by taking an apartment on a mortgage. In this case, you will get the apartment as a bonus. ...

In general, everyone has their own opinion on this matter, personally I really liked this business, when compared with what I was doing before - I was just placing bottles of beer in the store, and here you are talking with people all the time, you will learn something new etc.

An acquaintance of mine from the city of Barnaul took out a bank loan of 50,000 rubles, rented 2 apartments and is currently actively engaged in sublease.

Interesting to try but scared to lose money? Try it!

Who is this business suitable for?

This business is great for people who work in a hired job with a small salary, you just need to accumulate a small amount of money - the minimum start-up capital - and start acting according to the scheme. When I started, I had only 30,000 rubles, which I saved up in six months, working as a merchandiser.

Also in this business you get quick, “free” money that you can add or save in your bank account, I managed to accumulate more than 300,000 rubles in 7 months. Well, then do whatever your heart desires, start the next business, either buy a car or just go to relax on a grand scale. Eventually, you can, or start building a multi-apartment house in the suburbs.