The smallest countries in the world. Size Matters: Smallest Countries in the World by Area and Population Smallest Area of ​​a Country

Little schoolchildren have been studying continents, countries and states since childhood. The guys' favorite subject is geography.

She reveals many facts about the beauty of our planet. The powers of the world are diverse in terms of area and population.

Some have vast territories, traditions and customs. And other countries have a small area, with a minimum population. There are more than 250 countries in the world.

If you look at a map of the world or a globe, you can visualize which ones are large, while others are difficult to see due to their small size.

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.40 square kilometers.

This is an independent state, but at the same time it does not have its own currency and identity passports.

The most small state in the world is located on the territory of Rome, and is the spiritual capital of the world.

820 people live on the territory of the Catholic Church of the Vatican, the rest of the population density is Italian citizens.

Citizens of the clergy are:

  • Clergymen - 50 persons
  • Guards Guards - 50.
  • Gendarmes -150.
  • Inhabitants-150.

The dwarf country has characteristic seasonal conditions similar to Mediterranean conditions. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. Sometimes precipitation occurs in the form of snow.

In summer, the temperature rises to 30 degrees Celsius. Winds, showers and hail are not observed.

The state has languages: Latin and Italian. In simple communication, during negotiations, the main language is Latin. Italian is used to sign contracts, acts or decrees.

The most important member of the state is the Pope, he has his own government, which includes:

  • Governor.
  • Pontifical Commission.
  • State Secretariat.
  • Ecumenical Council.
  • Synod.

The country's main religion is Catholicism.

All cities and countries have their own characteristic landmarks.

Consider a list of outstanding monuments and buildings that are the pride of the Vatican:

  1. St. Peter's Square, which was erected in the middle of the 18th century.
  2. Apostolic Palace, which contains a rich library of valuable manuscripts and books. The Pope himself lives in it. Chapels and museums are a distinctive feature of the palace.
  3. Cave "Grotta di Lourde", which was artificially created by the inhabitants of the country in ancient times.
  4. A historical monument of the country in the form of the Sistine Chapel. Prized for its historical manuscripts, drawings and frescoes inside the façade.
  5. An art gallery called the Pinakothek.

The smallest country in the entire universe in terms of population is Pitcairn Island. It consists of 5 islands, of which only one is inhabited by the people.

Important! Pitcairn is a unique and isolated island that was formed by a volcanic eruption using lava.

The island has features and living conditions:

  • The area is 4.5 square kilometers.
  • No more than 60 people live throughout the territory.
  • The native language is English.
  • The head of state is the British Commissioner.

All people are friendly and kind to each other. They help everyone in many ways, and also consider themselves kindred spirits.

Rating of the smallest countries in the world

There is a list of small states, depending on the size of the territory:

Consider in the table the top smallest republics that are in Europe:

Republic, by increasing rating Total area, sq. km. Features of states
Vatican 0,40 The spiritual capital of capitalism
Monaco 1,8 A dwarf state with its own values resort areas recreation. The population includes people who come from other countries
San Morino 60 It is the oldest and oldest country in the entire universe. Has beautiful landscapes and is located on the slope of the mountains
Liechtenstein 58 A prosperous state at the expense of ski resort, established policy and a small percentage of taxation from the people. Engaged in the supply of goods to other countries at a low cost
Malta 300 Prosperous development of industry and tourist areas
Andorra 450 Has no duty on the type of food for all holidaymakers
Luxembourg 2500 Is an international country With tourist center in Europe
Cyprus 9000 A picturesque corner of the country with highly developed tourist areas. For vacationers, citizens have a huge range of services and entertainment at low prices.
Kosovo 10500 Is the most beautiful country Europe, prized for its scenic spots
Montenegro 13200 The state revenues are funds due to the large number of tourists. Lovers of relaxation choose a place for reasonable prices and mild temperate climate

There is a list of which countries are the smallest in terms of population in different parts of the world:

  1. The smallest country in Asia is South Ossetia; its population of all citizens is about 70,000 people.
  2. Oceania - Niue with a population of 1400.
  3. Africa - Seychelles- 85,500 people.
  4. North America - Nevis - 50,000 people.
  5. South America - Suriname - 450,000

Important! Each part of the world has its own small state with the smallest area and population.

But the Order of Malta and the Vatican are dwarfs. There is no country in the world with the lowest indicators.

The small Arab state is the Bahrain archipelago, and 33 islands located with it.

The Arab country became famous for its attractions and values:

  1. The most popular and demanded place for foreign and Russian tourists.
  2. The main hobby is underwater world diving in the Persian Gulf.
  3. The oil refining and gas industries are developing and flourishing.
  4. All means of income go to the arrangement of a recreation area for all holidaymakers.

In small states, there is a close relationship between all citizens. Government authorities have the power to help and care for the entire population.

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Do you think you know geography? What are the smallest countries in the world? Could you name them? Or could you please point them on the map? Or maybe you've never even heard of them? We think that not many people will be able to list even several such countries at once. This is not surprising, since the UN currently recognizes more than 192 independent states. Therefore, we want to remind you of them, and present a rating of the smallest countries in the world.


The Republic of Malta consists of three large and several tiny islands located in the center Mediterranean Sea, 93 km south of the coast Sicily. The two small islands of Gozo and Comino are sparsely populated, but the main island, Malta, is a modern and vibrant urban area. Malta gained independence from Great Britain in 1964 and has since become a member of the European Union. The capital of Malta is the city of Valleta, with a population of over 452,000 people, the area of ​​this small country is only 316 km².

The Republic of Maldives, better known as the Maldives or the Maldives. Located on southwest coast India, in the waters of the Indian Ocean, and is a multitude of islets. The Maldives Republic is the smallest Muslim country in Asia, with an area of ​​only 298 km² and a population of just over 324,000. The capital is the city of Male. The Maldives became a British protectorate in 1887. In 1965, Britain granted independence to the Maldives, and in 1968 it became a republic.

It is the smallest state in the Western Hemisphere not only in terms of area, which is 261 km², but also in terms of population, only about 50 thousand people. The state consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis, located in the east Caribbean... Saint Kitts and Nevis is now heavily dependent on tourism, but boasts the largest electrical industry in the Caribbean. The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis received its independence and name in 1983. The capital is the city of Basseterre.

This Pacific state consists of 29 atolls and 5 isolated islands in Micronesia. The area is only 181 km², the population is more than 60,000 people, the capital is the city of Majuro. During its history, the Marshall Islands were part of the Spanish, German and Japanese empires. During World War II, the United States of America liberated the islands from Japan, but they did not gain independence and remained largely under US jurisdiction until 1986.

Liechtenstein is a small country in the center of Europe, located on the border between Switzerland and Austria, which completely surrounds it. It is one of the few countries that does not have an airport, but there is a small heliport. Nearest international Airport located in Zurich, Switzerland. The country has a thriving tourism industry, winter views sports. It is known as a tax haven (due to its small taxes) for many large businesses from all over Europe. There are even more such enterprises than the inhabitants themselves in the country, and there are about 35,000 of them, the country's area is only 160.4 km², the capital is Vaduz.

San Marino

In fifth place in the ranking of the smallest countries in the world is the Republic of San Marino. It is a city-state located in Europe, on the border of Italy, which completely surrounds it. It is the oldest sovereign state in the world, as well as the oldest republic. Adopted in 1600, it is the oldest national constitution in the world. San Marino is also one of the least populated countries in Europe, with just over 31,000. An area of ​​only 61 km², the capital of San Marino.


Tuvalu is Island state v Pacific consisting of four islands and five atolls. It is the fourth smallest country in the world. Tuvalu has practically no natural resources, excluding fish and Agriculture... As a result, Tuvalu is heavily dependent on foreign aid that the country receives from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the United States in particular. However, significant cash proceeds also come from the sale of the national top-level domain (.tv). Tuvalu gained independence from Great Britain in 1978. The area is only 26 km², the population is about 10 thousand people, the capital is Funafuti.


The Republic of Nauru (formerly Pleasant Island) is a tiny island nation in the South Pacific, near the island nation of Kiribati. It is the smallest independent republic in the world, the smallest island state, as well as the smallest state outside Europe and the only republic in the world that does not have an official capital. In 1999, the Republic was admitted to the UN. The area is only 21.3 km², the population is about 9.300 people.

The second place in the list of the smallest countries in the world is occupied by the Principality of Monaco, located in the south of Europe, on the coast Ligurian Sea, borders France. The Grimaldi family has ruled Monaco since 1297. It is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, 17 814.85 people / km². Known all over the world, primarily the casino in Monte Carlo and the Formula 1 championship "Monaco Grand Prix". The area of ​​the country is only 2.02 km², the population is about 36,000 people, the capital is Monaco.

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. It is a religious complex surrounded by an enclave wall. It is a sovereign independent state with the Pope as monarch. The Vatican is located in the center of Rome, next to St. Peter's Square. The Pope also holds the title of Bishop of Rome and is in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. The state attracts tens of thousands of tourists every year. The Vatican has its own police force known as the Corpo. It also has its own military personnel and Swiss guards, although their official assignment is to guard the Pope and the Holy See (of the Roman Catholic Church), and not the Vatican state itself. An area of ​​only 0.44 km², a population of about 840 people, the capital of the Vatican.

Some countries in the world are quite small in size and occupy less land area than megacities. But this does not prevent them from playing a significant role in the world. For example, the Vatican is considered a religious center, Monaco is recognized as a place of luxury, and Liechtenstein has won the glory of a prosperous country. The following are smallest countries in the world by area - top 10 rating.

10. Grenada (334 km²)

The list of the smallest countries in the world is opened by Grenada, with an area of ​​334 square kilometers and a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants. This volcanic island in the Caribbean was discovered by Columbus. First, the territory was settled by French colonists, then it was transferred to Great Britain according to the Versailles Peace Treaty. The spirit of France is felt in the country today - in architecture, art and even sports. The locals love to play cricket. Tropical evergreen forests, hills, mountains, beaches - this place could be called a paradise if not for the hurricanes. Cocoa, bananas, citrus fruits, cloves and vanilla are grown on fertile volcanic soils. Grenada is also called "Spice Island" for the production of nutmeg.

9. Malta (316 km²)

Malta is one of the smallest countries in Europe in terms of area (316 sq. Km). It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is famous for its leisurely life. The state unites six islands. Out of 360 thousand people, 80% live in Malta, and locals buy summer cottages in Gozo. Despite its modest size, Malta is visited by over a million tourists a year. Attracted by ancient temples, nature, rocky and sandy beaches, crystal pure water and a rich underwater world. The Maltese are a cheerful people. Holidays, festivals, theatrical performances and fireworks - there is a lot of entertainment. Crime on the island is almost zero.

8. Maldives (300 km²)

The Maldives also occupies a modest size - 300 sq. kilometers. It is the smallest country in Asia - both in terms of territory and population (about 393 thousand). The state is one of the most dispersed in the world, because it consists of a thousand coral islands... Of these, only 200 are inhabited, and a hundred were given to tourists. They move between the islands on boats and local doni boats. There is only one city - the capital of Male, with an area of ​​less than three square meters. kilometers. There is no room even for the airport - planes arrive at neighboring island... Until recently, residents of the Maldives were mainly engaged in fishing, and today the source of income is serving tourists. The island economy is targeting it. Guests like it here, because 80% of the territory is golden beaches. From entertainment - scuba diving and attractions. Nightlife almost not, because Maldives refers to Muslim countries.

7. Saint Kitts and Nevis (269 km²)

Saint Kitts and Nevis - small citystate in the east of the Caribbean with an area of ​​269 sq. kilometers. It consists of two islands, Nevis and Saint Kitts. They were discovered by Columbus, and two centuries later the British settled on the territory. The colonies developed rapidly thanks to the export of sugar. Since the 90s, the federation has gained independence. Today Saint Kitts and Nevis is considered their home by 50 thousand people, about 86% are of African descent. Tropical thickets, mountains and meadows, butterflies and exotic birds, coral reefs and a strip of lagoons - the local nature is enchanting. This gives a large influx of tourists, on whose service the country's economy is built. Another area of ​​earning money is agriculture. Residents breed goats and sheep, grow pineapples and a coffee tree. The islands are adapted for life: there is a narrow-gauge road along the coast, highways, ports and two airports.

6. Liechtenstein (160 km²)

Liechtenstein is a European dwarf state with an area of ​​only 160 sq. km. At the same time, the mountains occupy most area of ​​the country. There are very few minerals - only limestone, white clays and alabaster. The country earns on the manufacturing industry, produces canned food and wine. Liechtenstein is thriving and characterized by a high standard of living. The inhabitants were also lucky with nature: alpine meadows, Mountain peaks, forests. The climate is mild and pleasant, because mountain ranges protect from evil winds. Liechtenstein is known for abandoning the armed forces - since the 19th century, the state has no army. And the police are small - 120 employees.

5. San Marino (61 km²)

San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. Dwarf country called the "Land of Freedom". San Marino is surrounded by Italy. Maybe that's why in summer months the country is overflowing with tourists. Moreover, due to the reduced taxes, goods here are much cheaper than in Italy. Some residents live in Italian towns, and get to work in San Marino by car. The number of residents in the country is about 30 thousand people, and it is difficult to obtain a residence permit. You need to live in the territory for 30 years or be married to a local resident for 15 years. San Marino is ruled by not one person, but two at once - captains-regents. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is mountainous.

4. Tuvalu (26 km²)

The tiny state of Tuvalu in Polynesia could not keep up with its "colleagues". The country is considered one of the poorest. Even the nature here is scarce, it consists mainly of imported plants and animals. From plants there are palms, bananas, breadfruit. The weather here is not for everybody: long droughts give way to the rainy season. Sometimes destructive cyclones pass through Tuvalu. Because of one of them, houses were completely torn apart and 90% of the trees were felled. Many benefits of civilization are still inaccessible to local residents - their way of life has hardly changed over the centuries.

3. Nauru (21 km²)

The island dwarf state of Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean. Its shape resembles a rectangle. The unique difference between Nauru is that it does not have an official capital. There are no rivers on the island, and therefore one of the main problems local residents is water scarcity. This is reflected in the flora and fauna - it is scarce, as in Tuvalu. Nauru's treasury replenished rapidly when phosphorites were mined. The country was classified as one of the richest in the world, but in the 90s, stocks began to decline. The well-being of the population fell. Phosphate mining has damaged the island. Due to the severe pollution of Nauru, tourism is not developed.

2. Monaco (2.02 km²)

Monaco is one of the smallest countries in Europe, with an area of ​​only 2.02 square kilometers. The entire principality can be walked in an hour. Some tourists even have a photo where the country fits into one picture. Despite its diminutive size, the state has managed to declare itself to the world. Many countries have heard about the city of Monte Carlo and its legendary casino. Formula 1 competitions are held in Monaco. The principality is adjacent to France. The country makes money on tourists, and therefore carefully monitors its image. Monaco is called "the European reserve for the rich." Blooming azaleas and rhododendrons, princely court and temples, narrow streets and Mediterranean architecture, modern elite real estate- walks around the country are enjoyable. The world's most luxurious yachts are parked in the main bay of Monaco.

1. Vatican (0.44 km²)

The Vatican is rightfully recognized as the smallest state in the world. The country, with an area of ​​only 0.44 km2, is located inside Rome and is associated with Italy. In ancient times, the area was not inhabited - it was considered sacred. In 326, a basilica was created, and the territory began to be developed. The Vatican is ruled by the Holy See. The Pope is considered the main one, who is elected for life. There is a state on donations from Catholics around the world and tourism revenues (souvenirs, entrance fees to museums, sale of stamps and coins). Almost all Vatican citizens are ministers of the Catholic Church.

The size of the country was of decisive importance in Ancient world and the Middle Ages. More citizens and the size of the territory - more soldiers, peasants, workers, arable land. Are of great importance now developed tourism, investment, good diplomatic relations with all countries for the sale of passports to rich people, business opportunities to work with low taxes.

At present, small countries usually originated from the former appanage principalities, or the islands-colonies of Great Britain, Spain and France. Some chose association, union, and other forms of subordination to their former metropolises over independence. This article will help you find out which is the smallest country today.

20 smallest countries in the world

The list does not include former colonial territories associated with large countries and in any way dependent on them. Sovereign and individual only.

  1. Order of Malta (not Malta)... The area is 120 square meters. On this territory is the palace-headquarters of the order, standing in Rome. This building is essentially the state. Issued their own brands, car numbers, passports. It is the smallest country in Europe and it is also the smallest country in the world in terms of territory.
  2. Vatican... 0.44 km². This is the official seat of the center of the Catholic Church. About a thousand people have citizenship, mainly priests, cardinals, archivists, papal representatives (legates).
  3. Monaco... 2 km². Former principality currently associated with France. There are expensive casinos, Formula 1 venues and other entertainment for the rich. The most populous state in Europe.
  4. Nauru... 21 km². A small island located in the Pacific Ocean. It possessed large deposits of phosphorites, thanks to which its inhabitants became one of the richest people on earth. However, they were soon exhausted and the economy collapsed, plunging an unprepared country into poverty.
  5. Tuvalu... 26 km². Everyone is used to considering the poorest countries in Africa. However, this island-state is located in the Pacific Ocean. It makes money by reselling the .TV domain, which is bought by TV channels all over the world.
  6. San Marino... 61 km². According to legend, it was founded by a bricklayer named Marino, who founded a Christian community on the mountain. The small but proud state was not touched even by Napoleon when he conquered Italy.
  7. Liechtenstein... 160 km². The gorge between Switzerland and Italy grew from medieval town a separate modern state, while rich. It is named so because of the surname of the ruling dynasty.
  8. Cook islands... 236km². They receive help from New Zealand, earn money from tourism, sea fishing. This name was given in the 19th century from the Russian navigator Ivan Kruzenshtern. James Cook himself called them differently at one time.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis... 261km². State of two islands in the Caribbean. They export tobacco, sugar, oils, fruits. And quite successfully: in terms of GDP - 74th place in the world. The smallest country in South America.
  10. Maldives... 298 km². It is an archipelago, a chain of small 26 atolls consisting of coral reefs, out of 1192 in total. Indian Ocean.
  11. Malta... 316 km². The name comes from the words sweet honey. Such a small territory in the Mediterranean Sea could belong to Russia, because Emperor Paul was chosen as the head of the order of the Johannites (who inhabited the island from the moment of their discovery) and ruler. However, his death and the policy of the new emperor Alexander of commonwealth with England disrupted all plans. So the British made their own there. military base, and in the 60s of the last century gave independence.
  12. Grenada... 344 km². The country interesting story... At first there were plantations with slaves, then there was a revolution and the rule of the communists, and then a new coup and the rule of conservatives, supporters of the Western model of the economy.
  13. Barbados... 431 km². It was a colony of the Portuguese, then after the uprising of slaves, an independent territory.
  14. Antigua and Barbuda... 440 km². The name translates to ancient and bearded. Classically descended from a former colony.
  15. Seychelles... 455 km². Successful against the background of other African powers due to the offshore economy and highly developed tourism industry.
  16. Andorra... One of the richest (minimum wage 1000 euros) and ancient (mentioned in 778) states in Europe. At the same time, it is small - 468 km². The economy is independent of the government, the budget is replenished through tourism and banking services.
  17. Saint Lucia... 616 km². Discovered by Columbus on the feast of St. Lucia. Later it became the possession of England.
  18. Micronesia 702 km². The name is from the word small, which is confirmed in practice. Consists of 116 islands. Depends on US aid, providing them with a base for the fleet in return. Dogs are bred for meat for export.
  19. Bahrain... 766 km². Exports gas, oil, pearls, offshore. Located in the Persian Gulf. One of the few places on the planet where there are more men than women.
  20. Caribati... 812 km². Consists of atolls (coral reefs that have become dry land). First it was occupied by Japan, then it gained independence. The country is threatened by flooding, overpopulation, climate change, as the president (who is also the foreign minister and head of government) often announces from the UN rostrum. On one of the islands, the US nuclear and hydrogen bomb was tested.

TOP 10 smallest countries by population

  1. Vatican... The smallest country in terms of area, it also has the smallest population. About a thousand people have citizenship. Basically, it is temporary, for those who work under a contract in the Vatican. Monks-priests and the apparatus of the Roman Catholic Church have a lifelong term.
  2. Tuvalu... 10,000 people. Small territory and just as small number of people on it. 94% is indigenous population- Indians.
  3. Nauru... 10,500 people. V Good times the population was many times larger, with foreigners accounting for 70% of them. Now there are about 10% of them.
  4. Cook islands... 17,500 people. The population mixed with the citizens of New Zealand. There it mainly flows from the island due to unemployment.
  5. San Marino... 30,000 people. It is almost impossible for foreigners to obtain citizenship: you need to be born in San Marino, or have been married for 15 years, or simply live in the territory for 30 years.
  6. Liechtenstein... 37,000. The country is inhabited by immigrants from German-speaking peoples. At the same time, the birth rate in Liechtenstein is quite high, and not at the expense of migrants.
  7. Monaco... 37 800. Very high population density due to the small area. The average life expectancy is 90 years, longer than in Japan.
  8. South Ossetia... 50,000. This is a little-recognized state, which broke away from Georgia along with Abkhazia in 2008, and feels pretty good: schools and a university are working, trade and tourism are well developed. Ossetians consider themselves a part of Russia and strive to unite with it.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis... Approximately 50 thousand people. The area was used for plantations, and African black slaves were brought there. Now 94% are their descendants. White is only 1.5%.
  10. Dominica... 73 000. Located in Latin America... There is a high percentage of emigration from Dominica. At the same time, a rather high life expectancy (77 years).

There are 194 countries in the world, and I think about each of them, we, as a rule, represent a solid territory and a multimillion population. But some states are several times smaller in area than modern megalopolises. We have collected ten of the tiniest ones.

# 10 Grenada: 344 km²

It is an island nation in the Caribbean, located northwest of Trinidad and Tobago. Grenada is the world's largest producer of nutmeg, so it comes as no surprise that it is also referred to as the "Spice Island". From 1649 to 1763 it was a French colony. The strong influence of French traditions and culture in the country is felt today - from architecture and art to cricket, which is the most popular sport on the island.

# 9 Malta: 316 km²

Malta is another tiny island nation. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea. The three main islands of the Republic are Gozo (Gozo), Comino and the largest of them Malta. The country has a population of about 450,000, making it one of the most populous countries in the world. Most tourists come to Malta for the sake of beach holiday, an intriguing story and a tumultuous nightlife.

# 8 Maldives: 300 km²

The smallest country in Asia in terms of area and population, the Maldives is nevertheless one of the most popular places recreation in the Indian Ocean. White sandy beaches and crystal blue water gave the country a reputation as a paradise. About 1,192 coral islands are scattered over an area of ​​90,000 km², making the Republic one of the most dispersed countries in the world. Although this has its plus: there is always a place for just the two of you.

In the past part of the West Indies, these two islands in the Caribbean were among the first lands inhabited by Europeans and for centuries were the main sugar exporters. Today, only colonial estates converted into hotels remind of the former plantations. The country's modern economy is built around tourism, agriculture and small manufacturing enterprises. Saint Kitts and Nevis is renowned for its fantastic diving sites and rich marine life.

# 6 Liechtenstein: 160 km²

Liechtenstein is the only country in the world that is completely located in the Alps. It is located between Switzerland and Austria. It is one of the richest countries with an incredibly low unemployment rate (1.5%). It is true that getting to Liechtenstein is a bit problematic, because there is not a single airport here. The closest is in Zurich.

# 5 San Marino: 61 km²

San Marino is an enclave: its territory is completely surrounded by the lands of Italy. The country claims to be the oldest sovereign state in the world. San Marino is the third smallest country in Europe with a population of only 30,000, but it boasts one of the highest per capita GDP and low unemployment rates.

No.4 Tuvalu: 26 km²

Formerly known as Ellis, Tuvalu is located in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia. Its population is about 10,000 inhabitants, and the total length of roads is only 8 km. It was once a British territory, but in 1978 it became independent. Due to the fact that it is rather problematic to get here, tourism in Tuvalu is underdeveloped, although the landscapes are truly paradise.

No. 3 Nauru: 21 km²

Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. It is located east of Australia. The country's economy suffered greatly when the local phosphate mines were depleted. Unemployment has reached 90%. The republic is also known as the home of the most obese people: 97% of men and 93% of women are obese or overweight.

No. 2 Monaco: 2 km²

Monaco is the epitome of luxury and wealth, with the largest concentration of millionaires and billionaires in the world. The country has become a favorite holiday destination thanks to its luxurious casinos and a wide range of exclusive services. the mighty of the world this. One of the most popular and spectacular events of the year is the Formula 1 Grand Prix, during which race cars drive along ordinary city streets. With a population of over 36,000 inhabitants, Monaco is the most populous country in the world.

No. 1 Vatican: 0.44 km²

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. It is located in the Italian capital and is the center of the Catholic Church. It is not surprising that it is here that the largest Christian church in the world is located - St. Peter's Basilica. In addition, the Vatican houses valuable works of Renaissance art. The main source of income in the country is the voluntary contributions of Catholics from all over the world (over 1 billion people). The remainder of the profits comes from the sale of postage stamps, travel souvenirs and entrance tickets to museums.