Where to go to rest with a girl abroad. What will they not pay for hull insurance? Why traveling alone is a great idea

Do you want to go on vacation, but don't have anyone to take with you? Everyone around is busy with their own business, while the soul requires new impressions and a change of scenery? There is no need to deny yourself a trip. the site has prepared a list of places where you can have a great time alone without worrying about your safety.

In fact, all the arguments that the girl is in danger at every step are completely groundless. There are many places where it is better to go alone, without the company of a chatty girlfriend or a jealous guy.

Rhodes: Endless Party and Club Culture

Are you dreaming of meeting muscular guys in a club and then dancing with them all night? It is possible on Greek island Rhodes. People who are bored with monotonous museums, ruins, hills will have a great time here.

There are many free beaches here. From the west, the island is washed by the Mediterranean, and from the east - Aegean seas... After swimming a lot and getting a golden tan, you can go to Falikari - the center of youth club culture, where parties reign with great music and unrestrained fun.

Lovers of a quiet pastime should visit the Acropolis of Athens of Lindos, which is about 5,000 years old. The archaeological reserve is also of interest to many tourists. Here you can find a Dorian fountain, which was built in the 6th century BC, as well as monuments from the period of smoke and Byzantine times.

Island of Barbados: earthly paradise

Many people call Barbados an earthly paradise. A lonely girl can be accompanied by tourists from Western Europe or the USA who like to visit the island. Barbados is one of the colonies of Great Britain, and therefore do not be surprised if you come across English traditions - strict morality (no nudists on the beach, etc.), cricket, tea drinking.

Swimmers and sunbathers will appreciate the clean blue water and beaches with pink sand... High quality rum can be bought on the island. It has a softer taste than Jamaican. The flying fish dishes are also worth tasting.

Important: residents of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to enter the island.

Onward to Adventure

For those who are tired of the usual tourist routes, vacation in Halong (Vietnam) is perfect. Here you can get a lot of unforgettable impressions, have a good rest and forget about the hustle and bustle. Prices in Vietnam are quite democratic. Therefore, for a reasonable fee, it will be possible to swim with scuba diving and explore the depths of the sea. Taking a flashlight with you, you can independently go to explore the mountain caves. The best way to end a hectic day is to visit the Top Disco club or have dinner at one of the restaurants in Halong.

Don't like Asia? Then feel free to go to Mexico. One of the world's best resorts is the city of Cancun. It is located between Nichupte Lagoon and the Caribbean Sea. The water and beaches are always clean and well-groomed here. In Cancun, themed disco bars are located at every step. Chichen Itza is located nearby - oldest city on the planet, founded by the Indians over 3400 years ago. There are still pyramids, altars for sacrifices and temples here.

Shopping in Europe

It's hard to find a girl who doesn't want to buy some trendy items. EU countries are completely safe for single women. In the summer and winter time boutiques are organizing pleasant sales. Is it interesting to go to such events with a guy? Unlikely. Not every man can withstand numerous shopping trips and long waiting near the fitting rooms. With a friend, the situation is no better - you may like the same dress or handbag. Millions of women have tried shopping alone and are satisfied.

Great sales start from the 20th of May in Munich, Germany. They end in mid-late August. The start of winter discounts should be expected in late November or early March. At first, the markdown is about 30 percent, closer in the middle of sales, discounts often reach 50 percent (for some products, 70-90 percent). In Germany, you can buy women's, men's and children's clothing, as well as high quality footwear.

In the middle of summer and winter, you can find the sales season in Spain. In summer, discounts are valid for "Spring-Summer" products, in the winter season - "Autumn-Winter". The best places to shop are Murcia, Catalonia, Castilla de Leone, Madrid, Andalusia, and Extremadura. Visiting Spain, Barcelona is not to be missed. It is a magnificent city with unique architecture... Don't forget to stop by the legendary food market. It sells fresh fruits from all over the world, sweets and a variety of meats. Wealthy ladies can eat at Ca L'Isidre, where the king is often. Spanish cuisine is gentle on the female figure. All meals are prepared with fresh ingredients and olive spices. Delicious.

Do you have free time in July or January? Then Italy is waiting for you - the country that sets the world's fashion. Sales here last approximately 2 months. It is not uncommon to find branded products with discounts of up to 70 percent. You will be able to find leather goods, outerwear, scarves, hats, costume jewelry on the counter. The best shopping is usually in Milan, Rome and Rimini. V provincial towns finding quality products is more difficult.

Tochka- mira. ru does not recommend going shopping at the end of the sales period. At this time, the discounts are the largest, but very few goods remain.

Time for excursions and beach holidays


Do you love novels about medieval knights? Now you can see their habitat with your own eyes. In Western Europe, there are many castles and other objects that have come down to us from the Middle Ages. Great place for recreation is Lake Garda, located in Italy. Around you can find many ancient structures surrounded by the Alps, clean and cozy towns... This area is always calm and peaceful. Also rests here a large number of Englishmen and Germans - an opportunity to meet interesting people.

It is not necessary to use excursion programs... You can see the sights on your own.


Israel is the perfect country for beach and sightseeing rest as well as pilgrimage. There are many natural and historical attractions here. Jerusalem keeps a large number of holy places - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, dear, the Wailing Wall, etc. The best beaches can be found in Netanya. The city where Jesus grew up and spent his youth is Nazareth. All of them deserve special attention and deserve a visit.

In Israel, you can put your thoughts and feelings in order, recharge with unique energy and even find the purpose of life. And, of course, you cannot visit this country without swimming in the Dead Sea, where it is impossible to drown. It is worth trying the local cuisine here, and getting to know more about the culture and Jewish traditions.

Temporary loneliness and travel is an extra opportunity to be with yourself. It gives you time to think carefully, unwind, forget about worries and take a break from society. It is enough just to choose the direction you like, and then go towards adventure.

The standard exceptions are worth mentioning first. They are governed not only by the terms of insurance of a particular company, but also insurance legislation... No auto insurer will compensate for any damage caused by the events below.

  1. Exposure to radiation.
  2. Popular unrest.
  3. Military activities.
  4. Nuclear explosion.

In addition, you should not expect to be paid when the car was requisitioned or confiscated by a decision of one of the government agencies. If the representative of the state had sufficient powers, and his actions do not contradict the law, the insurer will refuse to compensate for the damage resulting from such actions.

In addition, no insurance company will compensate for moral damage.

This also includes cases of lost profits and commercial losses of the car owner, for example, due to the downtime of a damaged car.

Along with the events described, it is worth mentioning cases of damage to a technically faulty transport. If the client has violated the rules for operating the car or has not passed the mandatory technical inspection, he will be denied compensation for damage.

The same result will be in the case of transfer of a car for rent or lease without the knowledge of the insurance company. In addition, the car owner will not be reimbursed for damage when using transport in competitions or trials, if such an opportunity is not provided for by the terms of the contract.

What does and does not cover CASCO?

All risks for CASCO are divided into two categories: main and additional. The main risks are spelled out in the guidelines for motor vehicle insurance for land transport. These are fire, spontaneous combustion, collision of two or more vehicles, collision with standing objects, falling objects onto a car (including snow, ice), illegal actions of third parties and vandalism, natural disasters (lightning break, storm, tornado, tsunami, hail, downpour, flood, earthquake, landslide), etc. The presence of a CASCO policy and the occurrence of at least one of the listed risks is an insured event under CASCO.

Additional risks are included in the insurance conditions individually according to the provided program and may differ from additional types of other insurance companies. For example, an insurance company may consider that, under a certain type of program, it will not cover damages such as: scratches on the paintwork or theft from an unguarded parking lot.

Each SK separately may revise additional risks, respectively, including them in the terms of the policy or excluding them from the terms. Also, these changes affect the tariff rate and can ultimately change the cost of the CASCO policy. Conclusion - the cheaper the CASCO, the less additional risks are included in the insurance conditions.

Therefore, in order to find out what is covered by CASCO directly under your policy, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms of the insurance program offered to you and read guidelines for CASCO. You can also ask a number of questions to the insurance manager of your chosen insurance company and get satisfying answers.

You can directly ask the office manager what risks are provided for by this policy and which are not. Pay particular attention to unforeseen risks. They will clearly show you what you cannot count on. Since each insurance company separately must issue a license for insurance of a land mode of transport, it is time consuming to have rules for hull insurance and change them. And accordingly, these rules have been established and cannot be changed.

For example, a friend of yours insured his car under a program that includes paint damage. You, in turn, may think that all insurance companies cover this damage and conclude a CASCO policy in another company at a cheaper price, without asking questions about the terms of the contract. However, it may turn out that your policy does not include this type of risk and you do not receive a payment for the restoration of the paintwork.

"Solo" travel is a great way to relax, delve into self-discovery, expand your comfort zone and, possibly, meet love. This must be done at least once in a lifetime, of course, not forgetting about safety. Let's talk about places where it is not boring alone, not dangerous, beautiful and there is someone to make friends with.

The capital of a country known for its romance, delicious food, beautiful people and high fashion, Rome affects all five senses at once. The stormy streets of the old city are full of surprises and don't be surprised to receive a marriage proposal on the very first day upon arrival. Taste all the flavors of gelato, ride a bike, have a drink pure water from the fountains, pet the cats in Piazza Torre Argentina and consider a proposal.

An hour fly from Bangkok and you are in Chiang Mai, a city in the north of Thailand, the cradle of Thai culture and the place of the search for "Zen". An abundance of vegetarian options, all kinds of yoga styles, over 300 Buddhist temples- Chiang Mai perfect place for connoisseurs healthy way life.

It's safe enough here to roam the backyards in search of a restaurant or a temple. You can go on an elephant ride or visit a village where women with long necks live. And don't forget the Sunday night market, where you can buy local jewelry.

A palm-lined beach town of eternal summer, Goa welcomes nearly two million tourists a year. Here they have long been accustomed to Europeans and women can safely walk in their usual clothes, without fear of the disrespectful attitude of local men.

There are 30 beaches in the city - on any of them you can enjoy your time, lying on a sun lounger and sipping a mango lassi. You can find a company for yoga classes, and in the evening everyone can dine together at a restaurant on the beach, watching the sun set over the ocean.

Melbourne is the informal capital of culture, haute cuisine, live music, the best shopping in Australia and just beautiful city.

Taking advantage of a well-thought-out system public transport, you can do it everywhere. The tram will take you to the bohemian suburb of St Kilda, where cafes offer great food and good books, and then you can rush to Luna Park or go shopping on Chapel Street. Visit free music festivals and watch the Australian Open tennis match.

Tulum is located on the shore Caribbean, a few hours drive from and Playa del Carmen. It is a beautiful city, quite safe and more peaceful than others. tourist areas Mexico. Friendly locals claim that a single woman can rent a bungalow on the beach and spend the night there alone. Spend the day at sea or head to town for cheap delicious food and live music. Don't forget to visit the ruins of Chechen Itza and swim with the turtles on Akumal Beach.

Hawaiian island, calm and safe, will touch the female heart of a beautiful coastline and a sea of ​​flowers, bright sarong skirts and the famous scent of blooming frangipani.

Macavao Town hosts street parties every third Friday of the month that are definitely worth a visit. Also, take a trip to the falls and set your alarm to get up early and meet the sunrise at Haleakala Crater.


Ubud is surrounded by picturesque rice fields and dense forests and lies almost on the ocean - this is real paradise for lovers of single recreation. Here you can walk everywhere, buy delicious local food for less than $ 5, choose high-quality clothes in boutiques of local designers.

Be sure to greet the monkeys in the Sacred Monkey Forest, do not miss yoga classes and order a relaxing and inexpensive massage in your room.

Santa Monica,

Santa Monica, cozy city on the pacific coast Southern California, offers many activities for women traveling alone. If you are tired of sunbathing on the beach, you can bike to Redondo Beach, jog there on the waterfront, or go rollerblading if you meet a celebrity along the way. Santa Monica has many organic food and drink cafes and bars, while the famous Cafe Gratitude offers vegan dining.

The ancient capital of the Incas, the city of Cuzco, which lies 3.4 kilometers above sea level, has now become a home for expats and an attractive point on the map for tourists. Admire the remains of Inca architecture, walk along an ancient cobblestone street, dine at a cozy cafe in the colorful Plaza de Armas, buy a llama wool scarf at the Mercado market. It is worth riding a horse trail to the sacred place of Sacsayhuaman (sounds almost like a sexy woman), and then buy souvenirs created by local needlewomen.

Such a situation can arise for everyone: it seems that the vacation has been signed, and the money has been postponed, and the plans have been made. But there is not enough companion: the passion was not released from work, the friend was delayed by family affairs, and the relative simply does not want to go ...

Going on vacation alone: ​​pros and cons

Instruction for tourists, Beach holidays, Active holidays in Montenegro

Such a situation can arise for everyone: it seems that the vacation has been signed, and the money has been postponed, and the plans have been made. But the companion is not enough: the passion was not released from work, the friend was delayed by family affairs, and the relative simply does not want to go ... So you have to decide: to go to rest in splendid isolation or to postpone the trip until better times?

Some, in this case, resort to the help of the Internet: in the open spaces social networks and travel forums are not so difficult to find a travel companion for a week or two of vacation. It turns out convenient option for discount trips to hotels or to find new friends. However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that a fellow traveler found via the Internet will remain a pig in a poke until the vacation, who will be able to prove himself from the most unexpected side.

Hemingway's dictum "Travel only with the one you love" can be understood in two ways.

Either it’s not worth going on the road at all, if there is no way to capture a loved one, or it’s still worth it - but in this case, completely alone.

There are even travelers who, in principle, do without fellow travelers - so much they felt the taste of absolute freedom, which overtakes when a person is away from home, without someone familiar by his side. They, as eternal opponents, are confronted by sociable people who do not see vacations without a crowd of relatives and friends, or without a life partner. Moreover, in the discussions of both one and the other there are arguments for and against single travel.

Pros: Freedom of choice and movement.

This item is undoubtedly at the top of the list of advantages of solo travel. Instead of endless arguments and discussions, you can simply unfold the map of the world and select a point on it where you would like to go for a long time. You can register your route to the smallest points, knowing that no one will dispute or rip it off; you can, on the contrary, not make any plan and, having arrived at the initial point, play tumbleweed: do what the mood prompts. You can gather materials for a whole novel, wandering around Asia in the company of only one backpack; you can lazily lie on the beach without any reproaches from more active friends. Only you and the road - and no decrees!

Opinion: Andrey, 29 years old:“For the past seven years I have been traveling alone. I love an action-packed adventure program that allows for improvisation; at the same time, it is a problematic task to coordinate plans with someone. When two or more people go to rest, each tries to pull the blanket over himself. The exception is a really loved one, with whom I would think in the same direction. But there is no such woman yet, so I enjoy absolute freedom. All other options seem unacceptable to me. "

Cons: The costs cannot be divided into two.

A restaurant room, a taxi, and a serving of pizza all cost less money when two people pay. A loner will have to come to terms with the fact that on average one and a half times more money will be spent on a single room in a room than when accommodation for two, offers on last minute deals rarely apply to single tourists, and all kinds of household expenses significantly chew the budget when they are not with with whom to chip.

Pros: Lots of new acquaintances

Paradoxically, solo travelers on vacation often get more interaction than those traveling with friends or a couple. Of course, everything depends on the openness of each individual person: some may not meet anyone for two weeks in a youth hotel, and some make new friends when walking along quiet national parks... However, in general, the tendency is as follows: those who dare to go to another country without company have every chance of acquiring new friends.

The fact is that singles do not lock themselves in the company of their fellow travelers, and the relaxed atmosphere of a vacation, as a rule, contributes to the establishment of new acquaintances. And a simple solution to organizational and everyday issues requires more contacts with others - hence more reasons to start communication. In the end, it is much easier for single tourists who are not in a relationship to diversify their love life on vacation - however, you should come to terms with the fact that a new romance is likely to end where it began, leaving behind only pleasant memories.

Opinion - Veronica, 22 years old:“On my first solo trip, I fell off suddenly - and immediately for a month. Traveled a bunch of places along Adriatic coast, lived in hostels and the private sector. How many people I met - it's scary to count! Probably, she communicated with a hundred people from all over the world. All of them, of course, have not sunk into my memory, but I still write off with some guys (mainly from Serbia). In the summer I plan to host guests from the Balkans. "

Cons: Longing for loved ones

Opinion - Sergey, 24 years old:“I have traveled a lot, mainly in Western Europe. Mostly - with family or friends, but a couple of times I happened to go on long trips alone. It was not boring, but after some time after returning it became sad that there was no one to share the memories. That's probably because I can't slap my friend on the shoulder and say "Do you remember how you and I are in Paris ...", and I forget Paris faster than, say, Amsterdam, from which my friends and I brought oh what funny memories. "

Pros: The ability to try on a new look

This plus perfectly complements the ability to make new friends and have a romance. As many people like to dismiss their plumage in front of random fellow travelers on a train or plane, so alone travelers can show off new images before traveling. Indeed, in a distant land, apart from everyone who knows your characteristics and weaknesses, it is much easier to instill in yourself unusual (but desirable!) Qualities and appear before people in a completely different light. The main thing is not to play too much or exaggerate - and you will get an excellent training!

Opinion - Anna, 25 years old:“Last summer I was vacationing alone in Ibiza - it turned up profitable voucher... But there are youth parties, going to bars, dancing until the morning. "The very thing" for a girl brought up in a greenhouse home. Of course, I was not carried away by drunkenness there, but on the other hand, with a slight effort of will, I turned myself from a domestic girl into such a good company soul, making friends with my hotel neighbors (mainly the British). It helped me a lot to liberate myself - I returned home completely renewed!