How much money do you need to travel around the world. How much money does it take to travel around the world from Russia? Healthy lifestyle

Is a journey through all time zones, through all meridians, crossing the equator 2 times.

How much does it cost to travel around the world: Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, USA. Airfare and visa prices.

Which way to travel to choose?

  • The easiest way is to buy a ticket through a travel agency for a cruise ship Price from 1.000.000 rub. the simplest cabin, sailing for 3-4 months.
  • The second way is by trains, buses, ships, i.e. do not fly at all. The cost of a trip around the world is from 2 million rubles. Duration - about 1 year.
  • By plane - the fastest and cheapest way.

You can buy a round-the-world plane ticket (5-15 connections) - the most expensive option. Cost from 250,000 rubles. Economy class.

Individual tickets can be purchased for selected countries. Cost from 170,000 rubles.

Fly on low-cost airlines (low cost airlines) only with hand luggage- most cheap option... The price of tickets only from 100,000 rubles. with all fees. Low-cost airlines fly across Russia: Pobeda, FlyDubai, AzurAir, Pegasus.

Visa to the USA... It is better to start applying for a visa at least 7-12 months in advance due to the current situation in Russia, when it is problematic to sign up for an interview at the consulate in Moscow. Alternatively, you can apply for a visa in Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan or European countries (then the interview is in English).

Fill out the application form on the website, attach an electronic photo, pay the visa fee and sign up for an interview, pass an interview and receive a passport within 5-60 days (in case of an administrative check). Read more in.

Visa to Australia... Difficult to obtain a visa. It is necessary to submit documents at least 1 month before the trip. Fill out the application form on the embassy website (, pay the visa fee, print the application form, collect Required documents and deliver it to the embassy in any way. In the end, receive a confirmation of visa issuance by email.

You can apply for a free transit visa online if you are in Australia up to 72 hours (3 days). It is much easier to get it than a regular visa. Confirmation will be sent to your email.

Tickets and route

Let's calculate the cost of a round-the-world trip by air (regular airlines + low-cost airlines) as of December 2018. Stops in each city are 2-3 days. Adjust the stopovers for yourself.

Moscow - Bangkok(no visa required). With a transfer in Irkutsk for 15.909 rubles. If you look at tickets from the regions, you can find it cheaper through Beijing. There is an option from Moscow via Istanbul on Turkish airlines.

Bangkok - Kuala Lumpur(no visa required). AirAsia ticket for $ 59 (4000 rub.)

Kuala Lumpur - Sydney(free transit visa up to 72 hours - issued via the Internet). Via AirAsia for $ 153 (10,400 rubles) Keep in mind that in Australia it is summer in January and winter in July.

Sydney - Hawaii(you need an American visa). The most difficult segment of the journey. A ticket through or Australian Airlines to Honolulu for AU $ 449 (£ 22,000) Catch a 50% discount. ($ 221 Australian flight - 11,000 rubles).

Honolulu (Hawaii) - San Francisco - New York(American visa). Making a stopover in San Francisco for 1-2 days. Ticket for 20 335 rub. via Aviasales (via the Alaska Airlines website it is cheaper by 700 rubles). You can fly through Los Angeles (stopover 24 hours) for 19 500 rubles.

New York - Moscow... Direct flight with Aeroflot via Skyscanner for 34,594 rubles.

I advise you to fly only with hand luggage. Be sure to use the GPS navigator on your phone (offline Google maps or Maps.Me). Install an online English-Russian translator from Google on your phone.

Take with you (order through Aliexpress) or buy an adapter to sockets on the spot (there are 3 types of sockets on your way).

Read about how to travel safely, save your money and documents.


Total airfare costs: 107 238 rubles... Visa costs: American $ 160 (10 880 p.), Australian transit visa is free of charge, visas to Asia are not required.

If you buy all flights through search engines (aviasales, skyscanner, momondo), the cost will increase by 10-15%. If you wait for discounts and promotions from low-cost airlines, you can additionally save up to 20%.

If you fly in the summer months, in the off-season, tickets in Asia are much cheaper, plus you can find a ticket from Australia to Hawaii for 11.000r. In total, your airfare costs will be about 80,000 rubles.

If you buy tickets a lot in advance, you can still save up to 10%.

Let's imagine and calculate how much it will cost to travel around the world.

I will briefly describe the components of such a journey and calculate approximate budget based on the fact that we will visit 5 continents. I warn you that the budget is designed for the most economical economy. Spare credit card nobody canceled in my pocket! :)

The budget for our trip around the world will consist of two main components:
a) flight costs
b) visas and insurance
c) all other expenses - accommodation, meals, small shopping, etc.

So let's start with transport, which should be taken care of right away, so that nothing distracts us from rest and exploring the countries we have chosen. Of course, the train is not an option here - we fly and only fly! True, within countries, if you want to visit additional cities that are not so far from megacities, then the train or bus can be taken into account. Here we will build a route between countries and continents.

Today, in the 21st century, it is not difficult to do this, because global aviation alliances provide a round-the-world booking service and make it possible to choose flights of partner airlines, get the cost of the final air ticket and redeem it without going through the websites of several airlines.

There are three airline alliances in the world today, which unite more than 60 of the world's largest airlines from all continents, therefore, like relatives in different cities, they will take care of you in the best possible way, making it possible to simplify your travel booking as much as possible.

These aviation alliances and their main members are:

Each of the alliances on their website offers the Round service The world, with the help of which you can plan your trip, select specific flights for any convenient date and time and book them.

As with booking a regular ticket, you have the option of choosing Economy Class, Business Class and, if you prefer only the most luxurious, First Class.

There is a limit on the number of segments in your trip - as a rule, there should be no more than 16. You also need to close trip around the world- you must fly to the same city from which you originally flew.
There are other restrictions as well - the number of connections, for example - but airlines offer a wide variety of direct and connecting flights, so everyone will find what they need.

My calculations are based solely on Economy Class travel.

Here's an example interactive map in Oneworld - you can see my selected cities and countries:

Blue dots, as you know, are all possible cities where airlines in this alliance fly. There are hundreds of such cities, so there is plenty to choose from!

There are 12 segments in my plan:
Moscow - London - Sao Paulo - Buenos Aires - Santiago - Lima - Dallas / Ft. Worth - San Francisco - Los Angeles - Sydney - Tokyo - Hong Kong - Dubai - Doha - Moscow

The cost of such a trip with a departure from Moscow to Oneworld will be: 4,575.33 EUR
Divide this amount by 14 scheduled flights and you get 326 EUR for each one! Not bad.

Let's see what other alliances offer for such trips (while the destinations may differ slightly - this is due to the peculiarities route networks member airlines of the alliance):

The cost of 13 round-the-world flights departing from Almaty to StarAlliance will be: 4,775 EUR

The cost of such a trip with a departure from Moscow to Skyteam will be: 5,003.64 EUR

As you can see, the cost of flights is about the same in all alliances, and therefore the decision on which one to choose depends on the countries you want to see or on the commitment to any airline (for example, you have unspent miles).


Remember visas, which also cost money, although not for everyone. For example, for citizens of Kazakhstan, a visa is not required to some Asian countries (Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea) and Latin America(Argentina, Ecuador), for Russian citizens - a visa-free regime practically throughout Latin America.
We will plan 1,000 EUR for all visas - albeit with a margin.

Insurance! A very important point. Of course, in each country there may be nuances, but, judging by the terms of insurance companies in Kazakhstan, such insurance will cost EUR 250 for 90 days - I was not too lazy and came to this amount for each country using an online calculator on the website of one of the Kazakhstani insurance companies. There are details on the coverage of the insurance - the higher the coverage, the more expensive the insurance, but the differences are not particularly noticeable.


Other expenses (accommodation, meals, shopping, etc.)

Since we are not going around the world tomorrow and it is not required to draw up a detailed budget for each country (and each has its own characteristics and can result in a decent amount), we will take an approximate daily limit.

From our list, the most expensive are probably the USA, Australia and Japan.

Based on my travel experience (I think everyone strives to minimize costs, so as not to save too much, but also not to chic), I will accept the daily level of expenses in EUR 100, including accommodation, food and a little money for excursions and souvenirs. We don't count serious shopping here.
100 EUR is not enough? If you find a rented accommodation, say, for two weeks, then they will take much less for such accommodation than in a hotel. And if you remember about couchsurfing ( - social network for travelers), you can find free options. A database is at your service: more than 7 million people in dozens of countries around the world who will help with housing or accommodate you at home.

Now it is worthwhile to understand, HOW MUCH all this round-the-world beauty will last. Of course, we will not be in each country for one day, but we are not going to live there for two months either, although you set the restrictions yourself. It all depends on what interesting things the country and the neighboring countries offer - after all, no one bothers us to go there too.

Here's what I get in terms of duration:

Taking a trip with Oneworld as an example:

flight Moscow - London
18 days
There is a lot to see in the UK besides London. Consider Wales and Scotland, so a couple of weeks in the UK isn't that long.

London - Sao Paulo
21 day
Where Sao Paulo is, there is Rio, Brasilia, and the Amazon, in general there is something to do for 3 weeks.

Sao Paulo - Buenos Aires
14 days
Two weeks in Argentina can go to the capital itself, you can go to see the Iguazu Falls on the border with Brazil and Paraguay. By the way, you can also visit the Paraguayan capital Asuncion - getting a visa is not a problem. You can dash to the south of Argentina and get closer to Antarctica.

Buenos Aires - Santiago
12 days
In Chile, besides Santiago, you can see Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, or go east and see the Andes.

Santiago - Lima
18 days
Peru! Machu Picchu! North of Peru we have Ecuador - no visa required. So there will be no time to be bored for two and a half weeks.

Lima - Dallas
11 days
Dallas, Houston, sit and look at Gulf of Mexico, go to a rodeo, fly to neighboring Louisiana to watch New Orleans... And if Mardi Gras is there at that time, then it's generally great!

Dallas - San Francisco
20 days
The Federation Council itself will require at least a week. Options for brightening up the remaining days: take a ticket to Seattle, or Vancouver (if you have a Canadian visa) or Boseman and see Yellowstone national park or Yosemite Park (in the same California). Well, in the end, at Disneyland near Los Angeles.

San Francisco - Sydney
30 days
After a 19-hour nonstop (!) Flight, you need three or four days to recover. When we are full of Sydney, we can go to Melbourne and Perth or north. What if we want to New Zealand? She's pretty close. All this will take a month for sure.

Sydney - Tokyo
20 days
3 weeks minimum. There is no need to rush here - you need to contemplate, sit for five days in Japanese gardens and taste this unique culture.

Tokyo - Dubai
15 days
Climb the Burj Khalifa, travel to Abu Dhabi, bask in the sun (only in moderation) and exhale after months of travel.

Dubai - Moscow
Completion of the journey.

Total: 179 days or 6 months.

So the final calculation of the trip:

Minimum cost of flights around the world: 4.575 EUR

Approximate visa cost: 1,000 EUR

Approximate cost of medical insurance: 250 EUR

Minimum living expenses and minor expenses: 179 days * 100 EUR = 17,900 EUR

I would add another 10% of this money for unforeseen expenses: 1,790 EUR

TOTAL: 25,515 EUR

Expensive? It depends on what you compare it to. But one way or another, this can be a goal if you really want to see the world for yourself and show it to your family. In any case, visiting each of these countries separately will be much more expensive.

Of course, the final figure may change downward if you manage to save on living or live with friends in some countries, becoming a couchsurfer. Although the figure, of course, can increase if you go all out and start spending on purchases and then on paying for excess baggage at airports or sending hundreds of clothes by mail home.

And yet I am glad that some can afford it, while not hyper-rich. I'm not talking about myself (yet)! And by the way, this blog post does not mean that I am going on a similar journey anytime soon - it is just reflections and an attempt (successful, I must say!) To set a goal!

Fantasies tend to turn into reality.

Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true.
Richard Bach

The question that I have been analyzing for a long time, and to which I finally received an answer by the method of calculations and estimates, is how much money is needed for an independent, modest, so-called. backpackers, traveling the world? I drove a lot myself, all the time I counted, wrote down and analyzed, I learned a lot on the forums, and from the guidebooks.

Calculations have shown that people often estimate the level of travel expenses in a particular country incorrectly, and with a meticulous calculation, the average amount of currency spent per day, then per week, and eventually per month turns out to be different than they themselves expect.

The reasons for this phenomenon:

a) objective - in some 5-10 years the situation in a once cheap country can change, it ceases to be such, but in the minds of many it is still such;

b) subjective - if there is an opinion about a country that it is cheap, then trying to argue this for himself, a person remembers only the most cheap price for lunch / drink / candy, ever seen, but about what was more expensive, he tries to involuntarily forget. And vice versa - if a person is convinced that somewhere is insanely expensive, then he will try to keep in his memory only examples of this high cost.

So, after the calculations, it turned out that the price of travel in Ukraine and in some Vietnam or Syria is practically the same, despite the fact that for some reason Ukraine is considered more expensive by many. This is not true. Here's another. Eastern Europe is sometimes cited as a zone with average, moderate prices, but in reality they are very high there.

For the adequacy of the calculations, an equal should be compared with an equal. For example, someone gives an example of cheap food in some country, but after clarifying the essence of the dish, it turns out that it is an ordinary vegetarian cereal with spices and gravy. So after all, two or three servings of a side dish as a conditional dish will be inexpensive everywhere. Eating meat or fish should be compared to similar food in another country.

Another example. In very hot countries, a traveler from our latitudes needs an air conditioner for a minimum comfortable overnight stay. If its presence is considered as a necessity (which is certainly the case in some countries), then it should be compared with a hotel with hot batteries in our country. Norm? As a rule, yes. A very simple hotel, which has only a ceiling fan, is like our very poor hotel, in which the batteries are barely full, and you have to wrap yourself in three blankets. It is the same with hot water - its presence in the hotels of the countries of Black Africa will be painful to beat and hit on the pocket. So which Africa is cheap? Very expensive, of course. Or they write for some reason that trains are cheap in India. Indeed? Let's compare the cost of not a Stolypin carriage (which is completely free in the CIS), but a compartment with us, and the cost of a train similar in comfort there? Is it that cheap? That is it. Well, if you are really really a homeless person, then in Paris you can spend the night on the sidewalk and eat up leftovers from an urn. For zero. And ride freight trains in coal wagons. Then there will be nothing to compare - there is one continuous communism everywhere.

One more point about human delusions. Prices in different countries very different, and accordingly, to maintain the same standard of living, they need very different amounts of money. The thesis seems to be indisputable. However, no, there are people who think differently. Those who have never traveled anywhere, only wave their hand, talking about foreign countries, confident that everything is equally expensive, so expensive that there is no way to afford such expenses. Despite the fact that in their place of residence, prices can be much higher. Or the same thing, but vice versa: everything is equally cheap everywhere, in any country you will spend exactly the same as at home. These opinions are equally distant from reality.

So to the point. Calculations showed that the cheapest countries in the world for independent travel are: Ukraine, the countries of the Middle East (i.e. Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt; without Turkey), Central Asia(Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), Southeast Asia (I haven’t been here myself yet, I analyzed prices according to guidebooks for the region, stories of those who have recently visited Vietnam, Laos and the “Vinsky forum”). This is the first price group surveyed. The second is Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, etc .; without Bulgaria). The third group - Western Europe, where prices are not the same - closer to the south they fall, to the north - they grow. For Russia, no separate calculations were made, however, one can estimate by eye and so - Russia is located between groups 1 and 2. Turkey and Bulgaria are also there. Similarly, all other countries of the world can be attributed to one of the groups or to an intermediate position between them.

Prices for a modest (backpacker) trip around the world:
1. The cheapest countries to travel in the world: Middle East, Middle, Southeast Asia and Ukraine - 800-1000 USD per month per person. That is, approx. $ 30 a day, of which 15-20 goes to the hotel, 10-15 for meals, museums, souvenirs.
2. Eastern Europe - $ 2000-2500 per month per person.
3. Western Europe - 3500-4500 dollars per month per person. 115-150 dollars per day, of which 30-50% is spent for the night, the rest for transport - it is very expensive, food, etc.

* When traveling with an inseparable two, you can save up to 30-40% of the above amount on hotels (for two they are often cheaper).
** The cost does not include tickets from home to the host country / countries and back, there are no visa costs.
*** The calculation does not take into account the possibility of spending the night for free by registration, in tents and hitchhiking. If you do this, then the costs are greatly reduced, at times.

It is from these figures that it immediately becomes clear why there are so many independent travelers in Europe, and so few in our country. Spend $ 2,000-4,000 on a modest trip where you think about saving all the time? Our people would better invest this money in a summer cottage or a car. And the majority simply do not have such amounts. So the class of backpackers has not yet formed as such and will not be formed soon. To do this, the country needs to get very rich.

A modest (backpacker) journey implies:
a) lodging for the night in a number of cases in multi-bed primitive rooms, often with other people (sharing), often in rooms without a toilet and shower. The rest of the time - in separate rooms in hotels. Approximately once every 8 days, this budget includes an overnight stay in a typical 3-star hotel with hot water in the room, TV and breakfast. So to speak - once every 8 days to remember the good comfort.

b) movement on the cheapest local transport - local buses without air conditioning, low and middle class trains (for the CIS up to a reserved seat), sometimes, four times a month, the use of buses or trains of a higher class, if necessary. The budget does not include the use of aircraft - this must be added in excess of the indicated amount, except for possible cheap flights on promotions / low-cost airlines.

c) the use of public transport is included in the budget sufficiently for a full-fledged trip, however, with the constant purchase of passes for several days or tourist cards, the budget will be quickly exceeded.

d) 3 meals a day (sometimes 4 times a day) along the way. Due to the use of the cheapest hotels / hostels, the breakfast included in the room rate can only be expected sometimes and not very plentiful.

Meals for money with such a budget are carried out in the cheapest establishments: for Ukraine it is - from a factory canteen to a self-service cafe like "Puzata Khata", for Western Europe - Turkish or Chinese primitive cafes and McDonald's, for Eastern Europe - left over from the times socialism canteens or the same Asian eateries. It is possible to use discounts for lunch at mid-level cafes / restaurants on weekdays (so-called "business lunch").

In order not to go out of budget, breakfast or dinner in a cafe should often be replaced with a dry snack from products bought in a store / supermarket. In stores with such a budget, you need to choose cheaper products, for Europe - preferably with promotions. When shopping for goodies on the streets (buns, ice cream, water), you need to carefully check that the price is not higher than the national average, otherwise the budget will be exceeded. You should also refrain from shopping for food in the very center of major European cities (with some, perhaps, exceptions). Bekpekerskaya tradition - in the evenings to drink a mug - another beer or other cheap drink in a cafe. This is included in the calculations.

e) the budget includes visits to museums, but a moderate number of them - one museum for every 2-3 days of travel. Fans of museums, paid monasteries and parks should prepare for an increase in the budget.

Is the quoted amount of $ 1,000 for cheap Asia and $ 4,000 for Western Europe strictly fixed, is it possible to spend a different amount of money? My answer is - of course, you can spend another amount. Let's consider these cases.

Case 1, civil journey. If you want to travel between cities in new buses of good companies, and not in unpretentious regional ones, choose compartments and SVs on trains across the CIS, and in Europe - Intercity or sleeping cars, spend the night not in hostels all the time, but in respectable hotels " three stars "and sometimes higher, in the evenings from the bar to return home by taxi, so as not to wait for a long transport at the bus stop, to visit, in addition to museums, football matches / concerts, in a word, to relax the way most of our compatriots dream in their dreams, You will need a trip to the cheapest Asia from 1500-2000 dollars, in Eastern Europe - 3000-4000 dollars, and in Western Europe - at least 6000-9000 dollars.

Of course, for lovers of comfort, it is much cheaper to use the services of travel agencies and buy a tour - because good conditions on an independent (!) trip are a lot, oh, how much.

Case 2, uncivil travel. If your finances are not enough for a backpacker trip, that is, to the level with which he travels most of of people with backpacks around the world, then there is only one way out - to start rebuilding the entire structure of the trip.

The most expensive part of the trip is hostels / hotels, so if you start spending the night at local residents, at train stations in waiting rooms, in tents in parks or along roads, then the budget can be reduced significantly, at times.

The second resource for saving is transport. If you minimize the use of public transport and try to walk all the time, if you ride a bicycle or hitchhike between cities, you can also reduce costs significantly.

The third way, the saddest, is to save on food. If in all canteens and cafes you choose the cheapest dish from the menu, refuse meat, but add three portions of garnish each (gravy is free :), then the amount of expenses per month will decrease. An even more radical way is to buy cereal yourself, cook it wherever you have to, and walk all day with a saucepan (plastic box) and slowly, as hunger arises, eat.

With a combined homeless-backpacker trip (that is, finding part of the night for free, but from time to time to stay in hotels, as well as transport and food), it will be possible to save up to 50% of the budget declared at the beginning of the article without a strong loss of comfort and pace of travel. If the costs are even lower (and you can reduce costs up to 3-5 dollars a day), you have to slow down, missing out on some countries / cities, spend more time looking for cheap food and / or preparing it.

An alternative way to save money is to give up a busy trip and settle in one place for a month. Then the amount for rental housing will drop sharply anywhere in the world - renting one hotel room for a month is much cheaper than paying daily, and renting an apartment will be even cheaper. Costs for intercity transport are falling sharply - you will have to pay only for radial exits from the place of the main deployment, and not for constant moving. Costs for food are also reduced - with a long stay, you can get comfortable in the country / city, and know where, what and how much. Cellular communications, the Internet, etc. also become much cheaper with permanent deployment.

Based on the layout at the prices proposed above, everyone can determine for themselves the direction in which they could go, the level of comfort and the timing of the trip. Happy travels! :)

One of the most frequently asked questions about a trip around the world is how much money you need to prepare for it. Today we reveal all the cards, share our budget, as well as ideas on how to reduce it by at least a quarter. Complete guide for the upcoming expenses for those who are also planning a trip around the world!

Note: all prices are per person and are in US dollars (costs are usually in them). The final amount of the trip in rubles is calculated based on the exchange rate at the time of this writing - 56.5 rubles per dollar.


The biggest waste of travel around the world is transport. The more countries planned in the itinerary, the higher the final cost of the tickets.

On a trip around the world, you either travel slowly and cheaply, or quickly and relatively expensively. We chose the second option. Of course, you can hitchhike around countries, canned on buses on 20-hour journeys, or sail for half a day on ferries, but this is good for those who are not limited in time. We want to complete the trip around the world in six months and have chosen an airplane as the main means of transportation. On rare occasions, there will be buses, but usually within a country.

(Visited 3,025 times, 1 visits today)

I am often asked - "Lyova, how is it that you can?" Usually people are interested in two things: where do I get so much vacation from, and where do I get so much money. Vacation is simple - that leaves me time to travel. As for the money, I honestly never counted how much I spend on my trips.

But I think it's time to figure out how much such a life full of travel costs me ...

In order not to go far, let's take 2017 as an example. Over the past year, I was on the road for 138 days, and managed to visit 15 countries (including several trips to the United States):

Those of you who actively follow my blog know that it is atypical, so I will not take it into account. After all, I definitely cannot afford to have such a break every year for the winter holidays.

Since I love flying to Asia and Europe, and for that I have to cross the oceans, airfare is one of the most important expenses. Here for me - with their help I made five transoceanic flights in 2017. Moreover, he did it in business, and even in the first class. (Miles is the best way to fly Business Class.) Hard to forget with their double beds on board.

But for the rest of the flights, I paid with honestly earned money (and therefore, I flew mostly economy!). I am a loyal customer of Delta, and if I already buy air tickets, I try to fly with Delta or their Skyteam partners. For the last couple of years, they have been tracking the dollar equivalent of flights spent throughout the year. I went to look at this at the end of 2017, and I saw this:

It was sometime in November and Delta counted me $ 4,826. In fact, this number does not take into account taxes and fees (say, about $ 700), and in my case, there was still an upcoming flight to Buenos Aires, which cost one and a half thousand dollars. In the end, I figured that I spent somewhere around $ 7,000 on flights.

Then I thought that this could be easily checked, and it was useful to add up all the tickets purchased for 2017. It turned out a little more - somewhere $7,500 .

This does not include domestic flights. There weren't that many of them, though in 2017, and I also took some for miles. But I decided to count them together with the rest of the costs "on the spot".

Here everything is simple for me - there is no way (or desire) to calculate every penny spent. Therefore, I estimate that staying abroad average costs me $ 200 daily... This includes accommodation, food, travel, etc. There are cities and countries that are more expensive, others are much cheaper. But in general, in my opinion, on average, it turns out that way.

For example

Of course, you can travel much cheaper. For example, I always prefer to stay in centrally located hotels. The number of stars doesn't really bother me, but the proximity to the center is yes. I often go to expensive restaurants, especially when traveling with gourmet friends. How, for example, to go and not try there?

And in general, you can choose initially inexpensive countries - so I know there are guys who can spend a whole month somewhere for $ 500! But I do not like to save a lot on trips. At the same time, I don’t think that I’m spending a lot of money. Although probably no one thinks so.

In short, to understand the approximate costs in this way, we take this $ 200 and multiply it by 138 days. It turns out $27,600 ... I just saw it, and it seemed like a lot. But nothing can be done.

So what comes out? My total annual travel budget comes out - somewhere $35,000 ... At the current exchange rate, this is just over two million rubles.

Do you think this is a lot? Did you expect more? Or less? Perhaps, if I did not spend that kind of money on constant travel, I could afford to live somewhere in the center. New York, but not (which, on the other hand, are closer to the JFK airport!)