Why you can't bring water to the airport. What you can't take with you on the plane? Why are there such restrictions? From Duty Free

Rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage almost all passengers are interested, and the main reason is the increased dryness of the air on board the aircraft. Since the procedure for transporting liquids in the cabin is strictly regulated, before the flight, you should clarify what and to what extent is allowed to be taken on board.

Basic rules for the carriage of liquids on an airplane

First, let's clarify how much liquid you can take with you on the plane. In hand luggage 2020, most airlines allow you to take no more than a liter of liquid in the total volume. Moreover, the maximum displacement of each container should not exceed 100 ml.

Secondly, liquids mean not only drinks, but also all kinds of cosmetic and hygiene lotions, creams and liquid food products.

Thirdly, all available tubes must be packed in a special transparent plastic zip-top bag for easy check before the flight.

What is meant by "liquids"?

The list of liquids allowed for carriage is quite wide. It includes not only drinking water and other soft drinks, but also the following products:

  • Dairy products (yoghurts, sour cream, kefir, etc.);
  • Alcohol;
  • Soft types of cheeses;
  • Honey and products based on it;
  • Baby food (except for powdered mixtures);
  • Jam;
  • Canned food;
  • Medicines;
  • Shampoos, liquid soaps, gels and creams, deodorants.

Clarification about baby food: if a baby under two years old is flying with you, then the norms for transporting liquids as part of hand luggage do not apply to you - you can take food for the child with you in the amount that you need for the flight.

They differ depending on the airline's policy: some carriers allow a certain amount of alcohol in hand luggage, others completely prohibit bringing alcoholic beverages with them. Before the flight, you should clarify this point by studying the company rules that establish the maximum amount of alcohol that can be taken on board.

Liquid medicines in carry-on baggage

If you need to take with you an opened syrup, spray, ointment or lotion, which is a medicine, then its volume should not exceed the established 100 ml. At the same time, it is forbidden to pour medicines into standard plastic containers for flights - they should only be in their original packaging, so that during the inspection the controllers could determine their composition and purpose.

If you contain narcotic substances in a medication, you must have a medical certificate from a doctor confirming the need to take this drug. When flying abroad, such a certificate must be translated into English and certified by a certified translator. In addition, before flying to another country, you need to check if your medication is prohibited by local law.

Duty Free goods

The 100ml rule does not apply to liquids purchased prior to boarding from a duty free retail store. Alcohol and cosmetic products purchased by you are allowed to be carried in carry-on baggage in any quantity. There is only one requirement to be met: all purchases must be packed, you cannot open them before the flight or during the transfer.

When packing your suitcases, it is recommended that you put in your luggage all the liquid that you would like to take with you, as airlines do not regulate its amount. Strict rules apply only to hand luggage, so you should take only the essentials into the cabin - water, medicine, food for babies - so that there are no problems during security checks at the airport.

We have compiled complete and up-to-date list things that can and cannot be taken on the plane - both in hand luggage and in luggage. Plus a separate item about drugs.

Many travelers, going on vacation or home, do not know what can be taken on the plane, and are worried about how the customs officers would not force them to throw away the things they took with them or bought as a gift. To prevent this from happening, follow these simple rules:

  • learn the rules import / export of items to / from the country so that there are no problems with law enforcement agencies (for example, corals cannot be exported from Egypt and a number of other countries, unless they are purchased in a store);
  • read before flying the airline's baggage and carry-on baggage rules which you are flying - each company may have individual rules (usually a bag weighing from 5 to 10 kg is allowed in hand luggage);
  • if you are afraid of overweight and do not want to pay extra for luggage, pre-weigh the bag on the scales or find a measuring counter at the airport;
  • remember that many airlines allow you to carry in carry-on luggage such things as an umbrella, cane, crutches, equipment, a stroller, outerwear, etc. - this will help you with an overweight (check the list of things with your airline);
  • hand over most things in luggage, and take only the essentials on board the plane - so you don't have to fight with neighbors for space for luggage in the cabin of the plane;
  • do not check in valuable and fragile things (documents and equipment) - it happens that the luggage is lost, and fragile things break. It is better to put the appropriate Fragile mark on fragile things (although in Russia they often do not pay attention to this and do not stand on ceremony with luggage).

What you can't take on board

1. Liquids, gels, aerosols

Everyone knows (and it scares many) about restrictions on the carriage of liquids, gels, creams and aerosols in carry-on baggage. Restrictions apply to: water, drinks, pastes (including toothpastes), creams, oils, perfumes, lotions, sprays, gels, pressurized cans (including deodorants), mascara and other substances. You should not be intimidated: the transportation of these substances is allowed, but subject to certain conditions.

The main thing to remember is volume one containers with liquid should not exceed 100 ml. All this should ideally be packed in a special transparent plastic bag with a special volume fastener no more than 1 liter... Indeed, why would you need, for example, a 250 ml shower gel on the plane? Therefore, think carefully about what you bring on board. If you still need the notorious shower gel, it's easier to check it in and not bother. Also remember that each passenger is only allowed one such bag as carry-on baggage.

Remember that a bottle, for example, 200 ml, is only a quarter full will count as 200 ml.

If you already have an open bottle of drink (it doesn't matter if it's water or yogurt), it will be taken away. It is better to buy drinks after the security check - in the duty-free shop. The purchase must be packed in a branded bag and sealed.

The exception is baby food and medicines.

Where is it calm and safe? Look - we compared countries in terms of natural disasters, wars and terrorism, peacefulness and attitude towards tourists.

(photo © msmail / flickr.com)

2. Any piercing-cutting objects

You cannot take needles, corkscrews, knives, scissors, knitting needles, pocket knives, etc. on the plane. It is better to check all this in your luggage so as not to buy at your destination. Even seemingly innocent things like a nail file and nail scissors can raise the suspicion of the security service.

3. Weapons and imitation weapons

We think that this point will not surprise anyone - for security reasons, no one will let you on board the plane with a weapon. In addition, if you purchased a toy gun for your child and he does not want to part with it for the duration of the flight, alas, there will be problems. You will not be allowed into the aircraft cabin with imitation weapons - you will either have to check in your luggage or throw it away. I witnessed how a water pistol was taken away from a child at customs and thrown away.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol is allowed for carriage only in baggage (the norms for the export and import of alcoholic products depend on the countries from where you are flying out and where you are arriving). The exception is alcohol purchased in duty-free or on board the aircraft.

5. Other items

Before flying, we advise you to consult the official website of your airline and the legislation of the country you are flying to, and see what you cannot take on board exactly according to their rules - this may be due to quarantine or some events in the country. For example, in Russia in the winter and spring of 2014, absolutely all liquids were banned from carrying in hand luggage due to the terrorist threat during the Sochi Olympics.

(photo © Lotus Carroll / flickr.com)

What to take on the plane

Here I will list those items that you can not only take on board the plane in your hand luggage, but you also need them - they may be useful to you, help pass the time, or it will be safer to take them with you than to check in your luggage.

Firstly, it is worth taking all the electronic gadgets that you have on the plane to be sure that everything is safe and sound. In addition, if you have to spend a lot of time in flight, they will brighten up your flight hours: you can watch a movie on a laptop, listen to music in a player, read on a tablet, and take a picture of the view from the window.

2. Documents and money

Of course, documents and money are another important point that should not be forgotten. Imagine what would happen if they were left in the baggage that was lost? Therefore, you need to take money and documents with you to the aircraft cabin and keep it with you. And without the main documents (for example, a passport), you will not be able to go through border control and will not be allowed to check your luggage.

3. Warm clothes

It is worth taking a sweater or light jacket, socks, trousers on the plane - whatever you need more. By the end of the nine-hour air-conditioned flight, you will be chilled out, because sometimes there are not enough blankets on planes for all. Fortunately, this has become a rarity lately, but for those who are constantly freezing, this advice is relevant :)

(photo © Amy Dianna / flickr.com)

Read detailed instructions about what medications you need to take on the road:.

Take a minimum set of vital necessary medicines- from allergies, if any, from motion sickness, mild pain relievers (analgesics) and antipyretic drugs. Especially if you are sick - remedies for a cold, for example, or for a cough. Read about what medicines you can take on the plane below.

5. Wet wipes

Wet wipes are definitely worth taking on the plane. What if you drop a piece of fatty food on yourself? And if you are flying with a child, then this is the first thing you need to take. In addition, with the help of them, you can disinfect your hands before eating or simply "wash" without getting up - to refresh the skin of the face, neck and hands.

6. Inflatable pillow

If the flight is long, it will help to avoid neck pain and ensure a comfortable sleep.

7. Food

You can take food on the plane! Some people lack what they give on planes, or they don't like the food, or they just oversleep their meals (this is especially true on long night flights), or they have to long transplant, and at the airport everything is very expensive ... There are many reasons why it is worth taking food on the plane.

If you are flying a low-cost airline, remember that you will not be fed for free. It is better to take food on the plane that is not prohibited from being imported into the country you are flying (animal products are often prohibited).

Read our in-depth Travel Fee Workshop:.

(photo © Elmar Bajora Photography / flickr.com)

What medicines can be taken on the plane

Which medication can I take on the plane? We think this issue worries many passengers who have heard about the severity of the screening procedure.

So, you can take liquid medicines (sprays, drops, syrups) with a volume of no more than 100 ml and packed in a transparent plastic bag with a fastener with a volume of no more than 1 liter in your hand luggage on the plane. That is, nose drops - no problem. With pills, the situation is a little more complicated.

If you are flying abroad, strong drugs (with psychotropic and narcotic components) must be declared, prescriptions must be presented for English language or the language of the host country and receipts from the pharmacy.

What are potent drugs? These are strong pain relievers, sleeping pills, psychotropic drugs, weight control and appetite suppressants. In general, it is better to consult in advance with the consulate of the country of arrival about which drugs cannot be imported into the country, since drugs that are freely sold in Russia may be prohibited in other countries.

It is advisable that the medicines are in their original packaging with instructions.

What medicines can be taken on the plane: antipyretic, adsorbents, analgesics, sprays and drops from the common cold, antiallergenic, anti-motion sickness, bandages, plaster, iodine and brilliant green in a pencil.

Naturally, if you take large doses of drugs with you to the cabin, this will raise suspicions and you will have to prove to the customs officers that you need exactly that amount of medicine during the flight and show the doctor's prescription.

(photo © eblaser / flickr.com)

What is forbidden to take on the plane

Well, and, of course, those things that are strictly forbidden to take on the plane (you can not take it in your hand luggage or carry it in your luggage) include:

  • magnetized substances;
  • explosives;
  • weapons and ammunition;
  • poisonous and toxic substances;
  • flammable liquids;
  • flammable solids;
  • radioactive materials;
  • compressed and liquefied gases;
  • toxic substances;
  • caustic and corrosive substances;
  • oxidizing agents and organic peroxides.

This is where the recommendations of what you can and cannot take on the plane end. If you have oversized and non-standard baggage, animals and other exceptional cases, please contact the airline representatives - they will always help you.

Introductory image source: © supermuch / flickr.com.

Here's what I found:

EU adopts uniform regulations for the carriage of liquids on board aircraft
Starting Monday November 5th, all 25 EU countries, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, will have new rules for carrying hand luggage on board. First of all, they establish a unified procedure for carrying various kinds of liquids into the aircraft cabin and introduce a number of restrictions regarding their volume and method of transportation. In addition, the rules regulate the procedure for screening passengers themselves when boarding an aircraft.
The rules themselves
Now passengers will be able to take no more than one liter of fluid into the aircraft cabin. Moreover, each liquid substance should be contained in a container with a volume of no more than 100 milliliters. All containers must be packed in a transparent sealed bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter, which passengers must present to airport officials when they are checked on boarding the plane. During the flight, it is forbidden to open the package and use liquids.
According to the new rules, "liquid" means:
# water, soups, syrups;
# creams, lotions and oils;
# perfume and toilet water;
# spray;
# gels, including hair and shower gel;
# contents of pressurized cylinders - shaving foam, other foams and deodorants;
#pastes, including toothpaste;
# solid state liquids;
# mascara for eyebrows and eyelashes;
# any other substance in liquid state
At the same time, it is reported that the volume restrictions do not apply to liquids purchased in duty-free shops at the airport. However, duty-free goods must also be sealed in a transparent bag. Passengers are advised not to open the package until the check-in process. Otherwise, the things they bought will be confiscated.
The restrictions will not apply to medicines and baby food, however, passengers may be asked to prove that they will really need these things during the flight, and in some cases even try the contents of baby food jars in the presence of airport inspectors.
When going through a personal search, passengers are required to take off their outer clothing - a jacket or coat - which will be shone through separately. In addition, they are instructed to remove laptops and other existing electrical appliances from their carry-on luggage, which will also undergo a special scan.
The new rules apply not only to passengers departing from European airports, but also to those traveling in transit through Europe.
In particular, passengers were allowed to carry baby food, contact lens cases, laptops and electronic devices in the cabin, but only in transparent bags.
At the same time, according to the Kommersant newspaper, the new rules will not affect Russian airports. In other words, Russians will only come under their influence when they take off or transit through European airports.

In our hand luggage, we usually take everything that may be useful to us on the road, from documents to entertainment during the flight. Moreover, sometimes it is the only bag or suitcase that a traveler can take with him.

You need to pack carefully, and not only because the dimensions of carry-on luggage are limited. It is very important not to accidentally bring something that is not allowed in your hand luggage on the plane - and this is a very long list.

The meaning of some of the prohibitions is obvious, others seem ridiculous: why is it impossible to take water on a plane, why is it possible to read in flight, but not to knit?

But in fact, all prohibitions are dictated by security considerations and are often introduced after emergencies on board. There are known cases when terrorists, already in flight, created explosives, carrying individual components on board, and used improvised means to threaten the crew and passengers.

Our review contains all the information that a traveler will probably need:

  • how much liquid you can carry on the plane;
  • how to bring medicines;
  • is it possible to take food on the plane;
  • is it allowed to take baby food with you.

Knowing the answers to these questions, you can easily get ready for the trip.

List of prohibited items on the plane

The list of items that are not allowed in checked baggage and carry-on baggage is markedly different. Baggage requirements are less severe: obviously dangerous items (explosives, ammunition, drugs, flammable, corrosive and toxic substances) cannot be transported. There are much more requirements for hand luggage, although the safety of passengers is also in the first place here.

Here is a general list of what you can't take on board in your hand luggage:

  • explosive, poisonous, flammable, corrosive substances - these include both an ordinary mercury thermometer and nail polish remover;
  • weapons, including souvenir and fake weapons (you can carry weapons in your luggage, so put a children's machine gun or a lighter in the form of a pistol in your suitcase);
  • piercing and cutting objects - these include scissors, nail files, razors, needles for syringes, knitting needles and crochet hooks, metal table knives and forks, corkscrews, construction tools;
  • liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml (for nuances and exceptions, see the section "Carrying liquids in carry-on baggage").

Detailed lists, often with infographics, can be found on the websites of airports and air carriers.

Airports have the right to soften or tighten the rules for the carriage of hand luggage. Increased security measures are used on the eve of significant events (festivals, sporting events) or in connection with the threat of terrorist attacks.

Normative acts different countries allow airport authorities to impose additional security requirements.

For example, Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Inspections (RF) * states that Russian airports may prohibit taking knitting needles and nail scissors into the aircraft cabin with a blade length of up to 6 cm.

At the same time, some travelers confirm that they have successfully passed inspection with such things in their hand luggage.

Many states, airports and airlines make additional lists of what items cannot be taken on the plane. We recommend that you find out before the flight if there are any special restrictions on carriage, so as not to run into trouble during check-in and security.

Carrying on liquids in carry-on baggage

There are not so few reasons to carry liquid in hand luggage. This is water for drinking (not on every flight passengers are fed and watered), and an antiseptic, and hand cream, and toothpaste, and a bottle of medicine. All this will be allowed to take with you, if you follow the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage.

At first, liquids, from the point of view of air transportation rules, are:

  • body and hair care products, toothpaste, deodorants, shaving foam, etc .;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • perfume and toilet water;
  • medicines in the form of syrups, solutions, drops, etc .;
  • some food products (drinking water, soup, mashed potatoes, pate, yogurt, cottage cheese, soft cheeses, fish caviar, preserves, jams, jellies, honey, canned food);
  • alcohol.
Secondly, there is a volume limitation. The volume of liquid carried in carry-on baggage must not exceed 100 ml.

This means that water, antiseptic, shampoo, juice should be individually packaged up to 100 ml. If you bring a large, partially filled shampoo bottle, the shampoo will have to be thrown away at the airport.

Thirdly, the general volume of liquids in carry-on baggage - no more than 1 liter... In this case, all bubbles and sachets with liquid must be folded into one transparent plastic bag. At the airport, this package is checked separately from other things.

The allowance for liquids in carry-on baggage does not apply to baby food, medicines and goods purchased in Duty Free. Although here you need to know the features:

  • medicines can be carried in the amount that you need for the duration of the flight (if you are flying with a transfer, feel free to consider the total duration of the trip);
  • in Duty Free shops, all goods are packed in a transparent plastic bag, a receipt is placed there, and all this must remain sealed throughout the flight;
  • the amount of baby food should also be calculated for the duration of the flight - the rest of the baby food that you hesitate to pack in your luggage will need to be returned at the check-in counter: it will be taken in the aircraft cabin.

Read more about the nuances of carrying liquid in hand luggage on an airplane in the following sections.

As for drinking water Many travelers take an empty bottle with them and fill it with water from drinking fountains after passing through security. If you are not allowed to carry an empty bottle, losses will be minimal.

Can I take food on board?

It is advisable to take food on the plane, and in some cases it is necessary. Even if the flight itself does not last long, you will have to spend two hours at the airport before departure, and after landing, you will not immediately have the opportunity to fully eat.

In addition, low-cost airlines do not include in-flight meals. So, you should take a light snack or a full meal with you on the road.

The question of whether it is possible to carry food on the plane is now being resolved unambiguously - it is possible. In order not to starve on the road, bring sandwiches, dried fruits, nuts, cookies, sweets. It is allowed to take fresh vegetables and fruits into the cabin, but it is advisable to take a little of them to eat during the flight.

Perishable food should be put in a thermal bag and eaten first. It is not recommended to take food with a strong smell with you.

What you can take on the plane from food for babies:

  • baby food in jars;
  • baby water;
  • Bottled breast milk or milk substitute
  • boiled vegetables and meat without broth;
  • biscuits.

If you are going to bring food products with you not in order to eat them on the road, be sure to check what prohibitions on import and export are in the countries of departure and destination.

So, in the EU countries you will not be allowed with meat products, in the same way the law is strict on dairy products (the ban does not apply to baby food). Special bans on the export of products exist in countries South-East Asia- there you cannot take durians, watermelons, coconuts on the plane. In Vietnam, nok-mum sauce is banned.

As a rule, alcohol can only be taken on board if purchased from a Duty Free store. Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Inspections (RF) * stipulates that alcohol can be carried in baggage, while nothing is said about carry-on baggage. rules air transportation passengers and baggage (Ukraine) ** contain the same standard.

Meanwhile, it can be difficult to carry goods from Duty Free in hand luggage. For example, alcohol purchased outside the Schengen area may not be allowed in EU countries. Be prepared for the fact that when you transfer at an airport in any of the EU countries, you will be met with a requirement to put alcohol in your baggage.

It should also be borne in mind that in most countries there is a certain limit on the import and export of alcohol, they also need to be taken into account. For example, more than 1 liter of alcohol cannot be imported into Egypt and Thailand, while its amount in checked baggage and carry-on baggage is taken into account. Alcohol import into Saudi Arabia prohibited.

Cosmetics and personal hygiene items

A neat cosmetic bag in hand luggage can also be the subject of attention of customs officers. You will be surprised, but there are also liquids there: mascara, lip gloss, foundation.

And liquids on board the aircraft, as we have already found out, can only be carried in a separate transparent bag, in containers up to 100 ml, in a total volume of no more than 1 liter.

Perfume and eau de toilette in carry-on baggage can be carried on the plane if they meet the rules for carrying liquids. Feel free to take a 50 ml bottle of perfume in your carry-on luggage, and it is better to put a large package of eau de toilette in your luggage.

The decision to carry knitting needles, embroidery needles, nail scissors in hand luggage is made by the airport administration. They have the right to prohibit the transportation of such items, so it is better to pack them in luggage.

Let's give some tips on how to collect cosmetics to take them on board the aircraft without hindrance.

  1. Do not throw away the shampoo and gel packs issued by the hotel. Small bottles will come in handy on your next travels.
  2. You can buy a special travel kit for the plane: it is a transparent bag with small bottles and jars up to 100 ml. You can pour shampoo, body gel, micellar water, toner, cream into them. These are reusable packages and you can reuse them.
  3. Put mascara, lip gloss, foundations, beauty products, toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, perfume or eau de toilette in a transparent bag that you show during security.
  4. Put the manicure set, nail polish and nail polish remover in your luggage, and in your hand luggage, if necessary, put a clipper (nail clippers) and a file on a soft base.

Can I carry medicines on the plane?

Experienced travelers always take a first aid kit with medicines for emergencies and chronic diseases. But it should be borne in mind that not all medicines, in principle, are allowed to be imported into other countries, and not all medical devices can be taken with you to the salon. Let's figure out what you can and cannot take on the plane.

The general rule is that you can carry medicines in your carry-on baggage if you need to take them on the road. Stock up on a prescription or medical certificate confirming this need. Let us remind you that the restriction on the transport of liquids also applies to medicines.

The customs regulations of different countries provide for the possibility of transporting medicines in liquid form in containers with a volume of more than 100 ml in hand luggage, if you need to take them on the way.

Make sure the medicines are in their original packaging (do not transfer them into another bottle to save space) and that they do not expire.

Another restriction concerns the transportation of psychotropic (narcotic) drugs. This category includes tranquilizers, and besides them - strong pain relievers, antitussives containing codeine, antibiotics, vasoconstrictors based on pseudoephedrine, antihistamines containing chlorphenamine maleate, some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Questions may arise even when transporting alcoholic tinctures.

If you really need to bring any of these medicines, confirm this need with a prescription from a doctor, even if the drug is over-the-counter, with a receipt from the pharmacy and instructions (preferably in English).

In addition, before the flight, check what restrictions on the import of medicines are in the country where you are going or where you will be connecting.

It is advisable to have a medical certificate for a tourist with diabetes in order to freely carry insulin preparations, syringes, insulin pens, glucometer, alcohol solution, special food, etc. in hand luggage.

Try to carry a minimum of drugs in your carry-on baggage. During the flight, if the need arises, you can ask the flight attendants for medication: there is a first aid kit on every plane.

Another common question for parents who travel with children: is it possible to take a mercury thermometer on a plane? The air travel regulations of various countries say that a mercury thermometer can only be carried in baggage.

It is allowed to put an electronic or infrared thermometer in hand luggage. If you don't have one, you can count on a thermometer in your first aid kit.

If you are traveling with children

Families traveling with babies have to take much more things with them than adult tourists. The airlines understand this and cater to little travelers. If a child under two years of age is flying with you, you can take a few more items into the aircraft cabin, in addition to hand luggage:

  • carrycot for sleeping;
  • folding stroller-cane;
  • baby food in jars for the entire rest period, and not just for the duration of the flight.

To carry baby food in the cabin, you need to agree in advance with the air carrier. In this case, baby food will be processed as fragile luggage and will not be taken in the luggage compartment, but in the aircraft cabin.

Often, going on a trip, people do not have time for a long and painstaking study of all the nuances of the rules for transporting baggage, passing through customs. As a result, the trip may be ruined due to misunderstanding or possession of inaccurate data.

How much liquid can you carry on an airplane in 2020? Let's get acquainted with the current data so as not to lose personal belongings during the inspection.

A couple of years ago, the rules were very democratic. The increased incidence of drinking alcoholic beverages on the ship and the creation of a dangerous environment, terrorist attacks - all this led to a tightening of the policy of air carriers.

The carriage of liquids on an aircraft is regulated by each airline at its discretion. It assumes limitations on the volume of vials. The next criterion is sealed packaging. Liquids should not be spilled, they should be isolated from common things.

The last criterion is what is meant by the term liquid? This is not only water, so let's take a closer look at the list.

What is considered liquid

For the aviation industry, fluid has a wide range of meanings. For many travelers, it becomes a revelation what a large list includes the term, in addition to the well-known drinks. Examples:

  • Dairy products: kefir, yoghurts, milk, sour cream, etc .;
  • Alcohol;
  • Perfumes, colognes, aerosol deodorants;
  • Toothpaste, creams, mascara;
  • Soft cheeses. For example, curd cheese, feta;
Note! Even if a tin can is 2/3 solid, it will be categorized as a liquid.

Liquid Carriage Rates

In hand luggage

Carry-on baggage includes a bag containing the passenger's personal belongings. It has a certain size and weight, usually no more than 10 kg and is marked with a special tag.

Most airlines limit the carriage of liquids to one liter per person. For a single tube, the volume is not more than 100ml.

If a passenger takes a tube of 200-300 ml, but it is a third used up, it will be necessary to pack the tube in luggage or not take it with you on the trip. Carriage rules do not allow such an item to be allowed on board.

Many travelers ask themselves what standards should they be guided by - Russian or international? In fact, going to any country should be guided only by the carrier company and check their requirements for carrying liquids onto the ship.

Separate norms apply for baby food: mom can take any number of jars, as needed during the flight. Their volume, the total weight of the luggage is not limited. In this case, the child must be under two years old for the family to fall under the rule.

All food that the mother takes on board must be consumed. Dry diluted mixtures do not belong to the category of liquid substances. They can be bred on board by asking the stewardess for boiling water.

Note! Baby formula and puree are personal belongings, not carry-on baggage.

Checked baggage

An unlimited number of bottles of liquid are allowed in the baggage. All creams, shampoos and other products that are suitable in consistency are put into the suitcase in the amount required by the passenger.

Such a norm is envisaged in view of the fact that baggage passes on a belt under X-rays during inspection at the airport. Employees can see all the transported substances and make sure that the passenger is not carrying anything dangerous or prohibited.

For the import of alcoholic beverages in Russia, there is a restriction - no more than three liters of liquids in the luggage of the aircraft per person.

From Duty Free

It is a free trade zone with no tax duties. When buying goods in Duty Free, the limit of 100 ml for a tube does not apply.

It is allowed to purchase the necessary things without restrictions, be it perfume or alcohol. The main thing is not to exceed the total volume of hand luggage when calculating the volume of purchases.

Items purchased in this area must be sealed separately. In addition, they should not be unpacked until the end of the flight. When transplanted and undergoing control, they will fall under the standard rules for transporting liquids if they are opened.

Note! In some European countries it is prohibited to import goods purchased in the free trade zone outside the European Union.

A separate article is the transportation of caviar. It is also considered a liquid, and such restrictions of one hundred milliliters apply to it. The peculiarity is that within the country you can transport the product in a plastic container of a larger volume. But it's better to check in the caviar in the luggage compartment.

For export abroad, customs regulations apply. Forbidden:

  • Export more than 250 grams of black caviar from the country;
  • Export more than 5 kg of red;
  • No more than 125 grams of the product can be imported to European countries.

When buying spirits in the free trade zone, they can be checked in as checked baggage. The purchased volume of liquid on the plane will be accepted with the following restrictions:

Important! The purchased item must be with the manufacturer's label.

List of approved liquids

These liquids include substances that are not hazardous during the flight. Hazardous substances include gasoline, lighter fluid and others. Permitted liquids include:

  • Water;
  • Juices;
  • Syrups;
  • Jam, honey, confiture;
  • Baby food;
  • Creams, gels;
  • Perfume;
  • Alcoholic beverages (with standards for volume);
  • Medications;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Mascara, eyeliner, concealer;
  • Canned food and preserves, compotes;
  • Shower gels, shampoos;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Pressurized cylinders with deodorant or shaving foam, hairspray;
  • Other substances with a similar consistency.

Liquid medicines

For drugs the requirements for carrying into the salon with a volume of no more than 100 ml per tube are preserved.

A feature of the use of drugs on board is the strict requirements for the composition of the substance. If there is a narcotic ingredient, it is necessary to confirm with a doctor's certificate with the stamp of the clinic or a prescription that the passenger is entitled to take the drug.

It may also be allowed to bring several packages of medicines into the salon if there is documentary evidence of the need for admission. In this case, the limitation of 100 ml per vial is removed.

Important: it is forbidden to pour medicines into other bottles before the flight!

They must be in their original packaging as this makes it easier for airport staff to check. They should easily identify the composition, name. If you nevertheless poured it into a separate container, go to the security service well in advance of the flight and notify them about it.

General norms:

  • When flying to another country, a certified translation of the doctor's or hospital's certificate into English is required.
  • Find out in advance information about the legality of transported medicines in another country. For example, corvalol, valocordin are banned in a number of European countries.
  • Medicinal aerosols are not allowed in cans. The only exception is upon presentation of a certificate from the hospital or from the attending physician with translation into English.

In the absence of a prescription for a medicine exceeding the volume or prohibited for carriage without documents, customs officers have the right to apply punitive measures to the passenger. In the presence of narcotic substances in the medicine, the authorized persons will initiate a criminal case.

Allowed to carry in more diet food. For him, the same requirements are set as for drugs: to present a certificate from a doctor about the need to use the product for the purpose of treatment.

How to pack liquids correctly

When collecting items for carry-on luggage, you should pack liquids in a separate transparent bag. Most often they are made of plastic. It is better to purchase a bag with a tightly fastened lock.

Products can be purchased at office supply stores or obtained free of charge at the airport at the counter when viewed by security.

The dimensions of the packages are approximately 20 × 20 cm, but it is better to check the specific parameters with your air carrier.

For containers, it is better to purchase separate bottles with a mark on the volume in order to avoid disputes. If using a native bottle, check that all numbers are clearly visible.

Here are some common situations and tips that can help a traveler when planning a flight.

For lovers of aquarium fish, their transportation will not be difficult: they can be transported in the cabin, having previously poured 50 ml into an individual container or a plastic bag. Then place them in a container.

You don't have to worry about the safety of the fish, as they can withstand the flight for up to a day.

Where to get containers less than 100 ml?

  • Save containers from shampoos, hair balms, which are issued in hotels;
  • Many cosmetic companies donate mini-kits with the necessary tubes with the purchase, or they can be found on the free sale;
  • Buy an all-in-one travel kit or fluid container set and fill them with your own funds. Both options fit into the regulations for the carriage of liquids.

Other tips:

  1. Inquire in advance about the possibility of bringing rare medicines to other countries. Customs regulations the vast majority of countries prohibit the transportation of drugs with narcotic or psychotropic effects.
  2. If you are bringing food for your child, but it is perishable, grab a thermal container to preserve the product.
  3. It is worth replacing the mercury thermometer with an electronic one if it may be needed on the way.