International airports of southern italy map. International airports in italy. Choosing the best route

A flight to hospitable Italy has long become a familiar and comfortable process for those who go to this colorful country for rest or for a business trip. A large number of international airports in Italy allows you to solve the problem of arriving at desired city without unnecessary transfers and the use of land transport, which cannot but please many tourists.

In almost all major Italian cities, especially in those located in resort area, has its own airport. Big or small, but you must have it. Today, you can get to any region of sunny Italy either by direct flight, or by transit or composite - it all depends on which airlines deliver passengers and which city on the Adriatic coast you are heading to.

The cherished visa is finally in your hands, now all you have to do is choose the date of departure and decide on the final point of the long-awaited route. Which airports in Italy are the most popular and relevant for guests of the country? More about this.

Airports of the most famous Italian resorts

Just 30 kilometers from Rome, in cozy town Fiumicino is the largest Italian airport named after Leonardo da Vinci. From it, flights are carried out to two hundred points of the world, while the most famous and reliable airlines work with it. Automatic baggage tracking and a huge number of shops operating around the clock at the airport are a welcome bonus for many passengers.

In Venice, beloved by many, eight kilometers from it, the airport of Italy named after Marco Polo welcomes guests. Both regular and charter flights, you can get to Venice by public transport(not only by land, but also by water, for example, on a motorcycle cafe) or by private taxi. Russian-speaking tourists highly value "Marco Polo" for the presence of a staff of staff who speak Russian well.

Milan has three airports, the largest in terms of congestion and size of them - "Malpensa". It is located forty-five kilometers from the center of Milan, but you can easily get from it to the "heart" of the city: trains and buses run in this direction.

It is impossible not to include the following terminals in the list of airports:

  • "Frederico Felini", located five kilometers from the magnificent resort town Rimini;
  • Valerio Catullo Villafranca, located on the outskirts of romantic Verona;
  • the Guglielmo Marconi airport in Bologna;
  • "Galileo Galilei", which is located a couple of kilometers from the beloved Pisa;
  • "Capodichino", located six kilometers from Naples.

Choosing a point of travel, you can specify in advance the nuances of the work of each terminal, especially detailed information each airport now provides a personal website, which greatly simplifies its search. If you need to see the location of Italian airports on the map, it is quite easy: take a look at the same official website of the airport you need, or by the LINK.

Sicily airports

Of course, it is worth mentioning the international terminals of the island region of Italy. There are two of them in Sicily:

  1. Known since 1924, "Fontanarossa" is located near Catania (five km). The airport is constantly increasing its capacity, increasing route network aviation companies;
  2. Falcone Borsellino 35 kilometers from Palermo. Serves about five million passengers a year, despite the fact that it only accepts flights during the day.

Between city centers and airports is excellent transport connection: buses run there almost every 20-30 minutes, route taxis and Express trains.

Arrival airports from Moscow

Unfortunately, not all cities in Italy accept direct passenger aircraft from the capital of Russia. This subtlety should be taken into account if you want to get to the place without tedious transfers. Among the airports of arrival from Moscow, the most convenient are those that provide their runways to the airliners Aeroflot, S7 AIRLINES, AirBaltic, Transaero, WindJet, Alitalia.

Direct flights from Sheremetyevo will allow in just a few hours to be in the Roman Leonardo da Vinci, in the Venetian Marco Polo, in Valerio Catullo Villafranca in Verona, in Guglielmo Marconi in Bologna or in Milan's Malpensa.

Sitting in a comfortable airplane seat at Domodedovo, each passenger will be able to find himself at the airport of Rimini, Genoa or Verona in 3-4 hours. Please note: some Italian airports accept and operate only seasonal flights, most often charter flights, so check and take this into account in advance.

Do not despair if you suddenly cannot arrange a direct flight to a small Italian city: usually one transfer is enough, which you will not have to wait for long. Moreover, the time in this fabulous beautiful country flies absolutely unnoticed, and the service at the airports is really perfect.

Cafes and buffets where you can have a bite to eat, drink a cup of the famous espresso and even have a hearty lunch, numerous shops with local products, medical centers and lounges, air-conditioned waiting rooms - you will definitely not feel any discomfort.

A flight to a bright, unique and diverse in its color Italy by plane is the best option for travel, which is preferred today not only by Russian tourists, but also by travelers from other parts of the world. All air terminals of the state (especially large ones) are ready to offer arriving guests a convenient transfer service, which in a foreign city gives an exceptional feeling of calmness, because in this case you do not need to worry about how you will get to a hotel or other object in an unfamiliar country. You will be met with a sign, help with your luggage and comfortably delivered to where you planned.

Over the past few years, the number of airlines and airports has increased significantly, and air travel has become an affordable mode of travel. It is now possible to get to Italy by plane in a few hours. To do this, just look at which airports in Italy are located on the map of Italy and choose a suitable flight. In almost any Big City this country can be reached by purchasing a direct flight ticket. If the purpose of your trip is to visit a smaller city, then first it is better to fly to a large city and make a transfer at the local airport.

30 km from Rome in small town under the name of Fiumicino, the largest international airport named after da Vinci is located, named after the famous representative of the art of the High Renaissance. Airlines such as:

  • Air Alps Aviation;
  • Alitalia;
  • Blue Panorama Airlines.

From this terminal there are flights to more than 200 different directions. More than 150 stores are located on its territory, where passengers are invited to purchase high-quality Italian-made products. Among the main advantages of this terminal, it is necessary to highlight the presence of an automatic control system for passenger baggage. Thanks to the functioning of this system, employees are able to quickly determine where the lost luggage is.

Marco Polo airport

Looking through the international airports of Italy on the map, one cannot fail to notice the air terminal located near Venice. Marco Polo Airport named after famous traveler and the author of The Book of the Diversity of the World. There is only 1 terminal operating here, from which both regular and charter flights are carried out. The base airline of this station is Volotea. For those who are planning a trip to Venice, arrival at this airport will be the best solution.

Getting to the city itself will not be a problem. You can get to Venice by taxi, public buses or water public transport. For about 7 euros passengers are offered bus transportation to the main city square. The road to this city will take no more than 25 minutes... Such buses leave from the airport every 15 minutes. A taxi to Venice will cost about 30 euros. Water boats also depart from here every 30 minutes. vehicles, motorcycle scaffolds. The cost of 1 ticket is 6 euros. However, in this case, the journey will take about 60 minutes. Tourists from Russia often arrive at this airport, because in addition to its main advantages, Russian-speaking personnel work here.

Marco Polo Airport, Venice


If you are looking at the list of airports in Italy, and the purpose of visiting this country is Milan, then you should pay attention to the Malpensa airport. It is located just 45 km from the center of Milan. There are 2 terminals here: one for regular flights, the other for charter flights. Express trains run regularly from the first terminal here. These trains start every 30 minutes. The cost of such a trip to the city center will be about 10 euros... And the road will take no more than 40 minutes. There are also buses running from the first terminal. They reach the center in about an hour. And they are sent from the terminal every 20 minutes.

In Milan, apart from Malpense, there are two more airports. They are easily accessible from Malpense by bus. Travel to Linate costs 13 euros, to Bergamo - 20 euros. The journey will take about 60 minutes.

Airports in Sitz Ilia

Palermo and Catania are two stations for aircraft located in Sicily. Palermo is located 35 km from Punta Raisi. The airline “Volotea” operates here, which is the base one. In addition, other carriers also operate here:

  • Meridiana;
  • AirOne;
  • Blu-express.

Buses leave from here to the city every half hour. Travel to the city costs about 7 euros. In addition, other buses are transported from the terminal building to different cities of Sicily.

The second Sicilian air terminal is called Catania. He collaborates with major airlines world famous (such as Lufthansa and British Airways). Catania city center can be reached in just a few minutes. The distance from the terminal to the center of Catania is 5 km. Buses run here regularly, but taxi services are also offered to passengers.

Not far from the city of Rimini, which every year attracts everyone large quantity tourists, there is the airport named after Federico Fellini, the famous Italian filmmaker. You can get to the center of the resort by taxi or bus.

Verona airports

Valerio Catullo Villafranca Airport is located in Verona, in the central part of the country, which makes it an attractive destination for many tourists. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that to this day only 1 runway operates here. At the same time, it works here a large number of airlines such as Livingston Energy Flight, Air Italy and others. You can get to the central railway station by bus (leaves every 20 minutes) or by taxi. A bus ticket costs 6 euros, a taxi service costs 20 euros.

Another airport named after Guglielmo Marcono, a famous Italian physicist and radio engineer, is located 6 km from the city. main feature of this building lies in the fact that it is convenient to get from here to almost any city in the country, as well as to other European countries. Traveling to Verona by bus will take about 20 minutes... Bus departs every 15 minutes.

Valerio Catullo Villafranca International Airport Aeroporto di Verona

Let's say you have a map of Italy with airports in front of you, but you do not know which one is better to choose. According to statistics, most often tourists planning a trip to Italy choose the Da Vinci airport as their destination to start their journey from Rome. In the Moscow Sheremetyevo railway station, planes leave here every day. Therefore, problems with the flight in this case should not arise. Also, there are daily flights to Milan. Therefore, if the purpose of your trip is to visit this city, the easiest way to get here is to buy a ticket for a direct flight to Malpensa airport.

For a romantic trip to Venice, the best option would be to buy a plane ticket arriving at the Marco Polo airport. Such flights are very popular among Russian tourists, since, having arrived at this point, it is enough just to draw up a rich program to get to know the country, which includes a visit different cities... Departures by direct flights from Sheremetyevo are carried out several times a week. You should fly to the G. Marconi airport if, in addition to Italy, travelers want to visit any other European cities.

In order to save money, it is worth considering the options for charter flights. For example, charter flights to Valerio Catullo Villafranca airport are quite frequent from Russia. Another option is to choose a charter flight to any major city, and then get to the desired region using the services of local airlines that organize domestic flights.

The transfer fee varies depending on where the terminal is located. The price of this service ranges from 30 to 60 euros.

In contact with

The cherished Schengen visa in your hands? We are flying on vacation to Italy! Let's find out what international airports are currently operating in the country, where they are located and what they are.

Rome, Venice, Sicily, Bologna, Milan are not full list cities with international airports in Italy, receiving tourists from all over the world. Find yourself on the Adriatic thanks to air transport you can take a direct flight from Moscow in 3.5 hours. It's no secret that buses and taxis run from any airport today, so the chance of not going to the right place is practically zero.

List of airports in Italy

  • Fiumicino is 30 kilometers from Rome.
  • Marco Polo (Venice).
  • Malpensa (Varese).
  • Named after Federico Fellini (Rimini).
  • Punta Rizi in Palermo is a very modern air terminal equipped with moving walks and glass lifts, as well as shops and cafes
  • Linate (Milan).
  • Ciampino (Rome).
  • Turin Caselle named after Sandro Pertini is one of the highest airports in Italy, named after the famous anti-fascist politician (the air harbor is located in Turin).
  • The Corrado Hex in Aosta is named after an Italian politician and pilot who crashed in 1964 while trying to land on a glacier.
  • Orio al Serio in Bergamo.

  • Peretola in Tuscany is the most important airport, renovated in 2006, with its own flying club.
  • Lamezia Terme is one of the largest transport centers in Calabria; besides the international airport of Italy, the place is famous for its charming churches and ancient castles.
  • Luigi Ridolfi (Foggia).
  • Sandro Pertini (Dolomites).
  • San Angelo (Veneto).
  • Giuseppe Verdi (Parma).
  • Galileo Galilei - Airport in Pisa, Italy.
  • Guillermo Marconi Airport (Bologna).
  • Fontanarossa (Catania).
  • Elmas (Cagliari).
  • Valerio Catullo (Malcesine).
  • Linosa Heliport.
  • Lampedusa.
  • Crotone.
  • Comiso.
  • Baccarini.
  • Christopher Columbus (Liguria).
  • With Eufemia.
  • M.A. Grottag.
  • Taormine Harbor.
  • Birgi.
  • San Domino.
  • Campoformido (Udine).
  • Ronchi dei Legionari.
  • Arbatax.
  • Capodichino is a Naples air hub.

  • Brescia Monticiari.
  • Vicenza.
  • Porta Nuova Rail.
  • Falconara (Marche).
  • Gino Allegri (Padua).
  • Harbor (Eolie Island).
  • Seaport Procida Harbor.
  • Seaport Stromboli (Sicily).
  • Fertilia.
  • Albenga.
  • Orio al Serio is an airport in Bergamo, Italy.
  • Aviano.
  • Papola Casale (Brindisi).
  • Belluno.
  • Palese (Apulia).
  • Aeroporto di Palese Macchie in Bari.

  • Levaldigi.
  • Rafs Desimomann.
  • Marina Di Campo.
  • San Giovanni Rotondo.
  • Baccarini.
  • Galatina.
  • Luccia.
  • Sigonella Naval Air Base.
  • Costa Smeralda.

Choosing the best route

The most famous major airports Italy is found in Rome, Venice, Milan, Sicily and Rimini, as well as in Verona and Bologna.

If you are flying from Russia, it is better and more convenient to fly to Milan, Rome or Venice, and then move by domestic airlines. For Russians, charters are also available in Palermo, Verona, Turin, Rimini, Brescia and Ancona.


The largest air harbor is in the metropolitan area. It is called "Da Vinci Airport" and is located in the city of Fiumicino, thirty kilometers from Rome (do not forget to visit " the eternal City"If you come to Italy, there are so many attractions.) From here, there are flights to more than 200 destinations in the world, and there are companies such as Alitalia, Blue Panorama Airlines, Air Alps Aviation. More than one hundred and fifty stores offer goods from all over the Italian region. You don't have to worry about losing your luggage, thanks to the automatic tracking function in Fiumicino, all losses, should they happen, are found very quickly.


Eight kilometers separate Venice from the Marco Polo airport - the largest in the country. This is a favorite airport for Russians - it is easy to operate and understandable for Russian-speaking people. It has one terminal, which accepts both regular and charter flights. In the most romantic city in the world connecting flights via Copenhagen and Vienna.

The base airline is Volotea. Taxis and buses run to the city, as well as water transport... ATVO buses run from the airport to Piazella Roma, travel time is half an hour, a ticket costs 7 euros, the interval between flights is fifteen minutes. Tickets for ACTV buses (others) are sold only at newsagents, and they will also take you to the city. If you decide to take a taxi to main square Venice, you will be charged about 30 euros, and if you have large luggage, they will ask for an additional fee. Alilaguna motor scaffolds leave every half hour, they take about an hour to the final point, the fare costs 6 euros.


There are three airports here. The largest is called Malpensa, and it is located 45 kilometers from the city center. There are two terminals (there is a bus between them): the first is for regular domestic and Schengen flights, while charter flights are served by the second. In the territory air harbor there are many cafes, restaurants and shops. The airport cooperates with the airlines AlbaStar, Alitalia, Neos, Alitalia Express. Express trains run regularly from the first terminal to the city at intervals of half an hour, in 40 minutes the train will reach the train station in the center of Milan, the ticket costs 10 euros. Buses also go to Milan's central bus station, the fare is the same, but the time will take 20 minutes longer.

From Malpensa, you can take a bus to Linate Airport for 13 euros.

You can also get to the Bergamo airport by the Orio Shuttle route, the journey will take an hour and a half, and the fare is about twenty euros. If you decide to take a taxi, be prepared to spend 100 euros.

Sicily airports

The island has two airports: Palermo and Catania.

The first is located 35 kilometers from the city of Palermo, in the town of Punta Raisi. The base companies are Volotea, Meridiana, Blu-express, AirOne. There are numerous buses from the airport building not only to Palermo, but also to other cities of Sicily, for example, to Ribera, Menfi and Sciacchi.

Catania is a large air hub with the largest based companies British Airways and Lufthansa. It is located 5 km from the city center and can be reached by bus # 547 or taxi.


The airport is located 5 kilometers from the resort of Rimini, is called Federico Fellini and is served by Aeroflot, Luxair and Air Berlin. Regular buses and taxis go to the city.


Valerio Catullo Villafranca International Airport is convenient for tourists due to its central location within the country - on the outskirts of Verona. The air terminal serves charter flights. Six kilometers separate it from central region Verona (Emilia-Romagna region), from here you can fly to other continents. The base companies are RyanAir, Vueling airlines, German Wings and Easyjet. Travel time to the city of Verona by bus, departing every quarter of an hour - 20 minutes, the ticket price is six euros.


Airlines for Russians

If you decide to fly from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, Aeroflot makes direct flights to Italian airports. from the capital, you can fly to Rome's Leonardo da Vinci airport, flights are made daily. You can also get directly to Venice - flights are made several times a week. There are seasonal flights to Verona from Sheremetyevo, as well as to Bologna and to Milan Malpensa where departures are made daily. Airliners of S7 Airlines and Airbaltic depart from Domodedovo to Italy, following seasonal flights to Rimini, Verona and Genoa.


To travel to Italy from Moscow, you can use the services of the Italian airline Alitalia, a ticket costs about five hundred euros. For comparison - a ticket from WindJet costs almost half the price - you will have to pay only three hundred euros.

What are the most popular airports in Italy?

Russians fell in love with the Venetian Marco Polo, from where it is very easy to get anywhere on Adriatic coast... The "Silver Medal" is rightfully awarded to the air harbor in Rimini in popularity.

Italy is one of the most stunning countries in the world, it is the ships that seek thousands of tourists in order to see unforgettable cities and sights. Many airports are considered to be the busiest and the best in terms of infrastructure due to the constant flow of travelers.

More than half of the international airports are concentrated in the northern part of the country, there are 133 of them in Italy.

Below is the list of the largest international airports in Italy by city, for greater convenience, their names are written in Russian. Cheap flights online.


Rome is one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. This city has the richest cultural heritage in the form of many ancient Roman monuments, medieval churches, fountains, museums and palaces of the Renaissance. But still, modern Rome is not only historical monuments, but also busy city with amazing restaurants and nightclubs.

There are two major international airports near Rome:

Leonardo da Vinci (also called Fiumicino)- one of the busiest airports in Europe, located 35 km from the city center. It serves about 40 million passengers annually. Ciampino (Giovanni Battista Pastine Airport)- one of oldest airports in Italy. Considered a cheaper international airport as it has many charter flights.


Can be called cultural capital the region of Tuscany, and it is this city that deserves the title of an architectural and artistic center, since it is here that there are beautiful museums that boast famous paintings and sculptures. The medieval palaces and gardens that originally belonged to the royal Medici family also deserve special attention.

International airports near Florence:

Galileo Galilei (also called Pisa International Airport)- a fairly busy airport. More than 4 million passengers pass through it annually. Amerigo Vespucci (also called Peretola Airport)- located 4 km from the center of Florence, well connected to the city by public transport (buses and trains).


Is the fashionable capital of Italy, known for its chic brand boutiques, galleries and restaurants. But despite the fast pace of life, valuable artistic and cultural monuments are still preserved here. Only one famous painting Leonardo da Vinci "The Last Supper" deserves attention and to be called the main attraction of Milan. The same can be said for the most popular opera house in the world of La Scala.

The nearest international airports in Milan are:

Malpensa- the largest in the region, located outside Milan, about 50 km. More than 20 million passengers pass through it annually. Limante- located 7 km from the city center, it can be easily reached by public transport or car.


- one of the largest cities in the south of Italy, has a large number of historical and artistic values, although many go there reluctantly because of the high crime rate.

Naples International Airport is named Capodichino, it is located in relative proximity to the city, only 4 km. Capodichino serves about 6 million passengers a year and is the largest in this part of the country.


- erected on the water in the middle of the lagoon, it is one of the most stunning and romantic places in Italy. The heart of Venice is Piazza San Marco with its stunning eponymous church. But still the main attraction is water channels intertwined throughout the city.

Venice Marco Polo airport is called one of the busiest in Italy, and has connections to international and Italian airports.


Located on the northwestern coast of Italy known as the Italian Riviera, in the Liguria region. It is in Genoa that one of the largest ports in the country is located.

Christopher Columbus International Airport, named after the famous explorer, is located just 6 km from the center of Genoa. Compared to others, this airport is not very large and serves about 1 million passengers a year. You can get to the city using public transport.