Solar and lunar eclipses

Solar eclipses 2009-2010
  • January 26, 2009: Annular Solar Eclipse
  • July 22, 2009: Total Solar Eclipse
  • July 11, 2010: Total Solar Eclipse
Maps of upcoming eclipses: Eclipse on January 26, 2009. View eclipse online. The eclipse reaches its maximum at a point with coordinates 34.1 ° south latitude, 70.2 ° east longitude, lasts at a maximum of 7 minutes 54 seconds, the width of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is 280 kilometers. At the moment and at the point of the greatest eclipse, the direction to the sun (azimuth) is 337 °, and the height of the sun above the horizon is 73 °. Visibility - Southeast Asia, India, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Indian Ocean.

On July 22, 2009, there will be a total solar eclipse, characterized by the longest total phase in the current century. It is a repetition through saros (18 years 11 days) of the total solar eclipse on July 11, 1991. The strip of the total phase of this eclipse passed through the waters The Pacific and countries of Central and South America.

Residents will be able to observe the Sun's disk completely covered by the Moon in 2009 South-East Asia, and in Russia and the CIS the maximum phase of the eclipse will reach about 0.6 (in the south of Primorye and the south of Tajikistan). The path of the lunar shadow on the Earth will begin approximately one hour after Greenwich midnight on July 22, namely at 00:53 UT on west coast India in the Gulf of Khambhat. Since the Moon at this time is near its perigee, which takes place on July 21 at 20:16 UT, the apparent dimensions of the lunar disk and, naturally, the lunar shadow on the Earth's surface are close to the largest.

The diameter of the shadow part is 205 kilometers when it enters the Earth's surface. At the beginning of the journey, the shadow quickly moves east, and the first large city on its path will be Surat with a population of 4 million. Here, the height of the eclipsed Sun will be only 3 above the northeastern horizon, and the duration of the full phase will reach only half of the maximum, or 3 minutes 14 seconds.

The next major locality falling into the total eclipse will be the 1.8 million city Indore, which will plunge into the lunar shadow for 3 min 5 s with a maximum phase at 00:53:30 UT. The sun at this time will be at a height of 6 above the horizon. Having traveled 700 kilometers along the central line of the eclipse in 39 seconds, the shadow will slow down to 8.9 km / s, which, nevertheless, exceeds the speed of sound 26 times, and even slightly higher than the speed of an artificial Earth satellite.

The Indian city of Bhopal (1.5 million inhabitants) will remain 40 kilometers north of the centerline, but even at this distance the Sun will be eclipsed by 3 min 9 s, just 19 s less than the maximum duration at the center of the line. At 00:55 UT, the shadow is already moving across central India, where it is stretched over almost 2/3 of the country. Because of low height The sun above the horizon and the curvature of the Earth's surface, the shadow on this section of the path looks like an elongated ellipse with a major axis of about 1000 kilometers, which is 5.5 times the minor axis of the ellipse. The full phase strip width here reaches 218 kilometers, and the shadow velocity drops to 3.8 km / s. In the cities of Varanasi and Pata, the duration of the total eclipse will be 3 minutes 45 seconds.

To the east, along the central eclipse line, India's territory narrows into a 25-kilometer corridor between Nepal and Bangladesh. The lunar shadow reaches this area at 00:58 UT and then enters Bhutan. Here, the width of the total eclipse strip reaches 224 kilometers, and the speed of the shadow decreases to 2.6 km / s, so the duration of the maximum phase exceeds 4 minutes. After passing through Bhutan, the shadow visits India again, and then enters the territory of China - main country eclipses of 2009.

During the eclipse, the Sun will be in the constellation Cancer, near its border with the constellation Gemini. Depending on the point of observation, in the darkened sky, in addition to a black disk surrounded by a shaggy crown, the naked eye can see three or four planets and many bright stars. An idea of ​​the sky during a total eclipse on July 22, 2009 can be obtained from a drawing showing the celestial hemisphere at 01:30 UT, observed from southern China.

The brightest and most visible planet is, of course, Venus. Its brightness at the time of the eclipse will be -3.9m, and the Morning Star is located in the constellation Taurus at an angular distance of 41 to the west of the Sun. Mercury (m = -1.4) is also an easy object to observe during the full phase. The fast planet will be visible 9 to the east of the Sun. Mars looks significantly fainter (m = +1.1), and is 12 west of Venus and 52 west of the Sun.

Another planet, located during a total eclipse above the horizon (Saturn), has a magnitude of + 1.1m and is located 49 east of the Sun in the constellation Leo. But Saturn is too low above the horizon, so the light of the glowing ring will not allow you to see it with the naked eye, although the use of binoculars will help to find the ringed planet in the field of view of the instrument. This total eclipse is a rare opportunity to see winter stars in the summer sky. Near the eclipsed Sun it will be possible to find Pollux (m = +1.14) and Castor (m = +1.94) from the constellation Gemini, as well as Procyon from the constellation Canis Minor (m = +0.38), located at 9 to the north, at 13 to the north and at 16 South of the Sun, respectively.

Visibility - A total solar eclipse will be observed in India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Japan, Kiribati and the Marshall Islands.

1. Annular solar eclipse january 15, 2010 year in07: 07 GMT (10:07 Moscow time) at 26 ° Capricorn series 12 N like the previous lunar eclipse. The area of ​​its best visibility falls in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere (Central Africa, Indian Ocean, China).

Series Sarosa 12N. An opportunity suddenly arises in a person's life to assume greater responsibility. These new responsibilities are likely to be the result of the other person being unable to fulfill them. While the events heralded by this opportunity may be difficult, the results in terms of harmony or self-esteem will be positive.

This solar eclipse from the annular family (past July 22 was total) is the longest in the 21st century and lasts at a maximum of 11 minutes 8 seconds. The eclipse will take place from the 29th to the 1st lunar day (affecting 2 lunar days).

At the time of the eclipse, there will be five planets in the sign of Capricorn: Pluto, retrograde-stationary Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Rahu - the ascending lunar node. Most of the planets will be in the completion quadrant, which may indicate the need to complete everything that was started earlier to create conditions and opportunities for the development of something new and so far unknown.

The sign of the earth - the sign of Capricorn is related to the material destruction of what has already outlived itself, must be destroyed for the possibilities of consciousness of new conditions. This is what the major aspects of the planets described below indicate.

Pluto's Mercury conjunction will have an aspect of square with Saturn and an aspect of sextile with Jupiter. Pluto is our eternal "bulldozer" of the zodiac, clearing the blockages of old connections, relations that have frozen in their movement and development (connection with stationary retrograde Mercury), as well as those outdated attitudes, stereotypes that limited and constrained (square with Saturn) for creating more advanced broad, progressive and open possibilities from the standpoint of morality and conscience for the real success and happiness of mankind (sextile with Jupiter).

The Sun-Moon-Venus-Rahu conjunction is an aspect of sextile with Uranus. These aspects symbolize an intuitive striving for perfection, for new, non-standard and unusual sensations and perceptions, for new unknown experience in matters of improving achievements and opportunities.

That is, cosmic influences in this eclipse will contribute to those who strive to make the world a better place and to eliminate and destroy the obsolete and old that resist these changes. Therefore, the winner will be the one who can take on additional obligations instead of those who had to lose them due to their own inertia.

In world astrology, the eclipse will especially affect the countries that are under the control of the sign of Capricorn.

2. Partial lunar eclipse June 26, 2010 at 11:38 am UMT (15:38 Moscow time) in 5 ° Capricorn series 12 S ... Visibility: Africa, India, China, Asia. (Remember that by UMT GMT).

Series Sarosa 12S. This series of saros brings with it a successful outcome of long-standing anxiety or illness. A problem that has bothered or debilitated a person for a while appears to get worse at first and then dissipate with a positive outcome.

3. Complete solar eclipse July 11, 2010 at 19:33 UMT (at 23:33 Moscow time) 19 ° Cancer series 12 S like the previous lunar eclipse. The area of ​​its best visibility falls in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere. This is the longest annular eclipse in the 21st century. (South Pacific Ocean, China). (Remember that to UMT you need to add + 1 hour transition to summer time and the difference in ± GMT).

4. Partial lunar eclipse december 21, 2010 at 08:17 GMT (12:17 Moscow time) in 29 ° Gemini series 13 N.

Summer brought us another eclipse, this time solar. Let's see what we can expect from him. It will take place July 11, 2010 , at 23 hours 40 minutes by Moscow time at 20 degrees Cancer. The symbolism of this degree is very beautiful: "Venetian gondola with people resting" or "Preserving romantic traditions as the basis of happiness." Yes, probably. Everything will be but not immediately. This eclipse, like the previous one, falls into one Saros 12 S series : “This series of saros brings with it a successful outcome of long-standing anxiety or illness. A problem that has bothered or exhausted a person for a while appears to get worse at first and then dissipate, bringing a positive outcome. "

Cancer theme it is, of course, the area of ​​home, family, real estate, deep emotions, basic trust in the world, emotional security, the theme of the inner child in psychology. Pessin: "Super conjunction" of the Sun and the Moon marks a new cycle ... .. The date of the solar eclipse is associated with the stage of the seed, which has the ability to grow to a huge size, and it can be symbolically correlated with the sign of Aries. " That is, a solar eclipse is associated, firstly, with the individuality of a person, and, secondly, with deep, hidden, "unspoken" processes. A seed needs time and nutritious soil to make a powerful breakthrough in one day with the life-giving power of its energy. Pessin:“It is true that new moons introduce new ideas, fresh beginnings, new developments and new people into human life, but often the meaning of all these beginnings is not clear until the phase of the first quarter of the moon falls on the same degree and sign for about nine months later". OK, waiting April 11, 2011 ... This will be the first quarter or growing quadrature when the eclipse theme emerges and unfolds. We will get the most complete information if we look at what happens to our Cancer 22 , because the first quarter will be there. Based on the aspects to the planets from this degree, it is possible from the darkness of the current eclipse to judge what events can be expected and what will appear in the sunlight.

Nevertheless, eclipse at the south lunar node, therefore, we will not be able to completely collapse in our experiences and experiences. It introduces the topic of partnership, new perspectives with already familiar and significant people. Pessin: “Unlike the North Node solar eclipse, which represents the 'I' perspective, the South Node solar eclipse has an 'we' orientation. The influence of this eclipse stimulates the growth of a person's awareness due to external influences projected onto him. The “right to strike” belongs to another person. You are the receiver, not the giver. " A situation of purification or completion of an already obsolete topic may also unfold. In any case, we will live it deeply, because lord of the eclipse is the moon. In Cancer, she is in her abode, strong, endowing with sensitivity, receptivity, unmistakable attunement to the unconscious reactions of other people, intuition, vulnerability. The Moon here is clearly stronger than the Sun, therefore it is difficult to understand the tendencies of the eclipse, the Moon "interrupts" with feelings and experiences. However, this is not a card of an infantile dreamer and dreamer. Very in the subject sextile conjunction of the luminaries to Mars in Virgo... We will be able to support our feelings and satisfaction of needs (our own and significant others) with concrete and very detailed actions, in fact showing concern and care.

Lunar Family Album:

"New Moon" - July 11, 2010 at 20 * Cancer
"The first quarter (growing square)" - April 11, 2011 at 22 * ​​Cancer
Full Moon - January 9, 2012 at 19 * Cancer
"The fourth quarter (falling square)" - October 8, 2012 at 16 * Cancer


D. Pessin. Lunar eclipses. - M., CAI, 1998.

Tomorrow, December 21, 2010, is expected to be a very difficult day.
Firstly, this is the day of the Full Moon (11-14 Moscow time), which, according to many magical traditions, is considered one of the most powerful energy days of the month - the maximum of Yin, female, lunar energy. Secondly, at 11-17 Moscow time, winter time, in the 30th degree of Gemini, a lunar eclipse will occur. Therefore, be extremely mindful of what you think and say and what you do. Lunar eclipses increase our bias and imprudence in various areas (in which more depends on the sign in which the eclipse is) and we see everything in a distorted light. If possible, do not plan anything fateful for this day, especially no important negotiations, because things may end up not going the way you expected, and not only in a negative but also a positive way.

Eclipse description:
Total lunar eclipse with the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius. A total eclipse of the moon can be observed in the northeast Russian Federation, within the territory of North America and the western part of the South. In Europe, a total eclipse will only be visible in the northern territories of Scandinavia.
"A parade of bathing beauties in front of a crowd on the beach."
Positive: Using personal vanity to raise public standards. Consideration of intellectual values ​​for use in the life of the soul.
Negative: Inability to agree. Rejection of any point of view other than your own. Vanity is off scale and turns a person into a fool and an easy prey for scammers. Large scale fraud. Lie. Deception. Resourcefulness.

What else can be said about the lunar eclipse 12/21/2010

Solar and lunar eclipses can be used to make your life fulfilling, add more awareness and meaning to it. Before any eclipse, it is beneficial to maintain a three-day fast (exclude animal food, seeds, nuts). It is better to spend this period in a calm atmosphere, not to take active actions and important decisions. Half an hour before the eclipse, it is advisable to light a candle, walk around the apartment with it clockwise, reading your favorite prayer. Fire cleans the house well of negative energy. At the time of the eclipse, say into a candle (or better write on paper) what prevents you from living and what you want to get rid of, confess before Fire.

The eclipse will be especially significant for Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorns, especially for those born on June 18-24 and December 18-24. Important changes will take place in their lives during the year, but they will begin with the events from December 18 to January 24. This lunar eclipse will be very fateful in the lives of men whose profession is related to political and business activities (especially with foreign partners), paperwork, computer technology and the Internet. The stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Rahu and Pluto on the border of Sagittarius and Capricorn speaks of the depth and scale of the changes. Major changes, new laws and decrees can occur in political programs, religion, ideology. Perhaps the unexpected appearance of new leaders in the church and political parties, the aggravation of the struggle for power, since this stellium is in square with the conjunction of Jupiter, Uranus and Lilith in Pisces. There will be a lot of rumors, gossip, articles and TV programs about the events taking place. One should be afraid of deception, theft, betrayal, slander, complaints and denunciations, it is dangerous to get involved in intrigues. The likelihood of accidents, accidents, poisoning and murder is not excluded.
The conjunction of the Sun with Rahu, and the Moon with Ketu during an eclipse indicates that events and changes acquire a karmic character, life is filled with new meaning, new goals and directions of development arise, a new awareness of one's path and destiny comes. The position of the luminaries and lunar nodes in Capricorn and Cancer says that you need to rely on the best features of your ancestors, traditions, in order to get the support of ancestors and roots. You may have absolutely new idea, but it still has a lot of work to do before it bears fruit. In the development and implementation of a new idea and goal, contacts, knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to communicate, especially with a large audience, will play an important role, since Mercury and Pluto are in conjunction with the Sun and Rahu. Perhaps, in order to implement your plans, you need to get qualified advice, write a statement, issue an official permit, a certificate, create a website, make new business cards. Casual meetings or acquaintances will help you find out very important and necessary information.
This eclipse brings about a change in work. You can get a new job offer, but you can also get fired from your previous job. You can also receive an offer to conclude a contract or a notice of termination of the contract.
Changes in relationships with relatives and siblings are to be expected. Perhaps this will be related to paperwork and real estate or inheritance.
The moon is the most volatile planet, and its position at the time of the eclipse on the border of Gemini and Cancer emphasizes the importance of changes and a turning point in the usual course of life. The moon is in conjunction with Ketu and Selena, which indicates the need to correct the mistakes made. You should not rely only on heavenly forces, but you need to actively act yourself. Then the light forces, the light beginning or the light people from the past will come to his aid at the right moment. It is necessary to abandon carelessness, childishness, the habit of hiding behind authorities, blabbing other people's secrets or condemning someone out loud, you need to rely on knowledge and information. Perhaps you should do self-education or go to university.
To improve relations with loved ones and loved ones during this period, it is good to present an expensive gift, it can be a work of art, cosmetics or a large bouquet of flowers. But, if you want to make amends, perhaps you should just apologize, admitting your mistake.
In this lunar eclipse your new personal karmic program is being laid. If you don't do it, it cuts you off like a scythe. And if you do, then you reap a rich harvest.

During the period of the lunar eclipse, you can get rid of diseases, bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction), complexes, weaknesses.

® Zara 2010

How to behave during eclipses

From a Vedic point of view, a solar or lunar eclipse is unfavorable in nature, since in the first case the Sun is eclipsed by the disc of the Moon, and in the second case, the Moon is eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth, on which the Sun shines. The Earth is on the axis, between the Sun and the Moon. The sun is our spirit, consciousness, will power, volitional actions, creative energy. It symbolizes a father, a husband for a woman, a man himself, his vital energy, vitality.

The moon is responsible for intuition, subconsciousness, subtle energies of premonitions, unconscious behavior, symbolizes the mother, maternal instincts, fertility, life, family, wife for a man, real estate. The period of eclipses is extremely unfavorable for any actions and undertakings. But if actions are associated with the spiritual life of a person, with service to God / Absolute, then the time of the eclipse can and should be used for spiritual practice. You can and even need to read prayers or listen to church music, religious chants.

The moment the sun's rays are suddenly interrupted, darkness descends on the Earth, both in the direct and in the sense that "absolute evil" comes into its own. At this moment, people, animals and all living things experience extreme suffering, consciousness and logic do not work, the brain, as it were, experiences an eclipse. Wrong decisions are made, intuition does not turn on and does not help in difficult situations. Any events are perceived as life-threatening, an elephant is made of a fly, not only at the level of one person, but also at the level of society.

On the day of the eclipse itself, you should read prayers (which you know), mantras, books on spiritual development, meditate, is in the water (take a bath, swim in the sea, river), and fumigate the room in which you are (stock up on chopsticks in advance). It does not recommend looking at the eclipse itself. It is advisable to be indoors at the time of the eclipse. If you are on a trip, then at the very moment of the eclipse of the Sun or the Moon (find out in advance the time of the eclipse in your area), go into the room, or park the car, sit for 5-10 minutes, interrupt your thoughts, mentally forgive those who offended you, mentally ask forgiveness from those you feel guilty about. It is not recommended to eat 3 hours before and after the eclipse. Do not make transactions, postpone all financial issues for the next day, it is also advisable not to make important purchases. IT IS FORBIDDEN to carry out any operations on the body on the day of the eclipses. Avoid crowded places. You can start to "quit" smoking and work with bad habits.

The influence of the eclipse begins to manifest itself 2 weeks before the exact moment of the eclipse and 2 weeks after it. This is especially felt by aged people, diseases are aggravated, poor health makes them limit their activity and pay more attention to nutrition. Meteorologically dependent people are especially affected.

In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allay, observing the movements of a pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse it began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allé effect, but they could not systematize it. Today, new research by Dutch scientist Chris Duif confirms this phenomenon, but cannot yet explain it. Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev found out that eclipses affect people. He says that during eclipses, time is transformed.

The consequences of an eclipse in the form of a powerful earthquake or other natural disaster are very possible during the week before or after any eclipse. In addition, economic instability is possible for several weeks after the eclipse. In any case, eclipses bring changes in society.

During a lunar eclipse, the mind, thinking and emotional sphere of people are very vulnerable. The number of mental disorders in humans is on the rise. This is due to the disruption of the hypothalamus at the psychophysiological level, which corresponds to the Moon according to the discovery of Tony Nader (Nader Raja Rama). The hormonal cycles of the body can be disrupted, especially in women. During a solar eclipse, the work of the physiological correspondence of the Sun - Thalamus is more disrupted, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases will also increase, since the Sun controls the heart. The perception of "I", pure consciousness - is clouded. The consequence of this can be an increase in tension, radical and aggressive tendencies in the world, as well as an unsatisfied ego of politicians or leaders of states.

When times are tough, the best we can do is turn to the Absolute. During eclipses, it is better to think about peace in your country and around the world. If people around you are acting crazy during these tough times, be tolerant and considerate. Rest (and the deepest rest is the practice of Transcendental Meditation) - best recommendation and at the time of the lunar and solar eclipses.

Eclipses tend to give strong negative results for 1) geographic regions that are governed by the sign in which the eclipse occurs; 2) in places where they are visible; 3) in areas ruled by the zodiac sign in which the eclipse occurs (for example, Capricorn - ruled by mountainous terrain, don't go to the mountains).

Research on eclipses shows that the likelihood different types catastrophes increases during the "sphere of influence of the eclipse". In the next few weeks, events such as intensified war, fires, airport disasters or unusual weather events are likely. Some of the world leaders may fall into scandal or tragedy; powerful rulers can be blinded by anger, jealousy and ego, so illogical or stupid decisions made by world leaders are possible.

During this period, secretive, immoral behavior and cunning are clearly manifested. Consequently, the governments of the world must be super-vigilant in matters of terrorist organizations and subversion. Political leaders must strengthen their security and remain cool and calm when they make critical decisions. Smugglers and terrorists often strike within 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the eclipse. Riots or major food poisoning are possible. Seismic activity is not excluded. Vigilance is the most important thing for governments and police forces.

(c) According to sites

The second lunar eclipse this year will take place on December 21. As in ancient times, modern astrologers believe that eclipses can negatively affect a person.

The second and last lunar eclipse in 2010 will take place on Tuesday, December 21, and will be visible to residents of the Americas, Of the Far East Russia, the extreme northeast of Asia, western Europe, northwest Africa, Gennady Kornienko, director of the Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RIA Novosti.

The first lunar eclipse this year occurred on June 26, it could be seen by residents of North and South America, Australia, the islands of the Pacific Ocean and the Far East of Russia.
"On Tuesday, there will be a total lunar eclipse. Residents of Primorye will hardly see the beginning of the eclipse. The partial eclipse will begin at 16.32 (9.32 Moscow time), when it is still light in the Primorsky Territory," the scientist said.

The total lunar eclipse will begin at 17.40 (10.40 Moscow time). At this time, in Primorye, the Sun will already begin to set, and the Moon will appear on the horizon. "The eclipse will continue for quite a long time. At 18.17 (11.17 Moscow time) - the moment of the largest phase, the Moon will be in the middle of the earth's shadow," said Kornienko. - At 18.53 (11.53 Moscow time) the eclipse will end.

Lunar eclipses occur when the natural satellite of the Earth is in the shadow of our planet and only occur on a full moon. If the planes of the orbits of the Moon and the Earth coincided, then lunar eclipses would be repeated every full moon. However, the moon's orbit is tilted from the plane of the earth's orbit by about five degrees, and therefore eclipses occur much less frequently. Often at the moment of an eclipse, the Moon is seen to turn red, "filled with blood." This is due to the fact that the earth's atmosphere better transmits the red part of the solar radiation spectrum.

In 2011, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to observe five partial solar eclipses, including one annular, said the expert.

It is also reported that this year's total lunar eclipse coincides with the winter solstice for the first time in 400 years, and December 21 will be the darkest day in more than four centuries.

Since ancient times, eclipses have made an indelible impression on a person, and among some peoples they have been associated with mystical and fatal processes. For example, among the peoples of the East, the nodes of the lunar orbit are called the points of the Dragon (ascending, North node - Dragon's Head, descending, South node - Dragon's Tail), since anciently it was believed that at the time of an eclipse the Sacred Dragon devours the Sun and the Moon in turn, which can only bring various calamities to the Earth, up to a universal catastrophe.

Similar myths on the topic of eclipses existed among many peoples of the world, therefore, already in Ancient Babylon and China, predicting eclipses was seen as one of the most important tasks of the astronomer and astrologer.

With the development of science, the concept of the influence of a lunar eclipse on humanity has undergone significant changes, however, it is not entirely correct to consider the adverse effect of eclipses as an outdated mystical fiction, astrologers believe.

In individual astrology, eclipses are considered a negative factor., which has a tendency to badly influence the fate and health of a person. But the degree of this influence is largely corrected by the indicators of each individual individual horoscope. Birth on the day of the eclipse is a sign of fatality. But this does not mean that a person will be haunted by misfortunes all his life, it is just that people born in an eclipse have a lower level of freedom, it is more difficult for them to change something in their life, it is, as it were, programmed for them. A person born in an eclipse is subject to the so-called Saros cycle, i.e. the similarity of life events can be traced with a period equal to this cycle - 18.5 years.

It is not recommended to start anything important on the day of the eclipse, since the eclipse intensifies the negative factors of the vibrations of the day on which it occurs. Cases that will still be started may come back even after 18 years. However, astrologers say, if you are confident of success and your thoughts are pure, and also if general characteristics the day of the eclipse has a favorable character, you can act, but it should be remembered that sooner or later you will have to answer for all the deeds and even thoughts associated with the day of the eclipse.

A lunar eclipse can have an echo within three months, but the full impact of eclipses, as already mentioned, ends within 18.5 years, moreover, than most of the luminary was closed, the more powerful and lasting the impact.

Eclipses have a strong effect on all people, even those in whose horoscope the eclipses are not emphasized in any way. An eclipse is always of particular importance if the degree of the current eclipse affects the planet or another important element of the birth horoscope.

If the eclipse coincides with an important point in the horoscope, changes and important events can be expected. Even if the events that have occurred may not seem significant at first, over time, their importance will certainly appear. If the planets or other important points of the birth horoscope turn out to be in negative aspects to the degree of the current eclipse, then sharp, radical events can be expected, crises, conflicts, complications and even rupture of relations, unfavorable circumstances in business, deterioration of health are likely.

If the planets or other important points of the birth horoscope turn out to be in favorable aspects with the degree of eclipse, then there will be changes or important events, but they will not cause strong shocks, but, rather, will turn out to benefit the person.

Egor Parfenov