The most beautiful resorts in Portugal. Rest in portugal. The best beaches in Madeira

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As in any island state located in a favorable climatic zone, tourists from Russia will be able to choose any beach vacation in Portugal due to its island location. The history of the state is associated with the sea. It has played an important role in the life of any Portuguese for several centuries.

Countries and island states as beach destinations

The inhabitants of the country respectfully and carefully treat seafood and nature, due to which the total area of ​​the territories used for beaches is at least 1,800 square kilometers.

In addition to paid well-maintained beaches, there are many "wild places" in Portugal. Because of geographic location this country's beach season in Portugal lasts from May to August in the southern part island nation... Adults can go there to relax at any time of the year.

Holidays in Portugal

Arriving tourists will be able to enjoy the crystal clean water and completely unclean coastline... On all beaches here you can find:

  • sun loungers;
  • sun loungers;
  • showers;
  • changing cabins;
  • sun umbrellas.

The island states located in a mild climatic zone attract the attention of millions of people who want to go on vacation to the sea not only in summer, but also in winter during their vacation. Most of the coastal zone can be used as a beach. This type of state includes more than 45 countries located on an island or group of islands. :

  • Cyprus;
  • Maldives;
  • Portugal;
  • Taiwan;
  • Cuba;
  • Barbados and others.

In such places, the weather in most cases is favorable for humans all year round. A tourist at any time of the year will find incredible beauty nature and the opportunity to receive good vacation... What these states have in common is only their insular position.

It is especially good to have a rest on such beach resorts in Portugal like the Madeira archipelago and the Azores. The weather is comfortable and warm all year round. You can sunbathe from August to October. During the winter season, you can go diving in protective suits and go for walks in the surrounding area.

Coast of portugal

Where can you go for a beach holiday in Portugal

An indigenous Portuguese would recommend a beach holiday in the Algarve, which starts here in spring and ends only in October. The beaches of this region are incredibly yellow sand, which is in harmony with the clear blue water in the bay. The most beautiful Portuguese beach here is Praia de Rocha.

For reference! The high season for a beach holiday in this country is the beginning of June - the end of October. At this time, you can safely sunbathe on the beaches of Portugal.

On one's own

Wealthy people can spend their holidays on the Lisbon Riviera in June - July. There is a large number of luxury hotels, restaurants and other establishments that tourists love to visit. The restaurants serve an amazing variety of delicious Portuguese cuisine. Not far from the capital of Portugal - Lisbon, there is the Guinsho beach, which is suitable not only for swimming, but also for diving. The surrounding nature is magnificent. Wealthy businessmen love to come here for a few days for an intense vacation.


Scuba diving is usually done by two or a small company. Experts give recommendations to those who want to relax on the beaches of Portugal: it is better to go to the Azores. Here you can not only swim, but also admire the beauty of the surrounding nature, and watch whales and dolphins. The weather on the islands is comfortable at any time of the year. In September, it still blooms and smells fragrant due to the mild, humid climate.

Madeira Islands

The Madeira Islands also have sandy beaches, but yellow sand was brought here from Morocco at one time specifically to attract tourists. In high season, there is no rain in Portuguese resorts and a lot sunny days... The humid climate of the coast does not allow you to burn out in the sun, although the doctors' recommendation for dosed exposure to the sun remains in force here. It is especially important to observe it when walking along the beach with children.

When planning a trip for two to vacation in Portugal, in addition to the Azores and Madeira, you can choose summer time any direction. Here at this time the temperature is kept at the level of +25 to +27 degrees C. In most cases in summer in Portugal it is dry and comfortable. You can also go to the Algarve province, where the average annual temperature does not drop below +18 degrees in winter time, and the water warms up to + 19 ... 22 degrees. Here you can, if you wish, sunbathe all year round.

Algarve beaches

By the company

Going on vacation in a large company to sunbathe, you should think over the route and precisely determine the type of rest. In a collective of several people, youth groups are usually sent who want not only to lie on the golden sand of the Portuguese beaches, but also to play sports and have fun in the evenings.

In this case, you should choose the beaches near Lisbon, where they can not only swim and dive, but also have fun at night in local nightclubs and discos. It should be borne in mind that a youth company can more efficiently spend the vacation budget.

Note! Traditional Portuguese accommodation, which is rented to tourists during their holidays, is expensive: from 28 to 40 euros * per day. A youth company will be able to save money by reducing the cost of beach and diving equipment, which is significantly cheaper when a collective application is made.

With a child (children)

Parents can take their children to sunbathe and swim on the Portuguese oceanfront during summer holidays... You can head to the resorts and beaches of Lisbon, the Algarve, Madeira or the Azores. At this time of the year, there will be a favorable temperature here and it will be possible to sunbathe in the sun. At the same time, you should go to the resorts and beaches of Lisbon and the Algarve in June. In July, it gets too hot for small children due to the fact that the temperature rises to + 27 ... 28 degrees C.

The decrease in the number of tourists in this country begins in November and continues through April.

For reference! You can come here with preschoolers in September - October, when the velvet period begins, and temperatures do not go below +25 degrees C.

Best Budget Beach Vacation in Portugal

Portuguese resorts are considered sufficient expensive destination in external tourism. He is chosen in Europe by wealthy Germans, British and French. Russian travelers they can also get acquainted with a beach vacation in Portugal on any of its routes, if they save on hotels. Renting a small apartment in Portugal will be more profitable and cheaper.

Portugal carefully monitors the condition of its beaches and rest on any of them can be called the best. Correctly planned spending will help you to have an inexpensive vacation even in the Azores, even in Madeira or in the resorts of Lisbon.

Portuguese island

Tips and tricks from seasoned backpackers and seasoned travelers

It is better to go to Portugal as a family or in a small group. This way travelers will be able to save on rental housing, which is cheaper for several people, on food, and on equipment for the beach and swimming. In all cases, it will be possible to reduce costs.

Having correctly drawn up the route and calculated the budget, tourists from Russia will be able to get acquainted with the beauty of the Portuguese coast and improve their health with the help of the sun and swimming.

* The prices indicated in the article are valid at the time of publication of the material.

Outskirts of the Old World, Portugal is located in the west of the Iberian Peninsula, and its shores are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. In other words, when asked which sea washes Portugal, one can answer that its western and southern borders look at

Atlantic Ocean

In earlier times, the concept of "the sea of ​​Portugal" included a much larger number of water basins, because this country was considered one of the largest colonial empires in the world. In the fifteenth century, Portugal reached its greatest prosperity, and the consequences of its expansion to the west were many colonies and dependent territories... Today, for example, Brazil, which was once a colony, speaks Portuguese.

Beach vacation

The main areas of recreation for those who are looking for an answer to the question of which seas in Portugal are surfing and beach relaxation. It is best to sunbathe and swim on the beaches of Portugal in the southern part of the country. Summers are warmer and longer here, and the ocean water temperature reaches +23 degrees in July-August. The climate in the north of Portugal determines the Gulf Stream, which forms cool weather in summer and rainy and warm in winter.
The beaches in the country can vary in coverage, ranging from sand to medium-sized pebbles. On the island of Madeira, the places for swimming and sunbathing are made artificially, as the banks here are too steep and rocky. Admission to all Portuguese beaches is free, and renting umbrellas or sun loungers is quite expensive. Bathing season starts on the Lisbon Riviera in late spring and lasts until September. On the islands, the warm Gulf Stream allows you to perform water procedures from March to the beginning of winter.

Surfing as a lifestyle

The Portuguese sea is a great surfing experience that is considered ideal on the waves here. There are several popular places for practicing this sport:

  • Peniche is one of the most famous beaches for athletes of all skill levels. The nearest airport is located in Lisbon at a distance of just under 100 km.
  • Sagres - the waves here are so impressive that small village considered one of the coolest on the surfer's podium.
  • Carcavelos is ideal for beginners thanks to the safe waves and excellent beach infrastructure.
  • Ericeira - unlike the previous ones, an uncrowded beach with ideal waves for the advanced and chic fish restaurants in the neighboring town of Mafra.

Satisfied with the delights of Europe, a sophisticated tourist might think that he has already seen everything. But Portugal is able to surprise and charm even such gourmets. Due to its historical peculiarities, this country of the setting sun is different from its nearest neighbor Spain. The original flavor and the absence of a huge influx of tourists will definitely win your hearts.

How to get there

In Portugal, you can fly to the following airports: Lisbon, Porto, Faro. You will fly directly from Moscow with the help of the Portuguese airline TAP Portugal. You will spend 5 hours and 30 minutes on the flight. During the season they fly to Faro charter flights from Moscow. In addition, there are flights to Lisobon with connections in Frankfurt am Main or Munich (Lufthansa) or Zurich (Swiss), Paris (Air France). From Warsaw or Vilnius, you will have a direct flight with Wizzair or Ryanair airlines.


You can get around Portugal by trains and buses. Buses are expressos (intercity), rapidas (local), carreiras (CR) - they stop at every intersection, "alta qualidade" - luxury high-speed cars. A ticket from Lisbon to Faro costs about 15 euros (4 hours). Travel by local minibuses is very inexpensive. Railway transport connects Lisbon with southern Portugal. Travel by train is longer than by express bus, but much cheaper. Regional trains stop at every stop, express and inter-regional trains are much faster. In Portugal, you can also ride on the old narrow-gauge railways - there are two picturesque routes - Peso da Regua - Vila Real and Tua - Mirandela.

If you want to rent a car, then you must have a license and you also need to leave a deposit. Right-hand traffic. The quality of the roads is average, signs can be misleading, and there may be no markings. There are, however, good highways. V settlements it is prohibited to use the sound signal.

In Portugal, you can buy quality clothes, fashionable shoes, nineteen and a half carat gold, authentic Portuguese Madeira, real red or white port. The Portuguese souvenir "azulejos" is most in demand among tourists. These are tiles for wall decoration, known since the time of Arab rule. Here you can also buy various handmade embroideries and laces, braids and leather products, ceramics, made in the style of "cabbage leaf", which is so typical for Portugal.


The traditional dish for Portugal is fish dishes. In local restaurants, any self-respecting chef will cook you over 300 dishes of cod and other fish.

Madeira's cuisine differs from the mainland with an even greater variety of seafood, and the use of fruits and spices. The most popular delicacy is swordfish. Portuguese wines are known for their unique taste. White, red, green young wines are produced here. Port wine is the business card of Portugal.


The geographic location of the country makes it a tempting place to relax by the sea, there are many attractions, service and infrastructure will allow the whole family to have a good time or to do active sports.

The symbol of the capital - Lisbon - is an arch crowned with bas-reliefs and statues of celebrities, which connects Commerce Square and Augusta Street. Also known are the statue of Christ and the Vasco da Gama bridge.

Porto is one of the five oldest cities in Portugal. The coastal quarter of Ribeira is worth seeing, the oldest Botanical Garden country, street Avenida dos Aliadus with buildings of the 19th century. In the suburbs, you can visit the main port wine cellars.

Braga - Cultural Center Portugal. The bishop's residence is located here. Nearby is the main shrine - the church of Bon Jesus do Monte of the 18th century, a place of pilgrimage. Another place for pilgrims is Fatima, the place where the Virgin Mary appeared to children.

Not everyone will be able to understand the true beauty of Portugal, and not everyone will agree to pay a higher price than European
resorts. But once you get here, be sure to listen to the sound of the sea that sounds everywhere:

  • in the soulful fado song that sounds in the evenings;
  • in exquisite fish dishes of local restaurants;
  • and even a mixture of different architectural styles.

For those who know how to feel the nuances, greatest discovery will become Portugal. Rest at the sea will only add to the bouquet of pleasant impressions. A large number of beaches for every taste will not leave anyone indifferent. According to your financial capabilities, you can choose either fashionable resorts, or settle in a picturesque city center and visit the city beaches.

The best time to visit the country is the most beautiful time - spring full of aromas of flowers. When planning a beach vacation, it is better to choose summer. In winter, swimming in the sea is only possible in Madeira. The island pleases tourists with warmth all year round. Even in January (the coldest month), the temperature rarely drops below +18, and its minimum value is +13 ° C. It is surprising that the hottest time is September, and the thermometer does not rise above +26 ° C

On the mainland, winter is a quiet period for recovery in spa resorts, where the body is rejuvenated through detoxification.

Beach holidays in Portugal

Sightseeing can take a long time, but without visiting the beaches summer rest cannot be considered complete.

The warmest and extraordinarily beautiful is the Algarve region. These environmentally clean beaches was chosen by the Spaniards and the British. Many tourists are ready to exchange their holidays in Spain for sandy beaches surrounded by quaint cliffs. It is here that Praia de Rocha is located - the most beautiful beach country.

The islands of Portugal offer almost absolute peace, because you can only enjoy nature in order to experience indescribable bliss. Lush vegetation rises to the sandy strips of the Azores. As in the Balearic Islands, diving enthusiasts gather here.

Madeira has practically no natural sandy beaches... Among the picturesque cliffs of Madeira, there are platforms for launching into the water.

Beaches are no less interesting Lisbon Riviera... Fashionable resorts are located on the shore Atlantic Ocean... Usually there are strong waves, so beloved by windsurfers. To swim in cool water, you need to get comfortable and be able to overcome yourself. Thanks to the constant fresh winds, there is never a stifling heat here.

Due to the wide variety, every tourist can choose a beach holiday in Portugal to their liking. Sandy or pebbly, calm or full of fun - the beaches are an unforgettable experience. Escaping the stifling summer heat, be sure to go to Portugal, the land of the setting sun on the edge of the continent, defenseless in front of the vast Atlantic Ocean.