Russia, s. Divnomorskoe, Black Sea - “Wonderful Divnomorskoe! Holidays with two children, is it worth going to this small village? I'll tell you my impressions. " The village of Divnomorskoe near Gelendzhik. Is it worth going on vacation? Is it worth going to rest in Divnomorskoe

At the mouth of the Inogua River near the Black Sea is the village of Divnomorskoe (Divnomorsk). Hidden by the Caucasus Mountains, it has been attracting tourists for over a hundred years. The village is so called for a reason - the sea is really wonderful here. When the competition for the best name of the village was held, it was suggested by vacationers who admired the beauty of the sea surface.

Divnomorsk - healing and clean

The region has a mild subtropical climate. Summer is dry, with a lot of rain in winter. The holiday season lasts from May to October, when the average air temperature is 25-30 ° С, water - up to 28 ° С. There are almost no cold northeastern winds, so it is comfortable here in autumn too.

The uniqueness of the area is given by coniferous forests. The one-of-a-kind Dzhankhot forest, made from the famous relict Pitsunda pine, makes the air fresh and healthy. This is facilitated by the absence of industrial enterprises and large highways in the neighborhood.

The sea is transparent. The bay is protected from alluvial mud by rocky spurs, and is quickly carried away by the current from the mountains. The beaches are pebbly, and you can settle both on the equipped ones on the embankment, and move a little further and sunbathe on the wild ones, which are no worse.

Tourist Divnomorsk

The resort is one of the most popular in Russian coast thanks to the livability aimed specifically at tourist recreation.

There are many hotels, resorts and boarding houses designed for both young people and elderly people and families with children. Those wishing to improve their health are waiting for sanatoriums with modern treatment programs.

The main place for walking is the promenade, where bars and restaurants are located, attractions for children and adults, many entertainment establishments work in the "open air" format. There are banana rides, scuba diving, jet skis, bicycles, scooters, go-karts for rent, horseback riding. Routes for those who prefer active leisure have been laid. You can fly by parachute or go on an extreme trip in a jeep and even an armored personnel carrier. V summer months Luna Park arrives, a small aqua park opens its doors. Those who like to dance are invited by the popular club for young people "Kakadu".

Numerous excursions are offered - from a trip to the homeland of Russian champagne to visiting the estate of the Korolenko family and a unique natural attraction - the Parus rock. The Orthodox will appreciate the Compound of the Trinity-Sergeeva Lavra, which keeps the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh. If you like to explore everything on your own, big cities are easily accessible by bus or shuttle.

We have presented private sector, boarding houses Divnomorskiy without extra charges, prices in 2019 from the owners. You can familiarize yourself with the description of the rooms, infrastructure and make a reservation.

The entire coastal line is occupied by boarding houses and sanatoriums, so that mini-hotels are located a short distance from the beaches, although the absolute distances are not so great. It is best to settle in the private sector in the northern part along Kurortnaya Street, which runs from the embankment to the Fakel sanatorium.

A dynamically developing resort that has gained popularity in recent years and is not inferior to Gelendzhik. Many people choose Divnomorsk for its clean embankments, beaches, unique nature and the famous water park "Zolotaya Bukhta" - the largest in Russia, with exclusive water complexes even by the standards of Eastern Europe.

The village of Divnomorskoe is a completely comfortable private sector and guest houses guests can expect good service. There will always be many cafes, restaurants with local and European cuisine, pharmacies and other important facilities nearby - they all fit perfectly into the region. The area has not lost its former pristine nature and allows you to enjoy nature and the crystal clear sea.

Average prices for holidays in Divnomorskoye in 2019

Prices are per room per day without meals

How to get there

The village of Divnomorskoye is located along the river Inogua, which is filled with water by the mountain tributaries Mezyb and Aderba. The coast is washed by open water, i.e. the coastline is flat with no abrupt changes. The federal highway M4 "Don" and that is removed from the village, thereby not exerting any negative impact on the local environment. Although this distance in a certain way affects the convenience of the transfer.

The only large settlement is the city of Gelendzhik, which is about 12 km away. The bulk of tourists travels through it. A regular bus runs between Gelendzhik and Divnomorskoye. also in holiday season from May to October, regular routes are organized from Krasnodar. The nearest railway station in Novorossiysk is about 45 km away, and about 15 km to the airport in Gelendzhik. If you go by private car, you can move through Rostov-on-Don and Novorossiysk or Krasnodar and Arkhipo-Osipovka.

general information

The village of Divnomorskoye is the regional center of the Gelendzhik region with a population of 6500 people. In everyday life, you can often hear the name Divnomorsk and even Fake Gelendzhik. So the settlement was called until the 1960s, and was due to the fact that sea ​​vessels very often they confused the local raid with the Gelendzhik one. There are even a lot of legends about it. In general, the settlement arose here relatively recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. Previously, it was the Adyghe aul Mezyb, which bore the name of one of the tributaries of the Inogua River, then the military strengthening of the Russian troops with the settlement of military personnel. The current name was given in the spirit of the Soviet era. In those days, they did not really think about etymology. After all, here is a really excellent marvelous sea.

Coming to rest in Divnomorskoe, you can count on a fairly high level of service. The tourist business is the only way to earn money in the village, and competition ensures quality. On the other hand, the region is not devoid of natural pristine nature, making it possible to enjoy the natural beauty, the purest, even healing air and sea.

Things to do

Pitsunda pine. Divnomorskoe.

Rest in Divnomorsk is, first of all, a beach holiday. The village does not have any special sights, which are called must see. The only exception is the Dzhankhot forest of the relict Pitsunda pine, which stretches from the village along the coastline for several kilometers. They say that it is these pines that give the local air special medicinal properties. There is a temple in the village in the name of Sergei Radonezh, but this is a remake that has appeared here in our time. Perhaps this is due to the fact that one of the residences of the Russian Patriarch is located in Divnomorsk, although its territory is closed for visits by ordinary citizens. If you want to see something else, you will need to drive along the coast towards Gelendzhik or Dzhubga, since local travel agencies offer a wide range of such trips.

Climate and weather

Average monthly air temperature by months

Average monthly water temperature by months

The beaches

Divnomorskoe beach. Igor Arkhipov / Photobank Lori

The beaches of Divnomorsk covered the whole coastline village. The most popular is the Central Beach, which runs from the confluence of the Inogua River and up the coast for 700m. The beach is about 30m wide, and is completely landscaped, while the entrance is absolutely free. Also well-equipped are the so-called sanatorium beaches, which even have full-time medical workers. In principle, the entrance there is free, but it is not worth pretending to sunbeds by the sea, they are for their own. There are also many in the village wild beaches... The nudist beach in the direction of Gelendzhik is especially popular. On the other hand (in the direction of the Dzhanhot village) there are also many unequipped, but quite good places for recreation on the shore.

And this year we rested in Divnomorskoye. I didn't particularly want to go to noisy Gelendzhik. We are very happy with the rest, especially the beaches of Divnomorskoe. We had a rest in Gelendzhik for several years, we decided to try at least something new, and now we finally found a place where it is really clean and comfortable on the sea. In all the rest major resorts it’s a real pain when you come and don’t see a normal place to lie down in the sun. And Divnomorskoe in terms of beaches and infrastructure is quite a good village.

A big plus is that in Divnomorskoye there is complete freedom in terms of beach holiday... Nowhere, in any corner of this village, we have not seen a paid beach or just at least closed to such an extent that they would not be allowed there at all. The roads for tourists are open to all, without exception, to all the beaches of Divnomorskoye. They say that they wanted to close some sanatorium, but they staged such a strike for him that they immediately opened everything back.

But these are all the stories of vacationers who have been hanging out there for several years. But I'll tell you what we saw with our own eyes. I will not lie about the purity of sea water, it is not ideal everywhere. This is especially evident in central beach Divnomorsky. That is, it is mainly seen there. Most of the beaches in Divnomorskoye really have such clean water, which we personally in Gelendzhik have not seen even once in several years of rest.

But the turbidity of the water on the central beach is understandable, because in the summer there are so many people resting there! Local people also come, who apparently know where to go to the beach in the summer to relax. Therefore, especially on weekends, there is absolutely nothing to do on the central beach of Divnomorskoye. It is not so much dirty as just the dregs rise from the bottom due to the mega-floundering of such a huge number of people. If you really want to swim in the center of the village, you can go at least to the boat station. It is much quieter and more comfortable there, and the water is closer to clean. But there you have to look at both when you enter the water, because the stones come across large. I never bathed there, I just got my feet wet a couple of times. And so there all the amenities are paid. The beach itself is free, and entertainment and sun loungers are paid, which is natural.

On the extreme, you can go to the Torch. This is also the Divnomorskoe beach, only it is more convenient for those who settled on the outskirts. But those who want to have a good rest on the beach will overcome not such a long distance to the outskirts of Divnomorskoye. It also has all the amenities, all the infrastructure, entertainment, cafes, etc.

You can safely go to the beaches of the sanatoriums. It is crowded there, but the atmosphere is different than on the central beach. More civilized or something. It's just that order reigns there, there are amenities, although they are intended only for those who rest in these sanatoriums. Therefore, you should not count on them especially. If only somehow to cover up and disguise as a local in a not very popular time for a beach holiday. They have first-aid posts and a lifeguard.

On the beaches of Divnomorskoye, which belong to the sanatoriums, we did not particularly rest. We were frequent guests of the wild beaches of Divnomorskoye. Over there real rest, not where there are a lot of people. The water is clean, the sea is perfectly clear, the bottom is beautiful, the rich flora and fauna, diving with a mask is just that! When they write about clean beaches Divnomorsky, most likely they mean exactly these. There are several of them. There is in the Lagoon. There is a stunning Pitsunda forest above you, what aromas, what beauty reigns around! Just beyond words!

Separately, I would like to highlight the nudist beach of Divnomorskoye. Because the place is not for everyone. No, anyone can go there, but you must take off your clothes there. Even at the entrance, a stone plaque sticks out of the rock with the inscription Leave your clothes everyone who enters here. My husband and I wanted to try it for a long time, but we didn’t dare. We were mainly in the Lagoon.

We really liked Divnomorskoe! A lot of impressions, especially from the beaches! It's worth going there just for the sake of them!

The perfect combination sea ​​air and the aroma of the famous Pitsunda pine resin would be enough to glorify this small village in the Russian Black sea coast- Divnomorskoe. And what a name - sonorous, speaking! As part of resort area Bolshoi Gelendzhik, the village is no less in demand from year to year both among Russians and among guests visiting from abroad. Beneficial climate with soft air(pine thickets stretch along the entire coastline), warm sea waters, a well-developed tourist infrastructure provide such an attractiveness.

Divnomorskoye is especially loved by residents of megalopolises: no industry, houses are buried in lush gardens, vineyards stretch over large areas, a wide choice not only in a private hotel fund, but also among recreation complexes, including student ones. The old name of the village - Fake Gelendzhik - does not carry a negative meaning, just a hundred years ago sailors, when approaching the shore, took the lights of the bay for Gelendzhik Bay. But both the guides and locals They will be happy to tell you the history of the Russian-Turkish battles in these waters, when it was the waters of Divnomorskoye that diverted the enemy's fire towards itself and thus contributed to the victory. For many Russians who come here on vacation, the fact that it is here that the courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra with the image of St. Sergius of Radonezh and a particle of his imperishable relics is stored there. The geography of the village is not limited to sea spaces and pine thickets. It is also rich in rivers - Mezyb and Aderba flow into the sea, forming the Inogua River, at the mouth of which Divnomorskoe is located... The village itself is small - just over 6,000 people, but in the summer you can get from here not only to Gelendzhik, but also to Novorossiysk, Dzhanhot and Krasnodar, good traffic flow increases both at the expense of minibuses and additional regular buses.

The most interesting thing is that everyone is happy with Divnomorskoye: mothers and fathers with babies, young people who dream of "coming off" on vacation, elderly spouses looking for an ecologically clean place in nature and household amenities. Nobody bothers anyone, the sea and the beach are enough for everyone. By the way, the beaches here are pebbly and it is believed that the water near the coast is the cleanest in comparison with the rest of the coastal resorts. Many parents prefer pebbles, so as not to shake the ubiquitous sand from the sandals and panties of the kids after each visit to the sea. Besides the pebbles in these places are not large, but sea ​​bottom- sandy, just perfect for bathing babies... The beach is located on a gentle bank, smoothly turning into the water's edge, which, by the way, warms up quickly enough. And, if we talk about beaches, a feature should be noted: Divnomorskoye has its own nudist platform, nestled under a cliff face. An advantageous natural difference of the village is its mountainous surroundings, thanks to which it is much warmer in the valley and the weather is smoother than in the surrounding area. settlements... The issue of temporary residence is resolved in the village without problems: the services of family tourists are hotels, rented apartments, for young people - tourist centers. Parents with children, when choosing a hotel, should take into account the location of nightclubs and cafes, because in the summer, music sounds there until the morning. In addition to the natural advantages in the vicinity of the village, there is something to see, created by the hands of people. For example, oldest buildings- dolmens, as well as burial mounds. If you are not too lazy and get out to the neighboring village of Praskoveevka, then you can personally admire the Parus rock and take wonderful photographs. For those who like not only to lie on the shore, but also to make forays into nature, we can recommend a hike to the largest mixed forest of the Black Sea region - Dzhankhot forest, which occupies 950 hectares. Do not think that the village is poor for entertainment. Great competition prompts the administration of all resorts to invest not only in landscaping, but also in the entertainment sector. So, Divnomorsk is rightfully proud of its embankment - of course, not as grandiose as in Gelendzhik itself, but no less neat and beautiful. And what a resort without its own water park - there is one in the village. Want to visit the Golden Bay, Oceanarium or Safari Park? You can take one or two days to visit Gelendzhik, where all this is located. And restaurants, cafes, shops as well as other necessary places in Divnomorsk are enough of their own.

We rested in Divnomorskoye from August 16-25, 2016 with a large family - parents, my husband and I, and two children - 7.5 years old and 1 year 10 months. We arrived by car from Ryazan. (the husband, like a railway worker, and the children, rode for free on the high-speed branded train to Novorossiysk, where my parents and I met them by car). Accommodation was booked in advance (back in May) on the website. We needed either a 2-room suite or a 2-room apartment. We stopped looking for an apartment. I liked the option on O. Koshevoy, 15. For a day in August they asked 4000. (from 1-16 August -4500, from 17 to 31 August-4000) Apartment with access to its own garden next to the balcony, 1st floor. In the garden there was a barbecue, sun loungers, a clothes dryer, figs, nuts, prunes, pears, persimmons grew. Nuts (hazelnuts) ripened and fell in large quantities - we ate them until we were full). The apartment itself did not disappoint either - as the owners promised, there was everything you need - Wi-Fi, bed linen, 2 large sofas (4 sleeping places) + a small children's sofa, in the other room there is also a large sofa, so we (6 people) are comfortably accommodated. Lots of dishes (and very good ones!), Many cupboards, 2 air conditioners, washing. machine, hot water all the time (water heater in the form of a gas water heater) BUT, probably because of the 1st floor, during the mass washing of people in this house (in the evening, at lunchtime), sometimes the water pressure was not enough to automatically ignite the column, and hot water flowed intermittently. The pressure was also lacking when someone was washing the dishes in the kitchen, washing the machine, and you were washing. Therefore, during swimming, we did not turn on the rest of the water sources) It was best to wash early in the morning or late in the evening, then the pressure was enough. It was certainly not convenient .. Otherwise, it was the apartment that left a very pleasant impression, clean, a lot of space, not noisy. Noise from the embankment and the cafe is not audible. If motorcyclists rode, it was possible to close the plastic windows, turn on the air conditioner and sleep. For a family with children, that's it.
Advice - when you book accommodation in advance, ask for the street and house number, and see these houses on the Divnomoskoye map (on the same Yandex maps) + measure the distance to the sea with a ruler (for example, the beach of the Energetik boarding house). There is such a ruler on Yandex maps, put point A and point B and see the distance between them. There are sites where the point at the location of the apartment is set automatically, and you can see how many meters from the apartment to the sea really are, and not how many the owners told you. It is known that the owners tend to underestimate this distance by half. In our case, according to the map, it was 1.1 km to the beach, but we did not like this particular beach, and we went to the distant one, and this is at least +400 meters. Therefore, walking to the beach with children, with a stroller, in the heat took + 39 degrees we have 30-40 minutes. Tiring.
Here is one more tip - before booking, study the map of Divnomosky. Not all streets are on the plain, some go uphill, and it’s good uphill. We were lucky - our house was still on the plain, but the houses with numbers higher up this street went up the hill. It was hard to look at parents with small children, with strollers, toys, circles and mattresses, sweating, dragging all this stuff up the mountain. And the heat in the morning already started from 30 + degrees, by lunchtime it was already + 35-39 in the shade. Such a trip through the heat up the hill will clearly not add health to anyone. Be sure to consider this point BEFORE booking, so as not to be discouraged and not to look for another accommodation, on the plain)
Despite the car, driving it to the sea is problematic. Naturally, you cannot drive along the embankment, and the road to the embankment is densely packed with cars on all sides, mostly with Krasnodar license plates - "owners", damn it. The streets are narrow, 1 car wide in one direction. There are many one-way streets - look at this so as not to drive under a brick behind some local horseman. Therefore, it is better to forget about driving to the sea right away - it will not bring anything but nerves, twitching, pushing in traffic jams. We had our own parking space near the entrance, which was closed with a lock and a chain, and this is a big plus, because the courtyards are heavily crowded with cars.
We went on excursions to Abrau-Dyurso, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik (water park, safari park). The water park is gorgeous, it is not for nothing that it is considered the largest in Russia. The ticket price is 1400 adults, 650 children - but it's worth it! They killed only huge traffic jams before and after Gelendzhik (road repair), at the entrance to Novorossiysk, through the city itself, and often everyone weaves one after the other along the mountain serpentines. We wanted to go to Dzhubga, Arkhipo-Osipovka, and a lot else, but having seen a traffic jam in Dzhubga for 14 km on Yandex maps, we tempered our ardor, and limited ourselves to what I wrote.
The beaches in Wonderful leave much to be desired, narrow, with very large pebbles, the people of darkness. I was glad that the sea was perfectly clean for the first 5-7 days. And very warm. The water temperature was 26-28 degrees - according to the locals, the sea rarely got so warm. Even children entered the sea without getting used to. But 3 days before our county, according to the same locals, there was a downpour in the mountains, there was a storm at the sea, and a lot of garbage-sticks, bottles, yogurt cans nailed to the seashore. In the morning they came to the sea and did not recognize it ... there was so much garbage near the shore. Even 20-30 m from the shore, a moldy bucket of mayonnaise floated next to me. The sight is horror. I was very worried about the little one, if only I would not pick up something. Again, according to the rumors of vacationers, it was from August 22-23 that people began to suffer from intestinal infections - everyone vomited, diarrhea, fever. "Ambulances" with flashing lights often flashed through the streets of Divnoe. It's good that we left soon, but upon arrival home the children had stomach upset and vomiting. Acclimatization or colibacillus- one can only guess. Saved by "Baktisubtil" and "Enterofuril" - everything passed.
We ate 50-50, half at home, half at the "Kurortnoe +" cafe. The cafe is really decent, everything is clean, tidy, the portions are fresh, it can be seen both with the naked eye and on the menu that changes every day. The little one was not afraid to feed. There is nothing to say about "eateries" with shawarma on the embankment and under the sheds - flies sit on the barbecue, and the sellers drive them away with their palm. Once they ate shawarma near the Ogonyok cafe, and there, on the square near the Olympic cheburek, they could not resist trying unhealthy food. There was nothing bad, but of course we didn’t give the children. The stomachs of adults coped)
We took capsules of probiotics, prebiotics with us, (Linex, Acipol, etc.) drank for prophylaxis, and we and the children every day. Water-only purchased, in bottles on tap, or in the local "Magnet". In "Magnet" they bought food and for cooking at home, too, like everyone is safe and sound. But still look at the timing of the products - especially milk and sausages)
To say that Divnomorsk surprised us with something is impossible. A small resort town (rather a village). You can get around it up and down in the first 2 days. The main entertainment in Gelendzhik. But for the calm family vacation with children, suitable. Therefore, we, in principle, were satisfied. But for some reason, we no longer want to return there, we will continue to explore new places on the Black Sea coast next time)