The most expensive planes: what makes expensive cars special. The most expensive planes in the world What is the most expensive plane in the world

In the era of capitalism, when almost all borders between the countries of the world are erased and without such a means of transportation as an airplane, one simply cannot do. It not only simplifies people's lives, allowing them to cross a distance of tens or even hundreds of kilometers in a matter of hours, but is also an integral part of the air forces of many states. Flying on an aircraft not only reduces the time required to cover a certain distance, but also allows you to do it with comfort. The cost of airplanes and travel on it is much higher than other types of transport. The most expensive private jet in the world costs over US $ 500 million.

Top 10 most expensive aircraft in the world

The top ten most expensive planes from around the world are aircraft, which range in value from $ 100 million to $ 2 billion. True, the most expensive aircraft in the world is not a passenger airliner, but an aircraft. military aviation... Many connoisseurs of aircraft are interested in how much the most expensive aircraft costs. The cost of airliners is influenced not only by their market price, but by the interior decoration and technical equipment. The most expensive planes in the world belong to well-known multi-billionaires and public figures who can afford to have their own comfortable liner or even several in their park.

10th place

Gulfstream V.

The liner, owned by famous actor Jim Carrey, is estimated at $ 59 million. The actor got a personal airliner for business trips in comfortable conditions and with all possible conveniences. The Gulf Stream rightfully belongs to the fastest aircraft of this class. Its cabin is designed for only 16 passengers, but before the transformation of this aircraft into a comfortable aircraft vehicle, its board could take up to a couple of hundred people. There are only 191 aircraft of this model worldwide.

9th place

Boeing 757.

The cost of this liner, which has taken an honorable place in the world ranking of the most expensive aircraft, is $ 100 million. The owner of this aircraft is the current President of the United States and the famous billionaire - Donald Trump. On board the airliner, the owner's surname is displayed in large letters, so when you see this ship, you will never confuse it with another aircraft. There is information that earlier this aircraft was in the possession of the co-founder of the well-known world company Microsoft, Paul Allen, from whom Donald Trump actually bought this aircraft.

There is real luxury and comfort in the cabin of this rating airliner. The passenger seats are equipped with seat belts with gold-plated buckles, the sinks and bathroom taps on board are also made of solid gold. There is also a huge home theater with a 52-inch plasma screen, two bedrooms for relaxation and sleep of passengers tired during the flight. The Boeing 757 board can easily accommodate 23 passengers and no one will be constrained in amenities and comfort, although in fact this aircraft model can easily accommodate several hundred people.

8th place

Boeing 757-8I VIP.

An honorable place in the ranking was taken by an aircraft owned by one of the richest businessmen in the world - Asian Joseph Lau. Boeing 757 is one of the most popular models aircraft among multibillionaires. They do not mind spending a hundred or two million conventional units to get a private jet. The cost of Joseph Lau's liner is over 150 million. On board the aircraft there are:

  • beautiful designer spiral staircases;
  • home theater;
  • conference hall;
  • video monitors;
  • vaulted ceilings;
  • gym;
  • a wine cellar with a huge collection of over 10 thousand bottles of various wines;
  • portrait of Mao Zedong, which is valued at $ 17.5 million.

The main highlight of this Boeing model is that it is two-story, due to which the area on which you can create a real palace, worthy of attention and an honorable place in the ranking of the most expensive private aircraft in the world, increases several times.

7th place

Boeing 747.

The seventh place in the rating is occupied by the Boeing 747, which belongs to Mswati III - the king of Swaziland. This plane is valued at $ 170 million and was bought by the king with a large sum from the state treasury in 2002, at a time when Swaziland was in a severe economic crisis, and the average inhabitants of the kingdom had to survive on two dollars a day. This acquisition of the king provoked a wave of protests among the population and almost led to a revolution.

6th place

Boeing 747-400.

This expensive Boeing is owned by a prince Saudi Arabia- Alwaleed bin Talal, who has another, more expensive liner in his arsenal. As conceived by the engineers, this aircraft was designed to carry 4 hundred passengers, but it was converted into a real luxurious and magnificent liner with all the amenities. The cabin of this aircraft safely accommodated:

  • two bedrooms;
  • bathrooms;
  • dinner table;
  • work zone;
  • places for rest, etc.

The cost of this luxury aircraft is $ 220 million by today's standards.

5th place

Boeing 747-430.

This liner was bought for 100 million US dollars, after which another 133 million dollars were invested in its interior decoration, which in total exceeded 230 million. Rumor has it that the owner has invested a lot more in his Boeing 747-430 and now its cost is about $ 1 billion. Whether this is true or not, no one knows for sure.

But for the owner of this plane, Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah, whose savings amount to about $ 40 billion, this is not so much money, so he can afford to fly in comfort and luxury. There are also two more airliners in its fleet, one of which is an Airbus 340. The cabin of the Boeing 747-430 has a very convenient bathroom, bedroom, living room, decorated with elements of gilding. The interior design is strictly oriental. The salon is decorated with handmade carpets and sanitary ware, made of pure gold, and the rooms are decorated with Lalique crystals.

4th place

Airbus A340-300.

The price of this aircraft is $ 350 million. This liner belongs to the ten most expensive aircraft Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, who, according to the ratings of the famous Forbes magazine for 2016, took the honorable third place among the richest citizens of Russia.

Alisher invested funds not only in buying an aircraft, creating comfort and luxurious conditions in the cabin, but also for tuning the side, on which the inscription - Burkhan flaunts. This is the name of the businessman's father. But in honor of his mother, Usmanov acquired a yacht worth 100 million, on board of which her name is written - Dilbar. In such an unusual way, a billionaire entrepreneur honors his parents, who gave birth to him and raised him.

Airbus a340-300 was produced in Switzerland back in 2008, and the registration of the vessel took place on the Isle of Man, hence official name airliner - "M-IABU". Alisher invested more than one hundred million in the decoration of his aircraft, but it's worth it.

3rd place

Boeing 747-200В.

One of the most expensive aircraft in the world belongs to the former President of the United States of America - George W. Bush. The cost of the aircraft reaches $ 375 million. A luxurious, exquisite, expensive interior reigns on board the liner, as well as the latest technical equipment in the form of anti-missile defense, electromagnetic protection for defense in the event of a nuclear attack and means for countering radio electronics. This aircraft also entered the top ten large planes the world. Due to its size, this ship can not be accepted by every airport. Without refueling, the plane can cover a distance of more than 12.5 thousand kilometers.

2nd place

Boeing 767.

The owner of this expensive luxury airliner, which is worth about $ 500 million, is the world famous multi-billionaire owner of Chelsea FC, Roman Abramovich. It has two aircraft in its fleet, but this one is rightfully the best. The second is the Airbus 340.

The interior of the Boeing 767 is trimmed with expensive varieties of mahogany and ebony. Most of the decor elements in the interior are made of gold of the highest standard. The Boeing cabin has a dining table for 30 people, a bedroom, a bathroom, and an area for relaxation and negotiations.

The liner is also equipped with an anti-missile system. Outside, the side is decorated with an original design, which is why this aircraft was nicknamed the "Bandit".

1st place

Airbus A380 Custom.

The honorable first place is occupied by the Airbus A380, which is the most expensive private jet in the world. Its price is slightly more than $ 500 million, and it belongs to the Prince of Saudi Arabia, Al-Walid bin Talal, who was mentioned above. This luxurious double-decker liner is renowned for its most expensive furnishings, worthy of a royal family. Inside there are:

  • five bedrooms en-suite;
  • 20 cabins for the prince's guests;
  • dining room for 14 people;
  • meeting room with holographic monitors;
  • area for health and spa treatments;
  • garage for the prince's car park;
  • sauna with hydromassage bath;
  • hamam (Turkish bath);
  • concert hall;
  • dance floor;
  • gym with exercise equipment;
  • room for hawks;
  • a special room for prayer with rugs directed towards Mecca (they change their direction in accordance with the aircraft's course from the aircraft's computer positioning systems);
  • stable and much more.

The plane also has a specially equipped room with many monitors, which display the terrain over which the aircraft is flying at a particular moment. The height of the aircraft is 25 meters, and the length of this aircraft is slightly over 72 meters. There are only 195 aircraft of this model in the world, and only one of them rightfully heads the ranking of the most expensive aircraft in the world.

The most expensive plane in the world

Above is a rating of the most expensive private airliners in the world, but if you make a rating by the cost of aircraft, without sorting them into passenger and military, then the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber will lead the Top most expensive aircraft, the cost of which is $ 2.2 billion. Not only is the luxurious decoration an important component of the price of an aircraft vessel, but also its technical equipment and capabilities. Initially, it was planned to release 132 such bombers, but then at a meeting of the US Congress it was decided to reduce the batch to 21 units. In 2008, one such military liner crashed in a plane crash, as a result of which the fleet of military aircraft was reduced by one unit of this aircraft model.

This model of military aircraft is equipped with:

  • stealth technologies that make it easy to maneuver and bypass any enemy defensive systems;
  • conventional and nuclear weapons (80 units of homing missiles and 16 units of nuclear bombs).

The B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber took part in aerial combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Back in 1997, its cost was only 737 million US dollars, and the full package of technical and combat equipment was estimated at 929 million conventional units. And today this model of a combat liner is the most expensive aircraft.

The most beautiful airliner in the world

The concept of beauty is quite subjective, but there are generally accepted rules and criteria (successful or unsuccessful combination of colors in the livery, the presence of the golden ratio, the originality of the drawing, the font with which the inscription with the name of the airline is made, etc.) by which one can judge the beauty of the aircraft and create a conditional rating of the most beautiful of them.

The originality of the design and the avant-garde design on board the aircraft (livery) may not always suit the taste of passengers. Most often, it is the restrained, harmonious design styles of airliners that are liked, so a flashy, bright design cannot always guarantee success with passengers.

The most attractive in terms of external design are aircraft of British Airways and AirFrance. The laconic style of design with the use of exclusively national colors and a minimum of decorative elements give the appearance of the airliners of these two air carriers special attractiveness and elegance.

Also noteworthy are aircraft with a pleasant and sophisticated design from the SkyTeam alliance. The silver-colored side with a deep blue keel with the alliance emblem is ingeniously simple and very beautiful. Not inferior in attractiveness exterior design planes and the company "Swiss", but judging by the bright and unobtrusive design of the airliners, there is no equal here to the planes of the air carrier "Air Malta", one of which is shown in the photo.

If we are talking about the beauty of an airliner's cabin, then when looking at photos of the most expensive planes, we can conclude that each of them is distinguished by special grace and luxury, but here everything is also purely subjective. Some people like flashy and pompous design, while others like simple and comfortable minimalism and restraint in the style of the interior.

How much is the cheapest plane

Today, the smallest and cheapest aircraft is FlyNano, which weighs only 70 kg, and the length of the miniature liner is 3 m 80 cm with a wing length of 4 m 80 cm. This airliner can be purchased for only 25 thousand euros. Despite the aircraft's too small weight, the weight of the pilot can reach 130 kilograms.

The maximum height that this invention of technology can take is 3 thousand meters. The model is available with a gasoline or electric motor. In the first version, a mini-plane can cover a distance of about 70 kilometers without refueling, but in the second, it is almost half as much - only 40 km.

The designer of this miracle of modern aviation is the Finnish engineer Aki Suokas, who has been working on the project for over 10 years. Most recently, his brainchild was presented at an air show that was held in Germany. And, to put it mildly, this liner made a splash among the visitors, thanks to which the Finnish aircraft designer received a lot of orders for the production of miniature aircraft.

The plane is the fastest and most comfortable today vehicle... In just a few hours of flight, you can cross the ocean and find yourself in any country in the world.

Among the total mass of standard aircraft, models are knocked out that differ technical parameters and luxurious equipment. Such aircraft are intended for private use, transportation of the world elite and demonstration of the military power of the state.

So, the most expensive plane in the world - what is it?

This aircraft belongs to the class of business aviation and is produced at a plant in the city of Toronto. Its cost is $ 57 million. It is capable of covering enormous distances without refueling. For example, it can fly from New York to Tokyo without stopping.

It is used to transport rich people and politicians. The salon has leather seats, some of the furniture is made of natural wood and decorated with gold.

The BBJ aircraft series refers to passenger airliners that are designed to carry wealthy people. The cost is $ 79 million. The Boeing Business Jets 3 cabin is almost three times the length of a conventional aircraft, with a capacity of 25 to 50 people.

A total of 89 such models are in operation in the world. Surprisingly, you can buy a luxury plane in a small London store, although only VIP clients are allowed there and by appointment.

3. Private Boeing 757

This aircraft costs $ 100 million. and belongs to the famous business tycoon, and today already the President of the United States - Donald Trump. At one time, Trump bought the aircraft from a major businessman, instructing him to write his last name on the airliner in gold paint. Therefore, when you see a photo of an airplane with a bright Trump sign, you definitely can't go wrong.

The ship's cabin can accommodate up to 43 people. Inside there is a bedroom with a huge TV, a dining room, a luxurious bathroom, each chair is decorated with the president's family coat of arms and can be easily folded into a comfortable bed.

The cost of this model is $ 150 million. From the inside, the plane resembles a real palace - it has several bedrooms, conference rooms, a kitchen and a work area. Naturally, all this is made of exclusive materials and in an original design. The Boeing 747 VIP is owned by a Hong Kong billionaire.

This aircraft is also one of the largest and longest aircraft. It is powered by four General Electric engines and is capable of over 8,000 nautical miles without stopping.

The plane is in the private use of the Sultan of Brunei. Several years ago, the ship underwent a modification and became much more expensive - $ 233 million.

The bulk of the money was spent on a unique design, precious metals are used in the interior decor, and the washbasin is completely made of gold. The salon contains several bedrooms, a living room and a huge bathroom, all for the convenience and relaxation of the demanding owner.

The elegant reconnaissance aircraft was designed for the US government, costing $ 290 million. Its main task is to search for and destroy enemy underwater vehicles from the air.

There are torpedoes, bombs and missiles on board, and a military aircraft also performs various rescue operations. The Poseidon has been in production since 2012 and is considered the most reliable defensive aircraft in the world today.

The model was developed to order for the United States, and in 2012, after the release of 190 aircraft, it was discontinued. Today the F-22 Raptor is the most advanced military aircraft and occupies the very first position in the rating of the cost of combat aircraft - $ 350 million.

The aircraft can fly in all weather conditions, develops prohibitively high speeds, remains elusive to radars and is capable of shooting down enemy missiles from a long distance.

Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov clearly does not need money and can afford a plane that is more expensive than previous models. The aircraft, made by Alisher's special order, is estimated at $ 500 million.

The aircraft has a capacity of 400 passengers, and the Airbus A340-300 itself can rise to an altitude of more than 11 thousand km. It is noteworthy that the plane is unofficially called "Burkhan" - in honor of Usmanov's father.

Take a look at the photo of the plane and appreciate how expensive and chic it looks. The cost of the model is $ 550 million. This miracle of aircraft belongs to the prince from Saudi Arabia. The cabin can accommodate 1000 passengers. Inside the plane there are:

  • bathroom and shower cabins;
  • several bedrooms;
  • restroom;
  • garage for two cars;
  • stable;
  • a room for the prince's birds;
  • room with wellness services.

How much does the most expensive plane in the world cost? The cost of a small but very powerful bomber is $ 2.1 billion. Due to the high price, the US government was forced to reduce the special order, so now the US has only 20 B-2 Spirit models in service.

The aircraft is distinguished by super-protection, equipped with missiles and nuclear bombs, and easily repels enemy attacks. The aircraft was used during the conflict with Iraq and Afghanistan. It is also rumored to have a REM sleep function in the cockpit.

An airplane is an expensive technique, production takes years, dozens of companies and thousands of specialists in various fields participate in it. Today, aviation has become a part of our life: everyone can buy a ticket, come to the airport and go anywhere in the world. It is very easy to find out the price of a flight, but how much does the plane cost?

Consider the most expensive aircraft models among private and military vessels, and find out why the cost of some of them is so high.

TOP 10 most expensive aircraft in the world

Aircraft development is a complex process that takes years. All processes preceding construction are included in the cost. The most expensive are the latest military developments, which can be paid for by a few states in the world. When designing passenger liners, the budget is strictly calculated. The money invested will have to pay off as early as possible.

1. Northrop B-2 Spirit

Topping the list is the American heavy bomber, with a development cost of over $ 45 billion. If we consider that 21 copies were produced, then the cost of one unit will be equal to 2.1 billion.

B-2 in the process of refueling

It is a super-heavy bomber, which could go unnoticed in the air and carry nuclear and other weapons. Aerodynamic layout B-2 - flying wing. In addition to the radio-absorbing coating of the hull, the jets of the engines are screened. Development began during the Cold War, and the first board was presented to the public in 1988. In the modern period, it has undergone modernization on the basis of the Northrop Grumman Corp. company.

In 2008, near the NATO Pacific base, one of the most expensive aircraft in the world for 2018 was lost in a plane crash.

2. Airbus A380 Super Jumbo

Let's talk about how much the most expensive private jet costs. It belongs to the nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, Prince Alwaleed. Airbus built this A380 by special order. The layout of the cabin was made in accordance with the requirements of the royal family. The order was valued at $ 488 million, excluding installed equipment that was not included in the package.

Characteristics of a private liner according to information from one of the publications

It is noteworthy that a similar model for the Emirates airline with the conditions superior comfort sold for almost the same price. The liner is double-decked, inside there are stables for transporting horses, a dining room, parking for cars, bedrooms and bathrooms. The interior decoration in gold color is more like the decoration of the palace. It is the largest private jet in the world.

3. Airbus A340-300

Wide-body "A340-300" is produced for passenger transportation, but sometimes the manufacturer makes exceptions. The private liner belongs to Russian businessman and philanthropist Alisher Usmanov. It is not known for certain how much such a purchase cost him, but the amount definitely exceeds 350 million.

Personal plane of Alisher Usmanov

Usmanov is a rich man, he owns one of the most large yachts in the world, a private jet for 100 of his friends and family does not surprise anyone. On board there is a study, a recreation area, a bedroom. The board bears the name of the businessman's father - "Burkhan" and is painted in chocolate colors.

4. F-22 Raptor

The fifth-generation US military fighter is produced simultaneously by two major companies: Boeing and Lockheed Martin Corp.. It is considered one of the most expensive in the world. Taking into account all development and production costs, one F-22 is estimated at $ 300-350 million. The Washington Post called the development unjustified, pointing out that an hour of flight on a fighter jet would cost the military $ 44,000. Later, these data were confirmed.

American military equipment is the most expensive in the world

It can cover troops and strike at enemy aircraft in all weather conditions. The maximum speed is 2400 km / h.

5.C-17 Globemaster III

Originally developed by the McDonnell Douglas Corporation, after the merger with Boeing, the latter officially became a manufacturer. An expensive military transport aircraft with maximum takeoff weight in 256350 kg. It was supplied both to its own market and to the external one. Among the buyers are the military departments of the following countries:

  • Australia;
  • India;
  • Canada;
  • Great Britain.

C-17 in Antarctica

The minimum price is $ 218,000,000.

6.P-8A Poseidon

A naval aircraft developed on the basis of the P-3 for tracking and destroying submarines. The design follows the shape of the Boeing 737-800ERX. This model is supplied only to the domestic market of America, the "Neptune" model is sold abroad, which differs from the "Poseidon" in shape and characteristics.

Anti-submarine patrol side of the VP-16 squadron

Equipped with ground-based radars, internal and external missile suspension points. The cost of one aircraft unit is $ 200 million.

7. Boeing 747-430 Custom

The seventh place in the TOP-10 is occupied by the private liner of the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah. Officially registered with the government of the country. The owner has a passion for luxury technology and has a collection of 600 Rolls-Royce vehicles.

This particular liner belongs to the Sultan of Brunei

How much the plane cost in a special configuration was not disclosed. According to preliminary data, it is estimated at $ 200,000,000. One of the most expensive private planes inside is divided into separate rooms, there is an office, a meeting room.

8. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

American military aircraft are one of the most successful in the world and certainly the most expensive. The E-2D long-range radar detection aircraft was supplied to the Armed Forces of its own country and other states: Japan, France, Israel, Egypt and China. Currently, the equipment has been upgraded, a modern model in the amount of 24 pieces will be supplied for the US military needs.

A unique aircraft of its kind

The military aircraft can easily detect targets within a radius of 540 kilometers. In 1/2 radius, it is capable of detecting enemy cruise missiles. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of one aircraft exceeds 150 million.

9. Boeing 747-400 Custom

The private aircraft of the family of the King of Saudi Arabia is striking in luxury. Dining room for 14 persons, two bedrooms. A special comfortable chair is equipped for the owner. The entire interior is finished in gold color. Sinks in toilets are made of expensive stone, plasma screens and expensive flooring. The aircraft is priced at $ 156,000,000.

King of Saudi Arabia on a visit to Indonesia

10. Boeing 747– 8 VIP

The exclusive version of the double-deck Boeing was produced 11 times for various people. The most expensive model belongs to an anonymous customer. The journalists are sure that this is one of the leaders of the Middle East state.

Airplane interior inside

The aircraft cabin is finished so that the passenger feels comfort in everything: a spacious bedroom, a room for rest and negotiations, a study, a dining area. The plane itself, without interior decoration, is estimated at $ 150 million. The client paid extra for furniture and technical capabilities.

Airplanes of football players

Highly paid athletes are increasingly purchasing private jets and flying around the world without restrictions. Let's consider several air liners and tell you how much they cost world-famous footballers.

Cristiano Ronaldo (Gulfstream G650)

In 2016, the Madeira International Airport was named after the football player, but few people know that the most expensive plane created for the athlete also belongs to him. This is the Gulfstream G650. In total, over 300 models of business jets for private individuals have been produced in the world. They are widely used and have proven themselves well. It is comparative new model, on sale since 2010.

Cristiano gets on board his plane

The price of the order for Cristiano is $ 66 million.

Wayne Rooney (Dassault Falcon 900LX)

A football player from England paid almost 26 million euros for a medium-sized French-made business jet. Wingspan 19 meters, aircraft length 20 meters. The salon is comfortable, compact, allows you to comfortably spend time on short distances.

Dassault Falcon 900LX

The Dassault Falcon is capable of carrying up to 19 passengers and 2 crew members.

Neymar (Embraer Legacy 450)

Embraer has been selling aircraft of this class since 2008. Brazilian star, Neymar, could not pass by and bought the plane for 20 million euros. Fans received the news with enthusiasm, because the athlete has invested in a product made in his homeland.

Embraer Legacy 450 interior

Over 40 units were produced, the business jet is certified for day and night flights. Equipped with two rear turbofan engines.

Most expensive airline seats

When choosing an airline, a passenger thinks not only about cost and safety, but also about comfort. Long-haul flights lasting 6-11 hours are exhausting for a seated position. A number of citizens are ready to overpay, but fly in comfort.

First class cabin at Qatar Airways

The most comfortable accommodation conditions are offered today:

  • « Singapore Airlines”, Where each first-class seat is fenced off from the aisle, the seats are very wide, the local chef prepares meals to order, and the passenger can sleep on the way or enjoy a personalized entertainment system. A roundtrip flight from Singapore to Sydney will cost $ 6550.
  • The Emirates, the first class of which is legendary. A bar with fine wines on board, individual cabins, meals from a first-class chef and a multimedia entertainment system "Ice". The passenger will be able to take on board 50 kilograms of luggage. For a round-trip flight from Dubai to Sydney in first class, you will have to pay $ 8,600.
  • « Qatar airlines"- one of the most reliable and convenient. Qsuite - in-flight suites, they are fenced, have atmospheric lighting, here you can work, watch TV, and settle down to sleep at night. The cost of a round-trip flight from Doha to Sydney will cost $ 10,000.


  1. The most expensive aircraft in the world and in the history of aviation is the military development of the United States "Northrop B-2 Spirit". According to journalists, one copy of a heavy bomber is estimated at $ 2.1 billion. The most expensive private jet is the Airbus A380 Super Jumbo, owned by the Prince of Saudi Arabia.
  2. To find out how much the most expensive private jet ever purchased by a football star costs, take a close look at what Cristiano Ronaldo flies. Only millionaires can afford flights on a personal Gulfstream G650.
  3. The most expensive first-class flights are offered by Qatar Airways.

The fastest transport capable of covering huge distances in the shortest possible time is an airplane. This mode of transport is distinguished not only by its speed, but also by its extremely comfortable.

The ten most expensive aircraft, the cost of which varies from $ 100 million to $ 1 billion, includes not only military aircraft - their high cost is fully justified by the high technical characteristics... The top 10 also includes private liners with comfortable cabins.

10th place - Bombardier Global Express - US $ 57 million $

Bombardier Global Express - $ 57 million

  • The cost is $ 57 million.
  • Manufactured in Canada.
  • Business class plane.
  • Designed for long distance flights.
  • Capable of covering huge distances with one refueling.
  • In the salon: items made of genuine leather, many gilded parts of the interior, as well as instructed by valuable species of wood.
  • A luxurious, comfortable environment that is typical of rich people.

9th place - Airbus A-319-115XCJ - 86 million $

Airbus A-319-115XCJ - $ 86 million

In ninth place is the luxurious plane of the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych - Airbus A-319-115XCJ ... The liner was made to order in the USA, Dallas, it took more than three years to create this device.

  • Cost - $ 86 million.
  • On board there are: meeting room, recreation room, rooms for accompanying persons.
  • The indescribably luxurious interior of the salon is made in beige, the bedroom and bathroom are trimmed with gilding. The highlight of the interior is the sink in the bathroom, made of expensive pink marble.

8th place - Boeing 747 - 170 million $

In eighth place in the ranking of air transport belonging to the King of Swaziland Mswati the Third - the plane Boeing 747 ... Subsequently, this luxurious purchase almost provoked a revolution in the state. At this time, the people led a miserable existence of two dollars a day.

  • The price of the aircraft is $ 170 million.
  • The king acquired it in 2002, spending half of the government treasury.

7th place - Airbus 340-300 - 350 million $

Airbus 340-300 - $ 350 million

  • The cost is $ 350 million.
  • Created in Switzerland in 2008.

6th place - F-22 Raptor - 350 million $

  • The cost of the plane is $ 350 million.
  • Very demanding to operate.
  • An F-22 Raptor fighter jet costs $ 19,000 for an hour.

We have come to the five most expensive aircraft in the world. So:

5th place - Boeing 747-200B - 375 million $

Boeing 747-200B - $ 375 million

  • The price of the plane is $ 375 million.
  • Incredibly expensive and sophisticated interior.
  • The latest technical characteristics, including anti-missile defense, as well as means for countering radio electronics.
  • Electromagnetic protection in case of a nuclear attack.
  • The plane flies 12,550 kilometers without refueling and can refuel in the air.

4th place - Boeing 767 - $ 500 million

Boeing 767 - the fourth place in the top 10 most expensive aircraft in the world. Its owner is the famous oligarch Roman Abramovich, a true connoisseur of speed and luxury. Its fleet also includes one more aircraft, by the way, also not cheap - Airbus 340.

  • Boeing 767 prices start at $ 500 million.
  • The interior is finished in red and ebony.
  • Interior items include products from
  • There is an anti-missile system on board the liner.

And, finally, the three leaders of our top ten are the most highly rated aircraft:

3rd place - Airbus A380 - $ 500 million

The third stupa

  • The price is over $ 500 million.
  • There are several bedrooms on board, as well as 20 cabins for dignitaries.
  • Spa treatment area, sauna and hydromassage.
  • A bar, a dance floor, a concert hall - everything for those who want to really relax during the flight.
  • A gym is specially equipped for sports lovers.

2nd place - Boeing 747-430 - $ 1 billion

Boeing 747-430 - $ 1 billion

  • The cost of this miracle is 1 billion US dollars.
  • The interior design of the salon is made in oriental style. There are handmade carpets and plumbing is made of the finest gold.

So, we got to the top of our top 10:

1st place - B-2 Spirit - $ 2 billion 100 million

B-2 Spirit - $ 2 billion 100 million

And at the top, of course, is the representative of American military equipment, the famous bomber B-2 Spirit , which was used by the United States during reconnaissance and bombing in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  • The plane is estimated at 2 billion and 100 million dollars !!!
  • This is a real marvel of modern military technology, equipped with the latest developments in military technology, as well as the stealth function, thanks to which the bomber received the honorary title of "stealth aircraft".

The plane is one of the most unique and versatile vehicles. The centuries-old history, coupled with technical progress, allowed not only to improve the ships, but also to add chic to them. Today, this technique performs many tasks, ranging from the military-strategic and ending with the civilian sector.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on the production of aircraft, as well as on their maintenance. But there is a separate caste of technology, which is distinguished by an innovative technical part, and can amaze the imagination with luxurious finishes, salons and other entourage accompanying the status.

The most expensive private jets are bought by oligarchs, rulers and others strongest of the world this. The possession of such a vessel underlines the status of the owner. Besides, this is a good investment of available funds. The most expensive military aircraft can be afforded by developed and, naturally, far from poor states. An advanced technical part helps to solve specific problems, or, conversely, turn a vehicle into a universal tool for everything and everyone.

So, let's try to figure out which plane is the most expensive, where it lives and what, in fact, it can boast of. For a more descriptive picture, the list will be presented in the form of a rating. All the models described below function, fly and delight their owners. Prices are taken from thematic magazines.

It should also be noted that it was the “fundamental” equipment of the vessel that was taken into account in the calculation of the cost. That is, what is installed there, as they say, tightly. Because some business leaders are cunning in order to get into the venerable ratings, and "equip" their planes with paintings by Pablo Picasso, Paul Cézanne and other values, which significantly increases the theoretical cost of the board.

The top 10 most expensive aircraft are as follows:

  1. B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber.
  2. Airbus A380 Custom.
  3. Airbus A340-300 Custom.
  4. "F-22 Raptor".
  5. "C-17A Globmaster 3".
  6. "R-8A Poseidon".
  7. Boeing 747-430 Custom.
  8. "E-2D Advanced Haukei".
  9. Boeing 747-400 Custom.
  10. Boeing 747-8 VIP.

Let's take a closer look at the participants.

Boeing 747-8 VIP

One of the most expensive aircraft (photo below) received more popular name- Dreamliner, or, in Russian, "Dreamliner". Its proud owner was a billionaire from the Middle Kingdom, Joseph Lau. In addition to the luxury inside the cabin, the model boasts the longest body.

In its basic version, up to one and a half thousand people could be safely accommodated on board. But after design improvements, the ship turned into a real premium hotel and one of the most expensive private jets in the world.

The cost of the liner is about $ 200 million.

Boeing 747-400 Custom

Another private and most expensive plane, owned by a prince from wealthy Saudi Arabia. It was bought back in 2003 and properly modernized, turning it into an item of luxury and pride.

On board you can see luxurious bedrooms, living rooms, bars, a swimming pool and other delights of VIP realities. The vessel is designed for 14 important persons, not counting the "cubby" for the guards.

The cost of the aircraft is about $ 230 million.

E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

This is a rather unusual deck ship, which is in service with the American military, which does not prevent it from being one of the most expensive aircraft. This is a significantly improved modification of the previous generation E-2, which was so successful that the defense industry decided to revive the series in a new form.

The plane is literally packed to the brim with all kinds of equipment and military systems. It has its own satellite, an advanced electronic scanning module, turbo engines, a powerful radar and some weapons.

The vessel is designed to perform a wide variety of tasks, and even the most terrible weather he is not a hindrance. The board looks, perhaps, not as attractive as other participants in the rating, but it knows its business.

The cost of the plane is about $ 235 million.

Boeing 747-430 Custom

This is a more technically advanced modification than the aforementioned four hundredth and, of course, the liner is one of the most expensive aircraft. The model was bought by the Sultan, who lives on the island of Borneo, for $ 100 million, but after the designers and engineers worked on the ship, it skyrocketed in price.

The bulk was spent on luxurious chambers and precious metal furnishings. For example, ordinary washbasins on an airplane are made of high-standard gold. The owner turned the ship into a real premium flying mansion.

The cost of the liner is about $ 237 million.

P-8A Poseidon

"Poseidon" is in service with the US Army and serves as a reconnaissance aircraft. Its main task is the bearing of enemy submarines and their subsequent destruction. In addition, the transport is also used as an anti-ship interceptor and rescue vessel.

One of the most expensive aircraft was also adopted by Great Britain, India and Australia, but the bulk of the ships (there are 46 of them) are located in the United States.

The cost of the aircraft is about $ 250 million.

"C-17A Globmaster 3"

This pride of the Boeing company is not only the largest, but also the most expensive vehicle. At the end of 2015, exactly 270 units were produced, after which the production of the series ceased. The vessel is designed to carry oversized cargo, ranging from the aircraft themselves and ending with other military equipment such as artillery, tanks, etc.

As in the previous case, the Americans sold several copies for export to the UK, Canada and the United Arab Emirates, but the bulk of the equipment is based at US military airports. The ship is quite gluttonous, so one trip costs the same as launching three passenger liners.

The cost of the aircraft is about $ 330 million.

"F-22 Raptor"

Besides the fact that the Raptor is an expensive fighter, it has been repeatedly recognized by experts in this field as the best military aircraft in the world. The multipurpose aircraft is in service with the American army.

The last, fifth generation of fighters has exceptional technical characteristics that only our MIGs can compete with. Yes, the aircraft is considered the best in its class, but it is too gluttonous, so its tactical combat distance is noticeably shorter than that of its counterparts.

The cost of the fighter is about $ 350 million.

Airbus A340-300 Custom

This plane belongs to businessman Alisher Asmanov and bears the name "Burkhan" in honor of the owner's father. Ship in its basic modification occupied the sixth place, but after costly renovations, it rose to third.

The plane initially accommodated 400 passengers, but after processing it can take on board no more than 100, but how! Expensive finishes, golden interior elements, furniture inlaid with precious stones, even lamps with lamps, and they are made of precious metals.

The cost of the liner is about $ 500 million.

Airbus A380 Custom

This is one of the largest and at the same time expensive aircraft of our time. It is owned by a prince from Saudi Arabia, al-Walid ibn Talal. Its length is almost 80 meters, and its height is 25, which is very, very much for a private vessel.

In its basic modification, the board was ready to take up to 1000 passengers, then after designers and engineers worked on it - no more than 50 people. Basically, this is a real house with wings and has everything from a garage with a stable to a huge pool with luxurious bedrooms.

The cost of the model is about $ 500 million.

B-2 Stealth Bomber Spirit

The top of the rating is occupied by an American multipurpose bomber. This is the most expensive plane in the world, and it has come off the rest by a very significant amount. Experts estimate the Spirit series at $ 2.1 billion. The aircraft is a multifunctional tactical bomber capable of performing a wide variety of missions.

The model was developed by Northrop Grumman, which has solid experience in the construction of not only the military, but also civil courts... After the development of the project, the Pentagon planned to order more than a hundred units of such equipment, but due to the high cost of this, it was decided to stop at two dozen.

The uniqueness and versatility of the aircraft lies in its rich equipment. Almost any weapon of various calibers can be installed on board, from machine guns to nuclear warheads. In addition, the ship has an advanced stealth system that helps it avoid enemy defenses.

The cost of the vessel is about $ 2.1 billion.