Chomolungma is located on the territory. Everest is the highest mountain on Earth. What does it mean above sea level

Everest from Airplane (shrimpo1967 / Everest (Neil Young / Mount Everest from Base Camp (Rupert Taylor-Price / Mount Everest, Base Camp and Rongbuk (Göran Höglund (Kartläsarn) / flickr. com) Summit of Chomolungma (jo cool / View of Everest (Christopher Michel / cksom / Mahatma4711 / McKay Savage / ilker ender / Fred Postles / flickr. com Jeff P / Everest in the clouds (Jean-François Gornet / utpala ॐ / View of Everest from an airplane (Xiquinho Silva / Rick McCharles / Climbing Everest (Rick McCharles / Everest Base Camp - Gorak Shep - Nepal (lampertron / akunamatata / Top of Mount Chomolungma (Everest) (TausP. / Denn Ukoloff / Mount Everest (Christopher Michel / Returning from Everest Base Camp (valcker / Everest and Nuptz e (smallufo / Stefanos Nikologianis /

Everest or Chomolungma is the highest mountain peak in the world. It is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. Geographical coordinates Mount Everest: 27 ° 59′17 ″ north latitude and 86 ° 55′31 ″ east longitude.

The height of Chomolungma is 8848 meters above sea level. For comparison, the height of Elbrus, the highest point in Russia, is only 5642 meters above sea level, i.e. 3206 m below Chomolungma.

The first ascent of Everest was undertaken on May 29, 1953 by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.

The mountain is best known throughout the world as "Everest". The summit received this name in honor of George Everest, who was the chief surveyor of British India in the 1830s and 40s.

Mount Everest (Christopher Michel /

Interestingly, the mountain was so named during the life of Everest, about a year before his death. The name was proposed by a student of the scientist who calculated the exact height of the peak and thereby proved that it is the highest on Earth. Prior to this, the summit was also known as "Peak XV".

The traditional Tibetan name of the peak is Chomolungma, which can be translated as "mistress of the winds." This name is widely used in Russian cartography, but in Western countries it is not very well known, as it is considered rather difficult to pronounce.

On the maps published in our country, the peak is usually signed as "Chomolungma", and the name "Everest" is indicated in brackets. There is also a traditional Nepalese name for the mountain - Sagarmatha.

Where is Mount Everest (Chomolungma)?

Almost every child knows where Everest is today. Looking at geographic map, then you can see that it is located in the highest mountain system Land - Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China.

Everest coordinates: 27 ° 59′17 ″ N and 86 ° 55'31 "E. Mount Everest is part of the Mahalangur-Himal ridge; the Nepalese part of it is located within the Sagarmatha Park.

Summit of everest

The top of Mount Chomolungma looks like a pyramid with three almost flat sides. The southern slope is steeper, snow and ice hardly even linger on it, the northern slope is slightly flatter.

The relative height of the mountain is about 3550 m. The South Col pass, which reaches 7906 meters above sea level, connects Everest with Mount Lhotse (8516 m), and the North Col pass (7020 m) - with Mount Changse (7553 m). Most of the climbing routes pass through these two passes.

Geographic characteristic

In the hollow between the peaks of Chomolungma and Lhotse, there is the Khumbu glacier. Below it turns into the icefall of the same name, which is considered the most dangerous area when climbing the South Wing.

View of Everest (Christopher Michel /

This can be explained by the fact that the icefall is almost constantly in motion. Climbers use various ladders and railings to climb this place.

Below the icefall, the glacier continues again and ends only at an altitude of 4600 meters. Its total length is 22 km.

Another notable site of local topography is the Kangshung Wall. This is the eastern wall of the summit of Mount Chomolungma, the height of which is 3350 meters, and the width of the base is about 3000 meters.

The glacier of the same name is located at the foot of the wall. Climbing the summit on the Kangshung wall is significantly more dangerous compared to the standard routes.

Everest in the Clouds (Jean-François Gornet /

Climate - what time of year is it suitable for climbing Mount Everest?

The summit of Everest is characterized by extremely unfavorable climatic conditions. There are often very strong winds that blow at a speed of over 50 meters per second.

The temperature at the summit is never above 0 degrees. The average July temperature is minus 19 degrees, and the average January temperature is 36 degrees below zero. On winter nights, temperatures can drop to 50-60 degrees below zero.

What is the best period of the year for conquering the summit? Based climatic conditions, the most favorable for climbing is the beginning of May. At this time, the winds are usually the least strong here.

How was Everest formed?

The history of the formation of Everest is closely related to the history of the formation of the Himalayas, which dates back to many millions of years ago and stems from global geological processes.

The summit of Chomolungma (jo cool /

About 90 million years ago, the Indian plate broke away from the giant mainland of Gondwana and began to move northward rather quickly.

The speed of movement reached twenty centimeters per year, which is significantly higher than the speed of movement of any other plate of the earth's crust. About 50-55 million years ago, the Indian Plate began to collide with the Eurasian Plate.

As a result of this collision, the Eurasian plate was strongly deformed - a vast mountain belt was formed, the highest part of which is the Himalayas.

At the same time, the sedimentary rocks that previously made up the bottom of the ancient ocean were crushed into huge folds and were often at great heights. This explains the fact that the summit of Everest is composed of sedimentary rocks.

Everest education scheme

Today, the Indian plate continues to move in northeast direction, deforming the Eurasian plate. In this regard, mountain building processes in the Himalayas continue.

The height of the mountain system in general and of individual peaks in particular continues to slowly increase by several millimeters per year.

During large earthquakes, the change in the height of the territory can occur almost instantly and be much more significant.

Ecology: trash left by climbers, bodies of the dead

The environmental situation on Mount Chomolungma leaves much to be desired. During the ascent, a huge amount of debris has accumulated on its slopes.

As of 2007, only the Tibetan section of the mountain contains about 120 tons of various garbage left by climbers. How to remove garbage from the slopes is not entirely clear.

In the past few years, there have been attempts to collect waste, but this was clearly not enough. Another problem is the evacuation and burial of the bodies of deceased climbers.

  • Quite an interesting fact is that the water at the highest peak in the world boils at a temperature of only +68 ° C. You may be asking why? This is due to the fact that atmospheric pressure here is only one third of the normal pressure at sea level.
  • Another interesting fact- this is the gradual growth of the mountain. Indeed, the height of Chomolungma increases every year by an amount from 3 to 6 millimeters. The same trend is characteristic of all the Himalayas, which is explained by the ongoing processes of mountain building and the associated rise in the territory.
  • I would also like to mention such an interesting fact that Everest is the highest point in the world, only if we take into account the height from the level of the world ocean. So, the Mauna Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii, rises relative to the ocean floor by 10 203 meters, while its height above sea level is only 4205 meters.

A place with a view of Everest

Thanks to the efforts of the team, it became possible virtual walk on Everest. AirPano specializes in high-resolution, bird's-eye virtual tours. Below is a panorama with a view of Everest.

The address: China
First ascent: May 29, 1953
Height: 8848 m
Coordinates: 27 ° 59 "08.8" N 86 ° 55 "32.0" E


Nepal is known throughout the world as the birthplace of Buddha and as a mountaineering Mecca, on the territory of which 8 of the 14 highest peaks in the world ("eight-thousanders") are located in whole or in part.

View of Everest from the east

But the geographer himself was against this and called the mountain an exclusively Tibetan name - Chomolungma. Before the mountain received its European name, it was also called Chomo-Kankar (Tib. "Queen of snowy whiteness"). The nature of Everest is beautiful and harsh. In a world of rocks, snow and eternal ice frosts prevail down to minus 60 ° C, and strong winds blow at the top of the mountain at a speed of up to 200 km / h. Ice falls and avalanches are frequent here. At an altitude of 7925 meters, the so-called "death zone" begins, where only 30% of the amount of oxygen that is present at sea level is concentrated.

Everest - the mountain of death, or to success over corpses

The conquest of Everest is comparable only to a flight to the moon. It is enough to stand on the top of the mountain for a few minutes to go down in history. In order to see the world from the height of Chomolungma, people are ready to sacrifice their health and risk their lives.

Everest view

Storming Everest, the climber knows that he has a chance not to return. Death can be caused by lack of oxygen, heart failure, frostbite, injury. Fatal accidents lead to death (the valve of the oxygen cylinder is frozen, etc.), and the vain indifference of neighbors. So, in 1996, a group of Japanese climbers while climbing a mountain met with three Indian colleagues who were in a semi-faint state. The Japanese passed by, the Indians were killed. As one of the participants of the Russian Himalayan expedition, Alexander Abramov, said: “At an altitude of more than 8000 meters, one cannot afford the luxury of morality. Above 8000 meters, you are completely occupied with yourself, and in such extreme conditions you don’t have extra strength to help your comrade ”. The tragedy that happened on Everest in May 2006 shocked the whole world: 42 climbers indifferently walked by the slowly freezing Englishman David Sharp, but no one helped him.

One of them was the television crew of the Discovery channel, who tried to interview the dying man and, having photographed him, left him alone.

Everest climbing records

In total, about 4,000 people have conquered Everest to date. The glory of the first ascent belongs to the participants of the English expedition - on May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest for the first time in the history of mankind. Here, at the high-altitude pole of the planet, the climbers stayed for only 15 minutes. After shaking hands, they buried the chocolates in the snow as an offering to the gods and hoisted the flags of Great Britain, Nepal and India, and on top of them - the UN flag. The news of the successful expedition reached Elizabeth II on the day of her coronation, in connection with which a legend appeared that the conquest of Everest was being prepared as a gift to the Queen of England.

View of Everest from the west

In 1978, a new record was recorded - the Italian R. Messner and the German P. Habeler reached the summit without the use of oxygen cylinders.

The "Top of the World" attracts climbers of all ages: the oldest person to climb is 76-year-old Nepalese Min Bahadur Sherkhan, and the youngest is 13-year-old American Jordan Romero. But Mark Inglis deserves special admiration: in 2006, for the first time in history, a man with two amputated legs was able to reach the summit of Everest! Inglis's legs were taken away (both below the knee) after severe frostbite, received during the ascent to Cook Peak (3754 m) - the highest peak in New Zealand.

While climbing Everest, Inglis used prostheses. According to him, he even had advantages over other climbers: "I definitely won't get frostbite on my toes."

View of snow-covered Everest

And here is another example of the greatest fortitude: in 2001, a blind American, Eric Weichenmeier, climbed to the top of Everest, who by that time had already conquered the highest mountains on all 7 continents. In an interview with reporters, Weichenmeier said: "Having climbed the 7 highest peaks of 7 continents, I wanted to show people that unattainable goals are actually achievable." In addition, to make his dream come true, a blind disabled person had to earn a lot of money, since the cost of a commercial ascent is up to 65 thousand US dollars, and the license issued by the authorities of Nepal alone, which gives the right to climb Everest, costs 10 thousand dollars. And taking into account the cost of equipment, provisions, accommodation in the camp and the services of a guide, everyone who wants to conquer Everest spends at least 25 thousand dollars.

Mount Everest

A typical expedition reaches the summit of Chomolungma in 2 months: It takes two weeks to ascend to the base camp at an altitude of 5360 meters, acclimatization takes a month, and only after a person adapts to difficult mountain conditions can the ascent begin. But the ascent to the mountain with a height of 8848 meters is not yet the finish, followed by an equally difficult descent.

Since Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mount Everest in 1953, thousands of climbers have been eager to repeat his feat. With the impressive title of “the tallest mountain in the world,” Everest has been visited by so many people that every year this Himalayan beauty gradually turns into literally a garbage dump.

Everest is the highest mountain in the world (∼ 8,848 m)

When we say which is the tallest mountain in the world, we usually think about the height above sea level. And if we take this parameter, then the height of the mountain (8849 meters above sea level) is beyond competition. Everest extends higher into the atmosphere than any other peak in the world.

However, the farthest point from the center of the Earth, and therefore the highest in terms of distance, is Chimborazo (6384 meters above sea level). It is a stratovolcano in Ecuador, which is part of mountain range Andes.

The earth is not flat; it bulges out at the equator and flattens out near the poles. This means that mountains near the equator are technically taller than other areas of the planet. And it so happened that Chimborazo is closer to the convex center of the Earth than Everest. It turns out that it is closer to the stars than the highest point of Mount Everest.

Hardest mountain for climbers

According to one report, Everest stretches 6382 meters from the center of the Earth. At the same time, Chimborazo stretches over a distance of 6384 meters. Although the difference in height between the two mountains is only 2 km, this is enough to convey the title “ highest mountain»Ecuadorian stratovolcano.

So why does Mount Everest continue to receive all the laurels while Chimborazo remains relatively unnoticed? It all comes down to the difficulty of climbing.

If you are a climber and want to test yourself by conquering Everest, then the way to base camp will take 10 days. It will take another six weeks to acclimatize, and then the summit will take nine days. On the other hand, acclimatization at Chimborazo takes about two weeks, and the way to the top takes about two days. Simply put, after Everest, climbing Chimborazo will seem like a walk in the park.

Above and below sea level

Mount Everest is the highest point above sea level, but if we are talking about an apparent height from the base to the top, then the honor of being called high mountain belongs to White Mountain (Mauna Kea) on the island of Hawaii. Its height above sea level is 4,205 meters, but the mountain goes 5,998 meters down to the bottom. More than half of the mountain is submerged in water.

The total height of Mauna Kea is 10,203 meters. This is 1345 meters higher than the height of Everest.

Mauna Kea is actually extinct volcano on the big island Hawaii. It originated about a million years ago when the tectonic plate The Pacific moved above a plume of liquid magma deep within the Earth. The last time Mauna Kea erupted was about 4,600 years ago.

The top of the mountain is a paradise for astronomers: It has low humidity, clear skies above it, and a great distance from any light pollution. That is, from the top of the volcano opens, possibly, best view to celestial objects. Currently, there are 13 telescopes at the peak of Mauna Kea.

It is important to note again that Everest is the highest of the tallest mountains when measured from sea level. If you use this parameter, then Chimborazo cannot even count on the title of "highest peak in the Andes". This title belongs to Mount Aconcagua, which rises 6961 meters above sea level.

Highest mountains on every continent

  1. In Asia - Mount Everest (8,849 meters).
  2. V South America- Mount Aconcagua (6,961 meters).
  3. V North America- Mount McKinley (6,190 meters).
  4. In Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters).
  5. In Europe - Mount Elbrus (5 642 meters)
  6. In Antarctica - Vinson Massif (4,897 meters).

In Australia - Oceania - Mount Punchak Jaya (4,884 meters) in Oceania and Mount Kosciusko is the highest point on the Australian continent (2,228 meters).

Top 10 tallest mountains in the world

The problem with measurement is that it is often unclear where the dividing line lies between a mountain with several peaks and a single mountain. For this reason, it is best to use a measurement called topographic elevation (elevation mountain peak above the bottom of the valley closest to the mountain). Considering first of all this criterion, and secondly the height above sea level, we have compiled a rating of the highest points of the Earth.

Topographic elevation - 4,741 m.

It rises above sea level by 5,642 m.

Mount Elbrus is an extinct volcano located in the western part of the Caucasus Range, in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, near the Russian-Georgian border. This is the highest peak in the Caucasus.

The excess is 4 884 m.

Height - 4 884 m.

This mountain, located on the Australian plate on the island New Guinea originally bore the name of the discoverer - the Dutchman Jan Carstens. In 1965, it changed its name in honor of the Indonesian President Sukarno, and in 1969 it was renamed for the third time, in Jaya (in Indonesian for Victory), and this was stopped for now.

The excess is 4 892 m.

The height of the summit is 4 892 m.

Record holders of Antarctica and part of the Ellsworth Mountains, which rise above the Ronne Ice Shelf.

Elevation - 4 922 m

Altitude according to GPS data - 5636 m, according to INEGI data - 5611 m.

Stratovolcano, the highest mountain in Mexico and the third largest in North America. Orisaba last time erupted in 1687, after which it "fell asleep" and does not wake up to this day.

Topographic elevation - 5 250 m

Height above sea level - 5 959 m.

The tallest mountain in Canada and the second in North America, after McKinley. Due to the active tectonic uplift, Logan is still growing in height. Until 1992, the exact height of the mountain was unknown and was assumed to be in the range from 5,959 to 6,050 meters. In May 1992, a GSC expedition climbed Logan and established the current altitude of 5,959 meters using GPS.

Topographic elevation - 5 585 m.

Above sea level - 5 776 m

Highest point in Colombia. The Colombian peak of Simon Bolivar is almost equal to it in height. Together they are the two closest peaks of the country to the stars.

Topographic elevation - 5,885 m.

Above sea level - 5,895 m.

Kilimanjaro, and its three volcanic cones (Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira), is a dormant volcanic mountain in Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania. It is the tallest mountain in Africa. There is no documented evidence of the eruption of Kilimanjaro, but local legends say that the volcano was active 150-200 thousand years ago.

Topographic elevation - 6 144 m

Height above sea level - 6 190 m

The two-headed Mount McKinley (aka Denali), located in Alaska, is the highest mountain peak in the United States and North America. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was called Big mountain and was the highest point of the Russian Empire.

Topographic elevation - 6,962 m.

Above sea level - 6,962 m.

The highest mountain in the Americas. It is located in the Andes mountain range, in the Argentine province of Mendoza. In 2013, the youngest climber, nine-year-old American Tyler Armstrong, climbed the mountain. And last year Aconcagua was conquered by the youngest mountaineer, 12-year-old Romanian Dor Jeta Popescu.

1. Mount Everest (Chomolungma)

Topographic elevation - 8 848 m.

Height above sea level - 8 848 m.

The leader of the mountain charts was named after the English colonel, Sir George Everest, who was India's chief surveyor from 1830 to 1843. Mount Everest is also known by the Tibetan name Chomolungma (Mother Goddess of Life Energy) and the Nepalese name Sagarmatha (Forehead of Heaven).

Where is the tallest mountain in the world

Chomolungma is located in the Mahalangur-Himal mountain range in the Himalayas. Part of it lies on the border of Nepal and China, part on the territory of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Many human triumphs and tragedies have been associated with Everest. George Mallory (UK) was the first climber to attempt the Everest storm. In 1924, he died near the summit and his remains were found only in 1999, but the body of his partner in the ligament, Andrew Irwin, was not found.

Mount Everest has been the inspiration for many Guinness World Records, from the simple fact that it is the world's tallest peak to the world's highest (by venue) concert.

Despite being named “the tallest peak on Earth,” Everest is not the tallest mountain on the planet. That is, in terms of altitude, Everest has no equal. But as for the height from the base to the top, then Mauna Kea in Hawaii, USA holds the palm. Its visible part is 4,205 meters, and everything else is under water. The total height of Mauna Kea reaches 10,203 meters.

Or Everest or Sagarmatha - the highest mountain in the world. Yes, Chomolungma and Everest are one and the same.

Do not know, where is Chomolungma located? We inform you the mountain is part of the Mahalangur-Himal ridge in the Himalayan mountain system, on the border of Nepal and Tibet. However, its very top is located in China. Near Everest there are several more mountains higher than 7 kilometers - Changse, including another eight-thousander - Lhotse.

Mount Chomolungma (Everest) - height and facts

The height of Everest is 8,848 meters, with the last 4 meters of solid ice. Chomolungma is "built" by nature in the form of a three-sided pyramid, the southern slope is steeper. Glaciers flow down from the massif in all directions, ending at an altitude of about 5 km. Mount Chomolungma partly part of the Nepalese national park Sagarmatha. At the top of Chomolungma there are strong winds blowing at a speed of up to 200 km / h.

Never rises above zero. The average in January is -36 ° C, but can drop to -60 at night. In July, the air warms up to -19.

And here is where Chomolungma is located on the map.

Mount Chomolungma: the history of the name

Translated from Tibetan "Chomolungma" means "Divine (qomo) Mother (ma) of life (lung - wind or vitality) ”, Named after the Bon goddess Sherab Chjamma.

From Nepalese the name of the peak "Sagarmatha" means "Mother of the gods".

The English name it received Chomolungma - Everest(Mount Everest) awarded in honor of Sir George Everest, head of the British India Survey in 1830-1843. This name was proposed in 1856 by George Everest's successor Andrew Waugh, simultaneously with the publication of the results of his collaborator Radhanat Sikdar, who in 1852 first measured the height of "Peak XV" and showed that it is the highest in the whole world.

Everest: a history of ascents

The first ascent of Chomolungma was made on May 29, 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary through the South Col. They used oxygen devices.

In subsequent years, climbers from different countries the world - China, USA, India, Japan, Italy.

Spring 1975 Chomolungma, photo which you look further, is first stormed by a women's expedition. The first woman to conquer Chomolungma was the Japanese climber Junko Tabei (1976). The first Polish woman and the first European to climb the summit was Wanda Rutkiewicz (1978). The first Russian woman to reach the top was Ekaterina Ivanova (1990).

In May 1982, 11 members of the Soviet expedition of climbers conquered Everest, climbing the previously considered impassable southwestern slope, and 2 ascents were made at night. Prior to that, none of the climbers who were part of the expedition had climbed more than 7.6 km.

In subsequent years, climbers from Great Britain, Nepal, USA climbed Everest again along the classical path of first ascents, South Korea, Austria and other countries.

As a rule, it is conquered by climbers in oxygen masks. At an altitude of 8 km, the air is thin, and it is very difficult to breathe. The first to reach the summit without oxygen were the Italian Reinhold Messner and the German Peter Habeler in 1978.

Flights over Everest

In 2001, a French couple, Bertrand and Claire Bernier, flew down from the summit in a tandem glider.

In May 2004, Italian Angelo D'Arrigo, for the first time in the history of aeronautics, made a hang-glider flight over the top of the highest mountain in the world.

On May 14, 2005, test pilot Didier Delsalle successfully landed a Eurocopter AS 350 Ecureuil helicopter on the top of the mountain. This was the first such landing.

In 2008, 3 paratroopers landed on the summit, jumping out of an airplane flying at an altitude of just under 9 km (142 m above the highest point of the mountain).

Chomolungma and ski slopes

The first attempt to descend from the top with alpine skiing was undertaken in 1969 by the Japanese Miura. It didn't end as he planned; Miura almost fell into the abyss, but miraculously managed to escape and survived.

In 1992, a French skier, Pierre Tardevelle, skied down the slope of Everest. He left the southern summit, located at an altitude of 8571 m, and covered 3 km in 3 hours.

After 4 years, the Italian skier Hans Kammerlander descended from a height of 6400 m along the northern slope.

In 1998, Frenchman Cyril Desremo made the first descent from the summit on a snowboard.

In 2000, Slovenian Davo Karnichar left Chomolungma on alpine skiing.

Climbing Everest: cemetery and corpses on the mountain

Since the first ascent to the summit in 1953, it has become a cemetery for more than 200 people. The bodies of the dead often remain on the slopes of the mountain due to the difficulties associated with their evacuation. Some of them serve as a guide for climbers. The most common causes of death: lack of oxygen, heart failure, frostbite, avalanches.

Even the most expensive and modern equipment does not always guarantee a successful climb. highest peak the world. Nevertheless, an average of about 500 people try to conquer Chomolungma every year. The total number exceeded 3000 people.

The ascent to the summit takes about 2 months - with acclimatization and the installation of camps. Weight loss after climbing is an average of 10-15 kilograms. The main season for climbing Mount Everest is spring and autumn, as there are no monsoons at this time. The most suitable season for climbing the southern and northern slopes spring is considered. In the fall, you can only climb from the south.

Currently, a significant part of the ascents are organized by specialized companies and are made as part of commercial groups. Clients of these companies pay for the services of guides who provide the necessary training, provide equipment and, as far as possible, ensure safety along the entire route.

The cost of all-inclusive climbing (equipment, transport, guides, porters, etc.) is on average from 40 to 80 thousand US dollars, and the only one permit for climbing, issued by the government of Nepal, costs from 10 to 25 thousand dollars per person (depending on the size of the group). The cheapest way to conquer Chomolungma is from Tibet.

A significant proportion of the hikers reaching the summit are now wealthy hikers with minimal mountaineering experience.

According to experts, the success of the expedition directly depends on the weather and equipment. Climbing Everest continues to be a serious challenge for everyone, regardless of their level of preparation.

Acclimatization before climbing Mount Everest plays an essential role. A typical expedition from the south takes up to two weeks to climb from Kathmandu to the Chomolungma base camp at an altitude of 5364 meters, and it takes another month to acclimatize to the altitude before the first attempt to ascend the summit.

The most difficult part of climbing Everest is the last 300 meters, nicknamed by climbers "the longest mile on Earth." To successfully pass this section, you need to overcome a steep, smooth stone slope covered with powdery snow. The conquest of Chogori is considered no less difficult.

Chomolungma (Everest) and ecology

The number of tourists visiting the mountain (not the summit) from Nepal and Tibet over the past ten years has numbered in the hundreds of thousands. The volume of garbage accumulated on the slopes of the mountain is so great that Chomolungma (Everest) is "the highest landfill in the world." According to ecologists, after the conquerors, an average of 3 kg of garbage is left for each.

Mount Chomolungma photo:

Greetings to you, my inquisitive readers, or as they say in China "Nihao". You are probably wondering why I suddenly spoke Chinese? It's that simple! Today I would like to tell you about the most beautiful, and at the same time dangerous grief Everest.

Everest, or as the locals call it Chomolungma, is considered highest point land above sea level. There are so many legends and stories around this amazing peak that you yourself begin to think "maybe I should risk conquering Everest too?"

For dreamers and simply adventure lovers, I can tell right away that even among trained professional climbers, not everyone will dare to climb Chomolungma. It is only in photographs and videos that the climbers are smiling with happiness, standing among the non-melting ice. In reality, this is an extremely life-threatening occupation. Only one out of ten attempts to climb Mount Everest are successful. In other cases, many simply turn back when a few tens of meters remain to the top.

Everest altitude

Everything from the fact that the last meters are the most difficult and dangerous, and few people dare to risk their lives once again. The height of Everest above sea level, according to officially accepted data, is 8848 meters, but disputes are still ongoing. China, for example, believes that the tallest mountain in the world is four meters less. They measured without taking into account the ice cap.

But the Americans established with the help of navigation devices that Everest is two meters higher, the Italians, in general, consider the mountain to be eleven meters higher than the official figure. In general, while there are disputes, the official height remains the same. But every year, the mountain grows a few centimeters, due to constant movement lithospheric plates.

Chomolungma: some historical facts

It is known from history that Everest used to be the bottom of an ancient ocean. But due to the beginning of the movement of titanic plates, when the Indian lithospheric plate collided with the Eurasian one, a large mountain Himalayan ridge rose. And Everest was at its head. The plates continue to move, so the mountain will only grow in the near future. Of course, if it had not been trampled by hundreds of tourists trying to climb the summit, it would have grown faster. Kidding.

There are many fans in the world who dream of conquering this mysterious mountain... But often their dreams are not destined to come true, and the main reason for this is. After all, a full-fledged expedition needs something about $ 100,000. And that's not counting the fact that health should be just perfect. At a minimum, you should be able to safely run 10 kilometers of cross. Least.

The most optimal time for climbing Mount Everest

Everest is part of a large chain of the Himalayan mountain range. Everest itself is surrounded by younger brothers, so you can see the mountain in full glory only by climbing the neighboring peaks.

In winter, the temperature at the peak of Everest can drop to -60 0 C. And in summer, at the very warm month July does not rise above -19 0 С. But the most suitable season for climbing is spring. In summer, there are frequent monsoon rainfalls at the summit. And in the fall it is already dangerous, due to the possible descent of avalanches.

Which country has the highest Mount Everest?

There was a lot of controversy here, because Nepal and China were at enmity for a very long time, and when relative peace was established (although it looks more like an occupation than peace), it was decided to draw the border, just in the middle of the peak of Everest. Now officially the mountain is located on the territory of two states, and is equally considered the property of both countries. The southern part of Everest is located in Nepal and the northern part is in Tibet, the autonomous region of China.

Until the middle of the nineteenth century, Knchenjunga was considered the highest mountain, but thanks to the Welsh mathematician George Everest, who proved that Everest is higher, the scientific world recognized this fact. The mountain was named after him.

The temperature at the top of Everest

In general, on Everest, let's say, it's not hot. The temperature there never rises above 0 degrees. The coldest month is January. This month, the average level of the thermometer is -36 degrees Celsius, and can drop to -60C. The warmest month is July. You can comfortably "warm up" at minus 19 degrees Celsius (average).

Where is the most beautiful view of Everest?

There are several obstacles to overcome to see how beautiful Everest is.

First- is to climb to the top of Kalapattar.

It is from her that a view of the glacier opens, as if Everest rises above the whole world.

Second- choose the right time for shooting, because due to poor visibility, you can spend a whole day and never take a single photo. The weather in the mountains is constantly changing, and every minute here is worth its weight in gold.

Everest conquerors: the most famous records of the Earth

The first to climb the peak of Everest was the scientist Edmund Hillary, along with his assistant Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, local and a guide.

The youngest conqueror of the peak is 13-year-old American Jordan Romnro. Of course, the Japanese also did not stand aside, and it was the Japanese, 80-year-old Yuchiro Miura, who became the oldest conqueror.

The list goes on, a variety of records were set on the roof of our world. From it and rolled on a snowboard, sent messages and photos to social networks, and much more.

The one who put on the epic freestyle snowboarding show was Marco Siffredi. Not to be confused with Roco.

Look at the photos of both Mount Everest itself and its surroundings, which are full of the Internet, and you will understand why the mountain attracts travelers from all over the world. By the way, Yandex was doing something like virtual tour to Everest.

In terms of its significance, Everest can be compared, perhaps with, which is considered the deepest in the world.

Although Everest is considered the roof of the world, other significant heights of the mountain are Lhotse, which is its neighbor, not far behind the mountain. AND famous volcano Russia and Europe - which is also one of the seven largest peaks in the world.

What does above sea level mean?

Interesting question, isn't it? Scientists several centuries ago considered that it would be more correct to measure the height of the land, starting from the sea line. It is convenient and there are no unnecessary questions. After all, everything above the sea line is land and animals and people can live on it, and what is below is sea ​​bottom... It is, of course, also from the earth, only people cannot live there.

So, any measurement of the height of mountains and various ridges is measured exactly like this, from sea level. If the reporting point were different, then Everest would no longer be the largest peak in the world. And its place would be taken by the famous Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea with a height of 4200 m, going down to a depth of another 6000 meters. Count the total yourself.

An unusual story of the conquest of the summit of Everest

During the civil war in, many centuries ago, when a brother went to a brother, a young guy fell in love with lovely girl, but they were not destined to be together due to the fact that their families were enemies. The girl also liked the guy. After all, he was courageous and strong, and most importantly, he did not retreat from his love. Despite the prohibitions and enmity, he fought for his beloved.

But, unfortunately, the couple in love found out about their relationship and decided to forcibly marry the girl off and take her to her husband in another village. The girl managed to convey a message to her lover about this event. And the guy in love decided to steal his beloved and run away from the enmity and war that was imposed on them.

On the day when the wedding ceremony was supposed to take place, the bride was transported in a special carriage to the place where the groom was waiting. But on the way, a guy in love caught up with the cart and took the escort, took his girlfriend, and they galloped as far as possible. But here they were in for a failure, since the horse could not carry two for a long time, so it quickly fizzled out. Meanwhile, a pursuit was sent for the fugitives.

And when the lovers were already catching up, the girl began to pray for their salvation. God, having heard such a sincere request to save a loved one, decided to help. Suddenly, a strong whirlwind rose under the pair, and carried them to the foot of Mount Chomolungma.

And since then, the highlanders who live in the very sacred place, believe that they were chosen by the gods. Therefore, traditions are still held sacred.

How much does it cost to conquer Everest?

Anyone who has read about Everest knows that travel is not cheap. And with an average estimate it will cost $ 100,000, or even more. Most of this amount will go to the toll paid by every tourist who wants to conquer the highest mountain. It is $ 35,000 and is revised every year.

Of course, many of you will be indignant, "robbery" and so on. But even with such numbers, there are enough applicants, and each year their number is growing. But every climber who conquers Everest leaves behind mountains of garbage, and who will clean up. After all, transport to the mountain cannot be delivered, because the air is very thin. And not every person dares to go up and arrange cleaning for dirty tourists.

Certainly, most of equipment becomes unusable or simply unnecessary, for example, used oxygen cylinders, and it is very difficult to drag excess weight to the top. After all, with every kilometer it becomes more difficult to walk, and weight matters when you climb to the peak.

For each person, the ascent can last in different ways, from a month to 4. It all depends on the state of your health and experience of climbing other mountain peaks.

Well, if you still dare to get ready for an expedition, then study in advance everything about the mountain itself and payment additional services guides and guides, this is not counting the porters and the climbing equipment itself. Make an estimate of the ascent, and go!

Good luck in conquering Everest and remember the wisdom of the mountaineers who have lived there for many generations: “Everest has a soul, it honors the spirit and character of the person who decided to conquer it. And if you do it only out of vanity, the mountain will never submit to you! ".

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